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Welcom to Vivre Diamonde. It is a small glass shop next to Barton Jewlers, with a mysterious air about it. The wares are crystal likenesses of any animal you can think of. Please, stop in and look around. You just may end up finding something..unexpected.
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Table of Contents

Post One: Introduction
Post Two: Story
Post Three: News and Updates
Post Four: Growth
Post Five: Availability
Post Six: Breeding
Post Seven: Item Shop
Post Eight: Rules, FAQ, and Lists
Post Nine: Guestbook
Post Ten: RolePlaying
Post Eleven: Staff
Post Twelve: Affiliates
Post Thirteen: Personal Space
Post Fourteen: Reserved
Post Fifteen: Reserved

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In Barton Town, there is a small shop near Barton Jewelers. It's a medium sized shop, dimly lit. Sunlight streams through the front window and a glimmer of light catches your eye. As you enter the shop, a chime on the door tinkles softly, heradling your arrival, but nobody comes to greet you. In fact, the entire shop seems to be deserted.

In the corner of the room, there is an old, leather-bound guestbook. You walk over to to it, leafing though the yellowed pages and tracing your finger over the many names scrawled there. How strange. Next to each name and date is another name followed by a dashed line and an animal.

Looking around you see little glass figurines made into the shape of animals. The sunlight is reflected over the walls of the shop, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow, some barely tinged with color and others vibrant. Many of the figurines are very small, fitting comfortably into the palm of your hand, but some are larger, the size of a fooball. Some are even life size! You glance around, but the shopkeeper is still nowhere to be found. To amuse yourself, you begin to stroll around the room, examining each of the glass figurines. You pick one up and hold it in the light. Suddenly, with a puff of smoke, it's gone.

A soft calm voice speaks, and you turn around, startled. "So, Think they are cute?"

"It disappeared." you stammer nervously.

"Yeah, I can see that, don't worry.." A young lady steps out of the shadows and smiles softly at you. The sun bounces off her black hair, creating a halo of light. Her hazel eyes are gentle, but enchanting. A color not quite golden, but not quite amber brown, holding a sort of mystery to them.

A loud crash resounded from the back of the shop, breaking the revere. "Stay right there." Sighing angrily, she returned to the depths of the shop.

She returned in a moment, with the small figurine in her hand. It had a cute red bow tied around its neck. She smiles again, placing it in gently into your hand. "Be careful. They're extremely delicate. And when they are older, they can be a handful, so be prepared, all right?" She moves towards the old guest book and carefully records the date, before handing the pen to you.

"Your name and the creature's name, please."

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.You try to write neatly, being careful not to blot the ink and slowly scribe your name into the guestbook. Once you are finished, the young woman takes the pen from you and adds a dash and the type of animal.

You realize you haven't thanked her for the gift and proceed to do so. "No problem, dear." she responds cheerfully. Her full, pink lips curved upwarad into a kind smile and as you walk out, you notice a small little fox peek out, behind the corner. It yelps and hides again.

"Come back again, alright?" Even though you two couldn?t see each other, you both knew you'd be back, and often.

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Jan. 29 All pets are now down to 2k! The rest will be at next flat sale!

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WE WILL OFFICIALLY OPEN FRIDAY! for all those who wish to attend, come on in. we should be starting at ..oh......1:00? (or around there.)
Dec. 31 Happy New Year. The thread should be open for posting soon.
Dec. 30 Everything has been fixed up and worked out. Also, let's welcome Celeste, the second Shop Mascot!
Dec. 29 Almost done formatting.
Dec. 27 Shop Thread created
Dec. 21 Interest Thread created

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Click - Hiring and Interest Thread

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Once your pet has been purchased, check here for certings and growings. Once your pet is here, please save to your own computer. It doesn't matter whether you direct link or not because this shop uses tinypic, but that has a tendancy to suddenly crash..so yeah. Once you have saved your pet, please inform us so we can remove the picture from this post.
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A vivre diamond goes through four stages of growth, the figurine, the living crystal, a childlike animal stage, and finally the adult animal stage. There is also a secret fifth stage that can only be obtained though a lot of attention to your pet. The amount of time your pet spends in each stage depends on how much you roleplay and/or hang around the shop.

