Welcome to Gaia! ::

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Welcome to Dots Exploration! There are many puppies from a litter to choose from here.

I.I- Table of Contents
I.II- News
I.III- Rules
I.V- Stages
I.VI- Familiars
I.VII- Sales
I.VIII- Customs
I.IX- Roleplaying
I.X- Current Events
I.XI- Owner's Lists
I.XII- Training Center
I.XIII- Breeding
I.XIV- Owner's Equipment
I.XV- Familiar Skills

II.I- Blot Amount
II.II- Credits
II.III- Affiliates
II.IV- Reserved
II.V- Reserved
II.VI- Reserved
II.VII- Reserved
II.VIII- Reserved
II.IX- Reserved
II.X- Reserved
II.XI- Reserved
II.XII- Reserved
II.XIII- Reserved
II.XIV- Reserved
II.XV- Reserved

Story Line
Dots were discovered by the most famous Dot, Spots. He is the most well known Dot and everyone gasps when his name is said. Their is a statue fountain in the middle of their town of Spots that everyone throws pennies into to pay their respect for him. One little Dot had come across his knowledge in writing and had wrote a novel about the Adventures of Spots and How He Came To Be.
The novel read...
There was once a Dot that was born from a very loving family. He came from the heritage of Cutesy and had the ultimate gene of Cute. He had been born in a little box that was found out of a trashcan in the middle of a storm. The box was soggy and worn down after days of nonstop rain, but it was the only box that the parents could find for their little one. Moments after his birth, he came stumbling out of his box and his parents gasped in awe. They snuggled against eachother and smiled at what they had produced out of their strong love. They communicated to one another trying to come up with the perfect name for their puppy and after minutes of talking, they came up with the name of Spots. Spots had little black dots running across his white coated body and appeared as a dalmation, but wasn't. He was a Dot.
After Spots grew up into a teen, his parents had been taken away from him and thrown into the pound for humans to master over them. Spots was saddenned from this incident, but knew his parents would want him to keep going and make the most out of his life. He explored everywhere possible on the planet: through jungles, deserts, water, and even grasslands.
One day, Spots came across a little settled bush and shot his gaze over to it as it moved slightly. His curiousity had kicked in at full level and he plopped his way over there. Once by the bush, he pawed it wondering what was in there. The bush made a little moany noise. Spots tilted his head and his little tail began to wag as he trotted his way in circles around the bush. After moments, not being able to hold back his curiousity, he pawed his way and opened the bush. Before you knew it, five little Dots came tumbling out of it. Spots tail began to pick up speed wagging furiously in excitement. His tongue hang out and his eyes widened never knowing their were others of his kind on this vacant planet.
Spots raised 5 little Dots and those Dots mated when they were old enough to produce more Dots and keep the population alive. Those were the five luckiest Dots to be raised by Spots.
.... The End.
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September 7, 2009 - Dots Exporation Grand Opening begins!


Octus: The owner of this thread.
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Spots: Co owner of thread.
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- Gaia TOS
PLEASE follow the Gaia TOS.

- Stealing/Art Theft
Do not steal, edit, or copy any art posted in this thread.

- Begging
Do not beg for a free pet or any pet for that matter. I will not tolerate that.

- Resell/Give away
You may not resell any of your flatsales, customs, etc to a person charging them gold. YOU MAY, on the other hand, give away your pet. Please notify "Dots Exploration" what pet and why you are giving it away before allowing me to resell it and refund you your gold.

- Refunds
There are no refunds at all.

- Advertising
DO NOT advertise in my thread about ANYTHING. If you want to be advertised in this thread, please PM "Dots Exploration" and we will add your to our affiliates. We would also appreciate if you did the same favor back.

- Spam/Flame
Do not flame anyone in this thread. Be respectful and nice to all users. And do not spam (consecutively post short posts over and over again). If you are trying to seek attention, please pm "Dots Exploration".

