Welcome to Gaia! ::

What's This All About
Well, since I managed to get some pretty cute clothes already, mostly all I'm doing at Gaia currently is building up gold. What better thing to do with gold than spend it on art! I love art. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

But Gabi, You Can Draw. Why Do You Want Art From Other People
Because I can draw, people seem to think that this means that I never want gift art, so I never get any XD. I love my own work, but I get really tired of staring at it XD. I like seeing new fresh and exciting things that other people are doing! Getting art is like getting a digital hug. heart

So What Kind of Things Are You Looking For?
I really really like it when the artist pays close attention to what I've said about the personalities of the characters and their habits and likes. More than anything, I want the characters to feel like who they are, not just louging around generically smiling or something. I love unusual poses and angles too. I like realism, but I also like cartoony things and anime styled things. I just like art XD. Mostly I'll be interested in CG, but if you do really pretty linework, then I will probably be all over you so fast that you'll be going to a judge for a restraining order.

Just Couple Pieces?
No way, Jose! I'll buy singles of either of them too <3. Just check with me first before you draw anything unless it's a present XD.

Will You Buy My Work?
I don't know! I reserve the right to make my own choices about what I buy, but you won't know if I'll buy or not until you ask me! Be brave, I promise I won't be mean XD.

So, How Are You Paying for This?
Cha-ching. You knew this one was coming. Well, I'll either be paying in pure gold, donation letters of the month, or I'll have an item list of things you can trade for posted a little lower down <3. Also, I'm almost always open for doing trades with other artists (because I also love to draw XD). Doing a trade means we both win fabulous cash and prizes! Well, fabulous prizes at least. Fabulous art. Leave me a post if you'd like to trade, same as if you want a straight commission. I'll be posting more examples of my gaia work a little later, but for now you can check my deviant art gallery.

Your Characters Are So Amazing That I Must Draw Them! For Free Even!
Can I have your babies? *_* Really, this is my way of saying that I love donations. I've also been known to freebie art back if I have the time at all <3.

So who is it that you want me to draw anyway?
You're about to find out in the next post. Stay tuned, sports fans. heart

Any donations today (December 25, 2004) will get a Koge Donbo style Chibi from me! <3
The Characters and Story

Once upon a time there was a little angel named Gabriel. She's my character in the world famous PBEM Angels Never Came Down
and has been since time began. What my artquest is all about is collecting more art for her in her various nine thousand incarnations and collecting art for her much neglected paramour Duriel. You know you want to draw him. Well, maybe you don't. Poor Duriel. No one ever wants to draw him. Maybe it's the goatee.

ANYWAY. As I was saying before I rudely interrupted myself: This artquest is about the two of them, both as single subjects and together. They have a really long and complicated story that I am not going to bore you with now -- except, wait. Yes I will. That's what this post is for, isn't it?

Gabriel: I am too young, your former mentor's kid, and also your apprentice!
Duriel: You are.
Gabriel: We fall and love and get married anyway and I have a baby except bad things happen because there's a war and you get fed up and turn evil and I get depressed and then our girl mixes up Kevorkian orange juice for me and I bite it!
Duriel: Indeed.

~Some time passes~

Gabriel: Now I am a maid! You see familiar!
Duriel: Now I am the pope. You seem familiar.
Gabriel: I think you might be evil. I'm going to try and kill you for the betterment of the world.
Duriel: I'll kill you first. Damn. You were Gabriel.

~Some more time passes~

Gabriel: Hi, now I'm rich and always out doing good! I am a schoolgirl who plays lacrosse and am still too young!
Duriel: You are.
Gabriel: And you're all evil but we end up stalking each other anyway and a lot of angsty tragic stuff happens until I get fed up with you not letting me stay over so I get my friends together, we go and wake up a primodial evil, and then we kill it. You become good again!
Duriel: 'Good' is not exactly how I'd put it.
Gabriel: We get married! Yay! I am still too young.
Duriel: You are.


Gabriel: I love everyone and everything please love me back!
Gabriel: Well, icy-hearted professors also need scarves. And bandages. And love.
Duriel: ... let us stalk each other for four or five years, then get married.
Gabriel: Okay!

Not!Gabriel: I loved everyone too much and now I have no soul.
Gabriel: ;_;
Zomiel: It is okay, Gabriel.
Gabriel: ;_;
Jibreel: It is okay, mom. Here, drink this.
Gabriel: ;_; x_x

Gabriel: ;_;
Duriel: I AM EVIL SO I DO NOT CARE IF YOU CRY except that I do.
Gabriel: Perhaps you could ... not be evil?
Duriel: No.
Gabriel: ;_; I guess I will have to fix it then.

