Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Pach's Note most of the art being displayed is random sketches used to 'pretty up' the front page a bit, so it's not what the art SERIOUSLY looks like.. XD;

Somewhere, far from the lands of Gaia, there is a mysterious little island. You find yourself here one day, standing atop the mountain which crests the island's center. Atop that mountain you are startled to find a large building complex, a laboratory of sorts. You step into the main office, partly out of curiosity, partly because everything outside the building is giving you the creeps. The front office is large and grand, its sweeping walls decorated with murals of strange and fantastic creatures, most of which you don't think you've seen anything like in your life. A long mahogany desk sits at the rear of the room, covered with a mess of papers and files, and at it sits a young woman. Her deep navy hair drapes messily over her face as she scribbles on papers, and she dons a white coat and big black boots. She looks up quickly at you. "Oh, good evening! Welcome to the Cryptozoo, my name is Murron, may I help you?"

"Cryptozoo?" you ask in bewilderment.

Murron nods very fast. "Hm, yes, The Cryptozoo. We're a combined animal sanctuary and research facility dedicated to the preservation and adoptive placement of cryptozoological animals."

A blank stare on your part indicates your further incomprehension.

Very patiently, the shopkeeper Murron continues. "Well, a cryptozoological animal, or cryptid as they are otherwise known, is any animal that's existence is viewed as questionable in the eyes of most of the scientific community. From urban legends to ancient myths, from scattered sightings to near proof, these creatures are the strange beings that haunt the minds of many. The legendary Sasquatch may come to mind, or the Loch Ness Monster of Scotland. There are hundreds of species, really, and a special few have been selected to be put up for adoption here."

You marvel at Murron. "Wow, you mean I could really own my own mysterious creature?" You pause a moment. "Do you own this place?"

Murron blushes. "Er, no. I'm just the shopkeeper here. Doctors Red and Pach are... er... 'busy' right now."

Right on cue, two red-haired maniacs charge through the door. The one taking up the lead has what appears to be a winged squirrel chewing on her skull. "Oh my God!" she shrieks, "Get the Flitterbick off my head!"

The one following her, the one with the messier hair, tackles her friend and pries the squirrel off. She then proceeds to smack the first girl across the face with it. "Hey, at least it's eating your head as opposed to hitting it! Would you rather want one chewing on your head or hitting you at high velocity?"

To which the first girl responds, "I don't want one anywhere near my head at all!"

That's about when they notice you. They straighten up, brush off, and the messy haired one sets the Flitterbick gently down on the front counter. "Er, hello," the messy haired one says, "I'm Dr. Red."

"Um, and I'm Dr. Pach," the first girl adds shyly.

You gape at them. "Um, nice facility you?ve got here?" you say uncertainly.

"Thank you," says Dr. Red.

Cue brief awkward silence.

"Well!" Dr. Pach suddenly speaks up, "Um... feel free to take a look around, see the animals and the facility. Oh, and watch out for the man eating Wendigo on the way out."

"Don't feed the animals!" Dr. Red shouts and the two doctors dissolve into hysterical cackles.

"Thank you," you say quietly, and back off very slowly to go explore.

Table of Contents

1.) Intro/Story
2.) Updates
3.) Rules/FAQ
4.) Species
5.) Availability
6.) Roleplay
7.) Breeding
8.) Genetic Synthesis
9.) Owners
10.) Pickup
11.) Lists
12.) Link to Us/Links
13.) About the Staff
14.) Who Can Ask to Color
15.) Cryptozoo Newsletter
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9/10- Well, like I said in the thread, we're tired of fighting against everything just to get a simple RP event running, so the event has been cancelled. Sorry guys. :/ As always, you're still encouraged to RP here in the thread, or in the guild when we get it set up a little neater. We will be holding the belated Back to School Raffle tonight, though, and the Chupacabra Auction will take place the 23rd of September.
9/6- Okay, FINALLY, the RP event has been set up... and will take place in our BRAND NEW GUILD! All owners participating in the event will be sent invitations shortly. All other existing owners will be sent invitations after the event has been completed. Also, expect a Back to School Raffle for an Apple-Themed Barbary Lamb as soon as the event is completed.

8/21- Flatsale's over, and congrats to Maru, Daisy, Phoebe, Were Girl, EF, and Orasteele. We hope to see all of you around the thread. ^_^ First issue of the newsletter goes out tonight, so sign up fast if you wanna get a copy of the first edition.

And big news- we will soon be getting a guild! That's right, a guild will be established soon... but Pach and Red have no idea what to do with it. XD So! All current owners (active and otherwise) have a chance to request what kinds of things YOU would like to see in the guild! Post all your ideas on the thread, as all ideas are appreciated.

Hmm... and it seems Pach is working on something special in her lab. Not much news on it yet, but let's just say it's something special for active owners. -_^

8/14- TIME FOR REFORM! Okay, for starters, much belated news- Aluetian won the Mothman Auction at 6k. Please send trade and post a name, pleaseandthankyou.

That aside, Pach and Red have decided it is time for BIG CHANGES and NEW EVENTS here at the Cryptozoo. First of these events: a flatsale will be held Friday, August 19th, at 6PM EST/3PM PST. The available species will consist of a Wendigo, a Mongolian Death Worm, a Makara, an Icegedunk, a Flitterbick, and a Blue Tiger. Directly related to this event is the first of a number of big changes: the flatsale price has been lowered to 2k a piece. This means the breeding price has been respectively lowered to 4k. All other prices, however, will remain the same.

Another big change: the roleplay requirement is a thing of the past. Yes, that's right, roleplay is no longer required in any ammount. It was originally intended to boost shop activity, but seeing as it didn't do a bloody thing for shop activity, we decided we might as well just do away with it. However, only active roleplayers will be eligible for breeding and genetic synthesis. Roleplayers will also be elegable for certain future RP events and other games. Stay tuned for more on this.

Also, Red will be starting up a Cryptozoo Newsletter. Think of it like a sort of mailing list. Anyone interested in the shop may sign up after reading the newsletter info that will be listed in a new post below the shop owners' info. Please read the full Cryptozoo Newsletter post before signing up. Anyone interested in knowing about upcoming sales, events, and other info may sign up, lurkers, stalkers, and existing owners alike.

