Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Store Status: CLOSED
Owner Status: Offline

Hello everyone! I am sorry to say that "I'm A Little Kid Now" is shutting down. I haven't been on Gaia in months and I don't plan on being on anymore. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Please cancel any trades you have with me. Goodbye~

If you would like to join in my giveaway thread, please click this link: (coming soon)

Everyone, PLEASE read what I've typed in red under the items. What I put there is actually important and could save me the act of PMing you about an error in your order!

Hello there!
My name is Adorkable KuppKake (Kupp for short) and I welcome you to my humble shop.
This is a customizable shop where you can build your own little child and call them your own.
They cannot be equipped on your avatar and are not allowed to be used outside of Gaia.
Interested in ordering one? Please read on to find out how.

Intro | Announcements | Rules | How to Order | Bases | Items | Limited Children | Custom Children | Links
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5/2/09- Store was temporarily closed, hopefully will be back up today.

12/22/08- Grand Opening! Still a few more items to add.

12/21/08- Store started; Currently under construction

Intro | Announcements | Rules | How to Order | Bases | Items | Limited Children | Custom Children | Links
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I can change or add rules as I see fit.

1. I am God here. Anything I say, goes.

2. All of the pictures in this shop were made by me. If anyone copies or steals my art, they will be reported. There is no reselling of my art.

3. Please do not remove my signature from the finished product.

4. Please save and upload your picture to your own server. There's only so much clutter I can deal with. After a week, your picture will be deleted and if you ask me for another copy, you need to pay me 100 gold. Don't say I didn't warn you.

5. All orders must be posted in this thread, not PMed to me. The same goes for questions.

6. I have the right to reject any order I choose. Not because I hate you, but probably because you made a mistake on the order form (not filled out completely, wrong price, etc.) or because the shop was closed when you posted.

7. Please don't post your order twice, unless you want two orders that are exactly the same. You don't have to keep reminding me. I got it, alright?

8. I do not allow refunds, unless I make a mistake. But if you wanted one item instead of another, that's your mistake. Pay attention to what you want for your order. If it's something as simple as a color change, that's fine. I'll change it for free. If it's an item, I'll change it, but you have to pay me again for the item because you put down the wrong thing.

Intro | Announcements | Rules | How to Order | Bases | Items | Limited Children | Custom Children | Links
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This is one of the easiest things in the world to do. Just follow the instructions and you'll be fine.

1. Look around the shop and choose the products you would like for your child.

2. Fill out the below form, with the right prices and the right names, in this thread. Do not PM your order to me.

3. Send a trade to me, Adorkable KuppKake, with the total price of your order. I cannot complete your order until you send the trade. In the title, write "child order" and the number of the shop page your order is on.

4. Once you send the trade, I will build your child. When that is done, I will accept the trade. You will finish the trade and I will PM your child to you.

And If you didn't understand any of that, here is a picture:

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Order form for YOU:
[size=18]I want to order a Child! :[b][/b]D[/size]
[b]Child's Name:[/b]
[b]Base Price:[/b] 200 gold (This will always be 200 gold, do not change it)
[b]Skin Type:[/b]
[b]Hair Style:[/b]
[b]Hair Color:[/b]
[b]Items:[/b](Please list each item with it's price on separate lines so it's easier to read)
[b]Tip:[/b](this is purely optional, but tips are appreciated ^^)

I want to order a Child! :D
Username: Adorkable KuppKake
Child's Name: Mimi
Base Price: 200 gold
Skin Type: none
Hair Style: 4
Hair Color: 8
Items: Nitemare Scarf, 100 gold
Platinum Superior Form, 200 gold
Tip: No way Jose!
Total: 500 gold

This order will get you this pretty little girl:
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Order form for SOMEONE ELSE:
[size=18]I want to order a Child for someone! :[b][/b]D[/size]
[b]Username of Recipient:[/b]
[b]Child's Name:[/b]
[b]Base Price:[/b]200 gold (this is always 200 gold, do not change)
[b]Skin Type:[/b]
[b]Hair Style:[/b]
[b]Hair Color:[/b]
[b]Items:[/b](Please list each item with it's price on separate lines so it's easier to read)
[b]Message to Recipient:[/b](leave blank if none)
[b]Do you want to be anonymous? (Yes/No):[/b]

I want to order a Child for someone! :D
Username of Recipient: Adorkable Muffin
Child's Name: Fransisco
Base Price:200 gold
Skin Type: 2
Hair Style: 2
Hair Color: 4
Items: Chyaku Norisu Scarf, 100 gold
Shirt 20, 40 gold
Pants 17, 40 gold
Skull Special Shirt, 20 gold
Message to Recipient: Here. Have a kid <3
Do you want to be anonymous? (Yes/No): No
Tip: No tip
Total: 400 gold

This order would get your friend this child and this message:

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These are the bases for your children.

