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Café Love & Memories Directory

~ Reserved ~ Reserved ~ Thread Games ~ Thread Events ~

Reveal the spoiler for a more detailed description of what’s contained in each section:

About the Café: Learn what inspired the opening of this café.

Café Rules: Please read and abide by them or risk getting blacklisted!

Announcements: This post will contain important announcements for the café.

Icebreakers: Not sure how to start the conversation, but want to hop in here?  Try one of these!

Thread Games: Play games for prizes!  Prize pool will increase as my funds increase, and as thread activity increases.

Thread Events: May be holiday-themed or some other special occasion-themed.

Benefactors List: A list of café patrons who have contributed in some way to keep this thread friendly, vibrant, and alive.

Whitelist: A list recognizing our most active and loyal café patrons!

Blacklist: A list of those who repeatedly break the rules or otherwise cause trouble with other patrons.

Affiliates: Want to partner with us or sponsor us?  Learn more about how you can in this section.

Links Out: Interested in advertising your thread here?  Learn more about how you can in this section.

Café Open/Close Status: Know when the owner of Café Love & Memories goes on hiatus or if the café becomes permanently closed.
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Welcome to Café Love & Memories!

I am the café owner, Cressida Skyhawk.  I am a Gaian who has been around, on and off, since late 2003, my hiatuses usually dictated by how busy (or not) my offline life has gotten.  I recently found myself missing this site, and decided to come back fresh with a new account to kind of mark this new chapter of my Gaian life.  The café name is inspired by my feelings of nostalgia for all the good times I have had on this site, and the joy I’ve always had interacting with new people on here.

It is my hope you will find this thread to be a fun environment, and a nice place to kick back and relax.  I decided to create this thread after coming back from a very long Gaian hiatus.  

Gaia may have changed a lot over the years; inflation still appears to be a major problem.  Perhaps this site isn’t as active as it once was, but I’m hoping this thread will breathe a bit of fresh air into the community and bring together those who have nostalgia for this site.  I hope that over time, this thread may encourage people to have those fun and hilarious conversations again and not just about winning prizes or getting items.  Even if this goal is futile, I still would like to be positive and give it a try.

If you’re interested in linking back to this thread or you are going to be an affiliate, you can use the banners under the spoiler below.

[url=https://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/chatterbox/caf-love-memories/t.113233707/] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ful4uqQm.png[/img][/url]

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  • Do not post anything that violates Gaia’s ToS or the Chatterbox forum rules.

  • Do not copy or take any of the images in this thread’s front page.

  • Apart from any charitable aspects of this thread, this thread is meant to be mostly self-sufficient.  Please be kind to one another.  I plan to be active, but please keep in mind that I do have a life outside of Gaia and cannot be here 24/7.

  • Be mindful of what you post.  Please be careful when discussing hot topics like politics, religion, social issues, sensitive personal issues, etc.  Healthy discussion is allowed.  Unnecessary fights or hurling insults at each other over aforementioned issues are not.

  • No inappropriate or NSFW content.

  • No page stretching.
  • Use spoiler tags as necessary.  

  • Bumping is allowed.

  • Roleplay keeping to the café theme is allowed, but do not force others to roleplay if they do not want to.

  • Regular chatting is welcome.  Do not feel pressured to roleplay unless you want to.

  • Donations to the thread are welcome, but not required.  I am still trying to get back up to speed on the current Gaian economy and create a cash flow so that I can eventually open the charity aspect of this thread, but that may take a while depending on whether or not I end up receiving any help.  I plan to eventually open up bump page prizes, and RNG game prizes, among other game types.

  • Anon gifting is welcome, but not required.  If you’d like to anonymously donate a gift to any of the thread’s participants, that’s your perogative.  You do not have to do so.  If you have no idea what gift to anon someone, but you’d like to, you may want to take a peek at that Gaian’s profile and see if they have a wishlist.

  • To those who receive gifts from anons, please be appreciative, even if it’s not an item you want.  Anons are not required to gift, and you should not be in this thread if that is your primary goal.

  • Additional rules will be added on an as-needed basis.

