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Hello, and feel very Wellcome to my Devil Tail quest. Yes another one. I know ther will be a long way to go, but I'm gonna sucsead. One day...

Ok, this is a quest, some here it comes.. Some help would be veeery appriciated... rolleyes
As we all know, that prety much means that bumps and donations are loved heart

Well well, I'm not gonna bore you out totaly in the first post. Take a look around the sight, and leav a bump or a post if you feel like it. And remember: I always bump back!

Thank you for your time!

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Quest progress
2160k / 3.750k

Tabel Of contains
Post 1 - Devils <-- This is where you are!
Post 2 - The Storry
Post 3 - Donations / Bumpers
Post 4 - Links
Post 5 - Link me
Post 6 - Specefied Offer
Post 7 - Quest Logg
Post 8 - BUMP
Post 9-15 - The 69 eyes lyrics and other junk.
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I guess that some of you that has been on gaia for a while maby recougnise me. I have quested many times.. Or, uhm, at least for times.. After my latest quest, wich was in Januari if I remember right, I desided to start a charity. Does the name I wish I had an Angel sounds fammiliar?
Any how.. The charity went well, but it kind of got out of my hands when I have lots to do in school, and worked almost every day duaring the summer. So it closed down.
I sure have bean missing to have a thread to take care of, someting to realy put my soul in to at gaia after that time. I guess that is why I like questing...
And here I am again, questing for the one item I always have desierd at gaia. This is Devils: My quest for the famous Devil Tail.
This is not gonna be an easy trip, but hey, it's not like I ever faled with any of my other quests. You know I'm good wink
And I would say that this will propebly be the last big quest I ever have.. But you won't beleav me anyway. You know that some day I wan't something big again. I don't know what it will be, but it sure will be something!

A little more about the "Devils" thing to.
You maby know how my second quest - Memories - happends to turn out in the lyric of a Nightwish song (Astral romanse). After that, I have always have lyrics in my quest names, and on my wishlists. Well, atleast almost every singel time.
This time, I was thinking of how to do my quest.. A hade winamp on random and then the song Lost Boys with The 69 eyes went on. It was so obveius. The song is on the record Devils. Devils. The 69 eyes. The song Devils. It all was so obveys! And it even gave me the opertunety to do some 69 things with pictures (ok, I think they are realy hot, you got me) to.. How can it ever get better?

A few last words...
I like this.. I hope you do to! rofl

If thers anything you wanna give me tips about, anything you wanna make me.. Just tell me so.. And if you don't, and just feel lonley and wanna have someone to talk to.. PMs are always wellcome.

Rock on!
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ZeddicusZorander - 23,500g heart
ZeddicusZorander - Thank You Letter For May 2005, Jack's grab bag 1-8, two extra nr 2 and one nr 3. 4laugh
Skribbelgrl - 400g
Wau-chan - 1,111g heart
Fifty-Five - 3,000g eek
REDGallenger - 1,000g heart
cHESTERbaNDmE - 87g heart
Wind's Charity - 100g heart
Angrod - 2 nov 2004 letters, august 2004 letter eek heart 4laugh
Anti-Apathy Charity - 500g
Taylor_169 - 100g

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My favorit bumpers
Angelus Atra - Here we go again ninja
Mr. Noodles - One of the best questers I ever met heart
Dimitri Bloodbane
Brandon Heet

Other good bumpers
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Do you want your link here?
PM me!

Wy is it good to be linked by Valkyria? Well.. Basecly becouse.. Uhm.. Some reasone no one realy knows.. And then you will be bumped atlest at the first time she goes on every day.

Dimitri's Commons Quest
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A quest to Collect Angelic and Magical Artifacts

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[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10432800] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v483/Valkyria86/Gaia/devils.jpg [/img][/url]

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First of all, I can tell that those items are spred out on mules, and not on this acount. So no need of hacking this one *nods*
Not that I thnk a text like that helps, but atleast it feels better.

