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Guild: [X]

Owner: dbz2010 & ice_dragon_demon (co-owner)
Previous Owner: kaelyndra, Randy2Love, LadyUmbra

Active Colorists: dbz2010 (full-time), ice_dragon_demon (??), moonlit-raven (part-time)
Inactive Colorists: Randy2Love

Original Lineart by: kaelyndra
Redone Lineart by: Linear Kitsune & ice_dragon_demon

Feb. 25, 2013: made a hiring thread located here

Feb. 10, 2013: decided to reopen the shop. looking for a templatist who can redo the lineart and shade the 13 pieces of lineart. if anyone wants to do this, please PM the mule account. Thanks! ~dbz
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General Rules:

1) Be nice
2) Please do not argue. Take this up to PMs, and if it continues and you find the need to bring it to the staff, then do so, but do this only as a last resort, and PM the mule only. Whichever one of the staff that reads it will decide if it needs to be forwarded to the rest of the staff.
3) Do not flame
4) Read the entire front page. Any questions you'll have should be answered here. If it's not, post it in the thread. PM to the mule ONLY as a last resort, such as if you have asked a question and it has been ignored for a week. DO NOT EVER PM COLORISTS UNLESS YOU HAVE PERMISSION,
5) Keep cussing to a low. We know that you're all people, you all need to rant. And we will know a rant when we spot one. So don't feel like you can't rant, but certainly don't fill every other word in an ordinary chatting post with profanity!
6) We'd very much appreciate it if you wouldn't get a wolf and disappear off the face of Gaia, never to be seen again. If you've forgotten about the thread, just pop back in and say 'I LIIIIVE!' or something. We'll still love you!
7) The staff reserve the right to alter any rules.

RPing Rules:
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1) This shop follows the Daisy Code
2) No god-moding unless you have permission from the wolf's owner that you want to god-mode.
3) Please try to be active in RPs if you are going to RP

Pack Rules:
1) must have at least one rp (either completed or half-way finished) in the pack subforum per month
2)Alpha owners must be active in both the guild and shop thread
3) any rules that the Alphas have set for their packs must be upheld by the owners of the members of the packs
4) Follow the above rules
5) There will be bi-monthly checks on all packs to determine which ones are active. There will be a prohibition period for those who aren’t active during the checks. If the pack is still inactive by the next pack check it will be determined that the pack is abandoned and all threads that were started in the subforum will be moved to the archived subforum and the pack will be disbanded.

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Q: Do you do pet Trades?
A: Yes we do however we are not always in the mood or don't have the time.

Q: If I already own a wolf can I participate in Raffles, auctions and Flatsales?
A: Even if you already own a wolf you can participate in any event you wish unless it is for newbies only.

Q: How many wolves can you own?
A: You can own as many wolves as you see fit. If you own a whole bunch of wolves and there are a whole bunch of new people wanting them I might ask you to take a break for a little while, but that would just be a request. ^_^[

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Normal growth
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Pups eat, sleep, and play during their day. They are very inquisitive about everything and this is the stage where they try and use everything. Their personalities are yet to stabilize and most like to chew on everything that enters their path. In pack life, this is when the adults find the pups a rendezvous site where they will play and spend most of their time with a supervisor.

*new* This stage will last one to two weeks. During this time, RP your little hearts out with these pups (yes, these RPs may be counted towards the breeding RP count but only one or two may be counted).

The wolves are much bigger and finally start to calm down at this stage. They still love to play, but they do much less sleeping and develop a slight interest in the opposite sex. Their personalities and tendencies are much more stable, though still somewhat shaky at the moment. Now, they will have learned from their parents how to hunt small game, and will eventually join with the adults in the pack hunt. At this point they start to decide for sure whether they want to stay in a pack or become a loner, or if they want to branch out and find a new pack.

*new* this stage lasts about one month before they grow into adults.

