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will u be happy when the quiz is over?

YES 0.25817464127594 25.8% [ 4840 ]
No 0.061929908785406 6.2% [ 1161 ]
No Comment 0.23273057022457 23.3% [ 4363 ]
Hell Yeah 0.12305968955033 12.3% [ 2307 ]
Bump 0.32410519016376 32.4% [ 6076 ]
Total Votes:[ 18747 ]


Ok happy people this is what u have to do, answer the questions in SEPARATE POSTS!!! In order to get the prize (money, clothes, or a donation it’s my choice) you will see your gold grow and grow as u answer these questions

heart Have Fun... heart

1. How much gold do you have?
2. How much gold do you wish to have?
3. Are you questing something?
4. If so what?
5. How much more gold do you need till you have enough to get your questing item?
6. Whats the first letter of your first name?
7. Can you stand on your hands?
8. How many seconds?
9. how old are you?
10. What is the most interesting thing you've done today?
11. Do you ever find pictures in the clouds?
12. Do you remember your dreams?
13. What are some of your dreams? (If you cant remember your dreams just scream)
14.Do you dream in color or black and white?
15. Which is your favorite emotion?
16. Have you ever been out of the country?
17. If so where? (If not punch yourself in the face)
18. Do you like pocky?
19. What time is it where you are?
20. What is your favorite brand of shoes?
21. Can you multi task?
22. Do you shave your legs?
23. Who are you with right now?
24. Who do you wish you were with right now?
25. What was the last thing you read?
26. What type of car do you drive, or if you don't drive, what type of car do you want to drive?
27. Do you prefer reading or watching television?
28. What is your favorite forum?
29. Why do you like that forum?
30. What was the last forum you posted in?
31. Do you prefer shoes, sandals, or bare-feet?
32. What is the fourth letter of your state (or province)?
33. Witch color do you mostly type in?
34. What is your favorite song?
35. How do you like your hamburgers?
36. Who do you love?
37. Who is your favorite author?
38. What toppings would you have on your pizza?
39. Do you like macaroni and cheese?
40. Whats the weather like outside?
41. Why do you like Gaia?
42. How long have you been a member of Gaia?
43. Do you like candles or electric lights better?
44. Whats the most romantic setting?
45. Whats your favorite sport to watch?
46. Glasses, contacts, or neither?
47. Have you eaten since you took this quiz?
48. If so what? (If not wish you had)
49. Was it good?
50. Can I have some?
51. Do you like jump drives?
52. What are you afraid of?
53. At the grocery store, do you pick paper or plastic bags?
54. Are you right or left handed?
55. Do you flame much?
56. Do you receive flames often?
57. What pets do you have?
58. How many pets do you have?
59. What are their names?
60. Is there a pet you wish you had?
61. Which is your least favorite emotion?
62. Boxers, briefs, underwear or thongs? (If you go commando slap yourself)
63. Would you rather play, or listen to music?
64. What kind of toothpaste do you use?
65. Have you ever Prank Called Someone?
66. Have you ever prank called 911? ((not a good idea))
67. Have you ever called 911 because it was a real emergency?
68. Do you have a messy room?
69. What is your deepest darkest secret ever? ((dont have to tell if you dont want to))
70. Have you ever eaten squid?
71. What color is your hair?
72. What color are your eyes?
73. Do you look anyting like your avatar?
74. What are you currently saving up for in real life?
75. Have you ever played Neopets?
76. If you have, what did you think about it?
77. How many cousins do you have?
78. What language do you want to learn?
79. Do you cuss often?
80. What color are the pants you are currently wearing? 81. Got a piercing?
82. Cut your own hair?
83. Made a parent cry?
84. Cried over someone?
85. Owned more than 5 sharpies?
86. Dated someone more than once?
87. Had/Have a dog?
88. Smoked a cigarette?
