Welcome to Gaia! ::

Allow me to introduce myself...

My name is Kibakawaii, if you can't tell. This is just a little RP I've decided to start. This is my first RP that I've started, so bear with me, would you? Anyway. What I'm essentially going for here is a horror/supernatural theme here, but you'll get the gist in "The Storyline". I've also got some rules to lay down here. Alright, let's get this thing moving, shall we? Also, the title says "Academy of the Happenings" in French. I know it sounds gay in English, but in French it looks cool. And yes, it is a French Academy in Japan. Like I care. It could happen.

And we are officially open. If you are interested, go ahead and post an introduction!
~The Rules && Guidelines~

1:: Moderate literacy is appreciated and required. Examples of such would be: Correct capitalization, punctuation, grammar, complete sentences, and the like. Notice I said MODERATE.
2:: Before you begin posting, you must submit an introduction (posted later). Once I have reviewed and accepted this, I will send you a pm to inform you.
3:: Absolutely NO flaming. If you do not approve of another person's work, send me a pm explaining why you do not approve and which post. I will review the post and delete if necessary, or ask the person to change it.
4:: No "txt tlk". You people know how to type.
5:: Although cursing is permitted, do not be excessive. If you choose to curse five billion times a sentence, I will delete accordingly.
6:: No nonsense posts, please. This is not a silly RP. If you post complete and utter nonsense, I will delete the post.
7:: Like the last rule, post according to the story. If it is confusing or unrelated, I will delete the post or ask you to edit it.
8:: I have made a list of characters and descriptions, but it is possible to make a new character. Choose the introduction titled "For Character Creation" (posted in the same place as the regular introduction) and proceed as you would with the normal introduction.
9:: Use "(())", "[[]]", or "{{}}" whenever you speak out of character.
10:: Please do not post random pictures.
11:: Follow the damn rules, people.
12:: Make sure to have fun with it!

~The Introductions~

(*Please post introductions in OOC*)

First, I would like to know a bit about you. State what you'd like to be called, maybe some weird ritual you like to perform at midnight involving goat's blood, stuff like that.
Then, state the name of your character. (*Note:: these are characters from the list).
If there are any small tweaks you would like to make to your character, let me know under "Special Preferences".
Under other information, list things that you would like me to know, additional things, etc.


For Normal Introductions::

A Little Bit About Myself::
My Character Name::
Special Preferences::
Other Information::


Again, a bit about you.
The name of your character, including an "(M)" or "(F)" denoting the gender.
A DETAILED description about your character, only PHYSICAL traits such as height, hair color, etc. If I do not think it is detailed enough, I will let you know via PM.
The personality of your character, strange quirks and odd bits. Also, is the character hyper or lazy? Grumpy or friendly?
The character's history (see characters that I created).


Creation of a New Character::

A Little Bit About Myself::
Character Name::


These are mandatory to post before you begin. I will get back to you as soon as possible once you post it.
~The Characters~

((*Pictures to be posted later, once I've drawn them!!*))

::Character List::

Ren~The Beast XOXO
Yasu~The Beast XOXO
Aya~ Kibakawaii
Haru~ Kibakawaii
Minoru (Shou)~ Underlander_Geek
Zakul~ Magnus Gallent


**These may be created/used by anyone at any time. Feel free to add to/use them!**

Natsumi Takaiwa (Student, Aya's roommate.)
Dr. Aishi Yamamoto (Teacher, first period science)
Ms. Alyson Lange (Teacher, second period art)
Mr. Kinichi Okashiro (Teacher, sixth period language arts)
Ryuu Tsuda (Student, friend of Haru)
Hiro Minaki (Student, friend of Haru)
Hana Tomisato (Student, friend of Haru)
Ami Takamoto (Student, friend of Aya)

::Character Profiles::

