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Dedicated Lunatic

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ᕮ᙭ᙅᕮᖇᖘTᔕ ℱᖇ〇ᙢ THE ᗰᓮᔓᑌ ᙢᓰᔓᘮ ᘉᕮᙡᔕᖘᗩᑭᕮᖇ

"An unknown being was spotted on the coast of Stary Oskol island. Before its disappearance, it let out a blood curdling screech, and suddenly vanished, like it was never there before. What could these creatures want from us?"
"Marines have received information that a man able to stretch his body like rubber, as well as a young small girl, were the cause of these creatures being released. We have identified them to be Sunil "The Rocket Fist" Ove, and Beni Salaya of the Cherry Feather Pirates. Bounties have been issued accordingly."
"Shichibukai Bloodwolf has claimed Loguetown Island as her own, forcing the Marines to leave it after rebuilding most of the destroyed buildings. Her words, 'If the Marines want my continued cooperation, they will relinquish Loguetown to me and my crew. After their despicable display of protecting the island's inhabitants when dealing with the Blind Duchess, the island does not need anymore of the Marines' help. I claim this island as my own, allowing pirates free access to the island as well as to the Reverse Mountain. May the seas be with you.' " (no picture of the Shichibukai is included.)

Naji "The Reaper" Kaen - 32,800,000 Beli → 34,000,000 Beli
Issara “Bloodbath” Kiwaro - 38,000,000 Beli → 40,000,000 Beli
Beni Salaya - 4,000,000 Beli → 16,320,000 Beli
Hanbei Matsudaira - 20,000,000 Beli → 25,000,000 Beli
Sunil "The Rocket Fist" Ove - 19,000,000 Beli → 33,000,000 Beli


(Beni Salaya no longer has her twin pistols as they are buried underneath the broken house. After the village at Salbear Island partied and gave the Blind Duchess many awards, Aileous nevertheless ordered her crew to plunder the village of all they were worth, and also for them to gather a hefty amount of dirt to be put into a big pot for Flora Willows during their journey out to sea.)
Many people have been removed due to inactivity. As a result, Issa is now Captain of the Cherry Feather Pirates. Aileous is now Captain of the Blind Duchess Pirates. Several of the Marine Units have been deleted. Their memories have been wiped and altered. This'll save me the time of needing to post as the Pirate God.

Can Can D. Rumble is traveling with the Blue Crow Pirates.
It is unknown whether Suichi "The Demon" Minamoto is traveling with The Blind Duchess Pirates.
It is unknown whether Davik is traveling with The Crimson Dragoons.


Baltigo Island (Thunder Pirates' Route)

This dusty, windswept island has been the secret base of the Revolutionary Army for decades. Unbeknownst to the marines, of course. In recent years a marine base has been built on the island, within the boundaries of the singular city on the island. They had been brought there due to rumors about the revolutionaries, but have yet to locate anything significant. The Revolutionaries have become restless, worried that their base will be discovered soon, despite their advantages. They have begun planning an all out attack against the city, whose majoritive inhabitants are those of the marine families.

You will be making landfall a few mere hours before the planned attack. How will this affect the outcome of the upcoming battle, as well as the pirates that will be swept along for the ride?
You will land at exactly one hour from now. Time is 11 AM.
Weather - blistering hot, 103 F. dry, not humid.

Boin Archipelago (Cherry Feather Pirates)

It is mentioned that there were thieves during Heracles's time, but we never see them in the manga or anime. Now, in the present, the thieves have established a very strong base on the island. They have made very sturdy shelters that protect them when the Stomach Baron, when it lifts up its mouth to feed itself, which is once day. Will you become ally or foe to this group of thieves?
You will not just be going up against the thieves. You also have to watch out for any plants that might attack you. The closer you get to the mouth section of the island, the more variety of Pop Greens you will find, but the more danger you will put yourself in as there is nothing to keep you from falling into its wide open jaws.
Time is 9 AM. You will dock in one hour.
Weather is 90 F.

