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So... Will you be on the side of Russia or the side of the others?

Russia! He has Vodka 0.41538461538462 41.5% [ 27 ]
Not russia! I want to stay sober. 0.15384615384615 15.4% [ 10 ]
Whatever, as long as I don't die! ;-; 0.2 20.0% [ 13 ]
... GOLD! 0.23076923076923 23.1% [ 15 ]
Total Votes:[ 65 ]
1 2 3 ... 9 10 11 >

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The time was 2011!

And England was not happy. Why, you ask? Because Russia keeps getting in the way of his magic. So, he decided that Russia needed a taste of his own medicine. Thus, he tried to make Russia his slave through magic, but one misspoken word and something goes horribly wrong... I bring you...


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England's plan backfires and creates a time warp...

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The time is now 1973, and the Soviet Union is now gaining a fair amount of ground. It has the world anxiously watching it... Except for one problem.

While trying to create a new form of Nuclear warhead, America is faced with a Nuclear disaster. This causes him to need help from the UN, including the Soviet Union. Sounds innocent enough, except while weakened, Russia has taken advantage of America and forced him under his control. Also, the Soviet Threat is slowly making its way throughout Europe. This has the world freaking out, if possible, worse than before. Not only that, but only England is aware of his screw up. To everyone else, this is just their own reality. To make matters worse, in spite of efforts to maintain the disaster, spikes of energy and radioactivity continue to be felt in Ground Zero and its surrounding areas. Thousands of people have been forced to relocate as these area have been quarantined in the meantime.

Of course, not everyone is opposed to the Soviet Union's increasing power. I wonder what side you will choose... The side of the Soviet, or the side of the opposition? I will warn those who choose to oppose... Use caution... Soviet Russia does not like children who misbehave.

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Yes, I know we all want to have an RP where there's no rules and everyone fights and argues... Mass chaos... You know. Loads of fun! No? Good, I didn't think so. Therefore, PLEASE read these.

1. BIG thing with me. Be respectful of your fellow RPer. I will NOT under any circumstances accept your being intentionally rude or hurtful to others. This means, but is not limited to, no racial slurs(It's Hetalia, but DON'T get carried away), no intentionally hurtful comments.. Etc. If there's any problems, please come to me.

2. Please be Literate. I don't mean you HAVE to have giant posts every time. I mean make yourself understandable. I respect the fact that not everyone has English as a first language, and that's fine. Also, a couple grammar and spelling errors are expected and human.^^

3. No one liners. I'm sure most of you can pull off at LEAST 5-10 sentences in a post. I know we all have brain farts. No biggie, but do NOT make a habit of it. It's frustrating to respond to.

4. Cussing? That's fine(Especially if you're Romano) but try to make it so this thread doesn't get removed, da?

5. Violence and blood is ok, but don't get overly graphic with it... Just stick with the TOS.

6. Please keep romance PG-13. Sorry, Hentai(hardcore porn) fans, but, again, I don't want this RP to be removed. Also, Shonen-ai, Shojo-ai, or Straight is acceptable. :3 Just make sure it's ok with your fellow RPer.

7. Passcode is Peroshki. Please title your request as "England, you Idiot!" Also, please send your PM to Lietuva Raistikis.

8. Abide by the TOS.

9. Oh, boy... Ermm.... This is going to have darker themes to it. Some of the discussion between characters may be a bit hard to take in. Therefore, if you want happy, cheery, Hetalia, you're probably not going to find it here.

10. Please post OOC chat in the OOC board. It clutters the RP up BIG time to have extra chatting.. That and I think it makes things look really messy.^^;

11. Want to be an OC? Perhaps not even a personified country? Sure, but fill out the skeleton provided. Also, if you will be something other than a personified country( I will be VERY choosy about this), please remember you will simply be human. Sure, we'd like to see giant fireballs shooting from eyes, blah blah blah. Just... Not in this RP. Also, due to multiple questions, I will add that your OC can be anything you want them to be, just as long as it's realistic for a human. This includes, but is not limited to Spies, Soviet Soldiers, Politicians... That old lady down the street with a funny nose. Whatever you want.^^

12. If, for any reason, you will be gone for a while, like.. Say... A couple weeks or more, please do your best to say so. It's ok if something happens and you couldn't tell. I understand real life comes first. However, if you know you WILL be gone, please try to notify me, and try to make it so your character doesn't leave someone else hanging.

