Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Cert and Banner Design by caroline_cupcake

------------------------------------------- .//. Introduction .//. -------------------------------------------

Welcome to Eyan National park: Gaia's 1st wildlife preserve! My name is Kenji Chang, Souras and I will be showing you around the park today!

You might be wondering exactly what it is that we do here. Well, with the help of the park staff we hope to rebuild the population of various endangdered species.

Eyan Park is located on an island miles and miles from Gambino's shores, allowing the safety of our reasearch to go unhinged by poachers and the like. The creatures that dwell here are being watched over by the caretakers that have so willingly climbed aboard to help such a cause.

We house many species that vary from common breeds to rare creatures whose dwindling numbers are becoming or have become dangerously low.

Care to take a gander at what we have to offer?

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------------------------------------------- .//. Updates, Staff, News .//. -------------------------------------------

You'd be surprised, but we actually run the park with a pretty small staff. The idea is to keep the animals in as much of their natural environment and mindset as possible, with as little human interferance as possible. There are about 9 of us none-the-less that work to contribute to the Park in one way or another, and we're all listed here on this plaque. Please, be sure to give our fellow park rangers and assistants their due respect?

    Owner(s): Tahja Estes & Shia-san
    Full Time Colorists: Daimyn, shia-san, dustfeather
    Part Time Colorists: Tweek, Tahja Estes, Ary Keeyara
    Certists: Ary Keeyara
    Artists: Reivan, Werewolf
    Event/Shop Managers: Ary Keeyara
    Guest artists/colorists: Reivan
    Security: Orion Lawrence

    Kenji: Tahja
    Souras: shia-san
    Nicole: Daimyn
    Ashlyn: Ary Keeyara
    Jenna: Werewolf
    Gunther: dustfeather
    Vincze: Reivan
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------------------------------------------------ .//. Basic Information .//. ------------------------------------------------

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[x] --------------------------------------- .//. Over-all Shop Rules

    o1. Respect each other. don't harass/insult/bug people on this thread.
    o2. No fighting, no spamming, no bumping, no slander. We'd prefer you don't fight, but if you insist on doing so please take it out of our shop. Violators will be reported.
    o3. Again, no Spamming or Bumping, please! Casual chatter or RP is fine!
    o4. Please refrain from quoting a post more than three times!
    o5. No bashing and no complaining. If you have a qualm with us or the shop, do the reasonable thing and PM us first. Give us a chance to resolve it before you go off about how "We're ignoring you". Casual hint-dropping is NOT considered discussing the problem.
    o6. Make sure that before you post a question in the thread, you've read the front page.
    o7. Address PM's to Kenji and Souras ONLY. If it's concerning someone else on staff then we'll make sure it's passed on so that the others recieve it.
    o8. Do not PM us about being on staff. When we need staff we'll hold the proper event to find it!
    o9. Do not PM anyone in this shop about ownership of their pets! This is a blacklistable offense. Don't do it!
    1o. Hopefully this goes without saying, but no art theft! Please don't clone our shop, also. You wouldn't like having it done to you. :]
    11. If you have any problems with someone in the thread, please PM the main-mule before posting publically, or slandering anyone's name. Let us do our jobs and handle it. Thank you.
    12. Under no circumstances are you to stir up trouble in this shop. No hinting at how you're petless, or would make a good home for someone's pet's children. You will be warned, graylisted, then banned if you persist. It's not cute.

[x] --------------------------------------- .//. Role-play Rules

    o1. Remember: This is a National Park/Preserve! There are no humans or "unauthorized" land creatures besides the staff [which is already full] and the species listed.
    o2. The animals can understand one another, but they cannot speak English/understand human. Humans speak with words, animals speak with basic sounds [Grunts, growls, barks, mewls, and roars] and body language. They are not the same language.
    o3. When role playing in the shop please use formal, story-mode RP style, not script/casual/chat format.
    o4. Please use "(( ))" when conversing OOC'ly in the main thread when there is RP in progress! It's just the polite thing to do and avoids confusion. :]
    o5. No god-modding; this means you cannot control someone elses' character's actions OR use flawless or invincible characters. It also means you are not allowed to constantly manipulate the current environment to your character's convinence. Keep some sense of realism in your RP's/Posts, mistakes, accidents, and arguments do happen.
    o6. Keep the content PG-13, cursing is allowed, but please keep it to a minimum or use symbols/censors. Please also refrain from explicit adult-content. Be considerate, not everyone is old enough or comfortable enough to read that stuff. They shouldn't have to avoid the thread just because of current RP.

