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You say we need it.

The truth is...

It only creates lies.

It is an illusion.

It can't fight fate.

Can't you see it?
The blackness in the sky.

Our world is doomed.

There is no longer such a thing as joy.

There is no longer such a thing as love.

And there will never be again...

Hope can't save us.

Our future is death.

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Tears of Blood

    :: T o C ::

    [ O ] ___ T o C and the Poem

    [ 1 ] ___ The Story and Plot

    [ 2 ] ___ Rules

    [ 3 ] ___ The World and Profiles

    [ 4 ] ___ The Kingdom of Angels

    [ 5 ] ___ The Kingdom of Demons

    [ 6 ] ___ The Kingdom of Vampires

    [ 7 ] ___ The Kingdom of the Fallen

    [ 8 ] ___ Roleplay Updates

    [ 9 ] ___ White and Black lists
:: The Story ::

    In a dimension far away from the one we meagerly exist in, there is a world of ethereal beings. The myths of creatures with wings, and devils with horns are suddenly all too real. In this world, magic is the law and the definition they are all judged upon. However, there is a history behind them...

    Originally, there were only 2 races: The Angels and The Demons. They were indifferent of eachother, and never bothered for war. It wasn't necessary. The Angels had isolated themselves into a Kingdom in the Sky, far above the reach of the demons. Similarly, the demons retreated underground, a place where the angels never dared to go. They lived ignorant of the other's actions until...

    The Angels saw something that destroyed the purity of their sanctuary. It pierced through their hearts, and everything they had so far believed in.


    User Image

    In the middle of their kingdom, they found the body of an angel. The wings were soaked with blood, and feathers were strewn about.

    The loss of a life was something they had never experienced before. As long as they stayed in health, they had been immortal. Yet, right there, was the proof that they were not. They were in utter desolation, at the thought of the ending of a life. What about her hopes? Her dreams? Aspirations? Love? With just the blade of a sword, everything had come straight to a halt. The value of a life meant so much to them...

    It was unbearable for some. They died of shock or insanity.

    Some others, at the sight of blood, went crazy for it. They developed a longing for bloodlust.

    Eventually, the king of the angels was forced to persecute these angels, before they caused too much trouble. Most of them managed to escape, however, and created their own societies: The Fallen Angels, and the Vampires. They exist seperately, much like the demons and the angels. No one classifies them as one, or even having the same roots.

    Even after the leave of the "insane" angels, there was still turmoil within the Angels. The same question was being asked by everyone: Who did this?!

    It came to be that the Angels blamed the Demons. The Demons claimed that they hadn't done a thing, and this started an argument. Eventually, it grew into a conflict. Thus started the biggest, and only, battle between the kingdoms.

    Although time has now passed, and there is a new generation, no one can forget that cursed day...

    ...And the battle has shown no sign of stopping...

:: The Plot ::

    For now, our setting is one of night. If you are a vampire, I suggest that your character is up and about, since you can't do as much during the day time. Others are simply pondering what is going to happen, and some are preparing for the fight...

    Yes, there will be a fight the next morning.
    Don't worry; I have events other than battle planned!

- - x - -

Tears of Blood

    [ O ] ___ T o C and the Poem

    [ 1 ] ___ The Story and Plot

    [ 2 ] ___ Rules

    [ 3 ] ___ The World and Profiles

    [ 4 ] ___ The Kingdom of Angels

    [ 5 ] ___ The Kingdom of Demons

    [ 6 ] ___ The Kingdom of Vampires

    [ 7 ] ___ The Kingdom of the Fallen

    [ 8 ] ___ Roleplay Updates

    [ 9 ] ___ White and Black lists
:: Rules ::

    One ::

    I will not tolerate even semi-literate people!
    In case you didn't know, being literate means that...

