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Yes 0.43421052631579 43.4% [ 33 ]
No 0.065789473684211 6.6% [ 5 ]
B*tch... 0.14473684210526 14.5% [ 11 ]
Lol. whut? 0.35526315789474 35.5% [ 27 ]
Total Votes:[ 76 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 242 243 244 > >> >>> »|

User Image§~Draconia's Raffle~§User Image

Even though this is now a bump thread I'll still continue the raffle just for the heck of it.

Okay, so I'm holding a raffle that will give you the chance to win 20K! Now I'll explain on how you can win. There will be 500 slots open, but, here's the downside, you need to pay 100g per slot and you are only allowed 25 slots maximum. Just send to my mule Mythical Draconia a trade and tell me how many tickets you want, then I will randomly place your name in random slots, so you will have a better chance at winning. Simple, yes? Once all slots are filled, then I will use the random number generator to pick out the winner.
430/500 Slots left.


~Follow TOS.
~NO spamming.
~NO advertising without my permission.
~NO l33t please.
~NO begging.
~Bumping is allowed.
~If you have eggs from Dragcave, I will allow egg-spamming.
(other things that will fall in this category are myminicities, and pokeplushies)

~Be nice! Treat everyone here with respect.
~Don't only just bump or egg-spam, talk a little too please.


No winner yet.


§~Page Prize Contest~§

Every 200 pages, there will be 1000g rewarded to the person who posted THIRD on the page.
(ex. page 200, 400, 600,...etc.)
User Image§~Slots~§User Image

