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Flarboo's Wife

Chatty Smoker

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I write occasionally, and I had actually written this one after a dream I had. (yes, this is based off of my dream)

I woke up at my grandmother’s house. Groggily rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I shuffled my way to the violet painted bathroom and looked at the mirror which hung on the wall. I scared myself awake with the squirrel’s nest of hair that had nestled its way in bed with me last night. Grabbing my brush, I warily start to get the knots out.
Gritting my teeth against the sharp pain as one of the brush bristles snagged a knot, I could feel one of my teeth break and I tasted the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I immediately stopped what I was doing, leaving the brush in my hair and opened my mouth to inspect.
My left lower bicuspid was really whacked out of shape, I touched it and it just fell out of my mouth. I gasped and grabbed it before it had a chance to slide down the hole in the sink.
I brought the tooth up close to my eyes and examined it. It was weird for me to have lost this one, considering I’m 15 and had lost all of my baby teeth already. The bottom of the tooth was jagged; looking like someone tried to drill it. I moved my lip out of the way and looked in the mirror again, seeing the nasty looking nub of a tooth that was left. Blood surrounded it in a tiny pool, giving it a reddish-looking hue. I poked my tongue on it, tasting that taste again. It just seemed so surreal, surely I was dreaming.
I quickly realized this wasn’t a dream. I started to freak out.
I couldn’t remember anything that happened last night, almost like a drunken haze but I knew that I wasn’t drinking. The only thing I could remember was the ride coming over to my grandmother’s house from my mother’s house. The rest is all blank.
I slumped down on the toilet seat, looking at the shard of tooth in my hand and started to cry. I don’t know why I was crying. Maybe it was the fact that I couldn’t remember anything that had happened. Or my tooth had just fallen out of my head for no apparent reason.
My mother and grandmother had heard my sniffles and sobs and knocked on the door, “Taylor, are you okay?” I heard my mother ask.
I didn’t answer. I didn’t know what to say. What could I say? “Yeah Mom, I’m fine. It’s just a tooth had been sawed out of my mouth and I can’t remember anything about last night. That’s all.”?
They opened the door and looked at my tear-streaked face. “Oh honey, what’s wrong?” My grandmother asked.
I just held up the hand with the tooth in it and opened it up. Both of them gasped, “Good Lord! What happened?!” they exclaimed simultaneously. I shrugged my shoulders and began to stare blankly at the tooth.
“Do you remember what you did last night?” My mother asked. I shook my head, signaling no. They looked at each other, confused, “How could you not?” she said, “We went to that same arcade place we took you to a few years ago.”
I struggled to come up with something about last night, but I really couldn’t remember anything. It was all blank, a dark spot in the past that will never be remembered. It felt hopeless. I asked if we could go over there again, I wanted to see if I could remember anything by going there.
They were skeptical at first, “It was kind of expensive to go there…” my grandmother said, “but okay, I guess.”
We all piled up in the van and headed towards the arcade. I clutched onto the tooth that was still in my hand, gritting my teeth as it bit into my skin. I had to figure this out.

