Welcome to Gaia! ::

Canny Trickster

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Nakoa D. Momoa
"If there is something you need to do, then just shut up and do it!"

Nakoa followed naomi diligently back to the ship where they got started on Issa and Tyler. As instructed, He laid Issa on a cot gently. He could see her body was already on the mend. She had a good healing factor, that would be of benefit to her. But the main issue was tyler, so as Naomi gave a quick clean up and look over to Issa, and once assured she was in no danger, she moved on to tyler. Watching her work, he could tell she was a great deal more skilled as a doctor than as a combatant.

Naomi had left the room momentarily, though on her return she held a blood sack. One of the one's issa mentioned. Tyler was moved onto the surgeon's table as he figured. It had a dedicated overhead adjustable lamp, faucet for clean water, and so on, and Naomi went to work. Getting the blood transfusion going, getting the patient ready for the procedure and so on. She really was a proffessional doctor wasn't she? Though he then had a tray of tools pushed into his hands and directed to stand by her and help. He didn't argue as he did as ordered. A doctor's orders were absolute. Watching her work was something else though. If he could introduce her to the doctor's of the happo navy, he wondered if she could give them a run for their money?

Location: Boin Achipelago - mouth
Company: cherry feather crew

Demonic Shade

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Casey "Thunder Goddess"DuVal
{Where I'm at:Baltigo; medic tent}∞{Who I'm With:Benji, Anya, Mercy, Mira, Kiri, Saul}∞{My Thoughts:How to convince the doc to join us.....}


Casey could only raise an eyebrow as the girl introducing herself managed to get distracted by her own cleavage. Casey was more flat chested than most, but she really didn't care about that kind of thing, like some people. The girl in front of her was quite a trip to be sure. She crossed her arms and waited as Mercy got around to stating her shortened name. Then came the innuendos. Some how Casey got the feeling that the girl's thoughts had strayed to the marine that had just left. He had been rather good looking, but Casey had more on her mind than flirting with men. Mercy stuttered her way through a couple sentences before coming out with one that actually made any sense to the captain. "The Legion is in rather desperate need of a good shipwright." She mused aloud. She always prefered to introduce her first mate to potential crew members before asking them to join. It was a habit she was unwilling to break.

Lucky for Casey, Kiri happened to come through the tent entrance not a few moments later. "Benji got shot, and I got grazed by a sea stone bullet. Anya seems to have drained herself getting here with this one." She gestured to Mercy. "Good to see you both in one piece." She nodded towards Saul as the half-giant managed to get himself inside the tent, ducking his head slightly. "Yeah. They are definitely out for us here. Me and Benji faced off against the same marine. Issac Bode. He's a trip, and I don't think we're gonna lose him easy." She frowned, running a hand through her hair as she thought. "Mercy here wants to join the crew. She's a carpenter, and I don't see any reason to turn her down..." She smiled just a little. It seemed like their crew was growing leaps and bounds today. "I was also thinking of asking the doc here to join." She turned to where Mira was treating Anya. "Though that's up to her." Casey might have been talking to Kiri, but her words were meant to be heard by Mira. "If she does that means we've got a full ship, well almost. Just in need of a good cook." She grinned at her first mate. If they could talk the doctor into joining, that would make three new members to their crew in a single day. It was an exciting prospect for the young captain.

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Tyler Inferni

With: Naomi and others
Health: 10% Stable
Where: Infirmary
((OOC: Just something to confirm he isn't in a coma or something. ))
I just want to be left Alone...

Tyler slowly blinked open his eyes. His body felt heavy, his mind was foggy, and pain was echoing throughout his body. Looking around his his eyes he saw the inside of a ship. Mentally he began to panic, but he knew he didn't have the strength to do anything. He tried to recall what had happened, only managing to remember the fight with Sarah and Thor. His heart began to pound, what if they had lost?

Summoning all the strength he could muster he looked around with his head, before he spotted Naomi near him. He let out a faint sigh of relief as his head fell back onto his pillow. That meant they won if she was treating him. She looked unharmed too. That was good. "Na...o...mi." He choked out, his throat dry and sore.

Once he managed to capture her attention he smiled. "I take it you saved my life?" He asked weakly, noticing now that he was banadaged up and hooked up to some tube. "Thanks." He murmured, still at a soft level. "Issa? Is Issa... okay?" He asked, trying to look around, but he shifted his shoulders too much and let out a hiss of pain, falling still. It still hurt all over to move, he wasn't quite sure what his damage was.