Gabriel: Did it work?
Gabriel: You still need love.
Duriel: Let us...
Gabriel: Okay.

Duriel: Now we are married.
Gabriel: I like crab traps! Let us go and look at them!
Duriel: Okay.


The lady in her various incarnations:

- Reccommended Reading - The Balance of Need - How To Deal With Snappers - Full Profile

You could consider this the master copy that all the other Gabriels are stamped from. This is her master physical description:

Three second rundown - Gabriel has blue eyes and wavy brown hair that you can draw at variable length all the way down to her ankles. It is at least always down to her butt. She is very short, only 5'0 and built like a doll. She never looks older than sixteen. She has tiny little wings behind her ears, and two sets of winglets on her back called wingspurs. She usually goes barefoot.

Some Extra Notes to Keep In Mind:
Gabriel is only five feet tall, so that means she's very tiny, especially in comparison to Duriel, who is 5'11". Her affiliated animal is the deer, and in her cherubic form she has deer ears instead of human ears, and two sets of back wings, the first gold shaded and the second feathered with green peacock feathers. As a seraph she has three sets of wings, on set on her head and two on her back. In this form, the top set of wings is again gold, and the secondary set is shaded pale green, but is feathered with normal feathers. Her affiliated flower is the red rose, so drawing her with roses in any way is appropriate, as is drawing her with red sharon tulips, as she is the Rose of Sharon. She is perky, friendly, full of fun, and infinitely nice. If she has anything left at all to give away, then she will do so. She is princess loving kindness. If you don't want to draw her in any of the costumes presented, anything flowy and green will suffice heart

Eyes: Like all fairy tale princesses, Gabriel has mood eyes that color and shift with the light. They are something in between blue, green, and gray, depending on the light and the angle you see them from, although they have a tendency toward being a deep, easy blue. Watch out, because some times she does manage to be a green-eyed lady and a gray-eyed Ophelia, so be forewarned. Her eyes are large and wide and given to looking very innocent even when she is being patently not. Her lashes are short but very thick and dark, giving her the perennial doe eye.

Face and Skin: Very fair with rosy pink undertones, Gabriel is pale while at the same time having a healthy color to her. She sees a lot of the sun but manages to not turn berry brown except in summer when she first crisps to a bright burnt red and then peels away into a respectable farmer's tan. This fades quickly as soon as the summer goes, however, and by harvest ball she's as pink as a pearl again. As far as her facial structure goes, it's delicate with high cheekbones and a slight chin set into a heart shaped face. Her nose is narrow and barely upturned and her lips are just slightly full and naturally a softened raspberry red in color. Her ears are small and rounded with attached lobes, and the spurs that flare behind them are just a touch larger than the standard of seraphic head spurs, a soft white shaded in pale green.

Hair: Gabriel has some hair. And then some. If it hung entirely straight, then it would surely lap the back of her Achilles tendons, but you see my friends, it does not hang straight. Gabriel's hair has what we like to call Cresting Wave Action (tm). This is a term coined by Relia to mean that it hangs in loose flowy waves that almost seem to undulate of their own will as she moves. In color it is what is best described as a warm calico brown, owing to her disputed paternity. It has both warm and cool brown streaks, although it is primarily a warm ruddy brown in color, with golden highlights. Papa Zadkiel did manage to get some deep chocolate waves in there, so the ball is really still up in the air.

Build: As one might expect from the girl next door, Gabriel is tiny. She tops out at five feet even and is built lightly. She is not whipchord thin. Time in the army serving actively has put a little flesh on her bones, but she's still very much the waif. She has a plump round little bottom and slight hips so as to better facilitate the bringing into the world of tiny Gabriels. She has a modest bust, really, not one she should really be bringing up every time papa comes to chat with her and give her her allowance XD. Her other two sets of spurs are on her back, standard issue, the magnum pair being the higher, larger set. The right spur of this set has a tendency to twitch when Gabriel is agitated or upset.