The car ride was about 20-something minutes long. It felt like forever though, at most an hour or two. I was so anxious, fidgeting in my chair, heart beating like a drum. My mother kept looking back at me from the front seat, a worried look on her face.
We entered the parking lot of the building that I was apparently at last night. No recollection so far as I eyed the structure before me; brick building, neon sign with multiple bright colors and bright paint splattered all over the sides of it. I couldn’t tell if this place was old, but I guessed so by the amount of rust that clung to the sickly-green colored door.
As we walked up to the door, I could hear loud bass notes coming from inside, the dum-dum-dum of it shaking the door a little. We opened the door that led to the entrance at which you had to pay.
The place where you had to pay was just a little room. A swinging door led to the inside of the arcade. I looked through the circular window which sat at about the same height as my face.
Inside, it was dark. The whole room was black lighted and there were designs of glowing starships, rockets, planets and such all over the floor. On the walls, there were splashes of bright neon paint, just like it was outside. It looked almost as if someone had ejaculated bright orange, green and pink all over the walls. The thought of that made me disgusted for a reason I wasn’t sure of.
I couldn’t wait any longer; I had to get in there. There was such a desperate need to know what happened that I just pushed the door open and ran in like a speeding bullet. I heard my mother and grandmother calling for me, but I ignored them. This was more important.
The whole inside of the arcade was a little weird; the path at which you followed to go to different video games or attractions was circular. There were two skating rinks inside of it as well: one smaller one for the smaller kids to skate with their parents, and another slightly larger one that the somewhat older children could skate on. There were also mini food carts that supplied hotdogs and funnel cakes. I thought that was weird considering we weren’t at a carnival.
The aroma of the food was overwhelming. I had not eaten breakfast so my stomach growled, but I ignored it, eating could wait until I solved this mystery.
I walked around the circular path, eyeing the video games like Pac man, assorted racing games, tiny bowling games. I started to get uneasy, my breathing suddenly felt short and I needed to take in deeper breaths.
Nothing sparked a memory in me, there was nothing that I could recognize from last night, only things that I could remember when I was little.
I walked around the whole place twice, looking at everything, getting frustrated. Why couldn’t I remember anything?! What in the world happened to me? In my frustration I broke into a sprint, looking around frantically. There has to be some reason why this is happening. I don’t just forget moments in my life for no reason!
Little kids and adults were looking at me, probably thinking that I was crazy. I wouldn’t doubt that. I probably had a crazy look in my eye while I was trying to look for something in particular.
After a minute or so, I stopped and just sat down on the glowing carpet. I hugged my knees to myself and began to cry into them, shaking hard. All I wanted was to remember what happened and I couldn’t. I felt lost, hopeless, slightly deranged. I thought, bitterly, that God was having fun, playing with me as if I were a toy. In my desperation, that seemed to be my only way to get some closure I suppose.
I got up, looked for my mother and grandmother and sadly shuffled my way towards the exit. There was nothing else I could do. I looked around at the people who were giving me dirty looks and saw the two skating rinks. I leaned over the small one and watched the little kids learn how to skate. I chuckled when they would fall down. Not out of malice though, their faces were just funny when they landed on their rumps.
I started to look at the bigger skating rink for a minute or so, watching the older kids fall, laugh, get up, skate and repeat. I walked over there and some burly man was guarding the entrance, demanding two dollars for whoever wanted in.
I had neither money nor an interest to go in, so I walked on, staring into the rink. Then I saw something in the wall. It was a door that was somewhat hidden. You couldn’t really tell in the dark but someone had bumped into it, causing the door to swing in, throwing the child inside. The muscular man that guarded the place ran onto the rink with grace, not falling or slipping as he went to pick up the small child.
As I watched this, I was suddenly overcome with a memory. I had found out that door last night, I ran into it and found another room but…what room was it? I couldn’t remember. I knew the secret to regaining the memory that was lost was to walk in there.
The man had released the kid, chortling as he watched the little tyke skating carefully again. I snuck onto the rink, climbed over the wall and pretended to be another skater. The man started to walk towards me and my heart started doing nervous skips, but he just passed me and resumed his position at the entrance. I heaved out a heavy sigh of relief and slid towards the door.

Flarboo's Wife

Chatty Smoker

9,900 Points
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Glancing back at the man, I nudged at the door. He was too busy looking at the little girls trying to skate. I didn’t know whether or not to register that as being creepy or doing his job as some sort of skating lifeguard.
I took a step into the door, slipped on the slick skate floor and fell, causing a crash and several kids to run into me. He saw this and screamed at me, “HEY! What are you doing?! You’re not allowed in there!”
I crawled into the door, got up and ran down the dark carpeted hallway, bumping into the walls through the shadowed corridor as I frantically tried to find the other room.
I started to cry. I couldn’t find the door and I feared the man was close behind me.
As I was about to give up hope, I pressed up against a knob. The cool metal of it brought a sense of stability and I squealed in excitement and opened the door into a room with several racks of costumes.
I opened the door as quickly and as silently as I could, shutting it and locking it securely. I ran into the room, my heart and mind racing with adrenaline. Memories started to flicker as I started to look through the racks of many clothes. I had found this last night, but something….something attacked me. Someone was in here with me.
I started to shake with fear. I heard the door knob jiggle and my heart skipped a beat. “Where are you…?” called the man in a rough, sing-song voice. I frantically went through the costumes that hung on the racks, seeing many different ones that ranged from animal suits, small child and adult costumes. I scoured through them; I knew there was one that was going to catch my eye.
I found one.
It was a dentist costume, obviously made for an adult. I stared at the mint green color of the scrubs it had. My breathing stopped; I saw small drops of old dry blood scattered across the color of it. I became so frightened of it that I released the contents of my bladder, urinating all over myself. Even though I was petrified, I had to make sure that this was it. I inspected the matching pants that were also spattered with blood and found a lump in the pocket. I gulped and grabbed the object. It was a miniature drill-like tool with a tiny saw attachment on the end of it. It, too, was covered in old blood.
I had vomited in my mouth from disgust. The door exploded into wooden bits and pieces, debris scattering the floor and there he was.
I dropped the tool, cowered and fell back onto my butt. The man came in, an angry look on his face, “JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE.” He yelled at me, grabbing me by the throat, “You can’t see any of this,” he said, snarling at me, “Looks like I’ll just have to make sure you’ll never see anything again.” He said menacingly as he walked forward.
I screamed and tried to scoot away from him, but I was blocked from escape as I hit a wall. He bent down to grab the miniature tool pointing it at my mouth, saw first.
He rushed me, grabbed onto my jaw and pulled it open, causing me to whimper from the pain. He started to saw off one of my top teeth, cutting into the gums, blood jetting out of my mouth.
I screamed and squealed as loud as I could, hoping to God someone would hear me. He told me a couple of times to shut up, even hit me across the mouth, knocking teeth and blood out of my mouth. Unable to reach the back of my mouth without me squirming or clenching my jaw, he gripped the bottom jaw and tore it open, snapping what held my mouth together. Blood pooled into the lower part of my jaw, sliding in little rivulets down my face, onto the floor. I squealed and cried, blood gurgling in my mouth.
After a few minutes of this torture, I could feel my heart start to pound more softly, instead of the urgent beating that it had previously dealt onto my ribs. I remember feeling like I was free, like there was nothing weighing me down. I felt almost at peace. I floated up, staring at the mangled body on the ground that used to be mine. I could only hear, but what I heard was the sickening squelches as I watched him try to actually rip the lower jaw out.
I couldn’t feel anything, neither pity nor joy that I was out of this man’s clutches. Apathetic would be the only way that could describe this feeling; a cold, lonely, no-feeling-whatsoever feeling. I just stared down at the sinister man that was hacking at the mound of bloody flesh on the ground.

