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Omnipresent Krampus

~Thanatos High~

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Table of Contents

wahmbulance Intro
wahmbulance Rules
wahmbulance Profile
wahmbulance Positions
wahmbulance Dorms
wahmbulance Groups/gangs/clubs/etc.
wahmbulance Homework
wahmbulance Detention
wahmbulance Campus announcements

Attention:WHat I mean by Free RP is that you're allowed to do whatever you want.I believe it is explained on the rules or if any questions,PM me,ok?

Omnipresent Krampus


Thanatos started as a simple Warrior Academy.People from all over the world would come and train,then they'd leave as wonderful warriors and masters of different techniques.
All kinds of races would gather;humans,demons,angels,elves,nekos,etc. But soon the students were younger than expected.Most of them would abandon their everyday life to train at the Academy.
The Headmaster,Thanatos,decided to give students the opportunity to study while training.A strong body also needs of a strong mind,after all.
Not too long after that,both warriors and simple students joined the Academy and it Became a High and College(for those who'd still want to keep studying)
But who knew that so many people gifted,so many people from all kinds of races,would cause the school such problems.Weird things happened and
although the school tried its best to keep all students together,groups were created.Fights in the middle of the hall,outcasts and people using their own abilities to harm their fellow students.
The school had no choice but limit students.What limits?You'll see..

50 years have passed since the day Thanatos changed and things seemed to be the same...or are they?

New students,new ideas and new adventures arrive.What's gonna happen next?It's up to you.

The school is at the outskits of a town.

You can go to the town during weekends only.
((You can pretty much create all you want on the town.Ex:If you want it to be a soccer store,there it is.Im giving freedom to everyone here to do pretty much what they want here.))

This is how the school looks from a bird-eye view.Of course,the green areas pretty much like a park;you can walk around,talk,hang out,etc.
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The dorms.A whole building with boys,girls and teachers all together.The green spots?Eh,just plants.And the gray parts are benches.The first floor has both boys and girls dorms.The second floor is for teachers only.
And yes,the students' bathrooms are outside the dorms.If you need to go,go before going to sleep or you wont be able to go until the next day.
Or...you could sneak out to the bathroom or somewhere else.But keep in mind the teachers are just upstairs.
And at the very top,the third floor,there's the single rooms.There's only 10 so far.(Not shown)If you want one,talk to the headmaster.You must have a really good reason to be in those.They are more like for Elite students.
You can decorate your room any way you want.
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These are the Classrooms.I think it talks by itself.The grey squares are just study spots.Up for 10 people each,for a total of 20 people studying.I dont think it'll fill up,though rofl
Again,green dots are plants and you can drink water on the blue spots.
The Arena is just for training for classes who require...well...training or if you wanna practice your abilities.For official tournaments,teachers need to perform them on the Arena,outside this building.
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The Arena.A big place for battles.The place cant be destroyed so dont worry about giving your best at any battle.I think this one needs a far deeper explanation.
The rectangles outside the main arena are training spots.If there's ever a tournament,you can train here before entering the main arena.
The dressing rooms are at the top and bottom of the arena and each fighter stands at each corner.
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The relaxation facilties are pretty big,even though it may not look like so.
First,there's a big pool and a hot tub.Students can come here anytime if they are not in class.But they are not allowed to go anywhere at night.But you can always sneak out..
There's two rooms sad orange)Both have a flat screen TV and some couches.Also there's a table and some chairs.
At the very bottom there's the dressing rooms.You know,there's lockers and benches if you need to change into your swimming suit.Of course,there's one dressing room for boys and another one for girls.
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Finally,the place where you must keep your pets.
Right by the entrance,there's a stand where you order the food needed for your pet.The food will be delivered inmediatly.There's also two water stands.
The rooms can change in size.For example,if you have a bunny,you dont need a space as big as a dragon would need.
Not much to do here except being with your pet.
Again you can do pretty much what yoy want with your pet's room.
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Sorry if the images are too small.We did our best,really!(Jak's advice:Save the image and watch it bigger in some program rofl )

((All kinds of ideas to help the plot are accepted.This doesn't mean this is gonna be the plot we'll follow.It can be changed))