13. BTW, I changed my mind... Flying Mint bunny is the password.(IGNORE THIS CHANGE).

14. This is an AU RP. As such, certian characters may not act as they normally would. That's ok, but PLEASE for the love of Vodka, tell me in your request if you will do this/why.^^; Also, I would like it if you please sent me a profile if this is the case so people don't get thoroughly confused as to why, say, Liechtenstein is a gun totting nut job. (Extreme case, but eh..XD)

15. These rules may be subject to change at any given time. Please check in once in a while.

16. Really, this should be obvious, but do NOT Godmod! In other words, do not take control of others' characters, be reasonable in your fights, should they occur. This kind of goes with respecting your fellow RPer, I think. Violators will be given a warning. Should it happen again, a second warning. Third warning and, I'm sorry, but you're out. If that occurs, give me a GOOD reason to come back and I may... May consider it... May.

17. Have fun. ^^ Oh, and.. Try not to die!

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This is a list of characters taken and open... I am not going to put up every single country here. If you don't see a country you want to be, please tell me, and I'll add them. Also, unless I know you from another roleplay, please give me a sample RP post with your character request. I just want to make sure you're up for literate RPing.^^; Bold=Needed BADLY. Red= Communist Nation. Please remember that not everyone that is communist/Soviet HAS to be happily so. :3 Also, because the time line got warped up, characters not Historically communist can be communist and Vice Versa. Tell me what you want to do with your character.:3

Russia: -Shion-Mion-Mion-Shion-
England: WorldsEndDancehall
Japan: Tundra of Icy
China: Saber vampire
North Italy: Xikora
Netherlands: Eris_the_WereCat
Spain: Kichuna
Romano/South Italy: xYellowstarx
Austria: -Shion-Mion-Mion-Shion-
South Korea: Bluebronze
Cuba: Bluebronze
Canada: cutepiku
Prussia: WorldsEndDancehall
Lithuania: -Shion-mion-mion-shion-
Belarus: Tundra of Icy
South Ireland:(OC) Xikora
Czech Republic: (OC) Lietuva Raistikis
Molossia: (OC) Xikora
Siberia: (OC) Xikora
North Korea: (OC) N Korea - Im Hyung Soo
Kazakhstan: (OC) Lunar Inaba
Georgia:(OC) Xikora
Hong Kong:

More will be added as people desire them. I am open to any country in the world your mind can think of.^^

OC (Or AU country) Skeleton(Countries AND Humans.)

Country you are from or represent: (Please state which of the two it is.)
Physical description: (May be typed or a picture.)
Bio: (What's your character like? What made them different from how they would normally be, in the case of Original characters that act differently.)
Ideology: (Soviet or against the union? )
Rper's Name:

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~~Links and Banners~~

The OOC board is Here: Click me!

Will be added as given:3

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Created by Tundra of Icy: Thank you so much!^^

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Another from Icy.^^

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From N Korea - Im Hyung Soo:

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Link to Moment's reprieve: My friend's Hetalia RP.. Also needing people badly
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This is for an RP called HetaQuest. Don't get freaked out when you get a redirection notice, as it IS an off site RP. However, proboards is a safe server.^^; I wouldn't promote it if it wasn't. (No, it won't ask for any information, though you will have to make an account through that proboard site to post.))


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Moderators and Blacklist

Moderator: -Shion-Mion-Mion-Shion- (Come to me first if there's any issues.. Be it issues with another RPer or simple questions.)

Co Moderators:


Black List: Blank. Good. Keep it that way.:3

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Name: Sascha Koch

Country you are from: West Germany, studying in England

Physical description: Dark brown hair, reaching just past his ears, with bangs (fringes) hanging low over his forehead. His eyes are a dull green-gray, but his skin is slightly tanned from the time he spends outdoors. He's of about an average height, slim, but fit. He usually dresses in a semi-casual style, something along the lines of jeans, tennis shoes, and a simple shirt topped off with a jacket. His appearance mostly fits in with the rest of the students his age, not very eye-catching by looks alone.

