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She is amazing!!!!

Springtime Shapeshifter

Bronze Izdubath
Written by Mr Cheri
Colored by Mr Cheri

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Origin of Name: Izdubath is taken from the mistranslated word Izdubar, which properly should be Gilgamesh. When the tablets containing the Epic of Gilgamesh were originally discovered, the iconograph for Gilgamesh was translated phonetically to Izdubar, which led to the printing of the tale of Ishtar and Izdubar, which would later come to be known as the Epic of Gilgamesh, in which the Babylonian/Mesopotamian goddess Inanna (Ishtar) featured chiefly. Like Hercules, Gilgamesh was a man of great strength - unlike Gilgamesh, Hercules eventually did overcome his relatively humble roots as a demigod and ascend to full godhood.

Inspiration: Go The Distance - Hercules

Based on the ancient myth surrounding Heracles/Hercle/Hercules, Disney's Hercules saw significant deviations from the original. Although there are strong similarities, Disney chose to enshrine the relationship between Hera and Zeus, which as most people know was fractured at best. Perhaps in order to present the picture of a healthy American family, Hercules is presented as the son of Zeus, the chief God of Olympus, who held domain over Lightning and Thunder, and his wife Hera, goddess of Marriage and childbirth.

There are common elements seen, such as Hercules's victory over the serpent in his infancy, which theme gave rise to Alexander the Great's linkage with the god Zeus. However, Disney's Hercules is a story not of a hero, but of a boy who would one day become a man. Uncertain of his place in the world, Hercules longs for nothing more than to find somewhere to belong. His great strength proves to be his undoing time and time again, and when at last he puts it to use as a hero-in-training, he is found to excel.

At his core, Hercules desires nothing more than to prove to his divine family and the people around him that he is worthy. This motivation stands quite apart from the legendary Hercules, whose mythological origins stem from Etruscan Hercle. In Etruscan, Greek, and Roman mythology, Hercules is the son of Zeus and a mortal woman. It is his great prowess in battle, and in hand to hand combat, his ability to accomplish epic tasks, that lead to his ascent to godhood. Disney's Hercules saw this struggle, but was at his core divine in nature, never truly fitting in with the mortal crowd.

Personality: Eager from his first moment out of the shell to prove himself, Izdubath has been on a consistent journey to try to show the world that he is the hero that they can depend upon. He wants nothing more than to be loved and admired. To be cheered. He has difficulty finding his place, and sees such accolades and adulation as the best evidence that he truly does belong. He is a brave soul, and will suffer much to give his all. Nothing would make him happier than hearing that his parents are proud of him.

He will rise to the occasion when called upon, almost too swiftly. Tireless in his desire to prove himself, he is in danger of pushing too far and too hard. It will be up to his rider to rein him in, for Izdubath truly does not know his own limits. The Bronze does not believe for a moment that his color signifies any particular worthiness, but rather his actions. If he can but show Pern that he is ready to take on the problems of the world, perhaps then he might have a place within the ranks.

In his hearts he is vulnerable to harsh and unkind words. He wears his hearts on his hide, where anyone might cut at them. As a genuinely sweet boy, he will take such words and lashes too personally, retreating into himself in woe should another not approve of him. Although he is strong, he is lacking in corresponding self-esteem, and will need much reassurance as he grows into the hero that he is capable of becoming.

When in love, he is likely to be clumsy. He does not have a smooth way with words, but rather tends to attempt to demonstrate his emotions via actions. Surely the other might enjoy a brace of wherries? He caught them in the wilds, and they are - oh, they are not good enough? Well. He will... he will go and get more. Get something else. Try as he might to show his affections, he is not the most suave of dragons, and may find himself running back to Mama for advice and support.

Positive Traits: Brave, Strong, Determined
Negative Traits: Clumsy, Low Self-Esteem, Sensitive

Adult Size: 46'
Physical Attributes: Fully as large as is possible for a Bronze, Izdubath also possesses phenomenal strength and an impressive wingspan. He has greater girth than any of his clutchsiblings, and does not particularly notice this trait. He is a handsome Bronze with tremendous stamina.

Additional Notes: Izdubath has many siblings that he admires. Even some among them that might not be obvious choices are truly quite astonishing to the Bronze, who adores their great characteristics. He loves his mother terribly, and looks up to his Blue Papa. He is likely to fall in love with any color of dragon, for it is their hearts which he will love most of all.

Theme Song: Go the Distance covered by Caleb Hyles
Egg: A large pink egg with ripples down the center, there is a sense of yearning about it.

Why Me? Damon and Izdubath have a lot in common! From their mutual heroic tendencies to their overeager natures, they definitely make quite a pair. Izdubath is not quite as smooth as Damon, nor quite so smart, but his hearts are noble and good. They also happen to be truly sensitive, and it is Damon's protectiveness which will save his bronze from being flattened by utter heartbreak. They're both quite reckless, which might cause them some trouble, as impulsively leaping in the way of danger can, as Izdubath has learned, lead to serious consequences, but if they can settle down a bit they'll make splendid members of any wing.

Springtime Shapeshifter

The Dawn Sisters
Green Ileneth
Written by Uta
Colored by demon_pachabel

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Origin of Name: Ileneth is named after the original voice actress, Ilene Woods. About 400 contestants auditioned for the role of Cinderella. Out of them all, Walt Disney chose Ilene Woods, who worked on the radio at the time and did not know anything about the audition. One day, her colleagues Mack David and Jerry Livingston asked her to sing a song from Cinderella, and she agreed. Then, without saying a word to her, friends of Ilene transferred to the office of film Disney. After listening to the material, Walt Disney immediately decided that he had found the voice with which to speak and sing its main character, and contacted Ilene.

Inspiration: A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes -- Cinderella

"A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes" is a song written and composed by Mack David, Al Hoffman and Jerry Livingston for the Walt Disney film Cinderella (1950). In the song Cinderella (as sung by Ilene Woods)
encourages her animal friends to never stop dreaming, and that theme continues throughout the entire story. The theme of the song was taken from Franz Liszt's Etude No. 9 Ricordanza of the Transcendental Etudes.

Thematically, the lyrics recall the sentiments expressed in "When You Wish upon a Star" from Pinocchio (1940). In equating a dream with a wish, the song establishes that Cinderella is using the word "dream" in the metaphorical sense of desires that can, as the lyric promises, "come true." "When You Wish Upon A Star" makes this same promise, as does other Disney material. The literal meaning of the word, as something that happens "when you're fast asleep", reappears in another Disney song, "Once Upon a Dream" from Sleeping Beauty (1959).

Personality: Ileneth might be small for a green, but there is no doubt she is one of the sweeties of her clutch. This green dragon is gentle on all accounts; she doesn't move forcefully or aggressively, she doesn't speak loudly, and moves softly in everything she does. She is tender of personality, and is the sort of dragon who lives in hope.

No matter how rough things get, no matter how bad life can seem, Ileneth looks towards the future. Things will get better, evil will be overcome, and good will conquer all. She is the sort of green who knows her limits, but that doesn't stop her from dreaming of the future, and hoping for the best outcome possible. When her clutchmates or rider seem down, this green is always there to provide support.

