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Welcome to Relevant Fantasy!
We are glad you're here.

Navigation of the thread:
-Introduction [this post]
-Our Mission
-The Staff
-Information about Relevant Fantasy
-Items we have
-Meet the Owners
-Ugly Blacklist
-Lovely Whitelist
-Advertisement Slots
-Contact Information
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Our mission here at Relevant Fantasy is to help you finish your quest.
We personally know how hard it is to get the items you want with the rising inflation, so we wanted to make a haven from artificial inflation.
Artificial inflation is different from regular inflation- inflation is natural, what with the gold amounts going up for every action we do. It simply cannot be stopped, or not by us, because it is a natural way of the economy.
But artificial inflation is created by users who want a lot of gold for themselves. They buy up all of one item out of the marketplace and then set the price to whatever they want, jacking it up to gigantic proportions.
This is unfair to everyone, and we are putting our feet down.
So we hope you enjoy your break from the marketplace madness. <3
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And now, to introduce the staff.
For now, it's only us, the owners, but in the future, there will [hopefully] be more staff mambers to go here. xD;;

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Owner and creator of the shop.

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Co-Owner of the shop.
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We need your donations.
Unfortunately, we can't just wish for an OMG Hat and have it appear in our inventories. So we are asking you to help us out and donate; that is the only way we can continue our services for you.
We don't accept commons.
I'm sorry, but through previous work with a thread like this, I learned that commons just clutter up the inventory, are hard to keep up with the prices, and we end up getting all the daily chance items dumped on us.
So we'd love it if you would only donate gold, uncommons, rares, or donation items. Thank you so much!

Buying items is easy.
All you have to do is send a trade to me, the mule, and include the item you want in the trade title. Make sure to put the proper amount of gold in the trade, or it will be canceled. ;__;

Flaunt your badge.
What is a badge, you say?
When you request to join as a member to our thread, you will be put down and assigned a badge. The more work you do to promote our shop, the higher badge you will get. Certain level badges allow you to buy certain items, depending on the price.
To earn a higher badge, a few ideas are to put banners for the thread in your signature, make banners for the thread, donate to us, and bump or post a lot. None of these are guaranteed to get you a higher badge right away- you can only earn what you put the effort into.

Join the ranks.
To become a member, please fill out the form below in green size 9 font.
If you fail to adhere to these specifications, we will decline you, no questions asked.

Item you want:
Are you questing for this item?: [Know that if you are not questing for the item, we'd appreciate letting other members that are questing for it have first dibs; we'll probably get the item again, if you request it.]
A thank you for the efforts of this shop:

When you are done filling out this form, please PM it to me, the mule.
Don't post your application, and PLEASE DO NOT PM Ze_Mole or Mufkin. We already have full inboxes, and you will be ignored. D:<

Inactivity is not tolerated.
If you do not come to the shop at least once a month, we will kick you off the member list and you cannot re-join.
This is so the thread doesn't die, and it makes it easier on us when updating the badges if we don't have to sort through one-time visitors.
It is your responsibility to remember to come back, because we don't have time to send you warnings left and right. We might, if we have free time, but don't expect it.

The rules.
Every good thread has rules, so here they are.

-Adhere to the rules of the ToS.
-Keep everything PG-13 and under.
-Be nice. Nobody likes a spoil sport.
-No fighting. Take it outside to a PM if you have to.
-Don't get an item and run off. These are grounds for immediate blacklisting.
-No advertising unless you have a spot in the advertisements section.
-We're selling items for lower than they should be. Love us.
-Have fun! ^^

We want you to be happy.
This thread was made for you, so make the best of it!
Stay and chat- it's a fun way to earn your way to our items.
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All donators will be listed here, along with their contributions.
We will forever love these people. <3

Last updated: 6/10/08

-chainsofdeath~ 1.5k <3
-MlDNlGHT~ 5k <333
-InuSaysLeGasp~ Dark Halo, Thank You Letter for September '07, Thank You Letter for October '07, and lots of tickets <333333
-Peanut3459~ 6k <333
-slapthefatcat2~ Mini UFO and Spirit Falcon <33
-Lily Maple-~ Chubbi Chicky, Cutie Chicky, Baby Chicky, two Detective's Flashlights, Detective's Magnifier, two Gracie's Soccer Balls, Spirited 2k6 Mistletoe, two Heart shaped box of sweets, and Spirited 2k6 Bag <3
-Lost_button~ Oculus Magica, Angelic Microphone, Staff of the Angels, Ace of Spades, Aquatica, Tokens, Tickets, lots of items that were on her account, and 13k <33333333333
-Otaku-Baka~ Thank You Letter for August '07, Thank You Letter for December 2007, and 15k <3333333
-dessertdesiert~ 780g : D
-Escaping the Sanity~ 37,042g <33333
-A Fairytale Princess Charity~ 3k <3
-val_owI~ 7k <3333
-Master Wolfie~ Thank You Letter for April 2008 x4 <333333

Total gold donated: 88,322
Gold for the shop: 207,600
Total gold made from sales: 77,641
Gold spent on items for the shop: 15,200
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The items for sale will be listed here, along with their prices beside them.
They are sorted into categories by badge requirements.

