Welcome to Gaia! ::

Welcome to Season One of " Gaia's Next Top Baby! ".

This started out as a competition is for all of the mommies and daddies on GAIA who have babies who love the camera. But now it's for siblings, and anyone else WITH permission to photograph a baby. You may have stumbled across some modeling threads on GAIA, and this is a play on those ; only for babies. This is a friendly competition for babies of all sizes, races, ages (under 5 years). For boys or girls. If you love showing off the latest photos of your munchkin, or would like an excuse to take more, this is the place for you! (:

We will accept applications until February 20th, or as soon as we have 12 entrants.
After that, when we have all applicants, a preliminary challenge will be sent out to get you in the feel of submitting photos.

Each week, the contestants will be given a challenge to go along with, and it is up to you to capture your munchkin according. You can submit up to 6 photos according to the challenge. We will pick our favorite for the "photo for the week" but will judge all of the submitted photos.

Your pictures will be evaluated on creativity, how it fit the challenge, and the overall submission. We the judges will evaluate and rank the photos, the bottom two will be left to a public vote. The baby that wins the public vote, will continue on. While we believe every baby is a cutie, it will be narrowed down to just one, Gaia's Next Top Baby .

Rules of the Thread ! :
~ Please do NOT post challenge photos in the thread before the deadline.
~ You can send up to 6 photos per challenge, unless otherwise stated.
~ Photo editing is allowed. But keep it natural and at a minimum.
~ Of course, always obey Gaia's TOS.
~ When applying, your application photo needs a SIGN with your baby, this will prevent fakes and trolls from entering. If your photo does not have a sign, it will not be accepted.
~ Be civil to eachother. If you're fighting with another Gaian keep it OUT of this thread. It does not belong here. This is a friendly contest, and it's not the place for hostility.
~ Please resize your photos before sending them. They should be between 500 x 500 and 700 x 700.
~ Do not quote the first post.
~ Chatting and conversation is always welcome (:
~ no page stretching please.

How Our Voting System Works ! :
Very similar to MaikoStars's modeling competition, with a slight difference.

When the photos are submitted the judges will look them over and critique and rank them according to how they believe the photos followed the challenge, concept, and overall photo. We will rank them 1 - . The two with the highest numbers are the bottom two. ):

The two users will be in a public poll and for a day (unless said otherwise) and the thread can be bumped. The one with the higher number of votes will continue.

Prizes Baby ! ! :
~ will be added.
All participants will receive a prize, no matter when eliminated. That is unless they did not submit photos, then the choice will be made by the judges depending on the circumstance.

Donations ! ! :

- Preston Trelsly : 50,000 G !
- Thy Fairy : 40,000 G !
- iiSnuggie : 10,000 G !
- Romantic AIDs : 19,500 G !
- H_M_Muz : 30,000 G !
- MaikoStars : 25,000 G !
- maverick1987 : 41,926 G !
- Venus Rahl : 100,000 ! and Titan's Seed, and Changeling Baby Girl.
- Deathless Blood : 55,000 G !

We appreciate any donation that is made. All donations go towards prizes for the users who are competing. Any donation should be made to the mule GNT BABAY with the title "donation". Thank you so very much for your help!

Banners and Affiliates ! :


User Image

User Image

Created by My Bloody Miley.

If you would like to create a banner for the thread, please do and PM it to me. Banner will be credited to the maker.
If you would like to be affiliated with this thread, just PM me.

Affiliates :

Make Me A GAIA Supermodel SEASON 4

panda rayne judging there, are you up for the challenge? (:
The Judge Panel :

- Rayne . - head judge

I'm Katherayne, Rayne or panda rayne here on GAIA. I'm twenty, married, and mother AWS who is about to be 6 months old.

I'm a photographer in my small community and a stay at home mom. My husband is in the US NAVY. I have a great love for photography and anything art related. I stalk GAIA modeling threads and have been in two of them. I'll be judging an upcoming season of a modeling thread and a photography thread. I've lost track of how long I've been on GAIA. I breastfeed. And I am human rights activist.

- Kalinka . - head judge,.

Hello~ I'm Brooke (You can call me Kalinka or Brooke) either works! I'm 19, married, and the mother to one.

I love photography and have always been very interested in the different aspects that go into modeling. I'm a stay at home mommy until my daugher, Emlyn, starts school, but I will also be attending college. I'm very into lactavism (lactation activism). My husband, Brad, is a US Army soldier and I couldn't be prouder!

- Rena . - the sweetheart .

Hi I'm Rena, or Shar. I have two kids who were both breastfed to 18 months, and I am a vet nursing student. I live In NewZealand and I am in my 20's. My oldest is going to be four this year and my youngest has just turned two.

- Snuggie . - the awesome .

Hello~! I am Stephanie, seventeen years old, mama to an awesome baby boy named Tristan. I love to wear him, have him sleep in my bed, and bathe with him! He's pretty much my world, and I spend my every waking moment with him, meaning, I am a stay at home mommy. I tend to start college here in a few months. My boyfriend, Joseph, works and supports me and our baby very well! ♥ I love photography, writing, and reading.

- Thy Fairy . our newbie .

My name is Jessica. I am 21 and I have a wonderful, gorgeous, completely sweet yet very bad 4 year old. I love to read, watch movies, and listen to music. My son and I love to dance around the house singing at the top of our lungs. He is my world and I love being a mommy..

- Darc . our male input who is back!

Hey, you can call me Darc. I'm married to Kalinka, and we have a sweet little one year old. *tear* They grow up too fast, don't they?! Anywho, I've just recently started being a judge around here(started on challenge five!), and my plans are to give the best feedback possible! I love seeing the cute baby/toddler pictures. Soo, yeah..that's about it..but be warned, I do give negative feedback on pictures, along with positive, and some things I say..just might be like 409 in your coffee. And..I doubt anyone here will get that..Old School MPLers, unite!
Participants :

Ren . - week 2
Lily . - week 1
Karlie . - week 1
Alexis . - week 4
Willow . - week 5 & 6
Joseph . - week 7
Dani . - week 8
Zane - week 9
Katje - week 10

Final TWO

This season is over.
Season two can be found HERE!
Winner of Season ONE :

User Image

Previous Challenges :

Challenge Five : Colors!

For this challenge I'd like you to pick a color for your munchkin to represent. Be as creative as you like! And really make the color captivating even more with your little cutie making it great!

Top Two:


Rayne: Oh wow! I am so blown away by these! These are wonderful and actually exceeded my expectations! These are beautiful! I loved the orange. I loved the lighting. She looks adorable and really fits the color and feeling of the photos. I have no complaints! Great work!

Kalinka: Wow, amazing job. You definitely got the color challenge right!The quality of the pictures is wonderful as well. Beautiful!

Darc: I just love the orange, and the way the lighting is, even indoors. I'm really impressed by that. It looks like you took them out in the direct sunlight. xD

Rena: N/A

Snug: I LOVEEE these. LOVE LOVE LOVE them. She looks so beautiful, and that color is just GREAT with her. These are amazing, I'd def. be printing these out and framing them, haha. FANTASTIC Job.

Thy: Love the orange background. And the orange toys in the background are a nice touch. This angle is very nice as well. The lighting is prefect.


Rayne: Aww! Purple! I love how almost everything is purple. It really got the color through. Purple matches her great too! Great work D

Kalinka: Aww, so cute! Great job portraying the color. She looks so dang cute and looks like she's having a lot of fun!

Darc: The book title kind of said it all for me, “Too Purpley.” Normally, I absolutely love the color purple, as it's dear to me, but in the pictures, I felt overwhelmed by all of the purple, and I think it took away from how cute Dani is in the photos.

Rena: N/A

Snug: Haha, these are GREAT! You did awesome! Everything is purple except for the wall, that's so great! I love it.