Keep your eye on this space for more reforms and events as we think of them. >.>
7/8- It's been officially announced. Our first auction will be held July 22nd, and you will be trying for an authentic Mothman! Yay!
7/5- Raffle is closed, and the winner is Aluetian! Aluetian, please pick a name for your new cryptid so it may be certed. And just a notice there is a very special auction coming up in the next few weeks. Keep your eyes peeled for more details!
7/1- There's a special 4th of July raffle happening! Closes at 8:30PM EST on the 4th, so get buying!
6/4- Flatsale ended. Winners were announced in the flatsale thread and the pets 'claimed' have been tagged.
6/3-Our first flatsale!
6/1- I decided to put previews up earlier than intended. You can see them in the Availability section.
5/31- Shop is officially opened, though still under light construction. The first flatsale is scheduled for Friday, June 3rd, at 7PM EST, 5PM MST, and 4PM PST
5/30- Shop goes up!
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1. Art theft is simply not tolerated. If anyone is caught stealing art, they will be immediately blacklisted, reported to a mod, and subsequently thrown to the Manticores. Fair enough?

2. All owners, shop-stalkers, and visitors are expected to be respectful to one another. Everyone deserves to feel welcome here. Disrespect will be punished differently depending on the severity of the offense as decided upon by Pach and myself. For example, if you're having a bad day and you briefly lose your temper, you will receive a warning. If a fight breaks out, all parties involved are subject to graylisting. If you are just being flat-out rude, you will be immediately blacklisted. If you feel like you have to fight, please just take it to PM. Remember, offenses towards owners or staff will always be treated more severely.

3. Never send Red, Pach, Murron, or any part-time staff a PM, IM, or otherwise contact them outside the shop thread. There are only two exceptions to this rule: one, to request affiliation with the shop, in which case a PM should be directed to the shop mule Cryptozoo (Murron); two, to alert the owners to a severe rule violation (i.e., art theft, cat fight on the board, etc.), in which case a PM should be directed to either Red or Pach, whichever appears to be online.

4. Cryptids are NOT roleplay required. However, only active roleplayers will be elegable for breeding and genetic synthesis. In order to be considered an active roleplayer, you should be seen around the thread at least once a week. Active roleplayers will be elegable for other perks as well, including special RP events and games.

5. Failure to read the full first page will result in a graylisting. Believe me, we'll be able to tell. Especially if you do something stupid like ask if you can have one when there clearly aren't any. >.> If you have read the full front page and are participating in a flatsale, please incorporate a muffin into your prompt response. That object will change after every flatsale, so heads up! Custom forms should also be accompanied with a mention of the current secret noun (a muffin).

6. Begging us or bribing us for a cryptid when there are clearly none available will get you graylisted. Begging or bribing another owner for their cryptid will also get you graylisted. Any owner caught attempting to sell their cryptid will be blacklisted, and the pet will be raffled off to a new owner.

7. Direct link your pet until adulthood, but once it has reached adulthood, please upload it to your own server. If you don't know how to do that, you may sign up for an account at a good image host (www.photobucket.com is a popular one), at which point you should save the pet image to your computer, click browse in your Photobucket account, select the image file, then upload the image. If you don't understand that, you may ask Red or Pach for further instruction.

8. Do not spam, spam will not be allowed under any circumstances. This includes advertising other shops in the thread, unnecessary bumping, or repeated pointless posts (like just posting a whole lot of emoticons). Spammers will be graylisted. Repeat offenders will be blacklisted. Bumping flatsales, auctions, raffles, or other events, however, is permissible and even encouraged.

9. I cannot stress this rule enough... no chatspeak! Please, we like the English language a whole lot. Use it. I mean, occasional acronyms are cool by us, we use 'em all the time (like LOL, BRB, G2G, etc.), but we don't want to see people going around all the time saying things, like "lolzers ur totly thu kewliez", or "! 4M 1337 M4273R". That makes our brains hurt.

10. A cryptid is a big responsibility, so there is a limit of three first generation cryptids per person, plus those cryptids' offspring and descendants.

11. Additional rules may be declared by the shop owners for special events as we see necessary.

Pach's Platinum Rule

Do NOT ask if you can color a cryptid. We keep our lineart colored the way it is to keep it from being stolen, and Pach likes coloring. If we need another colorist, then we will ask for the assistance of someone we know from being a regular at another thread with us, or on a personal basis. We take a certain amount of quality into our coloring, and besides.... transferring files is hefty business and I want to send files that would make it possible for you to steal my effort to someone I know WON'T do so. Asking once out of pure INNOCENCE is fine. Bugging us about it will get you graylisted; harassing either of us over PM, the thread, IM, etc. for more then 30 minutes will get you blacklisted. I know that's severe, but that's how serious I am about it.

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Pach's FAQ

The ever so popular FAQ.. Question will be answered by our... DNA specialist/cryptid bait.

