Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Not so very long ago, a scientist of the Order had come across a shard of glass. Nothing appeared to be unusual of this glass except for the fact it had what appeared to be blood splattered inside of it. The Scientist took this odd glass shard into one of the Order's laboratories deciding it would be best to see what type of DNA was contained within it.

However, before he had even begun testing the very tired scientist [ & also very lazy ] had fallen asleep at his desk. When he awoke the next day, the [ somewhat blind ] Scientist left for his dorm failing to notice the shard of glass had become a large orb.

Several weeks had passed until finally the [ very stupid ] scientist returned to his laboratory only to find a large creatureeating all the plantlife that hung around the laboratory.

The Scientist was in complete and utter shock for not only had he found something in his lab he didn't place there but he had never seen the creature before in his life. It was an equestrian like creature, however it had leathery skin, lacked a mane and bore two tails; one much like a horse' the other not too far off from a dragon.

Many years later the area around the Order's Head Quarters was preserved for the creatures who were bred there. The Equos, as they were come to be called for their horse-like appearance, were sold to whomever so desired them [and were willing to pay the price] howveer at the cost that the specimen remain in the Order's territory where they could roam naturally. However, if an owner so desired they could always visit the Order where their specimen will be brought to them for some bonding time.

We at the Order hope you too may find a specimen of your own.

If at any time you feel lost simply post in the thread or pm [ the Order ] and someone will be sure to help you.
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[ Area I. ]
o1. Intro
o2. Contents
o3. Updates
o4. Rules / faq
o5. RP Info.
o6. Specimen
o7. Owners
o8. Pickup
o9. Specials
1o. Breeding
11. Relics
12. ???
13. Cert
14. Links
15. Events

[ Area II. ]
o1. Staff & Creds
o2. Neo
o3. Shop Status
o4. Customs
o5. ???
o6. ???

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[ 06. 19. 05 ] Cleaned updates.

[04. 20. 05] Attention all previous owners of the Order. Neo will now allow you to "upgrade" your old pets to the new ones. See teh specimen section for types available you may upgrade you specimen to any listed there. If you do indeed wish to upgrade send [ the Order ] a pm [ or post] with the following...

I. Pet's Name
II. Type of specimen you wish it to be
III. Any cert/cert color you wish to purchase.

After you can send trade. The first pet you upgrade will be only 1k; any additional pets after that 3k a piece. If you wish to purchase a cert include in your trade. Because I am charging [don't want to get flooded with orders [[haha yeah right xp]]] I will automatically color your cert. Any questions or comments feel free to post in the thread x3.

[04.16.05] Moved the thread.

[01.30.05] Site on semi-haitus--being remodled x3
[12.26.04] Shop officially opened though it's a bit empty :3
[12.24.04] Shop Thread Officially made.
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[ General ]
- No begging for a pet
- No poking fun at others
- No starting of fights [Play Fighting is allowed :3]
- No stealing of Art or Pets
- No altering the pets in ANYWAY
- Please host the pets on your own sever when they' reach their adult stage.

[ Event ]
- No harrasing other buyers
- First Come, First Serve
- Only one per person per flatsale, you may not buy for others
- You must be able to pay for your shard
- You may not choose your own numbers for raffles
- Feel free to buy as many tickets as you please.
- You may buy tickets for others
- Items are accepted [auctions & raffles] & taken at the mid-gen or
sellback price
- Calculate your bids when posting them
- You may NOT back out if you win

[ Roleplaying ]
- No godmodding
- No killing
- No rping other's pets
- Do NoT wRitE lIKe THiS!111!1! or *like this*
- If an RP is going on, please use [ ] or ( )
- Be litterate
- Have Fun~!

[ FaQ ]
[ I ] How long does it take for my infant / adolescent to grow?
- It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks though it will most likely be somewhere in the middle. This all depends on your interaction within the thread & how busy Neo is.

[ II ] Can I make my foal have dragon wings?
- No, Neo will not alter your pet so don't ask, relics in the store will be sold for you to do such things, but it won't be cheap ;p

[ III ] Can you make me a custom?
- See the 2nd post on the 2nd page.

[ IV ] Can I have a free babe?!
- No.

[ V ] But I can't afford it~!
- Neo cares not D:

[ VI ] Pet trade?
- Ooooo see Neo's personal post on the second page ;D

[ VII ] What if someone doesn't follow the rules?
- If owner, your pet will be taken away & you will be blacklisted. If you're not an owner, you will be blacklisted and prevented from owning a specimen of The Order.

[ VIII ] Do we have to rp?
- No, though it will make specimen grow faster & it'd be nice of you to stop by. Also, Elder & Legend stages can only be reached through intensive rp.