Thy: Too Purpley. I love this picture. And I love purple. I love how even the background is purple. I think purple is definitly her color. And that hat and those leggings are so cute. Can I just come steal her? Just for a day.


Rayne: I thought these were so cute. I love how you used the yellow. It was like a hint of yellow with everything else and made the color pop. It also matched her personality too. Well done!

Kalinka: Hehe, these really made me smile. She looks like she's having such a good time and I love the natural lighting. Keep up the good work!

Darc: The first thing that bothered me was the purple hair clip..Other than that though, I really love the pictures and the outdoor scenery, they just didn't catch my eye like my top two.

Rena: N/A

Snug: She's veryyy pretty. And she looks very cute in yellow. (: I love that she's outside, too. The sun makes photos look so pretty. Good job!

Thy: This is prefect. She emobodies the color yellow and it doesn't look forced. Seems prefectly natural that she has everything yellow around her. She is adorable. And I love the natural lighting. It's a great picture.


Rayne: These are beautiful. I love the little hint of red. The strawberries were a nice touch. The variety makes me very happy. And she looks like such a little model in these. Beautiful Layla!

Kalinka: She looks like she's from a little house on the prairie. I love it. Great portrayal of the color. Very great job.

Darc: First thing that caught my eyes, was that she isn't really smiling very much. Also, like in Audrey's photos, the Emerald earrings detoured me a little, but the blank expressions in the photos struck me to be odd, and it doesn't even seem to me that she's enjoying the strawberry.

Rena: N/A

Snug: These are great! Love that she's eating stawberries and there is also strawberries on her outfit, very cute!

Thy: Red is a great look on her. I love the use of the strawberry. A very good idea. And the way the sun hits her is great. And that dress is adorable. It's cute that it even has strawberries on it.


Rayne: Zane looks adorable in red. I wish the quality and execution would have been better. The one in the soda box was adorable and his expression was priceless. Let's see what you can do next.

Kalinka: The photos are cute and you show the color well, but they're just very cluttered. The picture quality is also not that wonderful. He's a cutie though! I especially love the photo of him in the box, haha.

Darc: His pictures just made me laugh, and I really like the last one with him IN the empty cola case. xD Also, seeing baby's with coke bottles like that just makes me smile, since Emmy loves them so.. xD

Rena: N/A

Snug: I'd have to say this is the best out of them all. All the others are just very cluttered and have so much in them, it's hard to just focus on Zane. He looks very cute in red, though!

Thy: He is so cute. Love the little outfit. This is the best picture. Although I did like the one of him in the coke box. But it was kinda hard to see. He's adorable.

Challenge Four : Spring has Sprung! .

It's spring! For this challenge we'd really like to see your little munchkin enjoying the new season! You have the option to go outside and have a little photoshoot, but you are not limited to this especially if it is still too chilly where you are. We are not promoting little babies getting sick. So if this is the case, be as creative as you can and really go for it for this spring themed challenge.

Thursday the 15th is the deadline for your photos to be turned in.
(Let us know AHEAD of time if you can not make the deadline by PMing the mule)
Get your photos in before Friday 12 AM EST!

You can submit up to six photos of the participating child, but no less than 3 please. Please have them sized between 500 x 500 - 700 x 700. And send them to the mule.

Top Two!


Rayne: Very cute! I love the pink! And the flowers! These are great quality. She looks so happy as usual. I love her smile! Miss Willow never ceases to make me smile.

Kalinka: Wow, she is gorgeous! Great photo quality. She's so beautiful in natural light. The flower added a very cute touch. I think a few pictures of her playing would have been cute, but other than that, definitely no complaints!

Rena: I am in love with her pics! She is very photogenic and i am loving especially photo 2. Very good work!

Snug: The lighting is BEAUTIFUL! <3 Her eyes are gorgeous, and the flower just makes her look even prettier! Her pictures are all gorgeous. I love how happy she looks in all of them, and her earrings, the flower, her outfit, they all just look fabulous. Great job!

Thy: Willow is great. I love her pictures. Although some of them are kinda the same, she is still so cute. I love the flowers in her hair. I remember doing that as a kid. We even made little flower crowns.


Rayne: I love love little Dani. Her personality shines through in every photo I see of her. These pictures met the task, and she looks like she's having so much fun. I love her outfit. "Be Green" also goes along with a green - spring theme. Love it! Keep it up!

Kalinka: Her outfit is SO cute! Great message Dani! <3 Were the pictures taken closer to dusk? The color is a bit odd, but no worries. I adore the picture of her with the chickens too. She's such a cutie. It looks like an ad for going green!

Rena: Dani's pics are so cute! I especially love picture 3, very sweet and very natural.

Snug: Love this photo! It looks like she's kissing nature. It's beautiful. I also love that her shirt says Be Green. It has a lot to do with this challenge.

Thy: She is adorable. This is a picture I can see being in a magazine. The light is perfect and I love how she's in the picture but you showed the whole background not just her. It's wonderful.


Rayne: How very cute. I love how every photo was different and you gave us a range of Audrey. This also meets the task completely I think. It was very hard to pick a favorite shot because they are all great! Miss Audrey is certainly on a roll. Keep up the fantastic work!

Kalinka: Very cute. She looks like she had a lot of fun! I love how she looks in natural lighting. Very good job this week. So beautiful..

Rena: As usual, great pictures from Audrey! Was hard to choose a favourite picture, but this one did stand out, very spring orientated. Well done.

Snug: She's so cuteeee! I love her faces she makes haha. In this picture it looks like she's exploring, so cute.

Thy: She is so great. I love the faces she makes. This picture is very pretty. I love how delicate she looks like she is trying to pick the flower. And her dress matches the flowers on the bush.


Rayne: I think these are my favorite photos submitted to date of Joseph. I love that you were outside for them. He is so very cute. I can see him growing already! I liked to see a range of photos, and he looks adorable in every one of them. Great work Joseph

Kalinka: Great photos this week. Huge improvement. He's such a little sweetie! I love your house by the way, haha. It's very pretty. He looks so happy.

Rena: Great photos of Joseph! Although they have more of an autumn feel to me. But still very cute pictures.

Snug: Love that face! The pictures just didn't really capture me..I'm not sure why. They are great though, nonetheless!

Thy: I LOVE that face. I think he might be alittle baseball player. I love the leaves and the pinecone around him.....and you can even see the eggs. Good Job.


Rayne:Wow. I liked these. She looks so serene actually. Her outfit is adorable! I liked the overal range you gave us. The lighting was fantastic. And the photo met the challenge. I have nothing negative to say about these! Great work Katje!

Kalinka: She's such a little doll and she really looked like she was enjoying being outside, hehe. I love how candid these photos are. They don't look staged or anything. They just look like you too her out to play and decided to take a few photos. Very good work!

Rena: All i can say is wow. I love all of her photos but photo 2 stands out, her expression is just amazing. Excellent work this challenge!

Snug: This was the greatest one out of them all. It looks like she's sunbathing/modeling. So cute. I just wish she was looking at the camera in some of the photos. ): Keep up the good work!

Thy: How cute is she. The sun is hitting her just right and she reminds me of those little strawberry shortcake dolls. She looks so at home here. I love the closeup of her and the way the background looks. Another great picture.


Rayne: As usual Layla is so very gorgeous. These photos met the challenge and did say Spring to me. I wish she would have smiled more, I know of the cute smile she has and wanted to see it! OVerall, Miss Layla is keeping up the great work and should keep doing so!

Kalinka: Beautiful photos as always! She's such a pretty little girl. Wish she would have looked a bit happier, but I know how kids can be.. hehe.

Rena: I really loved these pictures, she is such a beautiful and happy child. The lighting is fantastic!

Snug: She's gorgeous. I love how natural she looks. I like that her hair got a little messy in the wind, it adds a nice touch. It looks like she's about to make a good wish in this photo, haha. It's great.

