Welcome to Gaia! ::

Update (3/24/05): Anyone welcome, but no more "first day of school" students, please. More male characters especially encouraged. Thanx.

xd A fun surprise awaits the art class! Come and join in! It's 6th period now and the school is in lockdown. What's happening?

Greetings, fellow earth people! Welcome to Eldon High School! I'm the school goof-off and I have a lot of energy and motivation to be nutty, so I'm going to start this off. This is in the small town of Ainsley, Oregon (which does not really exist). The school is across the street from Ainsley City Park, which has lots of kinds of evergreen trees. The town also has forest and meadow (the name Ainsley means "Anne's meadow" wink .
Feel free to create your own classrooms and be teachers or students. We don't even have a principal yet, but once one is established we cannot add more. Some of the students have already been invented by my author/creator. I get on various kicks, but through it all my main group of friends have been called The Clique, which is kind of a misnomer, since we're sort of on the fringe of being outcasts, except for maybe Hugh Gaines, who is a champion wrestler and junior varsity football player and has another circle of friends among the jocks. We are not in the mainstream because we like oldies. We started the Vintage Music Club, whose slogan is "Just because your parents liked it doesn't mean you can't." We like newer stuff, too, but people don't tend to notice that.
The Clique is made up of Mary Lodge, Hugh Gaines (who have gone out with each other a lot), Melanie Whitestone, and Sandy Bichcel (he is a guy--real name Alexander). And I'm in it too, of course. Mary, Hugh, Melanie, Sandy, and me all have Gaia accounts, and as we are all played by the same person, you can't be one of us.
We have a basketball team playing in the wintertime (I'm on that, being 6'2" wink , at the same time as the wrestling. The football teams are in the fall. Role play starts in September, a few weeks into the beginning of the school year.
I don't look much like my avatar. Besides my height, my hair is very short, except for two long straight strands in front going down to just past my shoulders. I wear an earring in my left ear. And you never know what I'm going to do next! Look out, folks, I have A.D.H.D. and I'm not afraid to use it!
This is a public high school and not a boarding school. No uniforms, yay!
Accepting enrollment right away. Unexpected adventures ahead. Let's have fun. No godmoding.

Oh. _TheGoodOne_ has just wisely suggested, so I add: Please post a student (teacher, parent, whatever) profile before you enter the action. Paste this form in as your first post:

student name:
Student age:
student grade:
hair color:
eye color:
hobbies, clubs, etc.:


Some of the classes have been sceduled; others are still open for you to help decide. Among the established ones are:

1st period English (teacher, Mr. Jeffers)
2nd period algebra (teacher, Miss Brooks)
2nd period chorus (teacher, Mr. Box--replaced 1st day by substitute)
3rd period biology (teacher, Mr. --oh, I can't think of his name! The little bald guy I try to ignore)
Snack break after 2nd period
4th period creative writing (I goofed, that was supposed to be 5th, but I already referred to it in RP as 5th)
Lunch after 4th period
(not 5th period creative writing?)
6th period art
the school also has a 7th period


Required courses to choose from include:
Social studies
Other sciences
others you may think of

Electives to choose from:
Debate (could be a club rather than a class)
others you may think of

Special activities:
Football practice after school (games Fri. nights)
Vintage Music Club (for fans of oldies--contact me)
others you may think of
poetry club
literary magazine
school newspaper
If you want to talk to me about setting up a class, PM me or send me an AIM message.

Thanx, and have fun!

Eldon High Class Clown
Moderator of this RP

Summary of the "Eldon High School" Roleplay up to this point (updated March 15, 2005):

In first period English, Darrell was goofing off in a new vampire cape. New student Carletta came and flirted with all the boys, including Hugh, who openly flirted back. His girfriend Mary came in and was very jealous and resentful of his change in behavior. Hugh invited Carletta to join their Clique by their favorite tree for lunch, but Darrell tried to avoid conflict by proposing that the girls and boys eat in seperate places this time.
(Three girls have been interested in Darrell, which is funny, because in my story he is a geek that none of them want.)
At second period chorus, Mary confided in Nicole that she had had a nightmare about marrying Hugh and him being a vampire and biting her. She says she often has dreams that come true. Nicole reacted strangely.
At lunch, Hugh confessed to Darrell that he lost his virginity over the summer and that it has changed him in unexpected ways. He feels guilty and becomes easily aroused so that he cannot bear to be close to Mary now. He refuses to tell her because she wants to save herself for marriage and rather than crushing her ideal image of him and making her feel pressured, he wants a different relationship--possibly Carletta.
Meanwhile, Celest told Mary that Hugh had had sex, an idea that insensed Mary and she did not believe, since there was no way Celest could know, etc. Carletta, quoting Charlotte's Web, said, "I love blood." She refused to eat, until Mary talked her into taking a bite of cheesecake. Then she ran and threw up.
Gladimus was hiding up in the oak Tree and heard most of Hugh and Darrell's conversation. Jumped down and ridiculed them. They threatened him into not revealing Hugh's secret, then departed.
Nicole, extremely spaced out, wandered off campus and went to the forest. An angel, Israfel, used a dog to guide her to find a dead body in a meadow with two tiny marks in his neck. She sat down and calmly played her flute. The angel sang a mournful song along with it. Eventually she wandered back onto campus and told Sandy, Melanie's boyfriend, of her discovery. Darrell and Hugh joined them, and also Aya.
Carletta overheard their discussion, was alarmed, and thought to herself, "Why can't I remember what happened that night after . . . ?" She hurried toward the library.
The boys helped Nicole to the office to call the police and seek counseling for her; she was acting very out-of-it.
Mary told Melanie of her dream that morning, and Melanie comforted her, but Mary was certain of impending doom. It began to rain. Lunchtime was about to end.
Celest ran into Carletta. She told Carletta that she could see auras and saw lust all over Hugh. Carletta asked her what she saw in her aura. Celest said that Carletta only wanted people to think she was cruel. Carletta snickered and left with a smile.
In the office Darrell dialed the police, and Nicole told Lueitenant Sanchez she found a dead body. He ordered all four of the kids to stay there for questioning. Darrell got nervous, afraid they would all be suspected of murder.
As the police questioned Nicole in the outer office, Hugh asked Darrell if he had a crush on Mary. Darrell said she would never go for him. Hugh was frustrated because he didn't want to break Mary's heart. He refused to tell his secret to Sandy, saying he wouldn't understand.
Officer Ventura came in and began questioning the boys. A second police car arrived with two more officers and a chaplain. As the chaplain looked up at the dark clouds and pouring rain, the angel Israfel told him to pray like he had never prayed before. When the chaplain entered, he watched Nicole with a strained expression. Since then, he has been questioning her. Celest and Melanie came into the office to see why the police were there while Celest got a Band-aid for a cut finger. Celest could see the bright aura of the angel and the evil presense of the demon. She and Melanie felt uneasy and left for art class.