These wolves are the foundation of the pack, and are most normally wolves that were born into the pack and never left. With no specific ranking, they take on any job they need to, and help around. They form the most part of the pack, these in-betweeners, and are the most commonly found rank of wolves. They do everything, from giving simple advice to their Alphas to hunting to pupsitting to storytelling. By now, they are ready to settle down, and are ready to have pups.

Specially obtained
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Loners do not have packs. These wolves are wolves that, during their adolescence or sometime in their adult years, found the pack life to be too stifling, or were separated from their packs. They live alone, keeping to themselves and are rather elusive. They mark out their own territory, but often only appear at dark. Loners, like most adult wolves excluding Speakers, Shamans, and Elders, can breed. However, it is rare for loners to breed, as the female must raise the pup (loners are limited to only one pup, a trait developed over the long years of living alone) alone, as the male will retreat into solitude after the breeding.

Loners are, in fact, the only wolves that may become Speakers or Shamans, and therefore the only wolves who may become Elders.

Speakers are much like Shamans and Loners in that they do not live in packs. They are like Shamans because they are also extremely rare, though nowhere near as rare as the Shaman or Elder wolf. Speakers are not exactly magical, but they do have a knack for language. A Speaker can understand the language of one or two other creatures, along with their native wolf song. The creatures that they can understand and talk with are normally the creatures of their spirits, or creatures closely tied to their spirits. Many young wolves often feel a distinctive tie to creatures at a young age and do their best to understand their language, which will become clearer over time if there are truly destine to become Speaker, however many such feelings may be triggered by their growth and may mean nothing significant. If, however, the young wolf tries hard enough, they may gain the ability to shakily converse with the animal.

Some Speakers can talk to the dead, the result of a strange gene mutation often considered a curse, which leads to these Speakers being feared and occasionally shunt. Those rare Speakers that have the ability to converse with the dead always have wolf spirits. Those with spirits such as the earth can arouse magic. For example those with spirits of the earth help bring spring a little sooner to Wolf's Woods. However, it is only simple magic, and often is only an illusion. Such as with the spring issue, a Speaker who can do such a thing may be able to boost the growth of plants and such, but cannot banish the cold of winter, or the snow. Speakers still remain a baffling mystery to even the wolves themselves.

Speakers may become Elders eventually. However, because Shamans are the ones who are normally the Chosen to ascend to the stage of Elder, it is rare for a Speaker to win the rank.

Speakers are a very arrogant type. They do not believe in the mixing of blood, and because it is so rare to have to Shamans in the same few generations, they do not breed.

Shaman wolves are hardly ever seen. They are a legend among humans, wolves, and other animals alike. Very little is known about these stunning wolves, except that they are strong, and extremely wise. Their knowledge of healing and herbs surpasses that of the Alphas and perhaps even the Elders. Shaman wolves are said to have healing abilities and can understand the language of all the creatures. They are also rumored to be able to cast strong magic, though few are foolish enough to try. They are very calm and legends say that Shaman wolves can heal any sickness or injury if they find a reason to stop the course of Mother Nature. Stories in human culture tell that Shaman wolves can transform into their spirit. Those with spirits of water can flow downstream like they were water itself. Shaman wolves do have a bit to do with bloodlines, but often wolves will be blessed a Shaman who have no blood history of magic of any sort.

Only Loners or Speakers may become Shaman. And like the Speaker wolf, Shaman wolves do not breed. They are not as arrogant, but they have their reasons.

Elders are the oldest of all wolves. Because they are so rare, they tend to live in solitude, but are often seen within the forest to offer advice to any who come for it. While Elders no longer have the magic they had as a Shaman or a Speaker, they are wise and virtuous, and are the only wolves who can teach the usage of the skills for the newer Speakers and Shamans who have yet to get the hang of their roles.

Elders are looked to for help, and are treated with the utmost respect. However, being such old creatures, they no longer reproduce. And although Elders do not live forever, it is said that obtaining this rank somehow lengthens the life of a wolf.

