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Do you want to keep the animations for the Animated Items?

Yes 0.8021978021978 80.2% [ 219 ]
No 0.073260073260073 7.3% [ 20 ]
I don't care 0.12454212454212 12.5% [ 34 ]
Total Votes:[ 273 ]
1 2 3 ... 15 16 17 >

Dear Gaians and Developers of the Animated Items,

I want you to know how awesome these Animated Items are. They are one of the greatest ideas/features that I have ever seen~ I love these items so much that I would rather have the animations for an unlimited amount of time. As you may have heard, Gaia will be taking away these features on June 30th July 15th. While the Animated Item will still retain it's non-animated version, it will no longer be the same item that which we once purchased it for.

It's like: If you purchase an item due to all of its features, then after a short period of time, the item stops working and there's no refund on that particular item, how would you feel~?

You would probably feel ripped off, cheated/deceived/angry, etc...

Regarding why the Animated Items should keep its features is because:

1. By turning off the animations would make them less attractive and simply not "Animated Items."

2. Unless the site will lose profit if they do not turn off its features, I see no reason why they should remove the features. It's just simply deceptive, unpopular, and damaging towards customer satisfaction.

3. The Animated Items are a new feature that has never been introduced before. It has a lot of potential as far as I can see. I think that by allowing other users to keep the Animated Items' features, you would allow for the idea to develop into even more possiblities to earn revenue than you would have by temporarily having the product's features.

I have yet to see a company that takes away a product's features upon purchase. I understand if there would be some sort of renewal for that products to gain more revenue, but in this case, there is no renewal for the features of the products. The company certainly will not gain any benefit for disabling the features for their products nor lose any profit I don't think. There's just no "reason" to turn off the features of this item as far as I can see, other than the fact that: "You want to.~"

I am not having a strike similar to "The Great Aquarium Strike" that was led by Lord Uesugi Kenshin. That's because I didn't think it would help resolve anything and because whether or not gold revenue was changed is somewhat unclarified. The reason why I'm doing this is because I want to promote the idea of satisfaction for users regarding their products: "When you purchase an item with cash you purchase said product for its current function NOT for it to be altered unknowingly soon after. These kinds of deceptive business tactics have been going on in the shadows and been going unacknowledged by Gaia for far too long! They purposely do this thinking we will not notice or that we will sit back and begrudgingly accept it."

To me, the idea of having a super-awesome item for a period of time, and then having it degraded into a "normal item" just sounds painfully wrong to me. What purpose does this serve? Instead of a Spectacular Golden Halo, you would merely have just created another duplicate of the Angelic Halo of 2003/Golden Halo. As well as duplicates or similar items for whatever items Baron the Lively Owl and Sweet Charming Blush may have.

Now that we know of the negative consequences of removing the features of a product, let's look at another perspective on the matter.
For a brighter side:

If the Animated Items retain their features, more users are going to buy it, demand will go up, and more than likely, you will have many possibilities on expanding this feature. Such features would be: More Animated Items, a higher demand of the item so that you may promote even more Animated Items, satisfaction of the customer and a more positive view of the Animated Items vs temporary animation. Why not? Please tell us why you are going to pull the Animation from the AI if you have any overlying reasons or concerns or just feel that "you must" according to policy.

I have never felt so passionate towards anything as much as Animated Items besides zOMG and girls xd heart on Gaia Online before. So please keep the items Animated!

For everyone who wishes to keep the items the way they are and potentially have more awesome Animated Items in the future that retains their Animations permanently, please merely type: "I sign."

This is a sister Petition everyone~
(Note, the Admin says: "Multiple petitions are allowed on the same subject." so this is exactly the rule that we're following~)
Arisa Takera
sign. Add the link of my petition to yours so people can sign both [link]

Here are some interesting quotes from like-minded users and friends:
I sign.

Seriously... if gaia wasnt going to take off the animation i would so buy alot of them with gaia cash, but i read the fine print when they said they were going to take the animation off. So i said ******** naw and cancled my order cause then it would be a rip off.

Clair - Flirts
I signed. If the animated items are only animated for just a limited period of time, then it will be a waste of our gold and money to buy them cos in the end, they will become just a normal item. It would be nice if the items are animated forever and in this way, when Gaia puts up more animated items, we will glady purchase them cause we know its worth the money we spent on them. However, if only just a short period of animation, then I will not be that stupid to buy it again the next time cause this will be a lesson learnt not to waste your money on sth that will not last forever.