Total Offer Worth: 2169k

Part that is Gold: 600k
Part that is Letters: 1203k
Part that is Letter Items: 196k
Part that is Event Items: 170k

Compleat list of what items the offer contains

(Item) Item name - Lowest By now prise in the Marketplase
User Image Thank You Letter For Jan 2004 - 155k
User Image Thank You Letter For Feb 2004 - 30k
User Image Thank You Letter For Mar 2004 - 10k
User Image Thank You Letter For April 2004 - 10k
User Image Thank You Letter For May 2004 - 10k
User Image Thank You Letter For June 2004 - 120
User Image Thank You Letter For July 2004 - 95
User Image x2 Thank You Letter For August 2004 - 2x85k = 170k
User Image Thank You Letter For Sept 2004 - 30k
User Image Thank You Letter For Oct 2004 - 30k
User Image x4 Thank You Letter For Nov 2004 - 4x10k = 40k
User Image x2 Thank You Letter for Dec 2004 - 2x15k = 30k

User Image x2 Thank You Letter for Jan 2005 - 2x19k = 38k
User Image x2 Thank You Letter For Feb 2005 - 2x15k = 30k
User Image x3 Thank You Letter For Mar 2005 - 3x28k = 80k
User Image x2 Thank You Letter For April 2005 - 2x5 = 10k
User Image x8 Thank You Letter For May 2005 - 8x20k = 160k
User Image x2 Thank You Letter for June 2005 - 2x5k = 10k
User Image x3 Thank you letter for July 2005 - 3x6k = 18k
User Image x2 Thank you letter for August 2005 - 2x8k = 14k
User Image x3 Thank you Letter for September 2005 - 2x3k = 6k
User Image x2 Thank you Letter for Oct 2005 - 2x9k = 18k

Letter items
(Item) Item name - Lowest By now prise in the Marketplase
User Image Bammi Hat - 10k
User Image Monkey Pajamas - 8k
User Image Bani Clips - 30k
User Image BTK - 6k
User Image OMFG - 12k
User Image Demonic Pendan - 17k
User Image Angelic Bracelet - 16k
User Image Solar Cloak - 10k
User Image Lunar Cloak - 12k
User Image KiKi Kitty Plushie - 27k
User Image x2 Guitar of Demona - 2x18k = 36k
User Image Chestplate of Arachne - 4k
User Image Prism Butterfly Mantilla - 5k
User Image Hard Shell Pack - 3k

Event items
(Item) Item name - Lowest By now prise in the Marketplase
User Image Monster brown paper bag - 10k
User Image Santa's Gift - 13k
User Image Christmas Charity Gift - 7k
User Image Zombie G CORP Labcoat - 140k

* When I am setting my prises, I'm not uasing a prise quide at the noment, when no is realy trustebal at the moment (If you have tips on a prise guid that is working well at the moment, post or PM me the link!), I'm siply uasing the lowest bye prise in the marketplase.
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30 December 2005
Well.. They point was that I would be abel to reach and 2 milion offer this week. It didnt work to well.. Im some gold short.. But atleast i reached 600k pure! Always something.
I guess this is what hapends when you sell your heart to sex, blood and gothic rock instead of to the devil wink

EDIT: I checked the vallue of the things in my offer and got lalmost 100k higer! So now I have over 2 millions ^^ ME LIKE!

22 December 2005
OMG! I havent had the time to be active at gaia for so long. I mostly only checked my pms.
Christams coming up, my birthday, friends spending there weekends here, conserts, work.. And My mother that needs the computer better then me at the moment thoe shes working on some uneversety stuff.
Well well.. I just have to pic up things where I left it and hope that I still have a chanse on this tale!

7 December 2005
Today I decided that when I'm done with my quest, I'm gonna opend a charity.. A speciall charity.. So watch out for an avtar called Christina Death in the future!

5 December 2005
The quest is going on.. And on.. And on...
I'm still geting a bit closer to my goal, but it is going slow. But oen think that realy made meed feel happy today, is that I got an donation from a charity! From Wind's Charity for being exact. It feels grate that someone have a bit of faith in me.

27 November 2005
I have bean edditing some posts here... Taken away the tor.. Don't have any uase for it. I get better payed for almost everythign if I put it out in the marketplase, and if ther is something speciall and expensive, i just make a singel action instead.
Almost a new month, means that I'm saving the pure gold for new letters.. It will be 3 or 4, depending on the prices and how much gold I have then..

23 November 2005
This is going soo slow.. Atelast compearede to what time all my other quests has bean taking..
I'm trying to do something about it. I'm selling a lot of things that isn't to valluball, like a lot of newer event items. I jsut need as many as I can weare, so all the junk goes away. The only problem is taht my inventory is so messy >.<

15 November 2005
I desided that I shall opend a quest shop. I din't think people will se the post I have in here. So far, 1 persone has bought something from it.. So..
I wills till have the post, but I will have a nother topic to. Or maby I will remove the post, just leav a link.. Well well..

