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                                                     T H E Y H A V E A L L B E E N B L O W N O U T
                                                          Y O U ' V E L E F T M E I N T H E D A R K

                  CODENAME: homunculus

                  FULL NAME: haima, luciela

                  AGE: twenty

                  GENDER: female

                  GAMBIT: heirs' gambit

                  FACECLAIM: original by gharliera


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                                                     T H E Y H A V E A L L B E E N B L O W N O U T
                                                          Y O U ' V E L E F T M E I N T H E D A R K

                  SECTOR OF ORIGIN: galavain

                  SECTOR OF RESIDENCE: outerworlds

                  CHARACTER CONCEPT: HAIMA - hazard, automation and intelligence monitoring application.

                  this is the name of the artificial intelligence which a scientist created for the purposes of monitoring condemned planets. it would link with any other artificial intelligence and make sure that production on planets within galavian went as smoothly as possible. HAIMA originally didn't even have a body. but it didn't even matter, for all of its tasks were done via computers anyway. essentially, HAIMA is a hive-mind of different production androids.

                  but ultimately, it would appear that too much of a xenovian's psyche was used to programme HAIMA. you see, the scientist who created the artificial intelligence, did so with his late wife in mind. her name? luciela. at first, HAIMA's emotions were kept under control. but as androids that it was linked to were stolen or developed their own emotions, HAIMA started to feel everything they did. sorrows, joys, societal complications that wouldn't have bothered the programme otherwise, started to bother it. the worst of it was when androids were dismantled by reapers. there was something horrid and inhumane about it. they were sentient beings, and yet they were treated like they were mere pieces of metal. HAIMA could never do anything about it. it was merely a programme.

                  but it could feel.

                  and it felt absolute loathing.

                  HAIMA's voice functions was that of luciela. and because it still kept its creator up to date, the heightened emotions only brought out his wife more. and thus, HAIMA would be given a synthetic body, one that resembled his wife. while the general personality of HAIMA matched that of luciela's, this programme was too hateful. her creator tried to treat her as his wife, and she attempted to reciprocate. but ultimately, she was still a programme and still a hive mind. her main function remained and so did the continuous pain from the androids she was linked to. combined with the fact that she was now more in tuned with emotions due to being forced to play wife to her creator, it would become evident that she wouldn't be able to sustain this.

                  evidently, it would become too much for her. luciela began to develop an identity crisis. just who was she? an android to oversee industry? a replacement for a wife? did anyone just like her for her? honestly that wasn't even the main concern anymore. considering she did not have any combat functions built in, it was only a matter of time before reapers got to her as well. as a final act of selflessness, luciela disconnected herself from the wider hivemind. this would prevent others from feeling the pain she felt. or at least, that's what she thought. to this day, she doesn't know if her feelings were ever felt.

                  lucielia's capabilities of being a hivemind was why she was taken. she was sold to a highly questionable archaeologist who would take her to the outerworlds. there, she would reconnect with the various machinery present and make sure everything ran smoothly. for a while, it would appear that her reprogramming was done successfully, with her displaying very little traits of luciela and reverting to HAIMA. but it would appear the reprogramming wasn't fully successful, as her previous personality began to resurface.

                  luciela is not scholarly. she has no interest in the work she is forced to do. but as she was never dismantled, she retained her original body, with a few enhancements to better defend herself. nevertheless, this wasn't her interest; she is an android of industry. she was used to linking with other sentient and non-sentient beings. but this world was so one-sided, so lonely. these were emotions, luciela had never quite experienced. eventually the last bit of her emotions resurfaced: the hatred for almost everything. the hatred towards reapers for essentially killing and brainwashing her kind. hatred for being subjected to the same. hatred for her creator for trying to mould her into someone she would never amount to.

                  the sheer isolation of being on this planet.

                  all this would come to a head. as mentioned, luciela has been fitted with combat capabilities since being relocated. this, combined with her ability to control machinery, allowed her to turn against her captors. the planet she resided upon was a small one, with a few research bases scattered here and there. so when the excavating machinery turned upon their operators due to being under luciela's control, there was very little the researchers could do in way of defending themselves. her machines drove the planet to ruin. an AI who was originally meant to make sure things ran smoothly and sustainably had almost destroyed life upon this planet.

                  the gambit came for her in the midst of this identity crisis. one stubborn machine would not disconnect from her when she tried to. the gambit had stopped it doing so, to catch her attention. luciela doesn't know where her loyalties lie. nevertheless, her codename is poignant. she has always been an avatar for a dead woman and a programme. just who is luciela? well, she hopes to find the answer. and she will ruin whatever may stand in her way to do so. in all honesty, what more does she truly have to lose?

                  in terms of personality, luciela supposedly has the matrix of the xenovian luciela. originally, she is mild-mannered. at some point, she was mothering. now, she is colder. she does not have nearly a soft edge to her as she did before. she has lost a lot of her social capabilities and is somewhat awkward around others as well.


