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Welcome to The Chaimu Grasslands! Named after its inhabitants, the Chaimu, the Chaimu Grasslands is a land of peace and harmony. The main breed and inhabitants of the Chaimu Grasslands are called the Seijaku, though Daiichi has once affirmed that there are two other breeds of the Chaimu that live in the Grasslands, the Kanshinin and the Itazura... They are just hardly spotted.

Speaking of which, here's Daiichi!
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Daiichi assists the Chaimu guardian is caring for all the Chaimu and bring her orphaned puffs sometimes to help them seek new homes. She is also said to bring luck to anyone that succeeds in spotting her so maybe if you catch her, you'll get something special!

Post 01 - You are here.
Post 02 - Shop News, Events & Availability.
Post 03 - Story.
Post 04 - Species Guide.
Post 05 - How To Obtain A Chaimu.
Post 06 - Rules & FAQ.
Post 07 - Minishop.
Post 08 - Breeding.
Post 09 - Pickups.
Post 10 - Owner lists.
Post 11 - Staff & Credits.
Post 12 - Store Credits & Other Schtoof.
Post 13 - Rui's Post.
Post 14 - Xuanie's Post.
Post 15 - Links.
[Shop News]

24/04/2006 - Xuan's back in school... Sigh. Slow going-ons from now on unless the workload this semester is very little... [Which is highly unlikely.]
07/04/2006 - Xuan's back from Japan & Camp! Self-mod events closed. Winners and prizes will be announced soon. Lots of catching up to do... Please pardon the inevitable slowness on my part. Dx
27/03/2006 - Self-mod events! (Because Xuan's in Japan.)
25/03/2006 - Opening Events closed!! Tankew, everyone who helped make it a success!! TwT <3333
20/03/2006 - ZOMGWTFLYKWEHIT00PAGES?!?! <3
15/03/2006 - 100 pages!! O_O <33 TwT
12/03/2006 - Opening events are on! <3
11/03/2006 - Finally done with the first page. Some banners left.
04/03/2006 - Created shop. Sloooowly setting up.


None Currently~


Flatsale... Planning in progress? >w<

[Species Guide]


The Seijaku are the natural inhabitants of the Chaimu Grasslands and can usually be found in little groups of 2 to 6. They are hardly ever alone. These peace-loving creatures are omnivores and eat anything from grass to tiny insects such as ants and beetles. Intelligent and quick-witted, the Seijaku can usually be taught to speak in the native tongue of their owner and converse with other Chaimu in a series of clicks and barks. Their bells are used to attract potential mates during the mating season are are said to have healing powers although it is believed that once you use up the magic in the bells, the Seijaku will die. It's just hearsay, though... ninja
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Not much is known about this species of the Chaimu as sightings of the Kanshinin are extremely rare. They are believed to be blessed with legendary powers and their bells are said to be able to heal anything. You would have to be very special to be granted a visit by a Kanshinin, though...


The Itazura are yet another mysterious breed of the Chaimu. Legend has it that the Itazura are the mischief makers of the Chaimu Grasslands and sometimes cause harm to other Chaimu. As such, they were banished to a deserted part of the Grasslands and were hardly ever seen again...
[How To Obtain A Chaimu]
There are many different ways in which you can obtain a Chaimu and they are all listed below. ^^

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__________Luck-based Flatsale__________
  • A number will be generated either via dice rolling or number generating. The first 4 (or as many flatsale pets there are) will be the ones to get a pet each. First person to get the number gets first pick, second gets second pick, etcetc.
  • A warning will be posted 5 minutes before the commencement of the sale and no one else should post until a "GO!" is posted in purple.
  • You can post as many times as you want as long as there are still available pets.
  • All luck-based sale pets will cost 4k each; all trades to be sent to the mule, please.
  • Please post the form before sending trade with the page number of the form.

__________Numbered Flatsale__________
  • A number will of posts (usually 3) will be set. When "GO!" is posted, everyone interested in a flatsale pet posts "I would like one, please!", and every post corresponding to that number including the first post will be a winner.
    Eg. 3 is the number of set posts. First person to post that he/she would like one gets one, the third person gets one, the sixth person gets one, the ninth person gets on.. So on and so forth. (Yikes. Bad explanation.)
  • A warning will be posted 5 minutes before the commencement of the sale and no one else should post until a "GO!" is posted in purple.
  • You can post as many times as you want as long as there are still available pets. But if you've already gotten one, your post will be skipped to the next person.
  • All numbered flatsale pets will cost 4k each; all trades to be sent to the mule, please.
  • Please post the form before sending trade with the page number of the form.

  • Raffles usually last for a week, during which anyone can buy as many tickets as they like for anyone.
  • Raffle tickets will cost 100g each; all trades to the mule, please.
  • If your number is a winning ticket, please post the form to claim your pet within 3 days or all your tickets will be void and the numbers will be re-drawn.

