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Hey everybody,
When I become big, I want to be a writer and Burning Leaves is one of the stories I've been working on.
Burning leaves is gonna be a trilogy about four girls: Loli, Fuchsia, Rose and Lilly.
The four girls have special powers and are infited for a school where they'll learn controling those powers.
I'm not able to write the story for some time and since I liked how the story was going, I decided to make a RPG about it.
I still need characters for the story as well (other students and teachers) so if you become a part of this RPG maybe you'll get a place in the real story too, and you may even be able to write a part of thestory yourself, wouldn't that be fun?

By the way, here are some photos of what Kaisan looks like:

User Image Kaisan seen from far away (back).

User Image Kaisan seen from far away (front)

There are a lot of different powers you can have, you may choose out of these:

Acid touch: You can let come sour out of your hands.

Air control: You can control the air.

Age shifting: You can change your age.

Animal talk: You are able to communicate with all kind of animals.

Astral projection: You can copy your body. The original body stays on the place where it began and the copy appears on another place.

Blinking: You can dissapear from a place and appear on another.

Body insertion: You can 'crowl' in someones other body and take control over it.

Copycat: You can copy the power of your opponent. You only can only copy and use one power at a time!

Clairsentience: You can see the history of someone or something by touching it.

Cloaking: You can dissapear in the entorning.

Dream manipulation: You can manipulate dreams.

Earth control: You can control the earth.

Electrical skin: You can make your body out of electricity so everyone who touches you gains a shock.

Electric manipulation: You can manipulate electricity.

Elasticity: You can make your body parts longer, shorter or more elastic.

Enhanced hearing: You can hear extremely well.

Fire control: You can control fire.

Flying: You can fly.

Fear feeding: You gain strenght by the fear of others.

Freezing: You can freeze things by touching them.

Golden touch: You can change thins in gold by touching them.

Healing: You can heal others.

Invisibility: You can become invisible.

Levitation: You can levitate.

Lie detection: You'll feel it if someone lies.

Light absorption: You are able to let the light near you dissapear.

Look change: You can change your appearance.

Mediumship: You can see ghosts.

Melting: You are able to melt objects.

Metal manipulation: You can manipulate metal.

Mind reading: You can hear the thoughts of others.

Molecular combustion: You are able to let things explode.

Mood manipulation: You can manipulate the emotions of others.

Oil secretion: You are able to let come oil flowing out of your hands.

Phasing: You can walk through objects.

Precognition: You can see the future.

Premonition: You can see the future or past by touching a certain object or person who has to do something whit that past or future.

Plant manipulation: You can manipulate plants.

Primal rage: You can make people extremely angry.

Puppet master: You can take control over somebody's else body.

Self healing: You can heal yourself by touching your wound.

Sense powers: You can sense the powers of someone else, you then know which powers that person has.

Shadow creep: You can transform yourself into a shadow.

Shield: You can form a shield around you so you can't be hit by a power.

Shape shifting: You can transform in other people, objects and animals.

Sound manipulation: You can manipulate sounds.

Super speed: You're extremely fast.

Super strength: You're extremely strong.

Tracker: You know where other people are.

Technopathy: You can manipulate tecnology.

Telepathy: You can talk to others by thoughts.

Telescopic vision: You can see extremely well.

Telekinesis: You can move things by thinking about them.

Temporal stasis: You can stop the time for a while.

Time traveling: You can return to the past or go to the future.

Underwater breathing: You can breathe underwater.

Visual illusion: You can create illusions by others.

Water control: You can control water.

Wall crawling: You can walk on walls.

Weather manipulation: You can manipulate the weather.

Will command: You are able to let other people do what you want.

Those are all the possible powers (took me a while to type that), you may choose up to five, if you choose more, I'll take some out (this is a warning)
I may put on more powers any time btw and you even may request me for more powers.
You have also got the basic power which includes some easy basic spells (later I'll try to list all possible spells, but, remember that not all can be used by everyone) and everyone who has special powers also has got the basic power.

Here are the rules of the RPG:

1) No godmodding.
2) No more than 5 powers.
3) Don't make yourself invincible.
4) Don't post once and never again.
5) Romance is allowed but don't make it higher as PG-16
6) Use ((...)) to talk outside of the RPG.
7) No insulting, if you do then do, for example sh*t or b*tch or so.
8 ) Sent the profiles to me by a PM with the title Burning Leaves.
9) Have fun!
10) I'll add more rules if needed.