**Note:: All cities mentioned are real places.**

Name:: Ren Fukari (M)
Age:: 15
Grade:: 10th (High School Sophomore)
Physical:: Tall (6 ft). Skinny, almost gangly, but in a sexy way. Black hair. Blue eyes. Emo. Fit, but not particularly muscular. Long eyelashes. Often wears rings. Has two peircings in one ear and three in the other.
Personal:: Into chess. Likes making jokes. Left-handed. Has a collection of clear rings with bugs preserved inside. Loves poetry and drawing. Outgoing. When it comes to protecting his friends, he knows no limits. Reads Edgar Allen Poe often. Can bring drawings to life.
Background:: Rem was born in Okinawa, Japan, along with his older sister, Asuka. He moved to Tokyo when he was eight, due to a mysterious "ability" he seemed to posses. They were told that a Dr. Mao Watanabe specialized in that sort of thing. Mao could not tell them what was causing their son's "ability", but they stayed in Tokyo anyway. Ren moved to the Academy to advance in his drawing skill so he could animate bigger, better things.


Name:: Asuka Fukari (F)
Age:: 16
Grade:: 11th (High School Junior)
Physical:: Tallish (5ft 10). Quite skinny. Black hair and green eyes. Scene. Long eyelashes, like her brother. Wears many jelly bracelets. Has plugs in her ears, rather than earrings.
Personal:: A great match for Ren in Chess. Has an odd sense of humor. Likes pottery and painting. A "lone wolf" type. Feels that her brother is always the center of attention. Shy. Likes Manga. Jealous of her brother's "ability".
Background:: Asuka was born in Okinawa, Japan, along with her younger brother, Ren. Her whole life revolved around Ren, due to his "ability" and her parents' curiosity. She moved with her family to Tokyo when she was ten, to see a doctor about his "ability". Moved to the Academy because it was said they had good pottery classes.


Name:: Akira Tanaka (F)
Age:: 15
Grade:: 10th (High School Sophomore)
Physical:: Average height (5 ft 7). Reddish hair. One green eye, one blue eye. Rather light skinned for a Japanese person. Skater. Long limbed. Is usually seen with a Domo-kun backpack.
Personal:: Loves to read. Very studious. Intuitive. Snaps at people when they annoy her in the slightest, but is quite nice when she is befriended. Left-handed. Likes to write stories and draw.
Background:: Akira was born in Yokohama, Japan, with three older brothers and a younger sister. Her parents were scientists and often worked long hours. As children, her oldest brother, Masaru, was quite abusive and in her parents absence would often play "games" with her and her brothers, tormenting them both physically and mentally. She grew up with this abuse, and had never cried since she was seven because of it. Her younger sister, Emi, went virtually insane, as she bore the brunt of the mental abuse. Akira moved to the Academy out of fear of her brother, afraid he would escape from prison in Sapporo.


Name:: Yasu Oshiro (M)
Age:: 16
Grade:: 11th (High School Junior)
Physical:: Average Height (5ft 8 ). Black hair with blonde streaks. Brown eyes. A cross between surfer/nerd (don't ask me how this is possible, I really don't know). Deep tan. Has his laptop on him most of the time. Modern-looking glasses.
Personal:: Has written four full-length books, but has had none published as of yet. Likes long walks in the park. Good at Parcheesi. Has a genius I.Q, but rarely shows it. Good at solving riddles and puzzles. Likes long walks in the park. Trusts his heart more than his logic.
Background:: Yasu was born in Niigata, Japan. An only child, he was always the center of attention. His mother died when he was nine. His father was an alcoholic and could not support him, so he went to live with his grandparents. He moved to the Academy to take his burden off of his grandparents.


Name:: Naoki Kimura (M)
Age:: 14
Grade:: 9th (High School Freshman)
Physical:: Average height (5ft 8 ). Black-blue hair. Green eyes. Wears whatever is clean. One ear pierced. Usually wears his favorite neon green converse. An athlete.
Personal:: Was seemingly swapped with a fish at birth. Into Soccer as well as Competitive Swim Team. Can hear people's thoughts if he focuses on the person, though he doesn't know it and mistakes it for the person talking out loud. Is into Manga and draws often. Is pen-pals with a girl named Alice, an American.
Background:: Naoki was born in Kyoto, Japan. He has one older sister. Signed up for a pen-pal program when he was eleven, and kept contact with the girl he was pen-pals with ever since. He heard that she was moving to Japan to go to a special art school in Osaka. He researched the school and decided to enroll too. He is excited to meet Alice in person.


