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~ Table of Contents ~

1. News & Updates
2. General Rules & FAQ & Naming Rules
3. Midland
4. Growth
5. Basic & Complex Familiars
6. Availability
7. Customs & Pricing
8. Breeding rules
9. Gradient & Staff & Pet Trades

Join the Guild!

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11.29.08- Midland's SS thread is Here!
11.16.8 - Newbie FS; Date: 11.20.08 --OVER!

Past events:
11.06.08 - The lion king event: HERE
09.06.08 - Opening event! Here!
08.27.08 - Set up

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Note: Rules are subject to change at any time and without prior notification.
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[.] Absolutely no human Cosplays!
[.] Obey Gaia's ToS.
[.] Please PM shop-related questions/comments/concerns to the mule!
[.] Please try to type as clear as you can.
[.] Please be respectful and nice whenever possible; this is our house and you are our guests.
[.] Do not bring drama into the thread.
[.] Do not flame, troll, spam or try to play mod of the shop!
[.] Do not advertise in the thread!
[.] Do not steal, copy or edit any of the art work!
[.] Do not beg or whine for a pet.
[.] Do not hint or whine about breedings or growths.
[.] Do not direct-link; save all of your images to your own server!
[.] Roleplaying is encouraged, but not required!

Mistling Rules:
[.] Mistlings are NOT RP required!
[.] Mistlings can’t fly, even if they have wings.
[.] Mistlings can only have ONE Flyer companion at a time.
[.] Mistlings can communicate with their Flyer, though they don’t speak the same language.

Naming rules:
[.] Names like ‘Jack’ and “Sally” are not acceptable names in Midland. Please don’t ask to use them.
[.] No cultural names, please. We want to keep this as earthy as possible.
[.] Before your Mistling can be certed you must send the mule your name request!
[.] When twins are born, the name of the first child will be flipped to make the name of the second, for example; ‘CloverField’ will be turned into ‘FieldClover.'

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Q: What’s a Mistling?
A: Mistlings are mice-like creatures that live in Midland!

Q: Any humans in Midland?
A: No. Never. What is a 'hooman'?

Q: Why are they called Mistlings?
A: Well, Midland is covered in a soft mist, so I decided to call them Mistlings!

Q: How can I get one?
A: Through Flatsales, events and customs; sometimes we will do free giveaways too.

Q: What’s a Flyer?
A: A flyer is a common bird in Midland that Mistlings can own and ride.

Q: If I own a Flyer, will I still be a newbie?
A: Yes. Even though they have three stages, Flyers are still only Familiars, so you will be a newbie until you own a Mistling.

Q: Can I own a Flyer without a Mistling?
A: Yes, of course!

Q: Do I have to RP my Mistling and Flyer?
A: No, but the more you RP, the better the perks are!

Q: Should I PM you if I want to guest color?
A: Nope. If we want someone to quest color, we will make an announcement about it.

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Names can be the ultimate way to express who you are in Midland! Please look over all of the Naming rules and information carefully. Names come from nature, animals and colors.

Names in Midland often come from the earth and its surroundings. In tradition, a lot of the time names are two parts long, but in some rare cases that it can be split up into three, or one.

When a baby is born without father, that child will only have one name. Same goes for any baby born without parents to care for it.

With longer names, they can be split up into three parts;

For example, “RedEarth Fire”

Red and Earth can be combined to make one first name, and Fire will be pushed back into the second part of the name. When a Mistling is small, most of the time they will be called by just the first name they were given, such as “RedEarth” (dropping the “Fire” at the end)--- but when they grow and mature after the Sac stage, fully grown Mistlings will be called by the full name given to them at birth.

When a new baby is born in Midland, both the mother and father pick a name for it. The mother’s pick always goes first and the father’s is last. So, if the mother wanted to name the baby “Mossy” and the father wanted to name it “Hideaway,” the baby's name would be “Mossy Hideaway.”

