Welcome to Gaia! ::

Invisible Gaian

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[ Welcome ]

And it begins...
Alrighty so here we go. First off I want to say welcome to our quest thread. Together Tiger and I will be pursuing our dreams, no matter how big or how small. Originally we are charity owners. I ran and he co-owned the Charity of Furs, versions 1, 2, and 3. One and two were shut down due to my unfortunate ban and version 3 died due to my lack of attention to it, whereas most of my attention went into real life work and the likes. But now, we have decided to form an awesome thread where we hope to just hangout, make friends, and achieve greatness. So, I invite you to take your shoes off and relax with us. I hope the thread will evolve into something spectacular.

[ Table of Contents ]

You are here:
1. Welcome
2. About Sheeef
3. About Niko
4. All About Sheeef's Dreams
5. All About Niko's Dreams
6-15. Reserved
(actually we haven't had time to sit down and discuss with each other how we're going to set it all up)
(we know we want contests, links, and such. We don't believe in making a rules post, mainly because if it doesn't sit right with us, we will let you know or simply report it. We will NOT tolerate any sort of hate speech or trolls. You've been warned.)

EDIT - Due to our busy schedules, the thread is a little underfurnished. We are working as fast as we can to get it up to par but it's rather difficult. Thank you for your understanding.

Invisible Gaian

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[ about me ]

Okay. Before you read this post, you should bounce over to my profile and there you can find the basic information about me, a brief history of who I am, and a little bit about myself as a gaian back in the early years of my career. Well here is part two of that.

Real Life
Alrighty. Since the last time I wrote an about me, a lot has happened. For one, I moved in with my Tiger in May of 2009 last year. It was one of the best experiences I could have ever imagined. Together we lived and worked at Union bank, I as a teller and he as a loans operative. As much as I hated work, I really enjoyed being around my silly lover. We had fun. Made great memories over the years. I also enjoyed torturing his niece and nephews, who thought it was hilarious that I would smack them in the head a few times. The 4th of July was always a bang. Setting off mortars and writing messages with smoke bombs on the pavement. We spent Thanksgiving together, which you can imagine, was a little hectic with 5 families. That Halloween my parents came down to stay with us and celebrate which was pretty fun. And Christmas with my tiger was amazing. If I could describe my relationship to tiger over the year it would be like this: Love. Because together we can do anything. I don't need anything else, as long as I have my Tiger by my side.

We lived together for a whole year and a few months before I moved back home. It was a really hard decision but one that I had to make and execute. I moved back home to go back to school. I was accepted into DCTC, Dakota County Technical College, where I will study to become a web designer. I just figured that I'll get my photography degree later. But that was the main factor in this decision. I really need my degree. I want a higher paying job and I don't want to be stuck in some ten dollar an hour dead end job. I needed a career job. So, despite my distaste of my parents, I agreed to move in so that they could help me, substantially mind you, with my expenses. I'm happy to announce that by September 2010 I will have moved out with my friend and gotten our own place, which by now we've already picked out and are planning to move into.

For now I'm just hunting for a part time job, fixing up my car that had been hiding while I was away, and just trying to survive the daily onslaught of chores that I'm bombarded with by my lovely family. I will update this as I see fit.

On Gaia

Since last we talked I have attained a Panda hat from a very near and dear friend of mine and achieving such a dream has rekindled my motivation for my other dreams. I don't want to sound greedy but these next quests are going to be ridiculous and I would appreciate any and all help I receive. But I'm never losing sight of my true dream on Gaia and that dream is to own and wear the Angelic Halo from 2003. I must say thank you to Ryoku for inspiring me to work hard once again for my pixels.

I've let my charity thread die, which is sad and completely unintentional but was a necessary act as I was busy with work, to focus on questing more seriously. And who better to quest with than my very own Tiger. It was a joint decision to make a quest thread and a hangout together. This way we can keep more in touch with each other in hopes of quelling our bouts of loneliness. I would hope that you'd feel welcome enough to join us on our epic adventures as we pursue our gaian goals.
< About Me >
Niko AKA Tiger

--The Real Side of Life--

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Well hello there, and welcome to our humble Gaian abode. At this point I'm sure you know a little bit about myself as I'm pretty sure my silly and loverly husky has mentioned me. But in case you jumped to my post first, or just want a formal introduction from me, it is nice to meet you, my name is Niko. While Niko is not my actual legal name (if you'd like to call me by that, you can call me Kevin), it is what I most commonly go by here on Gaia and other places around the internet. Another name you will see me go by is Tiger, or some form thereof, including but not limited to: Tiger, Tiger butt, silly Tiger, etc. Now that we've got the name covered, we'll go over a few basics. For those of you who do not know me that well, I am of the male persuasion, have brown hair (contrary to the picture on the left), have blue/green eyes (blue with a yellow ring in the middle, so from a distance they look green), stand 6'4"ish, wear a size 13-14 shoe (brown chicken brown cow), love me some dairy products, peanut butter, and black beans, favorite color is blue (#0369cf), I sleep on a water bed, am a relatively picky eater, am 23 years old (as of 2010), won't leave the house before taking a shower (though occasionally when the need arises I will break that rule), am gay and taken happily (very very very happily), my hands are as large as tiger paws (Proof!) I have three siblings and am the youngest. Well that should be enough random facts for now!