Name:: Alice Naminski (F)
Age:: 14
Grade:: 9th (High School Freshman)
Physical:: Average Height (5ft 7). Maroon Hair, ice blue eyes. Long eyelashes. Emo-esque, but not quite. Pierced ears and navel. Usually wears Checkered High-Tops.
Personal:: Quite intelligent, with a quick wit and a twisted sense of humor. Is secretly in love with Naoki. Likes anything art related, including ice sculpture. Very quiet, but can be quite outgoing. Likes to speak in riddles.
Background:: Was born in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Has two younger brothers. Bored with life, she signed up for a pen-pal program when she was eleven and met Naoki. Since then, most of her time was spent on the computer talking to him. She heard about an elite art school in Osaka, Japan, and decided to enroll. She was thrilled when Naoki said he was enrolling there, too. She is quite excited to see him in person.


Name:: Aya Yukimura (F)
Age:: 15
Grade:: 10th (High School Sophomore)
Physical:: Tallish (5ft 10). Albino. Red eyes, White-brown hair. Wears mostly black in contrast with her skin and hair. Beautiful, despite her unique qualities. Pierced ears. Fit.
Personal:: Finds it ironic that her first name means "color" in Japanese. Has many supernatural abilities, although she is too caught up in life to describe them. She is deeper than she seems. Terrified of the dark... And whatever is in it. Often shivers for no reason.
Background:: Was born in Hitachi, Japan. An only child. Had a rough childhood, due to her parents scorn of her condition. When she explained to them about the... "things"... she could do, they sent her to a mental facility. After two years of tests, they released her back to her parents at age fourteen. She moved to the academy to escape her parents... And hopefully, what she experienced while with them.


Name:: Haru Kita (M)
Age:: 15
Grade:: 10th (High School Sophomore)
Physical:: Tall (5ft 11). Blonde hair, ice blue eyes. Dresses semi-formally, with white button-downs, etc. Usually rolls up the sleeves. Quite thin.
Personal:: Always optimistic. Part German, part Japanese. Likes to laugh and make jokes. Very intuitive. Trusts his heart. Knows both Japanese and German fluently. Loves to sing, dance, and anything performance-wise. Gets glimpses of the future every so often.
Background:: Haru was born in Tokyo, Japan, to a German father and Japanese mother. He has a younger brother and older sister. He started voice lessons at five, and is now an amazing singer. He moved to the Academy because his father wanted him to follow in his footsteps as an artist.


(*This character courtesy of Underlander_Geek*)

Name:: Minoru Yukida (M)
Age:: 17
Grade:: 11th (High School Junior)
Physical:: Tall (5ft 11) and skinny. Dark brown eyes. Black hair with bangs over the left eye, with a colored streak that varies. Emo style clothing. Has one lip piercing.
Personal:: Emo. A Telekinetic. Quiet, speaking only when someone talks to him. Has a passion for writing. Likes to be busy. Prefers to be called "Shou".
Background:: Minoru was born in Sapporo, Japan. Had one older brother named Kioshi, who died. Grew up with a nice, loving family. When Minoru was twelve, as the family was driving down the road, a drunk driver crashed into their car. All died except for Minoru. In his grief, he somehow brought out a secret ability within himself. He discovered it as he was trying to move his suit case into his new home with foster parents. Since then, he has trained himself to be elite in his ability, to master it. Minoru became deadly. He moved to the Academy simply... For a change of scenery.


Name:: Zakul Saldea (M)
Age:: 32
Job:: History Teacher of Room 123
Physical:: White skin, common to a foreigner. Normally wears a red long sleeve shirt, black pants, and black boots. Deep blue eyes, though the left one looks a bit funny. Long black hair that covers one of his eyes. A long scar runs from an inch above his left eye down parallel to his hooked nose.
Personal:: Quiet and seems to exude a small amount of restrained hostility. Introvert. Writes all of the notes for class on the board to minimize social interaction. Quite polite and talkative when you get to know him. Dislikes most alcohol, and strangely has a large knowledge of American literature.
Background:: He was born in New York, New York, U.S.A as a single child. A car wreck took the lives of his parents while he was at college. He is haunted by the memories. He graduated from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) first of his class, and became a teacher at Annette Laroche Académie of Art to escape from the city of his birth and the city of his nightmares.

