Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Shopkeeper is currently: Bitey!

Read the first page please.

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Quick Links

The Feli Guild
Feli plushie Shop

Current Feli Weather:
Summer's heat has begun, added spice falling in the form of electricity in the air, prickling the necks of the valley's inhabitants.
The stifling heat is added to by heavy cloud cover, sealing in the temperatures.

As Hephaes' power increases, what lies in store?

The Feli. For many centuries these creatures haven't been discovered by mankind, until travellers discovered a small island with a large population of these little critters. Very soon after, the Feli got attached to the friendly humans and some even wanted to leave their island to live with them.
The largest population of Felis can be found in Shan, where they live in peace with the elves, Ninaus and most of the other creatures there.

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This is a Feli. As you can see, Felis are cat-like creatures with big ears and alluring eyes. Legends say that they could even hypnotize humans with those eyes. But let's face it, they're far too nice for that. blaugh
They have an unusually long tail with a fuzzy tip. And don't underestimate it, the Feli can use its tail to hang from trees or grab things, for example. The little metallic bracelet around their left front leg shows that they've chosen to live with humans. They feed on fruits, insects and sometimes also fish. :3

Table of Contents:
Post One (this one surprised ) - Intro + Table of Contents + Staff.
Post Two - The Rules + Blacklist.
Post Three - News and Announcements.
Post Four - Stages.
Post Five - Kinds and Overkinds.
Post Six - Getting a Feli.
Post Seven - The Feli Listings.
Post Eight - Breeding.
Post Nine - Pickup.
Post Ten - Sneak Previews + To-do List.
Post Eleven - Item Shop.
Post Twelve - Roleplaying.
Post Thirteen - Sister Shops.
Post Fourteen - Nai's Corner.
Post Fifteen- Lizzy's Domain.

Naita- Shop owner, colourist, sometime couch, official owner of any toes to cross into Feli territory. pirate
LizzyMoo- Colourist, brain leech, potato.
Dark Fire Angel- Colourist, love bunny.
demon_pachabel- Junior colourist, Nai's personal slave.
Endejester- Breeder.
Leelakin - Creator of the Feli concept, most outlines and most items, sporter of 'sploded rat hats.

Fauve - shader, creator of wild feli, easter items, certs, and tuna fish, official sock eater.
Allie23 - Former owner, love interest of Naita's left leg.
Winterfalcon - Creator of the Shan, (evil) plotter, beloved ducky.
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  • EVERYONE MUST READ THE ENTIRE FIRST PAGE BEFORE TRYING TO GET A FELI OR BEFORE POSTING. Don't ask questions that are already answered on the FAQ or anywhere else on the first page.
    [*]No stealing anyone's art here.
  • No stealing anyone's Felis here.
  • No begging.
  • No flaming or fighting on the thread!
  • Please don't quote too much... It's really annoying to scroll through a bajillion quotes. ^^;
  • Don't PM Naita or Lizzy about the Felis. Any necessary questions need to be PMed to the shop mule.
  • Please don't direct link your Felis. Save and upload them to your own server.

    IF you CANNOT get your own image host, contact Dark Fire Angel about having it hosted by our generous benefactor.

  • No eating anyone's Felis. :O (Unless you are a Naita.)
  • If it says no Felis are currently available, then NO FELIS ARE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. begging or asking again and again will not make more Felis suddenly appear.
  • I will not PM you if your bundle hatches or if your Feli grows. You'll have to come here from time to time and check the news and announcements section for it, and pick it up from the pickup section.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the thread (unless they're already answered in the FAQ or in any other section of the first page). Again, don't PM us. sweatdrop

Breaking one rule happens now and then, but if you keep on breaking more and more rules, you'll end up on the blacklist, which means you're banned for good.

The Feli Blacklist:
*Pi-el or -Pi-el- or oOPier-LucOo - For the following reasons:
-Constant begging and harrassing Feli owners for their Felis by PM.
-Spamming the thread.
-Spamming Fauve's inbox.
-Stealing art and lying when caught in the act.
-Blaming an innocent other of stealing art, after he himself gets caught stealing.
-Harrassing feli owners on AIM and in the feli shop after being black listed.

On probation:
Whilst here you are subject to a three-strike rule.
You are allowed to participate in all thread events.

Two week strike danger:
Komitadjie (2 strikes - cannot participate in events)

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Q:How do I get a feli?
A: Please read the 'Getting a Feli' post. biggrin

Q:Will you give me a feli for free?