Pala Island (Blind Duchess's Route)

A summer island, this "forbidden island" is run and operated by the Infraspeits Clan and is their main hub for all their illegal business which run throughout the Grand Line and into the New World.
Only ships waving the Clan's flag may enter and all others are destroyed on site. Although no one has been to island except for the clan, it is described as a Summer island with a huge city at the center of it, consisting of only family of the Clan and a small hotel for business partners when visiting. The shipping port is on the East Side of the island and transportation is done by car via private roadways. The location of the islands factories remains hidden. Only extremely high ranking Government Officials and Marine officers on the payroll of the Infraspeits Clan may enter the island and only at specified times. If someone were to gain access, the secrets of the Grand Line and New World they could learn could be considered "World Changing".
How will you go about this island - cause more chaos, or help the mafia?
The time is 3 PM. You have one hour before you dock.
Weather - breezy 85 F.

San Lorenzo Island (Blue Crow Pirates)

San Lorenzo is a tiny, rocky desert island nation located in the beginning of the Grand Line, positioned in the relative vicinity of Reverse Mountain. San Lorenzo has only one city, its seaside capital of Bolivar. The country's form of government is a dictatorship, under the rule of ailing president Faure "Iron Fist" Strago, who is a staunch ally of multiple other leaders in the underground slave trade and a fierce opponent of free choice. No legislature exists. The infrastructure of San Lorenzo is described as being dilapidated, consisting of worn buildings, dirt roads, an impoverished populace, and having only one automobile taxi running in the entire country.

San Lorenzo also has its own native religion, Faurenonism, a religion based on enjoying life through its untruths. An idea Faure himself conceived for the purpose of spreading the religion and making the residents of the island happier. And to add to it's appeal, he even made it illegal to practice. Faurenonists are liable to be punished by being impaled on a hook, but Faurenonism privately remains the dominant religion of nearly everyone on the island, including the leaders who outlaw it.
Time is 8 AM. You will land in one hour.
Weather - 75 F, rather cool in the morning.

Valeran Island (Kyper Unit Route)

The island is covered in large vegetation, large animals and dangerous beasts prowl the island. Sections of the island are avoided by the animals due to the smell of Daft Green.
Shortly after the islands returned to the sea, the Marines studied them to determine what Shiki had done on them. That was when Daft Green was first discovered by the Marines. 2 years later and they found an antidote. The antidote does contain a side effect. If taken after the green spots start showing, the spots turn brown but remain on the skin. If it is taken before the green spots appear, the skin will tint green and remain that color. (This antidote is not the same as what Chopper made, which is why it has side effects)
Your mission now is to track down a Yonko, and he has been spotted on this island. Good luck in taking him down. You'll need it.
Time is 12 PM.
Weather - 80 F, slight breeze.

Skypiea Island (Salvaggi Unit AND Special Pirate Capture Unit Route)

After the Luffy rang the Golden Bell, the indigenous people and people of Skypiea joined together to create a new generation of Sky People - Wappiea (gosh that's lame lol). The people prospered under these two thriving cultures. The Blue Sea Land is still considered sacred, and only those with permission are allowed on it. The Golden Bell rung every day.
20 years back from the present, a new danger landed at their shores - a World Noble and his family and servants/slaves. They arrived in hopes of enslaving these unusual humans who have wings sprouting from their backs, and the tales of a city of gold. The World Noble family has taken over much of Skypiea. Many of Skypiea's citizens have cut off their wings so they may not be captured and enslaved. But the World Nobles do not care. They have turned Skypiea into their mini Sabaody Archipelago. Only those most loyal to them are allowed to be "free". The indigenous people are sold for higher prices than those of Skypiea (even with wings), and continue to protect the sacred land.
The citizens of Skypiea and the indigenous people have yet again split. Wappiea is now nothing more than a memory and a legend of a happier time. But hidden away, secretly, much like the Revolutionaries, they are planning a rebellion.
Time is 10 AM. You are about to meet with the World Noble Sanlord.
Weather - comfortable 75 F. No breeze.
(make use of dials on this island! smile )

Decimo - Vongola
“Immortal Traceur”
Robotic Mirabelle
“Desu Chu”
x. gaara boy .
nlxc3h1q:41="x. gaara boy .x”]
“Psycho Scarecrow”

