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Profitable Prophet

She plucked the struggling form up with ease and plopped it down on the alter. A quick slash of the knife up the belly a clean cut. It's guts spilled across the alter and the quivering forms life ebbed away quickly.
She studied the entrails and blood spillage for some moments occasionally making a sound or giving a little nod. To her this gore was an open book a road map to what was and what shall be.
"It's good reading over all. " she dipped her tail in the blood and swirled it about like a painter filling her brush before touching canvas. " come this shall ward you well for the change to come in your life. Ease your suffering." She stepped around the alter to stand before him "perhaps even soothe your troubled mind."
She lifted her tail to paint on him pausing for permission to be granted.

Azzan watched with an intense interest as the skeletal marked mare killed the small creature, and a slight smirk spread across his maw as the warm crimson liquid spread over the stone. He didnt understand what it was that the mare was doing, he didnt understand what it was that taking the life of the small being was suppose to achieve; but, then again, he didnt care to know at that precise moment. Her words echoed like hollow promises in his ears. She had given no specifics as to what it was that his future may hold, only that it was good. Good was an opinion. As the mare approached to 'paint' him he paused, the smirk ebbing from his face. Blood was always so difficult to wash from his coat - and though he didnt mind it he knew the discomfort it would bring to his brothers and father. But...
He nodded his head, approving the mare's actions. If what she spoke of was to come true; if things truly would be 'good' for him once more; if there was hope, Azzan would do anything.

(( I didn't want to make assumptions bout his plot or anything however- if you tell me a bit about I can give a tad better reading. I won't assume huge things or make any leaps but ))

Her movements were quick and purposeful as she marked him. A warriors mark should do he had many struggles ahead and would need all the strength he could summon.
She took a steal back and admired her work. The blood dripped a little bit but that only added to the quality of the piece.
"Feel free to wash it off as soon as you like the blood is forever on you now. Even if it's visible presence is washed away. " she gave pause and dipped her tail in a rock that collected rain water to wash it clean. Swishing it about lazily .
"do you feel a little clearer now? Would you like to tell me a bit more about yourself?" She added as she whipped the water from her tail. It spattered against the cliff side behind her.

Lonely Member

Duncan snorted. "It is a vile and wicked thing." He stated as he shook his head. "Evil spirits, shadows, haunt those that conceive on that night and wist the foals into wicked beings."

Rhinelander bumped his father and gave a disproving head shake. "You are misinformed. The shadows arent wicked, and they do not 'twist' all the foals." He gave a look to his mother. "It may be true that the foals may posses unique characteristics, but to imply that anything evil happens or that the foals may be corrupted is entirely untrue."

Aged Shapeshifter

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*huggles Bell*

*happily surprised gasp* Minnie! You snuck up on me! *GLOMPS* How are you? yum_puddi

Invisible Harvester

Dru: gave his mother a look. "Uh Mama, Keelin and Persephone were kinda born because of a Twisted Tunnel... you do recall that right?" arched his brow.

Cyrille arched a brow back at Dru and simply stated "No" before troutting over and snuggling again Duncan "Really?" glances over at Rhinelander "Really?" shook her head " I am so unsure."

Lonely Member

(( I didn't want to make assumptions bout his plot or anything however- if you tell me a bit about I can give a tad better reading. I won't assume huge things or make any leaps but ))

Her movements were quick and purposeful as she marked him. A warriors mark should do he had many struggles ahead and would need all the strength he could summon.
She took a steal back and admired her work. The blood dripped a little bit but that only added to the quality of the piece.
"Feel free to wash it off as soon as you like the blood is forever on you now. Even if it's visible presence is washed away. " she gave pause and dipped her tail in a rock that collected rain water to wash it clean. Swishing it about lazily .
"do you feel a little clearer now? Would you like to tell me a bit more about yourself?" She added as she whipped the water from her tail. It spattered against the cliff side behind her.