Omegas are the lowest rank of any pack wolf. Timid and shy, they are the ones who have the worst jobs, and are bullied by all, even the pups. They may or may not help with the hunting. Although they are so low in rank, even Omegas can fight when they need to. Omegas are mostly wolves the pack saved, or wolves that entered the pack without the complete consent of all, and are treated as lowly creatures.

However, they get protection for doing little, and often, Omegas have very attractive coats, perhaps to make up for their poor rank.

*new* Omegas may have a chance to leave their pack if they decide that the leaders aren't doing a good job in keeping them safe from any harm or if they don't want to be in a pack anymore. Though they must gain permission from either of the Alphas before they can abandon the pack. Also, any pack may have more than two Omegas but no more than four at a given time.

Alphas always have strong spirits. They are the leaders of their pack, and decide everything. They patrol their pack-lands, making sure that no intruders come onto their territory. Alphas are often the leads to hunt groups, and get first dibs on food and breeding. If the Alphas have pups, they may or may not allow other wolves within the pack to have pups. However, once the Alpha’s pups grow up, they may no longer enforce a no-breeding policy upon the other wolves.

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Flatsales will go for anywhere from 5-7k, depending on their stages. Flatsales are for wolves that are to be sold, but neither colorist feel like setting up auction or raffle for them. Nah, strike that wink

Flat wolves are just as sexy and hawt as any other wolf, so don't look down on them. Just cause we're lazy, or they don't have a theme around them that requires auctioning doesn't mean they aren't good. Plus, it's an easy and faster way of acquiring a wolf. No muss, no fuss.

Flatsale forms are as follows:
a) Speed flat - We post a big 'GO!' and you guys claim the wolves.
b) RP flat - RP prompts are posted for participants to respond to. There will be a set time for the prompts to be posted, and then they are judged.
c) Flaffle - We post a big 'GO!' and you guys post the phrase 'I would like a wolf please!' exactly like that, nothing more and nothing less. Do not state the wolf number or anything. Anyone who posts that will be added onto a list and then the winner(s) are randomly picked using Gaian generator.

Flatsale Rules
1) Colorists or ice/dbz get the final say.
2) If anything is posted before the 'GO!' post, the person will be disqualified
3) Send the trade within 48 hours of your request being confirmed, or the end of flatsale, otherwise we reserve the right to put the wolf back up for sale. If a valid reason is provided, you may receive a wolf looking similar but not the same to the original wolf.
4) You may proxy for others in speed sales and flaffles, but NOT, under any circumstance, during RP sales. Also be sure to post that you are proxying.
5) Rules may be changed at any time.

Planned flatsales: Thursday the 4th at 8pm EST
Flatsale type: Speed
Current theme: Winter
Cost: 5k

FS Form

Wolf Number:
Wolf's Name:
Protector's Name (full user name):
*Desired Pack:


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Auction start bids will always be 5k, regardless of stage or lineart edits or whatnot. There may or may not be an autobuy, depending on the colorist, and if there is one it is also up to the colorist to decide. Auction wolves are rather special, normally being cosplays or having themes worthy of being auction.

There may also be such a thing a silent auctions, in which bids are PMed to the mule, and the winner overall is the one with the highest bid. Each person may only put in a bid once, and HB's will never be revealed during a silent auction. So good luck xD

Auction Rules
1) No sniping. If a bid is placed in the last 15 minutes of the auction, it will automatically extend the auction by another 15 minutes.
2) The trade must be sent within 48 hours of the end of auction, otherwise the wolf will be re-auctioned

Planned auctions: none
Auction type: normal
Date: n/a

Auction start bid: 5k
Autobuy: 25K

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Raffle tickets are 100 gold a piece. It is by far the cheapest way to get a wolf . People who do not own wolves may request one free ticket. Because of complications it is asked that you do not request ticket numbers. Raffles can be for any sort of wolf.

Current Raffle: None

Up coming raffle: TBA

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Events are sometimes a good way to get free wolves. One of the most common events is dice.


Event type: TBA
Rules: TBA

PM the mule with the Page number and the completed FS form.


