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The wings of war, thundering down

Fight of anger, of great renown.

The blood is shed, for life, for pride

Tears of sorrow, ne'r to be dried.

A quick hard strike, don't stop, just fly,

A War of air, War of the Sky!


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I. Introduction
II. Table of Contents
III. Story
IV. Setting
V. Rules
VI. Character List
VII. Skeletons
VIII. Accepted Dawn Strikers
IX. Accepted Dusk Strikers
X. Accepted Lightning Guard
XI. Accepted Wind Raiders
XII. White, Gray, Black list
XIII. Announcements
XIV. Related Links
XV. The Wind Whispers... (Summary)
XVI. Open


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Numanria thrived in beautiful splendor for many long years, despite its strange properties and the way that the air was woven into the fabric of life. Numanria’s people, the Strikers, fought each other, yes, but it was the way it had been, and kept life precious.

When the Sky Lords appeared, the Strikers paid them no attention. Until the Sky Lords began to grow and spread and cause trouble. They had come from a dying land, and wished only to find a new land to live in, but in their goal, planned to wipe out the Strikers. This did not bode well.

For long centuries now, Striker and Sky Lord have been locked in a perpetual war, and the end seems not in sight. To make the situation worse, the Sky Lords have broken out in their own problems, a group of people called the Wind Raiders. Pirates of the air, with airships to rival those employed to keep them under control, the Lightning Guard.

The Sky Lords were not alone in their infighting however, the Striker’s own war from the beginning of time had intensified and broken out, pitting the Dawn Strikers, a strange race that rode strong and enormous hawks, against the Dusk Strikers, of the same race as Dawn Strikers, but their mounts the sleek and mystifying bats.

Conflict boils on all points of Numanria now,
there is little peace to be had.
It was once a beautiful world,
but now the waters are stained with blood and tears…

Perhaps you have come to change its fate?
To plunge it into eternal bloodshed,
or to lift it on wings to the glory that it should deserve?
The choice can only be yours.

Welcome to Numanria.

The Strikers are Numanria’s 1st inhabitants, human originally. They struggled to live in Numanria’s unique conditions, and slowly evolved into a slightly different variation of humans. They have very keen eyesight, and lighter bones than most. However, it is not these adaptations that allow them to survive, but their mounts. The bond between a striker and his mount is very precious. Although the striker’s mount cannot speak, the flow of emotions between a striker and his mount is very free, and each has an internal instinct to know where exactly the other is.

»Dawn Strikersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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The Dawn Strikers are very much daylight people. They live above Numanria’s cloud cover, so they get many hours of daylight. Their skin is usually tan, but it varies. Their mounts are birds of prey, usually hawks or eagles, but not owls. Dawn Strikers live on Lonta and surrounding islands.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx»Dusk Strikers
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Dusk Strikers are night people, though they are not nocturnal. They live below Numanria’s cloud cover, so they are well equipped to deal with the random and sporadic bursts of storms. Their skin is very pale and their eyes strange colors, but sunlight will not harm them. Their mounts are usually bats, and some owls, but those are rare. Dusk Strikers live on Myan and surrounding islands.

Sky Lords

The Sky Lords come from a different planet than the Strikers. That world was crumbling to pieces, and in order to save themselves, or at least some of them, a group of powerful mages teleported a group of Sky Lords, highly skilled in their various arts. This group appeared safely on the Salaran Plate. Thrashing out a living there, the Sky Lords eventually spread and became more powerful, developing their deadly airships. These airships varied in all shapes and sizes, in weight and height, but most of them, if maneuvered correctly, can float on top of Numanria’s dense cloud cover.

»Lightning Guardxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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The Lightning Guard is the main defense system for the Sky Lords. Their skill with airships is nigh unbeatable, and their airships fitted with deadly weapons. The Lightning Guard, however, also serves as transport for goods and people. The only other way to get around is if you have your own private airship. In addition to these responsibilities, the Lightning Guard flies directly into Numanria’s cloud cover to collect lightning. This is where they derive their name from. Lightning is the main energy source of the Sky Lords, and though it is collected by specialized companies, the Lightning Guard collects it and sells it to help cover its expenses.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx»Wind Raiders

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Wind Raiders are pirates of the air, and one of the main opponents of the Lightning Guard. Their airships may be cruse, and their flying abilities not as refined, but the Wind Raiders are very very tricky. They pillage everywhere, mainly Sky Lord towns, but also Striker settlements when they can. Wind Raiders also prey on other airships, stealing whatever may be on them, lightning, goods, or glass coins, the currency of Numanria. However, Wind Raiders may fight with the Lightning Guard to help fend against striker attack. Then, if their ships can still take it and there aren’t too many ships in the guard, they turn right back around and attack the Lighting guard.


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Numanria has three major points that makes it a very distinct planet. The first is that the crust is covered completely by water, some places only a few feet thick and other places too deep to even measure. The second difference is the never ending cloud bank that splits Numanria into two almost entirely different realms. The half under the clouds is very dark and gloomy, often chilly. Some sunlight filters down from above, but not much. The half above the clouds is very bright and constantly warm. Night is short, with Numanria’s two moons, Aldia and Avon. Avon is the bigger of the two, while Aldia is the brighter. Aldia rests to the north east of Avon, not separated by much. Now the third thing that makes Numanria special is its strange gravity that allows the cloud bank to act the way it does, and allow piece of land to float in the atmosphere at different levels. The gravity also affects the layer of water over Numanria, condensing the salt to a few specific regions so most of the water is fresh. No one is quite sure how the gravity came about, or exactly how it works. Another thing that is in conflict is whether Numanria is a round world or a flat one, or some other shape. Water shortage is never a problem around Numanria, however, wood is. There are only a few islands with small forests growing on them, and these are very hard to find. Most things are built with stone instead, easy to find floating around or dug up from the bottom of Numanria.

Salaran Plate

The Salaran plate floats just about in the middle of Numanria. It is thin and completely flat, whatever land that hasn’t been developed is full of long a sweeping grasses, with a lone tree here or there. The Yi River starts from the Lan Spring near the middle of the Salaran plate, but no one is quite sure where the water is coming from. The Yi river meanders through the Salaran plate, full of full curves before it spills of the western edge of the Salaran plate to form the only water fall in Numanria, the Valke Fall. The Salaran plate is level with the cloud bank, but it receives yearly rain because it is the only place where the cloud bank rises slightly up. They Sky Lords live here, and it is big enough to hold several cities. It could easily be considered a continent.

Lonta and Myan

Lonta and Myan are both very similar. Both of them are basically clusters of islands that float together in a fixed location but at random intervals. Some major islands have precariously towering buildings. The islands differ only in their positions, Lonta to the north west of the Salaran plate and above the cloud bank while Myan is to the south west of the Salaran plate and below the cloud bank. The only other thing that makes these two formations different is those who live on them.