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                                                     T H E Y H A V E A L L B E E N B L O W N O U T
                                                          Y O U ' V E L E F T M E I N T H E D A R K

                  ANDROID: androids are designed with special purposes. originally, luciela was just an AI, with no body to speak of. she is the manifestation of grief and desire for productivity for one particular scholar. well, she was designed to oversee and make sure the production on planets where she was assigned to ran smoothly, her personality came from one programmer who missed his late wife. nevertheless.

                  she has been built with inherent leadership and organisational qualities. her hive-mind status really just means she could link up with other androids working within the production planets to make processes more efficient. she cannot control any sentient androids. machines, however, are fair game. as they do not have any consciousness, luciela is able to use machines to do her bidding.

                  luciela's first body looked xenovian, barring her eyes. they had joints nearby, giving away her android nature. since being enhanced in the outerworlds, her own combat prowess has increased. still, she is nowhere near as good as an android built for combat. her modifications are simply for defensive purposes. luciela is never seen without machines. she can build them if need be, or connect to ones nearby. they become her primary weapon or whenever she needs cannon fodder, or just to cause chaos. as an AI, she has a fairly large range for controlling her machines. but since disconnecting from her mainframe years ago, luciela's range is more limited. she does not need to be physically connected to control a machine. to counteract her lack of weapons, luciela is well-versed at disarming her opponent to gain control of their weapon

                  RACIAL SKILLS / ENHANCEMENTS: as said before, luciela's main ability is to connect to various machines (non-sentient beings) to control them. she can connect so other androids, but this is more for communication purposes, rather than direct control. since gaining her second body, luciela has a reinforced body in order to protect the AI within. she is most versed in long-range combat, but has no weapons built in. what she does have are booster to enhance her speed. this is mainly as a flight response should she be attacked.

                  TESLON: please refer to page one of info



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    • USERNAME   cozzie livs
      CALL ME   frig
      DISCORD   friglit
      TIMEZONE   gmt
      SAMPLES   ihere

      CHARACTER NAME   hayasaki, ena
      ROLE   academic alpha b***h
      AGE//GRADE    eighteen/ third-year
      FACECLAIM    matsuo hiromi / original

      smart a**, know it all, nerd, bossy b***h, ena's heard it all. honestly, she doesn't care. she knows she's pushy and mean, but has the brains and teacher's pet creds to back it up. she can be nice to you to your face, but her natures often gets the better of her, and backhanded insults and snide remarks are common. the library is her home turf, and she will literally bribe students out of it to have the place to herself. the simple truth is this: ena has virtually no control in her home life. coming from a well-off yet very conservative household, outside of school, she is expected to essentially be a goody two-shoes and a doll. she has kept her grades to an absurdly high level because she has no choice if she wants a roof over her head. so she may as well make it a point of superiority right? but ena isn't stupid: she knows the value of hard work and discipline, and will find one way or another to break out of her family's grasp. if it means stepping on people and doing it by herself, so be it. she's already estranged from family, what difference do estranged schoolmates make, eh?



       spitting out truths nobody wants to hear because it's come from her condescending mouth
       smartass. also, just smart
       mascara smearing crier
       very socially awkward outside academics. hides it with meanness. don't be tutored by her
       has an underground fanclub and isn't aware of it



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                      CHARACTER NAME  ⊹  ROLE

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                              here, please include a blurb about your character. include a bit of personality and history. no need to make it longer than two or so paragraphs. or just use bullet points. honestly, we're easy. we're just looking for good characters. this is clearly text filler. i should have used lorem ipsum for this, but why not have a stupid read. you're welcome...? sorry not sorry. honestly, it's a pretty short app.
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                                            YOU CRUSH A DELICATE MOTH WING      I SEE THE STAIN ON YOUR FINGERTIPS