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Lineart Updates
All stages done.

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You MUST pm all purchase requests to the mule, with the title the name of the wolf in question and 'Potion Purchase Request' (Ex: Toffee: Purchase Request Request). The colorist who colored that wolf will then read the information and see if enough rank-appropriate RP has been provided, and you will be answered.

If your request is turned down, you will have to wait until the next month (at the very least) before trying to purchase the potion again. During this time, you should work on the RPing, because most likely it is that which is the problem.

Also, do not send the trade to the mule until an approving PM has been sent to you.

Purchase Request
Owner: (If it's for someone else, make a note of it so I know)
Wolf's Name: (The wolf the potion is for)
Colorist: (Of the wolf, not who you want to color your wolf's lineart update. If you don't know it, no biggie.)
Potion of interest: (If it is simply a stage up/down or freeze potion, no need to fill in RP bit)
Purpose: (Such as the stage up/down potion, you need to tell me if you want a stage up or a stage down. With other potions, simply state why you want the potion and what you will use it for.)
Links to Roleplay: (You must have proof of RP that your wolf has acsended to the said stage, and you must have sufficient RP. Sufficient RP being anywhere from 5-15 roleplays with other wolves, each consisting of at least 70 posts. One-liners will not count, nor will sloppily done RPs. Once you get your answer, it is final and you will not be allowed to try for the potion again for a month. So be careful, and no bitching if the answer is no)
Any discounts: (You CANNOT make up discounts. WE WILL KNOW who has the discounts and will remind the owner if they forget to fill this part in. But fake discounts will result in immediate graylisting, and may even lead to blacklisting.)
Total: (This if for if you have discounts.)

When PMing the form, please do not include any of the bracketed wording!

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Love... is in... the air...? o.o

Yes, that's right! Because like any sort of living species, these wolves have the instinct to produce babies.

Most wolves mate usually for life. However, lone wolves do not. It is up to the owner to decide. Does their wolf prefer the safety of just one mate? Or does it not mind jumping from wolf to wolf?

The wolves must be an Adult, Omega, Alpha, or Loner to breed. The pairings must be male/female, because despite odd quirks here and there in the behavior of these wolves, nothing short of human technology will suffice in same sex breedings, and wolves don't want to mess with humans.

*new* Each mated pair is allowed 4 breeding in their lifetime before they are deemed too old to mate anymore. The number and gender of pups in a breeding will be determined via a dice roll in the breeding den.

.. Adult x Adult breedings results in.. 1-3 pups.. Newborn-Adult
.. Adult x Alpha breedings results in.. 1-3 pups.. Newborn-Adult
.. Adult x Omega breedings results in.. 1-3 pups.. Newborn-Adult
.. Adult x Loner breedings results in.. 1-2 pups Newborn-Loner
.. Alpha x Alpha breedings results in.. 2-4 pups.. Newborn-Alpha
.. Alpha x Omega breedings results in.. 2-3 pups.. Newborn-Omega
.. Alpha x Loner breedings results in.. 1-2 pups Newborn-Omega
.. Omega x Omega breedings results in.. 2-3 pups.. Newborn-Omega
.. Omega x Loner breedings results in.. 1-2 pups Newborn-Omega [if the Omega is female]
.. Loner x Loner breedings results in.. 1 pup.. Newborn-Loner

The stages listed are the phases of change the offspring are guaranteed to go through, without RPing. However, with RP, they have every chance to become something more.

Of course, there is a fee...

.. Adult x Adult.. 7k
.. Omega x Omega.. 8k
.. Alpha x Alpha.. 8k
.. Mixed.. 10k
.. Loner x Loner.. 15k

Loner breedings are a tad bit pricier, because here, it is so rare to see lone wolves pairing up to raise pups.

Breeding Dens
-coming soon-

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Wolf packs are groups of wolves that live together, each with its own job or role within the group. Each wolf contributes and takes from this way of living.

