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This Weeks Poll: Who Should Be Allys?

Werewolves and Vampires 0.43333333333333 43.3% [ 13 ]
Syreins and Reapers 0.16666666666667 16.7% [ 5 ]
Half-Beats and Demons 0.4 40.0% [ 12 ]
Total Votes:[ 30 ]
This poll closed on August 20, 2006.
No longer accepting new votes.
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 35 36 37 > >>

::Intro/Sign Up:: ::Rules of Kragion:: ::Moderator List:: ::Aproved Profiles::


At the beginning of time, few races discovered a dark, lush wasteland at the end of the world. They inhabited it, made it there home. It was peaceful for many years, until a new race found it's way to the land. They were evil and aggressive. They slaughtered anyone who dare deny them. But then, one cruel night, the evil race summoned an evil God to there new home. And upon one of each race, he placed a terrible curse. They were mutated. And with each passing night, they grew more evil, more aggressive and stronger then ever before. Then there was no peace. Peace was like a myth. Each mutated member ruled their race. And there was war throughout the land. The land soon became known as Kragion, The Land Of Everlasting War.

Plan on Joining? Follow these steps:


Pick A Race:

Werewolf: Werewolves and Vampires arrived in Kragion together. Werewolves of Kragion are kind to each other, but get very mean and aggressive when it comes to protecting themselves. Werewolves live near the great Mt. Kragion, an inactive volcano were they believe there God once lived.

Vampires: Vampires arrived in Kragion the same time as Werewolves. Vampires of Kragion are playful and loving of each other, but when threatened, they can turn into a monstrous Demon-Bat and dive-attack their enemies. Vampires of Kragion live in a giant cave, close to the Himianort Forest, were they believe that their Goddess sends Blood-Rich animals to them.

Wolbyrds: Wolbyrds are the newest race. They are a mix between Eagle, Vampire and Werewolf. In the Begining, there God mutated one of each race. Wolbyrds are aggresive all the time and tend to be full of themselves. Wolbyrds of Kragion live in the forest. This forest is were their God appeared and mutated the races.

Half-Beasts: Half-Beats were one of the first races to discover Kragion. Half-Beasts have the personality of a goat. Mabey because their diet consists of goat. Most if the time. Half-Beats of Kragion live inside Mt. Kragion. Mabey that is why they are constantly fighting against the Werewolves...

Demons: Demons were the first race to find Kragion. They usually fight amungst each other. Mostly for fun. Female Demons make Great Healers. Demons of Kragion make there home in the River Slave, The River of Fire.

Elementalist: Elementalists were the second race to find Kragion. They look like humans, but they are far from them. Their skin is the color of Element they control. Elementalists eyes are usually White. Elementalists of Kragion make there homes in cold places. They have no exact home because they are consatnly on the move.

Syrein: Syreins found Kragion after Werewolves and Vampires. Syrien are a cross between a women and a bird. They like cold climates and can charm a man into their grasp with there graceful song. They are masters a hypnosis and make good soldiers. There is no such thing as a male Syrein. Syreins can continue there race by throwing a woman into the snow, then singing an anceint melody.

Reaper: Reapers are... well, the shadows. They are shadows that have been through a dark ritual. They wear black cloaks and carry scythes. They have no emotions or feelings, granting them the power to be a mercyless killer. Reapers live in The Underground, one of the darkest places in Kragion.

Angels: Angels followed Reapers to Kragion. Angels are kind and helpful. Angels can be ant type of animal. The only thing that is different is that they have white wings. Angels are Masters at archery and make good Rangers. Angels live in the sky, usually on clouds.

Step 002

Find Your Appearence.

This is an easy step. All you have to do is find a picture of what your RP character looks like. If you are having trouble finding one, try Google Image Search. You can find it here.

Step 003

Fill out a Form

Kragion ::RP:: Form

Your Username:
Your RP Name:
Element sad (Only If You Are An Elementalist))
Individual Personality:
((Other smile )


Post a Banner

User Image


User Image


^Thanks CliffyB^

User Image

^Thanks The Hell Singer^
::Intro/Sign Up:: ::Rules of Kragion:: :: Moderator List:: ::Aproved Profiles::

001. Do Not Ask Me If You Can Kill Another Persons RP!
Be as violent as you wish, but please, keep the gore to PG-13.

002. Obey the Moderators!
You must obey the Moderators of Kragion((And ME)). Failing to do so will result in a ban from Kragion.

003. Moderators Will Not Abuse Their Power.
Fail to comply will result in imidate Strip of Rank. You will also be kicked out of Kragion.

004. No Bumping, Swearing Godd-Modding or Any of That Other Crap.
If you do any of these things, you will be added to the Ban List and Be kicked out if Kragion.

005. All Forms MUST be P/Med To Kiligial_Dragon for Approval.
You must P/M your COMPLETED form to Kiligial_Dragon for Approval.

