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What do you think of Kina Syean?

Very nice! Maybe I'll get one... 0.57251908396947 57.3% [ 75 ]
Eh, so-so 0.068702290076336 6.9% [ 9 ]
Could use a lot of work! 0.030534351145038 3.1% [ 4 ]
Poll Whore! 0.32824427480916 32.8% [ 43 ]
Total Votes:[ 131 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 181 182 183 > >> >>> »|

-=Banner Coming Soon=-

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-Table of Contents/Rules/Announcements-
-Owner's List-
-Pick Up-

TWizTed_SoUl types like this.
Dooma types like this.
Alex types like this.
Hana types like this.

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I. Soul and the Colorists words are LAW! What we say goes. Disregard for our rules will result in temp/perm banning.
II. The lineart belongs with the shop and to Ushiyasha, anyone caught stealing lineart or anyone elses pet will be automatically banned.
III. Anyone caught harrassing/fighting in the store will be temp banned for a indeterminate amount of time.
IV. Roleplaying is not needed, but much appreciated.
V. Soul and the Colorists can add and retract rules as they see fit.

07/12/06 - Pokemon Event!
06/29/06 - Free/Paid Raffle On!
06/16/06 - Killer 7 Cosplay auction
05/30/06 - Preperations done for Flatsale
05/28/06 - Flatsale to be held on Wednesday, time unannounced
05/28/06 - Colouring/Story Contest Closed, Flatsale soon?
05/25/06 - Colouring/Story Contest open!
05/25/06 - Shop is open!!!
05/25/06 - Shop in process of being set up...
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Our story begins in a far-off place by the name of Kina Syean, in a time not so very long ago. While the world bore a striking resemblance to our own Planet Earth, there lay one key difference between the two:

Kina Syean had Chuva, an advanced laboratory that bought a golden age of technology upon the humble little world. Other companies attempted to compete, of course, but none could hold a candle to Chuva's ingenuity. Their inventions never cease to amaze, and their strangle-hold on the mechanical market has held strong throughout the course of history. From robots down to your little television remote, everything nowadays bears the Chuva logo.

But they still managed to wow the world at large when they unveiled one of their newest products: CEMS, or Chuva Elemental Mouse Sprites. Half-machine, half-cute cuddly companion, CEMS were intended to be the pinnacle of home appliances. The selection was varied, each sporting an element to help aid their owners' throughout the day. There was fire, used for cooking and a nice source of heat. (Great for barbeques!) Water and Wind made quite the formidable team when it came to cleaning (both scrubbing and dusting), among other things. Electricity made for an excellent portable source of power. It was later that the less popular Metal (mostly used for aid in construction) and Earth (the ultimate gardening tool) came into production, intended for a more limited market -- though they still sold all the same. Each CEMS, thanks to Chuva's ingenuity, was capable of telepathic communication, intended to make it easy for owners to relay just what they wished their faithful companions to accomplish.

Practical for every day use, and appealing to the eyes, it wasn't long before almost every home sported at least one. But then, in what was probably a first for Chuva, the product hit an unexpected hitch. While they had intended for CEMS to be intelligent, they never anticipated that their creations would begin to think for themselves. They became more and more self-aware, and after a point, most didn't want anything to do with the chores they'd been handed.

However, fortunately for Chuva, many people really didn't seem to mind. Though the CEMS had begun asserting themselves, they still retained their loyalty and devotion to the inhabitants of Kina Syean. Perhaps they weren't the ultimate household applicance anymore; but in turn, they became the world's ultimate companion. It was around then that Chuva began selling the eggs alongside the adults, and sales continued going strong.

Now, CEMS are most often treated as a typical (though cuddly) member of the family. While their elements, remnants of their days as simple servants, have been known to cause a few problems, most CEMs have found a useful outlet for their abilities. So life goes on for the people of Kina Syean.

... except what is this? New CEMS being spotted? But the sighting are so few and far-between... could it just be a rumor...?
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Center - Egg
Top - Air
Bottom - Water
Right - Electric
Left - Fire

Egg - Nothing much to say about this stage. Everyonce in a while it will move, and the keeper will get flashes of images. Otherwise it's pretty dull.
Stage lasts for 1 week

Baby - You're little CEMS is born! Your little bundle of joy has weak telepathic powers and relys on you for movement. It's starting to grow into it's Elemental Powers and causes miniature disasters. Also, it's quite social and enjoys being with other CEMS.
Stage lasts for 2-3 weeks

Adult - Fully grown, your CEMS has strong telepathic powers, can fly/float/swim, and control it's element. Old enough to breed, love and fight. Your CEMS, however, will never leave your side for more then a day.
Stage lasts for unknown time

Another stage maybe?


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Q. What does CEMS mean? And what is Kina Syean?

