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Dedicated Lunatic

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Dedicated Lunatic

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ᕮ᙭ᙅᕮᖇᖘTᔕ ℱᖇ〇ᙢ THE ᗰᓮᔓᑌ ᙢᓰᔓᘮ ᘉᕮᙡᔕᖘᗩᑭᕮᖇ

Mira Bell - 500 →50,000,000
Saul Usopp - 500,000 →89,000,000
Anya "Lady of the Chill" Trafalgar - 1,000,000 →200,000,000
Benjamin "Sureshot" Flam - 23,000,000 →130,000,000
Casey "Thunder Goddess" DuVal - 38,000,000 →245,000,000
Kiriguya "Hydra" Ashui - 48,500,000 →217,000,000
Marc D. Havoc - 0 →50,000,000
Kenchi "Bouncing" Shanks - 0 →50,000,000
Beni Salaya - 50,000,000 →120,000,000
Naji "The Reaper" Kaen - 60,000,000 →150,000,000
Nakoa D. Momoa - 90,000,000 →180,000,000
Issara Bloodbath Kiwaro - 130,000,000 - 310,000,000
Same "Wandering Fish" Angler - 0 →175,000,000
"Pint-sized" Dorian - 0 →125,000,000
Aileous "Blindstrike" Sdieku - 41,740,000 →325,000,000
Jack and Ariel "The Gemini" Zorrah - 47,000,000 →146,000,000
Flora Willows - 50,000,000 →180,000,000
Petra, Experiment #G295 - 70,000,000 →164,000,000
Tristus "The Unbreakable" Fatum - 250,000 →15,000,000
Skyler K. Newman - 34,333,000 →120,000,000
Strawberry "Superstar" Cotton - 40,000,000 →130,000,000
Luka "Size-Shifter" Gentile - 46,000,000 →120,000,000
Shara "Tempest Fist" Fisher - 139,000,000 →211,000,000
Leon "Bladestorm" Magress - 200,000,000 →270,000,000
Gareth "The Whirlwind" - 100,000,000 →150,000,000




ARC #8

MAIN ARC (To take place in this Main Thread)
Cherry Feather Pirates
Random Island - 90F

You've dealt the Pirates a hefty blow. Both Gale and Lucia have ended up in the hospital, critical condition each. They are unlikely to see the battlefield again. You will soon arrive at a port to make repairs, and replenish your food supply, which has run out 2 days ago. All over your ship is sand, sand and more sand. It took some time getting that ship off of that sandy beach! The island you've landed at is famous for its mango-flavored delicacies. You've earned your rest for now.

SIDE-ARCS (to take place in the Side-Arc Thread)
Thunder Pirates' Route
Out at sea... - 70F

Your captain and your crew have fought valiantly out of the labyrinth. As Casey and Issac Bode fought, Jill and Kiriguya maintained the ship's course, navigating as safely and quickly as they could out of the waters, and Anya and Mira did well to protect the ship from any dangers. Saul reunited with Luffy's daughter, Merda, for a short moment, before engaging in a fight. He wasn't any match for a Marine of her caliber, so he could only throw tricks here and there. Just as the ship came by, Saul yelled for help. Anya threw him a ball of yarn, for which he started screaming his head off, until he remembered what Merda was. Saul jumped onboard as Merda was distracted, on their way out of the labyrinth. Casey and Issac were still stuck in combat when Issac and Casey both released surprise attacks, knocking them both out. Saul caught his captain in his arms as she was flung from the frenzy, bruises and burns all over her. He held onto her as the rest of the Marines tried to land on their ship, but Kiriguya and Anya dealt with them swiftly. With their combined efforts, they made it out of the maze, dealing the Marines a heavy blow before sailing on their way.
Casey is in a comatose state. You're left stranded at sea with no direction to go, and no land in sight. You've run out of food for the last two days. A visitor may appear before you (calling any Yonko or Shichibukai.)

Blind Duchess's Route
Thriller Bark

While making your getaway, your ship was damaged by the Marines. Though it's sailable for now, the damage is irrepairable. You will have to find a new ship to sail on if you want to continue your journey. You land at a mysterious island that's shrouded in nothing but violet fog and a gloomy feeling. Here lives a peculiar being. Beware, for you may lose some limbs...

Blue Crow Pirates
Impel Down #2 - 80F

You have been captured by the Defense Unit. You are on your way to Impel Down #2, which is close to the second Marine HQ. There is no escape. I repeat, there is no escape. Even if there is one, you can't make it out on your own.