    You DON'T use asterixs for actions
    All dialogues are in quotations
    You use COMPLETE sentences, but not run-ons
    You don't go crazy with emoticons
    You mark your OOC's somehow
    All thoughts are in italics
    You use correct punctuation!
    Don't be afraid to use grown-up, descriptive, words!
    Write in third person, PAST TENSE

    If I catch you use IM lingo more than 3 times, you're out of here.
    Oh, the literacy rules don't apply for OOC, for the most part...

    Two ::

    I know when you're godmodding, so don't try to fake me.
    I will tell you when you're godmodding, and if you don't stop after 3 warnings, you will be blacklisted.

    Three ::

    This goes along with Rule 2
    You may not hit other characters when in a battle
    To avoid this, I would like to keep battles in future tense
    It actually does work, although it can get confusing.
    Just try your best with this, please

    Four ::

    Just because violence is involved doesn't mean I encourage, or allow you, to go around destroying things.

    Five ::

    Five is an interesting number. If you change the first letter "F" to a "G", it becomes GIVE. If you change the "G" to an "L", it becomes LIVE. If you change the "I" to an "O", it becomes LOVE. I happen to enjoy these little word games. ^^

    Six ::

    I am allowing it, but please, you people are intelligent.
    I'm sure your brains can come up with words that aren't swear words

    Seven ::

    If you don't like the way I run things, then don't join.
    It's that simple.
    I reserve the right to change any rules at any time I want.
    Also, highlight the line DIRECTLY UNDER THIS ONE. Or I will ignore you~

    PM me your profile with the title "Weapons only create blood"

    Eight ::

    Otherwise what's the point in joining?
    Don't forget to make this fun for others by interacting with them.
    Thanks for reading my rules~

- - x - -

Tears of Blood

    [ O ] ___ T o C and the Poem

    [ 1 ] ___ The Story and Plot

    [ 2 ] ___ Rules

    [ 3 ] ___ The World and Profiles

    [ 4 ] ___ The Kingdom of Angels

    [ 5 ] ___ The Kingdom of Demons

    [ 6 ] ___ The Kingdom of Vampires

    [ 7 ] ___ The Kingdom of the Fallen

    [ 8 ] ___ Roleplay Updates

    [ 9 ] ___ White and Black lists
:: The World ::

    The Kingdom of Angels ::

    Is located in the sky, high above the clouds.
    It is also referred to as "Heaven", although it isn't as much of a paradise now.

    Angels have now evolved into a fierce species, soaring the sky with their wings, and taking their enemies by surprise. They are known for their use of arrows from the sky, and swooping down to attack enemies below them.

    Their main weakness is the darkness, because it confuses their senses
    Some still fear the sight of blood...
    It seems like a terrible omen, to them.

    The Kingdom of Demons ::

    Is located underground, in the depths of darkness.
    It is also referred to as "Hell", although their cruelty doesn't surpass that of the angels...much.

    Demons have become a very feared species. Everyone knows that a demon is skilled with a dagger, and the use of black magic. Some aren't much more than brute savages, but others are cunning and evil.

    Their main weakness is the light, because it blinds them.
    Not just in sight, but just overall
    They aren't used to purity, although kindness is often found in their kingdom

    They absolutely despise angels, and believe them to be the starters of war...

    Kingdom of Vampires ::

    Is located West of the valley in which the battle takes place.

    As the stories tell, vampires do suck blood to survive.
    However, they often kill their own kin.
    The ways of the vampire hold secrets that I don't wish to tell...

    But a vampire bite won't turn you into a vampire.

    Vampires have become known for their...unique way of combat. They incorporate their ability to transform into a bat with their fights. Their weapons are often encrusted with rubies, or other precious gems, for some unknown reason...

    Vampire fear the daylight, simply because no one from their family has ever dared to venture outside during the daylight.
    Most vampires haven't become involved with the great fight, however, the nobles certainly want some of the action...
    And perhaps a chance to take over the rest of the land.