Q:When can my felis breed?
A: They have to be adult, have a mate, and have a breeding spot. n_n

Q:How do I get a breeding spot?
A: Breeding spots will open once in a while and will cost 1000g to buy.

Q:If my feli are related, can they breed?
A: No. That's like incest and that's just gross. eek
In addition, Felis owned by the same person are unable to breed.

Q:Can I breed two Feli that I own?
A: No. The Feli pair you intend to breed must have different owners.
If you co-own the mate of your Feli, that too counts as your Feli, thus they cannot breed. I don't care if "two horses with the same owner aren't related," here in the Feli Playgrounds, two Felis with the same owner cannot breed.

Q:Well fine. I got a mate. How come you don't open breeding NOWNOWNOW?
A:O_O Being too anxious for breeding is not good. Breedings are rare and spots don't open very often.

Q:Can you turn my feli into an Elder?
A: No. Elders are very rare and special. Only people whom are active in the thread (talking and RPing) have a chance at an elder.

Q:Can I be a guest colorist?
A: I have too many as it is. x0x So the answer is no, sorry.

Q:Well, can I color one just for fun then?
A:No. >0< It's too much trouble to send the files.

Q:Can you make one to give to my friend/cousin/sister/brother/feli stalker then?
A:No. sweatdrop If I did that, I'd have to give one to everyone's friend/cousin/sister/brother/feli stalker.

Q:But my friend/cousin/sister/brother/ has been stalking the felis! S/he really wants one!!!
A:Sorry, but no.

Q:Can I sell my adult/child feli? I really need the gold and I'm never around anyway..
A:No. Too many people would just sell their feli for a profit. And your feli would be really sad.. gonk

Q:Can I give it away then?
A:Yes. Your feli will be sad, and miss you but you are allowed to give you feli away (for free). If I find someone has sold their feli without my permission, they will be black listed.

Q: Can I have a seraphim? I REEEAALLLLYYY love them!
A: A lot of people seem to be obsessing about seraphims of late, and while yes, they are gorgeous, they are rare for a reason. Seraphims are not available through pet trades, demands, or normal, 500k, customs.
It is extremely rare to obtain a seraphim via breeding, though if a seraphim is the parent obviously the chance is raised by a degree.
Seraphims are no longer available via custom, it is not known if they ever will be again.

Q:"______ has lots of felis! That's not fair!! Why do they get so many!?"
A: There is no limit to the number of felis a person can own. And most of the time, the user won them fair and square from an auction, flatsale, or contest so it is fair.

Q:You had a contest, has the winner been announced yet?
A: With every contest held in this thread, the title will change when a winner is announced, with the page number of the announcement.
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June~ Thread needs a face-lift *IN THE WORKS*, Events in planning
13th Oct~ Ooooh, monsters assembling on page 6350! Keep an eye out!
1st July~ Felilympics are a-comin'!
May~ Keep an eye out! twisted
March~ Flatsale on Naita's 20th birthday!
February~ Plot twists abound!
30/1/06~ fs fun, plot time! twisted

Feli Playgrounds
The flatsale will take place at 5pm PST, 30th January.

Well, as you should all know by now, there are two new colourists on board, and they're enthusiastic wee things!
Now, being an evil, evil thing, I've put them to work, and here's the result!

In continuation of our attempts to get newbies on board, it's aaaa... newbie flatsale! mrgreen

The bundles to be sold are as follows:

All these bundles are based on real animals, see if you can guess which!

OK, here's where it gets interesting:
This isn't a gold-based flatsale. It's an experiment in Felipoints!
Each bundle will cost one Felipoint.

"But I have no Felipoints," I hear you cry. Very true. So you have to get some!
In the next fortnight, there will be several chances to get Felipoints. Some will be open only to newbies, some will be open for existing owners to give to any newbie they wish, (so long as said newbie doesn't have any already) but here's the thing: all Felipoints given out in these events MUST end up in the hands of a newbie.

When the flatsale time rolls around, you'll be asked to post a specific phrase, your Felipoint, and the event in which you received it.

Why am I doing a flatsale in this manner? Well, it's not RP based, but it does actually require a presence in thread inthe lead-up to the flatsale, as these events could happen at any time, and won't always be announced!
They will be fun, though. biggrin

Any questions? Post 'em, please don't PM either my Naita account, or this muley mule.

Secret Santa '05

2/10/05~Contest for Guardian!
26/09/05~ RP event! Where's Lacia?
24/08/05~ SS pick-ups are, from here on out, closed.