89. Been in a band?
90. Drank 25 sodas in a day?
91. Broken a CD?
92. Shot a gun?
93. Wanted someone but could never have them?
94. If so who?
95. Ever kissed some one you never knew?
96. touge kiss a boy/girl?
97. If so how did it taste?
98. Would you do it again?
99. Are you glad you are almost done with this quiz?
100. Do you like gum and if so what kind?
101. What is your least favorite day of the week?
102. If you could change your name, what would it be?
103. What is the most frequently used button on your keyboard?
104. Do you have long or short hair?
105. Are you a virgin?
106. What year were you born?
107. Concrete or Asphalt?
108. Are your parents married or divorced?
109. MP3 or compact discs?
110. What are you allergic to? (If your allergic to nothing just sneeze)
111. How much gold do you have now?
112. Who is you favorite actress/actor?
113. Is this boring?
114. do you wish me to stop now?
115. What is your dream career?
116. Have you ever been arrested?
117. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in real life?
118. Do you believe in having boyfriend/girlfriend? On here (I think that Gaia is not a dating service)
143. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? (On here)
119. Whats your favorite Movie?
120. TV show?
121. Color?
122. Number?
123. Book?
124. Game?
125. Band?
126. Song?
127. Animal?
128. Person?
129. Sport?
130. Season?
131. Why are you doing this?
132. What one thing on Gaia do you want the most?
133. Do you like Wal-Mart?
134. How tall are you?
135. what kind of computer do you have?
136. How many friends do you have on Gaia?
137. How many items do you have?
138. How many items to you have equipped right now?
139. Do you do surveys often?
140. Have you made your own survey before?
141. What do you mostly do on Gaia?
142. Do you role play?
143. How many characters have you played?
144. Are you new to Gaia?
145. Do you like to draw?
146. Are you enjoying the survey?
147. Whats in your sig right now?
148. Has your sig always been the same?
149. If it hasn't, what has it been before?
150. Do you change your avi a lot?
151. Do you fish on here?
152. If so, gotten any rares?
153. What kind of rod do you have?
154. Witch rod do you think is the best?
155. Have you exchanged any fish for anything good?
156. How many rare events have you gotten?
157. Have you ever played slots?
158. Have you gotten anything with your tickets?
159. Are you saving up your tickets for something?
160. If so what?
161. Are you a boy or a girl?
162. Do you have a journal?
163. If not did you know you can have one?
164. If you have a journal how many times have you posted in your journal?
165. Have you ever done the hang out thing?
166. If so, have you done today?
167. Are you apart of a guild?
168. Do you own a guild?
169. If you are apart of more then one guild, how many are you apart of?
170. What are they called?
171. Do you have a house on gaia?
172. If you do, does it have a lot of stuff in it?
173. Do you own a shop?
174. Do you like using the emoticons?
175. Are you a poll whore?
176. Have you gone poll whoreing lately?
177. Have you been in an avi contest before?
178. Are you engaged?
179. Are you married?
180. If so, congrats! Do you have kids?
181. Which continent do you live on?
182. Do you live with your parents?
183. Do you have siblings?
184. What color is your room?
185. Do you like ice cream?
186. Whats your favorite kind of ice cream?
187. Do you like to dance?
188. Do you like to sing?
189. Do you like music?
190. Do you hate a kind of music?
191. What is your favorite type of candy?
192. Do you like popcorn?
193. How much gold do you have now?
194. Are you getting irritated with the questions yet?
195. Do you have a favorite soda drink?
196. Whats your favorite soda drink?
197. Have you tried an alcoholic drink before?
198. Do you like Kool-Aid?
199. If yes then, whats your favorite kind of Kool-Aid?
200. Do you collect stuffed animals?