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                                          • xxx 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓xx

                                                User Image ♕ ◜ friglit/frig
                                                ♕ ◜ she/her
                                                ♕ ◜ here
                                                ♕ ◜ gmt
                                                ♕ ◜ on everyday - I have one holiday coming up but nothing else

                                            xxx 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑xx

                                                User Image♕ ◜ lilou pembroke
                                                ♕ ◜ mayor
                                                ♕ ◜ link
                                                ♕ ◜ thirty-two
                                                ♕ ◜ pansexual

                                                summery xxxx

                                                lilou is the niece of the mayor who sent out the letters. of course, she never really bothered about it. having received a letter herself, lilou was originally hesitant to come back. even after she received the news about the death of her uncle, she wasn't sure. she had a life back in the city. she had a husband, children, a dog, and a job as an art museum curator. of course she didn't want to come back. only when her life back home fell apart did she consider coming back. her marriage was failing, and she ended up being stuck in an ugly divorce battle with her husband. said battle left her exhausted and unable to stay in the same city. she didn't want to separate her children, but she ended up giving up custody to move back. to this day, she wishes she fought harder; the guilt eats at her every day. honestly, her ambition to bring indigo cove back to life is two-fold: she wants to do some good to the world, and she hopes her knowledge of running a museum helps with her mayoral duties. furthermore, she's really just running away. she still has contact with her lawyers, and is waiting for a moment where she can bring her children to stay with her and at least gain shared custody.

                                                of course, most of her past is kept under lock and key. to the people of indigo cove, lilou is the art-loving, somewhat eccentric mayor of indigo cove. to even think that she would have any sort of troubles within her mind is preposterous. just enjoy your stay, get a job, let her run things. if anything, her connections have helped liven up the town, bringing in art pieces and sculptures around the town. she cares about public spaces and the look of the town as much as anyone else. as well versed in finance as she is, it's her charisma that's her true draw. lilou will often leave administration tasks and budgeting to the other staff in the town hall, only somewhat apologetic that they have to put up with her.


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                                          • xxx 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓xx

                                                User Image ♕ ◜ friglit/frig
                                                ♕ ◜ she/her
                                                ♕ ◜ here
                                                ♕ ◜ gmt
                                                ♕ ◜ on everyday - I have one holiday coming up but nothing else

                                            xxx 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑xx

                                                User Image♕ ◜ anka efremova
                                                ♕ ◜ smith's apprentice
                                                ♕ ◜ link
                                                ♕ ◜ twenty-four
                                                ♕ ◜ demisexual

                                                summery xxxx

                                                - originally from a remote village within yakutia, anka had a life filled with labour. every day, one must work for survival and anka was no different.
                                                - though she was the oldest daughter, her parents only had sons. thus, she and her sisters took on the daily chores. in addition, anka learned the craft of carving yakutian knives and vargan.
                                                - anka originally didn't have any plans of moving away. her plans were to stay and take over the family business. she had grown quite proficient at the numerous crafts she had taken up. she was also used to daily labour for survival.
                                                - still, it was expected she would marry, and to her credit she did find someone. they were young but very much in love. they had only been engaged for two years before he passed away, leaving her devastated. to say she was heartbroken was an understatement. she has kept his engagement ring to this day.
                                                - of course, she moved on. anka thought she had found someone she could spend the rest of her life with. that was until he smashed her late fiancé's ring to pieces in front of her. she got out and got her family to collect her stuff as she broke up with him. but they live in a small community, so him spreading a false narrative and smearing her image was easy.
                                                - anka's family believed her, but she couldn't see them being judged on her account. she couldn't deal with the judgement herself. it's hard to live where nobody would believe you. anka reluctantly cut contact from her family and moved abroad. they'd be fine, she had other siblings.
                                                - anka lived on her own when she got a letter to move to indigo cove. she had nothing left to lose. no family, no community, just her craft, which she had continued to hone throughout her struggles. still, she is very new to the town, having only been there for around a few weeks.
                                                - she has decided to continue the one thing that brings her love, which is ironworking. though she is a novice for the most part, anka is determined to learn more.

                                                - anka is usually somewhat reserved and cold. she used to be community driven but since being ostracised, she is much more reluctant. she is, however, a very hard worker and diligent. her discipline and self control is honestly quite staggering.