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10/6/2023: Café Love & Memories Opens!!!!
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Not sure what to say?  Consider hopping into the conversation with one of these conversation starters (open the spoiler below):

1. How did you first learn about Gaia?

2. What brings you back to the site, time and time again?

3. Are you currently questing for anything?  What are you questing for?

4. What’s your favorite movie/show/anime?

5. What are your favorite things to do in your spare time?

6. What are your favorite books/comics/manga?

7. What are your favorite songs/bands?

8. Do you have any hobbies?  What are they?

9. Do you have any pets?  

10. What is your idea of a fantastic weekend?

11. What day in your life would you most want to relive?

12. What is one really funny story from your life that you’re willing to share?

13. What is your proudest accomplishment?

14. What is your DJ name?

15. What is your superpower?

16. What three things would you do if you were invisible?

17. What’s your favorite joke?

18. What weird fact do you happen to know for no reason?

19. If your life was captured in the “expectation vs. reality” meme, what would the two pictures be?

20. Would you rather spend vacation someplace hot or someplace cold?

21. Would you rather speak 10 languages or play 10 instruments?

22. Would you rather always be two hours early or 20 minutes late?

23. Would you rather be able to control time or fly?

24. Would you rather read the end of every book or always forget the story’s ending?

25. Would you rather have every traffic light always turn green for you when it’s your turn, or would you want to always have the best parking spot?

26. Would you rather have slow Internet or always forget your passwords?

27. What subject do you wish was taught in every school?

28. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

29. When was the last time you tried something for the first time?

30. What are three values you treasure the most in any relationship?

31. What is the best piece of advice or feedback you’ve ever received?

32. Where do you draw your inspiration from?

33. If you could know the answer to any question, what would it be?

34. What was your last video streaming service binge?

35. If you could go back in time and go to school to study something else and end up on a different career path, would you?

36. If you could be the character in any show or movie, who would that be and why?

37. What is the best concert/festival/convention/event you have ever been to?

38. A genie grants you one wish.  What do you wish for?

39. What would you title your biography?

40. What three items would you bring with you on a deserted island?

41. What is your favorite season?

42. What is your favorite holiday?

43. What is your favorite spring activity?

44. What is your favorite summer activity?

45. What is your favorite fall activity?

46. What is your favorite winter activity?

47. Do you prefer to watch the Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics?

48. If you could add an additional holiday to the calendar, what would it be and when?

49. Do you have any special family traditions that you love?

50. Do you create New Year’s resolution lists?

51. What is your favorite holiday movie?

52. What is your favorite holiday song?

53. If you had to sleep on a beach anywhere in the world, where would it be?

54. If you could live in a different country for a year, which country would you choose?

55. What is your favorite travel story?

56. What place you’ve traveled has impacted you the most?

57. What is your favorite travel hack?

58. If you could organize a team retreat, where would it be?

59. What is more important to you when traveling, comfort and relaxation or energizing new experiences?

60. Who is the most interesting person you’ve met while traveling?

61. What is your favorite travel story?

62. What is your best life hack?

63. What song brings back childhood memories?

64. Which artist, living or dead, would you most like to meet?

65. Which band would you like to join, and what would your role be?

66. What song has the most beautiful lyrics to you?

67. If you could name a band, what would you call it?

68. What is your go-to karaoke song?

69. How has your taste in music changed in the past 10 years?

70. What movie has the best soundtrack?

71. What song would be the anthem of your life?

72. If you were a genre of music, which one would you be?

73. What advice would you give a new hire at the company you work for?

74. What do you most enjoy about your job?

75. What do you enjoy the least about your job?

76. How do you define success?

77. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

78. If you could change one thing about your life, what would you change?

79. Who are your greatest influences in life?

80. What was your most embarrassing moment that you’re willing to laugh about now?

81. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

82. What is the best prank you’ve ever played on someone?

83. What is your secret talent?

84. Whose life do you think most resembles yours from any show/movie/or book you’ve watched/read?

85. What invention do you think would be popular in 20 years?

86. Are you more of an XBOX, Playstation, Nintendo, PC, or indie gamer?

87. What can you never leave home without?

88. Who is your celebrity look-alike?

89. What do you pretend to hate, but actually love?

90. If you were famous, what would you be famous for?

91. If you had a boat, what would you name it?

92. If you could eat only one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

93. What’s one food you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t yet?

94. If you could have any celebrity be your best friend, living or dead, who would it be?

95. If money was no object, what would you splurge it on?

96. If you wrote a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

97. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

98. What game show would you be super awesome at?

99. If you could pick one job to do forever and be guaranteed all the money you would ever need, what job would it be?

100. What is that ultimate dream you’re just striving for?
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Thread page milestones:
- First poster on pg. 500 gets 1,000p.