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Ok, you get a nice thick paragraph to make sure you read all of it. Sorry, I'm sure you've heard it all before, but just to make sure.
Dawn Striker: Soaring with the Sun
This rp is mine and I reserve the right to ban you or whatever. Don’t go against me and we’ll all get along fine. However, feel free to PM me with questions, but don’t nag. Romance and Violence are encouraged, but don’t cuss if you don’t have to. I understand that sometimes it help develop character, but really, it’s not necessary. I won’t ban you for cursing, but just don’t do it.
Lightning Guard: Lightning never misses
Ok, you must post at least once every two days. PM me if you can’t. I want this to be a long term RP. Don’t use ** for actions and split your text into paragraphs. Italics for thought and “quotations for speaking”. Putting color or bold into the words your character is speaking is optional. Don’t use text speak though. Use easy to read fonts, nothing too bright and reasonable text size, anywhere from 9-12. Third person only! Use something to detonate OCC, (()) [[]] or something like that. Make your post fancy. Don’t go overboard, but I like fancy posts. Randomly here, place a mrgreen in your PM to make sure that you read these rules. As an author (to be) I hate writer’s block as much as you do, but try to post at least three paragraphs per post. I understand that sometimes one liners are acceptable, but I’ll be the judge of that.
Dusk Striker: Gliding with the Moon
Feel free to advertise your RPs here, but ONLY if you’ve joined this one and are active. You may play multiple characters, either gender. Please keep up with all your characters, five is about the max. Please don’t remove anything from the skeleton I’ve set out. I don’t care how big pictures are, but please crop them down if they stretch the page. Nice thick
profiles are appreciated.
PM me your profiles/reservations with the titles you should find throughout the post,
highlighting is lovely.
Wind Raider: The skies are mine


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Dawn Strikers:
-Leader: Osiris (UnrisenPhoenix)
-Tristin (IsuzuSouma)
-Arianne (Lillianrill)
-Isis (IsuzuSouma)
-Koiyomi (Hiro Inagami)

Dusk Strikers:
-Leader: Nenya (Toxias)
-Sukaria (Suki Whiteangel)
-Artemis (A c ii d T r ii p)

Lightning Guard:
-Commodore and Captain of the Maelstrom: Erebus (A c ii d T r ii p)
-Captain of Storm: Tenma Iscariot (Kaiser Rasarai)
-Yonaki (Toxias)
-Rikku (IsuzuSouma)
-Captain of Zetsumei: Marie (Hiro Inagami)

-Hala (Suki Whiteangel)
-Caris (AmuroMezuki)

Wind Raider:
Commodore and Captain of the Sidewinder: Eli (Sigma the Red)
-Captain: (OPEN)
-Captain: (OPEN)

-Mordeth (Kaiser Rasarai)

To clarify, those positions listed are 'special positions'. You may chose to play as a regular fighter in any of the groups. Each player listed underneath a captain's name serves under that captain. The unemployed characters are seperated from the others by a blank line.


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[b]Username: [/b]
[b]Name: [/b](Last Names are optional)
[b]Nickname: [/b](Optional)
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Race: [/b] (Only way race differs is if your character has bloodlines from mythic creatures. It that case, place something along the lines of 1/4 vampire or something. If your character is "pure blood" put that down.)
[b]Orientation: [/b] (If you want to, you can put the name of a crush here as well)
[b]Allegiance: [/b](Dawn Striker/Dusk Striker)
[b]Job: [/b] (Optional)
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Bio: [/b]
[b]Weapons: [/b] (As many as you can carry, but don’t forget how it affects your speed and effectivness. No modern weapons, but you may create mythic ones if your character is a Sky Lord)
[b]Mythic Power(s): [/b] (Please list and describe if it is a special power. Be reasonable.)
[b]Physical Power(s): [/b] (Again, be reasonable, you don't have to put anything here.)
[b]Other: [/b] (Anything else you want to add…)
[b]Appearance: [/b] (You may use a picture or a good description. If you’re using an image, place it under italicized information.)
[i]-Height: [/i]
[i]-Weight: [/i](In pounds)
[i]-Hair Color and Style: [/i]
[i]-Eye Color: [/i]
[b]Mount Name: [/b]
[b]Mount Apperance[/b] (Optional)

•°o.O O.o°•

Sky Lords
[b]Username: [/b]
[b]Name: [/b](Last Names are optional)
[b]Nickname: [/b](Optional)
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Race: [/b] (Only way race differs is if your character has bloodlines from mythic creatures. It that case, place something along the lines of 1/4 vampire or something. If your character is "pure blood" put that down.)
[b]Orientation: [/b] (If you want to, you can put the name of a crush here as well)
[b]Allegiance: [/b](Lightning Guard/Wind Raider)
[b]Ship/Vessel Served on:[/b] (See Character List. You can swap ships at any point during the RP, but you have to play it out with whoever's you captain. If you have no current ship, put Unemployed.)
[b]Job: [/b] (Optional)
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Bio: [/b]
[b]Weapons: [/b] (As many as you can carry, but don’t forget how it affects your speed and effectivness. No modern weapons, but you may create mythic ones if your character is a Sky Lord)
[b]Mythic Power(s): [/b] (Please list and describe if it is a special power. Be reasonable.)
[b]Physical Power(s): [/b] (Again, be reasonable, you don't have to put anything here.)
[b]Other: [/b] (Anything else you want to add…)
[b]Appearance: [/b] (You may use a picture or a good description. If you’re using an image, place it under italicized information.)
[i]-Height: [/i]
[i]-Weight: [/i](In pounds)
[i]-Hair Color and Style: [/i]
[i]-Eye Color: [/i]

•°o.O O.o°•

[b]Username: [/b]
[b]Name: [/b](Last Names are optional)
[b]Nickname: [/b](Optional)
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Race: [/b] (Only way race differs is if your character has bloodlines from mythic creatures. It that case, place something along the lines of 1/4 vampire or something. If your character is "pure blood" put that down.)
[b]Orientation: [/b] (If you want to, you can put the name of a crush here as well)
[b]Allegiance: [/b](Lightning Guard/Wind Raider)
[b]Job: [/b] (Optional)
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Bio: [/b]
[b]Weapons: [/b] (As many as you can carry, but don’t forget how it affects your speed and effectivness. No modern weapons, but you may create mythic ones if your character is a Sky Lord)
[b]Mythic Power(s): [/b] (Please list and describe if it is a special power. Be reasonable.)
[b]Physical Power(s): [/b] (Again, be reasonable, you don't have to put anything here.)
[b]Other: [/b] (Anything else you want to add…)
[b]Appearance: [/b] (You may use a picture or a good description. If you’re using an image, place it under italicized information.)
[i]-Height: [/i] (In feet and inches)
[i]-Weight: [/i](In pounds)
[i]-Hair Color and Style: [/i]
[i]-Eye Color: [/i]
[b]Ship/Vessel Name: [/b]
[b]Ship/Vessel Apperance:[/b] (Optional)