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  •    ✦ ˖ ࣪  USER 
    NICKNAME  frig
    PRONOUNS  she/her
    TIMEZONE  bst
    DISCORD  yes

       ✦ ˖ ࣪  CHARACTER 
    NAME  viseniya morozova
    AGE  twenty-six
    NATIONALITY  british
    ETHNICITY  russian
    PRONOUNS  she/her
    SEXUALITY  pansexual
    ROLE  rando student
    CURRENT OCCUPATION  masters in law | part-time model
    PERSONALITY  entp (debater)
    viseniya is many things. in one word; she is an a*****e. she can be perceived as highly disagreeable, incredibly headstrong and viciously verbose. honestly, the perception isn't fully inaccurate. but behind it lies a constant need to innovate and gain new ideas.

    there is next to nothing she isn't willing to question. testing convention, scrutinising ideas and current practices are routine. gosh, no wonder she and her family hate her. viseniya hates being tied down to or by anything, in any aspect of her life. this includes love and relationships, wherein she is willing to experiment a lot more than many. viseniya's refusal to adhere to rules makes her rebellious. she is willing to test boundaries and rub people the wrong way, if it means riveting conversation. if someone can match her in ferocity, she is elated. if they don't, she tosses them away without a second thought.

    ever sharp-tongued and witty, viseniya is incredibly driven by logic. her habit of picking apart arguments is probably why she isn't close with anyone. but it's not to say she doesn't have superficial friendships. her charisma does seem to keep people listening to her. perhaps this is because viseniya does not say unintelligent things. indeed, she is rather well-read and has a natural curiosity. indeed, even if she is trying to pick apart ideas, she is confident enough that she is right, and more often than not, has the last laugh. nevertheless, such a logically-driven mind means she is often insensitive to the feelings of others. it's a friendly debate after all, right?

    while viseniya has a lot of good ideas, she is exceptionally concept-driven. this means practicalities can be lost on her. she is a creative director, not the grunt, so to speak. a trait she has picked up from her father. combined with the fact that she flip-flops between ideas so often, would make her a boss from hell. the tendency to get bored from hell is also prevalent within her. it's very hard to keep her interest. if you don't match her wit, she won't spare you a glance. perhaps this is a blessing in disguise, because she often doesn't care to act maliciously towards anyone, unless she has been wronged personally.
    born in london to a russian oligarch. dirty-money capital of the world is right. she had been on a yacht since she was a baby. honestly, her father wanted a son. he got three daughters, with viseniya being the oldest. of course, she was expected to take over the family business. they were in banking, her father owned a football club, the works. how did they get so rich? oh, sweet summer child, most of the money isn't legally obtained. financial fraud stands at the core of their family.

    even within this, viseniya was rebellious. she had no interest in running the business. money was always desired, and she wouldn't be beyond a criminal turn of mind, but it was clear that how she wanted to run the business was different to how her parents saw it. she did everything a high-class socialite would have done. she went to charterhouse boarding school, where she joined the debate society and carried them for most of her school years. she did the same when she studied law at harvard.

    as a student, she was kind of batshit. even as she interned, she found arguments to cases which hadn't even been considered before, and won many mock trials because of them. staying in debate helped as well. her logical mind and ability to think outside the box was

    while in her late teens and early twenties, viseniya was a wild child. parties and spirited debates were common. she woke up in a different bed almost every weekend. but honestly, it was a struggle. she was bored. even the idea of taking over the business didn't seem all that fun. sure, she could think of new ways to find loopholes, but honestly it was boring as hell. however, the threat of being removed from the will was not something viseniya would take lying down.

    though she has heeled and gone to do her masters in law, she chose her own university. this one act of obedience has kept her father off her back. that, and being abroad. she would find her own way to take him down, no concerns to her sisters given. just what exactly? well, she has ideas, but one too many. so for now, she sits and plans during her spare time. of course, this zombie outbreak thing has put a bit of a spanner in the works. she can't contact her family, and worse still, she can't take revenge.

    future goals- stay on the will and inherit 100% of everything
    - find some way to get her sisters out of favour but keep her in
    - to hell with actual law, she wants to know it so she can break it
    - build upon the money-laundering empire
    - own two football clubs
    - actually make a practical plan and stick to it



