Welcome to Gaia! ::

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/newlogo.bmp">

Hi there, this is the home of icy kittens. Want to adopt one?
Just scroll down to the third and fourth posts for unlimited kittens.
We also have bumps and other crap in the sixth post,
and limited kittens can be found in post five.
Just don't forget to read the rules in the second post ^-^
Thank you.

- Post 01: Intro
- Post 02: Updates
- Post 03: Rules
- Post 04: Litter one
- Post 05: Litter two
- Post 06: Tiny Kitties
- Post 07: Special Litters
- Post 08: Other stuff
- Post 09: Requests
- Post 10: Donations
- Post 11: Quests
- Post 12: F.A.Q
- Post 13: Affiliates
- Post 14: Kitten Links
- Post 15: Link me
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-updates.gif">

Here you can check my every move.. which includes the shop.
I will post it here if I update anything, so you don't have to check, yourself.
Yes, I am nice.</center>

Date: 10-december-2004
Update: First official update! (: I renovated the shop, I will include kitten links, to shops who sell kittens. I also decided to make the limiteds, unlimited. Don't ask ^^;; Everything is still under construction until I post here that it isn't.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-therulebook.gif">

Yes, I found it nessicary to set some rules...
since people are not using common sense.
Here's some things you need to keep in mind when ordering.
If you break any of these rules I have the right to laugh at you in your face.</center>

-- Do not PM me.
It's getting annoying and fills up my inbox way too fast.

-- Direct linking = no no.
As soon as you recieve the kitten, save it onto your own server/computer.

-- Don't be stupid.
I've been recieving trades with an order in the title, DON'T!

-- Be nice.
Don't come in yelling 'I want this kitten, with that and that!' Curtacy is appreciated.

-- Be reasonable.
When I screw something up please have some patience.

-- Pay for it.
I am not making these kittens for free. A list of people breaking this rule will follow.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-howtoorder.gif">

If you're ordering a kitten from one of the basic littlers,
please use this form:</center>

- Litter: Litter one/Litter two
- Color: Blue/Red/Yellow/etc.
- Add: Tail Spikes/Wings/etc.
- Price: Calculate the full price

After you post that info in the shop, start a trade with the right amount of gold.
If I don't recieve a trade, I will not process your order!
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-firstlitter.gif">

U-huh, I'm letting go of these adorable kittens, you can adopt one if you like.
I have them in these colours but you can request one if you like.
This is what the first set of kittens looks like:

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/kittensample-1.bmp">


<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/headjewel-sample.bmp">
Item: Head jewel
Price: 5g
Available in every colour.

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/tailwrap-sample.bmp">
Item: Tail wrap
Price: 10g

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/tailspikes-sample.bmp">
Item: Tail spikes
Price: 10g

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/nitemarewings-sample.bmp">
Item: Dark wings
Price: 15g

These kittens are only availiable in the colors posted above.
If you want other colours you'll have to go to the request section.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-secondlitter.gif">

And we have another style of kittens for you to pick from!
This is what the second set looks like:

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/kittensample-2.bmp">


<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/collar-sample.bmp">
Item: Collar
Price: 10g
Available in every colour.

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/nitemarewings-sample2.bmp">
Item: Dark wings
Price: 15g

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/earstuff-sample.bmp">
Item: Ear jewelry
Price: 10g

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/fairywings-sample.bmp">
Item: Fairy Wings
Price: 25g

These kittens are only availiable in the colors posted above.
If you want other colours you'll have to go to the request section.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-tinykitties.gif">

I decided to make these cuties unlimited!
I also made quite a few more, so start picking them out!

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/tiny-hats-sample.bmp">

- -- Hat Kittens -- -

Don't they look cute with those little hats?

From left to right:
Panda Kittie - Teddy Kitty - Neko Kitty
60g each

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/minikitties-christmas.bmp">

- -- Christmas Kittens -- -

Especially designed for the jolly time of year!

From left to right:
Rudolph Kitty - Tangled Kitty - Jolly Kitty
60g each

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/minikitties-harrypotter.bmp">

- -- Harry Potter Kittens -- -

After watching the movie I just had to make these.

From left to right:
Gryffindor - Ravenclaw - Hufflepuff - Slytherin
50g each
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-speciallitters.gif">

Here are some special kittens for you to adopt.
These kittens are all of a unique breed, each with their own special qualities.
You cannot add anything to these!
They don't have the same options as the basic litters.
Here are today's specials:

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/siamese1-sample.bmp">

- -- Siamese Kitten -- -

Majestic and stylist, this is a royal breed without a doubt!
With a shiny clean coat and perfect posture these kittens will certainly
turn quite a few heads your way.