- Questions
Please do not keep asking staff questions. We are busy people. If you really need a question answered, please seek the FAQ post before pming any staff user.

- Literacy
PLEASE be literate in this thread. We will not try and read your chatspeak all day. If you can't put the effort in typing every word out right, then we aren't going to take the time to give you service here.

White List
All Dot Owners
This is one spot you can be placed on for chatting at the thread, being a popular customer, and supporting the thread in anyway.

Black List
(These users may not participate in ANY events or post or bother any staff in this shop)
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Q: Will Dots Exploration ever be hiring?
A: No we will not. I already have all the staff I really need.

Q: Is there a certain limit amount of pets we can own?
A: Not of now, there isn't. I don't plan on not letting people have a right to own as much pets as they want.

Q: What do dots stand for?
A: Dots stand for puppies.

Q: How can I get a Dot?
A: Be sure to check out for Flatsale times, Raffles, Auctions, and Custom Slots.

Q: How long do they take to grow?
Note: These aren't exact times. Sometimes RL can interfer
A: Babies-Teens: Can take up to one week to two weeks
Teens-Adults: Can take up to one month.

Q: How can I get the Cutesy Dots?
A: You can only get those through Auctions.

Q: How can I get a Evil/Angelic Dot?
A: You can get these from Raffles, Auctions, and Customs.

Q: How can I get a Normal Dot?
A: You can get these from Flatsales, Auctions, Customs, Raffles.

Q: Can I breed my pets?
A: Yes you can breed your pets. Just look under the Breeding Section.

Q: Can my pet become mates with other pets?
A: Yes they sure can. It's not really a huge matter of any sort, but yes, they can.

Q: Do I have to Roleplay my Dots?
A: No you can choose if you want to or not. It's not required. You can join in at any time though.

Q: Where do we roleplay at?
A: Right in this thread would be perfectly fine. If the roleplay chooses to go somewhere else (If I choose to create a guild), then all owners will be asked to move to that thread with their roleplaying.

Q: Who drew and colored these?
A: Octus did, the owner of this thread.

Q: How do I get a familiar?
A: You can get a familiar from Auctions, Flatsales, Raffles, and other events.

Q: Do I have to own a pet in order to own a familiar?
A: No you do not. You can own a familiar without owning a pet. It will just be a blank cert until you get a pet that you want to accompany it with.

Q: How comes familiars are so much more expensive than Dots?
A: Because it allows your Dots to have a bigger range of abilites and is his own battle partner.

Q: Do you accept IRL money as payment?
A: Please check the section listed "Sales" and their will be a link to my website.

Q: How much familiars can we have attached to our pet?
A: The maximum of three.

If more questions are asked, they will be posted here along with an answer so keep checking back for more answers.
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These Normal Dots are grown in the grasslands of Doplor.
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Baby: These are the baby pups. They can barely walk at this stage and can't bark at all. Their eyes are very cute and adorable. These pups are very curious since they just arrived at this planet. All they want to do is explore which is understandable. If you were placed in an unknown environment, you would like to get it to know it first, right?
Teen: Teens are what pups are turned into after a week or two. They are getting to know their environment and would like to go on journies now. They will always try to find new friends to explore with and do little stunts every now and then.
Adult: The adults look over the babies and teens on their journies. They are very curious and know their environment almost by heart. They will put up a fight if it is to protect their young ones.