[ IX ] Where do we rp?
- At the moment in this thread. See the section on RPing for more details D:

[ X ] Is their a limit to the ammount you may own?
- Of course not~! x3

[ XI ] May we co-own?
- Gomene, but Neo doesn't allow co-owing. o1. I have to rearrange the whole cert, o2. It looks bad on the owner's list, o3. It will stop that specimen+owners from being able to partake in a certain events that Neo plans. Forgive Neo <3
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There are certain types of Roleplaying; Serious & Comedic

Serious This rp is conducted in 3rd person, paragraph form. It can be, but is not limited to, specimens interacting, fighting, recieving a specimen, etc. Use " " for speach, and grammer as best to your ability. Write out words completely, and do not go back and edit posts, it's ok if you make mistakes, no one is perfect. If a serious rp is going, please use something along the lines of [ ] outside of rp so you don't disrupt others.

Comedic There are really no rules for Comedic rp, this is done in a play-like format. You can use : instead of " " and anything goes. You can bounce off the walls, sweatdrop, fall over, your petcan even talk to you, others, hell, we don't care just have fun~!

Not quite sure how to rp? Look here for examples, you don't even need to own a pet to rp.

Neo rping without a specimen...Serious RP
[ Neo sat down in the Main building's lobby. It was a comfortable seat, his feet resting on the shiny tiled floor, he tilted his head back and looked upward at the glass ceiling. He imagined recieving his very own glass shard, wondering what type of creature he may recieve. He looked over to the side and saw [so & so] holding an orb. It appeared heavy, but beautiful none the less with a deep blue center. ]Etc...

Neo rping with a specimen [in it's orb form]...Serious RP
[ Neo lifted the heavy orb. It was time to take it outside again, figureing the sunlight would help the spirit release from the glass. It was quite some work getting it outside and trying to lay it down without thing rolling away. He couldn't wat to see what type of specimen he was recieving. ] Etc...

Neo rping with a specimen...Comedic RP
[ Neo: OMG Bishies *_*
Morian: ...
Neo: We all know you like bishies too xp
Morian: ...omg ]

Neo's specimen rping [in the wild]...Serious RP
[ Morian lowered his head, hiding in the deep of the bush, he wished not to be seen by the other Equos lest one approach him. The thought of conversing with one of the others led him to pure disgust. ] etc.

Please note if you are rp yourself & you're like Neo, and your avatar is male, but in truth you are female, you still rp as a male. Also bear in mind, we [owners] are not aloud to go into the grounds of the specimen. The only time an owner may interact with their specimen is when they are both in the Order's HQ. Other then that you are rping your specimen amongst other specimen in the "wild" xO This last paragraph only applies to people rping seriously. Hope that wasn't too confusing?

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[ Stages ]
All specimen of the order go through most of the following stages. Your activity with/out your specimen determines their growthrate.

[ Infant ]
Finally, your specimen has attained a physical body. It can now give you dumb looks, evil glares, and bear it's teeth to ye D: Often at this stage your specimen is curious about what's going on around it but they don't really do nething more then sit down & stare. It's patterns & colors are now clear & deffinite; they will change little over the rest of it's growth.
: 2 - 4 days.

[ Adolescent ]
Your basic teenager put into a specimen like form D: It bad mouths, it get's drunk, it goes wild...erm...yeah. Adolescents still hold their infantile curiosity only now their actually doing something about it xO Oh nuuuu one just flipped over the table. Damn teenagers. >.> *contradicts herself*
Duration: 2 - 4 days.

[ Adult ]
No one thought this day would ever come OH THANK GOD Congratulations~! Your specimen has now fully grown. Hopefully it has gained a bit of matureity as well. It has stopped relying on others so much now and is ready to find a mate and make little glass shard of it's own. [& the proccess begins again! *maniacal cackle*] Yes it sounds painful but uhh...they start off as a soul before they turn into a shard...maybe?
Duration: Forever.

[ Further Stages ]
For those of you rich RP Intense owners who love your specimen so much you practically breathe the Order; your adult specimen may advance up to two more stages. You lucky Devil x3

[ Elder ]
The advisor of it's group; nearly none doubt the word of an Elder weather it be good or bad. They have a strong influence and are often sought out for their advice. They are experienced in both physical aspirations as well as in their wisdom. If your specimen's has reached it's Elder stage you must be putting in five days of RP a week D: WTH is wrong with you? Go take a nap. Now.