[x] --------------------------------------- .//. Flatsale Rules

    o1. Respect each other. don't harass/insult/bug people on this thread.
    o2. No fighting, no spamming, no bumping, no slander. We'd prefer you don't fight, but if you insist on doing so please take it out of our shop. Violators will be reported.
    o3. Again, no Spamming or Bumping, please! Casual chatter or RP is fine!
    o4. Please refrain from quoting a post more than three times!
    o5. No bashing and no complaining. If you have a qualm with us or the shop, do the reasonable thing and PM us first. Give us a chance to resolve it before you go off about how "We're ignoring you". Casual hint-dropping is NOT considered discussing the problem.
    o6. Make sure that before you post a question in the thread, you've read the front page
    o7. Address PM's to Kenji and Souras ONLY. If it's concerning someone else on staff then we'll make sure it's passed on so that the others recieve it.
    o8. Do not PM us about being on staff. When we need staff we'll hold the proper event to find it!
    o9. Do not PM anyone in this shop about ownership of their pets! This is a blacklistable offense. Don't do it!

[x] --------------------------------------- .//. Raffle Rules

    o1. Respect each other. don't harass/insult/bug people on this thread.
    o2. No fighting, no spamming, no bumping, no slander. We'd prefer you don't fight, but if you insist on doing so please take it out of our shop. Violators will be reported.
    o3. Again, no Spamming or Bumping, please! Casual chatter or RP is fine!
    o4. Please refrain from quoting a post more than three times!
    o5. No bashing and no complaining. If you have a qualm with us or the shop, do the reasonable thing and PM us first. Give us a chance to resolve it before you go off about how "We're ignoring you". Casual hint-dropping is NOT considered discussing the problem.
    o6. Make sure that before you post a question in the thread, you've read the front page
    o7. Address PM's to Kenji and Souras ONLY. If it's concerning someone else on staff then we'll make sure it's passed on so that the others recieve it.
    o8. Do not PM us about being on staff. When we need staff we'll hold the proper event to find it!
    o9. Do not PM anyone in this shop about ownership of their pets! This is a blacklistable offense. Don't do it!

[x] --------------------------------------- .//. Contest Rules

    o1. Respect each other. don't harass/insult/bug people on this thread.
    o2. No fighting, no spamming, no bumping, no slander. We'd prefer you don't fight, but if you insist on doing so please take it out of our shop. Violators will be reported.
    o3. Again, no Spamming or Bumping, please! Casual chatter or RP is fine!
    o4. Please refrain from quoting a post more than three times!
    o5. No bashing and no complaining. If you have a qualm with us or the shop, do the reasonable thing and PM us first. Give us a chance to resolve it before you go off about how "We're ignoring you". Casual hint-dropping is NOT considered discussing the problem.
    o6. Make sure that before you post a question in the thread, you've read the front page
    o7. Address PM's to Kenji and Souras ONLY. If it's concerning someone else on staff then we'll make sure it's passed on so that the others recieve it.
    o8. Do not PM us about being on staff. When we need staff we'll hold the proper event to find it!
    o9. Do not PM anyone in this shop about ownership of their pets! This is a blacklistable offense. Don't do it!