    The Kingdom of the Fallen ::

    Is located East of the valley in which the great battle takes place.
    No one really bothers about attacking them directly, as fortifications are very secure.

    The Fallen were forever unacknowledged, until just recently. While the angels and demons were off doing their own thing, the Fallen had grown to a surprising amount. The began training their species to fight, and they are formidable enemies. They are most noted for their use of magic, and their speed. They can use almost any weapon, but it depends on how they're built.

    The Fallen fear themselves, because of the confusion mixed inside of them.
    Some believe they have no purpose for existence.
    What were they?
    Demons in disguise?
    Or simply angels with a black desire?

    This inner conflict often tears them apart, and others like to exploit this weakness.

:: Profiles ::

    Follow this skeleton please...

[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Magical Powers:[/b]
[b]Quote or Saying:[/b]

    Username: Your username. Obviously.
    Character name: The name of your character.
    Gender: Male or Female
    Age: Keep it between 14-20, if you can. I don't particularly care, but that age makes things easier.
    Status: Are you royalty?* Are you a Warrior? What is your position? Why do you make a difference in your Empire?
    Kingdom: Angels, Demons, Fallen, or Vampires. This also decides your race.
    Weapon: Everyone has the basics. If there is a special ONE you would like to mention...
    Magical Powers: Once again, everyone has the basics. Anything that is particularly excelled in, or unique...The max is 3
    Personality: I don't want words. I want at least a paragraph!
    Bio: Give me something! Where did your character come from? Why do they bother to fight? What do they believe is the outcome of the war? Don't say 'Will be defined in rp' because I won't accept you.
    Quote or Saying: Just a little something~
    Appearance: IT MUST BE A PICTURE. I will put it in link form if you don't know how, but NO DESCRIPTIONS. And it can't be your avi, either.

    *= I will allow up to 2 princesses and 2 princes for each kingdom. There is only 1 heir, and it's first come first serve. Got it? Don't complain to me if you don't get your spot! Oh, let's not forget the kings and queens! It would make things easier if the parents were dead...
    But if you want to be a king/queen, go right ahead.

    Also, if there is a princess/prince before you, you must base your history on them. For example, if the person before you says that the parents are dead, your parents must be dead. Obviously, you must be blood-related. I'd prefer it if it wasn't a messy "2nd cousin's twice removed brother's best friend." OK?

    NOTE: Everyone fights in a valley on land. You guys can name it what you want, but it has to be the same name.

    ~PM all profiles to me. If you don't know what to title the PM, read the rules over again~


    We have...

    2 Angels (1 princess)
    2 Demons (1 princess)
    2 Vampires (2 princesses :: Heir to the throne taken)
    4 Fallen Angels (1 princess :: Heir to the throne taken)

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Tears of Blood

    [ O ] ___ T o C and the Poem

    [ 1 ] ___ The Story and Plot

    [ 2 ] ___ Rules

    [ 3 ] ___ The World and Profiles

    [ 4 ] ___ The Kingdom of Angels

    [ 5 ] ___ The Kingdom of Demons

    [ 6 ] ___ The Kingdom of Vampires

    [ 7 ] ___ The Kingdom of the Fallen

    [ 8 ] ___ Roleplay Updates

    [ 9 ] ___ White and Black lists
:: The Kingdom of Angels ::

Username: Raine-kun
Character name: Raine
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Status: Princess
Kingdom: Angel
Weapon: Bracelet
Magical Powers: Wind Control and weather control
Personality: She's very kind and loves to help. She doesn't like what her kingdom has become and wants to help make it better. She wishes she could have been around when the killing happend. She has the notion she could have prevented it or helped her fellow angels out.
Bio: She holds the sad memory of when the first angel was killed. She didn't directly witness it but she's been showed many times. Blood dosen't scare her as much as it does other angels but it does disgust her. She practices fighting every day so she can help when they fight the demons and others. She has 2 Sai, 2 small metal fans, 1 giant fan,a ring blade and a guan dao which she can infuse with wind and make it more powerful. They are all transformed into gems which she can activate at any time. She mainly fights with the guan dao though. She's practiced the most with it.
Quote or Saying: "The end will come eventually. Until then, let us wait for it in peace."
Appearance: Raine and her outfit