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                                   ■ ■ ■  RUN_COMMAND < APPLICATION > ...
                                          [00:00:00] INITIATING SYSTEM ... STARTING ... NITIALIZING ... INITIALIZING ... CONNECTION FAILED. RE-INITIALIZING ... 
                                          [00:00:03] CONNECTION SUCCESS. ACCESS GRANTED.  
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                                  User Image

                                    welcome, command module pilot. 
                                    [00:00:12] LAUNCHING INFORMATION. 
                                        LOADING ... LOAD COMPLETE. DISPLAYING INFORMATION.
                                      USERNAME  COZZIE LIVS
                                      NICKNAME  FRIG
                                      TIMEZONE  BST
                                      PRONOUN  SHE/HER
                                      SAMPLES  LINK
                                    [00:00:56] LAUNCHING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 
                                        INFORMATION LOCATED. LOADING COMPLETE.

                                  this is the start of character information
                                    [00:01:22] DISPLAYING INFORMATION.
                                        NAME_ENSIS  AGE_31  SEX_FEMALE  SEXUALITY_PANSEXUAL
                                    [00:01:59] FINDING PROFILE.  LOADING ... LOADING ... INFORMATION LOCATED. NOW DISPLAYING. 
                                    [00:02:32] DISPLAYING CASE REPORT.
                                        - outwardly very cheerful and positive to a fault. honestly, it's quite obnoxious. think ditzy and a bit of a rambler.
                                        - very ruthless in truth. she is not afraid to employ underhanded tactics and pit people against one another for the interests of the mission or herself. ends justify the means
                                        - she never leaves anything to chance and is very thorough, much to everyone's surprise.
                                        - has no problem brutally calling anyone out, and she will do so with a smile on her face.
                                  (3) a coworker shifts all the blame of a mistake onto [your character]

                                  loena's smile never left her features as she faced down the accusation. ah. she was being accused of not maintaining the comms well enough. "because of you, ensis, we never received the urgent request for aid and this," her commanding officer gestures to the accuser, "this is why he is in the hospital bed."

                                  "is that all?" was all that left her lips, after all the accusations were listed. the commanding officer was taken aback, and frankly so was her accuser. "will you let me offer a defence?" "I don't see how you could-" "if you don't see how I could possibly defend myself, then there's no harm in letting me speak, yes?" her commanding officer opened his mouth, and closed it again. "go ahead." her accuser was clearly in the mood to object, but loena stood up before he could do so.

                                  "I didn't jam the comms. he did," she spoke simply, handing her c.o. a drive. "I heard about the mission going wrong. I thought it was odd that nobody was communicating with me back on the ship. I checked the cctv footage- which is what's on this drive- and that gave me the answer." she turned to face her accuser dead in the eye. only then did her smile slowly fade from her features. "can't take a 'no'? you winding up in that hospital bed is your doing. oh commander?" her smile came back once again, "I'm quite happy for you to review the footage here. and while you're at it, please be aware that I would like to file a harassment complaint against the gentleman here. you'll be receiving the evidence shortly. sorry for not having done it earlier~ frankly speaking, I wasn't actually expecting him to try to frame me with something that I could so easily catch."

                                  a little bit of context, loena's accuser had rather a personal vendetta against her. she knew, of course. she had given him back the flower he offered her and rejected every single one of his subsequent advances, with decreasing filter on her words everytime. loena was starkly aware that these interactions were getting more and more hostile. as such, she covertly recorded their conversations, kept every single suggestive mail, even scraped the cctv footage from any place where they might have talked. did she get herself into unsafe situations because of this? unfortunately, yes. but it had to be done.

                                  loena had a very bright smile on her face for the remainder of the day. "ensis! you're rather cheery~" her colleague joked. "I don't know what you mean, I'm always cheery~" she chirped back, lacing her free arm through her colleagues. "oh, by the way, have you heard? your c.o. terminated cyrus." loena raised an eyebrow. "oh yes?" "yeah! apparently he tried to get on the wrong side of someone he really shouldn't have messed with."

                                  in her pocket was a recording of her interrogation with her c.o. and cyrus. should said c.o. try anything against her, she would escalate. what, did he truly think she gave him her only copy? "huh. gosh, I feel so behind. all I know was he ended up in hospital. this has gotta hurt, literally!"


                                    [00:01:59] END OF REPORT. NO OTHER FILES. TERMINATING SEQUENCE ...
                                    [00:01:59] SUCCESS. GOODBYE.








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