[x] --------------------------------------- .//. Auction Rules

    o1. Respect each other. don't harass/insult/bug people on this thread.
    o2. No fighting, no spamming, no bumping, no slander. We'd prefer you don't fight, but if you insist on doing so please take it out of our shop. Violators will be reported.
    o3. Again, no Spamming or Bumping, please! Casual chatter or RP is fine!
    o4. Please refrain from quoting a post more than three times!
    o5. No bashing and no complaining. If you have a qualm with us or the shop, do the reasonable thing and PM us first. Give us a chance to resolve it before you go off about how "We're ignoring you". Casual hint-dropping is NOT considered discussing the problem.
    o6. Make sure that before you post a question in the thread, you've read the front page
    o7. Address PM's to Kenji and Souras ONLY. If it's concerning someone else on staff then we'll make sure it's passed on so that the others recieve it.
    o8. Do not PM us about being on staff. When we need staff we'll hold the proper event to find it!
    o9. Do not PM anyone in this shop about ownership of their pets! This is a blacklistable offense. Don't do it!

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Shop Events.

------------------------------------------------ .//. Flatsales .//. ------------------------------------------------


Starting Time: 00:00pm PST // 00:00pm CST // 00:00pm EST

Eggs: -- [0 Male, 0 Female]
Price: 3k [Common], 4k [Uncommon], 5k [Rare]

------------------------------------------------ .//. Raffles .//. ------------------------------------------------

00.00.00. - 00.00.00. N/A

[Do not edit your ticket request posts. If you need to make a change then just repost it.]

Starting Time: 00:00 PST // 00:00 CST // 00:00 EST
Ending Time: 00:00 PST // 00:00 CST // 00:00 EST

Ticket limit:
Ticket Price: 100g
Extra: --

------------------------------------------------ .//. Auctions .//. ------------------------------------------------

00.00.00. - 00.00.00. N/A

Starting Time: 00:00pm PST // 00:00pm CST // 00:00pm EST
Ending Time: 00:00pm PST // 00:00am CST // 00:00am EST

------------------------------------------------ .//. Contests .//. ------------------------------------------------

00.00.00. - 00.00.00. N/A

Starting Time: 00:00 PST // 00:00 CST // 00:00 EST
Ending Time: 00:00 PST // 00:00 CST // 00:00 EST
User Image

Owner's List.

Stage // Gender // Owner // Name

----------------------------------------------------- .//. Maned Wolves: Gen o1.

o1. Pup // Female // Tahja Estes // Zero
o2. Pup // Male // shia-san // Ianis
o3. Pup // Male // Vashtya // Harimu
o4. Pup // Male // Reivan // Figador
o5. Pup // Female // pinkdog // Koke

----------------------------------------------------- .//. White Tail Deer: Gen o1.

o1. Fawn // Female // Ary Keeyara // Maria
o2. Fawn // Male // -- // --

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------------------------------------------------ .//. Breeding .//. ------------------------------------------------

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Credits & Disclaimers Intro.

------------------------------------------------ .//. Credits .//. ------------------------------------------------

Concept: Tahja Estes & shia-san
Artwork: Reivan & Werewolf
Cert design: caroline_cupcake
Banner design: caroline_cupcake
Shading Templates: Reivan
Coloring Designs: Tahja Estes, shia-san, Ary Keeyara, dustfeather, Reivan, Werewolf, Daimyn, Tweek

------------------------------------------------ .//. Disclaimer .//. ------------------------------------------------

Eyan National Park [A Gaian Wildlife Preserve] is © Tahja Estes and shia-san. All artwork belongs to the artists and colorist specified unless otherwise noted. Please do not steal, copy, or alter any of the art or graphics from this shop. Violators will be reported to the proper moderating-authorities. Please: NO CLONE SHOPS.
User Image

------------------------------------------------ .//. Customs .//. ------------------------------------------------

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------------------------------------------------ .//. About Souras .//. ------------------------------------------------

Name: Souras Balc
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Birthday: October 4th

Job: Head Ranger, animal Handler
Years With ENP: Seven

Other Tasks: Handles all business in and out of the park


Souras is an only child who lived with her mother in Australia for 12 years before moving to London and finally settling in Gaia. Her father wasn't the best of men, drinking and gambling their savings for years, till her mother eventually left his side--after finding herself pregnant. Intending on keeping her child safe from harms way, she constantly moved before Souras' birth, finding no life suitable for her new child. On October forth, Souras was born in Australia and grew up with the critters that inhabited that continent. Every day, Souras? mother found her girl wandering off and exploring the new terrain, constantly looking to help the animals that lived there. After her twelfth birthday, she left Australia with her mother to live in London with a cousin of Souras?, Herbert Steel, who in turn was a zoologist and taught Souras as much as he could. Herbert was a wealthy man, and also took part in giving the sparking idea of starting a National preserve.