Bio: Sascha was born in 1953, putting him at about 20 at the start of our RP. He was born in the divided Berlin, on the Soviet-controlled East side where conditions weren't great, but better than how they were eight years ago. The West was richer and more prosperous, but the Koch family got by just fine. Their relatives sometimes even brought them Western food and Sascha always looked forward to their visits. That's why, when his mother's sister fell ill, the eight year-old offered to go with her to visit "Tante." His father stayed behind because of work, so Sascha and his mother set out to Hamburg on August 12, 1961.
The day after, the border back to East Berlin was sealed off. Some families were lucky enough to get the permission to cross back over. His wasn't.
Flash forward to 1973 so I don't end up blinding you with my wall of text. Sascha's an intelligent student and a strong-willed individual with his own opinion in politics. His mother is older, never remarried, but well taken care of by her relatives, even if their care will never heal her broken heart. He knows that she pulled through her devastation just for him and him alone. He has no idea where his father is, but he vows that he will find him someday. He decides that he will further his studies in England, where he is presented with a belief that captures his immediate attention: anarchism.
He becomes involved in the country-wide labour-movement, gaining insight to philosophy as he goes. He finds that it has been echoing his ideology all along, ever since 1961, but has simply put it into a more tangible context. He studies hard in school and gets good marks, but he devotes almost all of his extra time to the anarchist movement. He defends the idea with a passion, to the point where some may find him self-righteous. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but he knows that the best society is one without any government at all.

Ideology: Anarchist, left-wing radical, activist, contra-Soviet doctrine

Rper's Name: WorldsEndDancehall


Name: Grizelda Wulf
Country from: Born in Frankfurt, Prussia on July 18, 1939.
Physical description:
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Bio: Grizelda grow up in a military family, her mother working as a nurse and her father working as a dog trainer both during WW II. During World War Two Grizelda, like many people, had a run in with one of the countries. It was on a day during the last few years of the War that she was standing on the side of road holding a German Shepherd puppy in her arms as she watched a military platoon made its way into town. As the solders walked by there was a gap before the tanks. It was during this gap that the puppy slipped from Grizelda's arms and run into the middle of the road just in front of the tanks. Still being a kid at the time Grizelda did not hesitate as she ran after the puppy not bother look at how close the tank was to her. It was only by change that Prussia was walking a long side the tank and was able to run in front of it grabbing both Grizelda and the puppy with only feet to spare before they where hit. Prussia thought nothing of as Grizelda told him that she would before a nurse so that someday she could help save lives as well. Grizelda on the other hand never forgot about the albino solider who saved her life and as she become older she worked on her goal of becoming a nurse. It was nearly five years ago that she was hired on by Russia to help with his subordinates and in that time she has become close to some of the countries.
Personality: Grizelda is a very patience and truly does care about all the countries, yes that dose even count Russia. She is more than happy to lend an ear if the need someone to talk to and only if she is asked directly will she saying something if they are planning something. For this reason she normally will request that if they are planning something that keep her out of loop as much as possible. That last thing she wants is to have to deal with more bandaging of more prevent able wounds.
Protection: In lieu of a gun, Grizelda has two German Shepherds, one fully military trained and the other partly trained.
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A descendent of the puppy that Prussia saved. Was give to Grizelda by her parents because he flunked out of training school because he was to willing to follow commands, will nearly never disobey a command given to him by his owner. Do not let the fact that he flunked fool you because he is still very obedient. While he dose not mind Russia, he will rarely allow said country to close to Grizelda. He has been know to growl and on a few occasions almost attack him. While his playmate is more protective on the countries Frederick is more protective of Grizelda and tends to stay where he can see her.

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A gift given to Grizelda from Prussia for protection from Russia and is fully military trained with a few things add in. Normally she will listen to her owner but has been know to misbehave to protect a country. Has taken a keen interest in the Baltic States and Prussia, she has been know to disobey a command give to her by Grizelda in favor of following from Prussia. Has a strong dislike of Russia and will bare her teeth when he near her or yelling or she thinks he is up to something Thought she has yet to growl or attack Russia but she will snarl at him every once in a while.

