Welcome to Gaia! ::

<3 </3

Just for counting and gold.

Alright, +1! 0.76829268292683 76.8% [ 63 ]
I don't count, just poll whoaring. 0.23170731707317 23.2% [ 19 ]
Total Votes:[ 82 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 42 43 44 > >>

Drumroll, Please.

Welcome to this shop. This is a twin-sister shop. It was made to correspond with a quest thread that you can reach HERE. There will be several links to it posted about because it's important. If I don't mention it often or if you're the type that won't read this, skip down to the samples, back to the rules, then to the order form, and when it explains about where procedes go, you'll be a little dumbfounded. If you get annoyed of hearing about the sister shop, it can't be helped. I'm not holding you down and forcing you to read this. If I am, I'll continue so the ropes won't cut your skin too badly.

Grand Entrance | Abouts | Rules | What We Offer | Samples | Waiting Lists | Finished Art List | B&W Lists | Donations Lists | Links | News
Why I'm Here and Talking..... Listening?

I'm here because most of the really kind Gaians that ran around giving away free stuff have disappeared. I can't be Robin Hood, running around, accounts, and giving what I find away for free. I don't really have the urge to sit there for hours, trying to scam people out of their passwords or figuring out your passwords from the infinite possibilities. So I'll just do something I don't mind spending hours on. Drawing. Basically, you pay me to do avi art, I do the art, and then I donate certain portions to certain funds. Funds are donations to random questers that may or may not pop up on the sister thread to this site. It's located here. Okay, tally number two. Continuing, yes? So, ten percent of the funds will go to my quests. Since I would favor friends in the donating-of-funds-to-quests, the five of them will get ten percent as well. The other eighty percent will go to the questers on the sister-thread. A lot, huh? I figure I do one picture at a price of about four-hundred, then I get forty, I cycle through my friends, so one gets forty, and some lucky quester will get three-hundred and twenty gold. Pretty good for that little quester, eh? Some gold just for posting and saying that they have a quest? I would think so. And for those of you who are just so big-hearted, you don't have to buy an art to just donate. Like those random things from the daily chance that are just sitting around or the stuff that's gathering dust in your inventory because you have an awesome new avatar and you don't want to change it. Those are perfect. We'll wait a week for someone to be questing for it and if one doesn't show up, we'll sell it and the proceeds will be divided and given out. Now, for your smaller donations, they will sit in my funds until all those small amounts add up to a larger amount, then I'll donate it to someone. Every little bit counts, you know.

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Now, Instructions On How To Play Nice With The Other Kids

I'm not going to hand you the line about "No one likes rules, but we have them for a reason" because I don't believe that. I like rules. They help everyone get along even when we don't want to.

Rule One
Don't flame me. I didn't start this so I walk in the freezing cold for half an hour, fight the crowd for a computer, wait for it to load just to click on my subscription to my own shop, click on the pages I missed, and read a bunch of crap about this being a scam and I'm a bad person and on and on. I really don't care what you think. I wanted an art shop. I don't like being a selfish prig like most of the people I've met on this site. I like being helped with my quest, so why not help others?
And about the flaming. I don't care if you think my art sucks. I've been drawing for about two years and a month or so. This is how I started. This is one of my more recent. So, I'd say I'm doing pretty good for someone who's teaching their self, wouldn't you? If you don't think so, then keep it to your self.
Don't flame others. I don't care if they're a n00b, is flaming me, or talking about your mama. You want a fight, take it to a different thread or, better yet, to the PMs. I don't want to read all your failed come-backs or see someone pounded for something they didn't think through before posting.

Rule Two
Don't complain. I go to high school. I hear enough about how stupid her boyfriend is and how she messed up her brand-new shirt that she paid eighty dollars so she could wear a name-brand label and feel like the other s dumb enough to do the same thing. Would anyone, for just one second, think I want to go through that for seven hours and then come here and read even more of them?
If you have something constructive to say, however, you can PM that to me.

Rule Three
Okay, so I don't really have a rule three, just a bit of advice in its place. Pretend you have some common sense and do as it dictates. For those of you who think it's fun to show your backside or who think you're an elitists, suffocate that little side of you and be nice. If not, you tend to be the kind that gets more rules added, thereby crushing the souls of the poor Gaians that visit me.

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The Main Event. This Is Why You're Here, Right?

So, a list of what we're offering as well as who we are.

I do avi arts in 'normal' form fairly well and kind-of-well in pixie form and not-so-well in chibi form.

Pencil sketches of head-shots to full bodies are between 500 and 2,000 gold, depending on how much I'm drawing and how hard it was to draw.

Iking adds on 500. I only charge that much because if I mess up, I'll have to re-draw the entire thing.

Coloring with coloring pencils before it's scanned is only 200 extra gold.