Years afterwards, during Souras? final years of college, she moved out of London and into Gaia, situating herself for a permanent stay. Along the way, she met Kenji and soon formed a great bond with the kind boy. She found Kenji as devoted towards animals and the ecosystem as much as she and felt pulled to his warm hearted ways instantly. The friendship these two shared grew, and soon the ideas of forming a park together became more and more of a reality. Their combined leading skills and their sibling-like care they dwelled on helped eventually start ENP.

Souras is glad to have met Kenji and is looking forwards to helping the creatures whose lives are at stake make a gallant come back in the wild. She also intends on helping the public to understand how important it is to keep these creatures safe.

-As for personality, Souras is very into her work, obsessively even and tends to keep to herself when it comes to socializing with the other staff members. She despises laziness or slack and often is the one who rants if a worker is propped up against a wall sipping water. Her work is her life, and ritually speaks directly to Kenji himself when important matters come up, however will chatter to the other’s if something seems out of place or wrong with the animals.

------------------------------------------------ .//. About Shia .//. ------------------------------------------------

Name: Shia Wolfkin
Real Name: ---
Age: shia: 21
Gender: Female
Birthday: August

Job: Co-owner, writer, colorist

Years With ENP: 1 (?)


Not much is known of Shia at this point other then she previously lived with her two grandparents, (original parents unknown) and is engaged to a fine figure of a woman named Shiri Nori, expecting a child soon. She has been friends with Tahja (Kor) for quite some time now, roughly a year at least, and has grown fond of her wisdom and caring nature. Shia tends to look up to Tahja often, and feels a tight bond with her.

At times she may seem short tempered and hostile, yet otherwise she is a kind hearted soul with little intentions to do harm to people. When her friends are in pain, she tends to feel their pain and dwell on it along side them--having the tendincy to compare their problems with her own.

Currently very happy to see such a place up and running.

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------------------------------------------- .//. About Kenji .//. -------------------------------------------

User ImageName: Kenji Chang
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Birthday: June 21st

Job: Head Ranger, animal Handler
Years With ENP: Seven

Other Tasks: Oversees birthing, handles all business in and out of the park


Kenji is the fifth born of ten children. He?s the oldest of the quintupletes that his mother gave birth to in her last pregnancy, it became clear that Kenji was a natural born leader after the ?Great Cookie Raid?.

Kenji might look like a poster ?bad boy? but really, he?s a sweet natured and down to earth kind of guy. He enjoys being playful, taking care of his siblings when he sees them, and watching over the young animals in the park. He dispises anyone that picks on others and he can be more than a little reckless at times. All in all Kenji is a good friend and a caring individual.

He?s headed up Eyan Park alongside of Souras ever since it was nothing more than a subconcious seedling in the back of their minds. He?s delighted and thrilled to see their dream come to fruitation, and is grateful to all that help or have helped along the way.

------------------------------------------- .//. About Tahja .//. -------------------------------------------

User ImageName: Tahja Estes
Real Name: Koree
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Birthday: August 1st

Job: Co-owner, writer, colorist, shading templates
Years With ENP: 1 (?)


Kenji is the fifth born of ten children. He?s the oldest of the quintupletes that his mother gave birth to in her last pregnancy, it became clear that Kenji was a natural born leader after the ?Great Cookie Raid?.

Kenji might look like a poster ?bad boy? but really, he?s a sweet natured and down to earth kind of guy. He enjoys being playful, taking care of his siblings when he sees them, and watching over the young animals in the park. He dispises anyone that picks on others and he can be more than a little reckless at times. All in all Kenji is a good friend and a caring individual.

He?s headed up Eyan Park alongside of Souras ever since it was nothing more than a subconcious seedling in the back of their minds. He?s delighted and thrilled to see their dream come to fruitation, and is grateful to all that help or have helped along the way.

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