Apparently, someone had heard my screams and had called an ambulance and the cops. Perhaps they thought that I had hurt myself skating due to the blood-curdling shrieks that I had emitted while the monster of a man was attacking me, but who knows? They were too late anyway. That’s typical with the cops and hospitals though, isn’t it? Always late to the “party”.
The uniformed officers made it through the door and saw the blood pooled around the man that was on top of me. They grabbed him, holding him back as he bellowed his shrieks of rebellion, trying to attack them as well. It took four men to just hold him down so the paramedic could knock him out with a powerful tranquilizer.
After tranquilizing him, the paramedic went over to my limp, lifeless body and desperately tried to find a pulse. While doing so, my mother and grandmother had run in, shocked when they saw me, bloodied and beaten on the ground. They were both white as a sheet of paper.
The paramedic announced me dead. He hung his head in shame, knowing that they were all too late to save me. My mother let out a wail of grief and fell to her knees, sobbing into her hands. My grandmother was too shocked to what had happened to even react to it. I saw her lip tremble as she started to cry as well.
I felt an overwhelming need to comfort them, but I had no body to do so. I floated down gracefully next to them, and laid a hand on their shoulder. Both of them jumped as if they had cold chills and looked up at me. I don’t know if they could see me, or hear me for that matter. Nevertheless, I had to tell them those three words that they had repeated over and over to me in my infancy, childhood, and teenage years before I was lifted away.

“I love you.”

Flarboo's Wife

Chatty Smoker

9,900 Points
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Sorry for it being so long. But what do y'all think?

Flarboo's Wife

Chatty Smoker

9,900 Points
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Don't be upset!
It's very haunting, especially when that guy burst through the door...(shivers).
I hope I don't sound bossy, but try to use more similes!
I also have a question lurking around: if the man screamed and started to chase the girl, why didn't anyone notice? That's pretty hard to ignore.
Oh but the aura of the story definitely chilled me into ice! An extremely scary read.

Flarboo's Wife

Chatty Smoker

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Don't be upset!
It's very haunting, especially when that guy burst through the door...(shivers).
I hope I don't sound bossy, but try to use more similes!
I also have a question lurking around: if the man screamed and started to chase the girl, why didn't anyone notice? That's pretty hard to ignore.
Oh but the aura of the story definitely chilled me into ice! An extremely scary read.

Thank you! I like the horror stuff...and the dream was very vivid.

While writing this, I assumed that the bass of the music was too loud for people to hear him scream. I'm not sure about the noticing thing though. I guess no one really paid attention.

Man-Hungry Fairy

The tension in the story is amazing. I love how much you showed through your writing.

The ultimate ending was a little rushed though. I didn't feel love for the mom or grandmother, you should build on the relationship between the narrator and them.

I absolutely loved this story, and it had a great build, I knew what was at steak and I cared for the main character. Fabulous job.

Teehee, shamelessly self promoting. Critique back?

Flarboo's Wife

Chatty Smoker

9,900 Points
  • Conversationalist 100
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Signature Look 250

Flarboo's Wife

Chatty Smoker

9,900 Points
  • Conversationalist 100
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Signature Look 250

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