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Which Anne?

Murray 0 0.0% [ 0 ]
Of Green Gables 0 0.0% [ 0 ]
Orphan 0 0.0% [ 0 ]
Rand 0 0.0% [ 0 ]
Rice 0 0.0% [ 0 ]
Boleyn 0 0.0% [ 0 ]
Whoever Michael Jackson was singing to 1 100.0% [ 2 ]
Total Votes:[ 2 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 384 385 386 > >> >>> »|

Mr Addams's Wife

Beloved Wife

It's all about...
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you du.
But it's okay, I like it on you.


User Image
Total Value: 118,951 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
White Tied Top
Dried Grass Skirt
Brown Fish Eyes
Sharp Fish Teeth
Canary Yellow Pimpin' Platforms
Wizard's Wand
Black Strapless Bra
Black Leather Belt
Blue Scott Socks
Flower Wrist Band
Yellow Neck Ribbon
#E8E629 Complex Band
Fairy Wings


1. Pie or cake?:
2. Pie or 3.14159...?:
3. Chocolate or vanilla?:
4. Black or white?:
5. Ceiling or floor?:
6. Couch or bed?:
7. Cough or sneeze?:
8. On or off?:
9. Closed or open?:
10. Brush or comb?:
11. Long or short?:
12. Big or small?:
13. Wet or dry?:
14. Under or over?:
15. Top or bottom?:
16. Fly or fall?:
17. Smile or frown?:
18. Tears of joy or tears of sorrow?:
19. Hot or cold?:
20. Warm or cool?:
21. Rough or smooth?:
22. Cat or dog?:
23. Snake or bird?:
24. Shark or T-Rex?:
25. Past or present?:
26. Science fiction or fantasy?:
27. Dull or sharp?:
28. Live forever or die young?:
29. Books or televiion?:
30. Jump or skip?:
31. Fast or slow?:
32. Run or walk?:
33. Guy or girl?:
34. Disney or Warner Brothers?:
35. Belle or Jasmine?:
36. Gaston or Cruella Deville?:
37. Food or friends?:
38. Colors or black and white?:
39. Cute or pretty?:
40. Good or evil?:
41. Fruits or vegetables?:
42. Milk or juice?:
43. Hot chocolate or gingerale?:
44. Beer or wine?:
45. Movies or cartoons?:
46. Pillow or blanket?:
47. Moon or stars?:
48. Sky or sea?:
49. Explode or implode?:
50. What color is the bottom of your tongue?:
51. Your foot?:
52. Do you have any medical problems concerning feet?:
53. Do you secretly fantasize about George W. Bush?:
54. Do you chew on your homework?:
55. Pencils?:
56. Do you read the dictionary?:
57. Encyclopedia?:
58. Atlas?:
59. Road map?:
60. Do you memorize random facts?:
61. Do you stalk anyone?:
62. Does anyone stalk you?:
63. Do you cut the grass with a pair of scissors?:
64. Do you dust your lawn?:
65. Do you collect dust?:
66. Lint?:
67. Baby teeth?:
68. Have you ever thought of becoming a prostitute?:
69. Do you wish prostitution was legal?:
70. Do you use lotion on your feet?:
71. Do you have problems with Canadians?:
72. Mexicans?:
73. Americans?:
74. The French?:
75. The English?:
76. Have you ever played a kazoo?:
77. Have you ever shot someone?:
78. Something?:
79. How many pairs of underwear do you own?:
80. Jeans?:
81. What ring size are you?:
82. Belt size?:
83. Have you ever gotten anything amputated?:
84. Do you have a calendar from 2001 hanging in your room?:
85. Do you eat a lot?:
86. Do you get excited over cameras?:
87. Do you have a strange obsession with pickles?:
88. Poison?:
89. Knives?:
90. Cheese?:
91. Penguins?:
92. Bald people?:
93. Scrawny African children?:
94. Midgets?:
95. Pirates?:
96. Corny jokes?:
97. Are you a virgin?:
98. Are you a hermaphrodite?:
99. Do you tie string to your teeth?:
100. Do you bite yourself?:
101. Cut yourself?:
102. Do you get cold sores often?:
103. Do you have a cold right now?:
104. Do you suffer from chronic migraines?:
105. Do you like to touch sharp objects?:
106. Do you have a twitching problem?:
107. Are you homicidal?:
108. What do you do on the computer?:
109. Anything your parents should know about?:
110. Are you happy with your life?:
111. Is everybody else happy with your life?:
112. Do you like 100% white grape juice?:
113. Do you honestly believe that trees are, in fact, green?:
114. How big is the universe?:
115. What's the logic behind your answer?:
116. How many hours of sleep do you get every night?:
117. What do you dream about?:
118. Anything your parents should know about?:
119. Do you fall for Internet advertisements?:
120. Do you enjoy bungee jumping?:
121. Do you have AIM?:
122. MSN?:
123. YIM?:
124. A Neopets account?:
125. A Vampirefreaks account?:
126. A Quizilla account?:
127. A Bzoink account?:
128. Do you watch bugs crawl on the floor?:
129. Do you follow the bugs that crawl on the floor?:
130. Do you get attacked by ladybugs?:
131. Are you scared of everything that breathes?:
132. Doesn't breathe?:
133. Are you scared of anything at all?:
134. What?:
135. Which cardinal direction do you like best?:
136. Do you have a life?:
137. Do you have a microphone on your computer?:
138. A webcam?:
139. A scanner?:
140. A printer?:
141. A cordless mouse?:
142. Does your mouse light up?:
143. Are you scared of mice?:
144. What kind of computer do you have?:
145. Were you ever physically abused?:
146. Verbally?:
147. Sexually?:
148. Do you wish you were a fish?:
149. A cat?:
150. A dog?:
151. Do you have a cell phone?:
152. What kind is it?:
153. Do you weasel out of things?:
154. Do your teachers like you?:
155. Do your parents like you?:
156. Do your siblings like you?:
157. Does karma, if it exists, love you?:
158. Did you have a tail when you were born?:
159. Do you enjoy school?:
160. Do you sleep under or over the covers?:
161. Do you sleep in a bed?:
162. Do you catch yourself floating at times?:
163. Are you a packrat?:
164. Do you know HTML or CSS?:
165. Do you find yourself chewing on anything your fingers have touched?:
166. Do you shy away from social situations?:
167. Are you obsessed with shiny things?:
168. Are you at least attracted to them?:
169. Do you know what you're going to get for the holidays?:
170. Do you smash guitars or any other type of instrument?:
171. Do you label other people?:
172. Are you proud?:
173. Do you like scrambled eggs?:
174. Do you wash your hands frequently?:
175. Do you wet the bed?:
176. What age did you stop?:
177. Do you lie a lot?:
178. Do you forget to brush your teeth frequently?:
179. Brush your hair?:
180. Do you use deoderant?:
181. Do you masturbate?:
182. How often?:
183. Are you an alcoholic?:
184. A druggie?:
185. Do you drink illegally?:
186. Do you wear underwear?:
187. Do you change your underwear frequently?:
188. Are you a coward?:
189. A loser?:
190. An idiot?:
191. Do you chatspeak?:
192. Are you a bad friend?:
193. Are you untrustworthy?:
194. Unreliable?:
195. Do you pick your nose?:
196. Are you imperfect?:
197. Ugly?:
198. Do you have bad hair?:
199. A big nose?:
200. Are you shallow?:
201. Greedy?:
202. Do you tell people you love them just to get want you want?:
203. Do you have any /important/ talents?:
204. Do you burp often?:
205. Are you impolite?:
206. Disrespectful?:
207. Sadistic?:
208. Are you a pansy?:
209. Are you a conformist? (Hot Topic is a mainstream store, by the way.):
210. Are you a fan of George W. Bush?:
211. Do you have buck teeth?:
212. Acne?:
213. Mental illnesses?:
214. Are you fake?:
215. Does your breath smell?:
216. Do you have a strong body odor?:
217. Do you have bad teeth?:
218. Do you have a bull ring through your nose?:
219. Are you overweight?:
220. Anorexic?:
221. Bulimic?:
222. Do you have a piercing in an inappropriate spot on your body?:
223. A tattoo?:
224. Are you a wannabe?:
225. Do you get bad grades?:
226. What's your IQ level?:
227. Are you a bad guesser?:
228. Are you slow?:
229. Are you bad at reading people?:
230. Are you too nice for your own good?:
231. Do you have a lot of friends?:
232. Do you give in easily?:
233. Are you stubborn?:
234. Are you annoying?:
235. Do you enjoy talking about gross, disturbing things?:
236. Are you a necrophilliac?:
237. Are you incestuous?:
238. Is your room messy?:
239. Do you make fun of other people?:
240. Do you respect your body?:
241. Are you arrogant?:
242. Do you have low self-esteem?:
243. Are you unique?:
244. Are your hands clammy?:
245. Are you short?:
246. Are you freakishly tall?:
247. Do you like Simple Plan?:
248. Do you believe in God?:
249. Do you believe in magic?:
250. True love?:
251. Heaven?:
252. Hell?:
253. Satan?:
254. The Lord and Lady?:
255. The Goddess?:
256. The Greek Gods or Goddesses?:
257. The Pagan Gods or Goddesses?:
258. Are you an atheist?:
259. Agnostic?:
260. Do you believe in fairies?:
261. Dragons?:
262. Unicorns?:
263. Gollums?:
264. Santa?:
265. The Easter Bunny?:
266. The Tooth Fairy?:
267. Pixies?:
268. Phoenixes?:
269. Elves?:
270. Dwarves?:
271. Mermaids?:
272. Karma?:
273. Immortality?:
274. Do you believe in the Aztec Gods?:
275. Mayan Gods?:
276. Incan Gods?:
277. Do you believe that each different belief creates a new reality?:
278. Do you believe in life on other planets?:
279. Do you believe in parallel universes?:
280. Do you believe that black holes are time portals?:
281. Do you believe in Eternity?:
282. Do you believe in evolution?:
283. Do you believe in life after death?:
284. What happens to us after we die?:
285. Do you believe in superheroes?:
286. Super villains?:
287. Do you believe in Fate?:
288. That everything has a purpose?:
289. Do you believe that everything revolves around money?:
290. Sex?:
291. Love?:
292. Success?:
293. Making yourself happy?:
294. Making others happy?:
295. Religion?:
296. Politics?:
297. Do you believe in miracles?:
298. Angels?:
299. Demons?:
300. Ghosts?:

PM me if you finish.
Don't answer it all in one post or I'll kick you in the kidney.
No, I didn't write it. Answer it anyway.


Please put an end to mindless, disruptive, dishonorable, BotBUMPing.
Visit this thread. Keep it alive.
The BOT list

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Purpose of this Thread

Rulez, brah
1.Follow TOS
2.Don't Quote First Post
3.I don't care if you bump, In fact, plz do.
4.None of this "1337" thing you kids are doing these days!
5.Don't be mean, especially not to me.
6.Don't pm me about stupid stuff, unless we're close.
7. Narutards, please practice your faith quietly
8. Got adverts? Share em, sometimes I'll help.
9. keep spam and begging to a minimum
10. Don't stretch pages.

First Poster On
page 10: Mogack
page 20: Mogack (again)
page 30: Okoumorisan15237
On page 100 a random prize will be given to first poster.
(I don't give a damn if you don't like it, sell it, ********.)

User Image

Ayanami00 4laugh (2500 and sum stuffz)
Mogack heart eek (10000)
CrashMD heart xd (10001)
Silvertear heart whee (5000)
Okoumorisan15237 heart (sum wicked shoes)
Master.of.Carvature heart (200)


Started and Overseen by an Associate
Okoumorisan15237s Quest!

User Image
Haha, you got, kicked the ******** out!

[crap]tacular (damn, that didn't take long.)

*subject to change

Events and Details to be Updated WHENEVER THE HELL I FEEL LIKE IT.
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...Your reaction

Sparkly Saint

5,700 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Battle: Cleric 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
OfF WitH THeY'eR HEadS!


BeCAuse I SaId sO ThATs WhY! D<

Aged Noob

REALLY? I DO???? that's so cool!

Mr Addams's Wife

Beloved Wife

x~XAliCe iN WoNdERlaNdx~X
OfF WitH THeY'eR HEadS!


BeCAuse I SaId sO ThATs WhY! D<


7,250 Points
  • The Perfect Setup 150
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Generous 100
I'll bet I smell like perrywinkle 4laugh
Below these sutures...

Good cause,
I love that smell.

...Hate flows like cyanide

Mr Addams's Wife

Beloved Wife

REALLY? I DO???? that's so cool!

I know, right?
That's nice.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

❀Fishie has begun yet another quest.❀

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Yes, yes. Fishie-chan would like Goti Clips and a Courted Ruff

They're very cute, ne?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

And you can get on her death note.

Sorry if this goes against any of the rules this thread might have.


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Dapper Genius

4,000 Points
  • Popular Thread 100
  • Invisibility 100

******** crayons! D:
I knew there was a reason I stopped using them!

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