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Username: UnrisenPhoenix
Name: Osiris L’Mapel
Nickname: Ris, but only to a very select few
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Pure-bred Elf
Orientation: Straight
Allegiance: Dawn Striker
Job: Leader
Personality: Osiris is a reserved, proud individual who is almost icily stoic. Solitary by nature, he is very slow to trust even the most amiable people, and his aloofness makes people very wary of him. He is not human, and he makes no effort to pretend he is, or adopt what he sees as foolish human sentimentalities. He was not raised to value love as humans do, and nothing as of yet has changed his mind in that regard. He is almost manically driven when he is challenged, but he tends to take a lazy attitude towards the many things that come easily to him. Though he may not understand loyalty as humans know it, he has a very strong sense of duty and responsibility, and a stubborn streak a mile wide. In short, he is not someone you want to face off against. Impatient and easily frustrated with inaction, Osiris often leads his forces into battle, though it must be said he doesn’t like the idea of being a martyr. He just wants to be a king.
Bio: Osiris was raised for greatness, the progeny of a long line of prestigious Elvish blood. His parents ensured he had the finest education available, and they were beyond delighted to find that he had all the makings of a natural-born leader. Humans might well have found his childhood stifling and restrictive, but Osiris thrived under the pressure, always strove fiercely to attain and even surpass his family’s expectations. He even got some slight, vindictive joy from outperforming his elder sister. They had a good relationship, but relentless competition was prized in the Elvish culture, where perfection was the ultimate goal. But Osiris was a prodigy, and as he hit puberty no one knew quite what to do with him. Frustrated that he couldn’t aim even higher, and that his elders now recommended patience and aiding others, the fifteen year old turned from his studies in the elite Elvish world and disappeared into the metropolitan cities of Lonta, hoping that there he could make a name for himself.
And make a name he did, as the silent, wandering Elf who seemed to excel at whatever he put his hand to. The only thing he could not seem to turn in his favor was his psychic power, though he spent countless hours trying to harness it. But other than that, nothing could hold his interest. Nothing was challenging enough.
When the war broke out, it turned out to be a blessing for him. At last, in plotting strategies against aerial foes and piracy, Osiris found a puzzle, fluid and ever-changing, that he couldn’t solve. For the first time, his victories did not bring about an end, and after the initial frustration the young man delighted in such an endless game. He rose through the Striker ranks, astounding his superiors with stunning tactics and brazen maneuvers that could well end in disaster, but somehow brought triumph instead. One thing led to another, until at last Osiris took control of all the Dawn Striker forces and sat smugly at the helm, leading with a firm and decisive hand. The people were wary initially, of this foreign Elf who seemed so far removed from humanity. No doubt in peacetime his control would not have lasted, but in a time of war he was precisely what was needed. His commanders grant him grudging respect and wary loyalty, and that is plenty for him. Osiris is not interested in winning hearts and minds – he is only interested in winning his game against the Dusk Strikers, the Lightning Guard, the Wind Raiders, and anyone else who dares match wits with him.
Weapons: Preferably his Elvish bow and arrows, but he uses a pair of long daggers at close range.
Mythic Power(s): Very limited psychic abilities: he is able to sense emotion and on occasion read thoughts, if he sits in total concentration he can give those near him debilitating headaches and even delusions, and he has very uncontrolled, very sporadic telekinesis.
Physical Power(s): The natural grace, speed, and heightened senses of Elves, as well as unusually good night vision.
Other: Though he doesn't realize it, his powers are very tightly connected with his emotions, and this is a large part of why he cannot get a proper handle on them. Like most of his kind, Osiris has learned to ignore his more powerful emotions and even supress them, and this disconnect with that natural side of himself hinders his powers. It can also make his temper - though slow - very dangerous when it is aroused.
Appearance: Mirror, mirror
-Height: 6’2”
-Weight: 103
-Hair Color and Style: Falls around his shoulders, cut in a choppy style, silky smooth and a very pale gold color
-Eye Color: Lime green
Mount Name: Alethea
Mount Apperance Wings

•°o.O O.o°•

Username: Lillianrill
Name: Arianne
Nickname: Ari
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Orientation: Lesbian
Allegiance: Dawn Striker
Job: Messenger
Personality: Quick-witted, positive, and honest- Arianne makes decent company in spite of her social awkwardness. She likes to think of herself as determined, but would rather leave the judgment to people who had no stake in her own self-image.
Bio: Arianne was raised in comparative wealth on an island near Myan, where her excessive love for flight earned her a position as the local Messenger. When she was about 12, her father and eldest brother died during a conflict with a group of Dusk Strikers, sending her mother into a deep depression that left unable to do anything but lie in bed and coo at her eagle, leaving Arianne to provide for them. This was difficult, but Arianne learned to adapt and matured quickly, making it difficult to relate with people her own age. This was never a problem, however, as Arianne was never very social. After several years of caring for her mother, she finally decided to send her to her uncle- where she lives now.
Weapons: 1 Pair of bladed tonfa
Mythic Power(s): Arianne relies on her quick wit and quick hands to defend herself, rather than any magic.
Physical Power(s): Agile, quick, and flexible
Other: Despite the tragedies that she experienced at the Dusk Striker’s hands, Arianne has learned that hate is destructive and useless- she prefers diplomacy to confrontation.
Appearance: Arianne’s small, light frame makes her appear younger and more fragile than she would like, but her strong features help to counter it. She often wears well-fitting, light clothes to help her agility midflight, preferring ‘cool’ colors to ‘warm’ ones. She has a fresh, olive complexion flawed in places by small scars from an active childhood- this activity is also readily apparent in her wire-muscled frame and worn hands, but Ari is very proud of it.
-Height: 5’1 1/4
-Weight: 110 lbs
-Hair Color and Style: long black hair, often worn in one or more thick braids
-Eye Color: Amber
Mount Apperance
Arianne's Mount

•°o.O O.o°•

Username: IsuzuSouma
Name: Isis D'Rosa
Nickname: Is but only those very close to her call her that.
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Pure-Bred Elf
Orientation: Straight
Allegiance: Dawn Striker
Job: Medic
Personality: Isis is a very shy person. She is a very compassionate and sweet person but doesn't speak much. She is particularly shy around men. However Isis may be kind hearted, she's got a dark side. Let's hope you never see that side of her. She is usually calm and collected while working but if you get to know her she is quite bubbily.
Bio: Isis was born into a powerful and prestigious clan. The woman of the clan are renowned for their beauty while the men are very well respected as leaders. Isis is the gem of the D'Rosa clan with her radiant beauty and wit. What the clan didn't anticipate was her "gifts" and they were strongly looked down upon. Her family believed that the women should "stand there and look pretty" while the men did the real work. Needless to say, Isis didn't lead a very eventful childhood but was groomed to be a bride.