QWhy is the 'shopkeeper' name Murron?
A ..... That's a rather rude question. I don't ask you people why you're name Kyle, or BOB or.. YOU GET MY DRIFT!
QAre you always so rude?
AAre you always so dumb?
Q >>; Looking around your obvious dislike for other humans..... How much do these things cost?
A ... I don't hate people.... and looking around your obvious dislike on reading what we already took the effort to type out... 2,000g.
Q Can they breed?
A ..... Not as babies and kids, no... as adults if you're 'special' enough maybe..
Q What about customs?
A Only if you give us a bribe we reaaaaaallly like.
Q What about pet trades?
A Only if you offer both owners a pet.. and only for equal trade. Custom for custom, normal for normal. But most likely in any other case, no.
Q Well.. I want a Y-
A *interupts* If we haven't sold one in a flatsale yet, then we won't take 'em custom.
Q So why do you two have unreleased ones?
A Because we're special and you aren't.
Q Okay.. so say I participate in an auction... can I participate in another one?
A What are we gonna do? Point and scream "OH MY GOD! YOU ALREADY WON AN AUCTION! GET OUT!!" and boot you out?? .. of COURSE you can participate in more then one.
Q How many can we have?
A Hold up a hand. Hold up three fingers. That's how many first Generations you can have. >>; Meaning any offspring your Cryptid has you can keep. But I wouldn't keep too many.. .. especially if you own a Wendigo..
Q Why is the cost of DNA mixing so hiiiiiiigh?
A *cough* As the DNA specialist, I say it's because it's a difficult process, and that the 'birth' of the critters is rather complicated.. takes alot of time that I could use breeding the new flatsale or auction, but instead it's going to your breeding.
Q If I don't want my cryptid anymore, can I sell it?
A Through the shop, we will give you a cut of the price.. say... 25%... Because the other 75% will go to the shopowners. If you sell your cryptid, that's art theft and I will blacklist you... as you were 'sold' the art to display for non-money-making purposes. ((Unless you enter like 'Cutest Pet' contest and win.. then it's free advertising for us! ))
Q Why won't you allow heavy chatspeak/n00b talk?
A Because the shop owners and I'm sure many of the other visitors would like to keep as many of their brain cells as possible.
Q OMG!! Gr33n D4y zux!
A You have harrased the likes of the owners. Graylisted. Keep it up and you'll be blacklisted.
Q Can we affiliate?
A Let's take a look-see at your shop.. we do have the right to refuse though.
Q *points at the Cryptid Bait* CATCH _________ NEXT!!
A .. Dude.. I'm just the bait. I dunno what'll try to eat me next.
Q How long did it take you to draw all these cryptids?
A ....>>....<<... A while depending on complexity.It took me about 5 days to get the first flatsale done....
Q Can I have a chimera/werewolf/dragon?
A As much as I like drawing those things.. ((my fursona is a chimera, and my avatar is based off a werewolf charrie of mine..)) we work in Cryptozoology, not mythology. Sorry!
Q I hate you!
A I hate you too. If you don't like me, don't come here anymore. If you continue on like this I'll blacklist you.
Q So.. why do you use a human as cryptid bait?
A I'm a werewolf accually.. and because even VEGETARIANS seem to want to eat me! What do I have a neon sign that says 'EAT ME!' written on me? *sign flashes*
Q How come you act so dumb?
A ....... ;_______; I AM NOT DUMB!
Q .. Are you even being serious here anymore?
A Not until I'm asked another intelligent question..
Q Why are the cryptids colored the way they are?
A Because I'm basing their coloring off of the animals they look like. 'cept Demons.. they're... special and can have whatever coloring I choose. The Demons are rare though.
Q How would we get a demon?
A Auction, raffle.. expensive custom.
Q Do you do cosplay?
A ....... That.. would be a MAJOR lineart edit, and take more time then I think it's really worth, so if you buy a custom and want it cosplay I will, but otherwise, only EXTREMELY rare custom auctions will open this opportunity up to you.
Q Tabasco Sauce?
A ........................ o_O Taco?

Pach is done until asked smart questions.

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Life Stages
Your cryptid can grow! What? Did you think you were just getting a fetus in a tube? Yes, your cryptid can grow, and it will go through three major life stages:

1. Fetus
Using DNA extracted from our wild cryptozoological specimens (usually after a long fight and some minor lacerations), we will engineer a fetus. The fetal cryptid won't really do much except float around in its little bottle of fluids, but all the while it is growing. All fetuses tend to look the same, with the exception of some rare breeds which will be sold at a unique infant phase. Otherwise, when you get your fetus there will be no real way of knowing what creature you are getting until it grows. The fluids in the tube which provide the fetus nutrients, however, should give you a hint about the color of your cryptid.
2. Child
After about a week your cryptid will break free of its tube and become a playful, energetic child! Good for you. Now you will find out just what fantastic creature you have under your care. Some cryptids may get into a little mischief in this stage, but that's normal. This is the stage in which they will learn all they need to know to survive. It is important to find a name for your cryptid as soon as possible, because your cryptid cannot grow until it has a name (we've engineered them that way).
3. Adult
This is the third and final stage your cryptid will reach; it should grow to adulthood within about two weeks of starting childhood if named in time. Now it is ready to take care of itself and its true instincts and personality will shine through. It is ready to breed at this stage as well. All adults should be uploaded to your own server, please-and-thank-you-very-much.

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In the end, all in all, we will have a total of 56 species here at the cryptozoo. It will take time to engineer all the species, so in the meantime, species whose names are in bold are ones that have already been released, ones that are not bold are ones that are yet to be released for sale. All the species have been broken down into seven groups of eight, as follows...

(Self-explanatory, monkey and ape-like creatures, often with humanoid characteristics)
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1. Sasquatch
The poster-child of all cryptozoology, the world-famous Sasquatch is also related to the Big Foot sightings of west coast USA. Sightings indicate these creatures to be from 6-8 feet tall, with black or deep brown fur. They reside in the mountainous and wooded regions of the west coast of North America.

2. Yeti
These apes of the Himalayas stand less than six feet in height. They are described as having pale yellow skin and red-brown or white fur. They are also known as the Abominable Snowman, though the name is really a misnomer for these gentle beasts.

3. Myakka
Renowned for its horrific stench, it's no wonder the Myakka is also known as the Skunk Ape. Native to southern Florida, the Myakka is a white-bearded and somewhat orangutan-like bipedal ape with red-brown fur and long arms. Unlike its gigantic cousins, the Myakka is fairly average in height.

4. DeLoys
Discovered when geologist Francois de Loys and his team were attacked by a pair of the specimen, the DeLoys is a leaner variety of bipedal ape standing around five to six feet in height. While some try to dismiss the creature as a mutated spider monkey, it's apparent from the famous (and only) photograph of the creature that it is far too large to be a spider monkey.

5. Wendigo
Often lumped in with Sasquatch sightings, native tribes of Canada would beg to differ. They are said to be cannibalistic beasts of monstrous proportions, 15 feet tall and long-limbed with gleaming eyes and extra-long teeth and tongue. These vicious creatures have actually been attributed to a number of unexplained human deaths.

6. Orang-Pendek
The Orang-Pendek is a shorter hominid whose name literally means "little man." It stands anywhere from 2-5 feet in height, averaging around four. It has pinkish skin and short dark fur with a mane around the head. It resides on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia.

7. Simopithecus
This is the scientific name of the creature often attributed to the Devil Monkeys of America. These are marsupial-like primates with a baboon-like visage and kangaroo-like legs, taffy-colored fur and a white underbelly. They have been seen all-across the American Midwest, including one sighting in Chicago and purported roadkill from Louisiana. They are extremely aggressive and very strong.

8. Agropelter
Little information is available about the Agropelter. Legend claims that they are nearly invisible creatures, which we've taken to mean that they are heavily camouflaged in color. They live in hollowed trees in Canada and, being fiercely territorial, they pelt lumberjacks with dead wood, frequently killing them.

Sea Monsters
(A wide range of aquatic beasts from around the world)
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1. Plesiosaur
An ancient, supposedly extinct water-dwelling reptile, it is the creature most often attributed to such lake-monster sightings as the infamous Loch Ness Monster, and Lake Champlain's Champ, as well as many others. It is a long-necked creature with a humped back and four flippers, reported to be 20-30 feet in length. It feeds on fish and is air breathing, but rarely has to surface.