Body: 200 gold
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Hair: Free
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Hair Color: Free
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Skin Type: Free
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These are the applicable items for your child.

Shirt/Pants: 40 gold
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In the order form, please list this as "Shirt _____" or "Pants _____"
Please remember to order a Shirt AND Pants (unless you're ordering a skirt)! I would prefer if the Children didn't run around butt-naked.

Special Shirt: 20 gold
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This item is not applicable with the Special Necklaces.
This is an ACCESSORY for the Shirt. If you would like this item, you ALSO have to buy a Shirt for it to go on.

In the order form, please list this as "_____ Special Shirt"

Bra: 30 gold
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In the order form, please list this as "_____ Bra"

Special Bra: 40 gold
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In the order form, please list this as "_____ Special Bra"
Note: When Rainbow Special Bra is paired with any of the Special Necklaces (except the Peace Sign), the green and blue are covered up.

Fringed Skirt: 40 gold
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In the order form, please list this as "_____ Fringed Skirt"

Animal on my Head: 60 gold
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In the order form, please list this as "_____ on my Head"

Necklace: 30 gold
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In the order form, please list this as "_____ necklace"
This item is not applicable with the Angelic Scarf, Nitemare Scarf, or Chyaku Norisu Scarf.

Special Necklace: 40 gold
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This item is not applicable with the Special Shirts.
In the order form, please list this as "_____ Special Necklace"


Gaia Items

Angelic Scarf: 90 gold
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This item is not applicable with the Necklaces or the Special Necklaces.

Nitemare Scarf: 100 gold
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This item is not applicable with the Necklaces or the Special Necklaces.

Chyaku Norisu Scarf: 100 gold
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This item is not applicable with the Necklaces or the Special Necklaces

Superior Form: 200 gold
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Magma, Platinum, Joint Puppet, Dragon, Dead Doll, Feline

In the order form, please list this as "_____ Superior Form"

Angelic Imp Plushie: 90 gold
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Available on either side

Demonic Imp Plushie: 90 gold
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Available on either side

Angelic Imp Form: 190 gold
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This item is not applicable with the Devil Tail.

Demonic Imp Form: 190 gold
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This item is not applicable with the Devil Tail.

Shadow Spirit: 80 gold
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Cloud: 100 gold
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Devil Tail: 80 gold
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This item is not applicable with the Angelic or Demonic Imp Forms. Available on either side.

Fresh Grass Skirt: 70 gold
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Joker Hat: 70 gold
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Black and Red, Black and White, Blue and Yellow

In the order form, please list this as "_____ Joker Hat"

AFK: 80 gold
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OMG: 80 gold
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Ninja Band: 70 gold
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Mini Demon Wings: 60 gold
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Not applicable with Bao, Mini Angel Wings, or Horns of the Demon.

Mini Angel Wings: 60 gold
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Not applicable with Bao, Horns of the Demon, or Mini Demon Wings.

Horns of the Demon: 60 gold
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Not applicable with Bao, Mini Angel Wings, or Mini Demon Wings.

Bao: 60 gold
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Not applicable with Horns of the Demon, Mini Angel Wings, or Mini Demon Wings.

Intro | Announcements | Rules | How to Order | Bases | Items | Limited Children | Custom Children | Links
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These are children that are only available for a limited time, and only a limited number will be sold.

Bikini Babe: 250 gold

This little girl should help keep your mind of the chilly winter. Bikini Babe will be leaving the shop on February 1st.
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Sold: 0/50

Past Limiteds
These are older limiteds that you can buy for 300 gold each.

