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“The fox changes his fur but not his habits.”

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1. Intro/Navigation
2. News
3. Rules/FAQ
4. Story
5. NPCs
6. Stages
7. The World
8. Availability
9. Customs
10. Breeding
11. Events
12. Owner's List
13. Affiliates
14. Reserved
15. Reserved

Lineart: Leikkun
Shop Owner/Colorist: Yayoi
Colorists: Safaia, Delijah
Thread Managers: KagomeHigurashi08, Gekokoko
Banners/Cert: Yayoi
Fox Hole Registry <- Please make sure to register your Foxes!!
Mates & Permissions Listing
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8-1-10 - The Fox Hole is now hiring! If you know someone who loves to color and/or is looking for a job, send them this way! We have an advertising contest with prizes for winners!
7-8-10 - KagomeHigurashi08, our thread manager, has decided to hold a mini event to rehome some of her foxes, wanting them to get the love she can't give them herself. Kagomes Rehoming Event is now open! There are around 10 adult foxes being given away in various contests. Check is out now!
Also, Safaia will be holding a flatsale this Friday.
4-20-10 - There is a naming game in the guild~! Click here to see!
3-18-10 - We are hiring! Also heavier edits and cosplays are now available! Hurray!
3-17-10 - There is a free 6-hour raffle in the guild celebrating St. Patricks day! Click here to enter!
2-16-10 - And now for the second Valentine's Day (though days late) Surprise! Please head here to check out the Valentine Mix and Match and read the rules before entering your foxes.
2-14-10 - Valentine Heart Search Winner xxgekokujyou. Congrats for winning the little Valentine Girl.
1-27-10 - As you all know, we have slowly been trying to catch up with all the work that we owe as a shop. If you are missing something that is overdue, please PM this account, so that we can make sure that your fox is on the list of things that need to get done. I apologize for the delay as there have been a lot of reallife instances that have delayed our progress. Thanks.
12-20-09 - Congrats to She-Ra of Etheria for winning the CYO female kit and applesauce01 for winning the loser raffle.
11-20-09 - Saffy is having a free raffle in the guild! Check it out!
10-26-09 - Libby Libra has stepped down as a colorist for the shop. She will surely be missed and we all wish her luck on any of her future endeavors~ She will be finishing up what she owes before completely stepping down.
10-10-09 - Two dice games for the kits from Karin and Teithi's breeding on page 1066. Congratulations yylaayl for winning the female and She-Ra of Etheria for winning the male on page 1095.
10-6-09 - The raffle for the third kit from the Caleb&Gemini breeding is open!! Please be sure to read the rules! <333 Click Me For Cuteness! - Congratulations alliisara for winning the kit.
9-14-09 - Yayoi has created a new thread in the guild called The Love Tree. Since I know a lot of people are looking to hook up their Foxes, you guys can post like little personal ads here for your Foxes that others can look at and if they're interested in your Fox can contact you about your ad. (Original notice was on Page 1010).
8-28-09 - With 21 foxes, the New Colorists Flatsale was a huge success! Winners can be found on the bottom of Page 923. Winners please send trades and PMs to colorists within 24 hours. Thanks.
8-26-09 - Want a chance at one of four beautiful kits from the Minuit and Kenan Breeding? Then please check out 4 Beautiful Kits Raffle which is open to both newbie and regulars, as well as staff. Hope to see you there, and make sure to fill out the code completely, else your ticket will not count. Free Raffle link also on page 889! Check out some of the flatsale previews for the big flatsale being held Friday, August 29th, at 6:00 PM PST, 8:00 PM CST, and 9:00 PM EST. Sorry for the delay, some reallife issues have popped up for some of the staff.
8-24-09 - There should be a big flatsale coming up on Wednesday or Thursday, August 26th or 27th depending on schedules. Keep an eyes out for a finalized time.
8-17-09 - All of the random contests have come to an end and hypertronicsuperstar, shii song, applesauce01, Saiyajin-Neko, and Thalaiwen all won free foxes from the contests. Congratulations winners and everyone keep an eye out for a big flatsale coming up.
8-3-09 - With all these breedings going on there have been some activity in the Contest Subforum. Roleplay/raffles are being set up for you're convience and the Free Raffle, which will feature at least 3 kits from different breedings by the end of it is now open for both newbies and everyone. Keep an eye out to see if more kits will be added. Also. Customs are open and there may be some more Breedings on the horizon as colorist finish what they owe. So keep an eye on the guild and thread for activity.