2. Caddy
The Cadborosaurus, or Caddy, is a bizarre creature indeed, a 40-70 foot long sea serpent with the head of a camel and mane of a horse, as well as a spiny tail and bluish skin. Its diet consists of fish and water fowl. It lives off the shores of British Columbia in Canada, and a good few carcasses have washed up to the shore.

3. Illy
This is the affectionate name given to the so-called Lake Iliamna Monsters of Alaska. These are giant fish of a silvery or brownish color, with long sleek bodies, reaching sizes of 20-30 feet long. They are widely reported by native tribes and sportsmen alike.

4. Basilosaurus
An ancient beast sometimes attributed to the lake monster Ogopogo of Canada and others. It is distantly related to whales, reported to be 15-20 feet long. The creature has a relatively narrow head and long snout with sharp teeth to devour fish, and fins which seem small in comparison to its almost serpentine body.

5. Giant Squid
Also documented under the scientific name Architeuthis dux, this creature is a famous scourge of the seas. Despite its reputation, the Giant Squid does not attack ships or people. In fact, it is rarely caught or seen. It is reported to be up to 60 feet long including the tentacles and weighs up to 1 ton, and specimens have been spotted all across the world.

6. Kelpie
A monster of many legends, I use the name as an umbrella term and much more eloquent name to describe the multitude of Water-Horses known across the British Isles. With the front-half of a horse and the back half of a fish, these creatures are often sinister in nature, and some are even carnivorous, like the Alastyn. A select few, like the Tarbh-Uisge, are actually quite gentle creatures.

7. Makara
The Makara is a very curious anomaly; the Makara is a creature with the head of an elephant and the body of a fish. It was believed to be a creature strictly of myth until corpses began washing up in Indian and African waters. It is said to be 40-50 feet long with white fur and a 5-foot trunk. Its tail may be used as a defensive weapon.

8. Tullimonstrum
Arguably one of our most bizarre creatures, the Tullimonstrum is a distant relative of the octopus as well as the slug. This creature lives in swamps in the Midwest US, and is a carnivorous beast with huge fins and a proboscis-like mouth, its eyes elevated on stocks like those of a snail.

(These are our rarer cryptids. Non-ape-like humanoid creatures, many recognized as harbingers of doom)
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1. Jersey Devil
A monster shrouded in legend, this horrible creature is said to stalk the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey. Though reports vary, the general consensus is that the creature is mostly equine in nature, like an elongated horse with a thick crane-like neck, short forelimbs and long hind limbs upon which it walks, a collie's head and a camel's face, and, most distinctly, large draconic wings. The creature ravages livestock, and many say it breathes fire from its nostrils... which would explain why so much evidence mysteriously bursts into flame.

2. Dover Demon
Though only documented over the course of two days, this alien-like creature is still subject to much scrutiny and research. It hails from the town of Dover, Massachusetts, and is described as a hairless, somewhat humanoid creature with pale tan skin and gleaming orange or green eyes centered on its large and otherwise featureless head. It is a quadruped, although it may stand upright, and has exceptionally long digits.

3. Chupacabra
El Chupacabra, "the goat-sucker", is described as having the head of a common alien humanoid and a furry reptilian body with small clawed forelimbs, powerful legs, and quills along its spine. By far the most notable feature of this demon is its pair of long fangs which it uses to feed on the blood of livestock. An excellent jumper as well as runner, it's said the creature may change its color like a chameleon, depending on the time of day. The population is centralized largely in Puerto Rico.

4. Mothman
Made famous by the film and book which bear its name, this creature has terrorized the people of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. It is described as a headless gray humanoid with glowing red eyes on its shoulders and leathery bat-like wings, bearing a wingspan of up to 10 feet. Its appearance is believed to denote coming disaster, and it has been attributed to such similar sightings as the Black Bird of Chernobyl, and the Freiburg Shrieker.

5. Lizard Man
Any variety of bipedal humanoid reptile, most often of the creature-from-the-black-lagoon type, though there are a few strictly land-dwelling specimens as well. They tend to dwell in swamps and lakes and have green or greenish skin, usually smooth and scaly though some come with knobby gator-like skin. The best documented lizard man was said to stand 7 feet tall, with red eyes, and had long digits tipped with long claws, and was very vicious and aggressive. Indeed, while some lizard men are somewhat more laid back than others, all retain their predatory reptilian sense.

6. Loveland Frog
Sometimes lumped in with the lizard men, I prefer to give the Loveland Frogs their own category, as they are not reptiles, they are amphibians. These creatures inhabit the town of Loveland, Ohio. They have been described as being 3-4 feet tall with wrinkled leathery skin and webbed hands and feet, with thick bodies and big frog heads. Their natural home is in rivers, particularly the Ohio, and they tend to be more peaceable creatures than their lizard cousins.

7. Gatormen
Not to be confused with some of the lizard men, the gatormen of Louisiana and Florida often surface from marshes like bizarre alternative mermen, possessing the front half of a child-size human and the back half of an alligator. They are very intelligent creatures with the ability to think and reason, and have basic language and tool skills. They are also believed to be migratory. They average around five feet in length and have green scales all over, as well as a mouthful of sharp teeth.

8. Vietnamese Night Flier
Reported by multiple Marines during the Vietnam War, this race of strictly feminine creatures. They are described as having leathery black bat wings and are covered all over with hair. Dwelling in the deep jungles, they are entirely nocturnal social creatures and like to travel in flocks.

Land Reptiles & Invertebrates
(Cold-blooded beasts and creepy-crawlies of varying shapes and sizes)
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1. Giant Anaconda
The anaconda snake is the world's largest snake to begin with. However, reports have been made of specimens defying even the standard anaconda's titanic dimensions. Your run-of-the-mill anaconda measures 30 feet in length. The elusive giant anaconda can measure up to 80 feet. Also referred to as Sucuriju Gigante, the Giant Anaconda dwells in the jungles and rivers of South America. Despite their great length they are relatively lean, measuring about a foot around; however, they are still full of muscle with which to crush their prey.

2. Mokele-Mbembe
Celebrated monster of South Africa, Mokele-Mbembe, whose name is translated to "one that stops the flow of rivers," is actually just one of a few purported living dinosaurs residing in South Africa. Well known by the natives and spotted by many travelers, it is described as being a relatively small brachiosaur, elephant-sized, with smooth grayish or brownish skin. The creature is territorial and has been known to flip boats and kill 'trespassers' with a flick of its tail.

3. Megalania
Megalania Prisca is a monster of a lizard, 30 feet long and weighing in at around a ton. Its features are similar to those of a Komodo Dragon, but on a much larger scale. Thought to be extinct since the ice-age, a good few believe that Megalania still roams the open lands of the Australian outback, though some reports suggests it can also be found in New Guinea.