Thy: Can she scream model anymore? She is so gorgeous. I love this picture. She reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. I can almost see the breeze blowing her hair. And that pose is just prefec


Rayne: Look at little Zane having fun outside! I appreciated that you went outside! The quality was decent and his photos met the challenge. I liked the range you sent in. His expression in a few seemed uninterested, thought this is understandable for his age and being a baby. Can't wait to see more from you Zane!

Kalinka: I love these pictures! They're so stinkin cute! He looks like he belongs outside, hehe. I love it. I believe one of the photos was a touch blurry, but other than that, they're just wonderful. So cute!

Rena: Oh how i loved his pics this challenge! Very spring themed, and in his outfit he looks like a little spring farmer.

Snug: This picture is so cute! I wish the others had turned out a little better. They were blurred a bit, but I can understand how hard it is to capture photos of little ones. Keep up the good work!

Thy: He is adorable. I love the little frog. It looks like it's really sunny outside so you can tell he's having trouble seeing but it's so cute. I love the tree one too. He doesn't look scared at all.

Challenge Three : These are a few of my favorite things..." .

This week we'd like to see some of your munchkin's favorite things. Do they like dress up? Do they like playing with dolls, kitchenware, plushies, rattles, etc etc? What are their favorite toys? That's what this week is all about. Showing us what their favorite playthings are.

Tuesday the 30th is the deadline for your photos to be turned in.
(Let us know AHEAD of time if you can not make the deadline by PMing the mule)
Get your photos in before Wednesday 12 AM EST!

You can submit up to six photos of the participating child, but no less than 3 please. Please have them sized between 500 x 500 - 700 x 700. And send them to the mule.

This will be a non-elimination round because of the delay.
(unless of course, you don't submit your photos)

Top Three:

Layla ! 4/5

Rayne :
I absolutely love the variety. She is so cute cute cute! I love her dress. Dresses are what makes me want girls! D : I have no complaints, Layla is on a roll.

Kalinka :
Great variety! She looks like she is really getting into playing and having a great time. Some of these pictures really look like they could be in a catalog. Amazing job

Rena :
This girl has some serious talent! She is such a natural in front of the camera. I love this pic so much. She is very beautiful.

Snug :
I almost chose this picture as a top one! It's very beautiful, and the lighting is great. I can't really complain about it much, I just liked some of the others more. If it was a top 4 pick, this one would have been number 4, hands down!

Thy :
She just embodies what I think of a model. This could be in a magazine. I love this.

Willow ! 3/5
Rayne :
She looks really happy! I love it! And her personality is shining through! Austin has that same jumperoo and she looks A LOT happier in it than he normally does. (:

Kalinka :
These are wonderful! She looks SO happy. She is just too cute for words. Her pictures really can brighten up a bad day. She is a beautiful child.

Rena :
Oh my gosh, she just looks so happy! These pictures are just amazing, and she never fails to make me smile. This photo in particular is just radiant. Great work this week, she is so cute.

Snug :
She is SO cute. She looks very happy in that bouncer, haha, and you can really tell it is one of her favorite things! You did a very good job with these, I wish the lighting was a bit better in some, but all and all, very well!

Thy :
I love this picture. She looks so adorable. That face is very angelic. It was hard choosing a top three.

Dani ! 3/5
Rayne :
These made me grin and smile! I also am not sure if she's nursing them or wearing them, but either way she's so funny. She's got so much personality and I liked the colors. I wish I had been able to see her face though!

Kalinka :
I adore these pictures! Ah, they are just too cute! I love how she's putting them in her shirt. That is adorable. I really like how the colors seems to work really well together as well. Great job!

Rena :
These are gorgeous, gorgeous pictures. I am loving how she puts her toys in her top for safe keeping, very adorable! Great quality pictures.

Snug :
I love that is she is trying to wear/nurse her babies, yet again. So very precious. I wish she would have been looking at the camera in a couple, that would have made the picture a lot better! That's my only complaint, really. I just wish I could have seen her darling face! <3

Thy :
I love her pictures. She is too cute. I love how she is putting the toys in her shirt. Almost like she's keeping them their for safe keeping. She is adorable. And it's like she doesn't even realize you are taking a picture.

Alexis N/A submitted

Audrey :
Rayne :
Both of your girls are wonderful Pocket. I really liked Audrey's set also. The variety was great! I also forgot to mention, I'm a fan that these were done with outside natural lighting. Keep it up!

Kalinka :
Gosh, she is such a cutie. She looks like she'd be great fun to play with. Emlyn has those little white shoes as well, hehe.

Rena :
This picture is great. I love how she has the "all mine!" thing going on! She is very cute, and takes GREAT photos. Keep up the good work.

Snug :
I can't get over how pretty she is! Loved her photos as well. Just wish she was playing with more toys, like dolls or rattles, etc. in the pictures. The egg pictures are very pretty Easter pictures, though! Great lighting, once again, as well.

Thy :
This kind of reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. She looks like she snuck off to examine her eggs. She is so gorgeous.

Joseph :
Rayne :
He's getting so big already! I liked the variety in your set. I liked how you showed us him with his various toys. Overall, no complaints. One was blurry, but quite cute.

Kalinka :
Ah, such a handsome little boy. I love his facial expressions. He looks like he really likes to chew on things, huh? Too cute. Some of the pictures could have been much better quality though.

Rena :
Very cute pics this week, i love how he is having a good ol' chomp on his book. Shows how much he loves it!

Snug :
He sure is becoming the little chunk, if I do say so myself! Very precious he is. And he seems to be enjoying that tastey rattle, haha. My only complaint with this photo is that I would rather it be right side up, and it's a taddd blurry. But other than that, it's good. I like that you can really tell he is enjoying that toy.

Thy :
Outside pictures are always great. He looks like he is really enjoying himself out there. I wonder what he was looking at?

Katje :
Rayne :
I think these are so cute! I just loved the overall feel from seeing your photos... the quality was great, and went well with the theme. She looks happy with all of her things. Keep it up!

Kalinka :
What a happy and adorable little girl. Great photo quality as well. I really like the upclose shots. They're too cute! Great job.

Rena :
i LOVE this picture, she is just so cute, and obviously really wants those keys! Good work this week.

Snug :
I love love love this picture! She seems to really be enjoying that set of keys. My son has the same ones, and they've been his favorite since he was a couple months old. x3 I also like all the rest of your photos, and I like that you actually surrounded her with toys, and showed them off. This is a great close up, too. A lot of close ups tend to be blurry, but this one isn't. Very cute.

Thy :
I love how she has everything she likes all up close. She looks so excited. I really like the upcloseness too.

Zane :
Rayne :
Sweet little boy. Is it me or is the resize a little square? I wish they wouldve caught my eye a little more... Overall, you did nice with the challenge.

Kalinka :
Too cute! He looks so happy! Gah, I just want to pinch his cheeks. I love the photo of him eating. I believe that's one of my daughter's favorite activities as well, haha.

Rena :
This little man is too adorable for words. This picture is too much, his facial expression is just priceless "what is on my heeeeead?? Haha very good work this week guys!

Snug :
Precious boy! Love his photos, but I wish they would have caught my attention more. Been more..vibrant, I guess is what I'm trying to say. Other than that, he is very cute, and the photos are adorable, just not my favorite. Keep up the good work!

Thy :
That is such a cute picture. He looks so long too. I love that face like, "Ummm....I don't know how that got up there?" I just wish there was a bit more around him as far as the things he likes.

Challenge Two : Let's See You Rock Your "Threads" .

Baby clothes are the cutest right? Well I think so. And what makes baby clothes even cuter, babies in them. (: This week we'd like to see your baby modeling his/her clothing. We want to see what you like to dress them in best, and see some personal style in them. (; So let's see those onesies, jeans, tops, leggings, etc etc and the cuties rocking them out! Sell those threads!