- *Note* -
I've recently begun to experiment with pastels and watercolors.

Pastels are an extra 500 and watercolors an extra 1,000.

Pixies are my own creation. They're kind of like chibis. The reason why is because I have problems with actual chibis and they are the result. Their wings are totally unique, but they will resemble the wings of some others. I have the four main wing types! Their wing types can also be by request.

Pencil sketches are between 300 and 1,500.

Inking adds 400 and Coloring 200.

Okay, so the super-cute, super-deformed people known as chibi aren't my cup of tea. I can still try.

Pencil sketches are between 100 and 500.

Inking adds 400 and Coloring adds 200.

The Order Form

I'm probably going to regret this, but I'm going to do it anyways. PM me the following order form.

Avatar/s to be drawn: (I prefer a tektek or a photobucket of the avatar.)
How Much Body:
Drawn With:
Anything special: (Poses and such go here.)
Referred by: (This you don't have to fill in, but if someone referred you, please put their name here.)

masquerader of roses
Welcome to the little corner that poet allows me.

Hello people that I certainly hope i can call friends. I am the second artist in cooperation with Poet's shop. My art is fairly good, and i'm getting better all the time. I hope you like it, if not, that's okay, you won't be the first. xp

So here's my purpose for being here...

Okay, so we all have to admit that what Poet does with her cash is EXTREMELY generous, however i'm not quite so. My proceeds will go in part to Poet's funds, but most of it will go to my own fund. As you can probably tell, i don't have a lot of gold, and need it. But, I'm not downing what Poet does, in fact i encourage it. I wish more people in the world would be as generous as her. So yeah, probably a fifth of any thing i get is gonna go to Poet's funds for the Questers. Which by the way if you are questing, you should check out one of the several links on these pages and go there.

Instructions on how to not make me kill you...

Rule 1

Follow all the rules that Poet has listed. That is the number 1 rule of all!

Rule 2

Okay, I handle mostly the yaoi pairings. As it says in Poet's rule 2, do NOT flame me. I get enough of stupid, pigheaded idiots telling me i'm going to Hell offline, I don't need it online. Yes I'm a guy, yes i like other guys. Got a problem with that? If you do, send me a PM, I dare you! scream

Rule 3

I being rushed. If you order an art from me, I'll get it to you as soon as i can. If you rush me, it blocks me up and i can't draw PERIOD. so please be patient, you will get it.

Rule 4

Don't mess with Poet. If you do i will do something, I'm not sure what, but it won't be pretty. She's like my big sis, so don't mess with her. Get it? Got it? Good...

Lights, Camera, Art!

Okay, i have to say I'm glad that you have stuck with me thus far, so here's your reward. My styles.

-My style-
I don't know what you would call it, but it's kind of my own style that evolved as I got better at drawing. Check out my samples and you'll see.

Yes, I do anthros, and do them well. I can do hybrid anthros (humans with cat ears or claws or tails) and i can do furries (anthros that look more like humanoid animals)

I can do chibi anthros, chibi OC's, or try my hand at an avi chibi. Just whatever you want.

These little oddities are my own creation. With enormous heads and stick bodies they are absolutely adorable! You'll just have to tell me how you want them to look.

Wills and Won'ts

What i WILL NOT do:
No yaoi scenes above a PG-13 level (use your own discretion when you're requesting a pose, if you're unsure PM me and ask)

Avi art with a TON of stuff on the character.

No mech from me, either.

What I WILL do:
Light yaoi scenes

Any Anthro you can come up with

OC's (provide a detailed description)

Any male characters. I can attempt female, but I prefer doing guys.


My pricing depends on the art requested. If it is simple (like an uncolored head shot) it will not be very much. However if it's complex (like three guys wearing some crazy outfit sword-fighting over a stormy sea) then it will be a LOT!

~ Atiri’s Corner ~

Hi- hi! I’m Atiri, but some call me Storm, or call me by… well, any of my character’s names..Actually, I answer to almost anything.. -_-;; Also, I'm a girl.

About half of my proceeds go to Poet’s funds, mostly because I’m more in this for the experience, not so much for the money. (But the gold is an awesome plus.)

I’m not the most talented, even in this shop, but, I can definitely get the point across. I’m also fairly cheap, and I can be somewhat fast… Depends on my workload. I’m a college student, and somedays I have more things to stress over than others.

To the point...