Ideology: Soviet/middle of the road Honestly she would rather not have to pick a side.
Rper's Name: Kichuna

Name: Abigail O’Connor (Abby Leinwright)
Country you are from or represent Dual citizenship with America and Ireland. Originally lived in America, where she joined up with the Molossian Rebel Group before being slipped out of the country. Currently she lives in London, England serving as a Molossian ambassador and spokesperson of the toddler micronation
(seeing as how the micronation in question may still technically be a toddler and limited in things such as speech and matured thought, but his current leader(s) are very much adults.)
Physical description:
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Bio For starters, Abby hates being called ‘Abigail’, under the belief that it’s a
frilly, girly name. Also, if you call her small (being 5’3), she will be pissed. Fair warning. That being said, she’s generally a tomboy with a fairly tough skin. Her father was Irish, her mother American, and America is where she lived for most of her life (in the city. With gang activity fairly common in the area. Tough skin required.) Ireland joining the Soviet Union was startling enough to
begin with, but nowhere in compare to the shock over America’s downfall. Twenty-two at the time, Abby tendered her resignation for the paper she was working for, not wanting to promote quickly-evolving Soviet propaganda. Requesting help from underground contacts she’d made during her job and high school, she managed to sort of ‘drop off the map’ for a while, but when she resurfaced, it appeared
she’d managed to make contact with the Molossian Rebel Group.

It appears she’d originally signed up as a standard member of the growing resistance, barely a blip on the radar and nothing more than an ordinary saboteur/terrorist-in-the-making like everyone else. Her diplomacy and connections are decent, but nothing that the resistance didn’t already have. She’s not a huge tech expert, and though
she knew a decent amount of hand-to-hand combat and switchblade fighting to defend herself (especially after living in some fairly dangerous areas during her absence), her experience with any other weapons were minimal until trained by the resistance. But after several sabotage and terrorism missions out on the field, and managing to get the people in the teams she was assigned to out of some
some tight spots, a noteworthy skill seemed to finally come to light: strategy. People in the resistance began to take notice and after a while, she gradually began to move up through the ranks.

As the Molossian leader needs to hold down the home front in North America, and Molossia incarnate is no more than a mere toddler, Abby was promoted just a few weeks ago to serve as the Molossian
ambassador and spokesperson. With that taken care of, and with some help from the other nations, they managed to sneak her out of the country and relocate her to (currently) London, England. Her name has since been changed from Abigail O’Connor to Abby Leinwright, the surname taken from her late fiancée who died in a mission several months back. Though human and not a nation, she is now on a
mission to make diplomatic relations with as many free nations as possible in hopes to garner aid for the resistance, to speak in the behalf of the Molossian incarnation, and help allies as much as possible until the incarnation is able to on his own.
Ideology: Against. Againstagainstagainstagainstagainst. …Oh. I did say against, right?
Rper's Name: Xikora

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Name: Brigid O’Brien
Country you are from or represent: (South) Ireland.
Physical description:
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Bio: Ireland is your classic redhead: stubborn, strong-willed, and hot-tempered. She’s one of the older nations, roughly close to around 2,000 years old (give or take about fifty years, so she claims) and the older sister of England and North Ireland, although the younger sister of Wales and Scotland. She hates England with a passion, and after centuries upon centuries of struggle against English oppression, she finally won the independence she long-so desired in 1922-ironically first recognized by Russia in 1919. However, the first seeds of red began to take root as early as 1921, and though it was quickly quashed by the strict political structure and strong cultural influences of the Catholic Church in 1924 in retaliation to the anti-Christian sentiment of communism, the issue began cropping up again and again, each time manifesting itself under a new name.
In spite of Cold War tensions, and in spite of her continuous resistance to the temptations of communism, she remained independent and on good terms with other communist nations to the point of noticeable friendships-Russia and Cuba to name a couple. Some speculate these relations were built up partially as a poke in the eye to get back at little brother America for his lack of help in the Irish War of Independence to remain on good terms with England…but such speculations were dead-ended with a “No comment.” All was going fine, or at least, it was, until 1966. And that was when disaster struck.
The Troubles. It started with stirs in Protestant North Ireland-terrorist attacks on Irish Catholics. At first, it was a few scattered incidents, but that quickly escalated out of control. Choosing to provide aid to her fellow Irish Catholics, members of the IRA (the Irish Republican Army) were sent in to help deal with the situation. For the next couple of years following, this began to cause discontent within the populace, and the president and Taoiseach began to lose ground in the polls. By 1970, the Communist Party of Ireland (CPI) had unexpectedly surged up to take control, having won over the people by promising not only an end to involvement in The Troubles, or even an end to The Troubles overall, but a Unified Ireland. Ultimately, upon joining the Soviet Union, the people found such promises would remain unfulfilled, as Britain’s hold on North Ireland remained too great…for now.
Now Ireland and her IRA struggle against Soviet Oppression, to maintain Irish culture and their Catholic religion…
Ideology: Soviet
Rper's Name: Xikora