Character Name:: Kana, but her penname for nearly everything is 'Kana Kamikaze'.
Age:: 16
Grade:: 10th, she started school a bit late.
Physical:: Of about average height, Messy black hair that always seems to be in her face, lightly tanned skin, and large dark eyes. A bit on the skinny side. Dresses in variying black, grey, and white clothing.
Personal:: Kana is incredibly lazy and rather enjoys sugar, so it's kind of a medical mystery on how she stays so thin. She likes the cold but dislikes snow because it means the parks close for the winter. She's child-like in personality, but not naive, being oddly curious about everything. She loves to draw, write, paint, and sing; anything creative really. She is rarely seen without headphones over her ears, and she enjoys pretending to not be able to hear with them on. She also experiment with her powers a lot.
Background:: To put it simply, her parents emotionally abandoned her. They let her live with them, true, but she was never really considered or treated as a member of the family because of her powers. From an early age, Kana displayed signs of being..well, different. She could manipulate shadow, and cold seemed to be attracted to her. Her bedroom was always freezing, while Kana claimed that it was just fine. Her desperate parents tried everything, from famous threapists to experts of the mind, but they always seemed to leave the room with an oddly puzzled look on their face, or else actually friends with her.

**More to be added!!**
~The Storyline~

When high school students Ren, Asuka, Akira, Yasu, Naoki, Alice, Minoru, Aya, and Haru arrive at Annette Laroche Académie of Art, they get more than they bargained for. Legends say that the original principal and founder, Annette Laroche, murdered an entire class in Room 123. They say that the blood is still there. They say the ghosts of the forty-five students-- and possibly more-- still wander the halls in despair. They say that fifteen students are murdered every year... although the story never makes it out of the school. They speak of the secret passages and hidden dungeons. Of the 5th floor that doesn't exist, but that doesn't stop anyone from walking through its halls. Of the demons who supposedly hide in the shadows. The kids who go insane in their sleep. They say that a day of reckoning will come, when the horror that is the school is finally revealed, if everyone survives. Of course, those are just stories...

... Aren't they?

Remember, children, this is no ordinary Academy.

Nothing is as it seems.
~ My Introduction~

A Little Bit About Myself:: My name is Kibakawaii. You can call me Kibakawaii, Kiba, Kai, or whatever else you want. I like moonlit walks by hidden lakes that no one knows about and Charlie Secret Perfume. Dark chocolate is my lover.
My Character Name:: Aya Yukimura
Special Preferences:: None. She's too awesome.
Other Information:: None that I can think of...

I say, cheese is mighty good.

3,450 Points
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Signature Look 250
A Little Bit About Myself:: First thing's first; don't call me any nicknames using my username. Dani or Danielle is acceptable. Secondarily, I'm the Co-Captain of this RP; just thought I should let you know. I love to Role Play, and evidently get writer's block a whole lot... Let hidden secrets be~
My Character Name:: Minoru Yukida
Special Preferences:: Not really.
Other Information:: Again, nothing really.
Beast's first appearance
A Little Bit About Myself::Name.Beast xoxo. call me beasty or whatever you want.[[i have a freind who calls me pocky so yeah]] Rain makes me happy!Pocky is my source of happiness!You dont want me angry.Not good.Other than that im pretty weird!
My Character Name::Ren Fukari!
Special Preferences::I prefer....i dont know what i prefer!
Other Information::Um out of info sorry!

As Ren stepped out of the taxi he couldnt help but let out a chuckle,knowing this was going to be his new school.Ren happened to be wearing a black shirt with trip pants along with dark hair shadowing his eyes a bit.Thickly coated eyeliner made Ren's eyes seem an electric crystal blue.As for accerssories gray skull earings,spider preserved ring on the left hand on a tall,pale skind,slim boy made him seem a little bit out of place at this academy.A weak smile danced on his lips as he made his way to the bigger than usual double doors.With one final look at the taxi he opened the doors and stepped inside."wow....im impressed..."