7-31-09 - BunBunBee & Delijah have open some customs and breeding slots for July. Panda_xx has also opened August customs. Keep an eye out for other colorist openings as breeding slots especially are going fast. Remember, today is the last day to order anything for July! Also, rumors of a large flatsale happening around mid-August, so keep your ears to the ground on that one.
7-30-09 - Welcome BunBunBee, Delijah and panda_xx as our three new colorists to the shop! Congrats!
7-24-09 - The last of the Easter Egg Pet Certs are on Pages 737 Post 1 for Daeril-sama, and Post 4, for DarkVSLight2012.
7-17-09 - Congratulations to our newbie flatsale winners: JadedTiger22, Shii Song, ShadowsCurse, Sabra Knight, & Three Tailed Fox. Also congrats to our surprise loser raffle winner Agenti who won a randomly colored fox from Safaia. And for all the newbies who came today: Welcome to the shop. Certs from the newbie flatsale are on Page 723, Posts 6 & 10. Congrats again winners.
7-15-09 - Safaia will be having a NEWBIE flatsale on Friday, July 17th at Noon PST/3pm EST
7-14-09 - Please welcome KagomeHigurashi08 to the staff as our new thread manager.
7-1-09 - To celebrate the 4th of July, there's a little raffle going on. Check it out!
6-27-09 - Well, we're gonna try and get the shop going again. So we're looking for some new colorists to add to the team and a shop manager! Please go eere to the hiring thread!
4-2-09 - With Easter right around the corner we've got some neat little games and contests planned for you guys. 83 The Egg Dyeing Contest is officially open! Keep an eye out for other games as well in thread and in the guild!
3-14-09 - Ginger has opened some slots! One custom and one breeding slot are open for now! Customs .~!~. Breedings
2-28-09 - Xylaina is holding some Febuary customs Here Its first come first serve type thing with only 2 slots available.
2-11-09 - Mates & Permissions Listing is now open!
12-8-08 - The Fox Hole SS is up!
11-24-08 - GINGER will be holding a flatsale on Wed, november 26th at 4pm est. =]
10-21-08 - Halloween event has started!
9-21-08 - There will be a flatsale with an Autumn Theme on Monday, September the 22nd at 4 pm est. It will be a regular speed flatsale. Also, Ginger has opened a few custom slots here
9-7-08 - Xylaina is opening her customs in the guild. Go Here
9-6-08 - Mini B-day bash will be taking place starting today (September 6h) and running through to Monday (September 8th) !
8-12-08 - Safaia will be having a flatsale on Monday, August 18th at 6pm PST/9pm EST. There will be something special afterwards, as well. ;3
8-11-08 - There is now a Semi Custom option for customs. Please refer to the Customs post for more information.
8-5-08 - Ginger will be having a flatsale on Thursday, August 7th at 1pm est time.
8-1-08 - Ginger will be opening three custom slots tomorrow at 12 noon est. It will be speed style. The slots are here.
8-1-08 - Fatal is going to raffle off two of her custom slots. See Here for details.
7-31-08 - Kaiven is holding a drawing for her first two custom slots! Check here for details! Also~ Ginger_Snap will be opening a few customs slots Saturday as well.
7-31-08 - Holy Hornbeams! The Grand Opening Flatsale was a bigger success than we had anticipated. <3 Thank you to everyone who participated. Now lets get some rp'in goin and get this shop a rockin'~
7-27-08 - A few grand opening flatsale previews are up! And our map section is now complete~ Hurray!
7-23-08 - New colorists have been hired! Front page is almost done and the guild is getting its finishing touches. <3
6-12-08 - Setting up the thread.
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1. Follow all Gaia rules & ToS.
2. Use common sense, please. Check the drama at the door.
3. No flaming, fighting, etc in the thread. If you must take it to PMs.
4. Please only PM the mule if you have any issues/concerns.
5. Don't steal the art or claim it is yours.
6. Whining/hinting about things if they are late is greatly frowned upon. So please just don't do it. Colorists have lives ya know.. x3
7. Keep advertising limited to your sig.
8. Payment is due in 24 hours. If payment is not received, your pet will be put back up for sale.
9. No refunds.
10. Do not ask someone for their pet, to co-own their pet, or a kit from a breeding. If they want to co-own/give you a pet they will come to YOU.
11. Please, please don't ask for a job or if you can guest color. If I want you to I will come to you.