He needed to know Issa was okay. He could only remember her fighting Thor, and he knew how dangerous Thor was to fight. Issa was sadistic, but Thor was a beast. Tyler could hardly ever hurt him, only run. "Issa." He repeated, desperate for confirmation she was okay.

...those around me get burned.

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Asuto "The Miracle Maker" Auoto


Asuto still had his guard up as the man spoke in front of him. It was true what he said. Why did he choose this crew out of the numerous ones that he had run into over the years. He had run into countless crews many of whom were indeed powerful in todays world. However, none of the really struck him as something he would want to be a part of. This crew was different, though. Their captain was a strong woman whom he could respect as a person, and the rest of the crew were unique in themselves. Maybe the real reason was because of the young sniper, Benji, who looked so much like his long lost friend. Before he got to wrapped up in these thoughts, however, Asuto watched as the marine glanced at certain locations, only pausing for a moment but long enough that Asuto took notice. The man in front of him had to have some kind of a devil fruit, he was too calm for having just met someone. Before he could think any further Asuto watched as the marine excused himself.

He would remember his name, but for now he had to go meet up with the rest of the crew. Asuto took a single step forward and again seemingly vanished. This time he headed back towards the medical tent and he arrived there moments later. He sat down silently in a chair and studied those already in the tent. It looked as if mostly everyone was already there. Before anyone noticed him Asuto said "Sorry I could not find everyone sooner. I got caught up with...someone. Are you doing alright Benji?"


Vas Mortis
Monkey D. Merda
Tristan Daria
Devil Fruit Duo Vice Admirals

Location: Baltigo Company: Alex Condition: 100%

User ImageUser ImageAs the marine landed on the ground in a crouch with feline grace, her ears perked up at the sound of something large flying towards her. Keeping a fraction of her attention on the hydra to make sure that it didn't make any sudden moves, she glanced at the object as she reached up casually and caught the boomeranging blades. It appeared to be a road side cart of some kind, full of round green leafy things that were becoming dislodged mid flight to rain down like vegetable hail. With a few flicks of her wrists, she had created the base of a very large and splintery salad in piles around her, both the cabbages and the cart chopped up into nearly bite sized pieces. Upon hearing the giant roar of the man following after, his huge arm raised in preparation for a hit, her eyes narrowed and a wide grin spread on her face. "COME ON!!" she yelled, sheathing her blades and bracing herself for impact, excitement glinting in her amber eyes. He had his entire being in that one punch and she wanted to see what kind of strength he really had, so she allowed the hit to land. She could hear the hydra's wings begin to lift it off of the ground as Saul's fist connected full force with Merda's face, sending her flying back through the stone wall of a building. The grin was still on her face as she laid in the rubble for a moment, surrounded by dust and debris with a trickle of blood running down from her nose. "Now THAT'S more like it!" she exclaimed as she jumped up and dusted herself off as she walked back out onto the street, only to see the hydra flying away with the half giant clutched in its tail. "HEY! Not so fast, we're not done yet!" Just as she started to take off after her opponents, two hands popped up out of the ground and grabbed her ankles, making her fall forward with her hands outstretched, landing right on her face. "Sorry, my dear, but I'm afraid that play time is over for the moment. A retreat has been called." Merda leaped up into a cross legged sitting position with a whine of protest, her black cat ears laying back on her head as she pouted. "Awww~, but it was JUST getting fun!" Tristan chuckled and patted her head as he walked past her on his way back to the docks, relieved that at least he wasn't going to have to chase her down and drag her kicking and screaming back to the ship this time. "They're pirates, and they're gaining quite a reputation now. You'll get to continue your fight at another time," he reassured her as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it, glancing over his shoulder to make sure that his partner was following after him. Reaching the docks within a few moments, Tristan nodded in greeting to Alex, who was already there. The call for a retreat had gotten quite a fast response from the marines on the island, who had stopped fighting in favor of making quick work of packing up the ships.