Please note: We only allow you to buy up to 3 items per month- this allows other members to have a chance to buy items too. Don't be greedy, 'kay? : D

Last updated: 6/10/08

Novice Badge Level:
-Baby Chicky~ 50g
-Black Ink~ 40g
-Cap a la Gingerbread~ 1g
-Carrot Nose~ 1g
-Christmas Stocking~ 1g
-Chubbi Chicky~ 50g
-Clock Egg~ 10g
-Cutie Chicky~50g [I'll sell all three for 110g]
-Detective Kit~ 200g
-Detective's Flashlight x 2~ 1g
-Detective's Magnifier~ 2g [All Detective items for 190g]
-Eggnog with Cinnamon Stick~ 1g
-Gingerbread Man Cookie~ 1g
-Gracie's Soccer Ball x 2~ 5g
-Heart shaped box of sweets x 2~ 5g
-Holly Pin~ 1g
-Jingle Bell Earrings~ 1g
-Orange Ink~ 10g
-Red Ink~ 10g
-Spirited 2k6 Bag~ 50g
-Spirited 2k6 Mistletoe~ 50g
-Spirited 2k7 Jeans~ 50g
-Tickets x 270~ 1g each
-Tokens x 1255~ 1g each
-Yellow Ink~ 10g

PROMOTION: Buy all the 2007 Christmas items together and get 40% off the total price! That comes to 34g! Buy them now!

Super Novice Badge Level:
-None yet-

Trainee Badge Level:
-Thank You Letter for April 2008 x 3~ 10,000g
-Thank You Letter for August 2007 x 3~ 12,000g
-Thank You Letter for December 2007~ 11,000g

Candy Striper Badge Level:
-None yet-

Devotee Badge Level:
-Oculus Magica~ 55,000g
-Thank You Letter for May 2007 x 6~ 40,000g
-Thank You Letter for September 2007~ 30,000g

General Badge Level:
-None yet-

Veteran Badge Level:
-Staff of the Angels~ 400,000g

Items recently sold

-Mini UFO
-Tickets x 1141
-Ace of Spades
-Angelic Microphone
-Rock Hard (Demonic Mic)

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This is where you can track your progress, so you know which items you are eligible to buy. You start at the bottom and work your way up. These are the badges you can earn:
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Last updated: 8/12/08

And without further ado, the badge list:

User Image ~ chainsofdeath -questing for Staff of the Angels and 1 million starter clothes
User Image~ City Of Delusion -questing Aquatica
User Image ~ Dessertdesiert -questing for Thank You Letter for May 2007
User Image ~ DeathGuardian -questing Angelic Halo
User Image ~ EscapingTheSanity -questing for Horns of the Demon
User Image ~ Hey Man Sex -questing for Kiki Kitty
User Image ~ in ur dreamz -questing for Prism Butterfly Mantilla
User Image ~ InuSaysLeGasp -no item listed
User Image ~ Kennett -questing 200k tickets
User Image ~ Master Wolfie -questing for Chain of Command
User Image ~ MlDNlGHT -no item listed
User Image ~ Peanut3459 -questing for Jacked-Up Pants
User Image ~ Remugsum -questing for Belted Top and Black Musketeer Boots
User Image ~ RyokenOcean -questing for Solar Cloak
User Image ~ ShadowStalker_ToL -questing Flame Sword
User Image ~ slapthefatcat2 -no item listed
User Image ~ val_owI -questing for Lunar Cloak
User Image ~ 0o Rainbow Poprocks o0 -questing for Masterpiece

Always keep Lost_button in your memories, for although she quit Gaia, she made a huge impact on this thread and we will miss her very much. D: <3
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You Must Be A Member To Join Our Contests

Current Contest:

No current contest is being held.