I do the following well…
Ears and tails, not full fledged anthros
Standing postures
Fire (I don’t even like fire..X-x)

I do the following passably…
More complicated postures (as long as I have or can find a reference for it.)
Color (Oil pastel/colored pencil)
Group shots
Cats/Foxes (especially mixed..XD)

I don’t do these well at all…

I’ve never tried…

I refuse to do these…
n***s (tasteful or not)
Things that are out of my ability (you’d be better off spending your money on someone who can)

My pricing, however, is simple. I have a chart.

howeverallSketchy + Inked + Colored + w/Simple Backgr. + w/Complex Backgr.
Headshot all 50 olever100 ever 200 however 225 however 250however
Bust however 100 ever 200 ever 300 however 350 however 450
Waist-up me 200 ever 300 ever 400 however 500 however 600
Full body me 400 ever 500 lever 600 however 800 howeve 1000


Want to be here? This is a joint art thread, isn't it? Send me a sample of your art and a reason why you want to be in one of my reserved spots. You will be reviewed and then, most likely, added up here. These spots are unlimited, really. Computer colorists are the most preferred, as well as someone good with chibis.


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A Little Eye Candy For You, Loves.

Ohhh, a gallery of nothing but samples? How wonderful!

Poet's Samples

User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image

Arena Warrior

User ImageUser Image

(The second is colored by Teh Awesome Elle.)


Misukuni Koi

A Wee Kitten

masquerader of roses' samples

Avi Chibi
Anthro Pairing-Angel and Devil
Anthro Pairing-Beauty and Beast
Anthro Pairing-Kitsune and Tanuki
It's Melonheads!

ThiefQueen_Atiri-rose's Samples

Shop Group
Rai Kazemaru
Sleepover 1
Sleepover 2

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It's Like Watching For Rain To Fall In The Same Place Twice.
Or A Snowflake's Life In A Fire.

These are the darlings kind enough to wait their turn without pushing.

Poet's Line


Masquerader of Roses' Line


Atri's Line

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A Job Well Done, Don't Cha Think?

Yeah, this is the art work that's actually been finished, each by their respective artists.

Poet's Arts
User ImageUser Image

masquerader of roses' Arts
Awww, nothing here. You can cry now.

Atri's Arts
This is a sad and empty place...

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My Pedestal For The Awesome And My Corner For The .

Yeah, you were looking for it, weren't you? The and Nice Lists? Notice: These are NOT used by the Santa Cow.

White List
You who are on here did something that was awesome or just blew me away. Kudos to you. You achieved the rank of 'Awesome' and get to sit on my pedestal.

The [Art] Magpie .:. You donated 20,000 (20k!!) to this. Thanks so much!
evil...fluffy .:. ^^ Kudos to you for opening the twin to my thread and running it.

Black List
You who get punted onto this list did something seriously wrong or you just aggravated me beyond control. You sit in a corner all alone and people come, laugh, and point. Why on earth would you want to be here?

Who-rah, this list is empty for now! Let's see how long we can keep it like that.

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Can't Find A Cure For Cancer With Gaia Gold, So Let's Just Help The Questers.

You get super kudos. To be on this donators list, you had to donate something. You probably want to stab me for pointing out the obvious, but shrug it off and maybe donate, yes?

If you donate anything, even a single gold, then you get put on the Donators list.
If you donate something way beyond expectations, you get put on the Super Donators list.
If you knock me senseless with your generosity, then you go on the Amazingly Awesomely Generous Donators list as well as the White List.


Aww, how sad. It's empty.

Super Donators

Awww, this is sad enough to make the event orphans cry. It's empty.

Amazingly Awesomely Generous Donators

The [Art] Magpie donated 20,000.

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Now You Can Wander Aimlessly Among These Links!

Here are my affiliates and, of course, the link to the twin thread. Which brings my tally to three.

User Image


User Image

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Want on this list? PM me with a banner for your shop!!

{{Okay, so the shop is changed!!! I don't have a banner yet, but if you want to donate one, cool!}}

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What's Going On With The Thread And My Quest.

January 25:
I've been typing for a long time and I've finally made this shop. Woots for me. All my other shops have failed because my best-friend at the time couldn't get my art scanned. She's gone, though, through a long and, for me, painful series of events. So, while she replaced me, the person who is a true best friend is finally able to take her spot and she is giving me a scanner. So this shop should be able to fly as far as my skills can take it.

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So, I started drawing a comic with my Gaian friends and I. So, since they are slightly amusing, I decided to put them here.

We've been tossing names around, and we're stuck between the Happy Crew, the Fuze Gang, or something without a story like the other two.


Number 1
Tee hee!

Stephanie and Matt have decided to get married! Well... Stephanie decided they would.
So now my quest is on hold to buy the wedding stuff.

-NOTE- We still need a Winter Rose for Stephanie.


Yes, a contest. A bumping one. The first one to one hundred bumps will get 1,000 gaia gold, or a free art. I know it's not alot, but you don't have to participate.
The only rule is that you have to include the word 'BUMP' and you have to number them. Please don't try to jiff me.

Wintry Enchantress

18,925 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Forum Dabbler 200
  • First step to fame 200

Wintry Enchantress

18,925 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Forum Dabbler 200
  • First step to fame 200

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