This life was unfulfilling for Isis and she left her small town to find herself. She traveled to the cities of Lonta where she learned to perfect her medical skills. Isis had finally found a purpose and didn't have to rely on her looks to get ahead. Eventually, Isis came across the Dawn Strikers and joined their ranks.
Weapons: Isis is deadly with her long bow and arrows. Poisons are her greatest weapon. She is a master in the art and is often known for dipping the tips of her arrows with poisons. She wouldn't look like it but hand to hand combat is also a favorite of Isis's. She may be small and fragile looking but she sure can pack a punch.
Mythic Power(s): Isis is able to feel others emotions and well as influence them. She also can heal but that takes alot of energy out of her. She's been known to pass out after healing someone.
Physical Power(s): She has the natural abilities of the Elf kind: speed, grace, agility, heightened senses.
Other: Isis has premonitions during sleep and often has night terrors.
Appearance: Reflection of me
-Height: 5'3
-Weight: 90 lbs.
-Hair Color and Style: Her long silky hair hangs well below her waist and has natural wave.
-Eye Color: Emerald Green
Mount Name: Aeris
Mount Apperance Isis's Mount

•°o.O O.o°•

Username: Hiro Inagami
Name: Koiyomi Katami
Nickname: Kay (preferred), DK (double K)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Orientation: Straight
Allegiance: Dawn Striker
Job: Bird Keeper
Personality: Although he doesn’t look like he’s an approachable person, Kay is quite friendly. When he’s not really doing anything then he doesn’t speak much, but when he’s in combat there’s loads for him to say, even if he’s not near anyone and is just talking to Dawn, his hawk.
Bio: Kay didn’t get into the war as soon as everyone else did. Actually, his parents tried to keep him away from the war, but seeing as how the rest of his family was involved in it, there was no use to even try, but Kay wasn’t pulled in. He didn’t care for the war a good part of his life because he believed that all of the fighting was pointless seeing as how it was never going to end.

By the time he was 13, his Dawn Rider uncle introduced him to his later hawk partner Dawn. His uncle hoped that this would motivate him to join, but it didn’t. All that actually did was give him someone to talk to and helped him realized that he likes birds. Around the age of 16, Kay realized that his mind could slow down images for his eyes to keep up with. So once he figured out how to control this, he started not only training his body to keep up with amazing speeds, but to also handle himself whilst traveling high speeds on Dawn, his now 7ft tall, 200lbs hawk with a wing span of 10ft. When he was 18 was when Kay finally decided that he wanted to be a part of the Dawn Riders, but his reasons are still unknown.
Weapons: Dual Katar.
Mythic Power(s): Kay has the ability to slow down anything that passes his eyes with his mind, making it easy for him to catch things moving at extremely fast speeds or when he’s moving that fast.
Physical Power(s): N/A
Other: Kay has also been known to talk to birds, and from what people have understood, he can actually understand them, but that is something that he has never came out and told anyone if he could or couldn’t.
Appearance: Kay
-Height: 6’3”
-Weight: 184lbs
-Hair Color and Style: White and spiky
-Eye Color: Red
Mount Name: Dawn
Mount Appearance Dawn

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Username: IsuzuSouma
Name: Tristan Valormont
Nickname: Tris, Casanova
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Pure-blooded Fae
Orientation: Heterosexual
Allegiance: Dawn Striker
Job: Second in Command
Personality: Tristan is a tactical genius. He is calculating and cunning. Though he may be those things, Tristan is mainly a lecher. He is a very flirtatious man and often indulges in the sin of lust. Tristan loves women and women love Tristan. He is the Casanova of the Dawn Strikers. Tristan is known for going after virgins and 'deflowering' them.
Bio: Tristan's parents come from a planet called Faela. They moved to this planet when Tristan's mother was pregnant with him. Tristan's father died when he was eight years old. He lived with his older brother and his mother in the one of the largest cities in Lonta. He grew up in the upper levels of society. There he would go to school and after he would play with women. His mother grew tired of his lecherous antics and gave him an ultimatum. Work for the company or join the Dawn Strikers. Tristan never cared for the company like his brother Remis did so he decided to join the strikers. Tristan worked his way up the latter and soon became friend of the leader and second in command.
Weapons: A gun, a light sword, a knife
Mythic Power(s): Telepathy, Fire Manipulation
Physical Power(s): Strength, Speed, agility
Other: He loves cats.
Appearance: Through the Looking Glass
-Height: 6'5
-Weight: 140
-Hair Color and Style: Reddish-Brown Short
-Eye Color: Jade Green
Mount Name: Ra
Mount Apperance xx


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Username: Toxias
Name: Nenya Amarille (nehn-yah ah-mah-reel)
Nickname: Nenya
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: ½ Fae, ¼ Elf
Orientation: Heterosexual
Allegiance: Dusk Striker
Job: Leader
Personality: Nenya is a very strict captain, she tolerates little error, and she herself is a perfectionist. Most of the times, Nenya is immensely happy and she’s got plenty of calm energy that she can channel any which way. Little children love Nenya, but the adults all are a little wary of her, even though she’s proved herself over and over. Sometimes Nenya gets frustrated with the fleeting memories in her head. She feels like she’s missing something, but she’s not quite sure what. Otherwise, Nenya is the perfect fighter, if a little too enthusiastic.
Bio: Nenya remembers nothing of her past but little bits and pieces from her dreams or visions in broad daylight. From what she’s seen and what others have told her, she fell from the sky and landed, miraculously, on a small island, just big enough to support her frame. She lay there, unconscious, bleeding for hours until a Dusk Striker found her. Planning to take her back as a hostage, she looked like a lightning guard, the Dusk Strikers awoke Nenya after a day, then found she remembered nothing. She knew as much as a newborn child. The injuries she had sustained even before she landed on the land had damaged her brain.

So a Dusk Striker family took Nenya in, and she was given her name and a mount. Not knowing she was not originally born in Myan, Nenya served as loyally as she could, quickly gaining the fundamental skills back within weeks. She remembered her fighting skills, and though a sword felt more comfortable, she soon discovered, or rediscovered, she’ll never know, her magic talents. So Nenya swapped to a magic staff, she had spent quite a while longing for it, and blew her savings on the staff. It was very well crafted, and channeled Nenya’s gift well. She learned how to use it, both physically and magically.

In the few years of life Nenya had on Myan, she quickly climbed the ladder of success. Though most were reluctant to promote her, she proved herself too useful in these times of war to ignore for long.

Nenya still gets glimpses of her past, which is the source of all her frustration. She loves her way of life now, but can’t help but want to figure out her life from before.
Weapons: A magic staff, made out of magic metals and strengthened with enchantments
Mythic Power(s): Spirit summoning, telekinesis
Physical Power(s): Nenya is quick and fast, very agile. Strength is not a strong point for her, but she has enough that she can wield her staff easily.
User Image
-Height: 5’6”
-Weight: 118
-Hair Color and Style: Deep purple-blue, Long and slightly wavy
-Eye Color: Light amber
Mount Name: Kavagon (kah-vah-gone)
Mount Appearance
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•°o.O O.o°•