Admin says: "Advertising your petition through PMs is prohibited."
Update: I, first of all would like to make an apology for sending out PMs to my friends and anyone else in order to sign this Petition. I won't be doing that anymore because I didn't know that it was against the ToS. But really, how else are we supposed to spread the word~? Now because I started this Petition, I don't know whether or not this rule only applies to me, but I believe I am forbidden to do so~ Thanks for the warning LadyKelsey.~ I believe you just saved my entire account and probably the authenticity of this Petition. Which brings up the next topic of this Animated Items Petition:

Why should you sign this Petition? There are many reasons:

1. Simply because you want to and keep the animations of the Animated Items.
2. To promote and approve the idea of having everlasting Animated Items.
3. To encourage future Animated Items based on the success of the 1st Generation of AI's (If I may call them that)
4. To let the Developers know how much we appreciate their creations and how they shouldn't change anything about them because they are perfect the way they already are~
5. To persuade the Sales department of Gaia and let them know that we would be much "happier" if they let us keep the Animation and perhaps raise their profits due to that satisfaction.~

I wish I could have created a 2nd poll because I also wanted to ask:
Would you have purchased the Animated Items or future Animated Items if you knew that the animations were only temporary? If you could also include that in your response, that would be your choice and helpful~

Note: I am willing to pay a hefty sum of gold for anyone who is willing to make an "Animated" banner of any sort that suggests that we should keep the Animations of these items.~

Finally, regarding rules of the Petition, can you get banned/reported/flagged/get into trouble for signing this Petition? No. The Admin simply states that: "All petitions must relate to Gaia Online. Ideally petitions should be targeted towards features and items on Gaia." That is exactly what we're doing~! And if I get banned for supporting this Petition, then so shall it become~ I would rather get banned for trying to make Gaia a better place for all users rather than keep on existing on a boring website that doesn't allow users to give feedback or care about customer satisfaction who purposely uses propaganda in order to have users buy their products only for them to disable their awesome features once they have bought it.

If you want to help us make Gaia a better place and encouraging the Developers to keep on making these awesome items, please scribe your name below and declare: "I sign" or anything similar to that~ Regarding mules, please just sign with just one of your mule account(s). The ToS does not allow inflation of Signatures. Fyi, my mules are Franks_mule123 and Franks_second_mule. So I will not be including them in this Petition.~

Disclaimer to Administrators, Moderators, Gaia staff members, Everyone involved in this: I will do my best to ensure that every single signature is as legitimate as you say it needs to be, but know that I cannot always tell apart whether or not each individual username here belongs to another person or not.~ If I do encounter a mule of an individual, I will simply combine the Signatures into just one by marking the main account with the mule account with a "/". For example: "main account/mule account"

Oh ya and finally... The Admin states: "Space matters:
Your petition needs to fit the required standard that is outlined above. Make sure to reserve enough posts on the front page of your thread to work with in the future as your petition may grow. You don't want your petition to end up cramped as the thread grows in the future."