- Price: 75g
- Also available in second litter style.
- Tell me which litter and start trade.

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/fire-sample.bmp">

- -- Fire Kitten -- -

A special breed to be sure! Containing fiery temper, with the looks to match,
this little critter is certainly not for the faint at heart!
Watch out! As this cat likes to slash with his burning tail!

- Price: 80g
- Only available in this style.
- Just post your order and start trade.

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/plushie-sample.bmp">

- -- Kitten Plushie -- -

These are no real kittens, but stuffed animals. Little signs of a kitten obsession.
You can give these to your kitten as company, or keep them yourself.
Either way they'll stay warm on those cold winter nights.

- Price: 50g
- Available in the same colours as the basic litters.
- Tell me what colour you want and start trade.

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/magic-1-grijs-sample.bmp">

- -- Magic kitten -- -

This magic kitten is especially bred for the spiritual under us.
She contains the power to protect herself from anything that might harm her.
Therefor, it might be difficult to get close to this one.

- Price: 60g
- Available in the same colours as the basic litters.
- Tell me what colour you want and start trade.

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/rainbow-sample.bmp">

- -- Rainbow kitten -- -

These very special rainbow kittens contain 6 sparkling colours.
Bearing a stunning resemblance to real life rainbows in all their glory,
they are certain to bring some colour to your life.

- Price: 75g
- Only available in these colours.
- Just post your order and start trade.

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/angel-sample.bmp">

- -- Angel kitten -- -

The angel kittens are true sweethearts.
With a pure heart and light fur they must be the cutest things you've ever seen.
Just be careful, they have a tendancy to just fly away.

- Price: 70g
- Available in purple, blue, pink, yellow and green
- Tell me which colour.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-otherstuff.gif">

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/signature-sample.bmp">

- -- Display your luck -- -
-A different (colour) kitten.
How to:
-Tell me how much luck you've had.
- Which kitten you want on it.
- Start trade.

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/bump-1-sample.bmp">

- -- Bring up my post -- -
-A different (colour) kitten.
How to:
-Tell me what colour kitten you want and start trade.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-requests.gif">

Temporarily closed

Here you can request kittens that aren't up as samples.
You can ask me to make something that you want especially designed for you.
I will make your request and after I finish it I'll suggest a price.
I can't tell how much time it'll take so there's no regular price.

When request:
-When you want a colour kitten that's not on the samples.
-When you want a different style kitten (siamese/fluffy/etc.)
-When you want something else. Just tell me what you want and I'll give it a shot.
The price isn't set, it all depends on how much work it'll take me.
Once it's finished we'll work out a price.


<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/custom-sample-2.bmp"><img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/custom-sample-4.bmp">

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-donations.gif">

This is the list of all the awesome people that donated 100g or more!
Your help is greatly appreciated (:

woolgather -- -- -- -- --220g
D-Frame -- -- --- -- -- 150g
TigerBitten -- -- -- -- - 100g
Shobu -- -- -- -- -- -- - 700g
Alec Ikiiki -- -- -- - -- - 100g
Alixial Starlin -- --- -- --200g
Gardelin Feanoir -- - 966g <3
Lady Naiya -- -- -- --- - 100g
devotchka2589 -- -- -- -300g
LadyTerentia -- -- -- --- 500g
xXNirvanaXx -- -- -- --- 100g
Nata Kefka -- -- -- -- -- 500g
pirhan -- -- -- -- -- - --- 300g
Emberlynn -- -- -- -- --- 350g
BurgandyLuv -- -- -- --- 150g
Poet#1 -- -- -- -- -- -- - 105g
HikariKaze -- -- -- -- --- 300g
Iz-Woman -- -- -- -- --- 100g
Tamer The TaiYoukai -- 150g
Sailor Kasumi -- -- -- -- 200g
Mau Rin -- -- -- -- -- -- - 200g
Dark Dance -- -- -- -- - 1000g
Faithy -- -- -- -- -- -- --- 200g
Fauste -- -- -- -- -- -- --- 500g
Shadowmyst -- -- -- -- - 100g
NoPhear -- -- -- -- -- --- 100g
Lynya -- -- -- -- -- - -- - 100g
Tangled Puppet -- -- - -- 100g
Lil Shy Girl -- -- -- -- -- - 150g
Bloody Kimono -- -- -- -- 200g
Shavera -- -- -- -- -- -- - 100g
Kikanna Umi -- -- -- -- -- 300g
Miako -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 200g
backwards-rain -- -- -- -- 100g
Anakasha1222 -- -- -- -- 130g
Remia -- -- -- -- -- -- --- 150g
Kiara Lime -- -- -- -- -- - 650g
angel_fairies -- -- -- -- - 120g
Slainte -- -- -- -- -- -- --- 400g
DEMON MASTER1 -- -- - 100g
Patta -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 140g
J4xx0r3nv -- -- -- -- --- 1000g
LLT -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 150g
Seiyoku -- -- -- -- -- -- - 125g
Fallen Angel Chii -- -- -- 100g
Aleczander -- -- -- -- -- 1001g
hirsty Jellybean -- -- -- - 105g
Sajhiri -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 100g

heart Thanks so much ^-^

From now on, all donators who graciously donate 100g or more will recieve a free kitten key chain!
User Image