These rules are subject to change as I see fit.

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So what are these?
- Foxes, duh. 8D

How can I get one?
- Check the availability post. If there is no flatsales, raffles, customs, events going on then you'll just hafta wait!

Can I just have one right now?
- Like...this instant? I'm afraid not.

How long do they take to grow up?
- Baby -> Teen - One Week
Teen -> Adult - Two weeks

Can they breed?

- Why yes they can~

How many babies do they have?
- A female fox can have anywhere from 2-6 kits. With rp there is an increased chance for a higher numbers of kits to be born.

Can I sell my babies?

- No. If you'd like to give away one of your babies your more than welcome to. As long as no profit is made from it.

How old does a Fox need to be before they can mate/breed?
- Foxes need to be at least two weeks into adult hood before they can mate/breed. This goes even for those who start off as adults.

Are these RP required?
- No. Though RP is encouraged and is rewarded. Such as more babies when breeding~

I want to affiliate with your shop! How can I do that?

- Send a PM with a link & banner to your shop to Foxy Rocksie.

Do you do pet trades?

- Depends on the colorist. Please check their journals for more information.

Can I have a job or be a guest colorist?
- No. X3 And please don't ask me.

Can my kit/teen flirt with another kit/teen?
- No. Kits and teens are too busy being well--kits and teens. Their too busy havin' fun to be thinking about wanting families so soon!

How can I get a journal? Why would I need one?
- If you plan to RP your Foxes a lot it would be wise to start a journal or some sort of thread in the guild. That way you can keep track of all your rps and have proof once it comes time for breeding. There is a journal sub-forum for all your journal making needs.

So how much do these cost?
- Check the availability/customs section. Prices will be listed there.

Do you accept IRL money as payment?
- Yes. I've been given permission by the lineart's creator to see these for RL money. Please go here if you are interested. (Not available yet)

Are we allowed to reserve flatsale pets? What if I pay you extra gold?

- No, I'm afraid I don't like reserving pets. Even if you pay me extra. It takes away from other people's chances to get a pet. Besides. There are always other ways you can get one. <3

Are we allowed to direct link?

You are allowed to direct link babies only. Once your Fox is an adult you must host it onto your own server.

More may be added as they arise.
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Many generations ago, the Foxes lived amongst man. Sacrificing themselves to help man kind as it developed as the Foxes had already established themselves upon the world, they felt the need to help out those who walked upright. Providing them with furs for warmth and meat for food. Every so often though the Foxes would play little tricks on the humans. Nothing more than silly little jokes.

But as the humans developed they forgot what the Fox had done for them. Guns, fire. They had even tamed the wild wolves and used them against the Fox. And as they became even more skilled hunters and developed new weapons they started hunting the Foxes more and more. Tearing apart families and destroying whole communities. The time of the Fox was doomed to end.

Discouraged by the acts of man, the last remaining groups of Foxes banded together and left their homes. Taking only those things that they needed which were the bare essentials as the Fox and their kin did not use the technologies of man. They were an earthen race. For years the moved from place to place, finding empty burrows to sleep in as they searched for a new home. A place where they would be safe and able to raise their children without fear of man.