Dedicated Lunatic

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d oxxxxxy o uxxxxxk n o wxxxxxw h a txxxxxc h a o sxxxxxi s ?
I t ' sxxxxxt h exxxxxs o u n dxxxxxo fxxxxxo r d e r

☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯

Where: Heading to Pala Island
With: The Crew

It had been three weeks since they had last touched land. When they had first set sail, Skyler and Ariel couldn't stop rolling in the money they had plundered from Salbear Island. The amount they had taken was enough to fill up an entire storage room. Dash and Jack had to force the two of them off the pile so they could count it up. But it didn't matter how much they had - it would be enough to last them for the next two island trips. That wasn't going to stop them from continuing to steal and take what they could.

Aileous had been up at the crack of dawn, meditating out on the deck of the ship, listening to the gulls' cries, and the waves that pushed up against the wood, rocking her slightly from side to side. In that position, she stayed for several hours, unresponsive to anyone who may have approached her. She felt the heat of the sun on her back, causing her to sweat even more from her meditation. Many people believe sweating while meditating is impossible. How wrong they were. It was with intense concentration and a strong mentality in order to do so.

It wouldn't be til lunchtime, when the aroma from the kitchen wafted around her as if it was clinging to her, that distracted her from her half-slumber.

The woman couldn't help but chuckle. "My, I wonder what they're making in there. Something to do with steamed fish, red bell peppers, and sirloin steak." She said to herself, steadying her balance as she walked against the calm waves, her hands out in front of her as she made her way down the steps and felt the hard wooden door leading into the kitchen. She took a small towel that had been hanging around her neck, and wiped off the sweat she felt on her face before opening the door and having a huge heatwave hit her

"If you two don't let all this heat out from the kitchen, you'll burn the whole ship down, Ariel, Jack." She called to them over their arguing with each other. Aileous now knew exactly where the counter was, and without having to reach her hand out, strode over to take a seat at the counter, counting her steps before plopping down.

x. gaara boy .x

Dark Sea Captain's Compadre

Shameless Gawker

13,650 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Bunny Hunter 100
  • Bunny Hoarder 150
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                                                                          ['CANDY' RUMBLE]
                                                                          [ROGUE PIRATE FIGHTER]
                                                                          [40,000,000 BOUNTY]

                                                                  ▉▉▉▉▉▉▊ I was born without this fear

                                                                  ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▊[With: Leon][Where: Sea][Thoughts: This beats being on that island!]
                                                                  [OOC: emotion_kirakira ]

                                                                  Feeling the sea winds on her face again was much of a relief as it was pleasant. Candy had managed to barter her way off that island with a small jewel she had pulled from a drawstring bag hidden in the depths of her sweater. She had informed Leon that the small yellow jewel with a deep red center would fetch a fair enough price, it was after all only native to her home. He didn't know just yet that it would sell close to around 10,000,000 beli, and she figured he'd ask her how in the hell she came about such a thing. In her mind she was trying to figure out how to not tell him the truth without lying or breaking her code. It always seemed to make situations more complicated the moment she tried to explain her status and maybe that was why she was keeping conversations short and limited. If it came down to it at least it seemed that she wouldn't have to be explaining it to anyone but Leon. Her eyes shifted back to look over the blank deck of the ship, not a soul present but herself and the captain. She gave a small smile. She had to make something else clear to him during their arrangement. Her's was a temporary position, by no means did her traveling with him mean that she was a part of his crew. Now! She had to tell him that it wasn't anything personal, that she was sure he was a fine captain...but that he wasn't her captain and when she met what was to be her captain she would know it and feel it within her soul. She did however inform Leon that she would help him for however long it was necessary or until she found her true Nakama. She hoped he would understand and not hold a grudge against her.