These Evil Dots are grown in the caves surrounding the Deserts of Doplor.
These Angel Dots are grown in the Jungle Cloud Havens of Doplor.
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Evil Baby: Evil baby dots are always aiming to stomp and pound over other dots. They can barely walk, but they stumble their way into trouble always finding something different to do. Their curiousity level is very high.
Evil Teen: After being a pup, they end up getting into all sorts of trouble. Their eye sight is very sharp and can mainly see every little leaf shake behind a bush. They are always on the prowl and the lookout always ready to fight. All babies usually follow the teens when going on journies.
Evil Adult: They are ready to take over as commanders. They raise their head up high and look in disgust at all surrounding creatures. They are always looking to get into trouble at any given time.
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Angel Baby: Baby angels will always smile sweetly at every oncoming creature. They never suspect any evil behind any creatures unless proven otherwise. They wobble about until they become a teen. They can not use their wings at all at this point and mainly because they're very tiny.
Angel Teen: Teen angels have bigger wings at this point and can fly for around for 15 minutes and then having to land on the ground. They have a lot of energy and are very healthy creatures. They are protectors over babies when going on journies.
Angel Adult: Adult angels are very swift and fluent with their movement and can not be heard even 5cm. away from their enemies. They can fly around for 2 hours with tremendous energy, but of course with a lot of sleep before doing so. They brush their wing over their infants to protect them through the night. When looking in any other creatures eye, they can tell what personality they inhabit.

These Cutesy Dots are grown by the Water Shore of Doplor.
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Baby: The cutesy dots always try to act adorable. They can get all humans and other creatures to awe in their presence. They are almost like baby gods at this point, but have no power behind them whatsoever.
Teen: Teens are very lovable and rub against all other humans for attention. They are very full of themselves and seek attention most of their lives.
Adult: Adults are exactly like the Gods at this point and look over the baby cutesies to make sure their minigods are going to become powerful and cute. They can make anyone do mainly whatever they want from their cuteness within a blink of an eye. They are very attractive souls to all other creatures and are awed in their presence. Most creatures will freeze up around them and their eyes will widen in beauty.

Cert Backdrops
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You can either choose between:
Fire Backdrop: Upper Left
Cloud Backdrop: Mid Right
Starry Backdrop: Lower Left
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Squirrel: Can be found in the Grasslands of Doplor. Squirrels are very nice companions during battles when Dots go on journies around their lands. They can throw nuts at all oncoming opponents and make them dazed for one roud. Their tails have tremendous power behind them and can make other opponents catch hairballs in their mouth when shoving their furry tail into other pets mouths.
Throwing Nuts: 10 Point Damage; Daze opponent for one round (will skip 4 rounds after this to daze again). Learns skills after 20 training sessions.
Hairball Attack: 5 Point Damage. Learns skill after 10 training sessions.
Beaver: Can be found in the Waters of Doplor. During battle or on journies, these beavers can chew their way through about anything that gets in their masters (pets) way. The tail can slam down and shake the earth around them dazing all other creatures around them for one round. They tend to slam their tails when excited or angry so beware of their changing attitudes. They are also very good companions to give shelter to their masters when caught in a storm or bad weather. They can only build a shelter out of twigs. Not very good shelter, but it will do in bad situations and help out their master.
Teeth Rip: 15 Point Damage. Learns skill after 20 training sessions.
Tail Slam: 10 Point Damage; Daze opponent for one round (will skip 4 rounds after this to daze again). Learns skill after 20 training sessions.
Monkey: Can be found in the Jungles of Doplor. During battle, they can swing their master out of the way by clinging onto nearby branches to miss a critical hit. They also send out their bananas to make their opponents slip and fall causing them damage and loss of health.
Defensive Swing: Causes opponent to miss that round (Cannot use ability two consecutive rounds). Learns skill after 10 training sessions.
Banana Slip: 10 Point Damage. Learns after 15 training sessions.
Snake: Can be found in the Deserts of Doplor. From one deathly bite, they can send their venom into their opponents bodies sending them poison damage they will intake for 5 consecutive rounds. They will also rattle their tail alerting other pets nearby that an opponent is nearby and also sends a weak force ringing into the ears of the opponent.
Venomous Bite: 5 Point Damage (25 total after 5 rounds). Learns skill after 30 training sessions.
Rattle Tail: 10 Point Damage. Learns skills after 15 training sessions.
Duck: Can be found in the Waters of Doplor. They waddle around in any alert that they hear from the slightest sounds. The can bite down on enemies skin with their flat beaks and stomp all over them. Their padded feet are actually very heavy and can hurt almost like a horses kick.
Flat Beak Bite: 10 Point Damage. Learns skill after 15 training sessions.
Feet Stomp: 15 Point Damage; Daze opponent for one round (will skip 4 rounds after this to daze again). Learns skill after 25 training sessions.
Octopus: Can be found in the Waters of Doplor. Octopuses are very aware and always alert. When frightened or scared, they will release their ink causing the opponent to choke and cause damage upon them. They can also wravel their tentacles around the opponent squeezing the air out of their lungs.
Ink Spray: 5 Point Damage (25 total after 5 rounds); Choking Hazard stuns for one round (will skip 4 rounds after this to choke again). Learns skill after 35 training sessions.
Tentacle Wrap: 10 Point Damage. Learns skill after 15 training sessions.
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Normal: 5k each.
Familiar: 15k each.