Name: Vaclav Cižek
Country you are from or represent: Represents the Czech Republic
Physical description: He has dark green eyes and black , short hair. He’s a bit on the short side for the average male, standing at about 5’6. He’s not really skinny, nor is he fat. He’s fit, but not muscular. He has a long scar going down the middle of his back due to a rather deep cut. Although he remembers how it happened, he would rather not discuss it. In fact, the sight alone makes him cringe a bit.

He doesn’t really like to stick out, but he does like to be a bit… Different. He typically wears a simple black or red shirt and black pants( http://image.rakuten.co.jp/mansaiya/cabinet/item/571090-3.jpg ). On really cold days, He wears a coat like this. (http://www.retroscopefashions.com/images/mens/CT00099.jpg ) Except it’s red, though the belt is black. He wears simple black boots or shoes, depending on the weather. He normally wears a gold necklace with a small Czech Republican flag pendent. There’s no real reason other than the fact he likes to stick to his roots.
Bio: Vaclav was placed under Soviet control shortly after Germany controlled him, though not completely dissolved into the union. Currently, he is trying his best to ensure his people and other nations can be safe. Having a rather extensive knowledge of medical procedures and what one, Russia has allowed him to visit his mansion as a trusted doctor. However, something seems a bit amiss about his intentions. However, Russia has thus far chosen to leave it be. For now.
Ideology: Undisclosed
Rper's Name: Lietuva Raistikis
Name: Daniel K. Kirkland
Country you are from or represent: Molossia
Physical description: At the moment, Molossia appears to be no older than a toddler of one and a half to two years, but he didn’t appear much older than six months to a year up until recently. Lately he’s been going through growth spurts, most likely because of his transference from a generally stagnant micronation to a growing rebel group. Overall though, Molossia generally appears as an average toddler that’s recovering from being rather sickly. He looks quite a bit like America in features with paler blue eyes, but his hair color is extremely light blond, almost to the point of white, and his skin tone is pale to a degree that it hints suspiciously at traces of albinism…
Bio: Originally, Molossia was born as a Cold War project. In 1970, the American government proposed an experiment with the Soviet Union-this experiment would involve the creation of a ‘mini-nation’ comprised of forty Americans and forty Soviet Russians living together, hopefully in relative peace. The government would shadowed by both the American and Soviet Union governments, forcing both to come together to decide policy on a regular basis and hopefully improving relations between the two. On a personified scale, this would mean that America and Russia would be forced to get along to raise the nation, which would take form of a newborn child. After many meetings and debate, the decision to go through with the project was finally approved. Oddly enough, however, the project never took off and was inexplicably canceled by the American government.

Fast forward to seven years later, a baby was found abandoned by the roadside right outside of Portland, Oregon. The rescuers-ten year-old friends Spielman and Kevin Baugh-convinced Spielman’s family to adopt the child, christening him with the name ‘Daniel Kevin Spielman’. Coincidentally, this was right around the time the boys were talking about forming a nation of their own, and not long after the adoption, the Grand Republic of Vuldstein was formed. Something was off with the child though: while the two friends grew up over the years, the baby was aging at an extremely slow rate, if even at all. In 1977, the two friends were forced to part ways and their nation went into an inactive state, and in moving to Nevada, Baugh gained custody of the child. Not long afterward, the nation was revived and renamed the Republic of Molossia.