My life in a nut shell, still isn't terribly interesting. Haha. Like I mentioned earlier, I am the youngest of four children. I grew up like another other kid, snuck out to play when I wasn't supposed to because it was raining, got strange illnesses from ducks, made friends, went to school, etc. I went to catholic school from preschool through high school, then attended a Jesuit (pretty much Catholic) college. I've always been a good student... learning was my talent, I sucked at sports, like REALLY sucked. I played basketball, but only because I was tall and there were only 5 of us in seventh grade so if I didn't play the others couldn't. Anyway, high school brought on new issues and experiences... some good, some bad. College though was an awesome experience. I double majored in mathematics and chemistry, but my favorite part of being there were the friendships I made. I love and miss so many people from Rockhurst. So now my life is in a bit of a questioning state. Currently I work two jobs, one at a bank in the loans department (day job) and the other as a vault supervisor for a local food service provider for stadiums and outdoor theaters. While I am making money I am working on paying off some bills and saving up, and ultimately trying to think about my future and figure out what I want to do with my life. It should be interesting!

Let's see, a few things I enjoy doing. Well I am a semi-avid baker; I don't cook so much, that is my husky's forte. Cookies, pies, cakes.... those kind of things I am all over. My favorite pie to make is French Silk: gasmic! Last year I made my first attempt at a decorated cake. Two of my close friends, my husky, and I all got together for a small party in honor of Rock Band releasing Lady Gaga songs. Actually that was just a reason to get together, BUT we all l.o.v.e. Mother Monster. Anyway, if you'd like to see my ninja sad ninja attempt at a Lady GaGa cake, click here for top view, and click here for angled view. It was my first time carving and decorating a cake... I learned a lot of things, so don't hate on it too much. Lol. Speaking of Lady GaGa though, music is another love of mine. My preferred genre is most definitely techno/dance/electronic/trance/etc. I do like other genres and artists too, though rap, opera, heavy metal, and screamo are my least favorite (sorry, just not my thing, nothing against them). Video games are another passion of mine. I haven't been playing quite as much as I used to, but starting to get a little more into things as my evening work schedule slows down. Currently (7/10) I am playing Dragon Age, and Alan Wake. LOVE! Some other games I have really liked in no particular order: FFX, Dead Space, Bioshock (1 and 2), Half Life series, Portal, Gears of War (1, 2, and soon to be 3), and Left for Dead (1 and 2). And one last thing. I enjoy playing around with photography from time to time. Lately I've been so busy that I haven't had much time to snap shots, nor had too much motivation. BUT! If you'd like to view my "portfolio", I compile my photos on Flickr. So feel free to stop by, just click here for my Flickr page. I always love getting comments, just fyi. <3

User Image Now, for the most important part of my life... look to your right please! That is an old picture, but a picture of me an my husky nonetheless. That is my partner in crime, Sheeef, or as you'll see me call him, Ryry or husky (or variation there of X3). I love him with all my heart and soul. A year and a half ago I offered to let him come live with me and my family after school didn't work out as well as he had hoped. Although the circumstances were not the most perfect, I completely enjoyed having him here with me. It was a wonderful year and a half together... waking up with him in my arms, no other feeling like it. He's my everything, my one and only. I love him to pieces and wish him the bestest with his most recent endeavor back to the twin cities to go back to school. Hun, you know I am always here and on your side and will support you in everything you do. Although I miss you terribly being 6-7 hours away, I will work up the money to move and be with you as soon as I can. Love you babe <333

--The Gaia Side of Reality--

My story here on Gaia isn't too deep and/or interesting if I had to judge by myself. Lol. I joined back in November of 2006, when some friends of mine told me about it and talked me into joining. To begin with I was pretty much into just hanging out with my friends, some role playing. But shortly after I joined I learned about the monthly collectibles and fell in love with the dark halo. I started my first quest thread in early 2007: six dark halos. After I attained four of the halos I realized the dream couldn't be attained because the layering didn't work right. So I bounced around threads, slowly learning of the years how to hoard and quest a little more effectively. I've met a LOT of amazing friends over the years here, and even met my husky here a long time ago and plan on being with him for the rest of my life. Luckily I was invited by a friend to hang out in a thread Sheeef had a long time ago (under another name then), we were just online friend for a while and eventually, well you see where we are <3

And now life tends to be a bit more busy offline so my Gaia time is limited, so I just slowly hoard, but mostly just hang out and PM my friends still around. I always love making new friends, so feel free to hit me up! biggrin

Invisible Gaian

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[ the quests ]

+_____Current Quest
N/A at the moment

NOTE!! - I will NOT sell my Panda Hat. It has significant value to me. It was actually a joint effort to get it with my best friend Ryoku. I helped fund his exchanging and in return he helped me scope out a panda hat. He gave up everything for me. I don't know how to honestly express my gratitude towards him and all his efforts he put towards my wishes. But thank you hun. I love you. link to screenshot

+_____Future Quests
Devil Tail, Angelic Sash, Nitemare Scarf -> Paying Tiger back for all his love support through this quest with me. <3 I love you so much hun.