Username: (put your username here)
Character name: (the name of your character)
Gender: (is your character a boy, a girl, a hermafrodit (means you're both genders) or genderless)
Age: (the age of your character)
Powers: (choose up to five powers of the list above for your character)
Bio: (tell something about the past of your character)
Personality: (tell what your character acts like)
Family: (if your character has got any family, list the names here, and if possible, a pic or an image)
Appearance: (show one or more image(s) of your character to know what he or she looks like)
Occupation: (is your character a teacher (min. age: 18, max. age: no max), a student (min. age: 5, max. age: 18 ) or someone else (for example, an enemy. Can be all ages)
Side: (is your character a good or a bad person?)
Nationality: (where does your character come from (country and town or city, street or house number is not needed))
Other: (put here something extra: interests, hobbies, favourite colour, food, subject/class or music, etc.)

And if you want you may also choose a colour for your text.

If you choose to be a teacher then also tell what power you're teaching (only one and you must have that power then) or which class (for example, maths, language, science, P.E., etc.). Also, there can be only one teacher for each class/subject. If you choose to be a teacher I'll send you PMs with when you have classes with who and what you have to do in those classes (the subjects).
If you choose to be a student then I'll send you a PM to tell you which school grade you'll be doing.
If you're an enemy then tell why you became that bad and what for bad things you do, and of course, how bad you wanna be (world dominator, murderer, thief, etc.)
You may also have more than one character.
If you put on a post in the RPG then put in big letters your character name (as title).
I hope it was a bit clear.
Oh yeah, they're not instantly at the school (the school is called Kaisan by the way), I'll PM all the members as soon as they are going to school and how they're going, and where it is of course.
And the students are not, I repeat, not going to meet each other before school starts (except if they're family, neighbours or good friends)

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Rubin (Ruby) Veroline Alexandria Levia.
Gender: Female.
Age: 38.
Powers: All the powers.
Bio: She was born as an albino girl and everybody thought that she'll die, but she didn't. Her parents dissapeared when she was seven years old. When she became ten, she discovered her powers, the strange thing was that she had all the powers in her. She started to train her powers herself and when she was thirty she was know as the strongest magic person on the world. When she was thirty-two she buid a school for people with magical powers. When she was nine she found an albino ferret on the street which she named Snowy, made immortal with her powers and has been always on her side.
Personality: Ruby is very kind against children and animals and enjoys helping people. She's a very wise person and passes her wisdom to younger people.
Family: Ruby's whole family is dead.
Appearance: User Image Ruby when she was nine with Snowy.

User Image Ruby when she was nine in the snow.

User Image Ruby when she was eighteen air controlling.