Empathetic, even for a dragon, Ileneth would never cause undue harm. Though she feasts on meat, she never eats more than her fair share, and certainly will try to hunt quickly and swiftly so as not to cause undue pain or strife. She grows sad when her loved ones are sad, but also shares in their joys; she hurts for them when they have broken hearts, but cheers for them when they succeed in a goal. She is a supportive green, and will always be there for her family and rider.

Unfortunately, Ileneth can be naive. Her hope for the future, her desire for goodness to conquer all, can sometimes make her blind to the reality of a situation. Sometimes evil does triumph, or someone is just plain awful. There are certain dragons who will easily take advantage of her good nature, and she will be tricked, used, and abused without a second thought for the devastation it might cause her. It will be up to her rider to try to keep Ileneth from falling into a more cunning or manipulative dragon's clutches.

Furthermore, as a naive green, Ileneth can be a bit inhibited. She is very modest for a green and tends to keep herself conservative. She likes having curfews. She doesn't really care for crowds or parties, and certainly doesn't know anything about boys or maiden flights! This green can easily be put to blush (or the dragon equivalent) and might well keep herself from trying new things due to more conservative and naive ideas.

Additionally, she's known to be emotional, especially when she does find a situation hopeless, or her dreams crushed. Grief comes easy for such a sensitive heart, and her hearts bruise deeply. Her rider will need to be there for her when life hands her lemons, and help her through the hardships and circumstances where there is no happy ending.

Positive Traits: Empathetic, Gentle, Hopeful
Negative Traits: Naive, Emotional, Inhibited

Adult Size: 23'
Physical Attributes: Ileneth is an average sized green, but with little feet and hands. She does look, perhaps, a bit oddly proportioned but her small feet don't seem to stop her from moving! She has large eyes, even for a dragon, and always seems to displays expressive mixes of color. Her wings are also a bit small for her size, but allow her to make tight turns while in air.

Additional Notes: Ileneth has a very expressive warble and seems to like to sing or hum melodiously. She's a bit shy about expressing it, but her rider will hear her do so when they're together. She also seems to have a fondness for animals, and won't hesitate to cuddle up to any wher, or even some of the feeding livestock.

Flights will be an emotional time for Ileneth. She might well fall in love with every dragon who catches her, believing them to be her true Hearts Desire. Whether or not that's the case....well, her rider might need to break the news gently that such a thing might not be the case.

Close with When You Wish Upon a Star & Once Upon a Dream?

Theme Song: A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes by Lily James
Egg: A small orange egg with pale yellow stars. It rests quietly to the side, and doesn't seem to be vying for any sort of attention.

Why Me? Sayuri's unassuming, shy, and quiet nature initially attracted Ileneth to her. But it was her big heart, and her love for those in need that made her stay. Sayuri's compassionate and caring nature are exactly what this delicate and empathic little green needs. She needs someone who is as soft and tender as not to spook her or force her into the limelight; but someone who has a nurturing soul and might help draw her out of her shell.

Sayuri's hard-work ethic will give Ileneth the direction she's lacking. In turn, this green will be there to support her efforts caring the sick, and to keep them both out of trouble. She knows that Sayuri doesn't care for conflict, but luckily enough, this green is one of the least troublesome out of both clutches!

By Impressing to Sayuri, Ileneth is is proof that the girl is meant to be in the Weyr, and meant to shine. The green's hopeful and supportive nature, matched with Sayuri'drive, will make them most welcome in any Wing they're tapped into.

Wind-up Waffles

Beautiful, just beautiful: minds, hearts, artwork. <3

Nuxaz's Datemate

Beloved Werewolf

Ahhh, she's so lovellyyy! /I already knew Izdubath was a wonderful boy for reasons, but /chinhandchinhand/

Friendly Shapeshifter

16,200 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Rebel Spark 50
  • Friend of the Goat 100
Green Kaymahath
Written by Uta
Colored by -_Wish of Tevarae_-

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Origin of Name: Given Tarzan was based in the jungles of Africa, Kaymahath has a name inspired by such a location. The Somali word for jungle is kaymaha, which is where this green takes her name.

Inspiration: You'll Be In My Heart - Tarzan

You'll Be in My Heart" is a song by Phil Collins, from the 1999 Disney animated feature Tarzan. It appeared on Tarzan: An Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack as well as various other Disney compilations. A version of the single performed by Glenn Close also appears on the soundtrack.

Soon after the song was released, it was already "being touted as an Oscar contender". The song went on to win the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song and the Academy Award for Best Original Song.

Personality: Kaymahath is a green that was born to be wild and free. She is perhaps the wildest dragon in the clutch, but not in the sense of being hyperactive; she's simply a dragon who knows that she IS a dragon, and has no illusions about what that means. She often acts more bestial than proper; she tends to shy away from contact with other people, and certainly has no interest in talking to any person besides her rider. When it comes to other dragons, Kaymahath is more inclined to speak to them, but she tends to do so in short, clipped phrases, grunts, or otherwise just listen. It's not that she isn't keenly intelligent or aware; she just has no real interest in politics, or gossip that much of the Weyr is keen on.

No, Kaymahath would prefer to be out in the mountains, stalking and hunting prey; she would prefer to be up in the air, flying fast and free with her rider, twirling and diving and using her wings for what they were made; she would rather be flaming down Thread in a glorious battle, defeating the Enemy that she was hatched to fight. Kayamahath is a dragon that lives more off instinct than some of her softer clutch sibs, and prefers to be wild, and a bit aloof.

This allows the green to be quite independent. She isn't the sort who needs to be coddled; isn't the sort who doesn't know how to take care of herself or handle problems her own way. She prefers to think independently and has no trouble being alone, or taking care of herself or rider when the going gets tough. She isn't the sort of green who needs a male to coo over or be cossetted by; in fact, Kaymahath is more the sort of green who tends to strut and walk around like she's the biggest dragon in the Weyr.

She might be a green, but there is no doubting her fierceness. She isn't the sort to shy away from snapping and snarling; she isn't the sort of dragon who is afraid of anything. She is strong-willed, and unfortunately, along with her independence, Kaymahath can be known to be disobedient. She will break rules if she thinks them silly; she will not hesitate to talk back to the Weyrlingmaster or even the Weyrwoman. And unless a gold is commanding her to do something, she will never follow orders blindly. If she doesn't like how something is going, she'll carve her own path with her claws and teeth. Honestly, her rider is the only one she'll listen to without hesitation, and even then, if she thinks her rider is being stupid she might put up at least a bit of a fight, or test them on their boundaries.

Ah, but Kaymahath is still a dragon, and for all her independence and bestial nature she does have loyalty. She is loyal to the Weyr, as that is a dragon's instinct to live with others and in a fair. She has a strong desire to protect, particularly those that are in need, or those who are distressed. Babies, or frail souls will always draw out a more loving side of Kaymahath. She might not talk to them, but she will coddle those in need, and ensure that they are not harmed or threatened--and just let someone try!