Each pack must have an Alpha male coupled with an Alpha female as leaders, who make all decisions. However, although in most wolf packs, only the Alphas mate, these wolves have no such formalities. Any wolf in the pack can have pups.

Of course, not all wolves decide to join packs. Despite the fact that the majority of the wolf population live in packs, many are loners who wander.

~::Forming a Pack::~

Forming New Packs is... OPEN!

The requirements:

.. 1) A pair of Alphas to lead, one male one female
.. 2) At least three other wolves to be members
.. 3) Must have at least one active RP per month in the pack subforum

The two wolves must have been RPed as Alphas for at least 10 days, as a mated couple. The two other wolves who have consented to be members of the new pack must also be active in the roleplaying. Also, the wolfs leading the pack does not have to be on Alpha lineart to be RPed as one, if they are to be starting a pack. However, eventually, the lineart will have to be changed. (if the wolf is the son/daughter of an Alpha then the lineart change is free)

[b]Alpha Male:[/b]
[b]Alpha Female:[/b]
[b]Other members:[/b]
[b]Name of pack:[/b]
[b]Description of location:[/b]
[b]Description of climate:[/b]
[b]Description of Prey:[/b]
[b]How many wolves to fell?[/b]
[b]Reason for New Pack:[/b]
[b]Typical Coat Colors:[/b]
[b]Enemy Pack(s):[/b]
[b]Ally Pack(s):[/b]
[b]Link(s) to all RPs any wolves of the Pack have been active in:[/b]

Post the form in this thread. It will be reviewed by the staff, and an answer will be given ASAP.

*NEW* From now on, each pack will have their own subforum. We will post a thread with the mule stating the climate, pelt colors, food, etc, and the rest of the subforum will be at the mercy of the members!

Now, there will be a pack-maker's fee of 2.5k. This fee will go to buying your pack a sub-forum.

.:.Pack Rules.:.

.. 1) The pack does not have to have enemy/ally packs right from the beginning. This is all eventually worked out in the RPed interactions between the packs. If there is an update on enemy/ally packs, PM the mule and it will be changed.
.. 2) The two other pack members may be the pups of the Alphas.
.. 3) A wolf pack is actually normally made up of mostly family members, however it is very common to see wolves not tied into the pack by blood as significant parts of the pack.
.. 4)All high ranking wolves [Alphas and Betas] need to RP at least three times a month in order for your wolf to keep their rank. For Alphas, they need to have at least one pack meeting a month in order to maintain balance in the pack and to keep their rank as the leaders of the pack. Both Alphas need to be present at each meeting along with both Beta wolves and most, if not all, of the other lower ranking wolves (even the pups and Omega wolves need to attend). After the pack meeting is complete, one of the Alpha's owners needs to PM the mule with the link leading to the pack meeting. If either of the Alphas are not present, they are either considered kicked out of the pack or demoted. If that is the case, then the remaining Alpha needs to find a replacement for the now de-ranked co-leader. The remaining Alpha may or may not take the new leader on as a mate or continue to keep their old co-leader as their mate. If the new Alpha does become the new mate of the other Alpha, then they may breed and the pups from the old mated pair may have half-siblings.

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A list of owned wolves can be found in the guild.
[Owner's List]

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Our affy banner link:

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If you would like to affiliate with this shop PM the shop mule with a link/banner to your shop and add ours.

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White List: (You've made the shop owner and colorists happy people)
All the owners! Without you this shop wouldn't be here. heart
Lineart Kitsune for redoing the lineart. heart

Gray List: (You've offended someone or broke a rule. You are temporarily banned from getting wolves.)
-none yet. let's keep it that way

Blacklist: (You've REALLY offended someone and broke a rule repeatedly. You are not welcome here.)
-none yet. let's keep it that way

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In the forest of Wolf's Woods live many creatures. One of the most common beside the vast population of rabbits, is the fox.

images coming soon

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Owner, Colorist: been in the b/c world since 2004.
-more info to come when I think of it-

-info goes here-

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