Username: pokkypok
Character name: Kuraiko Mitsukai
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Status: Warrior
Kingdom: Kingdom of the Angels
Weapon: Bow and Arrow. She can retract the bow so it become a small object about the size of a swiss army knife.
Magical Powers: She can make them faster, slower, she can manipulate the arrows to follow any course, as long as it is within 100 meters of her. She can try to retrieve an arrow off of the ground, but it is easier in the air. Getting an arrow off the ground requires a great deal of concentration, and it would leave her vulnerable to attacks. She hasn't worked on developing other magic skills, although she is working on making things invisible to the naked eye
Personality: Kuraiko is a quiet, anti-social girl. She doesn't like to interact with others. She doesn't show much emotion, even though she still feels it. The sight of blood doesn't upset her. She thinks its just a way to tell if you hit your target or not. Kuraiko believes that everything happens for a reason. There is no such thing as miracles. The world is how it is, and no one can change that. If someone could, the war would probably be over by now. She believes the angel found dead was being punished for sinning. She must have deserved it. Kuraiko doesn't hold any personal grudge against the demons, but believes the only way for the war to be stopped it to destroy the other forces. She prefers long-ranged fighting, for it allows her to plan strategies instead of just duking it out with swords or fists.
Bio: Kuraiko has been an orphan ever since her parents abandoned her at the age of 5 for an unknown reason. She didn't have any friends because of her reclusive personality. Ever since she was abondoned, she was alone. She had nothing to do but think. She tried to decide the reason she was alone. She just wanted to know why she was the only one alone. Had she done something wrong? Was she bad? Did she not belong? She never once blamed her parents, only herself. She felt worthless, and believed herself to be a mistake. Kuraiko cried alone and drowned in her own sorrow. Eventually she had to face the fact that crying would get her nowhere. Crying would not solve her problems. She was left alone for a reason, even though it was unknown to her. She enrolled in the army at the age of 9. She trained with a bow for a few years. When she finally hit a bullseye, it made her feel that she had accomplished something. It gave her mind peace. It helped her realize she had found a reason to remain in this world. To fight, and help the angels win this war. She fights to win, and knows that she may die in the process. Her life doesn't matter to her and knows no one would care if she died. She isn't afraid to take risks during battle, as long as she gets the job done. She is not afraid to kill, but it still hurts her if one of her comrades died. She pretends not to care, but inside she hates to see people close to her die. Kuraiko avoids making friends, for it would only hurt her if they were to die.
Quote or Saying: "Things happen for a reason. Don't complain about the past, there's nothing you can do about it."
Appearance: Kuraiko [x]

- - x - -

Tears of Blood

    [ O ] ___ T o C and the Poem

    [ 1 ] ___ The Story and Plot

    [ 2 ] ___ Rules

    [ 3 ] ___ The World and Profiles

    [ 4 ] ___ The Kingdom of Angels

    [ 5 ] ___ The Kingdom of Demons

    [ 6 ] ___ The Kingdom of Vampires

    [ 7 ] ___ The Kingdom of the Fallen

    [ 8 ] ___ Roleplay Updates

    [ 9 ] ___ White and Black lists
:: The Kingdom of Demons ::