((I was just writing from his perspective XD His muse is always alive, always active, and has developed it's own will and ways. I'm typing up my plot idea in between typing for the thread and will be sending it your way shortly, but in all honesty, a vague reading fits better for now ^^ ))

Azzan closed his eyes as the blood was placed onto him, and he stood there, still as stone, for a moment or so afterwards. It wasnt until the sound of water hitting stone reached his ears that he opened his eyes. Already the crimson liquid was beginning to dry to his coat. He had heard that in certain, older and wilder, cultures they would paint themselves with the blood of a sacrifice to gain the favors of the spirits they worshiped - perhaps the mare before him truly was a master of her craft? Perhaps she told the truth? Time would be the judge of her validity.
"I..." The stallion started, not knowing where to begin speaking of himself, nor knowing if he even should reveal such information. Instead he chose to answer the mare's other question while he contemplated. "I do feel... Better. Not cloudy... I...." He paused for a moment more, collecting his thoughts before speaking. Unlike before, his thoughts weren't broken and jagged bits of memories, feelings, and ideas - they were solid. "I am able to focus more than before." Another sign that what the mare spoke of was true. He cleared his throat and stepped over to the bowl of water, hoping to catch a glimpse of his reflection, but the blood from the mare cleaning her tail kept it from him. "As for information about me....." He gave a thoughtful sigh. "What would you like to know?

Captcha: You have my stapler

stare I knew it.

Profitable Prophet

(( I didn't want to make assumptions bout his plot or anything however- if you tell me a bit about I can give a tad better reading. I won't assume huge things or make any leaps but ))

Her movements were quick and purposeful as she marked him. A warriors mark should do he had many struggles ahead and would need all the strength he could summon.
She took a steal back and admired her work. The blood dripped a little bit but that only added to the quality of the piece.
"Feel free to wash it off as soon as you like the blood is forever on you now. Even if it's visible presence is washed away. " she gave pause and dipped her tail in a rock that collected rain water to wash it clean. Swishing it about lazily .
"do you feel a little clearer now? Would you like to tell me a bit more about yourself?" She added as she whipped the water from her tail. It spattered against the cliff side behind her.

((I was just writing from his perspective XD His muse is always alive, always active, and has developed it's own will and ways. I'm typing up my plot idea in between typing for the thread and will be sending it your way shortly, but in all honesty, a vague reading fits better for now ^^ ))

Azzan closed his eyes as the blood was placed onto him, and he stood there, still as stone, for a moment or so afterwards. It wasnt until the sound of water hitting stone reached his ears that he opened his eyes. Already the crimson liquid was beginning to dry to his coat. He had heard that in certain, older and wilder, cultures they would paint themselves with the blood of a sacrifice to gain the favors of the spirits they worshiped - perhaps the mare before him truly was a master of her craft? Perhaps she told the truth? Time would be the judge of her validity.
"I..." The stallion started, not knowing where to begin speaking of himself, nor knowing if he even should reveal such information. Instead he chose to answer the mare's other question while he contemplated. "I do feel... Better. Not cloudy... I...." He paused for a moment more, collecting his thoughts before speaking. Unlike before, his thoughts weren't broken and jagged bits of memories, feelings, and ideas - they were solid. "I am able to focus more than before." Another sign that what the mare spoke of was true. He cleared his throat and stepped over to the bowl of water, hoping to catch a glimpse of his reflection, but the blood from the mare cleaning her tail kept it from him. "As for information about me....." He gave a thoughtful sigh. "What would you like to know?

Captcha: You have my stapler

stare I knew it.

(( okay dokey smile ))
So few appreciated her help it was . . . Unimaginably nice to practice her art and not be called a monster. She smiled warmly her eyes were gentle and her whole demure spoke of goodness. Within her lay no judgement or malice she genuinely just wanted to be accepted and help her fellow equine kind.
"Good." She said quietly her tail finally free of blood and fluffing as it dried. "I'm glad I could help and I would like to know anything you feel like telling me. Sometimes I find a troubled mind really just needs is a willing ear. So whatever you feel comfortable with is fine I'll start with my name I am Hex Fettergeist. Though Hex will do fine." She replied looking up at the sky it would rain soon so she went inside the small cave. She nodded motioning for him to follow. The floor was covered with dry grass and autumn leaves. It was clear she lived alone and had a more than an ample amount of spare time.

Lonely Member

@ Bell - I'm doing well ^^ Quite well indeed! How are you?

@ Rhy -

Rhine went over to whisper into his brothers ear, not wanting to upset his mother. "I think the tunnel makes us forget the night if we arent with our mates? I'm not sure how it works. I heard tales of soq never even knowing that they were with another soquili, and other tales of them knowing full well who they were with..." He paused. "I may just have to go visit this tunnel to try and find out."