006. Use (()) When your Out of Charactor. Use "" When Your Charactor Talks. Use * * for Performed Actions.
Please, Follow these Rules. It saves me alot of time and spazzing at the Mod(s).
::Intro/Sign Up:: ::Rules or Kragion:: ::Moderator List:: ::Aproved Profiles::

001. wahmbulance [~Dark~Lord~] wahmbulance
002. wahmbulance The Hell Singer wahmbulance
003. wahmbulance CliffyB wahmbulance

NPRPC((Non-Playable Role Play Charactors))
((Note: If you encounter one of the NPRPC's, you may speak for the NPRPC.))

Werewolf Clan Lord
Vampire Clan Lord
Wolbyrd Clan Lord
Half-Beast Clan Mistress
Demon Clan Master
Elementalist Clan Mistress
Syrein Clan Queen
Reaper Clan Master
Angel Clan Queen
::Intro/Sign Up:: ::Rules or Kragion:: ::Moderator List:: ::Aproved Profiles::

Your Username: Scythe_Assasin or Scythie
Your RP Name: Selena ((A.K.A: Scralart))
Gender: Female
Race: Reaper
Element sad (Only If You Are An Elementalist))
Individual Personality: Myesterious
Weapon: Dark Scythe
Appearence: User Image
((Other smile ) After being poisoned, Scralart died. She awoke to find herself in The Underground- A Reaper, with no memory of her Wolbyrd life. For some reason, she remembers Zenen, Drew and Crow.

Your Username: The Hell Singer.
Your RP Name: Crow.
Race: Demon.
Gender: Male
Individual Personality: Lazy, but put his heart in whatever he believes and wants.
Weapon: Two guns and a sword.
Appearance:User Image
((Other: The smell of other’s blood affects him.))

Your Username: Mystified_Shino
Your RP Name: Shade
Gender: Male
Race: Reaper
Individual Personality: Cold and Distant. He learned to be emotionless and uncaring to fit with his job.
Weapon: Scythe
Appearence: User Image
((Other: For a reaper he can be a slight bit soft. It was mainly because of his hatred for his race.))
Your Username: CliffyB
Your RP Name: Drew Abel.
Gender: Female
Race: Elementalist
Element: Water/ice.
Individual Personality: Drew is a calm and collect girl. She often protects the ones she cares for. At times she can be very blunt and to the point.
Weapon: Tessens
User Image
((Other smile )N/A

Your Username:[~Dark~Lord~]
Your RP Name: Zenen
Gender: Male
Race: Werewolf
Element sad (Only If You Are An Elementalist))
Individual Personality: Nice,Helpful,And aggressive
Weapon: Wolf Blade
Appearence: User Image
Your Username: pigs_r_pink
Your RP Name: Serafina (Sera)
Gender: Female
Race: Angel
Individual Personality: Kind and gentle, Sera does not look to cause or participate in fights. If she comes upon an unprovoked attack, she will often try to aid the victim.
Weapon: Long bow
Appearance: User Image
Soaring high in the sky, Scralart spies a demon, far from River Slave.
Unaware to everything that surrounded him, Crow sat on a rock.
It hurt him the fact that it was so hard, but, drowned on his thoughts, he ignored.
His Demonic sword touched the rock, making an unpleasant sound while he kept running the blade through it, letting in the stone a scratch almost unnoticeable.
Scralart lands behind the Demon. She waits for him to notice her.
Crow heard something behind him, and even if he didn’t knew if it was friendly or not he waited awhile, and then, with unnatural speed, he took one of his weapons from where they rested on his back.
He aimed to the place where the sound came, and waited for some reaction from whatever was doing it.
Still, he didn’t want to waste any bullet if it wasn’t needed.
Scralart Stood stright up and spoke at the Demon, "Lay down your weapons, I will not cause you harm."
Shade watched this happen from the shadows. There wasn't any need to show himself to them at the moment. In fact, he couldn't even think of a valid reason for leaving his dark underground haven. " Why'd I leave that for this," he said as he looked to the places where the sun lit the ground.
He didn’t obey her. Or made any other movement than opening that big mouth of his…
“Sorry, but it’s hard to trust someone I just met.” He said smirking. A smirk that vanished with his next words.
“What do you want?”
" I want nothing of you, Demon. I just want to know what you are doing so far from the River Slave."
Drew calmly walked over some rocks, when she noticed two beings having a conversation. Her attention was turned to them for a moment or so, and she adjusted her bag on her back. Her clan was moving to a new location and Drew some how wandered away from the pack. Now she was in search to find them.
“Nothing of your business.” He said.
Still, he didn’t have an answer really. He just wanted to be alone, but then started to wander and now he’s far away from his own home.
But he didn’t want to come back. Not now that it was feeling so good, even if he started to find strangers, like now.
And more were getting closer...

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