User Image Ruby now.
Occupation: School head.
Side: Good.
Nationality: Germany, Köln.
Other: She loves reading, being with Snowy and children.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Lolita (Loli) Burned.
Gender: Girl.
Age: 13.
Powers: Fire control, Elasticity, Mediumship, Telescopic vision, Puppet master.
Bio: Loli's parents died in a fire when Loli was five, she has been living on the street since and never knew how she managed to stay alive this long. On the street she forms part of a club for kids who live on the street where she became best friends with Street Beat a girl who lost her parents when she was two and always acts a bit strange.
Personality: Loli is a nice girl. She has trouble learning things because her brains are very slow and becomes fast enthousiastic about the most normal things.
Family: Loli hasn't got any family.
Appearance: User Image
Occupation: Student.
Side: Neutral.
Nationality: England, London.
Other: She enjoys learning new things but this seems to be very hard. She also likes drawing and reading a lot, as well as listening to music.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Fuchsia Frozen.
Gender: girl.
Age: 14.
Powers: Freezing, Will command, Water control, Shadow creep, Telekinesis.
Bio: Fuchsia has got a bad education which made her very selfish and independent. She learns very fast and can control her powers quite well. In reality she's very emotional but she tries to hide her past.
Personality: She's kinda selfish and some of a snob but can be very nice as well.
Family: She has got a little brother (Adam), a bigger sister (July) and a mother (Alice) and a father (George)
Appearance: User Image
Occupation: Student.
Side: Neutral.
Nationality: Italy, Rome
Other: She likes teasing others. She doesn't pay a lot of attention in class but learns extremely fast, she is scared for the people who are able to read minds because then her past would be revealed.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Lilly Leaf.
Gender: Girl.
Age: 13.
Powers: Air control, Copycat, Electric manipulation, Healing, Shape shifting.
Bio: Lilly and Rose are twins, but not identical twins, they have different eye colors, different hair styles and different bodyshapes, but, they're personality is nearly the same. Lilly likes learning and is very good in magic, she loves being outside just like her sister.
Personality: Lilly likes giving her opinion in everything, she's very spontaneously and is a lucky girl. She's also very nice and helps people in need.
Family: She has got a twin sister (Rose), a father (Ralph) and a mother (Cindy)
Appearance: User Image
Occupation: Student.
Side: Good.
Nationality: Holland, Alkmaar.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Rose Leaf.
Gender: Girl.
Age: 13.
Powers: Plant manipulation, Sound manipulation, Shield, Premonition, Lie detection.
Bio: Rose and Lilly are twins, but not identical twins, they have different eye colors, different hair styles and different bodyshapes, but, they're personality is nearly the same. Rose likes learning and is very good in magic, she loves being outside just like her sister.
Personality: Rose likes giving her opinion in everything, she's very spontaneously and is a lucky girl. She's also very nice and helps people in need.
Family: She has got a twin sister (Lilly), a father (Ralph) and a mother (Cindy)
Appearance: User Image
Occupation: Student.
Side: Good.
Nationality: Holland, Alkmaar.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Azue Hydra.
Gender: Girl.
Age: 20.
Powers: Water control, Freezing, Underwater breathing, Weather manipulation, Super speed.
Bio: Azue discovered her powers when she fell in a river as she was three. As soon as the new magic school was opened, she was sent there and as she became 20 she even started to give lessons at the school.
Personality: She's a warmhearted teacher and loves water controlling.
Family: She has got a mother (Fiona), a father (Alan) and a little sister (Bubble)
Appearance: User Image Azue water controlling (the wings aren't actually there but I couldn't find a better pic)
Occupation: Teacher Water controling.
Side: Good.
Nationality: Canada, Toronto.
Other: She passes her free time swimming in the lake near the school.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Catherine (Cath) Mewr.
Gender: Girl.
Age: 19.
Powers: Clairsentience, Healing, Lie detection, Look change, Self healing.
Bio: She has been enjoying healing people since she was little and tried her best to always learn more so she could become a nurse when she was big and her dream became true.
Personality: She's a serious but nice woman, no one cures better than her.
Family: She has got a mother (Anne) and a father (Phillip)
Appearance: User Image
Occupation: School nurse.
Side: Good.
Nationality: Russia, Moscow.
Other: Sometimes she acts a lot like a cat.