The immediate plans for the RP have changed course into some fun and promising developments. Also, from here on out it will be easier for me and everyone to access character information, because I'm going to post all the student profiles in my journal.
The angel Israfel has been backing Chaplain Daniel's prayers by touching Nicole with the power of the Holy Spirit, but the demon is powerful and has counteracted it by causing her pain. Suddenly, a voice announced over the intercom that the school is now in emergency lockdown. Israfel looked upward and then burst out laughing. He has since spread the laughter and joy of the Lord to Daniel, Nicole, and one of the police officers, and touched the secretary with a blast of power. Now Nicole and Daniel are the only humans in the office, and Israfel has challenged the demon to show his hand.

The "emergency" situation will be a fun experience for all who join in, and most of it will center on the art class, so I encourage you to be there. If you have not already let us know your character is to be there, please do so.

If possible, please contact players whose students have the same interest as the class you want to play and see if you can RP the class together (refer to my journal when I get the character info set up and the scheduling guide above).
student name: Darrell Calendri
Student age: 18
student grade: 11 (stayed behind a grade)
hair color: black, very short, except for long strands in front
eye color: brown
height: 6'2"
weight: I dunno, what do you think, goodone? He's lanky.
hobbies, clubs, etc.: President of Vintage Music Club, drama, video games, Internet geek, basketball team, class clown, playing sax, formerly in punk rock band, singing with friends, member of The Clique.

*First period English class. Mr. Jeffers, teacher with black hair, beard, and glasses, sits at his desk doing paperwork.
I stride in wearing a long black cape. The rest of my clothes are black, too. I have a small gold loop earrring with a red rhinestone on it.
Mr. Jeffers doesn't look up.*
"Greeeetings," *I say to him in a Bela Lugosi accent.
He looks up, making a face. "Oh, good grief, what kind of a kick are you on this week?" he says.
Continuing in my accent, I say,* "Weeeek? Weeek? How about--eterrrnity?"
*Jeffers rolls his eyes and goes back to his paperwork. I crouch in a corner, waiting for a "victim."*
sound interesting ill think about being a part of it, k?
Great! I was checking back and didn't realize someone had replied! You want to join this English classroom?
student name: Hugh Gaines
Student age: 16
student grade: 11
hair: dishwater blond, style much nicer than the avatar looks
height: 5'9"
hobbies, clubs, etc.: award-winning poet, Vintage Music Club, The Clique, junior varsity football, award-winning wrestler, writing songs with Mary, often dated Mary but has dated other girls, too

*walks in whistling Neil Diamond's "Longfellow Serenade." Reaches his desk in the front row.*
*Creeps toward Hugh, but trips over cape and falls headlong on the floor before him.* Crap! *Gets up, teetering, goes back to using accent: "III'm sooo glaaad yoouu've cooome to my caawstle. Would you like to sit down--or would you like a bite first?
Dude, that has got to hurt! You okay? *Extends a hand, but Darrell has alrady gotten up without his help.*
What! You insult the Count? We vawmpires are invincible! *sweeps cape upward like wings.* Now you die! Mwahahaha!
student name: Melissa Johnson
Student age:17
student grade: 11(junior)
hair color: blonde
eye color: green
hobbies, clubs, etc.:cheerleading, debate, swimming, soccer,vintage music club, junior class pres., and of course the favorite hobbie is spending time with friends
*Walks in smiling... hello Darrell... Hello hugh... how are you both today... darrell i love your new cape*
*looks mildly surprised* *didnt really expect u to get here so early darrell*
*hello Mr. J how are you this morning* *what are we doing in class today?* ..... *starts humming pleasant but unknown tune*
Vhat? Darrrell? I am not Darrell, I am Count Drracula! ((as Hugh laughs his head off))
And you arrre my next lovely brrrride!
*sweeping cape, leans down toward your neck. You can smell his breath. It's awful.*
Mr. Jeffers: *breaking into laughter in spite of himself* "We'll have a quiz on what we've read so far of 'Great Expectations,' and then we'll read and discuss more of the book.
*ignores Jeffers*

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