Noble Hellraiser

8,700 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Hygienic 200
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Rentaro Roronoa
"The Immortal"
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Ren honestly believed he could have stopped the man who had shot Benji. The swordsman hand been ways away, but there was no missing a screaming piece of bro loli flying through the air. He had only gotten a split second glimps of the the marine before he heard the gunshot. He watched in shock as the ball of energy now fell, almost lifelessly to the ground. Thankfully she was caught by the captain. He attempted to run to her aid, only to be stopped by an other unit of marines. It seemed he had lost his hair tie during the brawl that ensued, he had been so furious he hadn't even used his swords which forced him to suffer the loss of the hair tie. It was irrelevant though as he ran to where he had seen them land, but he was too late, the captain had already ran off to the medical tent. He did t even have to give it a second thought as he ran there. Due to the fact that he didn't have speed on the level of the captain, he arrived a bit late, but all the same he barged in. "Is she okay?!" He asked the captain though everyone in the tent heard him most likely, and they probably knew who he was talking about as well.

Location ↴
⋐ Medical Tent ⋑
Mood ↴
⋐ Worried ⋑
Company ↴
⋐ Revolutionaries, Crew members ⋑
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ℬ℮ᾔנαღїηα "$υґℯṧнøт" ℉łαღ

Location: Baltigo, Medical tent
Company: Crew, Mira, dark haired chick, big boobed chick, and other patients

User ImageBenji didn't even flinch at the injection, though she thought the numbing process was cool, as made evident by the poking of the surrounding area while Mira turned to gather the medical tools that would be needed for the extraction. And she was even completely unperturbed by the slight surgery itself, choosing to watch the entire process in fascination. The shot had hurt like hell, but judging by how quickly and easily Mira was able to remove the bullet, the marine hadn't meant for it to do any lasting damage. The sniper was still pissed that it had happened, but it was mostly directed at herself. She had known that he was a sniper and yet she hadn't taken him as seriously as she should have, choosing to avoid a fight rather than start one, and it could have cost her her life. Her ammunition arsenal was mainly focused on causing distractions and throwing people off balance, but she had to keep in mind that not everyone thought the way she did, especially the marines. It had been an unfortunate screw up on her part, but one that she would definitely learn from and keep from repeating in the future.

"Hiya, guys! An' yeah, I'm A-OK, Asuto, how the hell'd ya get here all of a sudden?" she chirped cheerfully, sitting up on the table and kicking her dangling legs as Kiri, Saul, and Asuto all converged inside the tent. At Casey's comments about more people joining the crew, her green eyes widened in excitement and she pointed back and forth between the dark haired girl with the injured arm, and brunette with big tits. "You two are joinin'?! Supah!! I'm Benji, the sniper, though this ain't exactly one of my better days, as I'm sure ya'll can see. And Mira, ya totally haveta join! I'm always gettin' bashed up, 'specially when Saul throws me off the ship. Plus, the more cuties on board, the better! We'll be able ta get past anyone just by battin' our eyelashes at 'em. Well, most of us will, anyway, prolly not Saul though." As usual, the airheaded sprite was babbling, but the prospect of gaining more nakama was exciting and had completely dispelled her momentarily negative thoughts.

All of a sudden, a familiar male voice filled the tent quite loudly as Ren came barging in, making Benji jump slightly and blink in surprise. He looked to have been in a pretty intense fight, as his hair was loose and wild and he seemed a bit out of breath. Her bright smile disappeared quickly as she shook off her surprise, replaced by a somewhat bored and dismissive expression. An aloof Benji was a strange and extremely rare occurrence. Hopping down off of the table and turning to face away from him, she chose to let Casey answer his question since it had been directed at the captain anyway, opting instead to gather the bullet, wiping it off before slipping it into her pocket. Besides, for all she knew, he wasn't even asking about her; perhaps that Lyra chick had been injured in battle and just hadn't made it to the medical tent yet. The thought made her nose wrinkle a bit in irritation as she tried to keep her earlier frustrations from flooding back. After all, it was his life, his lips; why should she care about what whore the butthead of a swordsman chose to waste them on?

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Vas Mortis

Dapper Cat

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A n y a "Lady of the Chill" T r a f a l g a r

Thunder Pirate's Chilly Navigator

> > xxx Location: Baltigo; Medical Tentxxx Company: So many people xxx Health: 89%xxx < <

                                                  There was way too much going on for Anya to even begin to follow. Just from the few minutes spent in this chaotic tent, she could tell they were an special bunch. Per instruction, she had made herself comfortable on one of the other cots so the doctor could tend to the wound on her arm. While this was happening, Anya had nothing better to do than people-watch. Sure enough, an awestruck, numb, and also dumbfounded look came across her features. Conclusion: these people might be crazy. What was she getting herself into? They were in a medical tent full of severely injured revolutionary men and women, and they were making jokes?!