Past Winners:

The Main Distraction

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This post is dedicated to us, the owners. If you want to know about us, read on. x3

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-My name is Ze_Mole, but you can call me Ze.
-I am married on Gaia to Mufkin. <333
-I am currently questing for an OMG Hat. ;_; <3
-I made the majority of this thread, and I made all the graphics you see on the thread in photoshop, minus the last few banners in the banner section.
-I really like making threads.
-I'm an artwhore. o:
-I'm also a camwhore. So watch out. xD
-My favourite colour is purple, then black.
-I am usually very kind and accepting, but when I get mad, you better watch out. o:
-I want to be a graphic designer and take my own photographs.
-I am a SENIOR in high school! =^^=
-I am currently unemployed, but I hope to change that soon.
-I am addicted to Ragnarok Online, thanks to Mufkin. xD;;

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- My real name is Jesse, but you can call me Mufkin or Jesse.
- I'm married to Ze_Mole.
- I'm in college and hopefully will teach one day.
- I love anime!
- I'm a very kind and loving person,
(I'm going to be a little strict in the thread though)
- My fav. color is red.
- I spend a lot of time on Ragnarok Online.
- I'm an uber leet ninja, aka nerd. Just like Ze~ <3
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Those who break the rules and/or those who show misconduct are banned from this thread.
And thus, the blacklist is born.
(This can be anyone from a novice to a veteran; even a staff member.)

-Insidioustic - For advertising in the shop and being a nuisance to Ze.
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This is our section for people we adore, along with the reason we adore them. <333

-InuSaysLeGasp for donating her Dark Halo so another member can have it for their quest. <33
-Lost_button for donating all her possessions after quitting Gaia to us, including her Staff of Angels. Let's forever remember her for her kindness and generosity. <3333
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All news updates will be posted here.

-4/29/07~ Yay! We're open!
Mufkin and I have been talking about making a thread like this for a while, but we finally got around to it today.
I hope everyone enjoys this thread as much as I know I will.
~Ze <3

-4/30/07~ We got our first item today. =^^=
Mufkin donated to Gaia and got some April letters, so we're selling one of them.
I love my job. <333
~Ze <3

-5/28/07~ It's about time I updated... ^^;;
Anyways, InuSaysLeGasp has donated her Dark Halo so our member questing for the item could buy it. Everyone love her. <333
So yeah, we have that item in stock now. Woot!
~Ze <3

-6/17/07~ Happy Father's Day, everyone!
Make sure to tell your dad Happy Father's Day, and if you can't, well, tell it to some random guy on the streets. xD
~Ze <3

-6/19/07~ The first item was bought from our shop today for 10k!
Maybe now we can start looking into buying one of the cheaper items one of our members is questing for. xD;;
~Ze <3

-6/26/07~ I'm back!
I had my wisdom teeth cut out on Friday, and thought I'm still in a bit of pain, I felt able to finally get online.
Hope for a fast recovery for me, even though I'm a slow healer. ^^;;
~Ze <3

-8/15/07~ Huzzah! We helped Button get her Staff of the Angels today!
Since we're always a bit short on funds, we couldn't buy the staff for her, but we gave her the gold she needed to be able to buy it.
I hope she enjoys it to the fullest. : D
~Ze <3

-9/29/07~ I got on today to find a PM from Lost_button saying that she has quit Gaia. She donated all her items and gold to us, including the Staff of Angels. We will miss her very much, and hope that she is doing well wherever she is.
Thank you Button for your generosity and impact on the thread. <33
~Ze <3

-4/3/08~ I'm leaving for London and Ireland tomorrow, so I'll be gone for about eight days. If you need anything, you can still PM the mule, or PM Mufkin. He'll be taking care of the shop in my absence. I'll be back before you know it. ; D
~Ze <3
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Have a quest thread or shop you want to advertise?
Need a spot to show off your stuff?
Buy an advertisement spot!

For only 500 gold per month, you can get your shop or thread [or anything else] out in the open in this post. You can put whatever you want into your advertisement [keep it PG please], and we will post it, along with your name. Also, if you purchase a spot here, you are allowed to [occasionally] put in a good word for your.. whatever it is you are advertising in the thread.
So make a good investment and advertise with us! : D
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You can contact either of us though the mule, TheseSkittles, through PM.
PLEASE do not PM Ze_Mole; she has enough PMs coming in every day, and her poor inbox can't handle any more messages.
You may, however, PM Mufkin as well as the mule.
PMs won't bother him. ^^
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Anything we didn't already include goes here.

Banners for the shop:

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*made by Ze_Mole*

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*made by EscapingTheSanity*

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*made by Lost_button*

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*made by Fantasy_Dreams515*

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*made by Peanut3459*

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*made by Remugsum*

Art for the shop:

These will be thumbnails- click on them to view the full size image.

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OmfgthisartissogoodIloveit. *squee*
Thank you MlDNlGHT for our first picture! <333

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Awww, it's so adorable.
Thank you MlDNlGHT for this chibi of me and Mufkin while I was out due to my ebil wisdom teeth. ^^

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