Kaymahath also has some very big hearts. Her rider will know this immediately upon Impression, but others might not see it right away. Honestly,those who worm their way past her barriers will find that this green loves unconditionally. Those that are hers are HERS and she will fight for them with every inch of her; those she comes to truly care about, those she comes to humor and who are able to worm their way into her inner circle will know love is limitless. Color, size, age, quirks, when Kaymahath loves she loves deeply. Orphans and small, defenseless creatures will always get her heart to open up; she will adopt them, fuss over them, and be a source of strength where they have none.

Positive Traits: Independent, Protective, Loving
Negative Traits: Disobedient, Feral, Fierce

Adult Size: 28'
Physical Attributes: Kaymahath is large and muscular. She is big, she is heavy, and isn't afraid to get into a fight. She knows how to take a hit, and will have more stamina than some of her fellow greens; unfortunately, she's less dexterous while in the air and her agility suffers due to her bulk.

Additional Notes: Kaymahath might be aloof but she isn't heartless. She loves deeply, and this includes those who wind up catching her in Flights. While she's certainly not romantic, Kaymahath has a soft spot for smaller greens. She's definitely into the ladies, though it is her smaller greens that she prefers, or even smaller female whites. Damsels in distress are her preference, and she has no problem whisking them away or off their feet when she finds them, to quietly dote, and let them see the warmth within her hearts.

Theme Song: You'll Be In My Heart by Celtic Woman
Egg: A large grey egg, with a few darker grey markings. Those who draw near will feel a sense of curiosity about it.

Why Me? Rokar needs Kaymahath as much as she needs him. Like rider like dragon, this is a match of likes and compliments. To start, the pair of them are kindred spirits. She knows that Rokar won't mind that she tends to be more aloof, and this green will have no problem stealing him away so the two of them can enjoy one another's quiet council. Where she isn't known to speak much to others, she will speak freely with Rokar--and given Rokar needn't use his voice around her, he can talk to Kaymahath as freely as he wishes. He need never fear loneliness, or being picked on for this green will be his ally and protector. Anyone tries to mess with him, and they will find her teeth. She will hide him under his wing, and ensure nobody ever harms him again.

While this green is not often a chattery creature, when Rokar needs someone to be his voice, she will speak for him. Of course, he cannot use her as a crutch--nor will the Weyrlingmaster (or future Wingleader's) allow it. But from time to time, if words escape him, or if he simply can't... She will. This may put her outside her comfort zone, but it also might help draw her out of her shell. Force her to be just a little more civilized and pushed into a need to interact with others, for her riders sake. On the flipside, being a dragonrider will force Rokar to be less aloof and prickly. He will have no choice but to act like a High Reaches rider, and will be forced to interact with not just his fellow wingmates, but people in Holdfolk and Hallfolk alike. He is now a dragonrider, and will be expected to act the part.

Additionally, where Rokar has a soft spot for animals and those smaller creatures that need some tender care, you can bet Kaymahath will be right there with him. She is a sweet green beneath her wild heart, and she will care and nurture those who need her. She will also care and nurture Rokar, who needs more love and tenderness in his life. While she might look fierce and aloof to others, to Rokar, her hearts are now his.

Kaymahath and Rokar will make excellent teammates. They will be hardworking and steadfast. She will enjoy flying solo with him when they are able, but will ensure they protect their home and their Weyr with everything they've got. Rokar is strong enough to keep this green in line, should he wish to, and their mutual independence works well together. He is Hers, and together, she will take him to new heights.

Ghouliboo's Kouhai

Territorial Friend

Bronze Slidrianth
Written by Mr Cheri
Colored by Mr Cheri

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Origin of Name: When J. K. Rowling named Slytherin House, she did so after Salazar Slytherin, whose own surname came from the word 'slither'. Slither is derived from middle English slidder, which in turn originates from Old English slidrian, meaning to "slip or slide on a slope."

Inspiration: The animal associated with Slytherin House is the snake. Its House colors are green and silver.

Slytherin House was founded by its namesake, one Salazar Slytherin, around 990AD. Of all of the Hogwarts founders, Salazar Slytherin was convinced that they should teach only those who were pureblooded witches and wizards, whose ancestry was purest. Slytherin prized ambition, cunning, and pride. It is said that Slytherin House also taught the most dark witches and wizards, and that it's almost always Slytherin graduates who go to the bad. However, there are some clear examples where that stereotype does not hold true.

The legendary wizard Merlin was a Slytherin wizard who believed in helping muggles. A number of Hogwarts Headmasters and Headmistresses came from Slytherin House, as the students from Slytherin are known to possess strong leadership qualities. The portraits of those headmasters still hang in the Headmaster's office, offering advice to the current Head of Hogwarts. There have been a number of politicians who graduated from Slytherin, as well as several notable professors. Regulus Black was discovered to have died rebelling against Lord Voldemort, fighting against his dark cause in his own secretive manner.

But one of the most notable Slytherin alums was Severus Snape, Potions Master and one time Headmaster of Hogwarts. He was celebrated for his efforts as a spy against the Dark Lord Voldemort, ultimately slain by Voldemort's servant and Horcrux, Nagini. He dedicated his life to Harry Potter's protection and was remembered by Harry as a hero. Harry Potter would go on to name his son Albus Severus Potter in his honor.

Slytherin House in the modern day is not the pureblood bastion that it once was; indeed, it is noted that several half-bloods and muggleborns were allowed into Slytherin House. However, the tenants of Slytherin House remain: to assess all possibilities before making the most advantageous choice, to gain fame and fortune where possible, and to preserve the self above all else.

Personality: This creative creature will claw his way up to the top one way or another. He doesn't necessarily need to lead the Weyr, but if he did, he'd probably be deucedly good at it. He has a certain flare with his sharp, clever tongue, and is well able to charm and entice those who listen to him. He'll grow better at that very thing with time. One thing to be noted about Slidrianth is that he doesn't like being ignored, and will fall into a sulk when he feels that he's not being properly paid attention to.

Although one might assume otherwise, this bronze has a tremendous capacity to love. Admittedly, that love is spread out very thinly among very few people, but when he does love, it is with every ounce of commitment in his hearts. He would give his rider the world, if only he could, and will do everything in his small power to accomplish exactly that. His rider has his absolute and utter devotion, and if he has anything to say about it, they'll want for nothing.

He has plans for himself and for his rider. Start small, work his way up... gain as many allies as possible on the way. He would love nothing more than to be King of the World, but alas, that particular title would be terribly akin to having an enormous target on his back, and Slidrianth is a little too canny to go quite so far as that. Should he happen to fall into such a role, however, he will certainly do splendidly at it - so he would claim. But then again, Slidrianth is an arrogant beast.

He does not like risking his hide, and would toss other's in harm's way if necessary. It is a rather beautiful hide, don't you think? If he's a bit of a coward, then so be it. Better a live coward than a dead hero. He just knows that it's better to come at something from the side, to loop around to what you want. Attacking from the fore is a great way to come down with a serious case of dead. As such, he's rather brilliant when it comes to planning, and will make a fantastic tactician if he's allowed to go that route.