  • An auction takes place when a special Chaimu(s) needs a good home. It may also be the only way you can obtain a fully customised Chaimu and even the rare Kanshinin or Itazura.
  • Please do not bid what you do not have during an auction.
  • Please do not discourage anyone from bidding.
  • Please send the trade within 24 hours to the mule and post the form to claim your pet.
  • Normal auctions start at 5k, breeding auctions start at 3k.

  • Please check the staff post for more information and to check for availability spots. ^^

__________Page Prizes & Freebies__________
  • Given out to a random poster(s) on special pages like 100, 200... etcetc & nice people.
  • Random pages will also be chosen for additional page prizes when I feel generous. Especially pages numbers that include my favourite number. xD
  • Freebies & page prize pets may be given away to someone else.

__________Flatsale Rules__________
  • You may only co-own with one other person for a flatsale pet. Which means a maximum of 2 owner names on the cert.
  • You may only buy one flatsale pet per batch to give others a chance.
  • You can always try for someone else in a flatsale, just be sure to put it in your post. ^^
  • Keep whining about not getting one in a flatsale to the minimum, please. There will always be other chances. ^^
  • Please do not try to discourage someone from trying for a pet that you want. =(
  • Don't try to time the sales, please. I won't start on the dot all the time. Anyone caught doing that will be greylisted.

[Form To Use]

[b]Pet Info[/b]
Owner's name:
Pet's name:
Pet's I.D: [/size][/color]
[Shop Rules & FAQ]

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General Rules
  • Peace in the thread at all times, please! ^^ [Xuan really, really doesn't like fights. Dx]
  • Keep everything to the PG-13 rule, please! Profanities are to be kept at an all time low, or none at all, if possible. <3
  • Please don't PM the mule or my main account for no rhyme or reason. But you can PM with questions, though. <3
  • Please do not beg for a free pet(s). If you deserve one, I'll definitely give you one. ^^
  • No whining about not having a pet, please? I'll do my best to make them available if I have the time to. ^^
  • Please do not steal the art! Dx Art thieves = bad. And Xuanie will do something nasty to you if she finds out. mad
  • Please do not resell your pet without prior permission. Dx

Roleplay Rules
  • Please keep everything PG-13, as per Gaia's rules. ^^
  • No god-modding, please. Dx
  • Avoid nastiness in roleplay, please. Unless your pet is a terribly... violent one. o.o;;


a.k.a Fake, Allegedly-Asked Questions

Are they roleplay required?
Nope. But RP will be rewarded... ninja And I do require that you pop by the thread once in a while.. Just to say Hi or something. Pets that belong to inactive owners will be taken back and given new homes.

How come my pet is taking so long to grow?!! scream
I have a life outside Gaia, you know.. Dx Just be a little more patient? I'll grow them when I have time. o.o;; I'd say roughly a week between stages? Puffs to baby stages are faster. ^^

Can I direct link?
Please do! ^^ But when they get to adult stage, save them to your own server so that they don't eat up my bandwidth, please? <3

How many can I own?
You can own as many as you like. ^^

When is your next sale? I want one!!
Uhmm... It'll be up in the news or thread title when there's one. ^^

But I don't want to wait!! I want one nowww!11!!! scream
Ehhh. Bribe me? o.o;;

How come so-and-so gets a free pet and I don't?!?!! scream
O_O;; Because I say so? And I give out free pets as I see fit. Please don't ask for one. Dx

Omg. So-and-so named his/her pet the very same name I wanted to name mine!! crying
It's okay~ That's what the I.D is for. xD Your pet will still be unique. =3

More to be added if I see fit. xP

This is where you can buy stuff for your Chaimu! whee

  • Not available yet.

__________Cert Changes__________
All Chaimu come with the default cert background but you can buy him/her another one, if you like. Once you buy another cert background, there is no charge to revert it back to the default cert. Click on the links to preview the certs! ^^

All cert changes are 1k each.

Available Certs

To buy anything for your pet, please fill in the form below, post it in the thread and then send the trade to the mule with the page number of your order and the correct amount immediately. ^^

[colour=red][size=9][b]Item Order[/b]
I.D of pet:
Total cost:

Aahh. There will come a time when your little Chaimu isn't so little anymore and will wish to have babies of his/her own. xD

Chaimu breed in a very secret and magical way. =o No one really knows what happens but when a male and a female meet, somehow or other, if they're compatible, they will always with emerge from their secret breeding place a week or less later with a little brood of 2 to 4 babies. <3 Or maybeeh even more. =o