Most flatsales will be Speed Flatsales unless listed otherwise. There also will be other techniques for people with slow internet connection. We do not favor one side.
Please follow the Flatsales Rules when posted 10 minutes before the Sale.
5 minutes before the "GO!" sign is posted, there will be a post asking for a moment of silence.
No editing your post. If you do, you will be Meanlisted. Meanlisted and Evillisted cannot participate in anything in this shop except customs.
Do not whine if you do not win a flatsale. There will be many other opportunities.
You can only win one pet per flatsale. If you proxy for a friend, you can NOT participate in it for yourself.
No preference lists. We think that is guilt tripping so please.. just do not do it.
These are growing pets.

Normal: 5k each.
Familiar: 15k each.

When the flatsale owner makes the starting post, please purchase (free) your ticket to participate.
There will be a 3 hour purchasing length before the flaffle will begin.
Flaffles will allow all users to purchase a ticket that is there in time.
Then the users will be named in a list and be asked if there was anyone we missed.
After that, we will pick a number using the number generator.
After the amount of users are chosen that equals the amount of available pets/familiars in that flatsale are picked, we will let the first person who was picked choose their pet/familiar of choice.
First rolled, first serve.
The second user that was rolled will be allowed to choose their pet/familiar after the first and so on.
These are growing pets.

Ticket purchases are unlimited.
Tickets cost 100g each per ticket.
You must have the right amount of gold on hand.
Send the trade IMMEDIATELY after purchasing your tickets to "Dots Exploration".
These are growing pets.
Please use the form for purchasing tickets below:
[color=darkred][size=16]I WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE #_____ OF TICKETS FOR $______ AMOUNT OF GOLD![/size][/color]

Do not discourage other users so you can win the auction.
Do not bid over the amount of gold you have.
All auctions will start out at 8k.
These are growing pets.

IRL Commissions
We do take real life commissions.
For more information, please go here: RL Commission Information
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You may only be able to get a custom slot for a pet/familiar once a month to prevent the slots being filled by one person. I would like everyone to have a chance.
You cannot change your form once it's posted so please think twice before submitting your form. Look it over and make sure what you have down is what you want.

Random Custom
Normal: 15k
Evil: 25k
Angelic: 25k
Familiar: 30k

These type of customs will have your colors, eye color, and patterns chosen for you. You have no say in it whatsoever besides the: Name and Gender. These do not grow and will be sold to you as an adult.
Familiars do not have names or genders.

Normal: 40k
Evil: 50k
Angelic: 50k
Familiar: 50k

You will be able to choose the maximum of 2 basic colors for your pet. You can choose their eye color. But the pattern will be nice and simple and our own design.
These are non growing as well. These will be sold to you as an adult.
Familiars do not have names or genders.

Full Custom
Normal: 70k
Evil: 110k
Angelic: 110k
Familiar: 80k

Lineart Edits are allowed for a full custom.
You can choose up to 5 basic colors for your pet. Their eye color and you can choose the pattern as well.
These are the only growing customs and you will receive all three stages.
Familiars do not have names or genders.