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Midland‘s vast mountain of marble encased a region of grass of the finest shades and hues, where the sky is laced with the soft mist of the majestic waterfalls that cascade down the mountain’s range. A world in itself-- of trees that touch the stars, large mushrooms and flowers that create endless rainbows of color. Midland is a world of enchantment, isolated by Fawn’s Mountain Range, untouched by civilized hands, left alone to grow in its natural state.

More to come.
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Mistlings are mice-like creatures that live in Midland.

There are two types of Mistling breeds, long tailed and shot tailed. Long tailed Mistlings have long lion like tails with tuffs at the end. Short tailed Mistlings have small deer like tails.

The Kit: When a Mistling is tiny they are often very simple in color and markings. A young Mistling will spend a lot of its time in the meadows of Midland, enjoying its short lived youth.

The Cocoon: When a Mistling is about a week old it will go into a deep slumber, during which it will change physically; thankfully the Fuzzy Worms help enclose them in a sac… so that they can change in peace and quiet!

Coming out of the Cocoon: At this stage the Mistling will start to slowly come out of its sac. You can see the color change here, though you won’t know what the new Mistling really looks like until it’s fully out of its Sac~

The Adult Mistling: Once the Mistling is free you will be able to see its new coat and markings, and possibly even some physical changes too! It’s common in Midland for Mistlings to randomly grow horns or wings during the changing process, though this doesn’t happen for everyone. Sometimes the way you look going in is the way you look coming out.

Common physical changes

Horns: Horns are one of the most common traits in Midland; over half of the Mistlings here have them. They differ into two types; Oryx and Deer. If a mother or a father of a new born Mistling has horns, then at least one of its offspring will inherit that gene. If both parents have horns, then all of the little ones will have horns when they grow up, too.

Wings: Wings can grow on the back and paws and are tiny in size. They are not used for flying! Because of the tiny sizes, Mistling wings are used for low term gliding and air surfing around the forests of Midland. Mistlings will never be able to support themselves in true flight so they make do with what they have.

Unicorn Horn: Uni-Horns are a rare trait. There are not many Mistlings that end up with this kind of horn, and the ones that do are often thought of as magical.

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Light Fly: Light flies are very friendly and love to buzz about with gossip! They enjoy being around Mistlings and make for a fun and resourceful companion to camp with. They are very common in the forests of Midland.

Fuzzy Worm: Fuzzy Worms can be tricky with their ways, but if you befriend one you’ll never regret it. Fuzzy Worms are responsible for the cocoons here in Midland. When a young Mistling goes into a long rest the Fuzzy Worms encase them in protective sacs.

Chirper: ---

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The Flyer: A Flyer is a bird companion that can be used as means of transportation around Midland.
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Stages of a Flyer

The Egg: Every flyer starts out as an egg, duh! Eggs can be found all throughout Midland during the summer, but it is best never to take a wild Flyer egg from its nest--you never know what trouble you may get into that way. The Egg is to be looked after carefully until hatching.
(Stage time: 1-3 days)

The Fledgling: After your egg has hatched it is very important that the Flyer attaches itself to a Mistling right away! A young Flyer will learn to love and adore their Mistling companion, and this is key to the relationship your Flyer will need to build in order for it to trust a Mistling 100%. A Flyer that doesn’t trust its Mistling won’t be of much help at all. Young Flyers are just learning to fly!
(Stage time: 1-7 days)

The Flyer: When a Flyer reaches adulthood it can finally fly! Most Mistlings will use this to help move around Midland--Flyers make for good transportation, remember? Adult Flyers can also find a mate and breed. Once your Flyer has reached adulthood, it’s pretty much a lifetime duty to care for it. A Flyer that is loved is a happy Flyer indeed!

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Flat Sales:
[.] Flat sales can occur at any given time, it’s up to how the colorist feels! But a warning will be given before the flat sale takes place.
[.] You must show interest in the thread prior to participating in the flat sale!
[.] The flat sale begins when ToMidLand says GO. Posts made before the go post will be ignored.
[.] Everything is first come, first serve.
[.] Absolutely no editing of any posts made after the "GO".
[.] You may only get one Mistling per sale.
[.] You may give the Mistling you won away.
[.] Not all flat sales will be speed based, some require you to reply to an RP prompt.
[.] Proxying is allowed, but you may only try for one (either for yourself or for someone else). You may not proxy for someone who is present in the thread at the time.
[.] Winners must send a trade of 5K within 24 hours to the mule or you will not receive your pet's image/cert.
[.] All items are accepted at Mid-Tektek; the average buy price.