Username: [Song-of-the-Day]
Character name: Ari Stelle
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Status: Spy/warrior
Kingdom: Demon
Weapon: Five dagger like extensions that protrude from her fingers
Magical Powers: Manipulation and control of lightning and ice
Personality: Quiet and watchfull. She won't often talk to someone unless they adress her first. She has a dark sence of humor, and usually is on the sarcastic side. She hates it when she has nothing to do, so she is almost always finding new ways to make herself bussy, avoiding bordom. When you get to know her she can be kinda silly, and if she drinks to much then, like most, she becomes light-headed, telling the world what she thinks of it and tripping all over herself in the process.
Bio: Her mother was killed long ago and her father was abusive... not something that was uncommon in the kingdom of the demons, but she hated it. At the age of fifteen, she murdered the man and started to train herself. Her skills with the blade were pitifull until she met a teacher. With her meager skills and feirce determination, she became one of the top sword weilders in the kingdom. She could shift her shape to anything or anyone that she had touched before, and was stealthy, so she became a spy.
Quote or Saying: " 'Do so' is more than 'say so'."
Ari [x]

With wings and horns [x]

Username: sambff
Character name: Sami Skull
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Status: Princess
Kingdom: Demon
Weapon: Bow and arrow
Magical Powers: Healing spells and invisibility
Personality: Sami isn't always that bad. She isn't as evil as others in the kingdom although she is still young. She loves to play her flute especially because it reminds her of her mother. She is a very warm and welcoming person unlike her father. She is very stubborn like her mother as the people of the kingdom says. Sami always belives in herself no matter what happens.
Bio: Sami's mother died when she was 6. Her father says that her mother died in a war, but something tells Sami that isn't the truth. Her father is always cruel to everyone. He is also very strict to Sami. Her mother was exactly the opposite of her father. In fact, Sami's mother was actually an angel. Sami's mother once said that Sami has a twin sister, but was killed at birth.
Quote or Saying: "Act if it were impossible to fail."
Appearance: Sami [x]

- - x - -

Tears of Blood

    [ O ] ___ T o C and the Poem

    [ 1 ] ___ The Story and Plot

    [ 2 ] ___ Rules

    [ 3 ] ___ The World and Profiles

    [ 4 ] ___ The Kingdom of Angels

    [ 5 ] ___ The Kingdom of Demons

    [ 6 ] ___ The Kingdom of Vampires

    [ 7 ] ___ The Kingdom of the Fallen

    [ 8 ] ___ Roleplay Updates

    [ 9 ] ___ White and Black lists
:: The Kingdom of the Vampires ::

Username: Vampress Isabella
Character name: Isabella Collette Montague
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Status: Princess of the Vampires. Warrior. She is always the first one in battle, leading other warriors bravely into the fight. She has a record of victory and refuses to let it be any other way.
Kingdom: Vampire
Weapon: Ruby encrusted dagger with a diamond blade.
Magical Powers: Mind reading and Telekinesis (The ability to move things with her mind)
Personality: She is cold and distant to any other race, especially the angels. She is strong, courageous, and always ready to go into battle. To other Vampires she is kind, loyal, and always willing to help out another in need. She is sometimes considered bossy because she tells it how it is, no matter who she is talking to. She is a fierce leader who puts all her efforts into winning the war for the vampires. All respect her, and many fear her.
Bio: She is a vampire, born into royalty. Her parents and family were destroyed by the angels and now she wants to avenge them and prove that Vampires are superior. She believes the Vampires will win the war, due to her, and that she will become the leader of the Kingdom.
Quote or Saying: "Power belongs to those who know how to use it."
Appearance: Isabella [x]