A. CEMS means Chuva Elemental Mouse Sprites. Kina Syean is the world that the CEMS live in, and that they will be roleplayed within.

Q. How do we tell the difference between the eggs?

A. Fire eggs have a small flame on them. Water eggs have a water spout. Electricity has a little bolt of lightning, and Wind has a puff of air with two arms. Metal has a diamond and Earth has a tree.

Q. I want a femme! How do I know I'm getting one?

A. You don't. Depending on the colorist you'll know either when they're certed or when they hatch. Females have different adult lineart for the Commons as well.

Q. You keep saying Common, Uncommon and Rare? What are they?

A. Commons are the four basic elements: Water, Fire, Wind and Electricity. Uncommons are Earth and Metal. Rares won't be seen alot, but they're Solar and Lunar.

Q. Are they RP-intensive?

A. Personally I'd love to see people rp-ing with their CEMS in the thread. But no, they aren't. However, the last mystery stage will be RP Mandatory.

Q. OMG!!! L1k!!! I want 1!!! Plz g1mm3 1 for fr33!!

A. That is very annoying. If you want one please use proper English and wait for a flatsale. If you can't then get a custom.
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Take a look-see at what we have availible to buy. You might find something that'll catch your eye...

Flatsale Prices: 5k Common, 7k Uncommon
Next Flatsale: Unknown
Type: Speed

Tag 1
Tag 2
Tag 3
Tag 4
Tag 5

Flatsale Form

Owner's Name:

When your information is posted below the egg you wanted, please send the trade to the Mule. Eggs will be certed within 24 hours.





-TS- Alex:


DarkFaerie Oasis:




Rayne Winner:


Tolli Raovan:




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This little beauty was done by our new colorist .K.amikaz.e.
Tickets will be 50gp, sent to the Mule. Please post in Bold Red the number of tickets you want in the thread.
Ending Date: 07/06


1 - Dooma
2-11 - Rhina Gatewaye
12-21 - -TS- Alex
22-81 - Marinity
82-261 - darklittleangel -- Winner. (For real this time, promise. XD; )

And that's not all! We have a Free Raffle to celebrate HanaKirei's coming into Co-Ownership of the Kina Syean world.
You may claim only one ticket for yourself but limitless for friends [however, they cannot claim one for themselves]. These are the eggs that are up for the free raffle!

User Image - Claimed by Randy2love (to be named after hatching).
User Image - Claimed by Steal.
User Image - Claimed by Wolfcat (to be named Buma).
User Image - Raffled away to x_Butterfly_x; given to KeybladerKairi.
User Image - Claimed by x_Butterfly_x (on water cert, to be named upon hatching).
User Image - Claimed by Dooma (to be named after hatching).
User Image - Claimed by Rhina Gatewaye; Given to Pezz (to be named after hatching).

1 - Steal (1st Choice)
2 - Wolfcat (3rd Choice)
3 - Dooma (Gets 6th Choice)
4 - x_Butterfly_x (2nd Choice)
5 - Randy2love (5th Choice)
6 - Rhina (4th Choice)

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The rare type of CEMS will be auctioned only along with special cosplay/themed CEMS.

-Auction starts when the Clone posts 'GO!' in big green letters.
-No attempt to rig the auction! Doing so/brought proof of such actions will end in perm banishment.
-Use increments of 1k to raise bids
-Items are accepted but valued at Mid-TG
-Payment must be sent within 24 hours of end of Auction to Mule
-If trade isn't sent, second highest bid will be awarded winner.

Next Auction: N/A
SB: 5k
AB: Nitemare Headband
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Can't manage to get a CEMS by normal means? Want that SPECIAL CEMS? Here's the method for you!

Customs can cost up to 50k. That includes choice of colors, markings, and minor lineart edits, such as extra earrings and such like that (if you have questions, please ask!), and any of the common lineart.

For an extra 10k, you can get all that, but on uncommon lineart.

Now, there ARE limits on what you can get. For example, rare lineart, and all cosplays are off limits, 'cause they're auction and raffle only.

When getting a Custom, after the Colorist is done with your CEMS, send the trade to the Mule.


Owner's Name:
Pet Name:
Starting Stage:
Marking Colors:
Eye Colors:
Minor Lineart Edits:

PM this application to the colorist of your choice when the slots are open.

1. Closed
2. Closed

-TS- Alex:
1. Open
2. Open

1: Open
2: Open

Tolli Raovan:
1. Open
2. Closed

1. Open
2. Open

1. Closed
2. Closed

1. Open
2. Open

1. Open
2. Open
-=Banner Forthcoming=-

So you're little CEMS has fallen in love? Or do they just want a baby? Well, welcome to the CEMS Breeding Habitat.

Of course, there are a few rules...