Raffles occur sporadically.
[.] Raffle rules vary with the raffle. Please read them and pay attention!
[.] All items are accepted at Mid-Tektek; the average buy price.

Auctions occur sporadically.
[.] Starting bid will always be 5k.
[.] Most of the time there will not be an AB, but it will be listed if there is.
[.] All items are accepted at Mid-Tektek; the average buy price.
[.] All shop rules still apply.

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Types of Customs:

Speed Customs

These slots works a lot like your regular speed flat sale. There will be 5 slots opened for each colorist, and a date and time announced, usually between three and five days in advance. If you want a custom that time around then you should show up!

The mule will post a "GO!" and after the go you will post "I would like a custom slot." followed by the colorist you want to do your custom. It's that simple! Afterwards, the colorists will post the winners. Everyone that won a custom slot will post their custom form in their respective colorists' thread in the guild.

All custom forms will be kept this way to keep things organized, and to help log past orders and keep track of what has been done and what needs to be done.

Note: You may only go for one custom per speed-custom.

Open Customs

After a prompt from the mule, for a full 24 hours, both colorists' custom slots will be open and everyone can send in a form to the shop mule. After the 24 hours has passed the colorists will pick five customs each that they would like to do. They will post the winners in the guild and quote the winners in the main thread and on the front page.

Make them interesting, and try your luck!

Note: You may send in as many custom forms as you'd like, though this doesn't necessarily mean that the colorist will pick all, or any of them!

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Note: Prices are subject to revision based on supply and demand.

Mistling Customs
[.] A natural colored kit: 100k
[.] A natural colored adult: 90k [adult stage only]

[.] An unnatural colored kit: 120k
[.] An unnatural colored adult: 100k [adult stage only]

Flyer Customs: Adults only right now!
[.] A natural colored adult Flyer: 90k [adult stage only]
[.] A unnatural colored adult Flyer: 100k [adult stage only]

Familiar customs
[.] Custom Lightfly: 10k
[.] Custom Fuzzyworm: 15k
[.] Custom Chirper: 20k

[.] Natural colors: Browns, green, orangey-reds, red, black, yellows, pinks, gold, silver.

[.] Unnatural colors: Bright pink/hot pink, blue, purple, rainbow, neon colors.

If you have a question about the colors, prices, or any other part of the customs, please let us know!

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Breeding payment: 10k; this can be split up between each owner, so long as it all goes to the mule in one trade. Please note what breeding pair you are sending the payment for in the trade title (ex; Parent1 x Parent2).

[.] Male x female breeding only.
[.] Each parent must have two complete RP logs (10-15 posts) ; one of the RPs must be between both partners.
[.] Each time you breed your Mistling, you will need entirely new RP logs.
[.] No NPC breeding(s) allowed. Sorry folks!
[.] You may only keep one kit from a breeding each time.
[.] You can give the offspring away to friends or hold RP contests for them through the shop. Just let the staff know before you do it.
[.] You may NOT sell the offspring or do 'pet trades'; anyone found doing this will be banned from Midland.

(!) Mistlings can have up to six kits a littler.
(!) Flyers can have up to three eggs a sitting.

If you don’t RP and would like to breed, the payment will be the same, but the litter number will be cut down into one half of what the normal number is.

So, Mistlings that DON’T RP can have up to three kits.

A dice roll will determine the number offspring each pair will have. Once the dice is rolled we will PM you with the number you have on the way.

[b]Breeding form[/b]:
[b]Mother's image[/b]:
[b]Father's image:[/b]
[b]RP Link[/b]: link
[b]RP Link[/b]: link
[b]RP Link[/b]: link

When the babies are born

You'll be PMed the babies when they arrive. After you get the required information gathered you will need to fill out this form and send it to the Mule; if you don't your new babies won’t be certed.


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