Other Side Arcs

Marineford - Gale, Gozan, Admirals, and Vice Admirals
You will be discussing what happened with the 4 rookie pirates, and what is your next plan of action


If you'd like to do a side-arc for your Yonko, Marine, Revolutionary, etc, feel free to do so smile


Immortal Traceur
Grim Skies
Professor Javii
Akiko Kenichi
The x Final x Boss

Dedicated Lunatic

ϟαüʟ Üṧ◎℘℘
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Saul had never felt more crippled in his life. Leaning on the railing like that, looking over the sea, eyes glazed over. It had only been a week, but he could still feel his captain's body in his arms, holding her close as they barely made it out of the maze by a hair. They were being barraged by a mountain of attacks - bombs, cannons, gunfire. He had felt helpless before, but nothing like this. Nothing like where his captain was lying in bed, unconscious from a fight. He'd never seen her in that state, and neither had the entire crew. It set everyone on edge and worried.
Wiping the tears away with his braided beard, he sniffled and turned to look at the ship, looking to Benji. It had been a hectic week, and no one had talked about the incident since. He cleared his throat and asked, "So uh....heard you saw your sister...?" Saul needed something to take his mind off of his captain.


Dedicated Lunatic

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d oxxxxxy o uxxxxxk n o wxxxxxw h a txxxxxc h a o sxxxxxi s ?
I t ' sxxxxxt h exxxxxs o u n dxxxxxo fxxxxxo r d e r

☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯

Aileous and Jack were bedridden for 3 days while they recovered from their injuries and overexerting themselves. Same did well to take care of them while Flora and Tristus did their best to keep the ship floating as long as possible. They were lucky to get away from the Marine stronghold, she thought, with all her crewmembers with all their limbs. It must have been terrfiying, almost being dissected by that creepy Marine fellow.
Aileous took a deep breath in, the cold air stinging her face. They were surrounded by nothing but fog, and it made her feel lost in the vast ocean. "There's an ominous feeling here..." She mused.
The x Final x Boss

Dapper Cat

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> > xxx Location: The Legion; Deckxxx Company: The Crewxxx Health: 100%xxx < <

                                                  It just didn't feel the same without Casey. Their captain was like the mother hen of the crew, and each member was one of her fluffy chicks. She was strong enough to keep them standing even after they had been knocked down enough times to cripple the average person. Seeing the steadfast woman in such a defenseless state was enough to shake the entire crew. If it hadn't of been for Kiriguya, who had stepped up while Casey wasn't able to, they wouldn't have managed to flee the marines in the first place.

                                                  It felt like something was missing in her heart, and as Anya clutched at sides of her sundress, she couldn't help but worry. She owed her life to Casey, in a way. When she first met the Thunder Pirates, Anya had been on the verge of turning herself into the marines. She surely would've been executed, which at the time, is exactly what she had wanted. While it had technically been Saul who had prevented her from taking such a drastic course of action, it had been Casey who had given her purpose. It was Casey who brought her into this quirky family...

                                                  All she wanted to do was cry, but she'd already done that several times in the past few days. They all had. With someone who was stuck in a comatose state, there was no telling how long she would be like this. In a worse case scenario, she might never wake up. Stop it, you can't think like that. she mentally chided herself, brushing away the moisture from the corner of her eyes that threatened to form into tears. It was important in times of crisis to remain calm. It was when you lost control that you aren't able to keep moving forward.

                                                  Taking a deep breath, she turned and made her way towards the ship's helm. There was a small table that she had had Mercy build for her. It had compartments that contained all her maps and cartography tools in it. The slender woman opened the drawer and retrieved the map of the ocean they were currently in. Maybe they could find another doctor-- not that she doubted Mira's abilities -- who might be able to cure Casey. They needed her. She looked over the charts with tired eyes, and while she desperately wanted to come up with some sort of plan of action, her heart just wasn't in it. Anya sighed heavily. It felt like the universe kept trying to tear their crew apart...

(( Just kinda something to get her out there o/ ))

Dapper Cat

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D o r i a n the "P i n t - s i z e d"

The Blind Duchesses' Tiny Swordsman

> > xxx Location: The Shipxxx Company: Aileousxxx Health: 100%xxx < <

                                                  A comically loud yawn escaped the incredibly small body of a certain Tontatta swordsman. He had been sleeping until a few minutes ago and head the bed-head to prove it. Even the fur on his bushy tail was messier than usual. He didn't seem to notice though, or if he had noticed, he didn't bother to fix it. "Mornin.." he greeted Aileous with a another big yawn. Lazily making his way over to the tall-human woman, he stopped at her feet and stretched his arms out wide.