Carriage: Oh Lady Grace – you are not, no matter how hard you try. In fact, really the harder Gabriel does try to be graceful the more likely she is to eat pavement. When she's not trying she can often be very naturally beautiful, but as soon as she tries to concentrate on doing something a certain way she goes down like a ton of bricks, even if there's nothing in the way to trip on at all. Her stance is open and inviting, and she just feels comforting, while at the same time radiating energy and health and, well kittenishness. Gabriel is God's Green Ambassador and she can walk the walk . . . . when she doesn't fall down. A wiggle in the walk and a giggle in the talk makes the world go round, my friends.

Clothing: This can be subdivided into two major grounds before Gabriel gets married: A) pretty dresses and B) things tailored to drive Duriel insane. Hey, when Gabriel's cards are on the table, they're all on the table. Occasionally these groups even cross over. An example of the former would be a flowy green shift that reaches to the floor. An example of the latter would be Jabriel's dress that Gabriel wore to her first Yule Ball. She is overly fond of both of these styles. She favors ribbons and lace and petticoats when she can get them, or tunics and boots when she's going to be outside romping. Gabriel is very femmy. If it is girly, then she will wear it. Yes, I know you're so surprised XD.

Voice: Soft and warm, Gabriel's voice is a smoky alto and has been since she was about twelve, when her voice settled all at once and quite a bit lower than most people expected. It is sweet and warm and pleasant when Gabriel sings. She has a nice voice and can carry a tune and keep pitch well enough because she stays in practice for the festivals. It feels good to listen to Gabriel talk. Which is good for you, because she talks a lot. When she gets really going her voice develops a soothing, almost hypnotic effect that is very good for placating people who might be considering having a row with each other. Gabriel is ever happy to be the balance point.

Gabi, that made no sense. Give me some visual aids.
With pleasure.
http://www.geocities.com/dianellae/earthea.jpg -- By my Splendiferous Meifae.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/10290919/ -- She's the one with brown hair. Yeah, not Chibimoon XD.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/8959993/ -- Watch out, this one has breasts!
http://www.deviantart.com/view/8725059/ -- Yes, she may cause cavities.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/8661670/ -- With her weapon
http://www.deviantart.com/view/6537027/ -- Showing off her wingspurs.

~Demeter Serraffield
- Reccommended Reading - Waiting for Apollo - Their Remembering

She's a do-gooding schoolgirl aristocrat who loves lacrosse and charity. Most likely to be found in classy designer clothing that would break any normal person's bank to buy, or in too short school kilts and sweaters. She is sixteen.

http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/8662139/ -- Her Lacross Uniform
http://www.deviantart.com/view/8660342/ -- Her School Uniform
http://www.deviantart.com/view/12806419/ -- Jillion Dollar Pantsuit.

~Nymphette Minx
- Reccommended Reading - All Time High

She's a schoolgirl turned international woman of mystery. She's seventeen, but always claims to be twenty-five. She's not very convincing. Most at home in slinky green evening gowns, but only ever has one shoe.

http://www.deviantart.com/view/6538363/ -- Nymphette in her school uniform.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/7230966/ -- She fancies PPKs
http://www.deviantart.com/view/12896565/ -- He collects her shoes.

~Miss Adelaide

- Reccommended Reading - The City That Never Sleeps

She's a burlesque dancer in the Guys and Dolls universe (which is 1930's New York). She treats every preformance as if it were a school recital. Wears cute green skirt and jacket combos when she's out and lots of lace and vinyl and ruffles when she's dancing.

http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/6635926/ - In her undies.
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/6612578/ - Respectable skirtset.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/6610543/ -- Working scribble

~Gabriel of Ruatha
- Reccommended Reading - Angelflight

She's the only hope of Pern. Poor Pern. Often to be found in dragon riding leathers -- her signature green, of course.

http://www.deviantart.com/view/9428505/ -- The death of Bingo.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/6537986/ -- Gabriel and Ramoth

~Teddy Ingram
- Reccommended Reading - Too Hot for Gaia

She's a turn of the century translator pretending to be a very unconvincing boy. She hangs in the company of Aleiseter Crowley and drinks a lot.

http://www.deviantart.com/view/12804278/ -- I told you she was a very unconvincing boy.
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/9867870/ -- She's always losing her pants.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/9881097/ -- And playing all night drunken cricket.
The gentleman and his various incarnations

~ Duriel

Again, the base from which the others are pulled. He matches with Gabriel above. Rarely if ever seen without his cardinal red tailcoat and ebony jousting lance. Also often wearing his assassin's cloak.