New thread!

All SS kids in the Pickup post, please locate yours.
Those of you that have posted names- I'm reading back, and updating as I find 'em, refresh the image now and again.

Those of you whose Feli have been named- PLEASE save your kids to your own server. I beg of you.

Remember, no name, no adult stage!
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Felis go through three stages in their lives - Bundle, kid and adult.

Your Feli will be delivered to you by the resident stork in its bundle stage. As a bundle, your Feli can't really do much besides.. wiggle. o_o
They cannot make audible sounds such as purring, growling, humming, etc.

Once your Feli 'hatches' out of the bundle, it'll be in its kid stage. Feli kids are very adorable little creatures. :3 Your Feli will remain a kid for seven days at least, though some Felis remain in this stage for nearly an entire month. Your feli must be named before it can grow into an adult.

Finally, your Feli will turn into an adult. Your Feli will be able to breed from now on, and, well.. will generally be more mature. o.o

But wait...! X3 There's also another stage for Felis - Elder. Not many Felis become elders; it's a very rare event. To become an elder, your Feli has to find a special orb. It's a pretty random event, so I decide who turns into an elder and when. ;3

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Basic Felis have - apart from their different colors - little feathery wings, which are (despite their size) strong enough to carry their petite bodies. They'll be a bit clumsy with flying first, they need some time to learn it. :3

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Felis with Fairy over-kinds are a bit rarer than basic. They have graceful butterfly-like wings; you can see that they have a certain transparency when the sun shines through. Fairy Felis also have swirls at the tips of their ears.

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Aqua Felis have colorful fins on their back and tail that shine in all colors of the rainbow. Of course they can't fly with those, but they're extremely talented when it comes to swimming. n_n They have lungs though, and still live on solid ground. All Felis can swim, but those are TEH_SWIMMERS. XD

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Ooooh, the little grumpy ones. X3 Despite the kind nature of the Feli, these can be quite mischievous and nasty at times. They are quite rare and have leathery dragon-like wings and a demon-like tail.

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Now those are REALLY rare. :O Nobody knows how those came to be, but Seraphim Felis have the strange trait of sporting four wings instead of two. And there are always colorful gems glistening on their faces and tail. I wonder if those have a purpose...? o.o

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Wild Felis don't like to live with humans. They tend to live away from civilization, in tribes or as loners.
Wild Felis are slightly smaller than all other Feli kinds, have larger wings and thinner build. Their fur is a bit shorter and scruffier as well.

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Shorter, but infinitely fluffier than your average Feli, Snow Felis were born out of a struggle between the guardians. With the freedom of the Autumn and Winter guardians came Winter's darlings, the long-haired snow Feli.
With their large wings, they are powerful fliers, and beneath all their fluff they have roughly the same build as most Feli.

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Roughly the same size as the average Feli, but equipped with no hind legs, the first of the Callers to make his way to the Feli house was at the base of the Merfeli's creation, for it was his curse for any to steal, or grasp his stolen crown.
They are very powerful swimmers, but can only stay on dry land for limited periods of time.

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Born of Lacia's death, her broken dreams, the Dream Feli are roughly the same size as the average Feli, though their wings are much larger.
Both male and female have ram-like horns on their heads, as well as sharp shards from the beneath the tip of their tails, that can be used as a defence.

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No one quite knows where these Feli appeared from, but they certainly seem the fun-loving kind!
They stand just smaller than the average Feli, their horns and large ears just touching the head of a Basic Feli.

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The Rock Feli is larger than most, though not as large as an elder.
The first non-aquatic Feli to have no wings, they do, however, have fangs that make for easy defence against those that would harm them.
First discovered by Jazan and Bast and made slaves, the Rock Feli is a calm, quiet kind, unlikely to harm another unless provoked.


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If your Feli is of the Flower kind, its fur can sport all variations of flowery colors! Flower Felis also always have the light and sweet scent of flowers around them.

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Felis can be related to all kinds of elements. 3nodding Not only the standard ones like Fire, Water, Earth and Air, but also also natural materials like wood or gems.

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Felis of this kind can come in any natural markings (like Siamese, Panda, Leopard, etc). It's said that their instincts are better than those of other Felis. surprised

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These are special, because they are only born/given out in special seasons of the year (like Christmas, Easter, etc). n.n That doesn't mean there'll be Feli for each season though, they're quite rare.