In the Scenario world, things played out a little differently. Same project in 1970, same cancellation, same baby found by a roadside. But that’s where the similarities end. This time, the baby was found in 1971, by a roadside in the Nevada desert by one of Baugh’s relatives. Given the name ‘Daniel Kevin Baugh’ right around the time that the Republic of Vuldstein was created, the tiny nation really only comprised of a small house and yard in the Nevada desert and lasted for only a total of two years during the Soviet takeover. The damage was swift but detrimental. With the state of Nevada going under lockdown by the Soviets due to being a government hotspot (such as having the location of Area 51), the occupying forces did not take kindly to the tiny nation, seeing it as a potential rallying sight for rebels. Though the house was razed and most of the family was sent to Siberia, Baugh’s visiting kid relative Kevin managed to snap a few pictures of the burning house, grab a suddenly very-sickly baby and flee to safety.

Pictures are powerful things. When word got out with picture proof and a couple of renegade children, a rebel force has formed in the underground and has begun to pick up speed on a national scale. This rebel force has been dubbed ‘Molossia’ and is comprised of those who fight to regain America, and those who fight to regain ground and establish a new nation of rebellion, named after the group. As for the two children…?

A supposed representative of the United Kingdom stopped by for a visit, and left with two children that looked suspiciously like Baugh’s. The oldest was sent to live with a British family. And as for the youngest? Protected in the tiny nation of Sealand.
Ideology: Molossia may be a toddler, but seeing as how his official establishment was by an American citizen, and then became fully dependent on the existence of an underground Soviet opposition group, his stance should be pretty clear.
Rper's Name: Xikora

Name: Karli “Roksana” Liu
Country you are from or represent: Siberia
Physical description:
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Bio: Siberia is the daughter of Scythia and China’s little brother, Xiongnu (whom later became known as Hun), though like Russia, a grandchild of General Winter. In the sixteenth century, she was discovered by the children of Kievan Rus, particularly Russia, and was adopted into the family. Whereas at least Moscow was more populated so Russia at least had some people, Siberia had a mere population of 40 million people spread out over an area that took up 77% of Russia’s territory-and even less than that before coming across her siblings. She grew up in an area of freezing temperatures on a regular basis, with all the scattered people living on the rural areas, and very alone with General Winter as her most common, persisting companion. Perhaps that is why she thrives in the coldest of winters. Perhaps that is why she enjoys Soviet Russia’s reign. Soviet gave her a very special job of running the gulags after all, and in return she is given many, many toys. She has no intention of failing in her job of being a very strict and sadistic jailer to all of those children who can’t play nice~
Ideology: Soviet, of course. Hellz yes.
Rper's Name: Xikora

Name: Im Hyung Soo
Country you represent: North Korea
Physical description: Long black hair tied in a braid and golden brown eyes.
Bio: Long ago on a small peninsula there lived two brothers. The older one was keeper of the land and the north and the younger one was keeper of the sea and the south. The two lived together in isolated harmony. However the two brothers were very weak and had few resources and so other members of their family often took advantage of them.
Finally when they were fully grown they gained independence from their older brother and they believed they would live together in peace again. Sadly that did not come to pass. The older brother had a house guest after the liberation and this guest wanted to expand and started to whisper lies in the older brother’s ear. When the older brother went to the younger the older found out that the younger had his own house guest. Both brothers tried to tell the other about the things they had learned from their guest but the ideologies were so different that the brothers began to fight about who was right.
Their small tiff turned into a large battle that lasted three years each one trying to push their ideas on the other until finally they decided to stop fighting and simply split their country into two pieces and it has been that way ever since.
That is the story behind the Korean War, a story of two brothers torn from each other by outside forces, but that is not the ending of this tale.

A few years after the end of the war the older brother began to realize just how much of a horrible mistake he had made. He had given up the one person who had never left his side and now was stuck with strangers who had false smiles. The older brother though could do nothing to change the past and it seemed his future was bleak. There was no way to reunite with his younger brother and no way to separate from his new caretakers.
With no bright future to be seen by the older brother he made a vow to himself that he would keep his younger brother from suffering the same fate. Even if it killed him he would save his beloved younger brother. However, something unexpected happened to the older brother. His caretaker, the house guest who had come to him with whispered words had become dear to the older brother. While he wanted to protect his brother he also wanted to protect his friend.
How can Hyung Soo possibly be there for both South Korea and Russia?