I. Each CEMS must be a adult to breed.
II. Breeding must be consented by both owner before started.
III. PM the colorist of your choice to take a breeding slot with pictures of each CEMS.
IV. Breedings are 10k from one owner or 5k from each owner. Trades will be sent to colorist.
V. CEMS can only breed once a month.
VI. Different breedings will result in different types. A rare mating with a common type will result in a common type more often then not...etc.
VII. Same sex mates are allowed to breed.

Breedings are closed...
Owner's List

Name - Owner's Name - Type - Gender - Gen - Mated - Mate's Name

Lin - TWizTed_SoUl - Fire - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Nibbles - Tolli Raovan - Zombie/Air - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Thief - .K.amikaz.e. - Electric - Male- 1 - No - N/A
Typhoon - Chobi_Chocobo - Fire - Female - 1 - No - N/A
Aurn - Rhina Gatewaye - Water - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Laea - Marinity - Fire - Female - 1 - No - N/A
Silver Shard - HanaKirei - Metal - Female - 1 - No - N/A
Kinzoku - -TS- Alex - Fire - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Pawnzor - Mythee - Solar - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Josephine - DarkFaerie Oasis - Fire - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Raziel - Tolli Raovan - Cosplay/Lunar - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Sprinkles - HanaKirei - Water - ??? - 1 - No - N/A
Bau - darklittleangel - Water - ??? - 1 - No - N/A
Ichima - darkelementaldemon - Earth - Male - No - N/A
Taceo - AmbrelDraconis - Wind - ??? - No - N/A
Prism - TWizTed_SoUl - Electric - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Akussa- Darklittleangel - Electric - ??? - 1 - No - N/A
Keya - TWisTed_SoUl - Fire - ??? - 1 - No - N/A
Con Smith - Dooma - Cosplay/Wind - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Hyugden - Kyjoto - Electric - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Tora - HanaKirei - Cosplay/Fire - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Mask de Smith - Roselite Blade - Cosplay/Fire - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Kevin Smith - Steal - Cosplay/Lunar - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Congyri - Kyjoto - Fire - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Hoshi - Chobi_Chocobo - Wind - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Iyron - ChezaRain - Electric - Male - 1 - No - N/A
Espharia - x_Butterfly_x - Fire - Male - 1 - No - N/A
??? - Rhina Gatewaye - Air - ??? - 1 - No - N/A
??? - Saffra - Water - ??? - 1 - No - N/A
??? - darklittleangel - Metal - ??? - 1 - No - N/A
??? - .K.amikaz.e. - Fire - ??? - 1 - No - N/A
Passion Delight-kun - Mythee - Wind - ??? - 1 - No - N/A
??? - Steal - Fire - ??? - 1 - No - N/A
Temari - Pata Lover - Coplay/Wind - Female - 1 - No - N/A
Gaara - Hellzmessiah - Coplay/Wind - Male - 1 - No - N/A
??? - x_Butterfly_x - Water - ??? - 1 - No - N/A
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Lineart Owner

Shop Owners

Full-Time Colorists
-TS- Alex

Part-Time Colorists
Tolli Raovan

Banner/Cert Maker

Story Author

Guest Colorists
DarkFaerie Oasis
Rayne Winner
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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Pet Trades

TWizTed_SoUl Will PM You about a Pet Trade...
Pride Lands
The Dark Faerie Oasis
The Second You
I am open to all good linearts

July: Pride Lands

Past Pet Trades

May: Izoo Adoptions
June: Ocean of Fire

-TS- Alex
Pride Lands
[ Subterranean ]
The Dark Faerie Oasis
Feel free to send an offer!
I'm especially looking for Wolverine (X-Men 1,2,3) and Red Mage (Final Fantasy XI AF1 design) cosplays right now


~ The Second You
~ Stuffed with Fluff
~ Shounen v2
~ ANTHRObreedables
~ Kitsusagi Mountains
Will list more soon or pm with an offer and we will talk


Tolli Raovan
- Almost any breedable cosplay of Raziel. (yay quest!)


Try me, I'll be willing to trade almost anything!
List will be updated when I've had the chance to look around a bit more and decide.


*DarkFaerie Oasis
*Tales Of The Earth
*Akuti Garden
*Pride Lands
(you can try me though)


~Pride Lands
~Digi Destined
~Pacific Link
~Any cosplay of Tora or Bleach characters
~Try me~! Just drop me a line and we'll see.

July: HM Farms

-Try me! 4laugh -

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Donations, Pets, Being around the thread and helping out will get you here...

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?.? How did you get here?

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afterlife2000 - For forming a RP-Guild for the Kina Syean world without permission from the Owners, and using another account to gain pets. Also for attacking one of the owners verbally through PM's. ((Banned from the shop, as well as KeybladerKairi and any other accounts he may have))
We are now open!

Unbeatable Streaker

26,000 Points
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Destroyer of Cuteness 150
  • Ultimate Player 200
Interesting.... *clings*

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