Username: SpinelSama
Character name: Monika Schäfer
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Powers: Shape Shifting, Look Change, Age Shifting, Mood Manipulation
Bio: Monika was born in Berlin, Germany, but, when her mother passed away, she moved to Wales to live with her grandfather, who taught her how to use her powers. They traveled around Wales until she turned 17 and her grandfather became extremely ill and was placed in a hospital. When Monika turned 18, her friends, all older than her, took her out for her first drinking experience. As soon as she finished her first mug of ale, she decided she loved alchohol. She has simply wandered from place to place since then.
Personality: Very aloof, staying in cat-form most of the time. Friendly towards everyone. She likes to take control of situations by changing other people's feelings when a fight breaks out.
Family: Grandfather (Shapeshifter)
User Image
User Image
(she is most often in cat-form)
Occupation: Teacher of Shapeshifting
Side: Neutral
Nationality: Berlin, Germany, but she moved to and grew up in various towns in Wales.
Other: A notorious drunkard. She started drinking the day she turned 18. Alchohol is her favourite thing. It doesn't make her sick, but it makes her act funny. Her favourite kinds of alchohol are beer, shine, ale and sake. Monika spends most of her time as a cat, rarely turning back to her human form. She wears a red scarf around her neck to mark her as a Shapeshifter.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Felicia (Feli) Fenix.
Gender: Girl.
Age: 18.
Powers: Fire control, Animal Talk, Telepathy, Melting, Mind reading.
Bio: There isn't much to say about Feli, nobody knows nearly a thing about her since she keeps everything for herself and even Mind readers, Clairsentiencers or any other person who can see pasts or read minds as powers, don't know a thing about her because she knows how to block them. She's very close with Flare, her fenix, however, nobody knows how they met.
Personality: She's very timid and tries to avoid questions which have to do with herself, she's very close to animals and children but prefers not to talk to adults.
Family: Unknown.
Appearance: User Image Feli with Flare.
Occupation: Teacher Fire control.
Side: Neutral.
Nationality: Unknown.
Other: Nobody knows where she lives or what she does in her free time, this girl has many secrets.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Kate Petal.
Gender: Girl.
Age: 873.
Powers: Mediumship, Air control, Plant manipulation, Fire control, Water control.
Bio: Kate died when she was 15 because of an accident and returned as a ghost. After 865 years of boredness and loneliness she finally found joy as she became teacher on a school for magic in Mediumship. Kate thinks a lot about life and misses things like the feeling of the wind, the scent of flowers and a lot of other things.
Personality: She has got a good sense of humor and passes her free time with, or ghosts, or with kids (who have the power of Mediumship, of course), or lonely.
Family: None.
Appearance: User Image Kate thinking about death.
Occupation: Teacher Mediumship
Side: Neutral
Nationality: Ireland, Waterford
Other: She's very sensitive if someone talks about death.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Seraphine (Sera) Cascade.
Gender: Girl.
Age: 18.
Powers: Underwater breathing, Water control, Freezing, Telescopic vision, super speed.
Bio: With a merman as father and a nymph as a mother, she became half nymph and half mermaid which made her life difficult because she's not 'pure' like other nymphs and mermaids like to say it, she was banned from her home when she was very young and swam the whole way to England where she found Kaisan and she was accepted immediatly as a student. After she finnished school she wanted to become a teacher Underwater breathing because Kaisan has always been a home for her.
Personality: She's an active girl and she likes swimming, she's very kind but she also kind of timid and uncertain. Since she's half nymph half mermaid she has to keep herself wet the whole time or she'll dry up and die.
Family: Sera has got a father who is a merman (Wallace), a mother who's a nymph (Fiore) and a grandmother who's a nymph as well (Juliana).
Appearance: User Image
Occupation: Teacher Underwater breathing.
Side: Neutral.
Nationality: Fiji, Suva.
Other: She passes her most of her time in or near the lake in front of the school to keep herself wet.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Dawn Scent.
Gender: Girl.
Age: 18.
Powers: Animal talk, Air control, Elasticity, Earth control, Plant manipulation.
Bio: Dawn's mother died not much later than she was born and her father haven't ever taken good care of her. Dawn's father sent Dawn to her aunt where she was given a black furret for her sixth birthday which she called Pepper and soon after she discovered that she was able to talk with animals.
Personality: She likes to be in the forest and is there a lot of her free time, when she's there she usually plays with the forest animals and takes a nap after that.
Family: She has a father (Roy) and an aunt (Beth).
Appearance: User Image Dawn sleeping on her favourite spot with pepper.
Occupation: Teacher Animal talk.
Side: Good.
Nationality: France, Dijon.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Fiola (Fio) Note.
Gender: Girl.
Age: 21.
Powers: Sound manipulation, Air control, Enhanced hearing, Tracker, Shape shifter.
Bio: She was born in a poor family in Austria and soon her love for music was showed, her music was beautiful and she gave big concerts in her hometown which made her rich, she lives with her aunt and uncle because her father is dead and her mother is in prison.
Personality: Fio is kinda shy but she's very virtuoso and is very serious as well as around adults as kids. She finds peace playing music and can be very childish but that's only when nobody else is around.
Family: she has got a Mother (Cloe), an aunt (Elly) and an uncle (John).
Appearance: User Image
Occupation: Teacher Sound manipulation.
Side: Good.
Nationality: Austria, Vienna.

Username: SpinelSama
Character name: Dante Williams
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Powers: Will Command, Temporal Stasis, Puppet Master, Mind Reading, Mediumship
Bio: Dante grew up with a relatively normal life. His parents don't know about his Will Command, Puppet Master and Mediumship powers. They only know about the powers he inherited from them.
Personality: He generally comes across as a 'bad dude', because he's so mean, but he's actually good-hearted. He only shows a kind face to his little brother.
Family: Mother (Shana-Temporal Stasis) Father (Eric-Mind Reading) Little Brother (Duncan-???)
User Image
Occupation: Student
Side: Neutral
Nationality: London, England
Other: He loves his little brother very much. Dante doesn't like using his Will Command and Puppet Master powers, but he will, if he has to.