                                                  If Anya had looked harder, she would've noticed the smiles on the wounded soldiers faces. Laughter was a great temporary cure for even some of the worst types of pain. It would seem a particular green-haired girl was attracting their attention the most. Although it was hard not to notice her due to her bubbly personality, Anya hadn't really paid much attention to the other injured female in the room. Of course, as soon as her loud voice was directed towards her, the raven-haired woman cast her gaze on the girl.

                                                  After introducing herself, Benji looked at her expectantly, a huge super-friendly smile stretching from one side of her face to the other. Despite earlier events where she tried to turn herself in, she really didn't like being the center of attention. Suddenly feeling sheepish, she awkwardly replied, "Hello, I'm Anya... Trafalgar. It's nice to meet you."

                                                  Hastily looking for some sort of solace from Benji's onslaught of overly-positive energy, she was saved when a dark-haired man barged into the room. The tension immediately rose in the tent when the green sprite saw him. Seeing this as her chance to escape the spotlight, Anya turned to watch the doctor work on her arm. The other dark-haired, who she now knew was named Mira, was seemingly very soft-spoken and gentle. Someone who she could probably better relate to than the more energetic people in the room. "Thank you." she said simply and quietly, not wanting to break the doctor's concentration.

Vas Mortis
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Issara Kiwaro


❥Location: Boin Archipelago > Cherry Feather ship
❥Company: Tyler, Naomi, Nakoa

The passage of time had lifted the utter blackness of Issa's unconscious state to that of a deep REM sleep, her body having reached a point where it no longer needed to just shut down. She was dreaming now, her slightly fluttery eyelids being the outward indicator. In her dream, she was sitting on the edge of a large meadow with her back against a large tree trunk, humming a tune softly. Her fingers twitched as, in her dream, she was stroking the soft brown hair on the head that was laying in her lap.

"Issa....is Issa okay? Issa?"

The voice was extremely soft and faint as it became incorporated into her dream. It must've been her sister's voice, going by that hint of worry and urgency. "I'm okay, Ran, shhh...I'm here, I'll keep you safe...." the redheaded vampire mumbled in her sleep as she spoke the same words in her dream. Rolling over onto her stomach as she shifted into a more comfortable position on the cot, she sighed softly and lapsed back into deep sleep. She'd be out for a little while longer, but she had inadvertently divulged a hint at her past in the meantime.

((Sorry it's short, but I promised Wulfy an Issa post for getting all of his finals done! ^_^ ))

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Vas Mortis

Brilliant Raider

12,775 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Brandisher 100
  • Survivor 150
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+Mira Bell+
The Compassionate Doctor

I sense there's something in the wind....

Mira smiled as Benji was a model patient, and even rather playful about the whole thing. She wasn't used to a patient being so- well, agreeable. She smiled as she moved on to Anya, who was much quieter and softer spoken. That was nice, she was good with that sort of thing. In fact, when the girl thanked her Mira simply offered her a small, sweet smiled and closed her eyes. People who preferred things to be soft and quiet didn't need much to convey their feelings in Mira's experience. Still, she was glad for Anya- the woman was similar to her in a way. She continued to bandage her arm and nodded, tying it off firmly- but not enough to hurt her
"It's no trouble."
She smiled a bit more, then turned to the captain and blinked
"A Kairoseki bullet? So you are that Casey DuVal... I imagine it hurts, I can take a look at that...."

What she hadn't been expecting was the arrival of the rest of the crew- or the invitation to join it, which Benji seemed intent on pressing. She made it very clear that they needed a doctor, and she wanted Mira to be that doctor. Mira smiled, thinking about it. Sailing as part of a crew, adventuring, seeing the world and discovering new things. She'd be able to learn so much from them... but there would also be battles. They were pirates after all. If she got caught up in that... She glanced away, gripping her arm slightly. She didn't like what may have happened. She shifted a bit more, weighing her options. She wasn't comfortable just leaving her patient without medical attention, someone needed to take care of that wound to make sure that nothing happened to it. Still... there were risks. She'd just have to be careful. Looking over to Casey, she took a deep breath and sighed.