[ Legend ]
OMG you reached the ultimate stage. Your must've been RPing in your sleep. ******** is wrong with you? Are you addicted? That or you must have paid a large sum x3 Eitherway; your specimen was so renound as an elder it has become...a Legend. Legends often leave their group at this stage and start one of their own through careful selections. Very few can stand up to legends as their physical and spiritual strength is matched only by other Legends.

[ Types ]
The different types of specimen available at the Order. Your specimen's type will only be revealed when it reaches it's infant stage so have fun guessing >D These are the only types available at this time.

[ Equos ]
Equestrian like creatures with leathery skin, they lack manes & bare two tails; one similar to that of a horse, the other much like a dragon.

[ Maceus ]
Equos that lack tails D:

[ Reeshio ]
Equos that have small feathered wings.

[ Kuren ]
Equos with a single horn of their forehead.

[ Farasha ]
Equos with small wings like an insect or butterfly.

[ Shar ]
Equos with manes or hair on their head.

[ Hybrid ]
Any specimen that has more then one type. [ ie: horn + wings ]

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Here you'll find documentation of all the specimen & their owners that have reached the sixth stage of their life. Images here are not to be direct linked but saved to own severs. Anyone found direct linking adults+ will be grey listed and banned temporarily from participating in events.

  • gift [=] pet trade [^] auction [+] flatsale [#] raffle [~] breeding [<] Contest [&] other [M] Male [F ] Female

    [ Equos ]
    [?] [?] Pet name . Owner .
    [+][M] Omega . Foalen .
    [+][F ] Ciara . Ice_Dragon_Demon .
  • [F ] Lilac . Ganty .
  • [M] Obsidian . KasaiLoki .
    [+][F ] Gin . KasaiLoki .
  • [F ] Fiore . Naiiki Minomoto .
    [#][F ] Oreo . RayniaSky . Dalmation .
    [^][M] Tsuzuki . Skylar14 . Cosplay .
    [+][M] Ciliza . Naiiki Minomoto .
    [<][F ] Rosalina . Randomnosity . Carousel .
    [^][M] Tyathan . Tasah . War Steed .
    [^][M] Hyperion . Kohenkyo . Solar War Steed .
    [^][F ] Elune . Allure . Lunar War Steed .
  • [M] Kaizure . Fantasy_Rocks13 .
    [<][F ] Circe . Vashtya . Slytherin House .
    [^][M] Marek . KasaiLoki . Slytherin House .
    [~][M] Einunar . Keilyna .
    [~][M] Sa'd al-Bari . Jinxeh .
    [<][F ] Amunet . RayniaSky . Mummy .
    [^][M] Sesmet . Kylinari . Undead .
    [^][M] Samhain . GryphonWolf . Lantern .

    [ Maceus ]
    [+][M] Caspian . Presca .
    [^][F ] Netikerty . Jinxeh . Egyptian War Steed .
    [#][F ] Nyokabi . Kireiryuu . Poison Dart .
    [+][F ] Candy . Bumcake .
    [+][F ] Iliana . Avenorell .
    [^][F ] Aura . Naiiki Minomoto . Hufflepuff House .
    [<][M] Aiden . KasaiLoki . Hufflepuff House .
    [~][F ] Aziza . Tasah .
    [~][F ] Persea . Jinxeh .
    [<][F ] Cymbaline . KairaKoi . Candy Corn .

    [ Reeshio ]
    [+][M] Kitai . KasaiLoki .
    [+][F ] Lotus . Hanging Gallow .
    [&][F ] Keeko . Naiiki Minomoto . Kiriban .
    [=][M] Aaron . Kohenkyo .
    [+][F ] Emera . Tasah .
    [^][F ] Karma . Apothecary . Ravenclaw House .
    [<][M] Rumour . Avenorell . Ravenclaw House .

    [ Kuren ]
    [~][M] Nelek . Kireiryuu .
    [^][M] Edward . Ice_Dragon_Demon . Cosplay .
    [+][M] Halen . Allure .
    [^][F ] Marue . Kohenkyo . Goth - Lolita .

    [ Farasha ]
    [^][M] Romanesque . Stereochrome . Monarch .

    [ Shar ]
    [<][F ] Hope . Foalen . Gryffindor House .
    [^][M] Shinsetsu . Mau . Gryffindor House .

    [ Oceania ]
    [^][F ] Tyme . Apothecary . Rubyback Lionfish .

    [ Hybrid ]
    [~][M] Aurelius . Foalen .
    [~][F ] Mizu . Ice_Dragon_Demon .
    [~][M] Teremun . Tasah .
    [#][M] Velcro . Remove .

    [M] - 23
    [F ] - 23
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    Direct link until it reaches it's adult ; then please save to your own server; report any certing errors.