4. Pederpes finneyae
This is the creature believed to be behind the Euroa Beast sightings, a 30-foot creature almost crocodilian in appearance, though it is in fact an amphibian. It comes equipped with gills and fish-like fins. This is the creature considered to be the link between fish and land-dwelling creatures. It lives in shallow waters like lagoons, and though it may travel by land, it most likely kept to the water unless it needed new feeding grounds. The sightings were localized in Australia, but fossils have been found as far as Scotland.

5. Kappa
An amphibious creature native to Japan, the Kappa is a strange and fascinating mix of reptile and mammal. For the most part it is like a common ape in form, but it bears a tortoise-like shell and frogs' legs with elongated webbed digits. Its main body is furry but the limbs are scaled. The creature is predatory and often prone to flat-out viciousness, feeding on the blood of its victims; this behavior seems to contradict the creature's purported obsession with manners. The Kappa is also possessing of tremendous strength, and powers described as being 'mystical', rooted in the crevice which runs along the top of its scull. It must stay rather near water at all times to keep this indentation wet.

6. Coonigator
The Coonigator is a unique furry reptilian creature native to Montpelier, the capital of Vermont. They have rounded furry bodies, usually gray in color, and are often mistaken for raccoons from a far enough distance due to their overall shape and behavior. Their facial features, distinctly crocodilian, are a dead giveaway that this creature is no raccoon. They are scavengers and will feed on carrion, garbage, or whatever they can scrape up.

7. Ethiopian Ant
This beast is the nightmare of all insect haters. It is a massive ant the size of an average dog, a predatory and territorial beast. It is native to the expansive deserts of Africa, and may be behind the myth of the Mermecolion (a creature with the body of a giant ant and the face of a lion). The ants are supposed to hoard gold, and are bizarrely courteous to passing mother mares.

8. Mongolian Death Worm
Probably one of our more disgusting creatures, at the basest definition it's simply a giant worm, 2-4 feet long, usually red in color. To Mongolians, however, the creature is something to be feared. The creature can spray a highly lethal jet of acidic venom which is instantly lethal. Given the scientific name Allghoi khorkhoi, or "intestine worm", the creature is native to the Gobi desert and hibernates for the larger part of the year until June/July.

(Airborne cryptids that don?t apply for the demonic category)
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1. Thunderbird
This is a creature near and dear to Native American legend, said to bring the thunder and rain with the beating of its wings, though sightings have been reported as recently as 1990. It is similar to a condor in form, but even larger than the already sizable scavenger. Your average Thunderbird has a wingspan around 15 feet, while the largest species of condor measures only 10.5. Also unlike the condor, the thunderbird has a preference to live prey. The creature is said to have very powerful strength in its legs and wings and may carry creatures as large as deer straight off the ground.

2. Kongamato
This ancient airborne reptile's name means "overwhelmer of boats" and is considered to be a living specimen of the extinct pterosaurs. It is said to be smooth skinned and has a wingspan of 4 to 7 feet. It is usually black or red in color, and lives near bodies of water, feeding largely on fish with its toothy beak. It is known to swoop at canoes traveling through Congo and Angola, causing capsizes and a number of deaths.

3. Batsquatch
Batsquatch is a strange creature similar to the humanoid apes, but with some very distinct differences, the largest of those being its pair of massive bat-like wings. Witnesses claim it also has blood-red eyes and purplish skin. The animal is nocturnal by nature and carnivorous, feeding on small livestock such as chickens and goats. It makes its home in the woods around Washington's Mount St. Helens.

4. Flying Cats
These fantastic felines are very much alike common house cats in every way except for the furry wings which grow from their back. They do not really fly, per se, but rather lunge and glide low over distances. The cats may shed these wings late in life, and other specimens may develop fangs. The wings are often chalked up to a genetic anomaly or deformity.

5. Big Bird
Not to be confused with the lovable children's character, this beast was something terrible to witness. Scattered reports of it were made along the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. It is a massive bird, standing five feet tall, with a very distinct non-bird-like feature; it had the face of a primate and red eyes. This creature may be related to Washington's Batsquatch.

6. Flying Rod
One of the single strangest and most inexplicable of all cryptids, so strange that they are believed to be a wholly new genus of animal, if not an alien life form not of this world. Guesses mark them anywhere from 4 inches to a hundred feet in length, though they fly so fast they are invisible to the human eye. They sport multiple wings and are shaped, quite basically, like rods or sticks, though they may bear somewhat insect-like faces.

7. Simurgh
The Simurgh is an animal both beautifully bizarre and bizarrely beautiful. It is akin to a giant peacock with orange feathers of a metallic sheen. Its feet were like the talons of a vulture, and its face was like that of a silvery dog. The animal is quite intelligent and has a massively long lifespan, reaching up to 2000 years. In ancient times, the creatures were associated with royalty around the Middle East.

8. Flitterbick
Everyone knows about flying squirrels, and these indeed resemble your average, run of the mill squirrel in most aspects. The exception is that these squirrels bear not glorified webbed legs like the gliding squirrels, but actual-factual wings, and they are said to fly at such fantastic speeds as to become virtually invisible. Flitterbicks in flight have been known to rather seriously injure unsuspecting bystanders on impact.

Felines & Canines
(Another self-explanatory category, but these are no house pets...)
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1. Marozi
Pelts of this creature were once taken by an African farmer, but that was the first and the last of the physical evidence of the Marozi. The Marozi is a spotted breed of lion, somewhat smaller than its non-spotted cousins. The distinctive mane of the male lion is not seen on the Marozi male; the male Marozi has a very small and barely noticeable mane. Their territory tends to cover high elevations on plateaus and mountainous regions, traditionally forested areas as well.

2. Blue Tiger
These beautiful creatures dwell in the country of China, and were first spotted by outsiders in 1910, and are said to have inhabited the country for hundreds of years. They are exactly as the name implies: common tigers with coats in varying shades of blue, usually deep tones, but sometimes fading into white. There is little readily available information on them, but it is assumed they are in most ways just like their other tiger cousins; it is only their coloring which makes them remarkable.

3. Alien Big Cat
The name here does not indicate an extraterrestrial being, simply one that is out of place, as these large felines roam the countryside of England and Scotland. These creatures are really just any of a number of standard wildcats (most often associated with leopards or panthers), but their mere presence is a mystery, as there seems to be no conceivable way how they got there.