Ideology: Soviet
Rper's Name:N Korea – Im Hyung Soo


Name: Volkan Solovyov
Country: The Rebuplic of Kazakhstan (or Kazakh SSR)
Physical description:
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Bio: A country who in the present time of 2011 is very friendly and has good relations with many nations including those on the U.N. He is peaceful, prosperous, fair, helpful, and a great country to live in. His greatest ally is Russia. Though Kazahkstan wasn't always this way and holds a dark past that probably without he wouldn't be like he is today. Kazakhstan was originally an unorganized land filled with nomadic tribes. As a small child he traveled around often living a nomadic lifestyle often finding confilct from other nomadic tribes in his land and others. This alone nearly crushed him at a oung age but he was able to pull himself together and begain to organize himself into his own country will still holding true to his nomadic life. It seemed the moment he started doing this Russia (the russian empire at the time) showed up on his doorsteps. Russia began to force his language onto him and started to impose on his system of life. More and more russian started to come into his land and they competed with his people for land and began to starve them by taking their food. Enraged by this sudden invasion on his life instead of submitting like most had in the past to tsarist Russia, Kazakhstan fought back, brutal massacres issued back and forth between the two countries. For awhile after that he was at peace. And just when he thought it was over Russia came back... as Soviet Russia and then everything went to hell. Mass emigration, starvation that wiped out 22% of his population followed. Scared and growing weaker and weaker Kazakhstan was overwhelmed not knowing what to do all his retaliations were in vain. What finally did it for him was the sudden slaughter of his many renowned Kazakh writers, thinkers, poets, politicians and historians in Russia's attempt to repress him and suppress his identity and culture. It worked and Kazakhstan just snapped changing from his usual kind bold self into the demon known as Kazakh SSR finding himself no longer capable of thinking for himself. He is the site of many nuclear testing and home to some violent labor camps including one for women who are deemed as enemies of the public. Kazakhstan is a violent sadistic servant/lap dog to Russia due to his supressed identity and inability to think and have his own sense of right and wrong. He will do anything he is told even if it is murdering an innocent.
Ideology: Soviet
Rper's Name: Lunar Inaba

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06/02/2012: All right, Ladies and gentlemen, I have gone through a HUGE Character sweep. There are several people who I have seen neither hide nor hair of in months, and that's really killing this RP. To the rest of you, please do everything you can to post by July First or tell me if you have something drastic popping up and you can't, but still plan to be here.

Also, On June 19th or 20th, I will likely not be posting here. I am going to be on Vacation for about a week. If you send me a PM or anything, it might take a bit for me to get back to you. I'll still have the internet, but all the same.

Oh, and one last VERY important thing... My current Username is Lietuva Raistikis. I will still be checking on this account, however, it may be best to contact me VIA my new account. If you still want to send them here, be my guest. Like I said, I will be checking here.

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~~Important Areas and Locations~~

Ground Zero

Reportedly located in San Fransisco, California. This is a top secret Government restricted area where the nuclear warhead hit. No one under any circumstances is allowed to enter, not that anyone in their right minds would like to. This place has an eerie feel to it, like all the life destroyed has begun anew in a supernatural form. There are certian times when it is said surges of energy can be felt, however, the rumors come with as much of a lack of evidence as they do mystery.

~Soviet Mansion~

This is where all the members of the Soviet Union live, whether or not they want to be there. Everyone is expected to behave, but if there are problems, they will be dealt with accordingly, depending on the offense. Oh, and do try to stay out of the basement? That's reserved for the particularly stubborn nations, or ones that seem to be most problematic.

British Isle Siblings' Mansion

This is where the coalition against the Soviet Union's meetings are presently taking place in. However, with the Soviet regime gaining power, everyone in here must be extremely cautious not to let this knowledge be known. Should one person fail to do so, it could endanger the whole group. As a precaution, England has enchanted the place so it looks much like an old, run down, abandoned building to the average human eye. Only those allowed within can see the house for what it truly is.

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6,700 Points
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I do declare this thread open for business... Kolkolkol...

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