Slidrianth can be prone to jealousy and sulking, especially if he thinks that someone else has something that ought to be his. It's not particularly becoming, but shouldn't everything properly belong to this fabulous bronze? He comes from a noble lineage, and is certainly a worthy example of the breed. So, why doesn't everything just fall into his claws as it should? Life simply is not fair, and that's all there is to it. Naturally, this revelation inclines Slidrianth to even the odds, even if it means cheating... just a little.

Positive Traits: Clever, Ambitious, Charming, Dramatic, Shrewd
Negative Traits: Scheming, Arrogant, Cowardly, Self-Preserving, Sulky

Adult Size: 35'
Physical Attributes: Delicate and lovely for a bronze, Slytherin is absolutely the smallest size possible for his color. His lines are quite elegant, the blood of Eveleth apparent in him. As befits a dragon of High Reaches Weyr! He has large wings that catch the light splendidly, and allow him to swoop around dramatically if he so chooses.

Additional Notes: His hearts are going to be difficult to obtain, though once accomplished, he will be utterly and completely devoted to his one true partner. Although he does not seem to have a preference on the color of his true love's hide, he does expect that they will be the very best of their color, whatever that may be. He may choose to participate in Flights or he may prefer to be the object of them... or simply sit them out, depending on the mood.

Theme Song: Not the Villain by S J Tucker
Egg: A large egg in the center of the clutch in silver and green, featuring what appears to be a tunnelsnake. The egg gives very little away, yet seems to be considering whomsoever approaches it.

Why Me? Dynzrak possesses the fire that Slidrianth lacks, although they both share a huge helping of ambition. Simply put, Slidrianth sees in Dynzrak the strength that he needs to succeed where he wishes to go. But each have much to offer the other. Although Dynzrak has never been the prince, he will now be a bronzerider, inheriting the respect of his peers at High Reaches Weyr. They can rise up as high as they want to together. Slidrianth needs someone to truly love and protect him. Someone clever, cutting, and powerful, all of which his Dynzrak is. It's somewhat inconvenient that Dynzrak doesn't already know how to be a prince, but they can work on that - it seems that the man was already learning on his own. How clever!

Tipsy Codger

Brown Faloth
Written by tatterpixie
Colored by demon_pachabel

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Origin of Name: Taken from Fall Out Boy, the composers and performers of "Immortals" from Big Hero 6. The band worked closely with the film's directors to create a song that depicted the coming together of the group as more than just friends as Hiro outfits them all with high-tech super suits. It's also reminiscent of the sound Baymax makes when he gives a fistbump.

Inspiration: "Immortals" from Big Hero 6. While Hiro is the main protagonist, it's the entire team who together are the heroes: fearless Go Go, level-headed Wasabi, upbeat Honey Lemon, goofy Fred and of course child prodigy Hiro and his robot companion Baymax. It's Hiro's need to avenge his brother's death and his invention of various technological devices to help his friends become more than they are that drives the story, but they all ultimately unite as a crime-fighting team. Besides, the lyrics to me describe perfectly the partnership between a dragon and rider, as told from the dragon's perspective.

Personality: This go-getter will be testing his wings and wanting to fly practically as soon as he is shelled! A bold, fearless dragon, Faloth will no doubt have to be dragged away from leaping off a cliff to try to glide well before he is ready. Nothing will hold him back, though, and he'll be trying again even if he leaps and falls. This dragon dreams big, and sometimes takes on more than he is capable of handling, but by Faranth he's going to try his best to succeed -- not just for his sake, but for his rider's as well. He's got a little bit of a reckless streak, though, and it would behoove His to rein that in so neither of them gets hurt.

Creative thinking is one of Faloth's strongest skills. Sure, there is something to be said about tradition, and a lot of things to be said about it at High Reaches Weyr. If something's been done a certain way for a long, long time, and works, then he's not going to fight it. (Much.) But he is more than open to trying new things, and often comes up with the new ideas himself. A bit of a maverick at times, he will sometimes act against the Wingleader's orders and do things his own way, especially during Threadfall. Trouble and discipline problems are going to dog Faloth throughout his life as a result. He means no harm or disrespect (usually) -- he just wants to shake things up for the sake of the wing and the Weyr. This dragon sees himself as the hero of his own story, and as such everything he does is for the greater good, even if it is ultimately wrong.

His optimism is contagious; he's a great cheerleader not just for His but for his entire wing. Faloth works hard and plays just as hard if not harder. There's something of the jokester in him, and he can make even the most dour dragon snort with laughter with his antics and wisecracks. This also sometimes gets him in trouble too, especially when the joke's on the Wingleader. It's hard to punish him, though, since it's usually harmless (if annoying) and meant in the spirit of having a laugh as a team. He does have a tendency to sometimes drop into the snarky or sarcastic, though it doesn't happen often; it's usually triggered by the proximity of someone whom he feels has done him or His wrong and is therefore deserving of his savage wit.

Faloth has a very long memory for a dragon and a tendency not to forgive or forget whomever has wronged him or his rider. A vengeful creature, he will plot a devious revenge on the offender, often taking Turns to formulate just the right form his vengeance will take. As noted above, it often takes the form of biting sarcasm or satire of some sort. But it's all done out of love for his rider. And he adores His. This dragon is extremely protective of his rider; he will get into squabbles with anyone who tries to harm His in any way and intercede in the inevitable fistfights, ending up with more than a few battle scars that aren't from fighting Thread. His rider will have to learn to control his temper if he doesn't want harm to come to Faloth.

Positive Traits: Clever, protective, bold, funny, optimistic
Negative Traits: Vengeful, a maverick, reckless, bites off more than he can chew

Adult Size: 34'
Physical Attributes: A average-sized brown with dark golden-chocolate hide, Faloth will grow up lean, strong and whippy, with long pointed wings and a large wedge-shaped head. The rest, of course, is artist's choice.

Additional Notes: Faloth flames as hard as he does everything, which is good since he moves fairly quickly for a brown in and out of formation and he doesn't want to accidentally char himself or his rider. In mating flights, he's as bold as they come, chasing every queen that rises (and a few greens too). This dragon doesn't care if he catches or not -- it's the thrill of the chase! And if he does catch her, well, nothing wrong with that in his mind, even at High Reaches Weyr!

Theme Song: They say we are what we are, but we don't have to be

Egg: Mystery Egg Seven - Pale Pear-green

Why Me? This brown needs someone as bold as he is, and he finds that in Willim. The young brewer's fearless demeanor and huge heart paired with Faloth's strong will and cleverness make for a formidable team. A less strong, bold person would have trouble reining in some of Faloth's worse tendencies; with Willim giving him a sense of direction and focus, this dragon and rider pair can turn those bad behaviors into strengths. They will bring out the best in each other, each encouraging the other to bigger and better things so they can achieve their goals. Faloth and Willim will likely get in trouble more than a few times, but they will serve out their punishment with good humor. After all, they'd admit with a laugh, they earned it!.

Eloquent Lunatic

Green Ausrath
Written by Avid_RPer18
Colored by Smerdle

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Origin of Name: This green’s name is taken from the Lithuanian name Ausra, meaning “dawn”, tying into the base word aurora, from which the word auror is derived.