"I... I guess I could sail with you, temporarily... Someone needs to make sure Benji's wound heals correctly... j,just don't count on me in a fight, okay? I'm not a fighter... if that's alright, then I could come along..."

That feels like tragedy at hand....

Location ;Baltigo Medical Tent
Company ;The Thunder Pirates, The Medical staff
Status ;Being Careful
Mental Block ; Active





Vas Mortis



Demonic Shade

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Casey "Thunder Goddess"DuVal
{Where I'm at:Baltigo; medic tent}∞{Who I'm With:Benji, Anya, Mercy, Mira, Kiri, Saul}∞{My Thoughts:How to convince the doc to join us.....}


Casey could only laugh at Benji's antics. The girl never seemed to run out of energy, even when injured. Casey was just glad that the marine hadn't hit anything dangerous with that bullet, or the atmosphere of the room would be completely different. "I'm alright, I charred the wound to keep it from bleeding, so it will heal just fine on its own, just a graze." She replied to Mira's offer to take a look at her leg. It really had been more of a mental shock than a physical one, and her body had seen worse. Being made of lightning made things like that a little easier. Ren was the last of the crew to join them, and the temperature of the room dropped as he asked about Benji. Casey wasn't sure what had gone on between the two of them while she was in town, but it must have really upset the sniper. "She's fine, Doc took good care of her." She told the swordsman, a tight smile on her face. She wanted to ask why Benji was upset, but clearly it was something that the two of them would have to deal with on their own.

Mira's quiet words took the captain by surprise. Yeah she was only saying about being on temporarily, but Casey knew she could convince the girl to stay, given enough time. "Well, I only like to say something once, so might as well give you all the shpeal now." She stepped back so all three of her new crew members could see her easily from their spots in the tent. "Mira, Mercy, Anya. My crew is my family. I don't accept people into my family on a whim. I'm pushy. I like jobs done when I ask them to be, and expect no arguments. I'm stern, and hard headed. But, as Benji can surely tell you from experience. I'm also very forgiving. I care about everyone on my ship, and I expect the same in return. I don't expect blind devotion but I do expect loyalty. I'm welcoming you all onto my crew for as long as you want to stay, but if you don't think you can deal with me as a captain, well. At least we can part friends." The words spoken to each new crewmate mattered to Casey deeply. She didn't like to worry about whether or not someone could deal with her after being on her crew for a time, so she liked to get it out of the way.

There had been people in the past that turned down being a member of her crew after hearing this rather rehearsed speech, but they were few and far between. Very few people on the crew hadn't ever been given it. Asuto being one of them. From the way he acted though, she knew he had understood her personality as a captain with out her even saying, so he had gotten a pass. Kiri had been there before she had even decided how she wanted to captain a ship in the first place, but he had stuck around this long, so he knew her better than anyone else. "And Mira, I'm not gonna push you into fighting. I'm sure we've got plenty of other people who can keep you safe." The girl had looked incredibly anxious about the possibility of getting asked to fight, and Casey wasn't going to force her into an uncomfortable situation unless there are no other options available.


Brilliant Raider

12,775 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Brandisher 100
  • Survivor 150
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{Issac "Six Shooter" Bode}
Warrant Officer

You say that you stand for peace...

The mouth of the snail moved as it projected the voice. Den Den Mushi were always such a strange thing in the young man's mind- able to transmit information and voices like that over such a long distance. He knew the science behind it of course, but that didn't stop him from being amazed. A full sized unit, the Den Den Mushi had been stored in Issac's attache case, which he had picked up after breaking off the pursuit of the Thunder Pirates. Lucky for him, to be honest- had he not, when the base had fallen he might have lost the gear inside, including the full sized transponder unit.
"I see. So that's your field report?"
Issac watched the expression on the snail's face- it didn't look angry, but it was always hard for him to tell. He stood calmly on the large hill, keeping the scoped rifle trained on his former target. He had broken off the case, of course, and luckily for him at this distance there was no way he'd be easily spotted.