Santa Clause
Curly the Elf

Order Form for Limiteds for YOU:
[size=18]I want to order a [color=red]Limited[/color] Child for me![/size]
[b]Limited Child(ren):[/b](list the name and the price)
[b]Past Limited Child(ren):[/b](list the name and the price)

Order Form for Limiteds for SOMEONE ELSE:
[size=18]I want to order a [color=red]Limited[/color] Child for someone else![/size]
[b]Recipient's Username:[/b]
[b]Limited Child(ren):[/b](list the name and the price)
[b]Past Limited Child(ren):[/b](list the name and the price)
[b]Message to Recipient:[/b](leave blank if none)
[b]Do you want to be anonymous? (Yes/No):[/b]

Intro | Announcements | Rules | How to Order | Bases | Items | Limited Children | Custom Children | Links
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Custom Slots:

I will not do a Custom for a Limited Child. They come as they are, no changes allowed.

Do you want a specific item but can't find it? Do you want an adorable little Child to look just like you or a favorite character of yours? Well this is the place. There are two main changes available: Custom Item and Custom Avatar/Cosplay.
If you want me to make a specific item for you, scroll down to the Custom Item area.
If you want me to draw a child that looks like you or a favorite character, scroll down to the Custom Avatar/Cosplay area.

Custom Item

There are two sub categories for this one: a version of an already existing item and a non-existing item.

The version of an already existing item means that you want an item that's already being sold, but you want to change it a bit. For example, if you wanted a Kiki On My Head but you wanted it to look like your cat, you would come here for that. To make this as easy as possible for me, please be very detailed and, if you can, include pictures. Just saying you want something to be purple and green doesn't help very much. Prices usually depend on how easy or hard the change is.
- Changing the color of an item costs 15 gold
- Adding or changing the pattern of an item costs 25 gold
- Changing something to make it look like something else (like the Kiki On My Head example) costs 35-50 gold

The non-existing item means that you want a certain item that isn't being sold, such as clothing, accessories, animals, etc. Again, the prices depend on how easy or hard the change is.
- To make a new accessory (jewelry, scarves, glasses, hats, etc.) costs 35-65 gold gold
- To make a new piece of clothing (tops, bottoms, dresses, etc) costs 65-100 gold
- To make a new hand held item/animal (staff, kitty cat, dog) costs 100-150 gold

If you're not sure where your item fits in, just ask!

Order Form for Custom Item (Include this with your normal order):
[size=18]I want a [color=blue]Custom Item[/color]! :dramallama:[/size]
[b]Item you want to change:[/b]
[b]What about it do you want to change? (be very detailed please)[/b](you can also include pictures)
[b]Item you want me to create:[/b]
[b]What does this item look like? (be very detailed please)[/b](you can also include pictures)
[b]Price:[/b](please ask me beforehand what the price should be)

Custom Avatar/Cosplay

There are two sub categories for this one too: a Child like your avatar and a Child as a cosplay

A child like your avatar means, well, a child that looks like your avatar. Basically what I do is take a picture of your avie that YOU provide and draw it as a Child. This costs about 400-1000 gold, depending on how cluttered your avie is. And I will be the judge of that (don't worry, I play fair).
- For your drawing, I will NOT include the arms or legs. That's just how these Children are designed.
- Animals and hand held items WILL be included.

A child as a cosplay means that I will take a picture of a cosplay that YOU provide and draw it as a Child. This also costs about 400-1000 gold, depending in how easy or hard it is to draw the person.
- Again, for your drawing, I will NOT include the arms or legs.
- Again, animals and hand held items WILL be included.

Order Form for Custom Avatar/Cosplay:
[size=18]I want a [color=pink]Custom Avatar/Cosplay[/color]! :dramallama:[/size]
[b]Avatar:[/b](insert picture of avatar here)
[b]Cosplay:[/b](insert picture of cosplay here)
[b]Other:[/b](is there anything else I should know?)
[b]Price:[/b](please ask me beforehand what the price should be)

Intro | Announcements | Rules | How to Order | Bases | Items | Limited Children | Custom Children | Links
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Please feel free to put one of these in your profile or signature! ;D

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If you would like to be an affiliate, please PM me or post in the forum so we can trade links <3

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Intro | Announcements | Rules | How to Order | Bases | Items | Limited Children | Custom Children | Links

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