11 November 2005
Eyh! Loock! 50 pages biggrin
Things worked fine yesterday.. I have some more uppdates to do in the shop... And then the list of bumpers. sOmething tells me thers more then 2 of them out there ninja

10 November 2005
Wow! One month old quest. It has bean very slow honestly.. I better take care of this soon *nods*
The Plans of today.. To find some new banners to add to my list and.. To pick out new stuff from my inventory to sell. And.. Uppdate the prices in my offer. Th economy isnt to stabel at the moment. And if I dont have enough time for all this, I'll just try to make it trough the weekend.
Woundering.. Is this time to find some charitys..?

7 November 2005
I can't beleav this thread is almosta a month old. Or that this quest is maby I should say.. wow, thats realy something. I never was the type who had to quest for a long time.. But I still feel good about this!
What a weekend. I havent had to much time to spend on this quest unfortnuntly sad But now I'm back, and working on it again!
Unfortnuntly, it looks like my computer is about to brake down.. AndI cant aford a laptop jet.. *sigh*

31 October 2005
It has bean low activity in the thread becaouse of the halloween even, whitch is still going on. I was hunting to be a combie, but no.. Not this year...

25 October 2005
I wen't trough the people who has posted in my quest, and did some linking. Felt a bit bad to just have one link. If people link me back, I apriciate it, but thers nothing I'm realy counting on.
I alwaso got another wounderfull donation by lovley ZZ. He realy is crazy! But I apriciate that he is helping me. And another bit of help whas that I got a pinklink! Me like ^^

24 October 2005
Back from england! I had a grate time over there.
Now I'm back, and I realy are going to put my soul in to this quest. I love it. And a big thanks to all the people that made my thread grow so much duaring my vecation!

17 October 2005
I got a trunk today. And befor I knew what I was doing, I had opend it >< A flower on my head. Atleast its something. And I just can't stand the thought of that I'm might selling something more vallubal.
I'm going to england tomorrow so I'm not gonna be online again untill next monday I think. So ther wont't be any activity here.

13 October 2005
I got a Blue Giftbox! And as usual, I just could no't resist to opend it.. And now I have preissoners shackle's for sale. Not that bad after all. Better then a dired grass skirt anyway smile

12 October 2005
The thread is prety much done now. Ok, the offer isnt the full offer and thers some small things missing, and the link list is prety much empty so far.. But it will be better! Now it's just my old beloved bumpers whos missing *sneeks out to find them

10 October 2005
The thought of the quests has finaly defeated the minds struggel, and a quest page starts to take shape. Ho will this end?! No one knows... Jet.
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And last, just an special post for my beloved bump ^^
So I can find it easy, and you can se what you have to stand to se around the exchange constantly in the future!

I'm also thinking of doing my self some special "Devil" bumps just for this quest. What do you think about it?

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Lost Boys

(Nothing's gonna make you stop
You wanna rock
Nothing's gonna close your eyes)

Morning light hurts your eyes
But that's another thing
Nothing really matters
Behind the shades of blue
Blind boys never lie
But that's another thing
Nothing really matters
Behind the shades of blue

'Cause in the end
You're just reborn again

You wanna rock
Nothing's gonna make you stop
And nothing's gonna break you up
Everybody knows you're lost
In the night time, honey
Lost boys

We are dead until dark
But that's another thing
Nothing really matters
Behind the shades of blue
You say
You wanna live like I do
But that's another thing
Nothing really matters
Behind the shades of blue

'Cause in the end
We're just reborn again

You wanna rock
Nothing's gonna make you stop
And nothing's gonna break you up
Everybody knows you're lost
In the night time, honey
Lost boys

You wanna rock
Nothing's gonna make you stop
And nothing's gonna break you up
Everybody knows you're lost
In the night time, honey
Lost boys

(You wanna rock)

You wanna rock
Nothing's gonna make you stop
And nothing's gonna break you up
Everybody knows you're lost
In the night time, honey
Lost boys

You wanna rock
Nothing's gonna make you stop
And nothing's gonna break you up
Everybody knows you're lost
In the night time, honey
Lost boys

You wanna rock
Nothing's gonna make you stop
And nothing's gonna break you up
Everybody knows you're lost
In the night time, honey
Lost boys

(Nothing's gonna make you stop
Lost boys
Everybody knows you're lost
Lost boys)

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