Wednesday the 17th is the deadline for your photos to be turned in.
(Let us know AHEAD of time if you can not make the deadline by PMing the mule)
Get your photos in before Thursday 12 AM EST!

You can submit up to six photos of the participating child, but no less than 3 please. Please have them sized between 500 x 500 - 700 x 700. And send them to the mule.

This will be a non-elimination round because of the drops last week.
(unless of course, you don't submit your photos)

Top Two :

Audrey ! 4/5


Rayne: I love the decision that you made to punk out Audrey. Love love punk style... Skulls = win. My favorites were her outside photos on the stairs. I love her converses and leggings, my favorites of her outfit. Overall, her photos were great. Very cute. And made me want.

Kalinka: This almost made my top three. She just looks so happy and like a very playful child. Her clothing is adorable too! I like the two different areas you shot in too. Great way to change it up.

Rena: WOW! This girl knows how to work a camera! She is just so cute! And the punk image she has going on is so awesome! Love it!

Snug: That outfit is ADORRRABLE. And she looks so happy in it! Like, "look at me mama, I'm so cute!" And those chucks are just priceless. Such a cute girl, in such a cute outfit! Great photo.

Thy: I love the punk theme. She is rocking her outfit. The spoon in her hands makes it look as those she has a microphone and is ready to belt one out in a minute. She is awesome.

Layla ! 3/5


Rayne: I love how you went for a punk theme. Skulls, and whatnot are my favorites. : D I really liked how Layla had a set in front of zebra print (I love zebra print) but I feel it also added to the feel of her photos. She seems like such a spirited little girl. I loved her outfit. She modeled it great. Very cute all around! You and her have me impressed!

Kalinka: These were my favorites! The clothing choices are great and camera work is wonderful too! She is just so cute! I have nothing negative to say here keep up the good work!

Rena: Your babies know how to pose! Layla is so gorgeous! And I am loving that skirt!

Snug: Adorrrable outfit! I love that she's holding a panda. She looks like a little punk panda herself. Very precious. I wish the lighting was a litttttttttle bit brighter, but other than that, VERY good photo. And VERY cute! Keep up that punk style, haha, it's precious!

Thy: I love tutus and the pink with the black and white zebra theme is awesome. It's just an all around great picture.


Rayne: I like how you wet outside for some photos. She's so teeny and cute. (: I like the "Diva" outfit. I have no complaints really. See you next week Alexis!

Kalinka: Ah, such a little cutie. Her smile is so great and I love the pictures of the other person holding her up. That's just too cute. She looks like such a happy baby! Very good job, keep it up!

Rena: What a gorgeous picture! Only issue I have with it is the bib blocking her top, would have loved to have seen what was underneath! But great job in this challenge!

Snug: I have to say this is the best picture out of them all. It would have been nice to have some more full body shots, but I love the Diva bib. Very cute.

Thy: I love outside pictures and I love her outfit. I can definitely see alittle Diva in her.


Rayne: Dani is as cute as she always is. And once again her personality shines right through. Loving those baby legs. She just seems to really pose in pictures I've seen of her. Love love.

Kalinka: I love how it definitely looks like some clothing she would wear around the house. She looks so happy and relaxed like there's nothing going on out of the ordinary. She is such a cute little gal.

Rena: That is a priceless pic. She knows how to work the camera without effort it seems! Her outfit is just adorable. Great work this challenge!

Snug: I love love LOVE this picture! It reminds me of the biting the finger pose models do, but instead, kid and cute like. It's SO adorable. Very good job!

Thy: I adore those leggings. And the way she is posed against the couch is adorable. It's like taking pictures is apart of her life. I can see alittle top model in her for sure. She would have been my Top 4.


Rayne: That pooh outfit is great! And I like that you went outside with some natural lighting. I love me some outdoor photos. Despite the weird lighting in another photo you sent, it was also cute. I wish you would've sent some more newer photos, as I've seen the other two before. Very cute. Let's see some more of JLB next challenge!

Kalinka: What an adorable little man! And I do believe he and Zane are the only boys left in the competition. How exciting! I would have loved to see all new photos though.

Rena: I really like this picture. All snuggled up ready for bed. Love his smile! Great work this week.

Snug: Love the pooh picture! It's even cuter that he was outside in the pooh suit, reminds me of the show. Very good scenery for the photo.

Thy: The winnie the pooh outfit goes so well with the outside background. Maybe alittle thing of honey next to him would have really brought out the picture....but he is too cute either way.


Rayne: She is SUCH a cutie-o. I love animal print. Even though she is so young, she did fantastic. I loved your entire set. She made me want to cuddle her. And gave me some new baby fever for a liiiittle girl. Can't wait to see how cute she is again!

Kalinka: I just loved these pictures. She is such a cutie. The lighting is great and her outfits are adorable.I really have nothing negative to say about these pictures at all.

Rena: She is so sweet. I love this picture. She is just adorable! LOVE the leopard prints!

Snug: Such a cute photo! This looks like it'd be a very cute Valentines day outfit! ^^ I love that her eyes are so big and bright! Good job with the lighting, it's lovely. I don't really have any complaints. Keep up the good work!

Thy: How adorable is she? I really like this picture....although I think it would have been better suited for the first challenge....I really like it.


Rayne: I liked that you thought out of the box a little and went for a tutu. She looked very beautiful. I wish I couldve gotten a couple of the photos to load... but I think that was a mistake on my part. Adorable. I love her tutu. I love how happy she is in it. (when I see tutus it makes me wish I had a little girl too, I want to even make them). Keep up the good work!

Kalinka: OMG SO CUTE! I love the tutu idea. The colors are great with her eyes. She is adorable and looks so happy. The pictures could almost pass as professional. Great job!

Rena: I loved all these pictures of willow it was hard to choose one. But i love her smile in this one, and the Tutu is so pretty and girly!

Snug: Her eyes are HUGE in this one! I love it! And the tutu is great. She looks adorable in it. No complaints here either really!

Thy: Did I mention I love tutus? The color of her eyes go so well with the color of the tutu. She looks so gorgeous. Her smiles makes her eyes even brighter.


Rayne: BRAVO! Let me just say these are an improvement from last week! I thought the pictures were great and THANK YOU for sizing correctly! It made me really happy! I will say to be aware of angles. On one of the photos, I myself was not crazy about the angle of the shot. And in one of the photos someone's shirt is giving the camera a weird and distracting glare. Overall the photos were so adorable, I loved all of his little outfits. : D

Kalinka: What a little thug, haha! He looks wonderful and his expressions are priceless. Great clothing choices. You still have some work to do with the camera usage, but that's fine. Good work here!

Rena: Wow, just wow. This picture is AMAZING! He looks like a lil mini gangster the way he is looking at the camera! I had a good coo and chuckle over this picture! AMAZING work this challenge. I love those little shoes! So cute.

Snug: Great job on this challenge! A lot better than the last one. That outfit, again, is adorable. I love the hat too. Very cute! I'm glad the sizing was better this time, he's a very cute boy (:

Thy: This is what I picture an Old Navy model to look like. He is a natural. I'm glad you managed to size them right this time. He is alittle cutie. Better watch out. With a picture like this, he will be a heartbreaker.

Challenge One : Welcome To my "Crib"

This is the first challenge for GNTB. Have you ever seen MTV's Cribs? Well your child has been selected to participate in "Gaia's Next Top Baby Cribs". What we want to see is your child in his/her space... be it a crib, bedroom, bed, or playroom... Wherever, the choice is yours. We want to see them enjoying themselves and being happy little tykes.

This will be a non-elimination round
(unless of course, you don't submit your photos)

Top Three :

Dani 5/5!


Rayne : Dani is so cute! I love how she really did seem to be showing us her space and her things. Her personality shined through. Can't wait for more!

Kalinka : These pictures are great! Her personality shines through so well! I love all the funny faces. She looks like so much fun to play with! I want to have a playdate with her and Emlyn, haha. I love her outfit and necklace. They're too cute and her bed is adorable. I love the quilt. I just couldn't get over her little personality in these photos.