                                                                  With a faint sigh and still with a small smile on her face she turned her attention back to the sea and the dark mass in the distance. They had noticed the island a while back and had decided that it would be their next destination...or rather Leon mostly decided, it was his ship after all...and he had muttered something about signs coming together with stars aligning...Can-Can didn't know, she had lost him about two sentences in on that conversation. Candy's only hope was that she would finally be able to find a sugary sweet maybe even two. A decent fight would also be just fine. "Leon-San we're getting closer now!" Part of her honestly wished that they would have stayed at sea longer...she had enough of being trapped on land for quite a while. Funny thing was though...she was really heading back where she came from.


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Vice Admiral Kyper's Ship
Location: Paradise, Valeran Island
Party: VADM Kyper, CPT Byron, LT Nick Spriser Hatty, LT Hunter Anderson
Currently: Warm and sunny - Early Afternoon
The trip to Valeran Island had been largely uneventful for the Marine unit. Much to the delight of some and the frustration of others, but nonetheless, the ship of 500 had arrived safely with no losses. On deck, the majority of the crew sat gazing at the island in front of them. No one had ever seen anything like it before, so beautiful and pristine in its existence. It was majestic.

On the 3rd floor of the ship, CPT Byron sat outside with the two new LT's Kyper had gained control of. He had trained them as best he could in the short time they had had together, but left most of their training up to CPT Byron as he was rather busy with out work and spent most of the trip in his office. Byron however had a different take on training, leaving it up to the individual and believing that those that would be strong would become strong through their own strength of will. As such, he spent most of his time during their "training" periods just bullshitting with the LT's who didn't seem to mind the breaks.

"So anyways, that's how I managed to kill a ghost on the haunted island!" Byron cracked up, finishing a horrible story from a previous battle he had been in. The LT's just stared at him with blank faces.

"Sir...you wiped out the spirit of a ghost from existence?" LT Nick Hatty asked as he finished talking.

"Yes, that's correct."

"But you said you were the one that walked on the island and just barged in a home. And then you just smite a ghost for all eternity. A BABY GHOST. And you said he threw a teddy bear at you!" LT Hunter exclaimed.

Byron looked at the two quizzically, "Yeah, what's your point? He had it coming."

"For the crime of defending himself when attacked by home invaders!? That's not ghostbusting, that's spectral infanticide!" LT Nick yelled. But CPT Byron was unable to respond as VADM Kyper's office door swung open. The group stopped the discussion as he at the island smiling. Although he had been swamped with busy work the whole time, his demeanor remained unchanged from any previous incidents. He simply stared up at the sky for a moment before looking down at the crew and speaking up.

"Alright gentlemen, most of you are going to stay on the ship. I will be taking a group of 100 with the four of us up to the island. Once we have established and area of control, we can start rotating all of you out. Understood."

The ship snapped to attention and saluted with a loud reply, "Aye Vice Admiral!"

Looking over the LT's he gestured for them to go round up the group they would be taking and move them into a few of the smaller boats mounted on the side of the ship. As he walked with CPT Byron to one of them he nonchalantly smiled and told him, "Remember, Captain. We're looking for a Yonko. Kiddie gloves are off here. Be aware that. We have a very good chance...of not coming back from this one." Kyper seemed so calm and at peace with the statement.

Byron merely laughed happily and replied, "Like I always say sir, destruction is the purest form of art."

By the time the two men got to the bottom floor, the boats had been made ready. Hoping into one, Kyper touched the other one and both began to float. Raising his arms, the boats shot out of the water and became wooden aircraft shooting right at the island in front of them with the Marines in them. As they stepped off of the small boats, they heard an anchor drop from behind their position to secure their main ship just off the coast. The enlisted Marines quickly began to set up a base of operations with the equipment they had brought along as the four officers looked around the island.

"Orders, sir?" LT Nick Hatty asked Kyper.
"Hatty, go with CPT Byron to the west side of the island and tell me what you find around there. LT Anderson will head to the East side and I'll be remaining here to set up camp. You all have 4 hours and then I want you back. We'll start sending out our major patrols tomorrow." He replied calmly and instantly. Making plans like this in his head was a good trait of his, one of his few.

Without a second word the officers took off to their respective areas. Unaware of what they would find.