Since Duriel doesn't have a formal writeup, I'll give you a few specifics. He's 5'11, and muscled but leanly built -- whipcord, not beefcake. He has a narrow, long face and nose and pronounced cheekbones. He wears his hair short and not quite to his collar, gelled straight back on his head, although it does sometimes ducktail a bit at the back. He has a widow's peak and often people comment that he's loosing his hair. He goes silver at the temples at an early age. His eyes are crimson red and he wears a very tiny goatee on his chin like a little goat beard. He's a very controlled person who very rarely smiles. His stance is closed and he just looks uninviting. He's usually making this face: crying or this one stare . He doesn't believe in public displays of affection and speaks rarely to people whose names to not begin with 'G' and end with 'abriel.' He is paranoid and will not sit with his back to the open air. He also always carries his lance. He works as secret-police-com-assassin and is always coming home with blood on his hands. Gabriel washes it out. Very honorable. Loves Gabriel harder than flowers love the sun, although he is rarely open with this fact.

If you want some vague parallels, you could imagine Hero Yui or Witch Hunter Robin's Amon.

http://www.deviantart.com/view/8959993/ -- lance, tailcoat, assassin cloak, nudity.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/7170864/ -- lance, tailcoat, assassin cloak. Ignore Samael.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/6538241/ -- lance, tailcoat, assassin cloak
http://www.deviantart.com/view/6423366/ -- lance, tailcoat, Gabriel, with wings! XD
http://www.deviantart.com/view/4906149/ -- Original Duriel concept art. The very base of all the designs.

~Matthias Eisenreich

Sold his soul to the devil and currently works for him. Enjoys kicking puppies into nuns with cancer. Matches with Demeter Serraffield who eventually kills the devil in order that he might have his soul back. Feels very guilty about the puppy-kicking-into-nuns thing later.

The only Duriel who doesn't look like Duriel, but instead looks like an old, dead pope. Unfortunately, when I draw him, this ususally translates to him looking like Dr. Wiley. Only wears english cut suits that were probably out of fashion fifty years ago. Fond of browns and neutral colors. Also often seen in a labcoat or scrubs, as he is an oncologist.

http://www.deviantart.com/view/7230966/ -- This would be the part where he's evil.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/12806419/ -- Fortunately, he gets better.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/10613066/ -- But they're involved even when he's evil. And looks like a conehead.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/8660982/ -- Still got the lance. Nonspecific nudity.

~ Kezef Bond

He's like James Bond, only Duriel. And he is only ever interested in one woman. Matches with Nymphette Minx. Almost never seen out of a tuxedo and without his PPK.

http://www.deviantart.com/view/7230966/ -- His hands full.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/12896565/ -- The good life.

~Nathan Detroit

Runs the oldest established permanent floating crap game in New York. Matches with Adelaide. He's an amiable gangster. He's also the only amiable Duriel ever XD. Fond of a pinstripe suit, red carnation, and a matching fedora.

http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/6612578/ -- He is fond of his girl.
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/6612578/ -- Very fond.

~D'riel of Benden
Disgruntled Weyrleader of Benden. Has an irate bronze dragon with a three second attention span. Matches with Gabriel of Ruatha. Would like to pretend that he wished he did not, but adores her desperately. Wears riding leathers in his trademark cardinal red.

http://www.deviantart.com/view/6538158/ - D'riel and Mnementh.
http://www.deviantart.com/view/9428505/ -- The death of Bingo.
The Toy Chest - Things Available for Trade

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Gaia Pin

Stylish Charcoal Sweater

Party Hat

Noise Maker

April 2004 Donation Letter - Hammi Hat/Bammi Hat

2004 Easter Basket - Chickie Hat/Bunny Hat

Bompin' Blue Headgear

7 December Letters

If you'd like a donation letter for this month, just ask and it can probably be arranged.
Working Statuses and Payment List

1. Silverchan - Paid, Trade Pending
2. xForsaken_Lightx - Paid, Trade Pending
3. Ruka-Kins - Paid, Trade Pending
4. Fira_Flame - Paid, Trade Pending
5. Tenica - Paid, Trade Pending - Art Received!
6. Blue-Bunny-Girl - Art Trade - My half is done <3
7. Reiben_Prince - Art Trade - Working on my half <3
8. RedPanda_Chan - Paid, Trade Pending, Gaia is being silly. Art Received!
9. ToxiKation - Paid, Trade Pending
Gallery of Completed Works and Artists

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Donations and Gift Art!
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

This list is even more sad and lonely.
So You Want to Commission Me

I mean, I have to feed my habit somehow. I'd rather do trades, but not everyone can draw X3. Please check the next post for actual samples.