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Felis of this kind can be related to any typical colors/attributes of a country or tribe. There'll never be two Felis of the same country. International bundles are marked with a little globe. (Note: Since "International" is such a long word and doesn't fit in the Felis' certificate, International Felis will have their country's name added as a kind. Example: Aqua/Tibet).

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Felis of this kind have the same colors, markings or patterns as a certain well-known character, like Jack Skellington or Pikachu, for example. Don't ask me how that happens in nature. XD

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Celestial feli are feli from beyoooond the staaars! XB But really, if your feli is a celestial, that means its markings are based off of heaveny bodies. biggrin Like the sun, stars, moon, etc. :3

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If your Feli is Prisma, this mainly means that it is colorful and doesn't fit in any of the other categories. X3
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So... you're probably wondering, how do you get a Feli?
There are currently five ways to get yourself a Feli: Flatsales, auctions, raffles, events and breedings.
Auctions are most common, then breedings, then the rest.

A flatsale is basically a sale with a set price of 1000g for each Feli. I'll post the bundles a couple of days before the flatsale itself, and when I post 'GO' in big red letters the flatsale starts. The bundles will be numbered (like all Felis are), and you MUST specify which bundle you'd like. You can only get one Feli per per flatsale. n_n However, be warned - Flatsales are very rare and get snatched in seconds!

Flatsale bundles currently available:

Remember, the flatsale only starts when I say 'GO!' in big red letters.

Feli auctions have a set starting price of 4,000g. A regular Feli auction is 24 hours long, but auctions for rare Felis (customs, Seraphims and the like) can last up to 3 days. Auctions tend to go very high and have an autobuy of 400k (400,000g). There is no autobuy for the rare auctions.
I will announce auctions a couple of days or more beforehand. Auctions run on seperate threads.
Basic auction rules:
- No harrassing other bidders!
- No sniping - you MUST post interest before the last 20 minutes of the auction. If anyone bids in the last two minutes, the auction will go on for another two minutes, and if anyone bids in those two minute the auction will be extended another two minutes, and so on. This is to prevent people from sniping in the last minutes of the auction. Be fair, people. :B
- No editing your posts in an auction!
-Up to three items may be included in your bid.

Felis currently up for auction:


On rare occasions, we will hold raffles for Felis. There will be 400 tickets available, and anywhere between 1 to 4 Felis up for raffle. Each ticket will cost 200g. A person may purchase up to 10 tickets for themselves, but may also buy tickets for a friend. You may not choose your ticket numbers.
After all tickets have been purchased, I'll use a randomiser to determine the winners.

Felis currently up for raffle: None.

Can't write much about events, since every event is different. razz
every once in a while, we'll hold some kind of event in which you have the chance to get a Feli. It could be anything - From RP contests and easter egg hunts to storytelling and colouring contests.

Events currently going on: None.

Pet Trades:
Sometimes I will accept pet trades, but it isn't very often. o0o If I do not accept your pet trade offer, it's nothing against you or your pet.

Pets Naita wants

Status: closed-ish.
- Shaoilin Wolf
- Unicorn Soquili
- Masquerade pets! heart

Pets Lizzy wants

Status: Pet Trades CLOSED (see Lizzy's post for info/recent trades)
- Black lace pets

Pets DFA wants

Status: OPEN for those on list.
- Vampire Capracan (Male)
- Thieves of Laurasia
- Blessings of Shikoku unicorn (Male)

Pet Trade Rules:
- If you want to do a pet trade, you have to do it either with Naita or Lizzy, unless you have my approval first. Pet trades for feli completed by owners or anyone else without my permission will be considered illegal! *If you are a owner and want to trade a feli for another pet, PM me to ask for permission!*
- I will not do a pet trade for Elder felis.
- You cannot get custom items for the Feli via pet trade.

Customs are our more expensive option, but they give you control over what your Feli turns out like.
To get a Feli of one of the regular overkinds, ie Basic-Merfeli, will cost you 500k.
If you go this route, you can pick the overkind, (other than seraphim, Caller, Guardian or elder) the colour scheme, any markings/scars, as well as the gender.

No lineart edits are allowed.

You cannot have the wings/tail/body parts changed.

Seraphims are no longer available via custom.

One slot open for Naita, and one for Lizzy, for June.

Naita's slots:


Lizzy's slots:

DFA's slots:
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Breeding is: Closed. Next time, always remember the key drools: Michael Caine, Ian McKellen & Hugo Weaving.