                                                  Promptly after doing so, he scampered up her like a tree and found himself perching on her shoulder. This way, it was easier for them to communicate without her having to look down at him or him having to break his neck to look up at her. Clasping a small hand around a lock of her hair for stability, he peered around the area with a concerned look on his face. "Man that's some thick fog cap'n.." Dorian observed, trying to squint his eyes hard enough so that he might see something in the thick mist. "Where are we anyway?"


Bashful Genius

Sheldon 'Deadeye' Skelter

"I'm no hero..."

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Sniper Skelter in the Galley of the Emerald Desire where he worked silently to polish Dexter and Sinister for the third time today. A strange surge of had pain crept up on him about a week ago, and it came with a constant ringing in his ear that kept him up all hours of the night.

The High Flyers had been tailing Cherry Feathers since Skypiea, without much elaboration from the Captain. They almost made a move on them, but then things escalated with Lucia Salvaggi and her unit of Pirate Hunters before they could. So now they were back on the trail, and Sheldon suspected it had to do with a personal interest in the Cherry Feathers’ Captain: Issara ‘Bloodbath’ Kiwaro. Big Brother’s attempt to rescue them from Desert Demon Salvaggi was the first clue, and the fact that Marcel wanted to continue tailing them had confirmed the lad’s suspicion loud and clearly. His heart responded to the drugs he took earlier, and decreased in beats per second.

Ugh…this is not good. Sheldon thought to himself quietly before he slid his pistols back into holster We’ve got to find these fools soon, or I’ll be all out of medicine. Then, I won’t be any good to anyone.

"...Just a gun with some principles."

Location: Aboard the Emerald Desire
With: Marcel Mihawk & Crew
Health: 100%

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Kyper Unit Hood Rat's
Location: Unnamed Island

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LT Lorenzo Tree lay in a small paddle boat smoking, capped lowered over his eyes. After dealing with robots and nearly getting blown up, LT Hatty and himself had barely made it off the island alive. Sneaking away in a small boat and landing on an unnamed island. They had no idea where they were. Byron was nowhere to be found and ADM Kyper was back at headquarters doing Admiral things.

The two of them had been camped out for a little while now, enjoying being stranded and taking a much needed break. The island looked like it had been built upon, but they hadn't seen a human since they got there.

"Ok I just got done setting up the distress signal. I managed to get in contact with Rear ADM Byron, he should be coming to pick us up soon I think. Or kill us. I'm not sure. Can he kill us?" A questioning voice came from the edge of the woods around them. It was LT Hatty.

"I dunno man. The life of a Marine is full of the unexpected. For instance, you did not expect to be stabbed. And now you are." LT Tree replied, pointing to a bandaged area on LT Hatty's abdominal area.

LT Hatty rubbed it a little and answered, "Hey man, robots are crazy, ok? It was an unknown unknown!"



The thud echo'd through the forest, causing Hatty to turn around to face the sound and LT Tree to lift his cap up, peaking out from underneath. It sounded heavy and not far off. Hatty quickly grabbed his rifle from the boat and moved slowly towards it, weapon at the ready.

"I'm gonna go investigate. Guard the boat." Hatty told Tree quietly, who stood up in defiance, stretching nonchalantly.

"Going alone. Oh yeah. Real good idea. That worked REAL well for Ensign Scoot St. Cloud. Lasted all of 10 minutes."

"Oh hush. You know we have the weird combination of expendable and invulnerable that make for perfect Lieutenants!"

The two were cautious regardless. They HADN'T seen anyone for days and this was unexpected. They had no idea if the island was hostile or not.

Moving into the underbrush near them, Hatty kicked an area where they had heard the sound. Hitting something solid. It was the body of a Fishman. He wasn't alive anymore. A gunshot wound to the head was visible and looked relatively fresh.

"Looks like we got....a fish out of water. YEAHHHHH!"

"Ahhmmm, I think this is a murder scene."

"I thought we were doing a CSI: Miami riff. You know, with the pun. And the glasses."

"That still wouldn’t make it okay."

But no sooner had they began to question what this body was doing here when they heard rustling from the bushes. It was a group of Fishmen, looking for their brethren.

And they were not happy.
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User ImageWith///Crew
Position///Thunder Pirates First Mate

To say the least Kiri was in rough shape, probably one of the worst states he had been in since his days back at the laboratory. Having Casey in that comatose state was ripping his mind apart emotionally and mentally and to top it off he was now the acting captain of the ship and needed to lead his fellow crew members who were also in a unstable state of mind. He spent many hours sitting in the Casey's room just staying by her side hoping that she would wake up and that the medicines that they applied would have some affect. Casey had done so much for him when they had originally met and he wouldn't be where he was today if it weren't for her kind acts. So in return he wanted to do everything he could for her whenever and even so more now since she was on the brink of life it seemed. Even though at this time the only thing he wanted to do was sit by her side and just wait for her to lead their crew into the next adventure, deep down he knew that he needed to step up and lead their crew before something terrible happens to them.