4. Cusith
A creature once thought to be strictly one of Scottish myth, the Cusith has recently been subject to more scrutiny. Its nocturnal behavior probably fired up the imaginations of the early Scotts. The animals are said to be green-skinned, with a hairy horse-like tail bound in a braid. It makes its home in the foggy moors and is said to have a most terrible howl.

5. Manticore
This terrifying beast was described as being like a lion with razor sharp teeth and a scorpion's poison-tipped tail. It is an extremely fierce predator with a general wickedness in its disposition. It was described by scholars as prominent as Aristotle, and it was said to inhabit the jungles of India, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

6. Adlet
According to Alaskan Inuit legend, these creatures were the result of a cross between one wayward woman and a giant red dog. It is said she gave birth to a litter of ten, which grew up and spawned a race of humanoid canines prone to viciousness and often cannibalism. These creatures may be related to the more traditional werewolf.

7. Gulon
This creature holds the distinction of being both feline and canine, and having some rather bizarre behavioral traits at that. It is described as being roughly lion-sized, with features like a cross between a lion and a hyena. It sports a coat of long brown hair and a fox's tail. It is an animal bizarrely prone to bulimia, gorging until it can eat no more and then purging what it had only just consumed. Thus it became a symbol of gluttony in Scandinavia. Its silken and patterned coat was supposedly prized by poachers in its common home grounds of Germany and Sweden.

8. Karkadann
The Karkadann is a fiercely determined predator native to India and Persia and as far as Northern Africa. It is a wolfish creature averaging the size of a common bull, and bears two horns: one long unicorn-like horn on its head for hunting, and a curved tusk just over its nose for self-defense. It is possessed of incredible strength and is said to be capable of taking down a full grown elephant, if necessary. The animals are ferocious hunters, but become quite gentle at the sound of the ringdove's song. Roughly, its name is translated to mean "Lord of the Desert".

Other Mammals
(Furry friends that didn?t fit into other categories listed above)
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1. Tasmanian Tiger
Believed to have been hunted to extinction by irritated farmers, there are many groups that insist that the Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Thylacine, still roams in Australia and Tasmania. The name refers only to the creature's distinctive stripes, it is in no way feline; nor is it canine, though its general canine form may beg to differ. The creature is in fact a marsupial, related to the kangaroo. Males of the species reach up to six feet in length. They had long immobile tails, and powerful jaws that could crush the skulls of their prey. They love to roam wild, and were known to be morose in captivity and often died quickly there.

2. Pygmy Elephant
Pygmy Elephants are often dismissed as being dwarfed anomalies of the standard elephant species, but some scientists beg to differ. Whole herds of pygmy elephants are reported to wander the Congo. They are pictured as being very much like the standard African Elephant, but with the average adult male standing only five feet tall. Photographs and fossil evidence make a pretty strong claim to reality, but the scientific community at large still attempts to deny their existence.

3. Nandi Bear
Though African tribes have many different names for the creature, the Nandi Bear is widely feared by all for its ferocity. The bear is actually rather hyena-like in appearance and is about the size of your run-of-the-mill lion. It hunts by night and sleeps by day, and has the shuffling stroll of a common bear. Dark colored, it easily hides in the forests and jungles of the heart of Africa.

4. Waitoreke
Supposedly the only major native mammals native to the island nation of New Zealand are bats. However, there are people who say the island is home to another mammal, the Waitoreke. Most likely aquatic, it has been described as varyingly as otter-like, beaver-like, and seal-like, though it is most likely a general blend of the three. The waterways it inhabits tend to be in higher elevations. Averaging out the better reports, it can be estimated that the Waitoreke is roughly cat-sized and short legged, and its name suggests that it bears quills or spurs on its body. Overall it is a vague and mysterious creature.

5. Bunyip
A creature of Aboriginal legend, the Bunyip was said to be a feared predator. Later settlers, however, described the creature as peaceful and herbivorous. The viciousness attributed to the creature may be able to be traced to the crocodile. There are two different reported breeds of Bunyip. The more common Bunyip is said to have a dog's face, long shaggy fur, while the longer is said to have a long neck and a mane as well. Both breeds are about the size of a common sheepdog, and have long hairy tails and sport flippers at the front.

6. Barbary Lamb
This creature could single-handedly blow the lid off all evolutionary theory if proven real, as it holds the title of being the only half animal, half plant creature. It was traditionally a thing of Hebrew legend, but was also reported by early scholars traveling through the Middle East. It was a sheep-like creature which grew to maturity in pods, and once full grown could not leave the mother plant, lest it perish. There it would eat up all the vegetation within reach of the mother plant and then die. The Barbary Lamb was supposedly a delicacy in the Middle Ages, with flesh that tasted of fish and blood that tasted of honey. (For our purposes we have genetically engineered a breed of Barbary that can safely leave the mother plant upon adulthood).

7. Monoceros
A creature that could be likened to the mystical unicorn, the Monoceros was supposedly hunted to near extinction in its homeland of India. It is a creature with a head like a male deer, a body like a well-built horse, elephants' feet, a boar's tail, and most importantly a single, spiraling black horn which made it prized by hunters. It is supposed to be strong, swift, and fierce when under attack. The creature will defend itself most ferociously with its beautiful horn and it cannot be taken down very easily.

8. Icegedunk
This Canadian cryptid is another curiosity of evolution. It is very much like the common seal, with tiny ears, a strong torso, and a tapered midsection, and a pair of flippers at the front. However, to aid its movement the Icegedunk bears a naturally grown flesh wheel in the rear. Little is known about these strange animals, and they are supposedly slipping into extinction.
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Next flatsale: ((None scheduled))

Flatsale Rules
1. Make sure you've read all other rules before trying for flatsale.
2. Do not attempt to buy one or reserve one before the listed start time. We don't swing that way.
3. All flatsales will be held in the specially reserved flatsale thread. Please post all entries there.
4. Red or Pach will declare the official start of the sale by posting a big green 'GO!' in the flatsale thread along with the sale prompt. They will then go ahead and add the prompt to the front page of the shop as well as the flatsale thread. Once the 'GO!' is posted, you will have six hours to post your prompt response in the thread.
5. Entries we feel are much too short or much too long, or entries that don't follow the prompt or shop rules, will be immediately disqualified. One to three paragraphs is a good size for a prompt response.
6. Your entry must be of your own creation. You must write it, you must post it. No one else can enter for you. If we find that someone else has written your prompt for you, or that you stole your prompt from someone, you will be blacklisted.
7. You may not edit your entry once it has been officially posted in the flatsale thread.
8. We will post a big red 'STOP!' in the flatsale thread when the entry time is up. No entry may be posted after this time.
9. We will then judge and post the winners sometime the next day on the front page of the flatsale thread. First place will get their first pick, second place will get their favorite of the ones left, and so on. Post your picks in the flatsale thread, please.
10. The flatsale price for a cryptid is 2000g (we feel this is a fair price as each cryptid is unique and has three life stages). Payment and selection must be made within 24 hours of the announcement of the winners. If a winner fails to make payment within the 24 hours, another alternate winner may be named. All trades should go to the shop mule Cryptozoo (Murron).
11. Once the flatsale is over, the flatsale thread will be closed and all posting must be taken back to the main thread.

