Tipsy Millionaire

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                                                        ▌ENYA MOFFETT ▬ HUFFLEPUFF HOUSE ▬ DUBLIN, IRELAND
                                                        ▌FIVE FOOT FOUR INCHES ▬ BROWN HAIR ▬ GREEN EYES
                                                        ▌11 OCTOBER 1980 ▬ HALF-BLOOD ▬ METAMORPHMAGUS
                                                        ▌14¼" WAND ▬ HAZEL WOOD ▬ UNICORN HAIR ▬ STURDY

                                                        B A C K G R O U N D

                                                        Enya was born to a muggle mother and a wizard father. The married couple agreed they would not speak of magic unless they believed it necessary. They would not have to wait long as their first child Enya was born a metamorphmagus. Shortly after she was brought home to their farm, Alroy noticed her eyes begin to rapidly change color. From the blue common to newborns they changed to green, then brown, then grey before reverting back to blue. Standing there in disbelief, Alroy though all the excitement around starting a family with Shauna was getting to his head. He near fell over when his baby's nose changed to look like his own. Collecting himself, Alroy thought it for the best to tell Shauna after she recovered from giving birth.

                                                        Shauna was prepared to have magical children given her husband was a wizard. A daughter who was not only a witch but a metamorphmagus was something entirely beyond what she believed possible. She near had a heart attack when she walked in to see her daughter's face looking like the family dog. Alroy had to rush in and explain what Enya was to his wife and calm her nerves. Shauna knew very little of the wizarding world. What Alroy and his family shared with her was the extent of her knowledge. No matter how uncertain she was about the whole situation, she knew she loved Enya. Alongside her husband, she would do everything she could as a muggle mother to support her child.

                                                        In her early years of development, Enya could easily change her appearance and maintain it. It took some time for her parents to get used to it, to be sure. Alroy believed his daughter would be a powerful metamorphmagus when she matured given her astute prowess as a baby and toddler. Unfortunately, what skill Enya had fizzled the older and more aware she became. If she could change at all, she experienced trouble holding the smallest change to her appearance for more than a couple of seconds. The vast majority of the time, she couldn't change no matter how hard she concentrated. The worst case scenario occurred when Enya's appearance changed without her willing it at the worst places. Often Enya would hide her face, raise her hand, and beg her teachers to excuse her from class for a moment to use the restroom. With a book acting as a shield for her face, she ran into the wall as she tried and failed to in her blind panic escape revelation.

                                                        Enya's first brother Cian (February 23, 1982) was born devoid of magic. Her second brother Davin (June 17, 1983) was born a wizard. Though Cian was the black sheep among his siblings, they were still close. True, he was jealous and his jealously did get the best of him sometimes, but he learned throwing a fit would not change anything. Alroy and Shauna taught them they needed to support each other. The married couple taught Cian and Davin to protect Enya so she did not get exposed. Between her two brothers, Cian was the one who rushed to her side the quickest. He had a few words for children who preyed on Enya's odd behavior of running out of class. At home, Davin tried to get school and being a metamorphmagus out of her head by begging her to play with him around the farm. Sometimes Enya wished she could give all magical ability she had to Cian. Her grandparents on her father's side regularly visited the family to see Enya. Knowing her since she was a baby, they were shocked when she seemed to loose the grip she had over her powers when she was small. They tried to do whatever they could to help Enya regain her handling.

                                                        Given time, Enya eventually got sick of her brothers being the ones to protect her all the time while she just hid behind them. As their big sister, she believed it her role to be the one protecting them! One day after school, a girl would not lay off Enya. She prodded and jabbed at Enya's earlier episode that same day. Without meaning to, Enya's hair changed color. Covering her head, she had rushed away and her foot landed in a small hole--causing her to fall into the dirt.

                                                        "Muppet Enya Moffett!" the bully girl sang on. Balling her hand into a fist, Enya punched her. The strike drew blood, too. The girl went home crying to her parents and Enya's own parents were called in for a word. Defending their daughter, Alroy and Shauna ridiculed the school and its teachers. A generally gentle man, Alroy roared Enya would not have had to fight if the teachers did their job properly. The girl's parents threatened to sue the Moffett's for breaking their precious little girl's nose. Excusing her poor manners, Shauna hissed at them, "Your girl is a spoilt, bratty liar!"

                                                        When Enya was eleven, she received a letter of acceptance from Hogwarts. Hesitant, her parents assured her it would be a good experience for her. They believed Hogwarts would help her insecurities. Enya worried people would judge her as a failure of a metamorphmagus. Taking Enya to Diagon Alley to shop for supplies, it allowed the father and daughter to bond. Alroy shared his stories of Hogwarts. Enya learned he had been a promising wizard who chose to leave that behind for a muggle life with Shauna on the farm. He taught her of the four houses. Their family was a bit of a mixed bag. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were common houses in the family, but Hufflepuff and Slytherin were not ruled out. Listening to his stories and taking in the wonder that was Diagon Alley, Enya thought to herself Hogwarts might not be so bad. She would be living the life many muggle children dreamed of. A land of fantasy. She wanted to become a great metamorphmagus and witch.