He walked out of Casey's room with his head held low and could feel just the presence just wasn't the same as it always had been. On the back of his mind he also knew that their ship was almost out of food due to the fact of being stuck in that maze had delayed their planned stops at other islands to restock. This was going to be one of the first tasks he knew needed to be resolved. He looked around the top of the ship and noticed that most of the crew members weren't on top of the deck and that they were mostly all in their quarters trying to cope with what had happened. As he looked around to top of the ship he did notice that the one person he needed to talk to was at the helm of the ship and that was Anya their navigator. He slowly walked across the deck of the ship while dragging his feet, but as he walked closer and closer he tried to lift his spirits and the aura that he was giving to try and give at least the littlest of hope to everyone around him. He eventually reached the helm of the ship and noticed that Anya was sitting at a small table by herself looking off into the ocean.

He walked up the other side of the table and leaned up against it and looked down at Anya while trying to have a smile on his face. He spoke in a soft tone to her and said "I would normally ask how your holding up right now, but I can assume how everyone is currently doing. I know everyone is taking it really hard and its hard to think about whats next for us as a crew, but I'm trying my hardest right now to think of what we should do next and keep our Morales high" At this point he was speaking with a saddened tone in his voice as he couldn't keep a strong facade on for long. He tried to regain his composer as he continued to talk to Anya "So our next goal I believe is to find the closest island we can because I'm sure you noticed that we are quickly running out of food because of the maze we got stuck in. I wanted to ask what the log pose was saying on how close we might be to an island" He let out a long sigh as he was unsure if this was the correct first move because it was also very important that they get some where safe so they don't get attacked because if that were to happen with their captain was in this state who knew what would be the outcome. Also Anya was one of the first people he wanted to talk to because a few islands back he had become somewhat closer with her than other crew members and he was actually curious how she was holding up and if she had any kind of insight on what to do next.


Original Phantom

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Gozan ''Fist of Justice'' Greatroad

'No one will escape my graps forever. In the end, all have to face their crimes.'

''Hmph. How many times do i have to tell you? I don't want sugar in my coffee!'' Gozan said annoyed, every single time someone brought him coffee, they brought it with all this unnecesary crap! He wanted just coffee! Strong coffee! No milk, no cream, no sugar! ''leave the coffee, take the rest away. '' He said, sending the rookie marine away from his room. Sigh, it was so hard to get good help these days.

He sipped his coffee as he gazed through the papers. It had been awhile since he sent the marine units to dispatch the upstart pirates, and he wanted results. ''Ring-ring-ring....Ring-ring-ring...'' he suddenly heard, right on cue his transponder snail started to ring. Hopefully great news. ''Fleet Admiral Gozan speaking. Mhmhmmm...yeah, i do. Oh, did they? '' He said, news had not been great. They had taken care of some of the pirates, but had been unable to finish off any of them. '' both Salvaggi and Bode unit...Shame, truly a shame...'' He said, the leaders were MIA, maybe even dead. Poor Isaac, he had just promoted him. He hoped he was still alive. ''Tell Ignis and Daisuke i want them both infront of my Desk ASAP! i want to hear their full report.......wait what....that's great! I still want to see her.'' He said, slamming the phone down. He stood up from his desk and gazed out the window. This plan had failed, Mostly.The defense unit managed to capture the blue crows. Funny how defense unit was more succesful than unit's designed for these type of things. For others, He had to think of something else, time was off the essence.

He did have couple of ideas though...
''If the world itself stands against you, you don't give in. You stand back up, no matter how many times it knocks you down.''

With: Alone
Where: Marine HQ, Office
What: Boss stuff
OOC: =w=

Original Phantom

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Jill ''Claymore'' Cross

" H-hello! Nice to meet you!"

Jill walked slowly down the hallway of the ship. She had done all she could to help their captain. Even Mira could not wake her up, And she had even less of chance for that. She felt so useless. She made it to the kitchen. Another place that was useless to them now. They were completely out of food. Fish, fruit, meat, bread, rice, even things like sugar, flour and salt had been devoured. Despite being a chef, Jill had rarely ever had to feel hunger. And now it was hitting her hard.