Rena : I LOVE this picture. Her little pouty lips are amazing! The pose looks almost as if she is taking this picture herself.

Snuggie : I love all of these photos tbh, but this one is my favorite. I love how she looks so excited and is like, "and this is my block!" She really IS showing her space, and her items. It's great. And it's also great that she looks happy and smiley and silly in ALL of them.

Thy : I really love this picture. Dani looks as if she's saying, "Oh, you would like to play with me?" And the background is perfect for this challenge. I just love those little puckered lips. This one is my favorite.

Willow ! 5/5


Rayne : When you said Willow was sick I wouldn't have even guessed. Her photos are absolutely adorable. Her smile is just shining through. She looks so camera happy and seems to be happy in her environment. IF this is her sick, I can not wait to see what she does later!

Kalinka : I can't believe she was feeling a little under the weather! You cannot tell by these pictures. She has such beautiful eyes and a wonderful smile. She looks so happy all snuggled up in bed. The lighting is great and the colors really pop. I think you did an excellent job!

Rena : This one of Willow is just beautiful. I can't believe she wasn't well she doesn't look it at all! And that little tooth i can see, just awesome.

Snuggie : You said that she was under the weather? You so can not tell! She looks very happy and pleased. I love that's she's sitting up and smilingly beautifully in this one.

Thy : Willow is too cute. I love her smile and how she sits straight up, very prim and proper. She looks so excited to have someone take a picture of her. Her smile draws you in. Despite being sick, she doesn't show it at all.

Audrey ! 3/5


Rayne : Both of your girls are absolutely adorable Pocket. I really loved Audrey's photos. You said that the quality wasn't all that great because of the lighting. But it didn't even really bother me. She looks so happy! She looks to be enjoying her space and I absolutely loved them.

Kalinka : I fell in love with these photos! The colors are great and she just looks so full of personality. The quality of the photos are really great too although I wish some of the lighting in just a few would have been different. There were a couple with shadow issues, but nothing horrible. She looks like she had an excellent time with this! I love the smiles!

Rena : This lil lady is gorgeous! She looks so happy and comfortable in her little space. Her facial expression is priceless

Snuggie : I love love love the colors in the photos. I had a hard time choosing if this was in my top three, or not. If we had to pick top 4, this would have been my forth. She looks very excited, and happy in all of them. And she's just so pretty! You're doing great though. Can't wait to see your photos for the next challenge.

Thy : I can tell Audrey is very outgoing. Even through the camera she shows how much fun she's having.

Zane :


Rayne : He's a cutie. The only problem I had is that they were resized wrong. Next time if you're in doubt of the resizing, just send in larger size and I can resize them. I'm not too fond of teeny photos. Other than that. He's a cute! Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Kalinka : The quality of these photos isn't the greatest and the sizing is wrong, but he is adorable. I really love the picture of him with the kitty. They look like little sleeping buddies. I think the pictures are really adorable, but would have been even better if the quality was better.

Rena : Oh he is just adorable! The photo sizing is a bit wrong, but i still like it.

Snuggie : Good photos, just they were very small and not even close to the right size. Make sure to double check the qualifications, next time! But other than that, they are cute photos. And he' a very cute baby.

Thy : He is precious.....but the pictures are alittle too small. It would be nice to see the background a little as well. But other then that....he's too cute.

Katje :

Rayne : The photo quality was really great. I know how hard it can be to get babies to cooperate. She is adorable. And the cat in the one photo made me giggle. Can't wait for more!

Kalinka : I found myself smiling a lot when looking at these. She is such a cutie! That onesie is great as well. I do think the lighting could have been a bit better though, maybe a bit brighter. I thought the picture with the cat in the bassinet was great! That's too funny.

Rena : She is very cute, her blue eyes are just amazing! And the photo quality is just great.

Snuggie : Haha! I love the cat under her. So funny! I wish she looked a little bit happier, but I know how it can be trying to get babies to smile, haha. The quality of the photo is really good. Very pretty. Keep up the good work!

Thy : She's such a cutie. Looks like she loves the camera. I also really love her outfit.

Layla :


Rayne : Choosing between your girls was so difficult Pocket! I loved Layla's photos. And if I had to pick a 4th, she wouldve gotten it. She's just a little princess huh? (: She's so cute. I loved how you showed her space off, again the lighting didnt even bother me.

Kalinka : Layla is just too cute! She looks like she really likes her toys! I love how happy she looks in all of the pictures. The fact that her jammies match her bedspread is just great! She's a princess fan, eh? The quality of these photos is great as well. I don't really have any complaints!

Rena : She is a sweetheart! I love how there is that princess theme with her room. She reminds me so much of my girl Adara who also loves princesses!

Snuggie : Much like the one above, I love that she's showing off her toys. And you can also tell that she is in her space, by the backgroud. Lots of toys, and even her bed. It's nice that you left the picture OPEN and didn't just focus on HER, you showed back images, which I like a lot. And she seems very pleased with her "crib"!

Thy : I love how she shows off her toys. She even looks as though she's waiting for us to come play with her. And I love Disney Princesses.

Joseph :


Rayne : These are adorable. I remember when Austin was 4 months. I understand how hard it can be to get desired photos...

Kalinka : Great facial expressions! He is such a little ham. I love his photos. My only issue is the quality of a few of the photos isn't the greatest, but then in some other pictures the quality is excellent. I think if you just work on your camera skills a bit more the pictures will be perfect!

Rena : He is such a cute lil baby! Photo quality is great! He has such an expressive face for a baby so young. I like that.

Snuggie : I love all of his toys surrounding him, and he's just kind of like, "Yeah, these are my toys, whatsit to ya?", haha. Very adorable. I also love that he has a wooden spoon next to him. Oh the things babies like to play with!

Thy : This picture is so cute. It almost looks as if it was taken by a top professional photographer. The angle is nice and I love how he has a wooden spoon nearby. His facial feature looks almost as if we are disturbing him. Like he is saying," Yes? Can I help you?"

Ren :


Rayne : I really wish there was more than one submitted photo. Other than that, the photo was pretty darn cute. Show us even more and use the number of allowed photos to your advantage!

Kalinka : I was really disappointed to find only one photo. He is so adorable. I just couldn't chose him for my top three based on just one photo though! I do really like the one photo you submitted though. His smile is great.

Rena : Such a shame there was only one pic of him! He is a darling! The photo quality isn't that great, but he is still a cutie.

Snuggie : This little boy is adorable! I was sad to find there was only one photo of him. And it's not that great of quality, and there's not much to look at in the photo, except him. He doesn't have any toys around him, and you can't really tell that that's a bed. Next time try showing more of a background.

Thy :He is a cutie....but it's sad that there is only one picture of him. It would have been nice to see more.

Alexis :


Rayne : She's so adorable. She seems to not even care about the photo taking. Hehe. Can't wait to see more photos! I really liked the lighting and photo quality.

Kalinka : Alexis is such an adorable baby! My goodness, she is just beautiful. Her bouncy seat is adorable. I love the fisher price animal stuff, haha. She looks so relaxed on the couch. She just seems so content in these pictures! Keep up the good work!

Rena : She is very very cute. I love the chubby cheeks! These pics would have been more amazing if she had smiled, but i know how non-compliant children can be (:

Snuggie : She's so cute! I have to say this is the best out of all of her photos. They were good photos, just not the best. Keep trying though. You're doing good!

Thy : Alexis is the most laid back baby I have ever seen. She just looks as though taking pictures is just another part of her life. Put some sunglasses on that girl and she could be a movie star.

Cont. Previous Challenges.

Challenge Ten : FINAL CHALLENGE!