Inspiration: Ausrath is inspired by aurors, the elite highly-trained witches and wizards that serve as the wizarding world’s law enforcement and military personnel. The extremely difficult, intensive training required for the position is so demanding that very few qualify. Aided by the education they receive beforehand, Aurors are subsequently trained to deal with a myriad of high risk situations, with different countries having more specialized requirements for the dangers more pertinent to that nation. For example, in Britain, Aurors are trained to investigate crimes linked with the Dark Arts and are taught the skills necessary to apprehend and detain dark witches and wizards.

Becoming an Auror typically requires the applicant to have an excellent academic background, a clear criminal record, and to undergo a series of tests to determine if they qualify. If they do, would-be Aurors face three very hard years of study and practicing of disciplines that will be required in the field, which includes everything from poisons and antidotes, to stealth, tracking, disguise, and other subjects. The job awaiting the newly trained Aurors, though it is seen as glamorous by some, may call for them to lay down their lives, be it for the protection of high profile individuals, magical and muggle both, or in case the dark witch or wizard they need to apprehend decides to fight to the death rather than be captured. Aurors seem to be very well respected in the wizarding community and higher ranking members may be considered as prospective candidates to become Minister of Magic.

Personality: She hopes you're ready world -- Ausrath is here.

Ausrath is a dragon that will greatly enjoy the camaraderie of wings, first with her clutchsiblings in the weyrling wing, and then in whatever wing she will be assigned to upon graduation. She'll strive to have at least a civil rapport going with her wingmates or better, but may find those that don't tend to fall into line or those that repeatedly fail to meet her expectations to be a mild irritant to just deal with. It takes a great deal to shake Ausrath's resolve so she'll likely try to keep an open, if terse, dialogue going. Those individuals that find themselves in her and Hers' friend group will have a solid, dedicated companion ever in their corner, more than willing to jump whenever, whether they are needed or not.

This Green is very end goal focused, and can be prone to tunnel vision if her rider doesn't encourage her to move on or to take occasional breaks. Especially when she's young, Hers will have to make sure that Ausrath gets enough food and oiling when there's chores or studies looming. After all problems will still be there if she isn't there hounding them. This focus can be beneficial by degrees when fighting Thread, minor scoring won't slow her down, only the immediate need around her will be important. Her rider will need to suggest caution or warning for her injuries so as not to overstrain herself. Down time isn't exempt from this intensity. Even when conversing with others, eye contact is usually maintained the entire time when addressing someone directly so there is no doubt to whom she may be speaking. Ausrath, though unintentionally, tends to have a stern edge to her voice. Supposed lecturing may be something she will have to work on down the line.

As much a pillar of support Ausrath fancies herself, her rider is her partner in all things and together there will be nothing they can not accomplish. There's a darkness that has returned to Pern and the Auror Green is ready to combat it for everyone's sake.

Positive Traits: Cooperative, unflappable, dutiful, caring
Negative Traits: Intense, exacting, can be overly focused, blunt

Adult Size: 27’
Physical Attributes: Ausrath is a large, wellbuilt green. Sure footed right from the moment of her hatching, she's a green who will never seem unsure of the spaces she occupies in the air or on the ground, which will prove useful when participating in drills that may call for closer quarters or cutting through crowds. While not as nimble as some of her more delicately built green kindred, she's got excellent stamina and can give some of the smaller males a run for their money. With her proportionally long wings, Ausrath will be skilled with gliding and precision diving, and will enjoy seemingly hovering in the air when catching favorable air currents.

Additional Notes: When it comes to Flights, Ausrath will have no preference for whatever colors her suitors may be, Green, Blue, Brown, or Bronze. All that will matter is that only the best may catch her, for anything less than the most skilled participants simply won’t meet her standards. Whatever trait of most importance may change each time she rises, however, so any dragon that hopes to hold her attention for longer than a single flight will have to prove themselves to be well rounded indeed.

Theme Song: Born For This by Royal Deluxe

Why Me? Rinor drew Ausrath from the very beginning. If ever there was someone who needed a bit of a helping hand, it would be Rinor! The nervous and anxious boy will find that there is nothing to fear now that Ausrath is around. Where Rinor may draw back or shy away from the fight, you can bet that this green will be there to keep him on the straight and narrow. When he is afraid or feels unprepared, he will find the steadying and all encompassing love of this green. She is ready, and will be ready, for the both of them. Perhaps with time, Rinor may find the world a less scary place now that Ausrath is with him.

When Rinor's attention starts to stry, Ausrath will be there to gently and lovingly remind him to focus. Where his head might be in the clouds, you can bet this determined and hard working green will be there to keep him grounded when they must be alert. On the flipside, it's possible he may keep Ausrath from working herself to the bone. Life can be fun, after all, even with the return of Thread; not everything need by duty. Rinor may dream of becoming a better, stronger, more fearless person... but as far as Ausrath can tell, he's already there. He just needs a little polishing, a little direction. Together, there is nothing they can't achieve. Ausrath will chase his fears and worries away, and be the wings on which he can achieve his dreams.

Rinor and his Ausrath, got me like QQ

THANK Youuuuuu ;;;;

Anxious Spirit

White Alegriath
Written by Mr. Cheri
Colored by Mr Cheri

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Origin of Name: The name Alegriath comes from the Portuguese word alegria, meaning joy.

Inspiration: Cheering Charm

The Cheering Charm was invented by a wizard by the name of Felix Summerbee in the 1400s. The effect of the charm is to improve the mood of the object of the spell, although if cast too powerfully, it can send the subject into fits of hysterical laughter. This impact was seen when Harry Potter cast a too powerful Cheering Charm on Ronald Weasley during his exams, causing the latter to be taken away to recover from its effects. Once accomplished, the spell leaves a lingering feeling of contentment.

Personality: There has rarely been a more bright, joyous dragon than Alegriath, whose sparkling view of the world is unparalleled. She is a glasses half full sort of dragonet, and will never be convinced that anyone cannot be saved. After all, do we not all possess dark and light aspects within ourselves? Certainly Alegriath does! Therefore everyone else must. She is splendidly buoyant, bouncing back quickly from setbacks with a special verve all her own. It is unclear as to where she acquired such a rosy outlook, but it is nigh unshakable.

She certainly does not understand when her friendly overtures are met with rejection or annoyance. She was, after all, only trying to help! But not everyone wants Alegriath's interference, which is a lesson that the dragon will certainly need to learn. Her trust in her fellow beings is perhaps too complete, and she would be shattered if someone broke it. The little white gives of herself freely, never expecting that such trust might well be misplaced.

As such, she is rather easily manipulated. As innocent and friendly as she is, she is easily duped into playing the fool in a setup, and would definitely find herself on the receiving end of trouble, should she follow along where she ought not. Were she to discover that she had been used, she would be very much hurt, and would grieve within her tender hearts, tucking away the pain so that no one might know that she had gotten them broken to begin with. After all, she was the little fool who played right into their claws, wasn't she?

Where her rider is concerned, she is inclined to get fussy and protective, wanting nothing more than to make them the happiest person on all of Pern. Yet in her role in High Reaches she will be unable to do all that she might, were she but hatched a different color. Still, she will do everything within her small power to be whatever her rider needs her to be, if only they will stay with her forever! There is nothing that she wouldn't do to makes Hers happy, and that includes trying to change herself to suit their needs, though making the change stick will be difficult. Her buoyant, happy nature bleeds through everything.

