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In the year 2143 a strange virus broke loose, affecting a select few children from across the world. This virus gave the infected mysterious powers. The government feared that these powers would pose a threat to everyday society and the authorities. With this in mind the infected were rounded together. They were kept isolated for a matter of months. When an unfortunate accident occurred, a new location was thought to be best. With the election of a new president the infected were shipped to the space bubble. The bubble itself was disguised as a moon of Mars. With the uninfected safe from the likes of the ill, the lies of the government went unnoticed. The government gave the bubble the code name of ARTEMIS or Artificial Relocation Tank for Every Malfunctioning Internal System. The people of Artemis soon fit into the abnormal surroundings. With the materials for everyday life they found that it was much like their home planet.


A constructed earth-like environment, with stores, farms, parks, and many things just like the planet it was based off of. Seeing as the bubble has no orbital weather, weather is created by one of the infected, and changes at their whim. Crops are able to grow in “climate chambers” or large rooms with fields for growing all sorts of plants. These things are what allow the children to live there with no outside contact other than the guards. (Guards are NPCs)


*Note:: This is a remake of an awesome roleplay my friends and I came up with. I wanted to give it a new try so here it is.
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1. We are god, don’t mess with us.
2. Follow gaia TOS.
3. Please, this is a semi-literate to literate RP if you feel the need to text talk or use *fjdkfj* for actions just leave, NOW!
4. No one is allowed to have the same power, so please read the Power Section in the Profile thread.
5. I cannot stress this enough, we really do not want anyone to be using text talk or any symbols for actions, if you want to do that you go be a noob somewhere else!
Here’s an example: Instead of titling your PM "People in a Bubble" title it "Oh my god! Rubber Duckies!".
Also instead of a ninja emote on the bottom of your PM, don't put an emote at all.

”Super Noob”
–appears in a tree watching everyone sliently with kitten in hand petting her slowly-**whispers to self** such foolish people**whispers to self**

Seriously don't do that! It's a big no!

6. If you read the rules please title your PM “People in a Bubble”.
7. Absolutely no godmodding, powerplaying or any of that bad stuff. I'll send my cannibal friend after you if you do.
8. No cybering!! It's just nasty. Romance is encouraged but please, don’t go that far.
9. Remember, we are god, we can kick you out of this role play really, really, quick.
10. Put a ninja emote at the end of your PM.
11. Respect your fellow RPers, don’t be a douche, I don’t want douches in my roleplay. If someone is being a douche to you inform me in a PM, with the page number and the username of the meanie.
12. If you want people in the roleplay to talk to you, take the initiative and do something, like bumping into them and apologizing or something, or saying hello. Don't whine and think we don't want to roleplay with you, your just not making yourself noticed.
13. I reserve the right to kick someone out or deny profiles. I might give you a very cryptic reason why I did.
14. Highlight the rules and reread them again, I’m pretty sure you missed something.
15. If you don't post for 6 days I will send you a pm as warning, but won't hesitate to remove your profile the next day if I don't get a reply.
16. You may swear, but don't do it excessively. You just look lame and stupid if you do.
17. I'm looking for people to play parts that intertwine with the plot, so send a pm if you're interested.
18. Send your profile to XxFrozenFlowerxX.

Remember! Rules can be added at anytime!


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[align=center][size=20][color=Color1]Last name[/color], [color=Color2]First name[/color][color=white]------------------------[/color][/size][/align]
[align=center][img]picture url[/img][/align]

[b][align=center]ι τ ‘s[color=white]--[/color]α ℓ ℓ[color=white]--[/color]α в σ u τ[color=white]--[/color]м ε[/align][/b]

[size=10]It's on my name tag. [[color=Color1]full name[/color]]
But actually, I'd prefer you call me [[color=Color2]nickname[/color]]
I'm only [[color=Color1]12-19[/color]] years young.
I get presents today. [[color=Color2]Birthday[/color]]
I was born a [[color=Color1]gender[/color]] and raised [[color=Color2]orientation[/color]]
I'm [[color=Color1]height[/color]] tall and everyone notices my [[color=Color2]eye color[/color]] eyes.
I rock this style, [[color=Color1]hair style[/color]][/size]

[b][align=center]g ε τ[color=white]--[/color]τ σ[color=white]--[/color]κ η σ ω[color=white]--[/color]м ε[/align][/b]

[size=10]Oh, I love this song! [[color=Color2]Theme song / favorite song[/color]]
Give it to me. [[color=Color1]Likes - At least five[/color]]
Ew, throw it out. [[color=Color2]dislikes - At least five[/color]]
I don't like to talk about it... [[color=Color1]Fears[/color]]
Hear me roar![[color=Color2]Personality [/color]]
My story begins...[[color=Color1]Bio/Background [/color]]
If you pay attention... [[color=Color2]Extra stuff about character [/color]]
I think I might really like this person... [[color=Color1]Crush -Can be changed later[/color]][/size]

[b][align=center]τ н ε я ε 's[color=white]--[/color]α[color=white]--[/color]я ε α s σ η[color=white]--[/color]ι ' м[color=white]--[/color]н ε я ε.[/align][/b]

[size=10]They say I'm defective. [[color=Color2]Power[/color]]
I've been here for [[color=Color1]how long you've been in the bubble[/color]], which is way too long if you ask me.
It's a daily thing. [[color=color2]Job[/color]]

This one takes control.[/size]

White List::

~*You wish you were cool enough to be on here*~

Black List::

~*You better hope you don't get on here*~

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All the profiles are here!