Congrats on making it to the top two Audrey and Layla! We look forward to seeing you two in the final challenge for the season. No doubt you both have provided beautiful photos this season. It was difficult to decide what to do for this challenge because we feel like we've seen it all from you both. For this challenge we'd like to see two different looks: a daytime look and a glamourous look. We want 4 photos of each look, so in total you should send in 8 photos. We want to see the contrast in the outfits and we want to be able to see your personalities shine through. After this challenge we'll see who Gaia's Next Top Baby is for Season One.



Layla - challenge winner.

Rayne: Miss Layla is such a beautiful little girl and has always showed that in her photos. Through out the season she has turned in some great pictures. It seems you have two little models on your hands. I can see Layla's personality come through in her photos. I can sometimes see that little bit of attitude in some of her photos that really makes me grin.

This challenge was hard to pick a winner for. I felt both girls were front runners and both looked as adorable as ever. In Layla's set I really liked the variety of photos and poses. And that there was a contrast between the two categories. I felt like her glamorous photos were gorgeous and she had that little spark of attitude. And in her casual photos I liked that there were a variety of poses and expressions that she gave. Overall, wonderful work.

Kalinka: Layla has done so amazingly well this whole competition. Her photos have always been some of my favs. They are incredibly strong. These photos were, once again, amazing. Her casual wear is so cute. She looks like such a little model. Her Glam shots are adorable as well. I had a different idea on the Glam shots. I expected something diva-like and over the top, but these were a different more refined form of glam that I ended up liking a lot. Great job this whole season.

Darc: Casual: Picture 1. This picture just expresses what casual should be to me, kicked back and having what looks to be all the fun in the world.
Glamor: Picture 4. This picture is the most glamorous and “lady-like” photo submitted for wither of the girls, and the pose is just magnificent.(I feel like Prof. Oak from Pokemon Snap right now..xD)

Rena: Layla has done really well in this first season of GNTB. She is a beautiful wee girl and i am really impressed with how she has done
The latest pics are really good. Great work




Rayne: Little Audrey has impressed me throughout this season. I feel like her energy and personality always shines through in her photos and they make me smile. It seems like it comes natural to her.

This week was hard. I felt both girls were right by eachother. I liked both of Audrey's outfits and could see the contrast. The only thing is that I felt in her casual photos she was a little disconnected from the camera in her casual outfit. Which I understand can happen with little ones. I just wish I couldve seen more of a variety of poses in that category. Her glamorous photos were wonderful. She looks as beautiful as ever. Overall, tough choice

Kalinka: What an amazing little model. She has done SO well this season. Her photos always make me smile. I also think she definitely gives the judges what they want to see! Her casual shots were very cute. She looked like she had a lot of fun playing outside. Her glam shots are so pretty. Yellow looks great on her. Amazing job!

Darc: Picture 4. Again, this just expresses casual to me, but unlike Layla's photo, Audrey doesn't appear to be having nearly as much fun in this pose.
Glamor: Picture 1. I didn't really feel that any of the photos were glamorous, but this did stand out more than the others, I can't place why this is the case, but it is. Great work Audrey, but Layla came out on top.

Rena: I have been really impressed with this girl throughout the competition. She is a real natural! These last pictures have been right on the money. Well done Audrey! She is a natural born model!

Challenge Nine : Commercial Appeal

We have our top three! Congrats Audrey, Katje, and Layla! Now this challenge may be a little harder. We'd like you Mommies to choose an item that you can NOT live without for your babes. The product is up to you. Just something that is a must have. Make us want this product. Let's see you guys pull this off.

July 15th 11:59 is the deadline for your photos for the challenge to be turned in.
(Let us know AHEAD of time if you can not make the deadline by PMing the mule)
Get your photos in before Thursday 12 AM EST!

You can submit up to eight photos of the participating child, but no less than 3 please. Please have them sized between 500 x 500 - 700 x 700. And send them to the mule. This goes for BOTH of the challenges.

First place!

Audrey - Sunblock!

"In the Texas heat, Sunblock is ESSENTIAL! Baby sunblock rocks!"


Rayne: I could really see these in an ad. I felt like you got the commercial aspect down. I thought she looked adorable and I loved how she used the lotion herself. Great work Audrey!

Kalinka: These are wonderful. She looks so cute in her little swim suit. I love it. Great job making the photos really look an ad. That was a very important part to me. Way to sell that sunblock!

Rena: These are some amazing pictures! I love how she concentrates on the bottle, she is in the sun, she is smiling, in a bathing suit, these pics are definitely commercial material. Photo three is definitely my favourite.

Snug: These are just PERFECT. I love that she is in a bathing suit, and in the sun. You know what product you are referring to right away, without any confusion. And she looks gorgeous with doing so! The natural lightning just lights up her skin. I love it.

Thy: She is soooo cute. I love how she looks as if she's reading the label on the sunscreen. And the way she holds it in her other photos is like it's her best friend. She is adorable. Hopefully she got it on before the sun got her.

Joe: I have to say, these pictures are great! The way you set them up are amazing and I could definitely see them in an advertisement for sunscreen. I love how she is outside, running around in the sun and there is definitely not a burn anywhere on her little body! I also like how she is putting it on herself; It was a cute touch to the picture. You definitely sold this product to me!

Layla - Hair De Tangler

"When you have a curly headed cutie, hair detangler is a MUST have for all mommies!"


Rayne: I felt like she had the commercial part down. I could see these as still shots throughout a commercial. She looks so very cute. In some of the shots she looked a little disconnected from the camera, but it's understandable when you're working with a little one. Great work selling your product Layla!

Kalinka: I love these pictures. I can completely remember my mom dousing my head in detangler because I have very thick hair, hehe. I love how these really look like photos from an advertisement. Great job. You nailed this challenge!

Rena: This little girl is gorgeous! These pictures are great and i am super impressed at how her hair looks like it would just after using a detangler. Great work!

Snug: She sure does have curly hair! My son does too, so I can understand why detangler is a must have, haha. I do love these photos, but it might of been a bit better if you would have had a better environment for the photos. Pictures of her in the bathroom, pretending to use it would have been great. Having her in the room she uses it the most, which I'm guessing would be the bathroom? I hope that makes since, haha. But other than that, great photos!

Thy: This picture is just perfect. Her curly hair is blowing in the wind, and it looks so soft and gorgeous. So the detangler must work. I really think this is the best picture. And of course, I have curly hair as well and I still have to use detangler.

Joe: The pictures you took are very cute, I honestly couldn't decide which one to chose! I love how you caught a picture of her with the wind blowing through her hair; It really shows how well the detangler works! I also like how happy she looks, holding onto her hair brush. To me, it really shows how well the product works and how she isn't afraid about brushing the tangles away. Great work!

Katje - Baby Play Yard.

"I couldn't live without the play yard. It keeps Katje in one area where she cannot stick her fingers in the fan or under the rocking chair and keeps her toys contained in one area as well."


Rayne: I love these photos. I think she looks adorable. I love that play yard too! The only thing is.... I didn't really get commercial from them. They're adorable photos of little Katje in her yard but I just didn't feel like they hit the nail on the head for the challenge. Very cute little miss Katje though.

Kalinka: Here's the thing. I ADORE these pictures. When I first saw them, I thought here's my top choice! But, then I got to thinking about the challenge. These pictures don't really “sell” any product to me. Yes, the playyard is in the photos, but I just feel like it's just cute pictures of Katje playing and not actually an advertisement.

Rena: These pictures are very cute, and i especially love this one where you can see her face in the mirror, the only issue i have is that there are too many distractions that take attention away from the challenge. Other than that, well done!

Snug: She's just so beautiful, for real! I really loved all these photos, but I was a bit confused at first..because of all the toys. I didn't know which one you were really referring, until I read it. I'd have to say Picture 5 is the best, because it really focus's on the play yard. They're good, though!

Thy: I really can't decide which picture I like best, but I love how the first one is focused on her with the play yard in the background. It looks really good. Then the one where she's looking through the mirror at you is really great. And it shows the play yard and all her toys. Makes me really want to get one of those for when my new little one comes.