Positive Traits: Joyous, loving, cheerful, buoyant
Negative Traits: Overly trusting, blind, clingy, flighty

Adult Size: 14'
Physical Attributes: Little Alegriath will always be on the dainty side, quite close to the smallest possible for a white dragon. She is quite elegant, with lovely proportions in every respect. Her hide shimmers and glitters with the multi-faceted rainbow that white dragons are known for, although it is difficult to tell unless one looks quite close indeed.

Additional Notes: Deep, deep down Alegriath wishes that she could love as fully and deeply as others, for she does have the capacity for romantic love! But alas, so many do not wish to pair themselves with a dragon who cannot physically provide them with what they need. Still, she would be ever so loyal and faithful, if only someone were to give themselves to her. She absolutely adores snow, and would like so much to play in it! After all, she nearly disappears in it.

Theme Song: Alegria by Cirque du Soleil
Egg: Soft lavender mystery egg!

Why Me? When Alegriath got wind of poor Arlie's emotional state, why she couldn't resist seeking her out! Oh no, her poor Arlie needed her so badly, yet there was so little that Alegriath could do to help while in the egg. This sweet girl is just the right fit for the Cheering Charm, who wants nothing so much as she wants to brighten someone's day. It's practically impossible to get Alegriath down, and it may be that Arlie's life experience will teach her about the dark things that lurk in the shadows. Still, this soft, delicate darling does need someone who would not squash her cheerful light, and Arlie fits the bill amazingly well. It was a match from the very start, even though Arlie never knew her egg to begin with.

Predestined Cultist

eeee! I am so excited!

Green Moirath
Written by faesinger
Colored by ShinosBee

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Origin of Name: Moira are the greek Fates who control the Thread of Fate. Gods cannot alter that which is ordained by the Fates. Fairy Godmothers are often the deciders of fates.

Inspiration: Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo is sung by the Fairy Godmother who helps Cinderella. The song is mostly nonsensical and yet able to accomplish great acts. Cinderella’s fate is changed in those odd phrases.

The original animated Cinderella left out some of the lines of the song: "If your mind is in a dither, and your heart is in a haze, I'll haze your dither, and dither your haze, with a magic phrase” and "if you're chased around by trouble, and followed by a jinx, I'll jinx your trouble, and trouble your jinx, in less than forty winks."

Personality: Why hello there! You seem very blue, but you are not a dragon, so it might be best to not stay that way. How can Moirath help? Moirath is always ready to help someone in need but be careful for it might not be the help you want. She just wants to make sure your dreams come true.

Her help comes in whatever form she decides is best and while she is clever she doesn’t always pay attention until the end. Actually, even if you don’t want her help, you will get it. Might be better to not argue, and definitely better to not interrupt. Interruptions can derail her and then where will your help be? She might just do more harm than good.

She is rather clever and her ideas usually get the job done even when they seem to make no sense. Have some fun while your at it, Moirath says. All these dour stiff souls need a little help finding the joy inside them. Moirath is willing to lend you some of hers while she helps find yours.

Distractible is a nice way of putting Moirath. Her rider will need to often guide her back to the course at hand. Her mind is also often going faster than her speech or actions and things will get lost along the way. Moirath will rely on her rider to help fill in the gaps because she is not going back for those lost bits.

Positive Traits: Helpful, clever, joyful
Negative Traits: Busybody, nonsensical, distractible

Adult Size: 28
Physical Attributes: Moirath is a long thin green. She looks almost as if someone has stretched her lengthwise.

Additional Notes: Moirath doesn’t walk, she bounces. She has a obsession with glittery items and tries to decorate everything.

Theme Song: Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo ( The Magic Song )

Why Me? Now here is someone that Moirath can have some fun with. Can you just imagine the things that they will come up with together? Think of all the people they can help! All the lives they can change! Veltanna has the energy to keep up with Moriath and the strong will to keep Moirath on track. Moriath can channel that puckish nature of Veltanna’s into a more useful vein and together they can make all the dreams come true.

Lonely Bookworm

Green Raqisath
Written by Princess_Feylin
Colored by Smerdle

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Origin of Name: The name Raqisath derives from the Arabic word raqisa, which means “dancer.” This name was chosen because the Tarantallegra charm causes one to dance unwillingly.

Inspiration: Tthe Tarantallegra charm, or the “dancing feet spell,” is a charm used to force another person’s legs to begin dancing uncontrollably. It requires a clear, unobstructed view of the target to be successfully cast. The name of the charm is likely derived from the Italian tarantella dance, which is a quick and lively dance. This curse is cast several times throughout the Harry Potter books, most notably in Book 2, when Malfoy casts it on Harry at Dueling Club, and in Book 5, when Antonin Dolohov casts it on Neville, causing him to smash the prophecy concerning Harry and Voldemort.

Raqisath prefers not to lead, although she loves to be praised and held up as an example, and can be quite competitive when it comes to demonstrating her mastery of a skill. Otherwise, she is mostly a follower. She is not the dragon to turn to for new wing formations, despite the ease with which she fits herself into group maneuvers. Creativity is not her forte, though with a given framework and instruction she can accomplish just about anything. This being the case, she will follow a person or a dragon with a strong vision almost slavishly.

This dragon, unfortunately, is mostly unable to see the good in herself unless it is reflected through someone else’s eyes. Even in areas where she excels, Raqisath will dismiss her abilities as minor, or credit her accomplishments to someone else, which makes her both easy to get along with and easy to manipulate. Raqisath craves positive praise, but will settle for any sort of attention, believing firmly that corrections are infinitely superior to nothing, because at least if someone takes the time to correct her, they still believe she is capable of improvement. Nothing would just mean it isn’t worth the time to try to set her to rights. She is absolutely the dragon who requests feedback after every practice and takes it very much to heart.

Fortunately, she is a quick learner, at least when it comes to physical things, and has excellent muscle memory, but even if she didn’t, Raqisath is both disciplined and obedient. She absolutely has it in her to dedicate herself same task for hours and hours, polishing minute details to a near obsessive degree. In this, Raqisath’s dedication is a double-edged sword. On one hand, she is a hard worker who will apply herself to a skill until she masters it. On the other hand, her single-mindedness in the pursuit of pleasing others (and thereby pleasing herself, at least fleetingly) means she could well do herself or her rider injury by pushing too hard.

An interesting aspect to Raqisath’s attitude toward improving herself is that she truly believes that improvement is always possible. Perfection, of course, is unattainable, but one can always be better. This may seem like an odd sort of optimism for a dragon who thinks so little of herself, but she does not only apply this belief to herself. She believes that hard work really can be a substitute for natural ability, and that anyone can accomplish anything, if only they are willing to discipline themselves to put in the time and effort, and her eye for detail, while usually turned inward, makes her a good assistant teacher, sort. She wouldn’t want to lead the class, but she could certainly walk around and make sure everyone was getting everything.