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-currentquest.gif">

Wooh, I got my devil tail! Thanks so much to everyone who donated,
I owe my omg hat to you, too ^_~
Now I just have to find a new quest... maybe a jack shirt? Or fairy wings...?

Anyway, here's my old quests! ^^</center>

Quest Item 1: OMG hat
Price: +/- 100k
status: Completed
Date: Unknown
Seller: Unknown
Special thanks to: Everyone who donated!

Quest Item 2: Devil tail
Price: +/- 600k
status: Completed
Date: November second
Seller: Zain Akkla <3
Special thanks to: Hawthron, for donating a nm hb!

Quest Item 3: Fairy Wings
Price: 40k
status: Completed
Date: December eleventh
Special thanks to: Everyone who donated ^-^
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-faq.gif">

This is where I answer questions that people might have.
Most of these have been asked by others.</center>

Question: Can I use your kittens on my signature?
Answer: Yes you can, as long as you don't claim them as yours.

Question: Can I use your kittens for my bump?
Answer: As longs as you give me credit and don't claim them as your own.

Question: Can you make me a custom kitten?
Answer: Check the custom kittens post, if it says 'temporarily down' then, no. If there's nothing like that at all, just post what you want (:

Question: Can I direct link?
Answer: No. I delete the kittens from my account as soon as the trade is completed. I need all the space I can get.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-affiliates.gif">

These are my partners in crime, they all own shops, too.
So go there, and buy.. now.

Please do not ask me to be affi's anymore,
unless I really like your shop, I won't oblidge.
This list is getting way too long.. ^^;;

- Durr.. Pets -- Wonderful Foxes, Kittens and bunnies ^-^

- Yum Yum's -- Very cute, Kittens, Foxes, Bunnies and more!

- Starbright Studio's -- Amazing avater art, CG's, Sketches and Chibi's.

- Miruru's shop -- A lot, Pets and Avater dolls!

- Munchie meals -- Play with your food!

- [Tory]'s mini shop -- Wishlists, Animations and more.

- Disco's Tattoo and Piercing Parlor -- Cool Ava edits.

- Kitten's Lil Pixel Shopee -- Lovely Kittens and Avater dolls.

- Clockwork sun -- Loads of tiny animated pets.

- Girls with Kitties -- Get a doll of your ava with a kitten.

- Noir Raven -- Lots of pixel stuff.

- Psychotically Doomed Comics's shop -- Many dfferent things.

- The Kittlez Shoppe -- More extremely cute Kittens!

- Squinty Kitties -- Adorable Kitties, many options!

- Angelbug's Fairy Shop -- The cutest fairy drops you'll ever see.

- Adopt-a-Kitty -- Put together your very own Kitten.

- The Neko Shoppe -- Still more extremely cute kittens.

- C.I.A -- Adorable little sprites you can adopt.

- VanillaSuger & SpiceTea -- A ChobitPixel Boutique ^^;;

- Nocturnal Miyu's Adoptables -- The most awesome bunnies ever!

- Hoofies Stables -- Very cute...uhm.. Hoofies!
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-kittenlinks.gif">

I decided to make a directory of shops that sell kittens,
or kitten-like creatures.
Have fun (:

Shop name: MiniKittis
Shop status: Active
User Image

Shop name: Cute Irresistible Adoptables
Shop status: Active
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Shop name: Squinty Kitties
Shop status: Hiatus
User Image

Shop name: Sweete Harmony
Shop status: Active
User Image

Shop name: Paper Kittens
Shop status: Active
User Image

Shop name: The Pixel Neko Mat
Shop status: Active
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Shop name: Durr... Pets!
Shop status: Active
User Image

Shop name: Adopt a Kitty
Shop status: Closed
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

More to come, ofcourse!
<center><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/Store/banner-linkme.gif">

Please save banner onto your own server.
The second banner is is made by Tory, owner of '[Tory]'s mini shop!' , thanks! ^-^

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/banner-1.bmp">

<img src="http://img36.photobucket.com/albums/v109/twitch_neko/banner.gif">

Disclaimer: The kitten on top of the page belongs to Creepy Kitten.
All other kittens are designed and made by yours truly, so no stealing, please.

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