1.~open slot~ 101.Kio the Fox 201.~open slot~ 301.~open slot~ 401.~open slot~
2.Sakura834 102.Diro Robu 202.[TOXIC PANDA] 302.American Estelle 402.~open slot~
3.~open slot~ 103.~open slot~ 203.Slutty PokeMay 303.~open slot~ 403.~open slot~
4.Diro Robu 104.~open slot~ 204.~open slot~ 304.American Estelle 404.Sakura834
5.American Estelle 105.Willa-Wisp 205.~open slot~ 305.~open slot~ 405.~open slot~
6.~open slot~ 106.~open slot~ 206.~open slot~ 306.Sakura834 406.~open slot~
7.~open slot~ 107.~open slot~ 207.~open slot~ 307.~open slot~ 407.Willa-Wisp
8.Slutty PokeMay 108.American Estelle 208.~open slot~ 308.~open slot~ 408.~open slot~
9.~open slot~ 109.Sakura834 209.~open slot~ 309.~open slot~ 409.~open slot~
10.~open slot~ 110.~open slot~ 210.~open slot~ 310.Kio the Fox 410.~open slot~
11.~open slot~ 111.~open slot~ 211.Sakura834 311.Diro Robu 411.American Estelle
12.~open slot~ 112.~open slot~ 212.~open slot~ 312.Sakura834 412.Slutty PokeMay
13.American Estelle 113.[TOXIC PANDA] 213.~open slot~ 313.~open slot~ 413.~open slot~
14.Kio the Fox 114.American Estelle 214.~open slot~ 314.~open slot~ 414.~open slot~
15.~open slot~ 115.blue heeler111 215.Sakura834 315.~open slot~ 415.~open slot~
16.~open slot~ 116.American Estelle 216.~open slot~ 316.~open slot~ 416.~open slot~
17.~open slot~ 117.Sapphire Seven 217.Diro Robu 317.~open slot~ 417.~open slot~
18.~open slot~ 118.~open slot~ 218.~open slot~ 318.Sakura834 418.~open slot~
19.~open slot~ 119.[Killer Panda] 219.~open slot~ 319.~open slot~ 419.American Estelle
20.~open slot~ 120.Kio the Fox 220.~open slot~ 320.~open slot~ 420.American Estelle
21.Sakura834 121.Slutty PokeMay 221.Willa-Wisp 321.Diro Robu 421.~open slot~
22.~open slot~ 122.American Estelle 222.~open slot~ 322.~open slot~ 422.~open slot~
23.~open slot~ 123.American Estelle 223.Sakura834 323.~open slot~ 423.~open slot~
24.~open slot~ 124.[TOXIC PANDA] 224.~open slot~ 324.~open slot~ 424.~open slot~
25.American Estelle 125.~open slot~ 225.~open slot~ 325.~open slot~ 425.~open slot~
26.Diro Robu 126.~open slot~ 226.~open slot~ 326.American Estelle 426.~open slot~
27.~open slot~ 127.American Estelle 227.~open slot~ 327.~open slot~ 427.Sakura834
28.~open slot~ 128.American Estelle 228.~open slot~ 328.~open slot~ 428.Kio the Fox
29.~open slot~ 129.~open slot~ 229.~open slot~ 329.~open slot~ 429.~open slot~
30.~open slot~ 130.~open slot~ 230.Slutty PokeMay 330.~open slot~ 430.Sapphire Seven
31.~open slot~ 131.~open slot~ 231.~open slot~ 331.Diro Robu 431.[Killer Panda]
32.~open slot~ 132.~open slot~ 232.Sakura834 332.American Estelle 432.~open slot~
33.[Killer Panda] 133.~open slot~ 233.~open slot~ 333.~open slot~ 433.~open slot~
34.American Estelle 134.Slutty PokeMay 234.~open slot~ 334.~open slot~ 434.~open slot~
35.Kio the Fox 135.~open slot~ 235.~open slot~ 335.[TOXIC PANDA] 435.~open slot~
36.Willa-Wisp 136.~open slot~ 236.American Estelle 336.~open slot~ 436.Diro Robu
37.Sakura834 137.~open slot~ 237.~open slot~ 337.~open slot~ 437.~open slot~
38.~open slot~ 138.American Estelle 238.Slutty PokeMay 338.~open slot~ 438.~open slot~
39.~open slot~ 139.~open slot~ 239.[Killer Panda] 339.Diro Robu 439.~open slot~
40.~open slot~ 140.~open slot~ 240.~open slot~ 340.~open slot~ 440.~open slot~
41.~open slot~ 141.Slutty PokeMay 241.xxJuggaletteMommaxx 341.~open slot~ 441.~open slot~
42.~open slot~ 142.~open slot~ 242.~open slot~ 342.Willa-Wisp 442.American Estelle
43.~open slot~ 143.~open slot~ 243.~open slot~ 343.Sakura834 443.Diro Robu
44.~open slot~ 144.Kio the Fox 244.~open slot~ 344.~open slot~ 444.American Estelle
45.Diro Robu 145.[Killer Panda] 245.Slutty PokeMay 345.~open slot~ 445.~open slot~
46.~open slot~ 146.~open slot~ 246.Willa-Wisp 346.~open slot~ 446.~open slot~
47.~open slot~ 147.~open slot~ 247.~open slot~ 347.Diro Robu 447.~open slot~
48.~open slot~ 148.Sakura834 248.Slutty PokeMay 348.~open slot~ 448.~open slot~
49.~open slot~ 149.~open slot~ 249.~open slot~ 349.~open slot~ 449.~open slot~
50.[TOXIC PANDA] 150.~open slot~ 250.~open slot~ 350.~open slot~ 450.~open slot~
51.~open slot~ 151.Diro Robu 251.~open slot~ 351.~open slot~ 451.~open slot~
52.~open slot~ 152.~open slot~ 252.Slutty PokeMay 352.~open slot~ 452.~open slot~
53.Sakura834 153.American Estelle 253.~open slot~ 353.~open slot~ 453.~open slot~
54.Willa-Wisp 154.~open slot~ 254.~open slot~ 354.Slutty PokeMay 454.~open slot~