To address the matter of her vanity: Raqisath has a very clear idea of the Green Ideal, at least physically. A green should be small and quick, lissome and lithe. Her movements should all appear effortless, and her hide should always gleam. A green should never overeat, because to do so would create unsightly bulges in that petite form, and although strength is important, it is equally unappealing to have muscles that bulge excessively. After being such an ungainly hatching, Raqisath will always take great care to arrange herself in attitudes which display the long-muscled line of her body to greatest advantage. To achieve this goal, she has the self-discipline (and lack of self-regard) to limit her food intake and assume uncomfortable poses for long periods of time, rather than be shown to her best advantage. Raqisath also has a distinct eye for beauty in others, but it is less covetous than appreciative, and she always prefers someone who can move well over someone who is decorative but stationary.

Despite being a very physical dragon, Raqisath will probably be slow to reach sexual maturity, and not much interested in flights besides. Her body is a tool, and since as a green she could not possibly produce eggs from a flight (nor would she want to), she would not be putting it to its best use simply by rising to mate. At least in her opinion. Her human, of course, is welcome to do as she pleases, and obviously Raqisath believes in true love for both humans and dragons, but anyone who falls for her had best know that she will never, ever believe them when they say she's beautiful.

Positive Traits: quick learner; dedicated; disciplined; detail-oriented; good in groups
Negative Traits: poor self-esteem; not a creative thinker; easily manipulated; vain

Adult Size: 20’
Physical Attributes: A quick and lively green, with somewhat above average flexibility, Raqisath will grow to acquire exquisite control of her lithe body, but as a hatchling she will be a mess of limbs, constantly in motion. Because she is quick to learn most physical skills it won’t be long before she becomes graceful even on the ground, and eventually exuberant in flight. As an adult she will master the skill of deliberately isolating movements so that she does not come off as twitchy. She is stronger than she looks, but if her rider does not ensure she eats well, her stamina will be limited.

Additional Notes: Raqisath really likes music, especially when there's a strong drumbeat. She absolutely cannot keep still in the presence of a harper plying their trade.

Theme Song: ”Whatever It Takes” by Imagine Dragons
Egg: Mystery Egg Six - Sky Blue and Tan

Why Me? Reya is exactly the sort of strong and practical mind Raqisath would follow between and back without a thought. The fact that Reya, too, is driven to excel and willing to work obsessively will also appeal to the green, who will also benefit from Reya’s ability to balance her time. Reya knows when to say enough is enough and move on to something else, so when Reya says it’s time to stop practicing, Raqisath will heed her because she knows Reya understands how important it is to get things right, and that Reya is equally unwilling to look a fool by putting forth insufficient work and preparation. Similarly, Reya’s experience in caring for others means she will pay attention to how hard Raqisath works, and whether she is making unsafe decisions for the sake of self-improvement, and she will help her make more moderate decisions without simply issuing ultimatums. It isn’t just that Raqisath needs Reya to lead her and care for her, though. Reya will find in Raqisath a kindred spirit who shares her love of learning and her ambition to push herself to ever-greater heights. Raqisath’s appreciation for beauty will help Reya see that not everything in life has to have a purpose. Sometimes it really is enough simply to be beautiful.
Green Samodith
Written by Uta
Colored by Uta

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Origin of Name: It is thought that the Veela in Harry Potter are inspired by the Vila. Samodivas, Samovilas or Vilas are woodland fairies or nymphs found in South and West Slavic folklore. In Romania, they are known as Iele. The words samodiva and samovila have Indo-European roots meaning "divinity", "rave", "wild", or "rage", which also inspired Samodith's name.

Inspiration: Samodith is based on the Veela.

The Veela are a race of semi-human, semi-magical humanoids reminiscent of the Vila in Slavic folklore. Little is known about their biology; they appear to be young, beautiful humans. Their looks and especially their dance is magically seductive to almost all male beings and some female beings, which causes such people to perform strange actions in order to get nearer to the Veela.

Veela were the mascots for the Bulgarian National Quidditch team during the 1994 Quidditch World Cup, which indicates an Eastern European origin, although the Delacours, who are from France, are proof that they can be found all over Europe.

Veela are described as looking like incredibly beautiful women, with moon-bright skin and white-gold hair that fans out behind them despite the absence of wind. They have the ability to hypnotise and mesmerise most men with their seductive dance, who will then try to impress them.

Veela are thought to have their own type of magic which does not require a wand. When Veela are angry, however, they transform into something more like Harpies — their faces turn into cruel-beaked bird-like heads while long scaly wings burst from their shoulders, and they can launch balls of fire from their hands. Veela seem to be quite an irascible race.

Personality: If ever there was a dragon in this clutch that drew the eye, it would be Samodith. This green knew she was a stunner in the egg, knows she's stunning as a hatchling, and has every confidence she will always have an audience as an adult. This green dragon knows that she's worth every ounce of attention given to her, and she knows how to draw the eye without even lifting a claw.

There is a natural confidence that oozes from her. Men, and even some females, can't help but look at her, want to be around her, want to get with her. As a hatchling she will always be popular among her clutchsiblings; as an adult, she will have males of the weyr wrapped around her pinky. Samodith hardly even has to work it to make it so; a little green-blue eyewhirl here, a swish of her tail there, and you can bet the hordes come crawling.

Rest assured, Samodith is a beautiful green. She has natural poise, and moves as elegantly on her feet as she does while on wing. She can be covered in ash and ichor and still manage to look beautiful. Worse, Samodith knows it. Her confidence is difficult to shake because she absolutely believes she IS the brightest, most beautiful, most lovely dragon on Pern.

Unfortunately, Samodith does have some ugly sides. For one, she is extremely temperamental. One moment she can be happy and content, the next she's ready to spar. She might be happily enjoying your attention, and then tell you off just as quickly. She is moody, and when her temper flares, it tends to be ugly. Furthermore, Samodith is known to be cruel. If you cant fly with the big greens, then you'd best go back to your shell. Cross her, and she will have no problem planning a way for payback; usually by charming (or manipulating) someone else to take care of her problems. Best beware, because she has no problems using her popularity to her advantage; seducing a male or female out of spite for another is easy for her; spreading rumors, tarnishing one's reputation.... Nothing is too low for Samodith. Her rider will need to try to keep their green in check from becoming too nasty, but this green is not always easy to tame.

At their best, Samodith will be a great green in whatever Wing she is tapped into. She can bring groups together when she's at her best... but at her worst, she can tear friendships and lovers apart with a flick of her tail, and have no remorse in doing so.

Positive Traits: Alluring, Confident, Graceful
Negative Traits: Temperamental, Cruel, Manipulative

Adult Size: 27'
Physical Attributes: Though she's large for a green, Samodith is still very delicately boned. She is long of limb, long of tail, long of neck; even her neckridges seem long. But there's also a softness about Samodith; she isn't plump, just the right amount of weight, and her skin is extra soft to the touch.

Additional Notes: Samodith loves Flights. She will fly frequently and leave a trail of heartache behind her. Greens, blues, browns, bronzes, even golds--no one is too good or high ranking for Samodith. And rest assured, capturing her heart is going to be mighty tricky, if it ever is to happen at all. She's too good for all of you, thank you.