Joe: I will be honest and say; She is one very cute baby! She looks like she is having a lot of fun and looks so happy in most of the pictures. The only thing that really bothered me was all the extra toys in the play yard. They take away the attention you have towards the main object. Other than that, it is a very great picture. You can definitely tell that the play yard comes in handy when you have a mobile baby!

Challenge Eight : Beauty Shots

We are getting down to the last of the munchies. For this challenge you will be doing beauty shots. This can sound fairly simple but please do not underestimate that. We want to see the cuties in some fairly simple clothing. We want to be able to look at your photos and not only see the cuties they are, but be captivated by their beautiful faces. To help you there is also google to get an idea of what beauty shots really are.

June 21st 11:59 is the deadline for your photos for the challenge to be turned in.
(Let us know AHEAD of time if you can not make the deadline by PMing the mule)
Get your photos in before Tuesday 12 AM EST!

You can submit up to eight photos of the participating child, but no less than 3 please. Please have them sized between 500 x 500 - 700 x 700. And send them to the mule. This goes for BOTH of the challenges.

Top Two!

Audrey! - TIED 1.833


Rayne: I like how you threw in some variety of expressions with Audrey's set. I liked that in all of the photos you were drawn into her face. Her set also showed her personality. Beautiful Audrey.

Kalinka: I think you nailed these shots! They look like true beauty shots. She looks so beautiful in all of them. Great job. I am very, very impressed.

Darc: Absolutely gorgeous picture, and I think it really captures what this challenge was looking for. I started at the bottom of the page and scrolled up, not being overly impressed by any of the pictures, and then it was like a slap in the face – a kind gentle nudge. Amazing job this week!

Rena: This shot is beautiful! I love the sparkle in her eyes, awesome work!

Snug: All of hers are awesome, too! Her eyes really shine in the photos, they are what really shows and captures me the most in almost all of them. And that's great! Awesome, once again!

Thy: I love profile pictures. She looks adorable. The way the light hits her is just about prefect. It kind of reminds me of those pictures you take in those booths. It's great.

Katje! - TIED 1.833


Rayne: Katje is so wonderfully adorable. I was a little sad that you sent in 6 instead of 8, which we allowed this week. However I was pleased with the photos. Katje's eyes are so beautiful and bright, they just pull you right in. I liked her outfit. Overall, beautiful. And I love her little smile.

Kalinka: I love these! They honestly look like they could be from an advertisement. The lighting is wonderful and she just so cute.

Darc: Anyway, this picture somewhat captures what the challenge asks for, but I feel that it was by accident. Either way, you made my top three, and that stops me from being an eliminating vote for you.

Rena: All I can say is wow! This picture is amazing, katje is truly a gorgeous wee girl. Well done this challenge you have done a great job!

Snug: She's so beautiful! This picture had WONDERFUL lighting. I really enjoyed the 1st picture too. They all looked great. I'm surprised you got her to stay so still, haha! They are all great. And she is just precious. Very great job!

Thy: I don't know what it is but this upclose picture of her is soooo adorable. I really love it. I love how each one is different. Great Job!!

Bottom Two - Up for elimination.

Layla - 2.66


Rayne: Little Miss Layla is as beautiful as ever. I love that I can see her personality and her attitude in these. In one of the photos where she has that smirk like expression... it just makes me think how mischievous she may be. I wish there was more variety with the expressions, the ones where she was smiling seemed relatively the same. However, her smile is dazzling. Overall, beautiful work.

Kalinka: Ah, she is so adorable. Great job on making them look like beauty shots. I imagine that would be very difficult with little ones. I'm not sure why, but none of her pictures really stuck out to me this week like they have in previous weeks. Still a great job though.

Darc: Pretty good picture, and it also captures what this challenge was about. I'm really interested to see what more you have to offer, especially after the last challenge with the creativity of a bat. Kind of a let down this week, but it still got you second spot for me.

Rena: Amazing work, she is beautiful! I love her smile!

Snug: She did fantastic! She just looks so happy in all of the photos, it's great. And I must say, she looks very pretty in blue! Great photographing, momma. (:

Thy: She is gorgeous. This picture really brings out her eyes. She looks like a little angel. Awesome work. You really are great at taking pictures.

Zane - 3.66


Rayne: I felt like overall you had a great idea of what to do for the beauty shots. I was a little sad that you also sent in 6 when you could've sent in 8. I liked your headshot angles. I felt like the blur is what made me rank you lower. The variety was great, and that no two pictures were the same. And he is just so beautiful.

Kalinka: These made me smile. I feel like I've watched him grow up so much in this competition. He looks so different now than he did in the first challenge. He's so adorable. I love it!

Darc: I didn't feel that any of these pictures met what this challenge was looking for. Sorry Zane, but you're my number four this week, putting you on the chopping block.

Rena: These pics are rather blurry but still very cute. He is adorable.

Snug: He has gorgeous eyes, I love them! The only down fall of these photos is the lighting, and they are a bit blurry. Keep up the good work!

Thy: Zane is great.....but it's soo hard to really see him because it's alittle too blurry. This picture is the cutest. He looks like he is having so much fun. He's such a cutie.

Challenge Seven : "Hear Me RAWR"

Lions, tigers, and bears... OH MY! For this challenge we'd like you to bring an animal out of your little cutie. The animal is up to you. This challenge could be a little harder and we are testing how far you've come. Be creative! We want to be able to see the animal clearly. Let's hear them "RAWR".

May 24th is the deadline for your photos for the challenge to be turned in.
(Let us know AHEAD of time if you can not make the deadline by PMing the mule)
Get your photos in before Tuesday 12 AM EST!

You can submit up to six photos of the participating child, but no less than 3 please. Please have them sized between 500 x 500 - 700 x 700. And send them to the mule. This goes for BOTH of the challenges.

This will be an elimination round.

Joseph dropped.

Audrey! - = 1.66


Rayne: These are super cute. I loved how these were outside. The flower prop and the background just made her look like an adorable little buzzing bee. I'm usually afraid of bees, but I'll make an exception for Miss Audrey. Let's see some more from Miss Audrey!

Kalinka: So sweet! She makes such a beautiful little bee. Normally, I hate bees, but I believe I'd enjoy being around this one, hehe.

Darc: The idea doesn't quite fit the challenge title..but it worked out really well(at least to me). I love that even though she was still sick, she pulled off great pictures this week. Some of her pictures even remind me of a bee, as she cautiously approached the tree, and the way she's looking at the flowers. Definitely a 180 degree turn around from last week!

Rena: Very cute pics! I love how much work you put into the pics, very impressive, she makes a gorgeous little bumble bee.

Snug: She is just way too precious. And the costume is super pretty! I also love the fact that she is holding a flower. And not to mention the lighting of the photos is amazing. These were really pretty pictures. Great job!

Thy: She is just adorable. I love how she is moving like a bee does and the flower only adds to her picture. It's great. For as young as she is she is such a natural and she looked like she was having a ton of fun.

Katje! = 1.83


Rayne: I really liked these! They are adorable. And they say piglet without being overtop. Her eyes look so beautiful... I love how she got messy. In one photo it looks like she's snorting! (: Can't wait to see what you come up with next Katje!

Kalinka: These are just wonderful. I love how you got some pictures of her eating. Goes great with the piggie theme as do the outside photos. Very simple and beautiful.

Darc: These pictures are nice, but they didn't really pop out at me as they have in the past. Great idea, nice pictures, just not as great as they've been.

Rena: All I can say is wow, I cannot convey in words how much these pics just captured the challenge so perfectly!! Well done. She is so cute.

Snug: These are A-DOR-ABLE. I love the ears. And the onsie is just way too cute. Her eyes look BEAUTIFUL in the first picture, too. And I love the fact that she's eating and super messy - just like a little piggy. Fantastic job!