Canny Trickster

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Nakoa D. Momoa
"If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

Day 147

5 months on this Island...doesn't even feel that long to be honest. In a way it's like having an argument with your best friend. Everything's good at first, but when something bad comes along it creates friction, which results in frustration, irritation, anger, even unknown aggression. Then there's the big blow up, and for a while after there's silence, you don't acknowledge one another, you simply go through the paces, you just exist. That becomes routine for a while until something changes. Nakoa had gone through this process himself between him and the island, but his change had finally come. His log post was set on a new direction now. He could leave...

Still, 5 months alone was a lot of time to be left to one's self. Luckily Nakoa was a creator, enough to keep his mind occupied. He had built a lodge for himself with living accomadations to make his stay here easier, a dock for his dinghy or any other ship, of course his island guardians as well. A raised platform of chiselled stone tiles to act as a training area, it was well used. Finally a marker board detailing the island, what he had built and finally, the last addition. The time needed for a log post setting to occur. 147 days it would take.

Nakoa went about gathering up new supplies, fresh food and readying his voyage. He had made some needed improvements on his dinghy, enough to stump him as to what else he could improve upon without rebuilding an entirely new vessel. He recorded his thoughts on a journal, as well as he designs, and his combat skills into a manual.... He got very bored very quickly. But with some much done, he felt like he was leaving a peace of him here.... but with everything packed and his log post set. he had to leave. Raising sail and catching the tide, he set out to sea.

3 weeks later...

A refreshing 3 weeks at sea away from the island, hopefully on this next island he'd have a chance to meet some people. Already he could start to see it, and it was leafy green!

Location: Grand Line - island Paradise - sea
Company: Me, Myself and I.
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Byron "The Mad Bomber" Karasu
"I am the Master of my fate. I am the Captain of my soul."
Mood: Anxious Party: LT Hatty
Byron looked up when the Vice Admiral made his way out of his office. It had been awhile since he had seen him, what with all the paperwork and such. He had taken to getting to know the LT's a little better, since chances were they were going to be working together for a little while. The two seemed a little more adjusted to Byron's Philosophies, but needless to say some of the stories he told claimed to be a bit to heinous, or just outright insane.

Kyper delivered the orders to the men, and he and the LT's proceeded to round up 100 of the marines on the ship, getting the boats prepared for departure. Byron walked over to the side of the deck where his weapon, Companion, was leaning against. He picked up his spear and attached it to the custom made case on his back before jumping into one of the boats and awaiting departure.

Kyper soon joined the rest of them and touched Byron's boat after sitting in the one next to him. Byron smiled as the boats began to float and shot toward the island. This was his first time seeing Kyper's devil fruit in action, and it was definitely handy. "Heh, not a bad way to travel" He said to the Vice Admiral as the landed on the shoreline of the Island.

Byron nodded as Kyper gave the order to search the west side of the island. He was excited, the possibility of meeting the Yonko gave him chills, but he was also very anxious to test his powers, measure his self worth against one of the greatest pirates in the age. he looked over at LT Hatty, he seemed to be lot more worried about the situation than he was. "Something bothering you LT?" He asked as the continued down the shore. The LT looked at him and sighed "I just worry sir, what if we find the Yonko without the Vice Admiral around? There's a good chance he'll kill us both and leave no trace." Byron nodded "Don't worry LT, if he does, we'll go down in blaze of glory the likes of which will never be forgotten." He said flashing a big grin. The LT swallowed loudly and prepared his rifle.

Immortal Traceur

Demonic Shade

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Casey "Thunder Goddess"DuVal
{Where I'm at:The Legion}∞{Who I'm With:The Crew}∞{My Thoughts:Damn its hot out today.....}


The past 3 weeks had been a kind of blur. The crew had gathered enough food from that island to last them a while, and though the weather had been tough without a navigator, they had managed somehow. Casey's ship felt rather empty, though she had no reason to feel that way, it has been the same crew since Loguetown. She shrugged the feeling off as she stepped out onto the deck. Their next island was just a speck in the distance right now, a dark blot on the edge of the horizon. From what she could tell it was going to be some sort of desert, if the heat had anything to do with it. "Benji! Anything interesting to see?" She called up towards the crowsnest, assuming that their height-loving sharpshooter would be at her usual post. As she waited for the young woman to call back, she headed for the helm.

