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Total Votes:[ 35 ]
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Romantic Grabber

114 people want this thread to be popular.

Well... Get to <3ing it!

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Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is revelaed.
It shall be bundled with some very shiny stuff~

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Skyward Sword will be launching bundled with “a Gold Wii Remote Plus on November 20th for the recommended retail price of $69.99. The game will also be sold separately at a recommended retail price of $49.99.” It also states “As an additional 25th anniversary treat for fans who purchase the game early, every copy in the initial production, whether sold by itself or as a part of the limited-edition bundle, will come with a free CD featuring select orchestral arrangements of iconic music spanning the history of the franchise.”

*article from mynintendonews.com*

Welcome to the Non-Pokemon Characters Pokemon League!

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*Banner made by Noob Moves*

[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/pok-mon/rojo-s-non-pokemon-characters-pokemon-league/t.74176477/][IMG]http://i843.photobucket.com/albums/zz358/Morpheel_2010/Link emotions/Non-Pokemon Characters Pokemon League/UserImage-1.png[/IMG][/url]



Now before you start saying "Oh god another league! Is he going to start asking for Gym Leaders and Elite Fours? Oh and I bet he placed himself as the Champion too."

Well, you know, I won't be asking any of that and I'm not placing myself as any champion either.
This league is going to differ itself greatly from the other typical and cliche leagues out there. Unlike the other leagues, that have Gym Leaders, Elite Fours, and a Champion, my league has none of that.
There are no positions of who is higher or not. The people you battle are not teams made by a person that they all choose from the OU tier.
All of the challenges of this league, are non-Pokemon characters gone Pokemon trainers. That's right. You will be able to fight characters that are not from the Pokemon universe, as if they had come to the Pokemon Universe and picked out Pokemon that relates to them for them to use.

So please, come and enjoy battling your favorite characters gone Pokemon trainers!
Also please stay and chat.
I want this thread to become a hangout thread as well.
I don't want this thread to be only for battling after all.

Intro/ Rules/ Challenges/ Approaching Challenges/ Make a Non-Pokemon Team/ Comic or Image/Music of the Week/ Team Favorites
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Romantic Grabber


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"Oh sweet hell! Rules!"
"Society needs rules, Link. Or everything will be in chaos.

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Thread's Rules~

~Follow Gaia's TOS, and don't be rude or impolite to anyone!
~ You may talk about anything you want. Just, please, don't troll.
~ Don't quote anything on the first page.
~ Battling, trading, and anything Pokemon related is allowed.
~ Anyone not obeying any of these will be ignored, reported and put in the Dark Link list (Blacklist).

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League's Rules

~ Representative of a Non-Pokemon Character team must be active at least on the weekends
(Some teams will be used other then me.)
~Quote the representative of a team in order to battle them.
~Battles are to be done over Wifi and through the DS. This is B/W only.
~Smogon rules apply, to an extent.
~Hackers are to be put on Dark Link list. Ex. Someone with a Garchomp with 999 stats in everything. Pokemon made from PokeGen/Sav are permitted. The Non-Pokemon Characters teams are PokeGened but all have legit stats and movesets. So of course you can use PokeGen!~
~Uber Legendaries are allowed but you will probably be frowned upon for using them.

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~Sleep Clause
Two or more Pokémon on a team cannot be asleep at the same time. Self-induce sleep via rest does not activate Sleep Clause.

~OHKO Clause
One-Hit KO moves are not allowed.

~Species Clause
Two or more of the same Pokémon may not be used on the same team.

~Self KO Clause
If both players have only one Pokémon left, moves which KO both the user and the opponent are not allowed (e.g. Explosion, Destiny Bond).
If recoil damage would cause a tie, Self KO Clause does not activate, and the player who last attacked is the winner.

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Triforce List (Whitelist)
~<3 Kikasete Kimi no Oto (For making the threads first banner! <3 and the TWEWY Team)
~<3 Perpetual In5aNiTy (For creating the Mother Team)
~<3 Kaze Espada (For creating the Monster Hunter Team)

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Dark Link list (Blacklist)
Hopefully no one will be put on this list.

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I will love you for all eternity if you make a banner for me. <3

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[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/pok-mon/rojo-s-non-pokemon-characters-pokemon-league/t.74176477/][IMG]http://i843.photobucket.com/albums/zz358/Morpheel_2010/Link emotions/Non-Pokemon Characters Pokemon League/tnpcpl-1.png[/IMG][/url]

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[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/pok-mon/rojo-s-non-pokemon-characters-pokemon-league-open/t.74176477_1/][img]http://i843.photobucket.com/albums/zz358/Morpheel_2010/Link emotions/oos_intro.png[/img][/url]

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[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/pok-mon/rojo-s-non-pokemon-characters-pokemon-league-open/t.74176477_1/][IMG]http://i843.photobucket.com/albums/zz358/Morpheel_2010/Link emotions/oos_intro-1.png[/IMG][/url]

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Life's a Pokémon Journey-A RP Guild

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A roleplaying guild where bullshit does not exist.

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Intro/ Rules/ Challenges/ Approaching Challenges/ Make a Non-Pokemon Team/ Comic or Image/Music of the Week/Team Favorites
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Romantic Grabber


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D'awwww~ Ain't he cute~!

This is where all the current challenges are located.
More challenges will be added in the furture.

How To Battle a Non-Pokemon Character

This is how things are going to be done.
Each member of a team has six Pokemon. Ex. Link has six Pokemon, Zelda has six and Ganondorf has six.
Now let's say you want to battle Link.
You just quote the person who represents the team and say who you want to battle member of said team. After that the battle will begin!
Most battles are to be fought in Singles level 100 full battle.
But if you want you can still battle a team member through a flat battle.
Any kind of battle will be accepted~!

