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Hey Gaians! How is your Sunday going so far? I have to admit, I definitely overslept this morning, but it was just too cozy in bed to get up and do things! Lazy Sundays are the best kind of Sundays, though, don't you think? It's just nice to relax and not have to go anywhere or do anything, and bed feels even warmer for it, so it's really a win-win if you think about it! I did have to get up eventually though, because no matter how much I wanted to stay in bed, I knew we had a new arrival on its way that I'd have to get up to grab. Sunday deliveries are weird, but it DOES mean we have a new item for you all!

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User Image Candied Punch Bunny didn't want to fight, if we're being completely honest. They just wanted to punch someone repeatedly, without them fighting back. But the fact is that this has turned into a fight, and it could just end up getting messy...

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