She brought her rolling pin down on the only other being in the kitchen besides her. A ship rat. When had it come to this. They were broken, lost and near death. She climbed to the deck, with a somewhat hopeful expression. ''H-hey everyone...I found some food...'' She said, showing the rat she had killed. Nobody was smiling. She didn't expect them to. They had never ever been in trouble like this, not even before Jill joined them. Tears kept dropping from her eyes. Was this it? Were they going to starve here, in the middle of the ocean, unable to stop because of the risk of marine's, probaply unable to defend themselves due to hunger, and unable to even wake up their own captain.

Jill had always felt she wasn't very useful in the crew. All she did for them was cook and clean. When serious trouble had come, she had only panicked and almost destroyed their boat. Jill fell to her knees, crying. '' Why did it have to come to this...I don't want it to end here, Eating rats until were nothiing but skin and bone! i'm so useless!'' She said, breaking down from all the stress. She had tried to catch fish for two days now, but all she had done was break two rods. She couldn't stop herself from crying uncontrolably.

"I have seen people looking down on me all my life. Now i have responsibility much greater. I won't let my friends down. "

Where: Aboard the legion
With: The last of us....
What: Devastated

{ OOC: .}


Original Phantom

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Same ''Wandering fish'' Angler

" What's the matter? Smell something fishy?"

Same was in her infirmary again. The escape from the prison had turned damn ugly. luckily, Same had been able to get her supplies back. They were also able to escape, but for how long? Were the Marine's still chasing them? Had they given up? Or simply returned to get reinforcements? Who knew. It had been a battle to get both Captain and Jackie in shape. Both had taken serious injuries and had used a lot of their power. She felt lucky she only recieved a temporarily paralyzed leg, which she was able to cure when she got her mediine back.

Same couldn't stay in here alone any longer and went to the deck. Damn, she should really get a window on the infirmary, she would have noticed how foggy and dark it had gotten. She didn't think she could see the sun. ''Morning, captain. You sure you're ready to be up an about so casually?'' Same said, spotting Aileous on the deck. She was still worried. ''As for Where we are,i dunno. But this fog...doesn't feel normal...'' She said, lloking over the railing into the darkness. She couldn't place it, but she had a very bad feeling about this.

"I left my people to find my father. If you get in my way, you better reserve appointment for a doctor.....wait... "

Where: Blind Duchess
With: Crew
What: worried

{ OOC: .}

Immortal Traceur
x. gaara boy .x
The x Final x Boss

Dedicated Lunatic

You have been captured by the Defense Unit. You are on your way to Impel Down #2, which is close to the second Marine HQ. There is no escape. I repeat, there is no escape. Even if there is one, you can't make it out on your own.

Grim Skies

Dedicated Lunatic

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Kurouki couldn't help but to grin with delight. They had failed to capture the Cherry Feather pirates. All the more reason for Gozan to send her after them instead, though he could also send the Defense unit, as they had successfully captured the Blue Crows pirates. Perhaps she should pay them a visit once their initiation was over. And it would convince Gozan to hand over the Poisonous Duo over to her, causing further damage. They would've almost had the Blind Duchess if their heart hadn't been so weak. Not to mention they went up against the pirates whom had been handcuffed with Seastone, leaving only a fish to fight them off. Under her, their potential would blossom. She could see it now. They were wreaking havoc on all the pirates. Burned buildings, corpses everywhere, blood running down her hands. It made her ecstatic.
But then a figure loomed into view. Tall, muscular, shaved head. Kurouki frowned. Kyper was going to be a problem. To have been her pupil, then turn on her when he was doing well. Bite the hand that feeds it, was it? She was going to squeeze the everliving daylights out of that boy. She swore the next time he threatened her, they were going to fight to the death. Just thinking about their conversation set her on edge. She wouldn't be honest if she didn't feel nervous, but that wasn't the entire story. Life wouldn't be fun if friends didn't turn into enemies. And what an opponent she found. It made her furious he was going after her, but delighted to fight him at the opportune moment.
As she recalled, one of the captain's was placed in the hospital under critical condition, and her lieutenant needed a new unit. Perhaps she should convince Gozan to give her the boy and the brothers. Maybe whisk them away to create havoc on the world under a new name.
Kurouki got up from her chair, the wind bellowing around her, protecting her every move. Her two chauffeurs walked behind her every step, watching everyone around them. She chuckled at Gozan's ignorance, having sent someone so weak like Lucia and Daisuke and Issac after the crew. To deal with ants, you go all out, no holding back.
Arriving upon Gozan's office door, she knocked thrice.

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Akiko Kenichi

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