"Yes Admiral. I apologize for the failure of my mission. I am ready to accept the consequences, or re-engage the targets on your orders."
There was a pause, Issac's finger depressing the trigger ever so slightly. He knew Eagle Eye could make the shot, even if it was at the edge of his range he felt comfortable and accurate with. If he could take out Asuto, then drop Casey with the second shot, he would be able to pick off the rest of the crew in order of descending threat, starting with the mythical Zoan. He would feel bad about it though- he hadn't told the Admiral about breaking off his pursuit and giving Casey a grace period, but the rest of his encounter he had more or less described to the letter, everything from first arriving, to his interactions with Lt. Rogers, to how woefully under-prepared the man was. So Issac waited with his breath calm and bated during the pause. The next words out of the Den Den Mushi would decide his actions.
"Hmmm.... No. Do not re-engage. Besides, I'd hardly call this mission a failure..."
"True, you did not capture your targets- but the situation changed, and you reacted accordingly. You showed sound and excellent judgement given the scenario, and the fall of the marine base on Baltigo, while an unfortunate loss, was not a complete waste. Thanks to your report, we now have updated information on the Thunder Pirates. You made the right call in standing down to report this personally- I'd rather not lose a marine with that level of clear thinking. Furthermore, the knowledge that Lt. Rogers was under prepared and unwilling to take the pirate threat into account gives us an excellent chance to understand why we lost today. From there, we learn and adapt to be ready the next time. We won't make the same mistake twice, and your report has helped ensure that."
"Yes sir, thank you sir."
"In fact... I want you to return to Marineford immediately. I already have an idea of what your new assignment will be."
"Of course sir, I'll return immediately."
"Don't worry Warrant Officer... the Thunder Pirates will be seeing you again, and much sooner then they think."
"Understood. Returning to base"
Issac saluted as the snail hung up on the other end, hanging up his own transponder and lowering his rifle. He had been watching as Casey and her group arrived, and then as others came to them, and made the proper assumptions in his report. He had even checked the names and identities before reporting them. It seemed as though Casey DuVal had a full crew now.

Issac stood up calmly, sliding the rifle into his holster, his black coat whipping around him. From here, the tent was small, about the size of an cherry. He knew they couldn't see him unassisted from here, nor could they hear him. He closed the case with the sleeping transponder snail and slipped it into the bag. He lifted the large thing, holding it in one hand, and watched the tent for a few more moments before turning his back on it, walking towards the sea. A small ship was waiting for him there, one he had commissioned using his warrant and papers of rank. They were just awaiting his orders to sail. His next stop would be Marineford.
Just you wait, Thunder Pirates... I won't let you off easily next time.

But you’re the one geared for war...

Location ; Baltigo Island hills
Company ; The Thunder Pirates (at a range)
Status ; oooooh ominous~
Armaments & Stance ;
Comet Flight - Eagle Eye

Dedicated Lunatic

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ᕮ᙭ᙅᕮᖇᖘTᔕ ℱᖇ〇ᙢ THE ᗰᓮᔓᑌ ᙢᓰᔓᘮ ᘉᕮᙡᔕᖘᗩᑭᕮᖇ

"Due to Vice Admiral Nico's recommendations, Warrent Officer Bode has been promoted to Commander and provided with an elite unit dedicated to hunt down the Thunder Pirates as well as other pirate threats. The marines assigned to this unit are as follows:
Lieutenant: Sierra T. Silverray
Junior Lieutenant: Piper "Fancy Foot" Flam
Specialty Officer: Emory Senka"

"Blind Duchess Pirates have been spotted at Pala Island, a private-owned island, and have tried to force their way in. The Marines were able to intercept in time, but not before dealing minor damage to the island's inhabitants. Their motives were unknown. Bounties have been issued accordingly."
"San Lorenzo leader, Faure, has been driven out of his home by the Blue Crows. After a disastrous defeat and losing his best bodyguards, he is now in hiding due to the mischief of these pirates. Blue Crows may also have recruited new members. Bounties have been issued accordingly."
"Baltigo, a known home for the Revolutionaries, suffered a battle between the Marines and the locals. A pirate crew was seen caught between the battle, and are believed to be helping the Revolutionaries. Anya Trafalgar was last seen with the Thunder Pirates, as well as Mercedes "Mercy" Abbot. Bounties have been issued accordingly."