3,450 Points
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Signature Look 250
Minoru stepped out of his dorm room and let out a sigh. Great. Yet another blissful day at the Academy. Even though it was the very first day of the session, the teenager had arived one week prior to get settled in. This was fine with him; he always kept to himself, anyways. Who was he going to tak to, even if there had been people at the Academy? Fingering the notebook in his hands out of habit, Minoru made his way down the wide hallways full of rowdy teenagers. Of course, he was quiet as ever. There was no need to talk, anyways. What did he have to talk about? A messed up life, in his opinion, an ability that's ruining it...

Sliding along the edges of the halls, around gossiping girls and jocks, Minoru found his way to the classroom. Entering through the door that read, "Room 119, Science," he quietly set down his books and sat in his desk. Nobody but the teacher occupied the large science room; Minoru always made it there early. Too early, some would say. Opening his textbook and flipping quickly through the pages, the dark haired teenager found the page he was looking for, and began working on the assignments listed on the board. Minoru's pen seemed to fly across the notebook paper as he worked, completing one of the four assignments before the bell rang.

{{Sorry, I've been requested to turn in for the night. I'll be here tomorrow, bright and early at like 6 in the morning, if my insamnia will allow me.}}
Aya got out of the car. She didn't look back to wave goodbye. Why would I, She thought bitterly. My parents ruined my life. Sent me to that mental facility back in Nagoya. She shuddered. The things they had done to her... All the needles, the tests... No, I mustn't dwell on the past. I'm here now. That's what matters, She thought firmly. She made her way up the curving drive toward the fortress that was supposedly a school. Here, she hoped to get away from the past. To forgi-- no, not to forgive. But to forget. Definitely to forget.

The doors were huge, at least two stories high. The polished wood shone in the sunlight. She opened them slowly, taking in her surroundings. She chuckled a bit under her breath. The inside was huge, all dark red carpeting and mahogany wood-paneled walls. Certainly not what she was used to. But, anything was better than home. Anything. Picking up her bags, she stepped lightly onto the plush carpet. Immediately she felt the eyes of the other people in the great room boring into her. Like always. She calmly walked to the elevator, ignoring the stares. She surveyed the buttons, G through four, she pressed the last one, an ivory-colored four. Another boy walked in just as the door was closing. She surveyed him quietly. Tall, maybe six foot, heavy eyeliner decorating his eyes, a black shirt and Tripp Pants covering his skinny body. She noticed that he only glanced at her, rather than boring his eyes into her. When the elevator arrived at four, it dinged quietly. Both she and the boy got out. She wondered if he was new like her. Walking door the corridor, she took in all the ornate vases and expensive paintings. Definately not her idea of home. But it would be, in time. She stopped at door 177. The boy stopped too, at 176. "Looks like we're neighbors now, eh?" She said, getting out the ornate key that had been sent in the mail. He nodded. "If you're going to be my neighbor, may I be permitted to know your name?" she asked. He pointed to a stack of papers in his mouth. "Ah," she said. "See you at lunch break, then?" He looked as if he was considering it. The door opened, and she went inside. Waving quickly, she shut the door and began to unpack.
After ren managed to open the door to his own room he took the papers out of his mouth setting them down on a nearby table.Luckily the emo kid had thought ahead and payed to have his things moved for him,set up altogether.Observing the room he noted that the movers had done a splendid job in picking where to put everything."nice. its good..for now..."Finally Ren gathered his things neccesary for his first class and stepped out of the room,turning around to lock the door.While locking the door he sensed that familiar annoying feeling once again.The feeling of people's eyes burning at his weird body.With the key inside the keyhole he turned around to see a group of girls eyeing him.Ren gave them a face that seemed to say.' if you dont stop staring at me i will make your life living hell'.The girls got the message and scrambled off to class with fear in their eyes.Ren chuckled amused by the fear their bodies gave off.Just as he was going to take the key out of he saw his neighbor had left her door a crack open...


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