Breeding Rules:
- Feli bundles and over-kinds are random. Babies do not always take on all or any traits as the parents!
- Your feli and its mate cannot be (blood) related or have the same owner (or co-owner).
- Only one of your feli can breed at a time! Other people would like a spot too, and it is unfair to take up all the spots with your felis. ^0^
- Only felis of opposite gender may breed. (No male/male or female/female). Once in a while, RARE exceptions are made, but do not ask for one (by 'one' I mean an exception). o0o
- If you have not been informed by NAITA that you are allowed a gay breeding between a certain pair, you are not allowed an exception, simple as that. Do not make assumptions.
- If you are going to auction your bundle(s), you must wait for Naita or Lizzy to do it. You are not allowed to auction the feli by yourself.

Once in a while, breeding spots will open. Each spot costs 1,000g and can be split between owners. Only several open up at a time and they get snatched up quickly, so you have to be fast! :O

Felis can only breed twice (they aren't baby machines XD), and can have 2 - 5 bundles. 3nodding If both parents are elders (which is very rare), they can breed up to five times, but only have one bundle per breedings. o0o Once your feli and their mate are on the breeding list, it can take up to a week for the feli to have bundles.

When auctioning bundles, the gold is split in 3 ways: 40% to both owners (20% each), 50% to colorist, 10% back to shop.

Breeding spots:
1.) Closed.
2.) Closed.
3.) Closed.

Of course, felis don't have to have babies to be in love! biggrin Here is our couples list. X3 heart

heart Couples: heart
Liko & StarDrifter
Frank n' Furter & Lola
Mel & Fawn
Bara & Autumn
Harlequin & Cinnamon
Fifer & Cleakai
DragonStar & April
Mitsuko & Thanatos
Soul & Faerlin
Azriel & Cerridwen
Starburst & Aurora
Ptol & Requiem
Violet & The Grinch
Adonis & Alexia
Takai & Saccharine
Kenji & Ainokami
Emma & Bolha
Ryukineko & Hatter
Crypt & Atsila
Kuromiko & Nadia
Almalphia & Mewtwo
Soleil & Verin
Hephaes & Aithne
Dark (Daisuke) & Mina
Kalapi & Nalin (Unknowingly)
Syaoran and Sakura ;D!!

If you would like to add a couple to this list, post a reply telling me so! X3

1 breeding left:

No breedings left:

Four breedings left:
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Pick your Feli up here! :3

Click me.
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Re-opening soon!
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Roleplaying is not required on the feli thread. We understand people are busy. smile But if you roleplay a lot, your feli may grow into an elder! (More RP random events coming soon).

Please read these rules before you RP.
  • No God moding. This means you cannot control someone else's feli in an way or kill everyone off. Only RP your OWN character.
  • Be nice! Don't leave people out.
  • Please keep the content of your RP PG-13 and under.
  • Always keep ooc interaction between players polite.
  • Keep swearing to a minimum.
  • Felis cannot talk to humans, but can understand the human language. And of course they can talk to each other. 4laugh
  • Bundles cannot make audible noises. They cannot "mentally" speak, either, as they lack the mental capacity yet. Think of them as a pregnant woman's belly. Now imagine your reaction if one of THEM started speaking.
  • Addition to the no god-moding rule; if you want your Feli to have a "power" outside what is outlined in overkind, ASK PERMISSION. No randomly bringing about some almighty power without permission from t'shop owner.
  • Even if your Feli is a cosplay Feli, don't assume it has the powers of the original character. ie, if you have a Pokemon Feli, it won't have the attacks of the Pokemon after which it is coloured.
    It falls under the above rules, thus if you want your cosplay Feli to have the powers of the character it cosplays, you need to PM the mule with a list of what you wish to give it, and get approval.

Downstairs House Layout:
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This is the first floor of the house, as the second floor is OFF LIMITS to ANY Feli, bar a single room.
Should any Feli venture up there, all they would see is darkness, they would be unable to enter any but the earth room.
The earth room is the first on the left after the stairs.
Inside it there is no furniture, only a few treestumps dotted about.
The carpet is made up of sweet low-growing flowers that never die, and the walls are lined with moss, a few vines crawling up them.
A huge window is situated on the outside wall, looking out on the pond in the back garden.

And since this has been challenged in the past because of Gallion's dead, it has NOTHING to do with Gallion. It is the result of a plot by me, not the remaining results of one by Winter.
The upstairs is going to be revealed, but only when the plot pieces fall into place, and at no other time.

The mytery room can be gained access to via a door under the stairs.
The contents are... well... nothing. The walls, ceiling and floor appear to shine like under water, but no furniture is in the room, nothing at all save for a few seashells.