Lineart Edits include:
Basic Accessories
Basic Hair

Custom Form
If you cannot fill out certain parts of the form, then just delete them instead of leaving them blank
If you do not want Clothing, Accessories, or Hair on your Full Custom, then just put None. You don't have to have stuff you don't want on it.

[center][color=darkred][b]Name:[/b] (pet name)
[b]Gender:[/b] (male or female)
[b]Owner:[/b] (for you, list your username. for a friend as a gift, list their username)
[b]Type of Custom:[/b] (random, semi-custom, or full custom)
[b]Sub Type:[/b] (normal, evil, or angel)
[b]Cert Background:[/b] (starry, fire, or cloud)
[b]Eye Color:[/b] (only for semi-custom or full customs)
[b]Basic Colors:[/b] (only for semi-custom or full customs. semi-custom: 2; full custom: 5)
[b]Pattern/Design:[/b] (only for full customs)
[b]Accessories:[/b] (only for full customs)
[b]Hair:[/b] (only for full customs)
[b]Clothing:[/b] (only for full customs. only pants and shirts or fullbody please)[/color][/center]

Custom Slots
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For now, all roleplaying will take part in this thread. Remember this is optional, not required.

The Environment
The planet, Doplor, came to be from a massive collission from out of space and was formed into a little tiny planet not having any contact with human nature at Earth. Humans had teleported to Doplor and had taken the two parents that owned Spots not knowing Spots was still there by himself and had thrown his parents into the Adoption Center on Earth. They had been a unique kind of dog to them and they were curious to see that when they reached Earth, they had been tranformed into regular dalmations. Upset about the news, the two men that had captured them sighed about their important news and canceled the appointment with the News Channel. When they went back to travel to Doplor, they were also shocked to find that the planet had disappeared from all human contact and could not be found in the Solar System.
Doplor has many mini parts to it. It has a Jungle, Desert, Water Seas, and Grasslands. All certain types of Dots are grown in certain areas of the lands. Their is also a little town, Gristan, that all animals interact at and shop at stores with eachother owned by NPCs. In the center of Gristan stands the statue fountain of the famous Dot, Spots. There are many coins in the bottom of the fountain that can't be reached by Dots.
Dots do jobs for eachother, like run errands, and pay eachother in the Doplor currency, Blots. Certain items at stores cost certain amount of Blots. Blots can be purchased through the main store, Blot Birth, with Gaia Gold. Stores are still to come in Doplor and are currently under construction.

The Battlefield
The battlefield is optional. You do not need to participate in this at all. Remember, finding opponents is rare. So you may have to lurk for hours or even days to find an opponent listed here.
You can battle opponents here. When a current opponent is listed, you have to be the first poster to post that you want to challenge this monster. Make sure to have equipped healing potions and a familiar to help you in battle. These are not needed, but your pet can't do much damage without a familiar.
Pet Damage: 2 Point Damage. All pets starts out with 200 health.
When you win a battle, you will be given your choice of:
- 100 Raffle Tickets (10k savings)
- 100 Blots (10k savings)
- Random Dot (30k savings. Has to have beaten a level 10 or higher monster)
- Random Familiar (50k savings. Has to have beaten a level 30 or higher monster)

Rules to Battlefield
Your pet can only choose one of it's attached familiars to battle with him. No more than one familiar and one pet is allowed to battle an opponent.
The battles are going to go as followed:
~ The opponent will have a certain level; health bar; and damage degree.
~ Your pet and familiar will have the first hit. Your pet AND familiar can attack once per round.
~ After your pet and familiar has attacked, it is now the opponent's turn. Your pet and familiar have to wait for the opponent to strike your pet.
~ After the opponent strikes, your pet and familiar can attack again.
~ IF you use a healing potion, your pet cannot attack, HOWEVER your familiar can while your pet drinks the potion.