Omnipresent Krampus

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arrow All Gaia rules apply
arrow No spamming or bumping!(If I do so on the first pages,it's only to get this thing going.And only I can do it.Period)
arrow Romance is allowed.No problem if you don't feel like participating on this.
arrow Im ok with student/teacher relationship.Just dont let the Staff members find out
arrow Oh,keep romance PG-15.Making out,kissing,hugging,everything goes.Just no cybering.Take that to PMs
arrow Please write properly.(At least try)
-Use punctuation. (. , ; : ' " ? !)
-Use capitalization. (big letters.)
-Use quotes ("" wink for speech.
-No symbols for actions.
-Use (()), {}, [], --, or OOC, for out of character.
-Put thoughts in italics.
-Chat speak is only allowed on OOC
It's not that hard once you get used to it.
arrow Fights and sparring is allowed anytime.Just don't kill without premission
arrow No god modding!!*or undefeatble people!Try to use the Dice mode for fights or just be fair.
arrow You can do pretty much whatever you want so things won't get boring.Just dont do anything drastic(like destroying the school.Attacks are ok)You dont have to stick to the general plot.
arrow All races are welcomed.Magic and such is allowed too*
arrow Try not to be an obsessed one-liner.We understand that sometimes you just dont feel like talking a lot but you know,just dont overdo it
arrow Stay active.If you're absent for too long,you may get deleted
arrow Put Thanatos as the Subject when you IM me your profile.That way,I know you read the rules.
arrow Try to interact with everyone.No one is ignored,I mean it!Well of course,try to blend in too.
arrow Try not to stretch the page.I know sometimes it's not on purpose but well,you know.Dont.
arrow Please us anime/cartoon-like pics for your profile.No avi appereances or human pictures. confused They creep me out...
arrow If for whatever reason you wanna leave crying IM me.Dont just dissapear
arrow I can add all kinds of rules if I want to anytime.(don't worry.It's nothing to be scared of twisted )
arrow IM me your profiles.Yes,it's annoying but that way I can post all profiles at the main page.
arrow Couples are not encouraged by most of the staff.But they are not always watching,right? cool (Again,So that's a yes for romance)
arrow If you're done for the day,please let us know.It's pretty annoying to be left talking to a wall.You know,gtg or bye.
arrow But most of all,let's have fun together!!Doesn't matter how big this place is,but how fun do we make this place.Go wild,use your imagination,etc.

Feel free to create your own plots and do stuff with the school.

Sorry for so many rules sweatdrop But they are necessary.

Omnipresent Krampus

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-Again,just IM me the profile so I can post them on the first page.
-You have to share your dorm with someone your own gender.Or at least make the teachers believe that wink
-Pets are allowed but they'll have to stay on another building.


Profile Name:

Blood Type:
>Primary weapon/s:
Current Information
>history, background(optional):
>possesions, make-up, jewelry, etc.:
Physical Description
>hair style:
>physical condition:
>Fighting Style:


-Teachers cannot co-ed dorms.Unless you REALLY want to.

Profile Name:

Blood Type:

>Primary weapon/s:
Current Information
>class taught:
>Personality(as in class):
>history, background sad optional)
>possesions, make-up, jewelry, etc.:
Physical Description
>hair style:
>physical condition:



Name: Thylia
Gender: Female
Race: Nymph
Age: 17
Birthdate: 15 March
Blood Type: O-
Height: 5'5
Dorm: 7
Pet: Goldfish called 'Nameriel'
Appearance:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
>Primary weapon/s: Katars
>Secondaryweapon/s: Shortsword
>others: --
Current Information
>history, background(optional): Get to know her and she may share
>possesions, make-up, jewelry, etc.: Silver cuff on the edge of her left ear
Physical Description (picture to come soon)
>hair style: Brown, always held in a ponytail with a strip of white material during school hours. Her fringe sweeps just over her eyes.
>eyes: Her eyes a deep brown and serious as she is here for study, not to play around.
>body: Thin and extremely flexible
>physical condition: Healthy, recovering from a sprained shoulder
>marks,scar,tattoo: Has a swirling tribal tattoo on the outside of her right ankle
>clothing: During battles she wears light armour so she can move and dodge faster. When she is not fighting she wears loose jeans with a red singlet and brown jacket.
>likes: Strawberries, silence, studying, and the occasion socialising
>dislikes: Having her studies interrupted, overly energetic people, bugs and meat (is vegetarian)
>fears: Spiders and the dark
>Fighting Style: Dodge and duck, she uses her slim and flexible body to her advantage in her fights, dodging and weaving out of the way of her opponents strikes, waiting for them to tire or make a mistake before dashing in and hitting the with her katars. When her katars are not enough to defend herself from her opponent she discards one and blocks with her shortsword
>physical: Extremely flexible and above average speed
>magical: none
>other: none