Since you are done answering this questions..PM me and you will get the prize I think u deserve

*have fun
*no avitizing (or black list for u) twisted
*flirting IS aloud LOL
*no ciboring!

Black List:
Smexah Muffin
Mr. Excitement
Moonlight Penguin
American girl 13

[these are the people who either pissed me off or didn't read] evil

Crystal_Blaze, Varger, Charlie_005, BloodyCru, Sk8ta_Punk517, Casualkidd, =Otaku Punkette=, viet_assassin, ImInNormasJeans, Voxer, Bird0, vampire_goddess12, 17KYLE17, TsMasHAcE, Dark Shadow Prince, Hansy16, AngelicaX, DragoLunar, Luckyfedora, [Michiki], shinigami-nin, purple_feenix91, TheViolinistHamel, gabe_gabe, ~Dark Knight4~, demonmecca, Fairies_In_Teh_Garden, ZackintheBox, Goddessonmyknees, Lilygwen, Compton69, Vanargandr, Hobo13Kitty, CRIPsta, Gemelaresara, MayaMage, Linda Macca, Parson Brown, Scandi Is Amish, cherise the girl, devil 4000, Link_Zero_One, A fear like no other, Celeste Starfyre, Yafusa the Lost, Youko Kali, Bunnietenou, Iceekitty, XxXChubbyBunnieXxX, Satanaka, Lady Jayd Shadows, Raddishh, crystal heart angel, StateAlchemist Natsu, Randyjm, Samissa, 65booksandcounting, FairyTitan, raul00776, X_rated_Angel, lil_l0stiez, Sacred_Guardian, Yumi Kaori, sceptor22, --Cacctis—, teeganjack, lil_squeakers, MaikoChopstix, Yukinapink, Sahara An, Anakin746, shagadelic slave, poisondart7, Ultimagiant, RonanRaven, Ladielish, kiss_meeh_and _die, zero dragon of chaos, The.Glory.Of.My.v****a, Kazume Otaki, p2mAngil, tsukyoni, denied love, DizzyClone, ElerrinaLote, Nuclearpowered, celestial_horizon, Eric Cooper, Nickii25h, chocoboknight91, Alexa28, Rainbowscooby, Corpse_Chick, hentekorino, [Chain Mastah], My arm hurts, DirenGreyAddict, mmFubi-so, obsidon2, Insane Care Bear, Jamie Chapel, my_big_fat_toe, KEDA1, kpop_junki, Sgt. Sagara-kun, LA Copper, immortal07, cheeseturkey, Aretsuya, medicationforyou, EclipseNyuu, liuaishan, juiciliciousssx, plasticfetus, Erk_the_Raven, luminessa_black, TennisPickles, ace_king_atemu, Kwana, tearsthatcry4ever, 4-kitty_kitty-4, TrinityNichole, xaerithx7, xoxo_sugar_angel_xoxo, Talt, Junabelle, NYyankeesfan6543, metalik, Captain J. Kurisutofa, Beatle_Babe, joshslover, ice_lolli, The Chronicler, Tasha2, tweezers10, EtherealLevity, MorganaDe-Gray, G4M3R, Volker Ditches, FireGuitarAngel, tartsu rox, mekenoka, little_wolf_syaoran, kohana_yumi, kecua, C.N. Angel, nightwaike, Raizura, Malice Lydonia, Uneven.Love, SerasVictoria151, KrnHellboy7, kittyll82, Drumcrzy, 69 Dark pleasure 69, Blue Mo0n, bettinacharlotta, Liebte_Nie, Vida_Natha, singing123123, wizard-of-dreams, mysticlovekiss, [Neko Tenshi], Winged Artemis Nightwish, MedalMask, Maraschino, ThatDudeFromSchool, Kyaiah, Luckydontgo, x_Yume_x, celeste_heartlin, Synthpop Star, TennisPickles, tearsthatcry4ever, Shin Ziek, wolf girl Keiko, francescalucia, Anip, Fainil, moonprynces, godess_of_baka, tinkerbell_without_a_cest, Oasis_Blue, astroasis, Purification, Tomiko195, Gunthrix, NARUTOxMANGA, Lucky—Duck, cass769, ninetaledfox, PeachyMe, earthypie06, sassykassy23, Le Fairy, XxKagomeHigarashixX, Hair care products, The Almighty Sock, AuzzyHawk, Kaiseress, nocturnal_rendezvous, Iceinferno, crazydominodragongirl, sassyredboss, Tehrra, alwaysthere, breanne5, 0Moon_Maiden0, JossuK, Milazene, fagxwhore, Ominus O.D.N, Ayaji, Warzol, anime2006, Ryno the Prodigy, Tirsden, Tifa221, Bandit_Chubby_mora, itsmecloudstrife, sccr4life705, jenovaranger, SoraMitsukai, Crimson Blood Alchemist, MOON[FAIRY]GIRLIE, Keiichi.Tajiko, cyancat, a z u i r u, apneic_trance, Moonlight Sun, Sho Kusanagui, kaze.void, Su-Jeong, Hin0u, Blackey11
1. How much gold do you have?

gonk crying crying gonk i cant do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. How much gold do you wish to have?

36,000 for my quest
3. Are you questing something?

User ImageI'm a cow, hear me moo,
I am twice the size of you,
I smell good on the BBQ,
Milk and butter, fill my utter!
4. If so what?

For the complete set of the male Dancer outfit
1. How much gold do you have? 413

I wish I may, I wish I might.
To have the wish I wish tonight.
I wish to have the Strength Rod PLUS!
5. How much more gold do you need till you have enough to get your questing item?

right now I need 1,500 more till i have to quest for my collar
6. Whats the first letter of your first name?

1. $2026 xp just started four days ago i think this is pretty good for a beginner xd

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