55.~open slot~ 155.~open slot~ 255.~open slot~ 355.[Killer Panda] 455.~open slot~
56.~open slot~ 156.Diro Robu 256.~open slot~ 356.Sakura834 456.~open slot~
57.~open slot~ 157.~open slot~ 257.~open slot~ 357.Diro Robu 457.~open slot~
58.~open slot~ 158.~open slot~ 258.~open slot~ 358.Sakura834 458.~open slot~
59.~open slot~ 159.Sakura834 259.Slutty PokeMay 359.Kio the Fox 459.~open slot~
60.~open slot~ 160.~open slot~ 260.~open slot~ 360.~open slot~ 460.[TOXIC PANDA]
61.~open slot~ 161.~open slot~ 261.~open slot~ 361.~open slot~ 461.~open slot~
62.[Killer Panda] 162.~open slot~ 262.~open slot~ 362.~open slot~ 462.~open slot~
63.~open slot~ 163.~open slot~ 263.Slutty PokeMay 363.~open slot~ 463.~open slot~
64.~open slot~ 164.Diro Robu 264.~open slot~ 364.~open slot~ 464.~open slot~
65.~open slot~ 165.Sakura834 265.~open slot~ 365.Willa-Wisp 465.~open slot~
66.~open slot~ 166.[TOXIC PANDA] 266.~open slot~ 366.~open slot~ 466.~open slot~
67.~open slot~ 167.~open slot~ 267.~open slot~ 367.~open slot~ 467.~open slot~
68.~open slot~ 168.~open slot~ 268.Slutty PokeMay 368.~open slot~ 468.~open slot~
69.Diro Robu 169.~open slot~ 269.~open slot~ 369.~open slot~ 469.Slutty PokeMay
70.~open slot~ 170.Kio the Fox 270.~open slot~ 370.[Killer Panda] 470.~open slot~
71.~open slot~ 171.~open slot~ 271.~open slot~ 371.~open slot~ 471.~open slot~
72.~open slot~ 172.~open slot~ 272.Slutty PokeMay 372.~open slot~ 472.~open slot~
73.~open slot~ 173.~open slot~ 273.Diro Robu 373.~open slot~ 473.~open slot~
74.Slutty PokeMay174.~open slot~ 274.Sakura834 374.American Estelle 474.~open slot~
75.Diro Robu 175.Willa-Wisp 275.~open slot~ 375.~open slot~ 475.~open slot~
76.~open slot~ 176.~open slot~ 276.Slutty PokeMay 376.~open slot~ 476.~open slot~
77.~open slot~ 177.[Killer Panda] 277.~open slot~ 377.~open slot~ 477.~open slot~
78.~open slot~ 178.xxJuggaletteMommaxx 278.~open slot~ 378.~open slot~ 478.~open slot~
79.~open slot~ 179.~open slot~ 279.American Estelle 379.~open slot~ 479.~open slot~
80.~open slot~ 180.~open slot~ 280.~open slot~ 380.~open slot~ 480.~open slot~
81.~open slot~ 181.Diro Robu 281.~open slot~ 381.~open slot~ 481.~open slot~
82.~open slot~ 182.[TOXIC PANDA] 282.~open slot~ 382.~open slot~ 482.~open slot~
83.~open slot~ 183.~open slot~ 283.~open slot~ 383.~open slot~ 483.~open slot~
84.~open slot~ 184.~open slot~ 284.~open slot~ 384.~open slot~ 484.~open slot~
85.Sakura834 185.~open slot~ 285.Diro Robu 385.~open slot~ 485.Slutty PokeMay
86.~open slot~ 186.Kio the Fox 286.~open slot~ 386.~open slot~ 486.~open slot~
87.~open slot~ 187.~open slot~ 287.~open slot~ 387.~open slot~ 487.~open slot~
88.~open slot~ 188.~open slot~ 288.~open slot~ 388.~open slot~ 488.~open slot~
89.Slutty PokeMay 189.~open slot~ 289.~open slot~ 389.Sakura834 489.Diro Robu
90.~open slot~ 190.[Killer Panda] 290.~open slot~ 390.~open slot~ 490.~open slot~
91.~open slot~ 191.~open slot~ 291.Willa-Wisp 391.~open slot~ 491.~open slot~
92.~open slot~ 192.Sakura834 292.~open slot~ 392.~open slot~ 492.~open slot~
93.~open slot~ 193.~open slot~ 293.~open slot~ 393.Diro Robu 493.~open slot~
94.~open slot~ 194.~open slot~ 294.~open slot~ 394.Slutty PokeMay 494.~open slot~
95.~open slot~ 195.~open slot~ 295.Slutty PokeMay 395.~open slot~ 495.~open slot~
96.~open slot~ 196.~open slot~ 296.~open slot~ 396.~open slot~ 496.~open slot~
97.[TOXIC PANDA] 197.Sakura834 297.~open slot~ 397.~open slot~ 497.~open slot~
98.~open slot~ 198.~open slot~ 298.Diro Robu 398.~open slot~ 498.~open slot~
99.~open slot~ 199.~open slot~ 299.Slutty PokeMay 399.[TOXIC PANDA] 499.~open slot~
100.~open slot~ 200.~open slot~ 300.Diro Robu 400.~open slot~ 500.Slutty PokeMay
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*made by Sandraakjuh*


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*made by Sandraakjuh*


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*made by Sandraakjuh, modified by Damion The White Wolf*


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*made by Sandraakjuh, modified by Damion The White Wolf*


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*made by Sandraakjuh, modified by Damion The White Wolf*


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*made by Sandraakjuh, modified by Damion The White Wolf*


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