Let's see if you have what it takes to beat these challenges.

~Zelda Team~
(Quote Rojo Espada to battle a member)
[quote="Rojo Espada"][/quote]


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Wins: 1
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

~Kirby Team~
(Quote Meta Knight_Galaxia to battle a member)
[quote="Meta Knight_Galaxia"][/quote]


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

Meta Knight

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Wins: 9
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

King DeDeDe

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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

~Mario Team~
(Quote Rojo Espada to battle a member)
[quote="Rojo Espada"][/quote]


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

Princess Peach

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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

~Starfox Team~
(Quote Lukc king of plants to battle a member)
[quote="Lukc king of plants"][/quote]


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Losses: 1
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

~TWEWY (The World Ends With You) Team~
(Made by Kikasete Kimi no Oto but will be used by PKMN Trainer Hunter.)
(Quote PKMN Trainer Hunter to battle a member)
[quote="PKMN Trainer Hunter"][/quote]

Neku and Shiki

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(Will be fought in a double battle.)

Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

~Mother Team~
(Teams made by Perpetual In5aNiTy. Perpetual In5aNiTy will also represent the Mother Team.)
(Quote Perpetual In5aNiTy
[quote="Perpetual In5aNiTy"][/quote]


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Wins: 1
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

~Monster Hunter Team~
(Team made by Kaze Espada. Kaze will represent the team.)
[quote="Kaze Espada"][/quote]


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

~Jet Set Radio Teams~
( Teams are not done yet for Jet Set. So battles for it will be put on hold for now.)

The GGs

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((Logo is of one person fro the group but it will represent them all))

Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

The Noise Tanks

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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

Poison Jam

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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0

~Sonic Team~
((The Sonic Team will be represented by Vigorous_Lust.))
You can now challenged the Sonic Team!
Quote Vigorous_Lust to battle a member.


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


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Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Losses: 0

Intro/ Rules/ Challenges/ Approaching Challenges/ Make a Non-Pokemon Team/ Comic or Image/Music of the Week/Team Favorites

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Romantic Grabber

Approaching Challenges
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These are the challenges that will come in the future.
Each team that is in this section has an unlocking method that will be explained under each team below.

~Metroid Team~
((Team will be represented by Past Drizzle.))
((Method to unlock: One member from each of the already unlocked teams must be battled at least once.))

Samus Aran

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Adam Malkovich

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Dark Samus

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Intro/ Rules/ Challenges/ Approaching Challenges/ Make a Non-Pokemon Team/ Comic or Image/Music of the Week/ Team Favorite
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Romantic Grabber

Make a Non-Pokemon Character Team!

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Yes, you can make a Non-Pokemon character team if you want to be a part of the league.
To do this, you must be trustworthy in my eyes and you must be at least active during the weekends.

If you meet these requirements then tell me the series you want to represent.
PM me if you want to become a member of the league.
A Non-Pokemon Character team will consist of three characters from a series. Like how the Zelda team uses Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf. You will be in charge of all three of them but you can share the team with someone else if you do not want to keep all three members.
NOTE: You are NOT restricted to make teams for only non-Pokemon video games characters.
If you wish you can make a team for a character that is in a book, movie, T.V. show etc.
But it CANNOT be a character from Pokemon.

There is one exception I have.
I will not accept any Disney characters or any Kingdom Hearts characters because I have a terrible disdain for the two and I feel very uneasy around them.
So if you please, don't PM me saying you want to make a team for Mickey Mouse or Sora.

Thank you~

Intro/ Rules/ Challenges/ Approaching Challenges/ Make a Non-Pokemon Team/ Comic or Image/Music of the Week/ Team Favorite
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Romantic Grabber

User ImageComic or image/Music of the WeekUser Image

This post is just for the fun of it all!
Every week, I will change the comic or image and the music.
I will accept suggestions as well and I will credit you for mentioning it!

For now, we will have these.

~Image of the Week~

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I just love this one so much. Xd

~Music of the Week~

Suggested by Miss Drizzle~!

Intro/ Rules/ Challenges/ Approaching Challenges/ Make a Non-Pokemon Team/ Comic or Image/Music of the Week/ Team Favorite
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Romantic Grabber

Team Favorites!

Since the poll will be overwritten whenever a new team is put in, I will keep the scores here to know who is the most favorite team.

Zelda Team~ 35~ 2nd Place
Kirby Team~ 43~ 1st Place
Mario Team~ 5~ 6th Place
Starfox Team~ 8~ 5th Place
TWEWY Team~ 19~ 3rd Place
Mother Team~ 5~ 5th Place
Monster Hunter Team~ 10~ 4th Place
Jet Set Radio Team~ 5~ 6th Place
Sonic Team~ 5~ 6th Place
Metroid Team~ 5~ 6th

Intro/ Rules/ Challenges/ Approaching Challenges/ Make a Non-Pokemon Team/ Comic or Image/Music of the Week/ Team Favorite
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Romantic Grabber

Reserved for just in case.
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Romantic Grabber

Reserved for just in case.
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Dapper Conventioneer

7,950 Points
  • Conventioneer 300
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Tycoon 200
Elite Four Max has appeared...

"First Post FTW"

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Romantic Grabber

Kaze Espada
Elite Four Max has appeared...

"First Post FTW"

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Got a definite heart for my vote.

Leave it up to link to come up with a league of absolute win. xd

Invisible Browser

11,125 Points
  • Window Shopper 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Hygienic 200

It's finally done~!

Romantic Grabber

Got a definite heart for my vote.

Leave it up to link to come up with a league of absolute win. xd

Why thank you~!
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I love how to vote is right now. 9/11 XD

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