Duncan nuzzled Cyrille, pushing her bangs out of her face before nibbling her ear. "Well..." he started, not really knowing what to say. "I dont trust it, but then again I havent been to it. If the foals aren't corrupted by the tunnel then... I guess it should be fine. " He shook his head though. "I just don't like the idea of a child being forced to be someone it isnt by some shadow, or made to hate before it even knows what hate is."

Man-Hungry Fatcat

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Cert: 10/08/14

(And blurgghh, I'm so sorry I haven't tagged yet. 8( It has nothing to do with my interest -- I LOVE THE PAIR A LOT AND TINY ADOPTED CHILDREN -- so much as I am a terrible RP partner in general... lays down and farts.)

soquili-arrivals Jr
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Benevolent Duck

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Hmmm so many foals.

*Wants a foal so bad* Hopefully my in thread game/raffle luck will migrate to twisted tunnel luck.

Here's a bunch of fancy growths for you guys!
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And a straggling pony on the heels of all those foals.
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Lonely Member

(( okay dokey smile ))
So few appreciated her help it was . . . Unimaginably nice to practice her art and not be called a monster. She smiled warmly her eyes were gentle and her whole demure spoke of goodness. Within her lay no judgement or malice she genuinely just wanted to be accepted and help her fellow equine kind.
"Good." She said quietly her tail finally free of blood and fluffing as it dried. "I'm glad I could help and I would like to know anything you feel like telling me. Sometimes I find a troubled mind really just needs is a willing ear. So whatever you feel comfortable with is fine I'll start with my name I am Hex Fettergeist. Though Hex will do fine." She replied looking up at the sky it would rain soon so she went inside the small cave. She nodded motioning for him to follow. The floor was covered with dry grass and autumn leaves. It was clear she lived alone and had a more than an ample amount of spare time.

Azzan followed the mare, Hex, to the entrance of the cavern, though he would not go into it. It wasnt because he feared a trap, or that he was uncomfortable with being in another soquili's home, but because of his father. Unknown to Azzan, he was simply in one of his periods of clarity. So few and far between they had become that he had simply forgotten that he even could have them - but now that he was in one he was a shadow of his younger self, a shadow of what he was before his sanity had been lost. As such his manners, etiquette, and decorum were fully intact and it would be rude of him to be in the personal quarters of a mare without a chaperon. "There is too much to tell of my life." Azzan started as he peeked into the opening. "So many things I should have done. And even more that I should not have. I've always blamed my birth mother for how my life has turned out - and, granted, in some aspects she is the one at fault - but for the most part it has always been my own actions that have lead to the ill happenings of my life. All I ever wanted was to protect my family.... And I couldnt." He looked to the ground, anger quite clearly expressed in his features. "And now... They are lost to me, and there is nothing that I can do about it."

Aged Shapeshifter

17,850 Points
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Hmmm so many foals.

*Wants a foal so bad* Hopefully my in thread game/raffle luck will migrate to twisted tunnel luck.

I know that feel.

Aged Shapeshifter

17,850 Points
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@ Bell - I'm doing well ^^ Quite well indeed! How are you?

I'm pretty sleepy, so I'm probably headed to bed soon.

But first, I'm going to advertise my one single pony! *directs your attention to my sig* Tenzin's looking for love! I don't suppose ya have any single ladies? :3

Benevolent Duck

15,450 Points
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Hmmm so many foals.

*Wants a foal so bad* Hopefully my in thread game/raffle luck will migrate to twisted tunnel luck.

I know that feel.

Yeah. I really like that I am so lucky at in thread raffles. Breedings are just a little bit more special in my mind (also the fact that my main couple has been trying for three and a half years, is also a contributing factor. I want their babies).

Aged Shapeshifter

17,850 Points
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Hmmm so many foals.

*Wants a foal so bad* Hopefully my in thread game/raffle luck will migrate to twisted tunnel luck.

I know that feel.

Yeah. I really like that I am so lucky at in thread raffles. Breedings are just a little bit more special in my mind (also the fact that my main couple has been trying for three and a half years, is also a contributing factor. I want their babies).

I wish your couple the best of luck with success then. :3

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