Next Auction: ((None scheduled))

Auction Rules
1. Make sure you've read all the shop rules before trying for an auction.
2. Auctions will be held in the special auction thread. All bids must be made in the auction thread.
3. Auctions will start at 5000g, and autobuys will vary depending on the cryptid being auctioned, our mood, and what we have already acquired.
4. Absolutely no sniping! If someone bids within the last two minutes, the auction will be extended another ten, and so on, until everyone stops bidding.
5. No editing posts.
6. Pure gold only, with the exception of donation items or letters, which will be accepted at mid-LD. The auction winner should send their trade within 24 hours of the end of the auction to the shop mule Cryptozoo (Murron).
7. Once the auction is over the auction thread will be closed and all posting should return to the main thread.

Next Raffle: ((None scheduled))

Raffle Rules
1. Make sure you've read all the shop rules before participating in the raffle.
2. Raffle tickets will cost 10g a piece and will be unlimited in number except where otherwise noted.
3. Non-owners may get one free ticket upon request, but for additional tickets they must still pay the fee.
4. Please indicate specifically the number of tickets you are buying along with the total gold, and then send trade immediately to the shop mule Cryptozoo (Murron).
5. The winner will be chosen by randomizer and posted on the front page of the raffle thread.
6. Upon the end of the raffle, the raffle thread will be closed and all posting should be taken to the main thread.


Alright.. customs are in the DNA specialists box.. so that's why *dundundun* Pach is here. I will take customs ONLY of cryptids sold in flatsale/auctions/raffles. And only for more rediculous prices.. oh.. say.. here.. I'll make you a chart thingur..
Custom Info

Normal Cryptids ((Everything BUT the demons.. ))

Standard 'Natural' Theme- 200k
Unique 'Rainbow' Colors ((No pattern.))-300k
Simple Pattern- 400k
Mind Boggling Pattern of uber scarehness- 500k
Lineart Edits- 600k

Demon Cryptids

Standard 'Natural' Theme- 300k
Unique 'Rainbow' Colors- 400k
Simple Pattern- 500k
Mind Boggling Pattern of uber scarehness-600k
Lineart Edits- 700k

Custom Note from Pach
The Demons are worth more, because they're rarer. But they aren't UBER expensive, because the Genetic Synthesis babehs are worth more. Your orders MUST be PMed to MURRON ((Cryptozoo)) Send the trade there as well, and I'll accept it when I'm done with your custom, but you won't get your pet until I see YOU finalize the trade, just to keep from there being theft of my effort. Also.. I won't take customs of Genetically Synthesized cryptids, UNLESS the person who wants the custom was one of the people who payed for the original synthesizing of the speicies. Then I'll set up a price with them. If you REALLY want one, I'll make you pay one HELL of a price if you aren't part of the original 'union' of the DNA.. so for that you'd be paying at LEAST 1.5 mil. Just to dissuade you. If you are part of the orignal union, well, you won't be paying NEARLY as much.

Custom Order Form

Pet Name:
Username: ((If it's for someone else.))
Color/pattern: Be specific here!
Lineart edits: ((if any.. ))
'The Secret Noun':


Pet Name: Gorgina
Username: Speckthe576433
Species: Sasquatch
Color/pattern: Green
Lineart Edits: None
'The Secret Noun': Banana ((That's not accually our noun this time round so..))
<center>User Image</center>

Roleplay is a big part of this shop and the more you roleplay, the more perks you will get. There are a few simple rules for roleplaying in this shop.
Roleplay Rules
1. Your cryptid cannot kill another cryptid in roleplay. That just wouldn't be fair.

2. Absolutely no godmoding, or controlling of another owner's cryptid in roleplay. I don't care what you want to happen; you can't decide what the other person's character is going to do.

3. During serious roleplay, all OOC chat should be held in double parentheses like so---> ((See? Like this!))

4. Try to keep your roleplay true to the nature of your cryptid. A Sasquatch won't be ravaging random people, but neither will a Jersey Devil be all happiness and sunshine.

5. 99% of cryptids cannot communicate with humans. They can communicate with all other cryptids, but not with humans. The only cryptids capable of communication with humans are the demons, although most of them will choose not to communicate with humans. Don't blame them, personally. >.>

Other than that, how you roleplay is pretty much up to you! Have fun!

<center>Red's Crappy Map!
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This is Red's horrible rendition of Lost Island (not to be confused with The Island of the Lost, or the island on ABC's "Lost" wink . Now you see why Pach is the artist, not Red. Now for a handy-dandy guide to the most important points on the island!
1. Sadiki Point
Sadiki Point is the only actual town and human habitat on the island. These are the homes of the owners (as the cryptids are not allowed to leave the island, in order to keep their secrecy). This is the place where IC owner chat may be held, as well as some casual RP. Cryptids rarely breach the town border, though some owners may choose to bring their cryptids home with them on occasion. Mostly the town is strictly human. Cryptid specimens and new owners are brought in by way of the Sadiki Point dock, which extends over a low-rising drop into the ocean (only about twenty feet drop).

2. The Common
These open, rolling fields are the one place held in common by all cryptids (except the aquatic ones). Here things are peaceful, and all species may interact in harmony.

3. Razi Mountains
The Razi Mountains are a miniature mountain range at the center of the island. Only the most prominent peaks have individual names (Gershom, Fareeda, and Xenophon). Atop the largest of these mountains, Mt. Xenophon, is the expansive Research Station which houses the Cryptozoo's main complex. This is where all sales and events are held.

4. The Liseli Grasslands
These flat sweeping fields of tall dry grass probably have the warmest climate on the island. The expansive beaches at the very base of the peninsula substitute for a desert.

More may come later.
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When your cryptid falls in looooove, it may breed! Here's some quick and easy guidelines for breeding:
Breeding Guidelines
1. Only active roleplayers may breed their cryptids.