[2/11/09, 8:05 PM:: The thread has been remade and is open for profiles!]
[2/19/09, 3:14 PM:: Character's Lydia and Faith were removed. Both genders are being accepted again.]


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Weather: [Sunny][Cloudy][Rainy][Partly cloudy][Snowy][Windy][Breezy]


Time: [Sunday][Monday][Tuesday][Wednesday][Thursday][Friday][Saturday]



I'm in Pacific time zone.


In the morning I'm sometimes on between 7:00 - 7:20

I'm never on between 7:30 - 3:00

After that I'm usually on around 3:30 - 10:00

I'm always on late on Fridays, I've got a club.

*Homework and rare occasions may change this*


Usually 10:00am - 11:00pm

*I am a rather busy person and spend a lot of time with friends or out of town, so this is sometimes not correct.*
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They've had chances to make this big city seem so small,
Under stage lights, in rooms packed from window to wall,

Like the sound of a smile, or the distance of song,
only measured in time as the kids sing along.

They are the ones who make a difference,
get these people on their feet.

†»»Cαη γσυ ћεαг ωћατ І сαη’τ?


A dark haired boy made his way down the streets of ARTEMIS, the bubble of hell that he was trapped in along with quite a few others. His feet made a tapping noise as his black and white shoes hit the pavement that made up the sidewalk. His bright emerald green eyes flicked to the sides. His vision didn't reflect what everyone would think would be streets, they didn't have cars, the bubble wasn't that big. Instead his gaze met with green grass that shimmered with that something that his eyes lacked. His eyes were dull when it came to interest, the color was bright, but his dull at the same time. It was the lack of spirit some would say. He lost all his spirit ten years ago, the anniversary had just passed. That day wasn't much fun. Of course no day was considered fun in Ulric's jewel-like eyes.

At least today he didn't have to go and work in the music shop. His job was like torture. Who wanted to work in a music store when you couldn't actually hear what was all around you? Ulric didn't. He was a great violinist that was denied the right to hear his own playing. So he didn't play anymore. The violin was always kept with him. Today was no different. The snow white case that held his precious violin hung from his shoulder lazily. The case was very clean and looked much brighter than the person carrying it. No one had seen the instrument inside though. If they had, they would never give him grief about keeping the case so spotless. The violin was absolutely perfect, no smudges, no marks, everything was in pristine condition. He took the best care of it as he possibly could. To him it was the last precious thing he had, and he had to hold onto it tight. Ulric was tired of losing things he held close.

The uninterested violinist made his way down to the cafe that was in the bubble. He was an absolutely horrible cook. Whenever he got sick of eating horrible food he would head down to the cafe. He was usually in there about half the week. It wasn't like the food was cheap, they all made the same amount of money after all. Things were very different in the bubble. Sometimes people didn't even ask for people to pay, it wasn't like it really mattered. They were provided with everything they needed to live anyway. He figured that the money thing was just to keep people accustomed to the real world, even though they had no chance of going back to Earth.


Ι’м α VισЇιηιςτ ωιτћ ησ ιητεгεςτ««†
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They say let us be heard... Hear us out...
Can you hear the crowd is calling,

"Hey, sing louder now,"
You've got to show them what it means to be alive...

Dancing through the night has never been so rock n' roll,
You've got a good thing and it's time to let them know.

Lydia woke up much later than she usually does. She laid in bed for what felt like forever, before she finally got up. She didn't have any one scheduled for work today, so she just had no motivation to wake up. Lydia is usually a very social person, and aside from her clients at work, she never really had any one to talk to since she was sent away to the bubble. She didn't mind as much lately, ever since the person who she thought was her friend for years, decided to report her for being 'infected' as they said, for a reward the people in charge of her city started giving out to help them get rid of people like her. She always wondered why they called her that, she felt perfectly healthy. Different, definitely, but calling her infected made her sound like some maggot-ridden zombie or something.

She finally dragged herself out of bed, and got ready. She felt a migraine coming on, and decided it was time to refuel on her caffeine. She went to her kitchen and realized she let herself run out of coffee and soda, again. 'Ugghhhh!!' she thought, as she decided she was too lazy to make her own coffee today any way, so she grabbed up her Pikachu backpack and started on a walk to the cafe. She still prefered not to use her power, and walking is better for you any way, right?