Username: Suki Whiteangel
Name: Sukaria Ambernight
Nickname: Suki
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: 1/2 fallen angel
Orientation: straight
Allegiance: Dusk Strikers
Job: Freelancer
Personality: Straightforward, blunt, and adventurous are the features that Suki holds that makes her either a like-able or dislike able person. She loves her freedom, and would be cold and merciless to anyone who tries to take it away. She doesn't quite care for what people see her as, since she would follow her own opinion stubbornly, until proven otherwise. She's quite a strong willed person. Her curiosity is worse then a cat's, and ends up leading her into trouble most of the time. She enjoys to put on a facade of naivety to hide what she really knows. That is how she is "normally".
Bio: Before she could remember, she had already lost her parents. She grew up in an orphanage in Lonta. This is where she developed her tougher qualities, taking on anyone who looked down upon her and anyone else from the orphanage she was from. At the age of 13, a dusk dusk rider whom knew her father personally found her. She was informed that her father used to be the leader of the dusk riders before he was taken down. Since she had no training at all and she was without a mount, she couldn't fill in for him. A chance was provided for her to join the dusk riders though, and she took it. It turned out that she eventually couldn't take a direct order very well, and she broke away from the ranks and became a freelance. Though she didn't have to follow direct orders, she was dedicated to the Dusk Strikers.
Weapons: A pair of katars, with a blades that has splits down their middles, sometimes lace with a chemical that makes it difficult for the wounds to heal. Small bombs
Mythic Power(s): From being a direct descendant of a fallen angel, Suki has control over the light element. Not that anyone had clued her in yet. As far as she knows, she has some powers over healing, a strong sixth sense, and making a shield. The healing is often by accident or on it's own accord too.
Physical Power(s): Her agility and reactions are her best feats. Her hearing and seeing sense are more heightened then others.
Other: Her hearing is really heightened, and being in crowds hurts her ears a lot. She rather avoid them. She knows nothing about her mother. She holds no hard feelings or grudge towards the strikers, despite what they've done. Though she will remember every individual that had wronged her and her spite is directed towards them.
Appearance: Suki's appearance
-Height: 5"1'
-Weight: 106
-Hair Color and Style: Long white colored hair, often messy since she's too lazy to pull it back
-Eye Color: red
Mount Name: Yuri
Mount Apperance Yuri's appearance

•°o.O O.o°•

Username: Yuki Subaishiro
Name: Yukishi Kateru
Nickname: Yuki
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: 1/3 Celestial Angel
Orientation: Straight
Allegiance: Dusk Striker
Job: Mercenary/Fighter
Personality: Yukishi is a carefree, relaxed, and somewhat adventurous young lad. For some reason he seems to be a little more talkative than your average person, so he tends to try and strike up conversations quite often, which also lands him in some rather unwanted talks or situations. Though he talks frequently, he does have his silent moments, which tends to make the people around him feel concerned about some impending doom. Yukishi is loyal to no end, despite what his past suggest. He even went as far as to sacrifice his right arm for someone, but that is now in the past.
Bio: Yukishi started out as a simple Dawn Striker, or rather he was hired by them. You see Yukishi is a mercenary, and so his allegiance falls to whoever pays him the highest price. During a very important battle one day Yukishi’s mount, an hawk named Velshin, was injured severely. Falling from an unbelievably high height, he ended up landing in Myan after crashing through several buildings. He hit the ground rather hard, and ended up breaking his left arm due to the force of the impact. As if that wasn’t enough, a Dusk Striker had followed him to the point of his landing, and was going to kill him until Yukishi convinced him otherwise, after of course enduring a somewhat long and one sided battle, but what battle wouldn’t be one sided when you only have a single arm available for use. Losing the battle and about to be killed, Yukishi had one final idea to save his life. In what has become the most disgusting and repulsive act of his existence, he begged the striker for his life, informing said striker that he was actually a “fighter for higher”, a mercenary. Intrigued by this, the Dusk Striker decided not to kill him, and instead offered him a job fighting for the Dusk Striker With a mental grin Yukishi accepted the job, but not before that very same Dusk Striker left him with these encouraging, yet not so encouraging, words:
“That life that I have so graciously allowed you to keep; if you so much as blink in the direction of a Dawn Striker, I will find you, and end that precious life of yours myself.”
Weapons: Carries a single black which rest on the small of his back sheathed in a half sized scabbard so that the blade shows through the front and the back of the scabbard. The swords blade is as sharp as they come and can even cut through metal, granted that the person swinging has some incredible strength and the rate of the swing is well, pretty darn fast. Also uses a bow and several custom made arrows. Each arrow has an effect which responds when certain ingredients and conditions are met.
Mythic Power(s): Being an angel, Yukishi has control over the elements, as such do all angels, but when he first became aware of his own powers, there was something strange about them. Most angels receive control over a single element, but Yukishi was different; instead he received control over two the main four elements, fire, and air. Now, only one person has ever been blessed with control over multiple elements, and that person’s ability to control them was no less than amazing, being able to summon forth that element at will. However, Yukishi can only use the element when he is surrounded by it. What this means, is that using fire at night is highly unlikely, seeing as the heat of its flame would be generated from the sun.
Physical Power(s): His awareness and his speed/agility and second to none. Because he trains daily with such heavy armor on, and is able to move so freely despite the added weight, he has acquired a level of speed which is simply unrivaled.
Other: Due to his enhanced sight, he tends to go temporarily blind for one full day of each month. The day is completely random, and so is the time it starts, but it last for a full twenty four hours.
Appearance: Appearance: Yukishi Kateru
-Height: 5’6
-Weight: 137lbs
-Hair Color and Style: Grayish tan hair which is slightly spiky and covers the top portion of the center of his head and a little of the surrounding area. Even though his hair is somewhat spiky, it is kept in a rather slick manner.
-Eye Color: Amber
Mount Name: Velshin
Mount Apperance Velshin