                                                        "One day, I'll turn into a dragon!" little Enya declared. Her father could only chuckle. She believed either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw would help her achieve that. When she received her wand, her father near crushed her with his hug.

                                                        The entire ride to England and Platform 9¾, her brothers would not stop tugging on her arms and chattering away. Cian made her promise to write him a lot of letters as he would never be able to attend Hogwarts. Davin was giddy thinking about when his turn would come in the future. Shauna and Cian waited on the other side of the barrier. Davin and Alroy said their goodbyes to Enya. Alroy told her she was still a child. Nobody expected children to be amazing witches and wizards. He assured her even if she continued to face difficulties reigning in her metamorphmagus powers, she would still be his girl and would not stop loving her. Boarding the train, Enya didn't know if the knot in her stomach was out of excitement or if she was going to be sick all over the seat next to her. As the train kicked off, she looked out the window and waved goodbye.

                                                        Much to her horror, there were children who already knew who she was. Enya did not know how. They mocked her for being a metamorphmagus who couldn't even morph. They said it was punishment inflicted on her pure-blood father for marrying a muggle. Sinking down into her seat, she really did feel like she was going to be ill now. Being sorted into Hufflepuff only made the target on her person bigger. The letter she later received from her father echoed the Sorting Hat's words in regard to Hufflepuff, "Unafraid of turmoil."

                                                        P E R S O N A L I T Y

                                                        Early into her stay at Hogwarts, Enya faced many insecurities. Her wand honed in onto those insecurities and either failed to cast spells or sent her flying back. Overthinking everything, it made even the simplest of tasks trying. She began to think going to Hogwarts was a mistake. The only thing keeping her going was the letters of encouragement from her family. Enya began to believe the children's bullying of her. She believed she wouldn't get anywhere and that half-bloods weren't as good at pure-bloods. After finishing her first year and going home, Enya refused to go back. It took a lot of work from her family to change her views of herself. With newfound determination and confidence, she wanted to try again.

                                                        Ever since, Enya began improving herself as her confidence grew. She learned to relax and not overthink everything. Her wand started listening to her. She remembers jumping up and down with joy when she at last managed to cast a spell properly. Enya still fell from time to time because she's not perfect and still needed to believe more in herself and not be ashamed of who she was nor her Hufflepuff house. The bullying did not stop, but she started putting in the effort to make friends.

                                                        Come her third year, her improvement was extraordinary. A hard worker, she went from receiving "Poor" and "Acceptable" grades to "Exceeds Expectations" and "Outstanding." There were still subjects she received an "Acceptable," grade on, however. That could be attributed to her trying too hard. However, the one thing she still could not get a grip on was her metamorphmagus magic.

                                                        Enya continues to be a hard worker. She wants to prove that being a half-blood and Hufflepuff does not mean she's not good enough. She is proud of her father for being a blood traitor. Someone who likes to have fun, Enya does her best to be happy. She wants to be able to support and encourage other people like her family does for her. When her brother began attending Hogwarts and got sorted into Gryffindor, that desire grew. She is willing to help those who want to better themselves.

                                                        As Enya grew up, she learned to not let the words of other people bother so much. She enjoys laughing and is the type to confront those who make it their lot in life to bring others down. When pushed too hard, Enya is known to react with a bit of a temper. She has a very good sense of humor and will find even the worst of jokes funny. She does her best to go through her day with a smile. She will accept someone no matter their background. She has a strong sense of adventure; it has landed her in trouble with the professors.

                                                        EXTRAS & TRIVIA

                                                        ▌Her pet is a male barn owl named Rags.
                                                        ▌Her favorite subject is Care of Magical Creatures.
                                                        ▌Aside from Care of Magical Creatures, her top classes are Potions and Charms.
                                                        ▌Her worst subject is Transfiguration likely due to her insecurity of being unable to change her own form as a metamorphmagus.

                                                        ▌Her favorite ghost is her own house ghost, Fat Friar, and her favorite teacher is Hagrid.
                                                        ▌The person most likely to be her best friend is Luna Lovegood.
                                                        ▌Enya enjoys flying and her wand is well suited for healing.
                                                        ▌Likely occupations for Enya are mazizoologist, potioneer, healer, or professor.

                                                        ▌Because her surname Moffett sounds like muppet, people use that to tease her.
                                                        ▌Enya was called Enya Muppet especially in her early Hogwards days because of her failures.
                                                        ▌Enya Muppet is something she has been called in the muggle and wizarding worlds.
                                                        ▌Muppet is a term used to call someone a stupid person or ignorant and has no idea about anything.

                                                        ▌Once got into a lot of trouble for going into the Forbidden Forest at night.
                                                        ▌Not always good at following the rules.
                                                        ▌Collects chocolate frog cards.
                                                        Her voice sounds like Charlotte Ryan.