Profile Name: K the Warrior

Name: Jack Volnutt
Gender: Male
Race: Half Demon Half Human
Age: 21
Blood Type: O-
Height: 6`2
Appearance:User Image
>Primary weapon/s: The Mars Sword.A sword with a demon spirit inside
>Secondaryweapon/s: N/A
>others: N/A
Current Information
>class taught: Art
>Personality(as in class): Very laidback.But still keeps his authority.Doesnt like gicing his sutdents homework.
>history, background sad optional) Jack is one of the oldest teachers in the school.He started teaching soon after he graduated and he has been there ever since.He has nowhere else to go since he was an orphan so this is his new home
>possesions, make-up, jewelry, etc.: The Mars sword,a necklace that looks like a dragon eyes,and one earring on his left ear
Physical Description
>hair style: Silver hair,shoulder lenght.
>eyes: Ble eyes
>body: Athletic
>physical condition: Excellent
>marks,scar,tattoo: One tatoo on his right arm
>clothing: Black shirt,black jeans and ofter wears a jacket and some gloves.
>likes: Being alone,enjoy nature,not talking about himself
>dislikes: Show-offs,annoying people,daylight,etc
>fears: Being forgotten

Omnipresent Krampus

Classes and Positions

-If you're interested in being something else beside a student,here's the positions available.


-Classes will be taught accoding to the teacher.They can say when they want their class and where.(Ex:The Philosopy teacher can teach outdoors,the P.E. teacher can teach outside school,etc.)

-You must take at least 3 classes from the following:

Mythology:Learn about mysterious creatures and ancient cultures,believed to be dead.
Art:Get your artistic butt over here and express yourself!
English:Simple.Mostly is about doing essays and such.
Math:Everyday math.Depends on the teacher on what kind of math or how hard it it.
History: Find out about the past civilizations.Again,depends on the teacher on what to teach specifically.
Science biggrin iscover new thing and create new stuff.
P.E.:All kind of exercise.Expect to sweat,girls!!

-Optional classes

Animal Training:Learn how to handle all kinds of creatures and to make them obey you
Healing potions:Useful for warriors especially.Learn to create potions out of materials nature porvides you.
Weapons**:Here you'll be taught how to be a master your weapon.
Magic control**:Learn to control and/or create magic.Or you can just learn to control your very own powers.

**Teachers can make small tournaments to test and improve their students' skiils,depends on what the teacher finds appropiate.Remeber,students SPAR during classes.Make sure of that

-You may take 6 classes tops.


Prefect 1***
Prefect 2***

***Need to be strict to the bone.That means look always for people skipping class,couples,battles out of class,gangs,etc.No softies here.You want to be hated!

(If you have some other position or class on mind,tell me)

Omnipresent Krampus

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Building A-1:Male Students


Building A-2:Female Students


Bulding A-3:Single dorms(either female or male)


Bulding B: Teachers and Staff


((More dorms will be added if necessary.Again,rules are made to be broken so students can sneak into other dorms if they are not caught))

Omnipresent Krampus

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-You can create your own gangs/groups/etc.They might have an usual spot to hang out and do pretty much all they want.
-Remember,the school does not encourage this so don't let the Staff find out about this

*If you wanna create a group/whatever,just IM.I'll make a list of the members and such here.

Omnipresent Krampus

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Homework left by any teacher.If you're on his/her class,then here's your homework.

Omnipresent Krampus

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-If you don't wanna attend class,you might try and skip it.
-Detention will depend on the teacher or staff members that catches you skipping class.They will decide what kind of punishment is fit for you.And I mean they can punish you with everythng! twisted

Omnipresent Krampus

Campus Announcements

Omnipresent Krampus

Welcoming Party!

Yep,there's a party going on to welcome all new students and faculty and staff.People introduce themselves,ahve fun,dance and such.A normal party.

Meet some people,dont be shy and have fun.

The party is being held at the arena.It doesnt look like an arena at all now;more like a ball room.

Let the partying begin!

Omnipresent Krampus

The school is open....now!

Omnipresent Krampus

Walks inside the arena "Whoa I like what they did with this place.."the footsteps echo across the place.Some soft music is playing and very few students can be seen talking among themselves in a corner

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