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A c ii d T r ii p
Artemis Selenis.
Pure-blood Celestial Being.
Dusk Strikers.
Recruit trainer & combat officer.
Ari is a difficult woman to describe, it has been said. On the outside, she is chillingly brutal. Her words are like a knife through butter and her eyes are just as sharp. To cross her would be an unwise mistake, or so the recruits have learn.
Extraordinarily brillant and tactical, Ari thrives on the knowledge that she is training future frontline fighters. Their fate lies in her hands, without proper training they will surely fall to their numerous enemies in Numanria. She must ensure that the bond between mount and rider are the strongest possible, you can imagine the stress this causes Ari.
However, those that know Ari personally know she can be very wise and gentle. Though this side of Ari is rarely seen, it does exist beneath her icy armor. Her words can be as light as a feather.
Artemis Selenis is one of the few known as Celestial Beings. Some say they are direct descendants of guardian angels or even gods, but their abilities are not nearly as great. On Numanria, they are often attributed to knowing the secrets of the mysterious gravity and speaking to the Strikers through dreams. Where they came from or where they live is unknown, thus few believe in their existence. Direct descendants of Celestial Beings rarely, if not ever, know of their lineage.
Ari is one of them. She faithfully serves under their leader Nenya and joined shortly after her rise to leadership. Her main reason for becoming part of the fight was to protect her only living relative: her younger brother Apollo. They never had parents or true family, they had been found on the outskirts of Myan, frightened and bearing a mysterious weapon. Apollo was only an infant at the time and Ari was near the age of nine, but already she had a mount. It had sheltered the children beneath its feathery wings. The creature was magnificant, a white owl with silvery talons, its likes had rarely been seen by the Dusk Riders.
Ari and her brother were recieved by a local Dusk Rider family, but they perished in a raid led by the Wind Riders when Ari was seventeen. From that point on, Ari was the only family her brother had. She joined the Dusk Riders militia and rose in ranks in as little as four years. Ari has great respect for their leader Nenya, which is also very rare in her, and remains loyal to the Dusk Riders.
A sword whose craftsmanship is unmatched. Many of Myan's blacksmith have tried to smelt it down when Ari was first discovered with it. Despite the immense amounts of heat that was applied, the metal refused to give way to being malleable. Strange symbols are etched into its blade, close to the hilt. The blacksmiths kept it locked away and it was only until Ari joined the Dusk Rider militia that the sword was returned to her.
Mythic Power(s):
Ari is completely connected to the world of Numanria. She can manipulate air currents, this gives her the ability to lift objects, fly faster, and move quicker. However, manipulating larger air currents exhausts her.
She also can read the air currents. For example, she can tell when a large ship is approaching because of the distruption it causes to the flow of air.
She has one ability that isn't nearly as useful, but still a gift either way. That is she is able to read emotions, but not inner thoughts. This is attributed to the auras every being gives off, which also can affect the flow of air.
Physical Power(s):
Her agility gives her the upper hand in combat. Due to her mythic power, Ari can predict a combantant's movements by the way they move through the air. This allows her to have a quicker reaction time than most.
She is highly skilled with a sword and can hold her own in hand-to-hand combat.
Apollo,whom is now twelve, is the only other person that matters to her aside from her mount, Prometheus. She lives to protect his existence.
-Hair Color and Style:
Silver and straight, usually cascading slightly over her shoulders.
-Eye Color:
Emerald green.
Mount Name:
Mount Apperance
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A c ii d T r ii p
Erebus Skotinus.
The Dark Baron.
2000, appears roughly 25.
Pure-blooded Celestial Being, explains his age and perpetual youth.
Heterosexual; Artemis.
Lightning Guard.
Commodore of the Lightning Guard.
Erebus is the epitome of darkness, he resonates intense power. Cold and meticulous, Erebus commands the Lightning Guard with an iron fist. Those that cross him or disobey his commands are severely punished. He enjoys knowing that he is the most powerful person in the guard, though he is not power-hungry nor has a god complex. He is extremely intelligent, charismatic, and knows when to use things to benefit him in the end. For the most part, Erebus rarely speaks unless commanding others or disciplining a rowdy crew member. However, his ethereal appearance charm women, they fall for him almost instantaneously. Often, Erebus uses this to his advantage, but his mind is focused on a greater goal.
One thing is for sure, he a force to be reckoned with.
Erebus wasn't born on Numanria, nor was a born on a planet. He was born of the stars and energy of the universe, cradled in the bosom of the cosmos. As his years grew, Erebus became fascinated with the human race, and he decided to take their form on one of their planets. In doing this he sacrificed many of his powers to be bound in a human form. The humans greeted him with open arms, hailing him for his immense powers. Many other Celestial Beings followed his example. For centuries, the Celestials lived as one with the humans. But as their technology grew, their love for the Celestials died. Erebus saw the darkness in their hearts and from that moment on, he began to dislike the human race. He planned to reform them through words, or force.
One essence of the plan was a female, pure-bred Celestial. She, at the time, was the only Celestial child born on that world. The parents had already promised her to Erebus when she grew old enough. A few years later another child was born, but by then the world was already dying. Many of the Celestials, whom were effected by environment around them, perished from the abuse the world sustained.
In a last resort, they opened a rift that torn through time and space. This provided a way of traveling to other worlds, though they couldn't pinpoint where they would arrive. Erebus landed on the Salaran plate, on the outskirts of the Sky Lord capital. Although he was alone, he sensed the other Celestial Beings on the world of Numanria, their auras distinct. Arriving in the city, Erebus made his way through the ladder of success, using his unique abilities to impress the higher ranking officers. Eventually, he was given the honour of being the commodore of the Lightning Guard and given charge of the fleet's top airship: the Maelstrom.
However, the ranks and commendations are virtually worthless to him: he simply is using them to his advantage. For eleven years, Erebus has searched for the child. His plans are to destroy, or reform, the human race and any race he sees unfit to co-exist with the Celestial Beings.
A long katana that radiates a faint, blue glow.
Mythic Power(s):
Telekinetic: He can read minds, even speak through the mind. This ability can be harmful due to the fact that Erebus is excellent at manipulating people into doing what he wants. He has been known to punish others by driving them insane via telekinesis. Also, he can manipulate material to suit his needs. For example, he can contort a piece of metal into a blade to puncture his enemies. Erebus can create shields of psychic power that deflect most attacks and move objects wthout touching them, even choke others through thought.
Elemental: In the darkness, Erebus is at home. He can move through shadows with alarming speed, bordering on the line of instantly. His telekinetic abilities intensify when in the dark.
Physical Power(s):
Incredible speed and strength. Because of his race, Erebus can heal before even a drop of blood spills. But as he strains his body more, this ability slows down. Erebus is naturally a superb fighter with a sword, and takes comfort in the sound of clashing blades.
Erebus has white-feathered wings, similar to an angel's.
-Height: 6'2".
-Weight: 185lbs.
-Hair Color and Style: Long silver hair that is kept very well.
-Eye Color: Aqua with pupils that resemble a cat's.
Ship/Vessel Name: Maelstrom.
Ship/Vessel Apperance: Maelstrom

•°o.O O.o°•

Username: Kaiser Rasarai
Name: Tenma Iscariot
Nickname: The Man among Men (Something he started himself)
Age: On official documents 20 years old. (Actual age could be much older)
Gender: Male
Race: Ascended Human (The next evolutionary step for humans)
Orientation: Straight
Allegiance: Lightning Guard
Job: Captain
Personality: Tenma is a carefree, friendly and rather flirty individual. He is well loved by his men and nearly all people that encounter him instantly like him. During peace times he is a good friend and a great companion to have whilst drinking. But during a battle Tenma is a formidable leader and captain, able to use his quick mind to maneuver well in battle Tenma earned the fear of his enemies. Though in stark contrast to his friendliness Tenma has a furious rage within him that when triggered reverts him into a pure war machine.
Bio: Tenma grew up with a rather average family, though in their averageness he loved them dearly all the same. Living in a remote village on the Salaran plate Tenma’s family never thought the war against the Strikers would reach them, but unfortunately it did. At the young ages of 14 Tenma was recruited into the Lightning Guard as a mere soldier upon one of the ships. It was here he was trained in the art of melee combat, the captain of this vessel soon saw that Tenma’s abilities as an unarmed fighter far exceeded that of many men that wielded blades and staffs. Tenma was soon transferred onto another vessel where his training and combat experience primarily focused on his unusual talent in unarmed combat. Mastering every facet of close quarters unarmed combat (CQC) Tenma soon was well known as the “Naked Soldier”. The only man who would ever fight with just his body alone, during many campaigns against the strikers Tenma’s fame only grew as he continually proved how superior he at fighting, he even showed high levels of leadership skills when he was promoted to Sergeant.