Username: SpinelSama
Character name: Duncan Williams
Gender: Male
Age: 7
Powers: Levitation, Mediumship, Mood Manipulation, Precognition, Lie Detection
Bio: Duncan is a very happy little boy. The only power his family doesn't know about is his Precognition power, because he sees the future in his dreams, and he doesn't know it's real. He loves Dante very much.
Personality: Because he's so young, he doesn't know much about the world and he gives his own outlook on it. He never leaves his stuffed rabbit behind.
Family: Mother (Shana-Temporal Stasis) Father (Eric-Mind Reading) Brother (Dante-???)
User Image
Occupation: Student
Side: Neutral
Nationality: London, England
Other: He has a stuffed rabbit, Ash, that Dante gave him when he was 2. His brother, Dante, is his favorite person.

Username: SpinelSama
Character name: Belial.
Gender: Male.
Age: 40, but he looks younger.
Powers: Molecular combustion, Fire control, Self healing, Fear feeding, Puppet master.
Bio: Relatively normal as a child. He discovered his powers at the age of 9, when the people in his village started to accuse his family of crimes, and he got angry. He accidently created an explosion that destroyed his whole village, killing all of the villagers, including his family. He decided that these powers were harmful and evil. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't kill himself. He jumped from three different cliffs, set himself on fire, stabbed himself, but he wouldn't die. So he decided that he would travel far away and live in seclusion as a hermit. However, when he was 15, he figured that, if he had these harmful powers, others must have them, too. And so he swore to get rid of any and all people with magic in them. He changed his name from Shao Hang to Belial, to signify that he is 'touched by the Devil', as he calls it.
Personality: He harbors a lot of self loathing. He believes that he, himself, was born evil, and he doesn't want any other people with magic to make the same mistake he did.
Family: Deceased.
User Image Shao Hang at the age of 9, before the destruction of his village.
User Image Belial at 15.
User Image Belial now.
Occupation: Enemy.
Side: Evil (the sad kind of evil. sad ).
Nationality: A small mountain village in the Himalayas.
Other: He really likes people without powers, for their normality. He also loves birds, especially owls. A black barn owl, Xiao, has taken a liking to him.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Street Beat.
Gender: Girl.
Age: 13 but she looks older.
Powers: Sound manipulation, Elasticity, Invisibility, Will command, Flying.
Bio: She was born in a poor family who lived on the street. Her whole family just simply dissapeared when she became two. Years later she heard that her parents had been found drowned in a lake but from her bigger sister was still no sign. As she became four she discovered her powers as she began playing music on the street. When she was seven she created a club for kids who lived on the street where she met Lolita Burned who became her best friend. She began stealing not much later than she met Loli and gave some concerts as a street entertainer with a guitar she had stolen from another street entertainer. Between the 'street kids' which is the name of the club Street created there where a lot of kids with powers and Street enjoyed teaching them how to use them more or less. She also used the other magical kids to help her with her performance but they never told the nonmagic kids about their powers and since it never showed that Loli had powers as well, they never told her anything.
Personality: She's very energetic and some of a bad girl as well as a bit of a flirt. She's very nice to her friends and very independent. She's the cleverest of the 'street kids' and takes care of the littlest kids.
Family: Her whole family is dead, from what she knows.
Appearance: User Image
Occupation: Student.
Side: Neutral.
Nationality: England, London.
Other: She enjoys playing the guitar a lot and is a natural talent at it. She is a kind of a punk and is very energetic and somewhat of a bad girl since she steals a lot.