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Leon “Bladestorm” Magress

”My blade will be one to pierce the heavens”

Mood:Relaxed With:Candy

Leon stood at the helm with the newspaper at his face. "Let's see here, horoscopes. Scorpio is ranked......haha number 1!" He said pumping his fist slightly, it was going to be a good day for him. He looked over at Sagittarius, Can Can's Zodiac, as well. "Huh, only 5th today, not terrible I guess." He said as he closed up the paper after noting his lucky item for the day, a candle.

Looking up as he took ahold of the helm again he noted that they were approaching the island and nodded when Candy told him they were getting close. The honestly hadn't been out at sea for very long, but unfortunately supplies had been starting to dwindle, and the lack of civilization on the last island had only made it worse. He looked down at Candy again. He had offered her a ride in which she had given him a very interesting jewel. He couldn't tell how much it would go for, but he knew it was very valuable, and more so he had a few questions about Candy's origins, and how she had come to possess the jewel. He also genuinely enjoyed the company on board, God forbid he had been traveling alone for long enough. He had made an attempt to convince her to join his crew, but she had turned him down, noting that her soul didn't feel the he was her true Nakama. Being a man of the Zodiac's, Leon understood the reasoning. She did however promise to stay with him however long it took to find her true crew, and Leon was more than happy to have her along for the adventure.

"Candy...." He said before his voice trailed off. He wanted to attempt to convince her again, but he knew her feelings about the matter. Somehow, Someway, he believed she would join him, but for now he should focus on the task at hand. ".....nevermind, lets prepare to drop anchor!" He said with a laugh as he jumped over the railing onto the deck and prepared the anchor. They still had a bit before approaching shore so he could let the ship drift for a moment.

Desu Chu

O.G. Gaian

4,150 Points
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Statustician 100
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ŞμĮɕḩĮ ♋The Demon♋ Mɪɴɪᴍᴏᴛᴏ

Partial form
Full demon form

I am the Alpha of Alphas
I am the Apex of Apex Predators
I am Death, Destroyer of worlds!
I Am the Demon Incarnate!.

It had been three weeks since the Salbear island incident, after the town had celebrated and honored them the captain, Alieous ordered her crew to rob the village blind of everything. Suichi didn't disapprove though as they were pirates and this was what they did for a living. Suichi had bartered a trip off the Blind Duchess' crew and traveled with them until they reached the next island. Turning around from his new favorite spot of the figurehead Suichi hopped off and proceeded towards the kitchen. Suichi had again tried to sleep but that same nightmare plagued him night after night which caused the man many called 'The Demon' to be an insomniac. Over the course of the three weeks Suichi had noticed a bit about this crew, the captain is very smart and determined, being able to meditate for so long took years of practice and her patience was almost ironclad. The chef or should he say chefs were wonderful cooks though Suichi only partook in their meals periodically. The tree woman, Flora was an interesting hybrid that could understand when the ship needed maintenance and the young companion with Flora though she is eighteen has a very child like personality. the rest of the crew was a mystery to Suichi but he hoped he would know them better.

As he reached the kitchen Suichi could feel the heat radiating from it as the twins cooked away, the smell of the food they were making was tantalizing and Suichi could feel his stomach rumbling. Opening the door, Suichi looked around and saw the captain and the twins before smiling and waving a good morning to them though the captain had been up much longer then all the others. "Taicho, might I have a word with you?" he asked Alieous as he pondered how to ask her permission to join her crew and what to do should she decline. Turning to look at the twins Suichi put on a warm smile, "It smells heavenly." he said as he waited patiently for Alieous' response.





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San Lorenzo Island
Entrance Islinghall: Road to Bolivar
Home of our Great and Fearless Leader!
Time Till Log Pose sets: 36 hours
Party: Leon, Can Can

As the crew dismounts from their ship, docking it on what appears to be a makeshift set of plywood boards extending into the ocean, they are met with a depressing site. The island they have landed on is a desert island, and a almost post-apocalyptic looking one at that. They have landed at Islinghall, the South Gate of San Lorenzo. In front of them lies a single gate, flanked by sentry towers on either side.