Through pure luck on his visit to the Salaran capital one of the high level mages of the city asked him to participate in an experiment. In this experiment the Sky Lord mages were trying to push the physical and mental limits of their soldiers, but many failed. In Tenma’s case it was a success, too much of a success. The moment he awoke Tenma was infused with near superhuman strength, agility and intelligence. It was this particular experiment that pushed Tenma to the next level, though not fully comprehending the depths of his powers yet Tenma has rarely had the chance of using his abilities to their maximum.

Once again he was sent against the strikers and with his newfound powers Tenma became a monstrous foe on the battlefield. After many victories and medals added to his name the esteemed hero of the Sky Lords finally gained the position of captain. After what seemed to be many years of fighting at the front line Tenma was finally promoted for his efforts. Though much to his dismay this promotion still made him fight on the frontlines, though the only difference now was he was in charge with the lives of his men not his own. Though thanks to his quick mind Tenma soon proved he was just as formidable commanding as he was fighting, once more he has proved his natural abilities in war. Soon Tenma and his men aboard the ‘Storm’ became well known and feared in the skies of Numanria.
Weapons: None, Tenma is a grandmaster of unarmed close quarters combat.
Mythic Power(s): None at this stage
Physical Power(s): Quick mind and near superhuman strength and agility.
Other: Tenma has a strange weakness for very beautiful women, it is as if he loses control of his mental faculties when one actually begins to flirt with him.
Appearance: Tenma is a dark haired beauty. When the term beauty is used it really means a complete stunnage of the senses. Tenma is unnaturally handsome and has a rather fit athletic form. His lightning blue eyes can attract even the snobbiest of ladies and his chiseled body can make many men grunt in envy. But even with these weapons at hand Tenma is very shy when it comes to ladies. Tenma usually wears his captains clothes wherever he goes, which usually consists of a black jacket and sleek black pants. These clothes are usually flowy for the off chance he has to fight, constrictions of clothes tend to slow one down. When on ship he wears his captain’s jacket like a cape. Tenma has a fascination of looking like a regal king or a hero when he is on board. Tenma’s complexion is slightly tanned giving him the allure of being tall dark and handsome, though in actual fact he is only of average height.
-Height: 5’8
-Weight: 140 lbs
-Hair Color and Style: Black spiky hair, though it looks messy most of the time
-Eye Color: Lightning blue
Ship/Vessel Name: Storm
Ship/Vessel Appearance Looks like any other Lightning Guard vessel except for the fact that along the sides of the ship arcane lightning bolts are painted on. The soldiers upon this ship felt that it would better suit the vessel when these lightning bolts were painted on. Even on the sails of the vessel there are arcane and even tribal representations of lightning bolts. To further signify that they’re ship truly was the ‘Storm’. Of course Tenma agreed wholeheartedly to this idea as he thought it would attract pretty ladies. Though the thought of actually talking to them still scares him silly.

•°o.O O.o°•

| M | A | R | I | E |

"Am I a little young to be a Captain? Yes. Yes I am."

Username: Hiro Inagami
Name: Orillia Marie Renaldo
Nickname: Princess
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Orientation: Straight
Allegiance:Lightning Guard
Job: Captain
Personality: Seeing as how Marie is still young, she still has a bubbliness in her personality. She’s rather optimistic when it comes to almost every situation and wants to try and see everything through until the very point past the very end. With her childlike ways, she is sometimes not taken seriously, but once something of importance is placed on her shoulders, then everyone is reminded of whom exactly she is and what she can do. Also, whenever sweets are involved, Marie seems to lose control and goes after whatever she smells/sees, even if that means running others down.
Bio: Marie was raised as the only child to a moderately rich family. Her life was filled with everything that could be imagined, or at least whatever she asked for, spending most of her time playing with any kid that just so happened to walk by the front gate of her home. She was the type of child to make friends with anyone she saw. Every time she left the house she would return to her mother with her tales of how she made a new friend, from ages 5 and beyond, and everything that did and talked about in the single day. It was like she was on a mission to find a new person each day.

Even though Marie was given some freedom, she was still the child of a rich family, meaning that she had to do all of the mundane things that other rich kids had to do, such as take tennis lessons, take ballet, take violin lessons, study martial arts, take up calligraphy, learn proper etiquette, learn useless facts that only old, boring army generals had to know, and all that jazz. Something else she picked up was fencing. She enjoyed doing this the most because this was the only thing she picked, of her own volition, to do. All of these activities and balancing her own life was something that Marie became accustomed to by the time she was 9, which lead people to wonder if she were actually human or not or if her parents were just slave drivers.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Marie had taken a special interest in the Lightning Guards. What got her hooked was the concept of protecting people and gathering lightning. It just seemed that those two things were the ultimate tasks to perform in the universe and being a Lightning Guard had the benefit of doing both.

On the day of Marie’s tenth birthday, she became the youngest captain of the Lightning Guards. It wasn’t, and still isn’t, clear how a ten year old was able to qualify to become a captain, but it happened and there was nothing anyone could really do about it. Her family was shocked by the fact that anyone would let a ten year old on a ship let alone give her one and a crew. Marie was the only one who didn’t realize that some law of the Gods had been broken, but that was probably because she didn’t care. All she was focused on was what hooked her in the first place, protecting her people and gathering lightning.

The first thing Marie did after she was given her own ship was take a trip to the surface of the planet. She had read books about myths of the surface, but that didn’t suffice. She wanted to go down and see exactly what was beneath the life in the sky.

About a year later, Marie returned, but she filled no one in on what she found down there. Although her personality didn’t change, it was clear to see that something had happened that changed Marie’s very soul.
Weapons: Zetsumei (obtained during Marie’s research of the surface world): At Marie’s will, the sword can change from its regular state into a whip sword.
Mythic Power(s): (Developed during Marie’s research of the surface world) She can create barriers and can control her sword with her mind, that’s about it.
Physical Power(s): N/A
Other: Cake is Marie’s ultimate weakness. One whiff of its sweetness and she goes into a trance.
Appearance: Isis
-Height: 4’10”
-Hair Color and Style: Silver/straight
-Eye Color: Dark blue
Ship/Vessel Name: Zetsumei
Ship/Vessel Appearance: Zetsumei

•°o.O O.o°•

Username: Toxias
Name: Yonaki Azuthan (Yo-nah-key Ah-zooth-ahn)
Nickname: Yonaki
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Assumed to be PureBlooded, but no one is sure, especially because of his mythic powers and the powers of his sisters.
Orientation: Straight
Allegiance: Lightning Guard
Ship/Vessel Served on: Storm
Job: Fighter/Tracker
Personality: People often describe Yonaki as the perfect fighter, the example Lightning Guard. He’s quiet, and listens to orders well, patient with those who try to provoke him, kind to the citizens he protects. Yonaki prefers to be alone, though that doesn’t usually happen. He’s generally a somewhat distant person, though not harsh. He can joke, usually in his softer style, with the people on the crew he is in. Yonaki drinks little, and always tries to be the one who remains sober. He may find it amusing when his crewmates get drunk and have to be saved from staggering over board. Yonaki defends his honor and the honor of his friends well, and will easily take up a challenge, but he’s reasonable. Sometimes Yonaki is struck with a little sorrow, though it rarely shows but it his eyes. However, when it comes to Strikers, Yonaki makes a 180 degree change. He wants to see their blood spilling into the sky to stain the waters and the clouds, vengeance for his past.
Bio: Yonaki was born with a twin sister, she being the older. They were born into a good family, middle class. Yonaki’s father was a blacksmith and his mother a minor seamstress. Yonaki spent hours upon hours sparring with his sister, using crude practice blades that his father made during his spare time. Yonaki’s older sister was superb at crossing blades, but Yonaki expanded his experience of weapons, learning from his father and the other blacksmiths.