She smiled when she finally made it to the cafe she has been coming to when she needed a caffeine fix, as she walked in and ordered a latte.

"Girls like me, glow in the dark."
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They've had chances to make this big city seem so small,
Under stage lights, in rooms packed from window to wall,

Like the sound of a smile, or the distance of song,
only measured in time as the kids sing along.

They are the ones who make a difference,
get these people on their feet.

†»»Cαη γσυ ћεαг ωћατ І сαη’τ?


The bell above the door rang gently as a boy standing about 5 foot 11 entered the quaint little cafe. A white case hung off his shoulder, anyone that knew him knew that it was he precious violin. He was a pretty regular customer so most the workers there knew him. A girl that worked at the cafe ran up to him as he sat down. 'Ulric would you like the usual or something else today?' She asked with a small tilt of her head. His green eyes flickered up to her before she began to speak. He would have completely missed what she was saying if he hadn't seen her lips. Ulric had to lip read to know what people were saying. "The usual I guess." He replied diverting his eyes back down to the table. Ulric was the type of person to keep to himself and stay pretty quiet. He was pretty observant though. Of course no one could not notice the bright neon haired girl that was ordering a coffee. In Ulric's eyes he didn't see that girl needing any help to by full of energy. He'd seen her around before, he had been there longer than any other kid after all. Though he couldn't say he'd spoken to her very much, if at all. He knew that he didn't know her name.

The violinist's order came and the girl set it down with a smile. He nodded as a thank you and picked up a fork. He poked at the food for a moment before setting the fork back down and covering the waffle in syrup. Contrary to his appearance, Ulric loved sweet food. The fork returned to his grasp along with a knife. He carefully cut up the food before putting small bits into his mouth. It took him all morning but he had just realized; he wasn't all that hungry. He couldn't skip breakfast though, it would look suspicious to the guards. He always ate breakfast, so skipping it would be strange. He was watched a bit closer than most other people. Things had happened with some of the other original kids to make is so the guards were very vigilant. Ulric regretted taking part of that event since it happened.


Ι’м α VισЇιηιςτ ωιτћ ησ ιητεгεςτ««†
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They say let us be heard... Hear us out...
Can you hear the crowd is calling,

"Hey, sing louder now,"
You've got to show them what it means to be alive...

Dancing through the night has never been so rock n' roll,
You've got a good thing and it's time to let them know.

Lydia was just finishing off her second cup and decided she was getting bored of just sitting around. She started looking around for something to do and noticed someone looking at her. He didn't really seem like someone who wanted company, but that gave her all the more reason to come over, maybe he was sad? Well, if he was, she decided to go try and cheer him up.

She jumped up from where she was sitting. and skipped towards him. "Hiii!!!" she said as she smiled and waved at him was she got closer to sit near him. She squeaked as she nearly missed the the seat as she went on it, but immediately laughed her embarrassment off.

"Girls like me, glow in the dark."
User Image
They've had chances to make this big city seem so small,
Under stage lights, in rooms packed from window to wall,

Like the sound of a smile, or the distance of song,
only measured in time as the kids sing along.

They are the ones who make a difference,
get these people on their feet.

†»»Cαη γσυ ћεαг ωћατ І сαη’τ?


Ulric quickly regretted even glancing at the girl. She probably the exact type of people that he liked to avoid. He knew it too. This girl was going to cause him great irritation, it was obvious with the first word that came from her mouth. Ulric couldn't even hear her, but he knew by her motions and expressions, she was overly loud and hyper active. She had also downed two caffeine rich drinks, way more than Ulric could handle. "Hi," He replied with a small raise of his hand. He couldn't hold the sigh of exasperation pass his lips. This wasn't something he wanted to deal with in the morning. He didn't like talking much anyway, but the early hours made it even worse. This was supposed to be his day off after all. He began to wonder if he didn't say much at all if she would leave him alone. Why did she pick him to speak with out of all the people in the cafe? Guess he was just lucky.

Ulric took another bite of his food. Every Now and then he would look up to see if her lips were moving just so he didn't miss anything. Ulric finished his breakfast and took a sip of the water next to him. The white case on his back moved slightly as he repositioned himself in the chair. He laced his fingers together and rested his head on his hands. He didn't feel like having a conversation but he didn't exactly feel like getting up and leaving. There wasn't anywhere he was going to go, and this place was the most likely place he'd run into someone he knew. Even though his day off was supposed to be relaxing, it just turned out to be even more boring than a day when he had to work. At least when he had to work he had something to do and wasn't stuck hanging around with nothing on his agenda.


Ι’м α VισЇιηιςτ ωιτћ ησ ιητεгεςτ««†
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They say let us be heard... Hear us out...
Can you hear the crowd is calling,

"Hey, sing louder now,"
You've got to show them what it means to be alive...

Dancing through the night has never been so rock n' roll,
You've got a good thing and it's time to let them know.

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