__________Breeding Info__________
  • Only male and female adult couples may breed.
  • You may breed your Chaimu as many times as you like.
  • Seijaku may breed with Kanshinin and Itazura but chances of a Kanshinin or Itazura baby in the brood is rare.
  • RPed couples may get more babies. ninja
  • You can do anything you like with the babies but if you want auction/raffle them, please notify me in advance and 60% of the profits must go back to the shop, please. Anything above 10k and I request 70%, please. Alternatively, you may sell the babies back to the shop for 2k each and I'll put them up for adoption.
  • Any breeding pairs that involve Kanshinin and Itazura must be roleplayed. If you roleplay your Kanshinin/Itazura somewhere other than in this thread, please give me a link to the RP. ^^

__________Breeding Prices__________
  • Seijaku & Seijaku ............................. 6k
    (2 - 4 babies. Only Seijaku.)
  • Seijaku & Kanshinin/Itazura ............ 10k
    (2 - 4 babies. May get Kanshinin or Itazura in brood.)
  • Kanshinin & Kanshinin .................... 20k
    (2 babies only. 1 guaranteed Kanshinin, the other is randomised.)
  • Itazura & Itazura ............................ 20k
    (2 babies only. 1 guaranteed Itazura, the other is randomised.)
  • Kanshinin & Itazura ........................ 20k
    (2 babies only. 1 guaranteed Kanshinin/Itazura, the other is randomised.)

__________Breeding Slots__________
  • SCM002 & SCF003 [Nebula & Patches]
  • Open
  • Reserved for Anatometal [Luna & Artemis]

__________Breeding Procedures__________
  • Maybe sure that your Chaimu is eligible for breeding. ^^
  • Check that there's an open breeding slot.
  • Fill out the form below and PM it to the shop mule and start a trade immediately labelled "Breeding fee" or something along that line. Please just have one person send the trade with the full amount. ^^
  • Trade must be confirmed before I will start on the breedings.

[Breeding Form]
[b][size=9][color=red]Breeding! <3[/b]
I.D of Male Chaimu:


I.D of Female Chaimu: [/color][/size]
[Pickups/Last To Grow]
[Owner List]
*Males are in blue and females are in pink.
* = Elemental
* = Semi-custom
* = Custom
* = Bribe

Name - Owner - Pet Image


Gen 0
Daiichi - Chaimu_Guardian - Daiichi
Niko-sama - Starle55gal - Niko-sama
Shiizu - [RuiRui] - Shiizu

Grand Opening Gen 0s
Harle - Fearless Kitty - Harle
Erst - Anatometal - Erst*
Nebula - VampirePenguins - Nebula*
Luna - Fearless Kitty - Luna*
Patches - Airbourne Hana - Patches*
Tea - RainingSugar - Tea*
Flutterby - Shiakutsu - Flutterby*
Cibo - Renegatus - Cibo*
Vesna - baby_gwing - Vesna*
Esper - Presca - Esper*
Seiki - Starle55gal - Seiki*
Berrie - TormentedAngie - Berrie
Vanille - The Teamouse - Vanille
Kaipo - Spectrum Warrior - Kaipo
Chialle - Trio Maxwell-Chang - Chialle
Stern - Anatometal - Stern
Leska - Tomqueen - Leska
Taiki - Starle55gal - Taiki
Indivar - Spectrum Warrior - Indivar*
Wataame - Kiki Itemri - Wataame*
Mint - Princess Everest - Mint

Gen 1
Luna - Anatometal - Luna*
Artemis - Anatometal - Artemis*
Sequoia - Ookami_Kinrei_Chan - Sequoia
Kiiya - [RuiRui] - Kiiya*
Asenath - Kiki Itemri - Asenath*
Verte - Spectrum Warrior - Verte
Pepper - Ookami_kinrei_chan - Pepper
Menth - [Boo Boo Kitty] - Menth
Kori - Princess Everest - Kori
Kyrene - Huroggmeten - Kyrene
Watermelon - pixie65 - Watermelon
Zaraqui - VampirePenguins - Zaraqui
Phedora - Airbourne Hana - Phedora
Largo - NeoKitsune - Largo
Pilot - C. Infrared - Pilot
Rhiannon - Mlisbaru - Rhiannon*
Sable - Princess Everest - Sable*
Scythe - Ookami_kinrei_chan - Scythe*
Void - [Boo Boo Kitty] - Void*
Ziffa - Minyain - Ziffa*
Kite - Kiouji - Kite*

Mochi Puppies
Vixie - Anatometal - Vixie
Rasha - Kiki Itemri - Rasha
Alexis - Lygophobia - Alexis
Banananut - Ookami_Kinrei_chan - Banananut
Charlie - Airbourne Hana - Charlie
Todd - Anatometal - Todd
Mochi - Princess Everest - Mochi
Pike - Fearless Kitty - Pike
Malder - Shiakutsu - Malder
Toast - pixie65 - Toast
Murtagh - Natalock - Murtagh


None yet.


None yet.