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- Always looking for this one. Get to know me first or I will promptly decline your request. I'm a little selective on who I add. Thank you for understanding.

Side Quest --
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2954 // 1O,OOO,OOO Fireflies (They'll try to teach me how to dance)

[ donators ]

+_____Since the thread has been opened
Dx Kiyisha xD donated a Panda Plushie. Cute! To match my panda hat. <3
x-Panda Pop-x donated to me 7k. Thank you! It's the thought that counts. <3
Toxic Rainbow Kisses donated 28 fireflies, boosting my number of the little guys. <3
i love Mike Litoris donated so many fireflies, it's really unbelievable. Thank you! <3333
Microphone Rain donated 1OO,OOOg! Wow! Thank you so much creepy stalker woman! <333
Durpee donated a bunch of smaller items and 2Ok. Thank you dude! :3
Kaze Ko Neko donated 25 fireflies. Thank you! <3
Foxing Around donated 5k. <3 Danke!
WinterBear donated 26 fireflies! Yay! Slowly moving along!
Athunkee donated a dark halo! OMG! Thank you so much hun!! <3
Sky_Jean donated a lunar sythe! Aw. I'll be a cute blue husky for you. >w<
TheMalignantSpirit && The Dark Dreams Charity donated 5Ok to me even though I'm not questing anything dark. XD Thank you!
AnthroliciouslyDelicious donated 859 fireflies! OMFG HUN! Thank you so much. <33333
Mr I3ear donated x3 neutral starter polo, x2 buzz chestplates, x2 ocean summer top, and 2O1,3O1g! Thank you so very much hun! I will get you back.

+_____Note to previous donators
AnthroliciouslyDelicious donated me a Panda Hat in a sense. I love you so so so much. Thank you for all your hard work. <3333 Words cannot describe my feelings and thoughts for you.

As for everyone else, I want to say thank you for supporting me and giving me hope all these years. It's really inspiring. Thank you to all of you. There are so many of you but I'm sure I have you all listed around my various hiding places. Keep up the great support. So, thank you very much.

[ the ultimate dream ]

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Angelic Halo
Release Date - June 2003
Going Price - 2 Billion
A lot of people ask me why I would pursue an over priced, super rare, and easily replicated item. Like, why not use an item like the Spectacular Golden Halo or the Noel's gift halo pose. Here is my response. I've been around gaia since February 2004 and since then, I've always aspired to attaining the Angelic Halo, mainly for the status. I've always been a fan of angels and a halo is the ultimate symbol of an angel... well next to back wings, but gaia doesn't have that many decent back wings so I decided to go for that elusive halo.

I've attempted to go for the halo before but wasn't really able to get very far because, as the charity owner of The Charity of Furs v1, 2, and 3, I couldn't really save my gold because I was giving it out left and right. But now, since I have no charity obligations, I'm going to knock out a few quests that I've had intentions to finish while supplying Ryoku with funds while all the while dreaming about getting an angelic halo someday.

I will never let my dreams die. I hope you believe in me as much as I do. <3
< My Quests >
AKA Desires

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--Current Quest--

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In your dream, a shadowy form crept up behind you and strangled you. The next morning, when you woke up... this scarf was around your neck. OMG!!! O_O

An item I've had several times but no longer have, I miss it. Going to try and get it back. <3

7,000,000 / 14,000,000

--Side Quests--

Body Dyes:

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RIG Items I like:

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Many people have donated to me in the past and I am extremely grateful to them and cherish everything I have received and all the assistance given to me. This is a shout out to all my past donators. heart

Current Donators:

x-Panda Pop-x - 7k
Sky_Jean - Blue Body Dye <3
Nomileaf - 20k
Acel (White Rabbit Redux) - 2x September 2010 Letter, 51116 gold. (Thank you hun <3 )
My-Darkest-Wish - 25k <33

User Image--Big Dreams--

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Tiny nitemare wings playfully compliment the outfit of a troublemaker ^w^

To be honest I have always adored the mini wings from 2003. They're so incredibly cute, you have to give them that. I like them both pretty much equally, they both have their personal pros and cons with me. Am I currently going after them? No. I'm a hoarder by nature, not an exchanger. And they just seem to be inflating much more faster than I could keep up with. I'd still love to have a pair one day, but it's just a dream. :3 [[Edit]] Unfortunately my husky is quitting Gaia, going into lurk mode really. And in so doing he has given me his items to hold on to, so I have the angelic minis that I've dreamed of. I will miss you though Ryry, I love you so so much. <333

Invisible Gaian


Invisible Gaian


Invisible Gaian


Invisible Gaian


Invisible Gaian


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