And they were rewarded. One day the group traveled through a break in the mountain side and soon came upon a utopia that was hidden by the mountains. Surrounded on the other side by water alone. It seemed as if no humans had ever tread here. And so in collective agreement they settled into their new home hidden by the mountains. A land slide was set off and the mountain break they had come through was sealed away beneath rock and dirt. Forever segregating themselves from the outside world. The only way one could enter or leave was by water that stretched on for what seemed an eternity or risking your life by trying to travel through the mountains. And none had tried either.

There, they lived a peaceful life. They had everything one could ever need and so they prospered.
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-Coming Soon-
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- They are small and defenseless. Baby/Kit's eyes aren't even open fully but they can still hear. Which is a good thing in case they some how wiggle out of their burrows and get lost. They can hear their parent's calls and properly call back until they are found and brought home. Lots of love and affection for these cuties is a must if they are to grow up into healthy adults! (Baby to Teen takes one week.)

- All their baby fluff has now started to shed. And the teens are gettin' ready to rumble! Well, not really. But they are ready to start making their mark on the world. Feisty little tricksters, they often like to play pranks on the older Foxes. (Teen to Adult takes two weeks.)

- Fully grown adults have shed their awkward teen fur and now sport shiny, sleek coats. Their more in tune with their surroundings and a bit more cautious about the world around them than they were as teens. In this stage a lot of adults like to mate off in pairs. Though some would rather stick to quiet solitude.
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Key Places

User ImageTabenza Mountains - This mountain range separates the Foxes home from the rest of the world. They are a desolate and unforgiving place. Very few Foxes have been brave enough to try and traverse them and none have returned. A heavy fog hangs low, hiding their tall snow capped peaks. Here the cave in which ran through the mountains, leading the Foxes to their new home, was sealed by a land slide so long ago resides. No one really goes into that cave as there are always chances of even more cave ins and unsuspecting Foxes could get trapped or even killed! The Tabenza Mountains are certainly a very foreboding place for anyone to try and explore.

User ImageKoikot Marsh - A little ways north lies the Koikot marsh. The air is thick with moisture and the ground even more so. Its very difficult to travel through here unless you have prior experience. Or at least someone who knows where they are going! It is very easy to get lost in this marshy expanse of land and few have gone missing in the past, never to be seen again. Just make sure you keep to dry land, or else you may find yourself sinking into the what you thought was land.

User ImageRendigger's Forest - Rendigger was a mighty Fox who came along with the early Foxes to this land when they were driven from their homes by man. It is rumored that during the prime of his life he simply vanished into the forest. No rhyme or reason to it. Just vanished. And some say he still wanders the forest even to this day. Kept alive by some strange earth magics. It is located on the other side of Koikot Marsh and runs all along the shoreline down to the cove. There are many eerie noises and mysterious things in this forest. So do be careful! Wandering in a little too far might give you a few--unexpected surprises.

User ImageGrehna Lake - Nestled between the northern portion of Rendigger's forest and the Koikot Marsh is Grehna Lake. Some of the older Foxes tell tails of a strange creature that lives in the center of the lake where it is at it's deepest. Though that doesn't stop many from coming to its pebbled shores to enjoy a nice sunny day out.

User ImageSenca River - The river that connects Grehna to the ocean. Its currents are fast and rough and can easily sweep an unsuspecting fox down stream to the ocean within the blink of an eye. But its a great place to catch some nice juicy fish during their runs to Grehna lake!

User ImageYojio River - The smaller river on the opposite side of Grehna lake is Yojio River. Its waters are icy cold because they begin up in the high peaks of the Tabenza where the snow melts and runs down the mountains. It is much smaller then Senca and its waters flow much more smoothly. Some foxes like to just hop on pieces of wood and float down the river. It certainly is an easier way to travel than walking!

User ImageCoonau Forest - Coonau Forest is much smaller than Rendigger's and is on the southern most coast line of the Foxes home. It has a much more cheery atmosphere for sure. And many species of small animals make their homes here as well. Just make sure where you are going. If you go too far it drops off at a cliff and you'll fall right into the ocean.