Thy: She is awesome. And her smile is contagious. This picture goes so well with what I think of when I see a pig. They are always eating and just messing as can be. She is adorable. Just an awesome job.

Layla! = 3.16


Rayne: Layla! I wouldn't have guessed she'd do bat for her animal. I thought the costume and the idea was creative. It also looked like she was having fun during her shoot. She looks like she's about to take off in flight! Great work Layla!

Kalinka: Wow, what a great idea! Very creative, most people wouldn't think to do an animal like a bat. I'm impressed. Very cute pictures!

Darc: First of all, the idea here just amazed me, great creativity! I'm not sure where your idea came from, but it definitely popped right out at me, keep up amazing work like this!

Rena: Wonderful pics from Layla she makes a very cute bat i love how much effort you put into each challenge. Well done. (:

Snug: She looks so spooky, it's great! I love the lace wings, a very nice touch. You can def. tell she is trying to be a bat. She also seems very pleased with her costume.

Thy: I love how creative you are but I just wish she was having more fun. SHe looks like she's forcing herself to smile, but she's a trooper. Kinda looks like it was hot outside. But this picture looks good. I love that hat.

In trouble and up for elimination...

Zane! = 3.66


Rayne: How cute! He looks just like a little bunny. I love the one of him rolling around in the grass. He just looks so cute and cuddly! Nice work Zane!

Kalinka: Aww, cute little bunny! I love it. He looks so adorable laying in the grass. Great work!

Darc: This picture just popped out to me, and the pictures overall were really cute. I also liked that everywhere we see a picture of him, it's easy to picture a bunny there.

Rena: So very very adorable, Zane makes a very sweet bunny.

Snug: He's an adorable boy. I have to say the last photo is the best out of them all, he looks like a little bunny trying to be sneaky beneath the grass. It would have been nice if his outfit had more to do with a bunny, but besides that, they're good.

Thy: I love bunnies. And this picture is great. It's perfect for a bunny. Kinda looks like he's hiding at the same time he is probably wondering what you are doing. I almost wish I knew what he was looking at.

Dani! = 4.66


Rayne: I see a little mousey! I wouldn't have guessed you would go for mouse. She's so adorable though! I love how oversized the hat is to her... I wish her outfit would have been more "mouselike" and it would've really caught my eye! Overall, very cute Dani!

Kalinka: These are very cute, but just didn't portray an animal very well for me. She's adorable as usual. They just didn't stand out to me very well.

Darc: Really, I had no idea what you were even going for until I looked up to see what Dani was supposed to be. It seems like you just gave up on the competition this week, and from what I've seen it doesn't really appear that you've put much effort into the pictures. It would also help to have more than just three pictures every week. I really don't understand the oversized mouse hat and the dinosaur outfit.

Rena: I love the simplicity of these pics, Dani looks so sweet under than hat.

Snug: She looks so tiny beneath the ears - makes her look even more mouselike~! She looks very cute. (:

Thy: She is adorable and I love her but at first I wasn't sure what she was suppose to be. But she looks so cute. She kinda looks like she's thinking,"Mommy put this crazy hat on me but I like it." lol

Challenge Six : "I wanna be like you!"

For this other challenge I would like to see a little of you combined with your cutie. Have you munchkin doing something you enjoy doing. It could be a hobby, a job, sports, or anything else of that nature. This is a challenge for you and your little one to work together on. We want to be able to clearly see what the activity is.

Top Two :



Rayne: These are very cute! She looks like she's having so much fun there. I wished I could have seen a little more variety.

Kalinka: These are so cute. I bet she's a great help in the kitchen, hehe. Makes me excited for when my little one gets a bit older. Very good job. Cute pictures!

Darc: These pictures were close to being my second pic, I bet she's just the most wonderful help when cooking that you could ever need! xD

Rena: N/A

Snug: I love love loveee these pictures! She looks so cute! And she looks very excited about being on the stove and playing with the grown up toys, haha. Very precious. Good job!

Thy: I love her dress. It's so cute. Her face kinda looks like she's thinking, "What the heck is this thing?" And having the stove in the background is great. Good Job.


Rayne: Little gamer girl! I know you said something about blurring but it really didn't bother me. I think these are well done actually. And there is so much variety between the photos. Keep it up Layla!

Kalinka: Haha, I love this! She looks like she is having a blast. You did a great job with showing how she's like her parent. Wonderful job.

Darc: I really like picture five, because it looks like she's trying to figure out what to do, as if it's a big decision on the game she's playing. xD Myself, being the gamer I am, these stood out to me immediately, and Emmy used to be obsessed with our 360 controllers, before we sold it. Also, her being like daddy and playing video games is something I can easily understand, without having to know him. xD It's a fact...Guys are gamers.

Rena: N/A

Snug: Haha, see this is what I would have done with my son. My boyfriend/his dad is an xbox freak! Very cute idea, too. My only complaint is that the photos are a littttleee blurry. But I can understand how hard it must be to photograph a kid on the move! Other than that, they're great.

Thy: She looks like she's thinking really hard about what she's gonna do. And I love xbox. She is great. Love the dancing one too.


Rayne: Dawwww. She says "cheese". Wonderful. I love how she knows what to do with it. Great work

Kalinka: Very cute. I love that you chose for her to take pictures. That's a great idea since you take so many pictures of her for the photo competition. Good job!

Darc: I like the pictures, but I think it might have been better to have tried to show her how to take pictures, and had her at least try to take one or two of herself in the mirror to go with these, perhaps with help to avoid camera death..xD The pictures are adorable, just not adorable enough to make my top two in this challenge.

Rena: N/A

Snug: I loved all these photos, too! It looks like shes focussing with the way she's doing her mouth, with the camera. Haha. Very cute! No complaints! (:

Thy: This is great. She looks like she knows what she's doing. I love the bright colors on her as well. And I don't know what it is about this lighting....but I love it.


Rayne: Adorable. It looks like she's trying to figure out why the things are in the books. Love the lighting. Very cute.

Kalinka: Hehe, these are great. She's such a cute little girl. I love the pictures of her with the book. Great job~

Darc: This picture makes me laugh, it's like she just read something extremely interesting and is giving you a “WHOA” look. xD

Rena: N/A

Snug: She's so precious! So happy to see those little eyes, they're beautiful! I loved all her pictures, too. I don't really have any complaints, except I wish you could see her face in a couple more. Other than that, great job!

Thy: She is great. I love how she is looking up like you are bothering her studying. She is great. And if I didn't know any better I would say she was really reading.


Rayne: I'm not sure if you understood the challenge, I do remember you said you had some difficulty. They just weren't what I was expecting. On the other hand, I liked seeing you and him together. And Zane is just so adorable. Let's see what you come up with next.

Kalinka: I wasn't really sure what you were going for with you being in the pictures, but they're all really cute. The lighting could be better, but that can't be helped at times. He's adorable as usual.

Darc: I really didn't understand these pictures, as Zane wasn't doing anything really like Mommy, just doing everything with Mommy. Take it from the rest of the pictures, and just put him in the pictures with the items, and a more central idea would have helped a lot too, instead of just random pictures.

Rena: N/A

Snug: You look very pretty in the photos with him. (: I have to say the photo quality disappoints me a bit, though. The idea of the photos are great though. Keep up the good work!

Thy: Sleeping baby and mommy are always great pictures. You guys are so adorable. It would be great if you had a way to make the quality of the picture better. It's hard to see sometimes. But it's still awesome.

Now open and accepting.

( :
Oh this is exciting! <3 <3 <3

Aged Loiterer

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As soon as I get my Rebel, I'll apply with my little Audrey! Unfortunately, Layla is almost 3, and too old! :insert sad face here:, but Audrey is 18 months, and falls into the bracket! This is pretty exciting!

This is my little honey bun on Christmas Eve after being caught picking her nose!
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