Username: xSoul_Tormenterx
Character name: Drea Furuchi
Gender: Female
Age: Looks to be around 20
Status: Princess, heir to the thorn but refuses to do her duties as one. She is one of the most skilled vampires in the kingdom. She was taught everything about hand to hand combat and everything there is to know about weapons from her father. But even so her favorite of all weapons it the katana with a red gem at the hilt of it which inhanses her powers.
Kingdom: Vampires
Weapon: Her katana
Magical Powers: Being that Drea is a Vampiric Angel she has some powers that no normal vampire has. With the red gem on her katana she has a power that she calls Nightmare. ((Nightmare: the ability to tap into the hidden fears of her targets)) she also can fade into the shadows and lastly the power to control over Energy.
Personality: Drea has always come off as a b***h when first met by someone. But give her time and depending on the person she can really be sweet and gentle. She is always alert to her surroundings and quick on her feet.
Bio: Drea wasn't always from the kingdom of the of the vampires. In fact her mother was a angel who became a fallen angel when she fell in love with a vampire. Drea's mother became pregnant and had Drea. Drea was now not only a angel but she also possesses the powers of a vampire. When the fellow angels saw what she had given birth too. They killed Drea's mother and tried to kill Drea but before they were able to get to her. Her father took her and kept her face in the vampire kingdom. Now though both the angel's and vampire don't like the idea of having a Cursed Vampiric Angel among them. She is the heir to the thorn and even though Drea hates the idea she knows she has no choice. Besides being what she is she is about the only one in the vampires that can walk in the daylight without anything happening to her. That and the fact she is more powerful then most of the other vampires....especially as long as she carries her katana with the red gem.
Quote or Saying: She has a habbit of saying "Troublesome" when things are well...troublesome
Appearance: Drea [x]

- - x - -

Tears of Blood

    [ O ] ___ T o C and the Poem

    [ 1 ] ___ The Story and Plot

    [ 2 ] ___ Rules

    [ 3 ] ___ The World and Profiles

    [ 4 ] ___ The Kingdom of Angels

    [ 5 ] ___ The Kingdom of Demons

    [ 6 ] ___ The Kingdom of Vampires

    [ 7 ] ___ The Kingdom of the Fallen

    [ 8 ] ___ Roleplay Updates

    [ 9 ] ___ White and Black lists
:: The Kingdom of the Fallen ::

Username: starlight_hoshi77
Character name: Hoshi
Gender: Female
Age: 16 and 1/2
Status: Princess of the Fallen; Heir to the Throne
Kingdom: Kingdom of the Fallen
Weapon: A large double bladed staff
Magical Powers: Hoshi is advanced when it comes to healing, but she is also skilled in combining her powers with fighting. She can read and control minds as well, which help a great deal in interrogation.
Personality: Hoshi is quiet, and to others, seems rather fragile. She avoids loud noises and people outside of her kingdom. However, she is a kind and caring person who has the will to fight. Her intelligence is what makes her people admire her, however, some are disgusted by her deep longing for peace.
Bio: Hoshi's parents died in battle. While her brother went to military school, she was left alone. This is how she learned to battle the turmoil housed within her, and kept a clear conscience. In solitude, she also learned how to hone her magic. It is her greatest weapon, and she can use it for almost anything.
Quote or Saying: "You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you are all the same."
Appearance: Hoshi on the moon [x]

Username: Shattered_Blade
Character name: Zero Beoulve
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Status: High-class Warrior/Mercenary
Kingdom: The Fallen
Magical Powers:
Personality: Zero is a kind man, though fierce in battle. He holds his allies and comrades in high regard. His fame and high skill don't affect his ability to be human and civil. He's as good a man as can be for one of his rank.
Bio: He grew up in a miliray academy, though he's never abided by all the protocols and things of the like. He's been an individual all his life despite his conditions of living. His parents were murdered three years before the present time, but he never let it get to him. He has always been a warrior as heart.
Quote or Saying:
Appearance: Zero [x]