[Staff Info]

Miss Awesome! <3 Bum. MISS AWESOME!! You don't argue with me.
Lineartist, shading templatist (o.o), banner maker, guest colourist whenever she's bored.

The lazy person. Dx
Shop owner, manager, colourist, everything else. xD
[Chaimu Credits, Shop Credits, and Some Other Stuff]

__________Chaimu Credits__________

Chaimu credits are special credits which can be used to purchase special items for your Chaimu. ^^

Also, if you manage to rack up 10,000 Chaimu credits, you may exchange them for a semi-custom adult. <3

The only way you can get Chaimu credits are when I give them to you. They are not for sale. xP

Chaimu Credits Holders
    None yet

__________Shop Credits__________

Shop credits are like Gaia gold, 1 shop credit = 1 Gaia gold. They can be used to purchase anything from the Chaimu shop, including Flatsales, Auctions, blablabla. ^^ Sometimes, there may be special items that may only be purchased with shop credit. xP

Shop credit may be bought or given, but not convertible to Chaimu Credit. You may not seek refunds for Shop Credit, so make sure you're certain when purchasing shop credits. xP

Shop Credits Holders
    Shiakutsu - 1,000SC
    Airbourne Hana - 1,000SC
    Natalock - 1,000SC
[Rui's messy area.]
-Lives in Singapore
-Is 13
-Studies in XMS. (IWASINROSGEP.itrockssomuchmore.)
-Likes drawing
-Has nothing better to do

+Twin lines D: *bum*
+more editssssss


Yahahah. I do semicustoms too.
-w- And unlike Xuan I can do soft shadingk and more complicated markings. xD
But i wont be as on as her~ *practically lives in school*

  • CloOosed.

  • CloOosed.

  • CloOosed.

Softshadingness will cost more. add [2k] for it.
Painterly style will be the worst wor~ Like this, but not so plain, duh. add [5k]

Only available through Bribes wink
Or one day during the December hols. :3

..I'll do this only when i'm reaaaly free. Or if the pet is uberly nice xD
YesImLazy. xD

[Xuanie's Post]

  • Back to school. =(

__________Things To Do & Notes To Self__________
  • Re write shop story.

__________About Xuan__________
  • 18.
  • Chinese.
  • Singaporean.
  • Extremely reluctant student.
  • WeirdwackycrazymadinsanelazylazyLAZY. Dfknetsoindflbnvzsseoikf.
  • Loathes school passionately.

__________Semi-Customs, Customs, and Pet Trades__________
So. You want a pet without waiting for a flatsale, huh? Or you want one that isn't premade? You want one the way you will it? Yes? Well....


XD! I'm kidding. Because I'm a busy person, I'm going to have to open limited slots for these. xP And they aren't going to come cheap because I'm a lazy a**. Dx

Semi customs come in 3 degrees of customisation. xP So you can just choose whichever suits you best. ^^ All of them go through puff - adult stages. If you're willing to skip the first 3 stages, you may deduct 3k from the total cost. ^^

Colour Custom (8k)
You can only pick up to a maximum of 3 colours for me to work with. Any markings and where they go are entirely up to me. xP For every extra colour you want, add 2k.

  • Princess Everest
  • Ookami_kinrei_chan
  • [Boo Boo Kitty]

Basic Semi-Custom (10k)
You can pick up to a maximum of 2 colours and 1 simple marking for me to work with. I choose the placement of the colours and marking.
***Simple markings are things like... Stars/stripes/spots/patches. No natural markings, please.

  • Mlisubaru
  • Open
  • Open

Standard Semi-Custom (15k)
You can pick up to a maximum of 4 colours and 2 simple markings for me to work with. Where the colours and markings go are for me to decide. xP For every extra colour, add 2k each. Extra markings are 3k each.
***Simple markings are things like... Stars/stripes/spots/patches. No natural markings, please.

  • Minyain
  • Kiouji
  • Ookami_kinrei_chan

_____Full Customs_____
Closed forevarrr. No, not really. But these will only open when I feel up to it. Or when I un-lazy-ise myself. So... Either you wait for an auction, bribe me, or... Just wait till I feel like opening slots. xD

Form To Use [Please delete whichever does not apply]

**Forms must be PMed and trades sent before I'll start on them. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

[size=9]Type of Custom: Colour Custom/Basic Semi-Custom/Standard-Semi Custom
Gender: Male/Female
Name: [If you already have one in mind]

_____Pet trades_____
I'm always open~ ^^ I'll do a random for a random, a custom for a custom, things like that. Just PM and ask. Hehe~ Don't feel bad if I reject you, though. I don't have tons and tons of spare time on my hands. xP

__________Xuanie's Little Collection of Shop Stuffles__________
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__________Links In__________

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__________Links Out__________

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If you want to affiliate, please feel free to snag my button and give me yours in return! I prefer small buttons but if you only have a big one, it's fine. ^^

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