Islinghall is a sprawling network of massive cliffs and security towers. The only organized city on the island, Bolivar, is inside the inner walls, surrounded by huge towering fortified cliffs bearing the scars of war.

There are three large gatehouses along these walls, one on the North, the East, and the South Gate that leads straight to the docks where the crew currently is.

Just inside the gates lies the original sets of barracks for the armies along with the single paved road in the country that sits almost dead center and begins at the entrance of the gate. The road was a retrospective addition to what is referred to as the 'inner sanctum' and goes all the way to Bolivar, shuttled by the single Taxi on the island.

Also in this area just past the walls are the large houses belonging to the very few wealthy citizens, as well as a park - although the plants and animals in this area are suffering heavily from the pollution and decay of the city.

Outside these walls is the sprawling mess of abandoned equipment, houses, and factories. If the outside of this place is any indicator of what lies inside, the crew should not hope for much. What looks like what used to be fields of crops also lies outside the walls, flanking the crew to either side, but most have failed or been destroyed.

Occasionally a merchant caravan will come toddling from Bolivar to the walls of Islinghall, but it is rare you'll find amicable company in the wastes. Usually the only people that wander around those parts are scavengers, the wastelanders. A few manage to make profitable trips into the dangerous surroundings, but many don't try.

Most of the trade of Bolivar - and indeed all of its import - comes through the docks which are heavily guarded with regular patrols around the streets.

There are speakers on every single wall blaring propaganda about the islands "Great and Fearless" leader that come on every four hours in order to reinforce the opinions of the state. There are also hidden cameras all over the island in addition to the ones that flank the walls.


Desu Chu

Stece's Other Half

Malevolent Foe

12,550 Points
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Partygoer 500
  • Perfect Attendance 400
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"Are you sure about this Captain? This could be a trap, there could be be others waiting there to kill you. You should at least take some of us with you" those were the last words spoken to Kaine as he left the ship to travel to this paradise of an island. Why you might ask? For multiple reason to be honest, the most important to Kaine was training, the other was to clear his head before meeting with someone important. For the most part he was going to focus on the training, the animals and other large wild beasts would help him get stronger while he was on the island. As soon as he had managed to set up camp on the West side of the island, it was a small camp, but he easily made a shelter out of ice to keep himself safe. He got to work on his training, these beasts were a challenge in great number, but still nothing a Yonko couldn't handle.

He had been on the island several days now, his crew gone for the time being knowing that it was better to be away from the captain while he focuses on his training. Plus he had sent them away in case there was an attack, he didn't want any of them being caught up in it and lose their lives. His training was progressing nicely, but he was growing tired of waiting on this tropical island, so he decided to entertain himself more that with just fights. Instead he decided to make it more home like and by home like it meant colder. So around his little ice hut he froze trees and some the ground, practically everything his feet or hands touched iced over dropping the temperature and making it more comfortable for him during his stay here. Even the animals that decided to attack his little home ended up as ice decorations in the area, the closest to his camp was the coldest with the most ice. The outside areas had matches of ice, frozen plants or animals to really show his enjoyment at changing this island little by little while he was here.

Right now he stood in a clearing on the west side of the island looking up at the two newest beasts that had decided to attack him. Actually, he had already turned them into new ice sculptures for the island, he stood there looking up at them both while one hand scratched his chin lightly. They both seemed to be a type of giant bear, though clearly it wasn't any normal type of bear, either way they were in very impressive posses which worked well to liven the area up while he continue to wait.

♔ Location: Valeran Island ♔ XXXXXXXX ♔ Crew: No one ♔XXXXXXXX ♔ Status: 100% Health ♔

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Dedicated Lunatic

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d oxxxxxy o uxxxxxk n o wxxxxxw h a txxxxxc h a o sxxxxxi s ?
I t ' sxxxxxt h exxxxxs o u n dxxxxxo fxxxxxo r d e r

☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯

Where: On the Blind Duchess Ship, in the kitchen, docking on Pala Island in an hour
With: Suichi, Ariel, and Jack

Upon hearing Suichi's voice, she called out to him. "Ah, Suichi, good of you to join us. Keep the door open, would you? It's getting rather hot in here, and I don't mean that in a good way."