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    [ General ] The below are abilities aquired by common specimen [eg; not cosplays, etc.]
    - All specials may be used defensively, offensively, or for any other random need.

    - Air Cutter The target is encased is slashed by air itself.
    - Amber Mine The target is encased in amber which then shatters.
    - Blaze As the specimen runs a trail of immense fire is left in it's wake.
    - Blossom Storm Specimen summons a storm of blossoms that cut the target.
    - Cascade A great waterfall dowses the target.
    - Crimson Charge The specimen turns a deep crimson and charges the target at immense speed
    - Darkness Falls The area is shrouded in darkness.
    - Embers The target is burned by small, but multiple flames.
    - Fragrance All the target's senses are nulled by this lovely scent.
    - Great Flood The entire area is doused in fifteen feet of water.
    - Holy Light The target is attacked by an intense divine light, damage great against dark specimen.
    - Mist Clouds The area is covered in a thick blanket of fog & mist, giving the specimen a field advantage.
    - Moon Light The target is healed by the light of the moon.
    - Mud Slide The target is dowsed by a great land slide of mud, rocks, & other various objects.
    - Poison Ivy Anything the specimen touches suffers the effect of said plant.
    - Sandstorm The area is covered in a raging sandstorm giving the specimen a field advantage.
    - Sugar Serenade The area is coated in a sugar-caramel making all stick to where they stand.
    - Toxic Gas The target is either paralized or poisoned, sometimes both.
    - Tsunami A great Tidal Wave dowses the target.
    - Volcano The target is encased in solid rock which then erupts with a gush of lava.
    - White Light The traget is temporary blinded by an immense light.
    - Wraps The traget is wrapped in gauze and temporarilly paralyzed.

    [ Wild ] The below are abilities aquired by wild specimen [eg; dogs, cats, etc.]

    - Flutter The specimen can give itself & other specimen short temproray flight.
    - Growl The specimen lets out a growl that often intimidates the target into fleeing.
    - Poison Armor The specimen secretes a deadly poison from it's body.

    [ Mimic ] The below are abilities aquired by cosplay specimen [eg; Tsuzuki, Inu Yasha, etc.]

    - Shikigami Tsuzuki summons a shikigami to aid him.
    - Transmutation Edward can transmutate small nonliving objects.

    - All specimen are not able to fully use their specials until Adult stage.
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    Now so that you & I don't repulse ourselves with the idea of offspring no different then broken glass, allow me to explain. Eventually; or at least at some point in their life, a specimen will want to have offspring. This is done by the bonding of two souls [ or in the case of single specimen; a soul & an artificial soul] in order to produce others of their kind. The offspring will take on a spirit like form; not too different then it's third stage. After some time it'll take on a more physical form and become an infant.

    Only two infants are produced from a breeding, triplets are rare, and quadruplets even more precious. If two specimen crossbreed the offspring will inherit it's type from either parent or in rare cases be a hybrid; a specimen with more then one type.

    The offspring can be kept by a parent or given away to mutual friends. Breeding costs a total of 5k [ 2.5k from each parent or 5k to the one who wants the babes ] Before you begin breeding please be sure to stop by the Relic Shop to see if you would like to purchase something that will effect the offspring. You may not & cannot decide to use a relic after the breeding has commenced so again I tell you if you will check before it starts.

    [ Slots ]
    o1. closed
    o2. closed
    o3. closed
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    [ Edible Relics ]

    [ new ones pending ]
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    [ Norris ] Sorry but we're not allowed to disclose (whatever that means!) info yet so check back later!
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    If you wish to upgrade your cert please pm & trade to shop mule. x3 You can change your cert a max. of once every week; changing back to the default one is free, however. [ note; these are just previews of the pattern/color as the real certs are a bit large to post D: ]

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    [ Gaian]

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    [ Sitely / Random]

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    [ the Order ]

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    Feel free to direct link my banner. If you so desire to trade links; post or pm [ the Order ] If you don't have an 88x31px banner; Neo will make one for you.
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    SS Event~!

    [ Event ]
    - Starts
    - Ends
    - Type
    - Address
    - Preview

    [ Kiriban ]
    - A kiriban [ in the thread's case ] is when the Order has reached a certain number of pages, the first person to post [ as in, actually say something, bumps don't count ] will recieve a kiriban specimen. The next kiriban is page 500.

    [ Character Events ]
    - During conversations going on throughout the the thread-one of the Order's staff may decide to drop by. If so; the first to reply to the staff member will be awarded something so keep your eyes peeled~! Different rewards depending on the staff member.

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