Theme Song: Barricude by Heart
Egg: A small black egg.

Why Me? Akaris is special -- and Samodith is here to remind her of it everyday. The choice was clear when this green hatched from her shell--there was only one Candidate worthy of her, and that was the beauty from Western Weyr. How clever Akaris was to charm the Weyrleader and Candidatemaster from the other Weyr; how special she was to gain a gold's favor. If that's what Akaris could accomplish at Western Weyr, think of where she might go at High Reaches?

Honestly, Samodith needs someone like Akaris in her life. Someone who is equal in charm and beauty, and someone who understands that confidence (and a pretty face) can get you places. Ah, but Akaris need not fear around this green. She has enough bite to ensure any unwanted attention will stay far away; and should anyone speak ill of Akaris, or judge her for past wrongs, you can bet this green will defend her. She need not hold onto her fathers' hands or even that cute boy--she can now stand tall with her Samodith. This green will help turn Akaris into a more decisive individual, for as far as this green is concerned, there is nothing they can do wrong. Take a risk, for Samodith is here to support you.

In turn, Akaris' charm might keep the green from souring into the nasty beast she can be known to be. Samodith would not wish to frighten Akaris, and might well try to keep her nastiest temper tantrums in check. Unfortunately, that won't stop her completely, but if there's one being this green will defer to, it's her own beautiful, beloved, Akaris.

Keantha's Pardner

Sweet Kitten

15,000 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Grunny Grabber 50
Green Canicheth
Written by Uta
Colored by demon_pachabel

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Origin of Name: Caniche is the French name for a Poodle. The name is derived from chien canard, meaning duck dog. In this case, Canicheth's name was inspired by the character, Georgette, who is an award-winning poodle in the film.

Inspiration: Perfect Isn't Easy - Oliver & Co.

This song introduces the character Georgette in the film Oliver & Co. In it, she shows off all her awards, and does a fine job of making it clear what sort of character Georgette is meant to be. It was composed and produced by Barry Manilow, Jack Feldman, and Bruce Sussman and performed by Bette Midler. It is the sixth song in the film. Additionally, both Scooby-Doo and Ratigan make appearances within the film. Their pictures are hanging on the wall of Georgette's beau's, an unusual deviation from Disney.

Personality: Out of all of Fianth's children, Canicheth is loud, proud, and not going to be outshone (or outdone) but anyone. This green was born oozing confidence, and is the sort of the dragon who doesn't second guess herself. She was born beautiful, and believes herself to be a cut above the rest. She isn't just another pretty face, no, she is perfection incarnate and just you try to tell her otherwise. This is a green who is going places, and knows how to work a room. Once she has her eyes on something, nothing will get her way from obtaining it. If you try to hold her back or keep her from the prize, you had better watch out, because you will feel her teeth!

Meticulous in nature, this green likes to have her routine. She likes to have her wallow just like so; she likes her oil to be applied approximately four and a half minutes after she has stepped out of the water; and she wants only the freshest cuts of meat. She is a very high maintenance green, and hates to have her routine disturbed; that said, as she grows, that meticulous nature means she will ensure her rider and wingmates are in top form for Threadfall. Her straps will always be buckled just so, their gear will always be in the right place, and she will know exactly how best how to attack (or defend) against particular Threadfall maneuvers. She is not a green who will go out of her way to break order and takes commands (during Threadfall and only during Threadfall) quite well.

Vivacious in nature, Canicheth is spirited, and is always a lively creature. There is nothing subdued about this green--no, she packs a punch no matter where she goes. She's the sort of dragon who knows how to work a room, and she will charm her way into the limelight before those around her even know what's happening. As far as this green is concerned, the world should revolve around her, and Faranth help anyone who doesn't agree with her.

Though she is friendly and seemingly fearless, Canicheth is very self-centered, vain, and demanding. They are, perhaps, her worst qualities. When she talks, she'll likely talk about herself and the wonderful things she's done. When she charms her way into the limelight, you can bet you'll hear all about Canicheth. You may have problems, but darling, you can't possibly have as bad a day as she has! Her rider will need to try to keep her green in line so she doesn't alienate all her friends.

When she doesn't get her way, Faranth help you, as you might well feel her wrath. This green is very demanding and doesn't like her time wasted. Either you are useful to her, or you are not; she is a very dominant personality, and she will have no trouble bossing others around. When she wants something, she will get it; when she wants someone to do something, she will push, bully, and harass until it's done. All the world is her oyster, and Canicheth knows she was hatched to be the star.

Positive Traits: Confident, Vivacious, Meticulous
Negative Traits: Vain, Demanding, Self-Centered

Adult Size: 25'
Physical Attributes: Canicheth is a solid sized green, but with small bones and a delicate structure. She has petite wrists and ankles, and just as small feet. Her tail and neck are tapered, giving her a very stretched out appearance. She is by no means ugly, though, and moves with a natural grace that draws the eye. She is just as lovely while on wing, and is known for her smooth flight.

Additional Notes: Canicheth will have flights frequently. When she rises, she expects ALL the boys to chase her, and will be furious if a favored male is not among the troupe. She has no problem being a heart-breaker, and expects the best of the best. If you're not fawning over her, you will hear about it.

She also tends to loathe golds. She tolerates her mother, as she insists she got Fianth's beauty, but other golds are looked upon as threats. She does not believe she should have been born a queen, but oh, does she try to outshine them.

Theme Song: Perfect Isn't Easy Cover by Elsie Lovelock
Egg: A large pale blue egg in the back of the clutch, with white streaks -- one in the shape of a heart. It demands your attention!

Why Me? Was there ever any doubt who the most perfect match happened to be? Mimusa isn't just some girl--she is a woman, and a woman of class. She is beautiful, she is confident, and she knows what she wants out of life. As far as Canicheth is concerned, there is no one in the Weyr who comes close to Mimusa--not in cleverness nor beauty. This green is high maintenance, and she wants someone who will understand her needs and desires, not simply humor her. Surely, Mimusa understands what it's like to be a star among the rabble. Like rider like dragon, there is no doubt these two will have the best of everything.

There is hope that Mimusa's more courteous nature and propriety will help tone down Canicheth's uglier moments. The green dragon's bossy and sometimes bullying nature will hopefully be tampered down by Mimusa's charm. Perhaps the Lady Grey will be able to turn this little green into a Lady Green! Not, of course, that Canicheth would ever admit she needed advice...but Mimusa will be her confident, her soulmate. On the flipside, Canicheth is not a flighty creature, and she is dutiful. Where Lady Grey struggles to commit or form close attachments, she is now very well stuck at High Reaches Weyr--at least for the first five Turns. She is a green who likes her routine, and isn't necessarily going to want to pack up and leave. Additionally, everything Lady Grey knows is now shared with Canicheth.

Ultimately, the two will make a lovely addition to any Wing that taps them. Though they might well be a handful, or even a distraction, they will serve the Weyr well...possibly better than any realize if Zheria and Ink have their way.

Strangefellows's Partner In Crime

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The pretty babies just keep coming! Congrats everyone~

-stares at this profile- Write yourself, darn you, stop fighting meeeeee. gonk

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