User ImageLuna Grove - Many Foxes tend to make their homes here in Luna Grove. Surrounded by Yojio river to the north as well as a strip of tree line along the river's edge. A very peculiar plant grows here, and some say this is the reason why most Foxes live here. Only on certain times on the year when the moon is at it's fullest do these plants blossom at night. Their moonlight illuminated white petals cast a wondrous glow that you have to see to really appreciate. Elder Foxes speak of the night in which the first generations found Luna grove and made their homes there. The glowing flowers were a welcome sight to all their tired minds. And it made them believe that there was still beauty left in the world. To the south is a smaller, unnamed river that leads away from Yojio river and creates a small pond where the Foxes often congregate to bath or just have some fun.

User ImageBig Fish Cove - Traveling more towards the ocean you will come across Big Fish Cove. And it lives up to its name well! Many large types of fish live in these waters and make a tasty dinner if you can catch them. A small, island half covered in trees sits in the middle of Big Fish Cove. None so far have been able, or brave enough, to go there. But who knows. Maybe one day someone will.

Other Areas of Interest

Open Plains - The Open plains expand exponentially throughout the Foxes home. Wherever there is no water or trees that is where the Open Plains are. Small rolling hills of tall grasses and wide meadows filled with flowers and simple groves of trees litter the landscape. A very common sight to any Fox who has done traveling in their time.

Small Islands - All along the coast line there are small islands speckled here and there. Like the island in Big Fish Cove none have been able to reach them. The waters around the coastline and these islands are a bit too treacherous for the Foxes to sail. Plus, they haven't quite got the technology to do so either.
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There are several ways that flatsales will be conducted.
1. Speed
2. RP Prompt
3. Flaffle
4. Trivia
And maybe something else if we're feeling a bit wryly~

Flatsale Rules:
1. Do not whine if you don't win.
2. Do not guilt trip anyone out of trying
3. You may proxy for someone else, but make sure to let us know beforehand.
5. Payment is due ASAP after the sale. If in 24 hours the trade isn't confirmed the pet goes up for sale again.
6. First come, first serve.
7. You may only claim 1 Fox per flatsale. If all Foxes have not been sold after 24 hours they are open to anyone.
8. Do not edit your posts during a flatsale.

Cost: Babys/Kits 5k, Adults 3k

Preview of Flatsale:



All auctions info is normally in the auction thread. Such as SBs, ABs etc.

Auction Rules:
1. Do not guilt trip anyone out of bidding
2. Do not form massive cheer leading squads for an individual bidder.
3. Up to 2 people maybe co-own auction pets.
4. No drama allowed in the thread.
5. Payment due ASAP. After 24 hours the pet goes back up for sale.
6. No anonymous bidding.
7. Items accepted at their tektek price as of the day you bid. If the items price goes up during the days of the auction it does not effect your bid. Please calculate your own bids.
8. There is an anti snipe guard. No new bidders will be accepted 1 hour before the ending time of the auction.



Raffles have an unlimited number of tickets and can last up to a week. The price per ticket is 100g. There is no ticket limit, but please do not gamble away your Gaian savings. Raffles are really a luck of the draw and there is no guarantee that if you buy a million tickets that you will win.


Pet Trades:

!! Pet Trades are open at a colorist's discretion. !!

Each colorist has their own preference as to what they would like to do pet trades for. And they have them listed below. If your shop in not on our lists please still feel free to send a PM along with an offer. Sometimes we just don't get around enough to see all the shops that are out there.

Please send all pet trade inquires to the specific colorist. If we do not reply to your PM after a few days and your message is in your sent box (instead of your out box) then the colorist is probably not interested. Its not you, its us.

Pet Trade information for each colorist can be found in their journals in the guild.
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1. You may only order one Fox per custom openings to prevent someone from taking all the slots. If a slot isn't sold after a day then they will open for anyone.
2. Custom completion can take anywhere from a day to a few weeks. Depending on RL issues.
3. Colorists have lives, so please respect our time and abilities.
4. Payment is due 24 hours or slot will be reopened for someone else to purchase.
5. No refunds!
6. Do not guilt trip anyone out of buying a custom slot.
7. Fill out the entire form when ordering to make things easy for us. Its what YOU want, not something for us to come up with.
8. Please make sure your custom forms are the way you want them. No changes to the form will be made once submitted. Think before you send~
9. No reserving slots!
-These rules are subject to change/subtraction/addition as I see fit-

Full Customs
You have complete control over what you want your custom to look like.
Adult - 100k
Kits (3 stages) -175k
Edited Prices:
+ 5k-20k to the regular custom price. Price depends on the edits and their details wanted. These are minor edits such as jewelry or simple clothing like scarves or bows. No body modifications or cosplays are allowed at this time.