Once he had done that and joined her at the table, Ariel had already set a cup of warming jasmine tea in front of her. "Thank you, Ariel, very sweet of you." Suichi then proceeded to ask Aileous for something. She chuckled as she sipped her tea, hearing the hushed tone from the man. "Calling me Taicho already, Suichi? I'm not your captain yet. Hold out your hand for me."

The blind woman reached out with her hand, and when she had felt Suichi's hand in hers, she pulled it over slowly, leading his hand into both of her own. Feeling over his hand, she tutted. "You still didn't sleep well last night, did you. That won't do. Your body needs to be strong if you'll be wanting to stay on my ship any longer, Suichi. We'll have to find some sort of way to remedy that."

Aileous smiled knowingly, and let go of his hand after her rather thorough deduction. "Now, what was it you wanted to ask me?"
x. gaara boy .x

Dedicated Lunatic

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฿℮ηї $αℓα⑂α

"Let me use you as target practice. No? Your body. No? Your head. Still no? ..." *shoots anyways*


Where: Cherry Feather Pirates
With: Sunil

For once, Beni wasn't up in the crow's nest. Instead, she was down on the deck of the ship, playing with Sunil. Well...more like throwing her pebbles at him. She knew it didn't hurt him, but it didn't matter anyways. She was still upset over having lost her Colt M1911 pistols back there. Honestly, in the heat of the moment, the house was crumbling down on them, there was no time for them to go back search the place for her pistols. She felt so lost and normal without them. She had sworn not to use her slingshot after her father's death so now...she was just a normal person with pebble-throwing abilities.

Though it was only 9 in the morning, it was getting to be very hot, and so Beni had taken her jacket and scarf off, leaving only her tanktop on, and her pants. Shoes had been kicked aside earlier so she could get a better grip of the deck as she chased Sunil around, who was apologizing over and over again for not having noticed her pistols had been taken, though now he was most likely getting frustrated with how she was acting like a kid. It was a wonder how she had so much energy in this heat.

She had thrown the last of her pebble at him, and the entire deck was littered with them. It would take a bit of time picking them up all by herself. She made to throw the last one at him, but withheld from doing so. Maybe she was finally done with her antics. When Sunil thought it was safe to come out from behind the barrels, Beni threw it at his forehead, hitting a bull's eye right on the center of it before she began picking them up.

"...You're not very fun, are you. Won't even let me get some practice in..." *keeps firing*

Hanbei - Vongola

Stece's Other Half

Malevolent Foe

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Time had passed by rather normally for Dash, which was a relief after being on that last island. They had come away with new crew mates, yet Dash had not really taken the time to get to know any of them. He wasn't one for conversation so getting to know them was actually at the bottom of his list of things to do, he was more interested in training and reading the new books he got from the last island. Also there was the task of counting all of the they had recently gotten and keeping a few individuals away from the pile. Right now he was sitting up on deck against the main mast, his sword across his lap as he read from one of the books he had managed to get. Surprisingly Dash had quite the collection of books, aside from his need for finding a new weapon, reading was the most important thing to him. He lightly flipped the page in the book as he just enjoyed the alone time, he was sure he was going to be put to work as soon as they got to the next island which meant his reading would be put on hold, He would have to get in as much reading as he could, plus he really didn't want to be around others any more than he already had to.

He flipped the page again as he just focused on the story, a light breeze blew over him and he breathed in deep just enjoying himself while he could. He used to hate the idea of being at sea, but now that he was here he doubted he could ever want to be anywhere else. Well, except for with his grandfather again, but there was no chance of that happening again in his life time. It was a sad thought, but Dash didn't show it at all, he just remained stone faces as he read in silence.

Location: The Blind DuchessXXXXXXXXCrew: The crewXXXXXXXXStatus: 100% Health

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