Casey 'Thunder Goddess' DuVal - 38,000,000 → 53,000,000
Saul Usopp - 500,000 → 23,518,000
Benjamin "Sureshot" Flam - 23,000,000 → 29,918,999
Rentaro "The Immortal" Roronoa - 30,000,000 → 32,190,000
Skyler K Newman - 34,333,000 → 34,540,000
Jack And Ariel “The Gemini” Zorrah - 47,000,000 → 50,100,000
Aileous "Blindstrike" Sdieku - 41,740,000 → 50,540,000
Dash "The Bloody" Bones - 38,920,000 → 41,332,000
Kiriguya 'Hydra' Ashui - 48,500,000 → 52,290,000
Petra, Experiment #G295 - 70,000,000 → 70,492,000
Suichi "The Demon" Minamoto - 55,000,000 → 58,000,000
Flora Willows - 50,000,000 → 55,000,000
Leon "Bladestorm" Magress - 20,000,000 → 33,000,000
Asuto "The Miracle Maker" Auoto - 69,000,000 → 69,328,000
Erika Devin Ramna - 100 → 10,751,820
Rina "Blazing Kick" Kaneko - 560,000 → 18,990,910
Anya "Lady of the Chill" Trafalgar - 1,000,000 → 32,111,111
Gareth "Whirlwind" - 5,000,000 → 9,000,000
Asami - 1,000,000 → 4,000,000
Cherise P. Belrosse - 42,600,000 → 46,700,000
Mira Bell - 500 → 22,000,009
Mercedes "Mercy" Abbot - 0 → 13,192,000


(Before leaving Boin Archipelago, Dolres bestows upon the Cherry Feathers several boxes of ammo and different guns and rifles, as well as medicinal supplies for Naomi.)

Can Can D. Rumble has split and said her farewells to the Blue Crow Pirates.
[Desu Chu has left the RP due to RL]
Jill "Claymore" Cross will join the Thunder Pirates at the start of the arch.
Marc D. Havoc as option of already being a part of the Cherry Feathers Crew or joining after the start of the arch.
Same "Wandering Fish" Angler has option of already being a part of the Blind Duchess Crew or joining after the start of the arch.
All other new characters will join during the arch.
Vice Admirals Merda and Tristan have been assigned to the Bode Unit temporarily. Status may/may not change.
Admiral Jinsei, Shichibukai Bloodwolf and Shichibukai "Lord of the Skies, as well as Akina, of the Hunter Unit, will be the World Nobles' bodyguards. The Special Pirate Capture Crew (Keirae and Wyatt) are working with the Shandians to bring down the World Noble Sanlords, unbeknownst to the World Government and the Navy.

At this point, any of the powers/skills/abilities your character has yet to learn, you may have your character start dabbling in them. Remember, it's the same as how you would learn something - sometimes it takes a while to get, sometimes you get it, but it's not quite there yet. Be mindful of this!


Bisa Island (Thunder Pirates' Route)
Bode Unit

You've landed on a very, VERY remote island. It's all dry barren land. Think Alabasta.
Back in the day, this island was used for experimentation on Devil Fruits, but was abandoned due to a shortage of funds. There's no factories, no buildings, just a cave full of broken and rusted technology, and cages of skeletons. There are no rivers.
At the center of the island, is a spot that is nothing but dried blood splattered across the ground, outlining something that resembles half man and half wolf. No amount of water can wash it away.
Now, there is a small civilization growing, lead by a woman, who thook the island under her wing when she first landed.
The island takes 2 days to get from one end to another, but to get to the center, it takes half a day.
Weather - blistering hot, 103 F. dry, not humid. 3 PM

Skypiea (Cherry Feather Pirates)
Legara Pirates
Salvaggi Unit
Hunter Unit
Special Pirate Capture Crew Unit

After taking the Knock-Up Stream, you are now at the entrance to Skypiea. In your way is Amazon, the elderly gatekeeper asking for 7 million beli per person.
After you enter, you land at t he Angel Beach, just as Sanlord gives the order that he wants more slaves from Upper Yard.
At the request of Lucia of the Salvaggi Unit, and order of the World Nobles, Akina, of the Hunter Unit, Admiral Jinsei, and Shichibukai Bloodwolf and "Lord of the Skies" will be the World Nobles' bodyguards. The Special Pirate Capture Crew are working with the Shandians to bring down the World Noble Sanlords. What is unknown to anyone, is the Wappians finding a perfect place to strike from.
Weather - Sunny with some clouds, warm. 11 AM.