Username: pandafoxygirl
Character name: Mary Vlamre.
Gender: Girl.
Age: 18 but she looks younger since her aging stopped when she became a vampire (or well, she became immortal, she doesn't get older anymore).
Powers: Fear feeding, Light absortion, Puppet master, Phasing, Premonition.
Bio: Her family was murdered by a vampire when Mary was 14. She was attacked as well but she survived and became a vampire. When she got to school she got, same as some other vampires, classes from Ruby because they only could have lessons at night or they'd die because of the light. After she became a vampire she discovered her interest for mythology and mythologic creatures and so she became teacher mythology as she finnished school.
Personality: She's very closed. Most people are scared of her because of her 'race' but she doesn't care. Sometimes when she's very hungry she attacks someone but she usually manages to control herself again. She only shows her sweet side to other vampires.
Family: Murdered.
Appearance: User Image Mary in the rose sector of the forest.
Occupation: Teacher mythology.
Side: Neutral.
Nationality: Romania, Bucharest.
Other: She uses to be in the rose section of the forest near the school because she somehow loves roses. She teaches mythology at night because if she'd teach it during the day she'd die. She's a vegetarian vampire, or at least, that's what she's trying to be.
Lolita Burned

It was a dark stormy night in August. Everyone was sleeping and dreaming in a warm and soft bed, except one. Her name was Lolita Burned but she used to call herself Loli, and so did others, she was a homeless orphan who lived on the street. She didn’t have any friends whose home she could sleep at. She did knew some other homeless kids from the 'street kids' club but no one else except for the look of them. She was starving from an eating hunger in her stomach and an icy cold.
Lolita Burned

Loli walked across the cold and dark street in search for a little bit of food or for something to keep warm, no mather what it was, but she couldn’t find anything. She kept walking and walking until she fell down on the ground, passing out.

When she woke up she didn’t know where she was but she could feel the messy, cold and wet floor under her and she was to tired to open her eyes, the only thing she knew except of laying on a cold, wet and messy floor, was that she was still outside in the rain and that her hunger and cold were so extreme that she couldn’t almost feel it anymore.
'I'd wish Street was here' Loli thought 'she'll know what to do' but Street was nowhere.
Lolita Burned

'I will die,' she thought 'but I don’t want to, I have to keep on.'

She opened her eyes and without knowing how she was able to do it, she got on her staggering foott and started walking again. She had no idea where she got that power from but she couldn’t control her foott anymore.

She had been walking for hours, even the sun already was rising from behind the mountains, and she didn’t knew where she was going, she couldn’t feel anything anymore, and after she came out of the forest she had been walking through for a lot of time, there came a big, white castle in sight. She was surprised to see something that beautyful and out of nowhere her sense of life came back, she screamed, the pain was to strong, and she fainted, again…

When she woke up again she didn’t feel the cold anymore, although the hunger and the pain were still there, but what she found out to be strange was that she was lying on something soft, warm and dry.

'Where am I?' she thought, 'I can hear voices, did someone find me?'

Loli opened her drowsy eyes a bit and saw that she was lying on a bed and that some people were standing around her.

"Look, she’s waking up" a young woman's voice said somewhat excited.

"Where am I?" Loli asked to everybody in particular.
Catherine Mewr

"Don't you know that?" A woman answered kinda shocked about the (for her) strange question. She wore a dark blue nurse's outfit and had silver, long hair which was tied up in a braid. Her eyes were a sky blueish color.
Azue Hydra

"You're at Kaisan, the best school for a magic and supernatural life of this world" a young woman explained with an excited voice. She had long, soft black straight hair and azure blue eyes. She wore a sky blue dress and had a sweet and warm smile on her face.
Lolita Burned

"Kaisan?" Loli asked kinda confused about the strange word "what does that mean?" she continued "wait a moment, did you just say school for a magic and supernatural life?" She asked totally flinching "but I haven’t got a magic or a supernatural life, I didn’t know even that magic really exists. I…” she said shocked and confused but was interrupted.
Catherine Mewr

"Calm down now and take this medicine, when you feel better we'll answer your questions" the other woman who seemed to be the nurse said as she put a spoon into a bottle, as she got it out a green lfluid was on the spoon and before Loli even could say a thing it was put in her mouth. "There, and now sleep, when you awaken you'll feel better and then we will tell you everything you want to hear" the nurse said putting the spoon and the bottle on a white table next to Loli's bed.
Lolita Burned

“Okay…” Loli said and before she could say anything else, she fell asleep.
Catherine Mewr

Loli awoke the next day and the nurse directly came with some food Loli could normally only dream of: bacon and eggs and some orange juice. “Eat this, the rest will arrive soon to answer your questions,” the nurse said and then she sat down on a chair next to Loli’s bed.

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