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Glass Figurine: 3 Weeks

The little glass statue stays in your home. Put it somewhere near you and/or in direct sunlight. (Be careful not to leave any paper nearby. It has the magnifying glass effect.) Lets it energies mix with yours, that it may get in tune with you. Though you can not always see this, it may start to move by the month's end. As your small guardian, it is are a little protective about who comes near you.

Living Crystal: 3-4 Weeks

It can now move as if alive, although it is still translucent and has a hard and shiny surface. It can be very playful and bond closer to you as if you were a parent. It may be curious and can get into mischeif.

Young Animal: 3-4 Weeks

Now these little figurines are alive, fur and all. Cute little ears, fangs...chibi-ish heads with pacifiers....Its just a fantasy. they dont need pacifiers. it would be cute though. But, at this stage, they have developed separate personalities, and like to mix with others more and more. Though close to you, they may wish to see more of the world. Be sure to keep them out of trouble.

Adult Animal: Indefinate

Now full grown, they follow you and and play with others with balanced time. Your bond is strong, and any negetive energies are banished. They wait to play, guard, and just sit around with you, making sure nothing harms you.

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There is rumored to be a secret Mythic stage that a very strongly bonded vivre diamond can reach. It is said that mythics have herculean strength, are sage-like wisdom, and can be the most reliable creatures you will ever find.

(Now this is the most difficult. it could take months, or just a few weeks depending on how you role play, or are in your journal. also, if I think you deserve it.)

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Vivre diamonde come in as many different types as there are glass figurines that can be made. So far, these are the ones that are offered in the shop.

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Figurine > Vulpes Crystal > Vulpes Kit > Vulpes

These little creatures are very playful and are known for being mischevious and getting into trouble. Despite this, they can be very sweet and they love to cuddle. As you can see vulpes are very fluffy. They enjoy being petted and handled.

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Figurine > Lykos Crystal > Lykos Pup > Lykos

Lykos are very agressive compared to the other species. They tend to be very noble, with a strong sense of justice and most of them will not hesitate to lend a fang in ensuring that it is carried out. They can be very loving, but are extremly protective. As pups, they are very playful, and may enjoy rough-housing, but as they get older it may escalate into a fight.

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Figuirine > Draco Crystal > Draco Hatchling > Draco

Draco love to just sit on something warm and relax around all day. They are usually very quiet and tend to be rather apathetic. However, they are also very clever and they can be spiteful if displeased.

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There are several ways to obtain a vivre diamonde. These do not include begging, whining, telling a sob story, or pestering me or the colorists about when the next flatsale is.

When you have secured a claim on a pet, please send a trade to PrincessTwilightAurora and title it "Vivre Diamonde Payment". If you do not do so, it may be mistaken for a donation. You have been forwarned, therefore, mistaken trades will not be refunded. You will not recieve your pet until the trade has been sent and if you do not send a trade within three days your claim will be void and the pet will go to the runner up.

Once you have sent the trade, head up to the Pickups section in the Updates post and refresh anxiously while waiting for your pet.

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Flatsales will be speed based (unless otherwise stated) and occur in this thread. Each figurine will be sold for 4k. When a flatsale is pending, you may not claim a figurine until I post GO! (This means not just when the designated time arrives). Anybody who attempt to claim early or edits their claim post will be banned from that particular flatsale.

To Claim from a Flatsale

Pet race:

Next Flatsale Starts: Friday, Jan. 20, 2006

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Auctions and Raffles

These will take place in a separate thread with their own rules and conditions and stuff. Previews and germane informations such as start dates and links to the threads will be posted here.