Crap!! scream but oh well~ ^^ Yes, I apologize for being a newb Petitioner~ =

Those who have signed:
1. Sapphire_God
2. Pavita (friend)
3. elffromspace (friend)
4. x-HeavenlyNightmares-x (friend)
5. kyochan101/AngelaiDream (friend)
6. Cexil
7. pretty_face4life (friend)
8. Doctor Clam
9. archiblack_salvatore (friend)
10. Impis13 (friend)
11. Itamari
12. Blaze-kun
13. xX-Gypsy Dream-Xx
14. XxLambchopxX
15. AloysiusWeasley (friend)
16. Arisa Takera
17. IXI K I R A IXI (friend)
18. KitsuneIcewind (friend)
19. Semi-Conductor
20. Shirmie
21. Clair - Flirts (Wife~ heart ^^)
22. Ping of Death
23. RiiBBON
24. iiiAce
25. SherIock Holmes
26. Lupine Poet (friend)
27. Spazzy-tack
28. Mayeru
29. Kokia Angel (one of my dear friends whom I haven't seen in a long time! Hi again! heart ) ^^
30. Rei the Raven
31. iMidnightYoshida
32. cutester/CutestersAngel (friend)
33. Strike A Nerve
34. iiElasticTampon
35. Khaotic_Resolve
36. MorCAsCr1s (due to a typo, his Signature was misinterpreted) Thanks~ ^^
37. Drama_the_Llama
38. UCHIHA MADARA 911 (friend)
39. ITechnowolfI
40. Aithexangel (friend)
41. Brett1704 (A Moderator!) o.O!
42. asulapink
43. Cheap Joystick
44. Blobbykitty (friend)
45. tinakind
46. gothygrimgirl2 (friend)
47. The Hat Collector
48. Aoi x Tenshi (friend)
49. pooyoyo (friend)
50. Lunumi
51. Shannice - Flirts (friend)
52. starzy1010 (friend)
53. Mystic_Starfire (The Captain of Mystic's Bumpaholics!~ And also a friend) heart ^^
54. Cookie1474
55. Nubzy2142
56. X-BILLIONdollarAZZ-X (A Moderator for "KiNgS BiLlIoN DoLlAr BoOtY gRaB" guild)
58. JamSiee_Boy-
59. XuxaRuiXi
60. AortaIV
61. Novum Nomen
62. Ms Long Money
63. Jaenmarc
64. Insane Pillow
65. ii Ur baby boy
66. wan bdk johor 4
67. Amy Da Bomb
68. iiNeonRainbow (whether he's singing or signing it's all good~! heart )
69. ii moon doggy ii
70. ScaredyKat321
71. Dusty Golightly
72. Bluebelle Babe
73. Traffic Light (sorry for the misinterpretation) biggrin some signs, some sighs, and some sings~ ^^
74. SushiieeReject
75. Rainy-Desu
76. Silver_Katana312 (friend)
77. Bleach1114
78. Lord Uesugi Kenshin (A Captain and an awesome leader!)
79. SilverChaosWolf
80. Royal_Sports (friend)
81. PinkSpartans
82. Elegant Walnut
83. Eternus Sadius
84. shamantra
85. Sacred Flowers
86. Made To PARTY
87. Random Blue Berry
88. Gemini Thought
89. nekkou (I am not sure if le sign = I sign) just to make sure~
90. Welcome_2_Neverland (also a wonderful friend~ heart )
91. M o n d a y B I u e s
92. Natarii Ace
93. odbpripripri
94. tennis_chick_34
95. Golden Lexi
96. fallen_dark_vampire_zero (blushes ^^)
97. Annastazzia
98. xXxDemonic Dark AngelxXx
99. desert-fish (friend)
100. Solcrailtis (It's OVER NINE-THOUS- oh wait a minute!!!! =O) *I can't say it yet lol!
101. xX_Honourable_Homicide_Xx
102. -Orgasmic Lyrics-
103. Alpha the White
104. niji no chou
105. Lady Althena
106. Keira Laoch (friend)
107. Prescription Joker
108. King Kalas XIII
109. Disturbed_Sanctuary
110. stormylane
111. iKottonmouth
112. Kinky Kitten (A Site Moderator)
113. I Stone Cold I
114. Kestin Sha
115. Vampyre_Fyre (friend)
116. Hokoto95
117. violet_mist_symphonia
118. i_poke_dead_things
119. ll Shiki ll
120. _LiL_ImmortaL_AngeL_
121. GailAnne Munchkin
122. drexLerKLein
123. XxSuicidalHatexX
124. Spoon_Sex
125. No-Luck Duck
126. The Souless Puppet
127. MetalRabbit
128. MiidnightxChan
129. Albruna
130. Frozen-droplets
131. dark_hime_Itzel
132. Fabulous SakuraMoon
133. crimsonshade2
134. Axletia
135. iFluffyx3
136. ShatteredAngel08
137. ImYurSuperMan
138. Jam Legend
139. [ Mikaru ]
140. Thatsevile
141. Tsuzukiga (my lovely lady friend~ heart )
142. Lil Cute Stranger
143. Pie the rabbit16
144. YuYuChan777
145. Enchiridion
146. Xelvin
147. DhampireHEK
148. NiteGuRls
149. Linkmm
150. -juicy condamn-
151. Vengeful Elegance
152. Pepperm1ntTw1st
153. Nekoai-kun
154. Xxjust_emo_nemoxX
155. runes01
156. Gowlie
157. The Real Alice Kingsleigh
158. Huggies123abc
159. xXKage KazikatoXx
160. Raine369
161. WillyNillyDilly
162. Rose_Stryker
163. musicchic2012
164. Rosy Teh Rascal
165. tigergirl713
166. ralphy71889
167. xXDante_Van_lutzXx
168. Lisztomania Rules
169. Ashley Rules12
170. iiSmexi Cookiei
171. Amarah Couture
172. girl sweetgirl1123
173. kagenotenshi
174. P a r a d o x x x x x
175. PinkFire15
176. Mewsey
177. Sash0
178. kawaii_nightmares
179. paco the dino
180. xXsakura_hime_kadenXx
181. Elegant lili rochefort
182. The Belly of Maree
183. Malachai Morrow
184. white_wolf1989
185. Sugar Raver
186. theEmocarebear
187. DJ AngelRapt
188. Jelubi
189. Sweetkitty
190. princess5290
191. ~Dameon Grey~
192. Singapa
193. rez9999
194. Pribo
195. Slamtech Incorporated REZ
196. Dargreth
197. Ryosuke -ANBU Black Ops-
198. Amaya Hatake
199. SakuraMoonie
200. Sweetviolenturge
201. VKiera ( heart )
202. G R A V I T Y S pull (friend)
203. CakeColour

6,400 Points
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I sign ^^ heart
I sign. If they're charging that huge amount for single pose items... the least they can do is let people keep the animations!

6,750 Points
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I sign too. ^.^ heart

Fashionable Sex Symbol

8,100 Points
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I sign this.

Seriously Gaia WTF, removing the animation makes buying them in the first place just obsolete!

Fashionable Gaian

8,600 Points
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  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Tycoon 200

as much as i dont like the ani feture e.e
the fact that you would buy something for it to be taking from you in a sense in unfair ~sigh~

I Clam sign

User Image
i sign ^_^

7,350 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
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  • Signature Look 250
~i sign~ it'd be pretty pointless to buy something and then basically have it taken away

Dapper Gekko

I sign the petition...theres no point in taking away the animation.
I sign the petition.... heart

Romantic Werewolf

15,950 Points
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