- First poster on pg. 1000 gets 1,000p.

- First poster on pg. 2000 gets 2,000p.

- First poster on pg. 3000 gets 3,000p.

- First poster on pg. 4000 gets 4,000p.

- First poster on pg. 5000 gets 5,000p.
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None right now.
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If you are donating to this thread, please send me a PM to let me know what item(s) or platinum amount you are donating, and put Café Love & Memories” in the subject line of your PM.  This way, I will be able to keep separate what is in my personal inventory and what is meant for this thread.  You will also receive acknowledgement here.  If you wish to appear on this list as “anonymous,” please indicate that preference somewhere in the body of your PM.
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A list of our most active, enthusiastic, and loyal patrons of Café Love & Memories.
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A list of those who repeatedly break the rules or who otherwise cause problems for others in this thread and therefore are no longer welcome here.
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Interested in becoming an affiliate?  Read the FAQ under the spoiler to know where to start.  If your question is not answered below, please either send me a PM or quote me in this thread to get my attention and I will get to you as soon as I can.

1. How do I apply to become an affiliate?
Send a PM to Cressida Skyhawk with the subject line, “Café Love & Memories Affiliate Application.” If you wish to be listed as a thread sponsor, please send a trade with the amount of platinum and/or items you wish to donate as thread game prizes along with your application.  In the body of your application, please provide your thread’s title, your thread’s link, your thread’s affiliate banner, and what purpose your thread serves (i.e., roleplay, general discussion, charity thread, etc.)

2. Why apply as a sponsoring affiliate?
Proceeds will go towards getting the charity aspects of this thread off the ground initially, and will also help keep those charity aspects going.  If funding dries up, those aspects of the thread will be closed until I have enough items and/or capital to start those functions up again.

3. Is it possible to lose my affiliate status?
Yes, if your thread becomes inactive, violates terms of Gaia’s ToS or any other forum rules of Gaia, or you remove our affiliate banner from your affiliate links list.  You will have to go through the application process all over again if you want to reinstate your affiliate status.

4. How else can I support this thread if I do not want to be an affiliate, sponsoring affiliate, or apply for advertising space?
Bump this thread, chat, introduce others to this thread in hopes they will become regulars, rep the thread banner in your sig and link to this thread, etc.  There are plenty of things you can do that have no cost associated with it.
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Interested in advertising your thread in this one?  Read the FAQ under the spoiler to find out how.  If your question is not answered below, please either PM me or quote me in this thread to get my attention and I will try to answer your question as soon as possible.

1. Why would I want to apply to appear in this links list?
To support this thread’s charitable functions.  The links section also essentially serves as ad space for other threads on Gaia.

2. How do I apply to appear in this links list?
Send a PM to Cressida Skyhawk with the subject line, “Café Love & Memories Link Application” and submit a trade for 200 platinum as an application fee.  In the body of your PM, provide the name of your thread, a link to your thread, your thread’s purpose (i.e. is it a chat thread, roleplaying thread, charity thread, etc.), and a code banner linking back to your thread.  Link applications received before or after the 1st of any given month will be held and posted the 1st of the following month, to make sure it gets its full month-long run being featured in the links list, and it helps me better keep track of when links need to be removed/rotated.  If your application is rejected, your platinum trade will also be rejected.

3. Why is there an application fee for this?
To provide a means of revenue for the thread and it’s charitable aspects.  It also prevents people who are not serious about the ad space from applying.

4. Where do the proceeds for the application fee go?

Proceeds go towards funding the charitable aspects of this thread.

5. Can the application fee be waived? 
No.  This is an application process that renews month-to-month, and is a source for this thread’s income to be able to fund its charitable aspects.

6. Why will my link expire after 1 month?
To keep this thread’s charitable aspects funded.  If funding dries up, those portions of the thread will close down until I have enough to start them back up again.

7. How can I support this thread without being an affiliate or appearing in the links list?
Bump this thread, chat, introduce others to this thread in hopes they will become regulars, rep the thread banner in your sig and link to this thread, etc.  There are plenty of things you can do that have no cost associated with it.

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