Current Auctions: none

Current Raffles: none

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If you are too impatient to wait for a flatsale or you have a special pet in mind, you can get a custom colored pet by filling out this form. Please remember that the colorists exist in the real world too. Colorists with closed slots are not to be bothered, as generally, RL is slightly more important than Gaia. If you want a particular colorist, please wait until that slot is open and do not hassle him/her about it. Also please note that at the moment, only Silverblack Battlecry is able to do complex lineart edits for cosplays and such.

Customs will generally be 10k, but depending on how difficult they are, the price may increase. Any extra gold requested is subject to the disgression of the colorist.

Custom VD Form

Colorist Preferred:
Description: (The more specific you are the better.)
Starting Stage:

Custom Slots

1. closed
2. closed

Silverblack Battlecry
1. closed
2. closed

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So, your VD is all grown up and wants to start a family. Well, how do they breed? The traditional way of course. The courtship must be RPed and the number of young depends on both quality and quantity of the RP. There must be consent from both owners (duh) and both VD must be adults. The acutal breeding is free, but each of the offspring you'd like to keep will be 2k. If you would like to give one to a friend, it will be 1k. The rest will be sold. You may not sell them yourself and I must be informed of all arrangements.

Regular breedings will result in baby animals (start in stage 3). Only two pairs may be breeding at one time. Species cannot interbreed and same-gender couples cannot procreate, but they can go the the Glassblower who lives somewhere in the the shop and request a figurine (start at stage 1) for 4k. If you wish to give this figurine to a friend, the Glassblower's fee is 3k.

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Vulpes can have 1-4 kits.
Lykos can have 1-3 pups.
Dracos can have 1-2 hatchlings.

Slot One: ----x----- (type) 0 Young
Slot Two: ----x----- (type) 0 Young

Glassblower: ----- (type) x------ (type) 0 Figurines

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Itemshop to come.
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arrow The Living Diamonds are not RP mandatory. There are perks for those who do RP, though. wink

arrow Follow all Gaia Terms of Service.

arrow Do Not Steal the Art!

arrow Be polite, and no flaming, or trolling.

arrow You may own more than one. However, new owners take priority.

arrow Please roleplay literately. Occasional mistakes are understandable, but actions in asteriks are uncalled for.

arrow Journals are optional but encouraged.

arrow Do Not PM me, or the colorits asking for free pets. but you can PM me with any other questions after you've read the front page.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does "Vivre Diamonde" mean?
We interpret it as "Living Diamond".

Wait..if "vivre la melon" means "long live the melon", isn't it "long live the diamond"?
I suppose you could say it that way, but literally, "vivre" is French for "to live", so we turned it into an adjective.

Are they RP required?
Did you read the rules or the "Roleplaying" post?

When's the next flatsale?
If we knew, we'd tell you.

Anything else that is repeatedly asked will be added.

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Those In Favor
Pire: he knows why
LilyV: my confidence booster
Silverblack Battle Cry: for all the help

Those Who are Charitable

Those Not in Favor

You Break It You Bought It (and you never come back)

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Purchase Date::Name: razz et Name-type (link to image)

Dec 30 '05: razz rincessTwilightAurora:: Celeste
Jan '06: razz ire::Loki
Jan '06::Massrevenge::Kirik

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The VD are not RP required, however special benifits do come for those who RP frequently and/or well. In the future, a special RP thread may be set up, but for now, we ask that you RP in the thread.

More to be added at a later date.

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Owner::Name(s)::sample journal

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Position: Shop Owner

Silverblack Battlecry
Position: Lineartist, Banner-maker, Layout, Guest Colorist
Other: Call me Cry.

Position: Colorist

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If you would like to be an affiliate, please post your code (only the code) in this thread or PM me.

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Our Banners
Please copy and paste these into your shop using the code provided.

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well, this is for all the things that should go in my siggy, since it really is stuffed.
that way, I can have what i want in my siggy.

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