2. Only adult cryptids can breed. Breeding children is just wrong. o_o

3. Each individual cryptid can only breed once in their lifetime.

4. Each cryptid in a breeding pair must have a different owner. No one may breed their own cryptids with each other. It's too much like inbreeding, and inbreeding is ew.

5. Each person may only have one cryptid in a breeding slot at a time.

6. Breeding costs 4000g, 2000g per owner.

When breeding spots are open, they go on a first-come, first-serve basis, so act fast! Red or Pach will probably give a warning earlier in the day that breeding spots will open. Now then, only cryptids of the same major group can breed, and the more dissimilar they are, the more likely small litters and hideous mutations will be. There are only a scarce few exceptions to this rule, those being:
1. The Kongamato may breed with Land Reptiles in addition to Avians.
2. The Batsquatch may breed with other Primates as well as Avians.
3. The Nandi Bear may breed with Canines and Other Mammals.
4. The Icegedunk may breed with Sea Monsters as well as Other Mammals.
5. The Flying Cats may bread with Felines as well as Avians.

When Cryptids breed, they may produce anywhere from 2-4 offspring, depending on the pairing and, well, luck. There will be at least one of each parent's species in the litter, and all children will share some combination of the parents' colors.

Breeding is: Closed
Breeding dens:
1. Empty
2. Empty
3. Empty
<center>User Image</center>

There's a loophole to the rule pertaining to breeding between different cryptid groups. We call it "Genetic Synthesis", and it's only available to the most active of roleplayers. All the same general rules apply as a standard breeding (so please read the breeding rules before considering Genetic Synthesis), except with this procedure, you may breed any two cryptids of any type, and rear offspring that appear as a mix of the two parents species! The procedure is risky, and there is no guarantee how the offspring will turn out. It is also very costly, with the current rate being 1,000,000g (500,000g per owner) in order to produce two genetically unique offspring. However, this option is also open at any time for anyone who is willing to pay the fee, though only one cryptid couple at a time may be subjected to Genetic Synthesis.

Currently in the labs: None.
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Cryptid/Owner/Species/Gender(M or F)/Gen/@


Sea Monsters

Ebola/demon_pachabel/Jersey Devil/M/Gen1/@

Land Reptiles & Invertebrates
Michi/Randomnosity/Giant Anaconda/M/Gen1/@


Canines & Felines

Other Mammals
Dacey/underthered/Tasmanian Tiger/M/Gen1/@
Damia/Teigra/Barbary Lamb/F/Gen1/@
Lyle/underthered/Barbary Lamb/M/Gen1/@

???/Daisy Chubb/???/?/Gen1/@
???/Phoebe Kyra Luna/???/?/Gen1/@
???/were girl/???/?/Gen1/@

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<center>User Image</center>

All newly certed cryptids will go here. They will stay up for five days after posting.

None waiting...
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This list is for donators, helpers, and all-around awesome people.
HelMel-For advertising our shop via word of mouth.

Kaiyumi- for doing something UBER sweet for Pach due to her Kelpie obsession heart

Aluetian- for being reaaaally supportive of the shop, and sticking around, and ESPECIALLY for giving us a huge donation and buying us a guild! Holeecrap! gonk

This list is for moderate rule violations. Included on this list is the date on which each person will be allowed to return.

None yet smile

This list is for major rule violations. These people may never return to the shop, may never own a cryptid, and will have all current cryptids taken and resold.
None yet heart (Let's keep it that way...)
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Here's some buttons you can use to link to us!
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Or perhaps you would prefer a simple text link
[url=http://tinyurl.com/9aaz9]^^The Cryptozoo^^[/url]

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Cryptozoology Links
American Monsters
Cryptozoology Links
British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club
The Shadowlands

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<center>User Image</center>

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/demon_pachabel/Pach.jpg" align="left">Name: Pachabel
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 5'7"
Weight: ... something.
Eyes: Bl00 ((I look freaking BLIND! ))
Hair: Pinkish-red
Species: Werewolf
Marital Status: .... u__u
Special Abilities: oh GOD:Transforming on the full moon. ((What will my Hououza Kodoma do without me when it grows up under the full moooon?)), the power to be eaten by ANY FREAKING CRYPTID ((it HURTS dammit! ))
Occupation: Cryptid Bait/ DNA specialist
Likes: Being in one peice, sleeping, drawing, slee- oh wait, already listed that, being left alone sometimes, talking to my friends, WHEN I'M NOT SUFFERING!!

Dislikes: Pain, having my head eaten, suffering, school, being forced to wake up, being under stress, people who lie to me.

<img src="http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y229/Cryptozoo/Red.jpg" align="right">

Name: Red
Full username: underthered
Real name: Jackie
Stats: 17 years old, 5'1", 100 lbs.
Cryptozoo Occupation:
-OOC: Creator, Researcher, Owner
-IC: Animal Behaviorist, Professional Sadist
Location: Massachusetts
Real Pets: A dog named Dusty and a backyard full of chickens
Gaia Pets: See journal/rotosig
-...Animal: Doggies!
-...Cryptids: Tasmanian Tigers, Barbary Lambs
-...Bands: Green Day, Better Than Ezra, Nirvana, Everclear
-...TV Shows: South Park, Lost, House, Numb3rs, Invader Zim, Whose Line Is It Anyway
-...Books: The Stand by Stephen King, Watership Down by Richard Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the whole series) by Douglas Adams
-...Movies: Anything Tim Burton, The Addams Family, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead, 10 Things I Hate About You
<center><u>Who Can Ask to Color</u></center>

These are people Pach knows VERY WELL and are allowed to ask to color one... if she doesn't know them well, then she trusts them as a fellow shop owner.


Accepting 'Guest Coloring's?- NOT CURRENTLY
Cryptozoo Newsletter

Yes! Now introducing the one and only Cryptozoo Newsletter, as maintainted by Red! The Cryptozoo Newsletter is THE source for upcoming events and inside information on the 'Zoo. Wanna know ahead of time what events to expect? Are you a lurker looking for an easy way to keep connected to the shop? Then the Newsletter is for you! The newsletter will be published bi-weekly (in other words, every other week) and sent out to everyone who subscribes to it.

How do you subscribe, you ask? Simple! Just post in this thread in big, bold, red letters (and they have to be big, bold, and red- 18 is a good font size to use) "HEY! I WANT TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTER, FOO!". Then that's it, you're signed up! Totally free of charge! Coo, huh? Oh, but DO NOT PM Red about the Newsletter. If you PM Red about the Newsletter, you will face her wrath. That is all.

Phoebe Kyra Luna
Daisy Chubb

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