Midori Island (Blind Duchess's Route)
The Garden Pirates

You are about to land on an island covered with forestry. HOwever, you're not alone. James Duval, a Yonko, is also visiting this island because he has information of a plague that's killing most of the island's plants What will you do on the island? How will you interact with the Yonko?
Weather - 80, fog. 2 PM

Henso Island (Blue Crow Pirates)
Kyper Unit
Hellforge Unit

You're runnng very low on supplies, and you've spotted an island! Upon landing, you gather information and find out that this is a pirate hideout. When you were docking, you noticed several Marine ship parts scattered across the bay. You will have stayed here a day or two, when you start to notice that things are a bit weird...What is it that you find?
Weather - 85F. sunny. 1PM

Vas Mortis
Immortal Traceur
x. gaara boy .x
Psycho Scarecrow
Dat Cancer
Will of a Hero
Grim Skies
LOCK de Pica
Robotic Mirabelle
Princess of the Spades
Celestin Selone

Dedicated Lunatic

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User Image
d oxxxxxy o uxxxxxk n o wxxxxxw h a txxxxxc h a o sxxxxxi s ?
I t ' sxxxxxt h exxxxxs o u n dxxxxxo fxxxxxo r d e r

☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯

Aileous had recognized that voice before Petra opened up a portal door large enough for the ship to pass through. It sounded rather quiet as they passed through the waves, unnoticed until Petra opened up another door to let them through. The girl was tired as it had been a strain on her mind, and so drifted off to sleep quickly. Flora gathered her up in her arms and took her back to the infirmary as Aileous checked the rest of her crew's injuries before going back to the infirmary herself. It had been two weeks since then, and Cherise was allowed to walk around the docks one week in, but Aileous had to forcibly put her back in bed when Cherise overstrained her body. Hopefully today would be different. After strict rules for yet another week, Cherise was released from her "restraints."
At the moment, the captain of the Blind Duchess crew was clothing herself before going up on deck. She wore something similar to what she had been wearing previously, but feeling the smooth silk of this new shirt she had bought (maybe she stole it?) back at the volcano island, she felt a change of appearance was in store.
Doning the black Chinese martial arts wear with golden threads weaving a phoenix on her right side, she walked out onto deck to welcome the new sun. At the moment, everything was quiet. She wondered if anything was wrong.
x. gaara boy .x

Demonic Shade

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Casey "Thunder Goddess"DuVal
{Where I'm at:The Legion}∞{Who I'm With:Thunder Pirates}∞{My Thoughts:Let's hope we can keep out of trouble this time... }


The past two weeks had been crazy for the Thunder Pirates. The ship didn't have enough bunk space to actually house a full crew. Mercy had been a godsend, and managed to turn one of the holds into a proper set of rooms to house all the new people. She had even managed to make a spare room for when they finally found a cook. That girl was a wiz with the ship, and the Legion couldn't do better. Casey was glad for the thought of the extra room, because halfway between islands, they had bumped into a small row boat with a girl on it. Jill Cross. Casey had been rather leery of her at first, considering the weapon she was carrying with her. Upon allowing her onto the ship, however, the captain's thoughts about the girl did a rather sudden about-face. Jill was shy, but kind and seemed a little overwhelmed at first. She was a great cook though, and after Benji stopped pestering her for a while it seemed like she fit right in.

The captain really couldn't complain. Their bounties went up again, leading to another bout of Benji getting tossed off the ship for annoying Saul. Though the main difference was the tension between Benji and Ren. The swordsman still rescued the soaking wet sniper every time she went in, but they didn't act the same around each other. Casey had asked both of them on separate occasions what was wrong, but Benji just huffed and told her to ask him, and vice versa. Casey didn't like that they weren't speaking much, but the sniper had plenty of other people to annoy now and Ren was getting really intense with his training, so it worked out alright.

Casey had been up early practicing her hand-to-hand near the head of the ship when the island came into view. Their supplies had been running low, and even with Saul fishing every day, they weren't gonna make it much farther. The island crept closer as the day progressed, and the others all seemed ready to go by the time they were getting ready to dock. The island seemed quiet from where they were at on the ocean. It was another hot island, and even Casey was trying to keep cool by sitting in the shade of the mast while they approached.

Vas Mortis

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