Semi Customs
Semi Customs are just that. Semi. Meaning you do not get to decide the final outcome of what your custom will look like. If you want that than please refer to the Full Custom prices. What you may choose with Semi customs is - Stage, Gender, and up to three colors to be used by the colorist. OR you can leave everything up to the colorist and let it be a complete surprise. What you get will come out completely random, so please do not grump if what you get is not something you want. Its the chance you take when ordering a Semi-Custom.
Adult - 50k
Kits (3 stages) - 80k
Edits: Since these are semi customs you may not request any minor edits like you would be able to with Full Customs. Edits will be left up to the colorists to decide if they wish to add any.

Custom openings and more info can be found in the guild.
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Breedings are available at this time. Check colorist journals or the breeding subforum to see if slots are currently open.

Ah breedings, who doesn't like to hear the pitter patter of little paws about when two Foxes fall in love?

Basic Breeding Rules:
1. Breeding Slots are on a first come first serve basis.
2. A breeding fee of 10k is required. (5k per parent owner)
3. RP of Fox couples is encouraged but not mandatory and may also increase your chances of getting more kits. (Please submit all RPs for RPed couples at the time of requesting a slot. You are not guaranteed more than the average amount of Kits from rping but it heightens your chances.)
4. No reserving of slots. You must have your couple in mind when claiming a slot.
5. You may not sell your extra kits on your own. If you wish to sell them please PM the mule and we will set up a raffle or flatsale for you.
6. Each owner in the breeding may only keep one kit. Others must be given away to others.This means that only ONE kit may have one person's name on their tag. Whether its full ownership or co-ownership.
7. Owners may breed their own two Foxes but you can still keep only one Kit.
8. You must have permission to breed with another's Fox, unless you own both Foxes. For co-owned Foxes, co-owners must also give their permission.
9. It is your responsibility to choose owners and names for your kits. Kits left ownerless or nameless will not grow.
10. Individual Foxes can only breed three times. So choose wisely who you breed with.
11. Foxes can choose whether they wish to breed with only one partner or multiple partners per breedings. So they may choose to only breed with one partner through all the breedings or on the flip side sleep around.
12. Male/Female breedings only.
13. Adult Foxes are the only ones allowed to breed. (This means your Fox must be 2 weeks into adult hood, even for those that start at the adult stage.)
14. If you win a breeding slot your Fox that you won that breeding with will not be allowed to breed for at least a month.
15. Owners are allowed two individual breedings per month to keep others from monopolizing slots. This means all month. So if you bred two pairs in May you cannot breed anymore until June.
-Rules are subject to change/addition/subtraction at my digression-

Breeding openings and more info can be found in each colorist's journals.
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Thank you to all who participated in my mini b-day bash! Please stay tuned to the next exciting event!
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Owner's List has been moved to the guild. Please click HERE to go there right away!
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Link us and we'll link you back! Please PM the mule with a link to your shop and a banner if you would like to affiliate with us. <3

***New as of 7/27/09: Because of the increasing amount of affiliates, I will be making banners larger than ours into text links so as not to stretch the page too much. All shops will still be represented and I have made sure that all the links work. If you notice a link not working, please PM me.***

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~~~ Australis Plains ~~~ B/C Encyclopedia ~~~ Beta Aquarium ~~~ Chance ~~~ Cybela Clans ~~~

~~~ Kiras Art Shop ~~~ Hoofprints ~~~ Pales-Vibrio ~~~ Roar Tigers! ~~~ Sand Paints ~~~

~~~ Souls of the Tundra ~~~ Stallion of the Cimarron ~~~

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