Koge Donbo Syle Chibi -
Pencil & CG - 1500 - 1.5K
Inked - 1000 - +1K
Pencil & CG Couples - 3000 - 3K
Special Commissions: Negotiable.

Full Body CG - 3000-5000 - 3K-5K depending on complexity, or Sealed Letter of the month. Couples CG doubles the price.

Detailed 1/2 - 3/4 Shot - Painter Watercolored - 8K-10K or Sealed Letter + 4K. Double it for Couples.

Detailed 1/2 - 3/4 Diffusion Glow CG - 15-20K for a single, 30-40K for a couple.

Detailed 1/2 - 3/4 Uninked CG - 8-10K for a Single, double it for couples. If you'd like it inked, please inquire. There may be an additional fee of 1-2K, depending on the complexity of the inking.

CG Headshot - 1000 - 1K

Some Further Notes
I do props at no extra charge (here is where your katanas, bunny plushies, and sniper rifles come in). I can draw weaponry no problem, but if you want me to do a specific make of firearm, you're going to have to tell me in advance so I can look up references - but yes, I can draw your gold plated desert eagles, and at no extra charge! I will draw blood and gore, and I will draw nudity for both genders, and I have no problems drawing male/male couples, female/female couples, or male/female couples. If you want me to draw you with a critter that's bigger than say, a kitten, then that counts as a couple picture. On the upside, I can also draw you hanging on your dragon for the same price as a couple picture. I have samples with dragons too. Just PM and I can get them to you <3.

Also, in case you can't tell from the samples posted so far, I can draw muscles XD.

Bulk Discount

Yeah, I'm like the snowcone place. For every five things you commission me for, you get the sixth one absolutely free! Now, that means you have to commission the same thing - say, five full body CGs nets you a sixth one free. Five couples nets you a sixth one, and so on. This is to encourage people to come back and continue feeding me gil for my habit XD. You don't have to buy them all at once. I'll keep a tally of how many you've commissioned <3. heart

Payment Methods
I accept donation items, letters, and anything and everything from the angelic set (which is what I'm collecting <3). I also accept solid gold <3. And because of the way my discounts work, you can give me something that's GEN standard for 25K and get five full body CGs and then the sixth free! That's a pretty good deal X3.

Special Requests
Just ask. I'll probably do it XD. Keep in mind you can always check my deviant art gallery for ideas of what I've done in the past and am comfortable with.
Examples of my work for Trade

Koge Donbo Style Chibi - CG

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Special Commission - CG
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Full Body Color CG
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1/2 - 3/4 Watercolor CG
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1/2 - 3/4 Diffusion Color CG
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1/2 - 3/4 Uninked CG
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Headshot - Watercolor CG
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Work done for Trades
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More examples available on request <3
Links to Other Original Character Art Quests!

Links to Shops I like

Links to Auctions!

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Link Me!

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And I believe that's it!

::cuts ribbon::

Come one heart

Come all heart

<3 <3 <3.

I was stalking this thread...XD

Here are my samples. They're all thumbnails, so click away for full picture!


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<center>More samples can be found here.</center>
I love your violinist! What are your rates? <3
I love your violinist! What are your rates? <3

I have flat rates in my shop, but if I approach someone about a commission, I always let them negotiate the price a bit if they feel they need to. ^^ But here's my basic rates:

For the Fulls:

--Pencil: 4k
--Pen: 4.5k
--Colored: 5k
--CG'd: 6k

--Pencil: 5k
--Pen: 5.5k
--Colored: 6k
--CG'd: 7k

--Pencil: 6k
--Pen: 6.5k
--Colored: 7k
--CG'd: 8k

--Uncolored: 500
--Colored: 1k

For the Chibis:

--Pencil: 1.5k
--Pen: 2k
--Colored: 2.5k
--CG'd: 3k

--Pencil: 1.5k
--Pen: 2k
--Colored: 3k
--CG'd: 3.5k

--Pencil: 2.5k
--Pen: 3k
--Colored: 3.5k
--CG'd: 4k
While I am trying to decide exactly what I can afford XD why don't you tell me who you'd be interested in drawing? <3. If you have a preference, I'd like to know ^^
I mostly draw men...but I need to draw females more often. sweatdrop So is it okay if I pick an incarnation of Gabriel?

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