I want to battle _____!
If you want to battle the opponent that is showing, please use this form:
[center][color=darkred]I would like to battle (opponents name here) with (your pets name here) and his/her familiar, (familiar type here that is attached to him).[/center][/color]

Gristan Stores
All Gristan Stores will be listed here.
Blot Birth: 1 Blot = 100 Gaia Gold.
Healing Bottles: 5 Point Healing Potion: 5 Blots
10 Point Healing Potion: 10 Blots
15 Point Healing Potion: 15 Blots
20 Point Healing Potion: 20 Blots
50 Point Healing Potion: 50 Blots
100 Point Healing Potion: 100 Blots
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Semptember 10, 2009: 7:00pm EST; 4:00pm PST

There are currently no flaffes

There are currently no raffles

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Starts: September 7, 2009: 12pm PST
Ends: September 20, 2009: 11am PST
Autobid: 2mil
Starting Bid: 12,000g
Highest Bid: 0g by ________

Want to win a free semi-custom?
Choose a number from 1 to 500 and get a 23!
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Username: Link/How they won it
Username: Link/How they won it
Username: Link/How they won it
Username: Link/How they won it
Username: Link/How they won it
Username: Link/How they won it
Username: Link/How they won it
Username: Link/How they won it
Username: Link/How they won it
Username: Link/How they won it
Username: Link/How they won it
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Welcome to the Gristan Training Center. Here you can train your familiars to help your pet in battle and learn new skills.
Each training session: 10 Blots

Pet's Familiar Here: Training Session #. Time began, time ends.
Pet's Familiar Here: Training Session #. Time began, time ends.
Pet's Familiar Here: Training Session #. Time began, time ends.
Pet's Familiar Here: Training Session #. Time began, time ends.
Pet's Familiar Here: Training Session #. Time began, time ends.
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Does your adult want to breed with another adult from a different owner? Well this is the section you want to read.

Your baby Dot will inherit the patterns and colors of each adult. Some are recessive and some are dominant genes. It all depends.
Each litter will hold around 2-5 puppies.
The owner of the other adult along with your adult can choose one of those puppies to keep and the others will be given away in a flatsale, raffle, or auction depending on their type. Of course, you are getting the advantage at getting a growing baby at a cheaper price.
You want an evil/angel baby?
~ One way you can do that is to find another evil adult and breed those two adults together OR order a random, semi, or full custom.
Breeding Fee
12,000 gold. So each owner can pay 6,000 to "Dots Exploration".
~ The two adults that are breeding MUST be from two different owners.
~ Different types of Dots cannot breed together. They must be in the same type. So an Evil and Angel cannot breed together. It must be Evil and Evil. Angel and Angel.
~ You cannot breed an adult more than once. Once your adult pet has breeded with another adult, those two adults CAN NEVER breed again.
~ The mother and father of the baby will be listed on the cert.
~ Cutesy Dots cannot breed altogether.
~ You must be roleplaying in able to breed two pets together.
~ You can only breed any of your adults once every 2 months.
~ After breeding, you will have to wait 2 months in order to breed another adult with another owner's adult.

Names of already Breeded Adults:
~ Owner's Name: Pet Name
~ Owner's Name: Pet Name
~ Owner's Name: Pet Name
~ Owner's Name: Pet Name
~ Owner's Name: Pet Name
~ Owner's Name: Pet Name
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These are what users bought at the Gristan Stores.
Username: Items List Here.
Username: Items List Here.
Username: Items List Here.
Username: Items List Here.
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Pet's Familiar Here: Skills Listed Here.
Pet's Familiar Here: Skills Listed Here.
Pet's Familiar Here: Skills Listed Here.
Pet's Familiar Here: Skills Listed Here.
Pet's Familiar Here: Skills Listed Here.
Pet's Familiar Here: Skills Listed Here.

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