Username: slain ninja
Character name: Tony Albourne
Gender: male
Age: 18
Status: Aerial Warrior
Unlike most of the army that fights on the ground, Tony is an Aerial Warrior. He attacks swiftly from the air with his katana or marasume blade, and can perfrom more complex forms of attack while hovering. His skills are also applied to ground combat...
Kingdom: Fallen
Weapon: Katana (Marasume Blade)
Magical Powers: He can control shadows around him, manipulating them, changing their shapes, making them 3D beings rather than flat. He can control them at a distance are become one with the shadow being controling it in a way that others could only imagine. Because of this unique ability to control shadows he can also enter the shadow world and use it to travel from one place to another using shadows like windows, he sinks within a shadow, generaly his own and then chooses a shadow and emerges from it like a window. He doesn't classify this as magic though...
He can also put uip a barrier around his mind, preventing anyone from reading or controlling it.
Personality: Although known for being ruthless and bloodthirsty within battle this is only one side of him. Other than that he is actually a mysterious man. His background and past are a blur to everyone, including himself. He likes to spend time alone and training with his newly acquired marasume blade. He has a tendency to charge into battle without waiting for the ''green light'', so to speak. This has often got him into a lot of trouble in the past with those that are higher in command. He speaks very rarely but when he does it is always of relevance and of, more often than not, great importance...
Bio: It has been said that Tony had traded in his feathered wings for those that would often be called 'demonic'. This may or may not be true, however, they serve him well with his role within the kingdom. He has always had a thirst for bloodshed and battle, even from an early age. He has mastered the use of the katana with the help of 2 mentors that were recently died within battle. He hasbeen training with a marasume blade and is coming on quite well with it. He has begun using it where battles are concerned...it seems to work very well. As for his actual past, he has very few memories of his childhood. His mother and father are compleetly blanked out from his memory for unknown reasons...
Quote or Saying: "Death is only the beginning..."
Appearance: Tony Albourne [x]

Username: DarknessRevival
Character name: Lucien Laguight
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Status: Warlock
Kingdom: The Fallen
Weapon: Scythe
Magical Powers:
Shadowcraft - The ability to bend/create shadows at his will. Can become solid for shields or bonding or a shadow screen for escapes.
Personality: Dark, sadistic... The words could go on to describe him. The 'demon in disguise' people call him. Please, demons are brutish in his opinion while the angels are misguided. He is beyond the class of good and evil, choosing the path of wisdom instead of power or enlightenment. If he is destined to be hated because of it, then let them. He could care less for ignorance. He is, however sinister, kind in some ways. If his own people need him, say a charity, he will donate. He provides guidence and kind words if needed. He can also be a romantic and charismatic, but generally is sadistic and cold.
Bio: He used to be part of the angelic kingdom in his youth. As he grew, however, he began to question more and more of the light teachings of the angels. The darkness wasn't all that bad was it. His parents warned him not to go to it. They even questioned his powers. Darkness was evil. So therefore, if he ruled it like he did, he was evil. They tried to keep him away from it, but he thought of it as a tool. Why be blessed with powers that he cannot use? So he left, going to the Fallen so that he may better use his gifts without being shunned for it.
Quote or Saying: "Light and darkness are parallel. To have one outweigh the other will kill us all."
Appearance: Lucien [x]

- - x - -

Tears of Blood

    [ O ] ___ T o C and the Poem

    [ 1 ] ___ The Story and Plot

    [ 2 ] ___ Rules

    [ 3 ] ___ The World and Profiles

    [ 4 ] ___ The Kingdom of Angels

    [ 5 ] ___ The Kingdom of Demons

    [ 6 ] ___ The Kingdom of Vampires

    [ 7 ] ___ The Kingdom of the Fallen

    [ 8 ] ___ Roleplay Updates

    [ 9 ] ___ White and Black lists
:: Roleplay Updates ::

    O1/15/O7 ::

    Yay! The roleplay has started!

    NOTE: I am adding a few features to the profile!
    If you are already accepted, PLEASE PM me with the additional info!
    Thank you.

    ~I will keep updating this post as the roleplay takes off~

    O1/22/O7 ::

    Too many powers are being repeated!
    Let me clarify a few things:

    1. Your weapon must be an actual weapon, i.e., swords, daggers, katanas.
    NO GUNS.

    2. The power for control over shadows and mind control/mind reading have been repeated excessivley. No more. NO EXCEPTIONS. Also, when it comes to powers, be creative! Don't settle for simple elements, because your magic powers are your trump card in battle. OK?