In the Living Room, there is a fireplace, a bow window to the side of that, and various chairs. In particular, there is a red velveteen chair and matching sofa.

In the Kitchen, the usual implements apply, all specially fitted so that the Felis may gain access. Who did this, no one knows, but no one complains at the constantly stocked fridge and larder!

In the Conservatory, pieces of lattice furniture make the day, as well as a veritable jungle of potplants. Even in the midst of winter, this room is warm.

In each Parlour, furniture matching that of the Living Room is dotted about, as well as a huge bookshelf in the left parlour. Why is it there? What do the books say? No one knows.

The Feli Valley:
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1. Feli House.
Refer to downstairs layout.

2. Pond.
Where the Merfeli was first sighted, a playground for water-loving Feli.

3. Gemstone Cave.
Every facet, every inch of this cave glimmers and glistens with the various gems lining the walls. Many is the Feli who has lost their senses at the sight of diamonds shining down on them in the case load, each more perfect than the next.

Just how such a miracle of nature occured is unknown, but as yet, there have been no complaints.
A Calling Tree grows in the centre of the cave, there since the Guardian's discovery.

4. Calling Tree Cave.
Just as the gemstone cave and cave beneath the waterfall held Calling Trees, so does this cave.
The brilliant white tree never loses it's leaves, though inactivity has caused the immense bright light that emanates from the tree to fade to a dim glow.
Still, such a mystery as the Calling Trees must be seen once in a lifetime.

5. The Well.
Of little interest to most, the more imaginative Feli enjoy tossing shiny stones into the well and making wishes.
Careful those Feli kids don't fall in!

6. The Lake.
To the west of the towering forest is a great blue lake, it's waters shallow at first, but plunging to great depths in the further areas.
No structures line it's shores, no trees or shrubs, only the reeds at the edges of the water, only the sodden ground.

In the middle is a tiny island, it's sole inhabitants a single tree and an old, rusty chest.
What's in the chest? No one knows, but I doubt it's dubloons.

The water near the banks is warm and refreshing to swim in, but beyond those deeper waters it is almost freezing to the touch, and a foreboding seems to come with it.

7. The Waterfall.
In the very centre of the forest lays a perfectly circular pool. It is hidden from view by a ring of trees and rocks, but the approach is marked a few rows of trees back by a ring through the forest in which no vegetation grows, and then a few trees from which into the bark has been carved odd symbols.

The approach thus described, back to the pool. In the centre of this rises a massive pillar of smooth rock, thin but long, with water gushing from the top, on either side. None can explain why the water falls, but it does.

Emma and Bolha discovered this place, and it was later that the Guardians were found in a cave hidden in the rock, underneath the water.

What magic does this place hold? And was it created, or simply chosen by the Guardians?

8. The Forest Clearing.
Not too far into the forest, the trees thin for a bit, opening up a clearing. Unlike the rest of the forest, the sun and wind have full access here, and the grass grows high.

Wild flowers dot the area, adding patches of red, blue, purple and such to the vista.
The perfect place for young Felis to play.

10. The Rocky Outcrop.
Little is known about this place, no Felis have entered it, but signs of life are increasingly common from it's reaches.

In other news, if there's anyone who thinks they can make a good house layout, PM Naita please! OMG!
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We now have a feli guild! It's open to anyone to join. biggrin
The Feli Playgrounds Guild

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If you want to link to us, here is a banner you can use. biggrin

Send me a PM, via the shop mule or Naita, if you want to be on this list.

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.::Kaelin Lachlan::.
User Image

Naita est: Workin'!

Ways to make Naita purr: Give her BBQ sauce.
Mention the words "Hugo" and "Weaving" in that order.
Give her luvins.

heart mrgreen heart

To do:
those in list.

Pet trades:
User Image

Lizzy is: Back at school and teaching ><;;;

Obsessions: Potatoes
Funny words biggrin

Hey Lizzy
Can you add a couple on the feli couple list for me?

the couple is
(me and you)

Pet trade status: Alright, here is the deal this time. I have limited slots this time for pet trades. There will be four slots total. When those four slots are taken, I will close my pet trades again for a while. Remember, please PM LizzyMoo if you are interested in a pet trade (not the Feli mule). Speed isn't everything, for I am going to be somewhat picky in regards to what pet trades I will take xp

Pet Trade Slots
Slot 1- Closed
Slot 2- Ancients of China (2 for 2) (half done)
Slot 3- Closed
Slot 4- Closed

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