- - x - -

Tears of Blood

    [ O ] ___ T o C and the Poem

    [ 1 ] ___ The Story and Plot

    [ 2 ] ___ Rules

    [ 3 ] ___ The World and Profiles

    [ 4 ] ___ The Kingdom of Angels

    [ 5 ] ___ The Kingdom of Demons

    [ 6 ] ___ The Kingdom of Vampires

    [ 7 ] ___ The Kingdom of the Fallen

    [ 8 ] ___ Roleplay Updates

    [ 9 ] ___ White and Black lists
:: White List ::

    If you get put on this list, then it means you are a good person, and I appreciate something you've done. ^^

:: Black List ::

    If you get put on this list, it means I have banned you from the rp. You definitely don't want to be here!

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Tears of Blood

    [ O ] ___ T o C and the Poem

    [ 1 ] ___ The Story and Plot

    [ 2 ] ___ Rules

    [ 3 ] ___ The World and Profiles

    [ 4 ] ___ The Kingdom of Angels

    [ 5 ] ___ The Kingdom of Demons

    [ 6 ] ___ The Kingdom of Vampires

    [ 7 ] ___ The Kingdom of the Fallen

    [ 8 ] ___ Roleplay Updates

    [ 9 ] ___ White and Black lists
It was a full moon that night. The Demons would have a chance to practice their black magic. The Angels would be safely tucked into their beds, trying their best to forget the crimson stained battlefield. The vampires would roam, finally free of the hideous sunlight. And the Fallen Angels would simply gaze out at the stars, wondering what to do, like always. Everyone would be waiting for the next day. Another day at war, and another day of loss. After all, death could be just around the corner. The corner in which mystery was forever suffused...

..and where answers would lay forever untouched.

~Thread officially opened~
Zero looked around at his unit's encampment. His numbers were decreasing by the day. Compared to the several thousand he'd had in his command when he began, there were about one thousand left. If they weren't careful, they could all be lost within a day or two. 'I need to stop leading them to their doom...That, or I should fight harder and defend them...' His unit was asleep, aside form the night watchmen. they were stationed in strategic places thoroughout the area so as not to be seen or ambushed.
Raine was staring out at the stars. She was tired of war. Why can't we all just get along? she thought to herself. It would make matters so much easier. She pulled a jewel off her bracelet and it turned into a sai. She spun it around and around until she heard a voice behind her. "Princess, are you ready to go over battle plans for tomorrow?" He asked. She turned to see a guard. "Yes I am..." Raine responded standing up and following the guard to a tent. The commander bowed as she stepped in. "I suggest attacking at dawn. Most of their commanding officers will be just getting up or still asleep." Raine analyzed the page.
"I like it. Will I be leading."
"No princess. You will lead the second bracket." He replied.
"Alright...Good night commander." She said as she walked out of the tent.
Isabella paced in her encampment. She was frustrated that the others could fight during the day while she was reduced to sneaking around during the night, attacking without a fair fight. She pulled out her ruby encrusted dagger and flung it at the table. She prepared herself for tonight's attack and removed her dagger from the table. She grabbed her sword, the blade made of diamond and the handle of gold encrusted with rubies. She left her tent and went to awake her troops. She found her second in command and told him to spread word of the surprise attack on the Kingdom on the Fallen.
{ I haven't posted on my own roleplay! }

Hoshi gazed out the window, up at the stars. Even from their great distance, she could smell the tainted crimson floating from the battlefield. Everyone would return to the fight tomorrow, and she was not looking forward to it. Her brother was the one who led the army, but she and her elite soldiers were expected to be on defense of the city. Which was technically better. She was more defense than offense, anyways. She stared longingly at the moon, jealous of its indifference towards time and the rest of humanity. "I can no longer hold off my fears..." she said to herself quietly. As she swept one final glance of the looming black gate outside, she shut the window and sat on her bed, left alone in the night with her thoughts.

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