When Yonaki was 8, his little sister was born, and both he and his older sister doted heavily on her. They loved her dearly.

Both Yonaki and his sister were admitted into the Academy at age 14 to train as lightning guards, as most children did. They were top students there, already knowing how to use weapons. The other students found them generally very kind, they offered to tutor whenever they had time on their hands. The Academy strengthened the already strong bond between Yonaki and his older sister.
As was tradition, at the age of 16, Yonaki and his sister were placed onto trade ships to strengthen the basic skills of flying. It was then that they learned to act separately from each other. Both of them were then transferred to Lightning Guard scout ships and soon advanced up the ranks of the Lightning Guard until they reached larger more battle ready ships. By this time, they were 18. Once in a while, they might end up on the same ship, and they happily were reminded of the older days.

Yonaki was 19, serving on a separate ship than his older sister, but working on a similar mission. Suddenly a group of Strikers, both Dawn and Dusk, working in unison for once, descended on his sister’s ship. Their mount’s claws and talons tore at the wings and gas cells of the airship, sending it spiraling downwards towards the lightning laced clouds. Yonaki’s last glimpse was of a flaming airship and a desperate cry somehow reached his ears. He hasn’t forgotten that cry for all of his life. It was one word, in a beautiful voice he’s never forget, but it was laced with such anguish and panic, Yonaki couldn’t really be sure. It was his sister, crying out his name. It tore Yonaki’s heart that he could not save her. The ship that Yonaki served on was by then ready for the Strikers and drove them off. When they docked with a limping ship, Yonaki quit the lightning guard for a while.

The memories never left him, and for one whole year he stayed with his parents, grieving together and watching his little sister, 11 at the time, adore him. Yonaki made a fierce promise that he would not ever let her enter the Lightning Guards. His parents did not say anything, but didn’t resist as Yonaki left to reenter the Lightning Guard at the age of 20. He’s served the Guard for 4 consecutive years now, and 7 altogether.
Weapons: A simple sword by the name of Lathia, shown in the picture. It complements Yonaki’s power of energy manipulation. A small pouch, with shurikans and throwing knives, as well as some small glass orbs that have varied effects, hangs from the back of his waist. A hunting knife is strapped to his leg.
Mythic Power(s): Energy Manipulation. It is used better with touch, but Yonaki can use it at a distance as well.
Physical Power(s): Yonaki is fairly skilled in all weapons, though he prefers Lathia. His sense of smell surpasses most others, making him an exceptional tracker.
Other: Yonaki wears a pendant, a gift from his little sister. It has magical properties, but Yonaki’s not quite sure what it does.
Appearance: As below, armor included
-Height: 6” 4
-Weight: 130
-Hair Color and Style: Blond with very few streaks of brown. Kept in casual disarray
-Eye Color: Burning Gold
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•°o.O O.o°•

Username: Suki Whiteangel
Name: Hala Latif
Nickname: Kitten
Age: unknown, looks around 11 but it's hard to tell if it's her real form
Gender: female
Race: cat demon
Orientation: unknown
Allegiance: Lightning Guard
Ship/Vessel Served on: unemployed, due to age
Job: unofficial information gatherer
Personality: Hala is a bright and lively girl with a mischievous streak. Better check your pockets after dealing with her, or her sticky fingers might get away with something. Her curiosity is great, and she would use any tricks to find out what she wants. Something she doesn't comprehend the danger or trouble that she's in. She has not realized the true meaning of of a person's status so far. She has a shy side from her initial fright, and feel scared when left alone. Sometimes, and rarely, Hala can show that she is insightful in things that people had missed, it may be proof that she is older then she seems.
Bio: Hala is a full demon, and she was no originally born in this world. Her past before she came to this world is kept a secret in which only she knows about. Hala was brought here by a fluke, when some novice decided to tamper in trying to summon a demon. As a result, Hala was trapped in this world with no way back home, but being stuck in an unknown world wasn't the worst of it for her.

Naive and young, Hala was easily tricked into a freakshow. Scared out of her mind by the human's horrible treatment of her, she tried miserably to escaped. It was like an eternity of endless torture for her, as they beat her when she was misbehaving, and made her skip meals. The people beyond the cage always laughed and insulted her. Sometimes they've even threw things at her. One day as she was at the end of her rope, her eyes caught something. So small that it slipped beyond the thin bars of her cage so easily, a small fly flew about the cages. Her eyes narrowed, and focused on it. She only had the energy to change into a fly for a short time.

Flying from her cage, and off the ship that they were transporting on she kept flying far as possible. As the last bit of her energy gave out, she changed back to a girl,and fell. Luckily there was a Lightening vessel nearby. They helped her with her recovery, in such a way that she was grateful. The crew had been the first that had ever treated her nicely. After she had always tried to get into the Lightening guards. She succeeded, but no one would accept a child on board the ship. Even if she had told them that she's looked the same ever since she came to this world.

Weapons: Scythe, the size of the scythe is tiny when it isn't in use which makes it so even her cat form can carry it, it turns full size when she decides to use it
Mythic Power(s):
-mimic: The ability to change her form and voice exactly like someone else, as long as she have seen and heard the person.
-Copy cat: the ability to copy the ability of another person, let it be magic or a skill. There are exceptions to this skill...
-Shapeshifting : the ability is like mimic, but it let her change her body or body parts into that of an animal and can be used without having the creature in sight. Most of the time she uses it to keep in her cat form. She also shape shift so she'd have a difference appearance in human form, but she retain her natural colorings. Nothing other then appearance changes when she does that.
Physical Power(s):
-Smell: she could tell by scent what you are essentially in race, and she has a very sensitive nose
-mimic / shapeshift: She takes on the physical characteristic of those she become.
-Normal: Her normal physical powers are much like that of a cat's, like she has cat-like reflexes. Her jumping ability and speed are far from human. She can also see better in the dark.
Other: She cannot be healed by light magic, it will burn her since she's a demon. If she ever change into an object, it will likely be the same result as if she died. An object has no mind, so she would no be able to change back and will be forever stuck. She is skilled in pickpocket and lock picking, things that help satisfy her curiosity. She is often found holding her beloved stuff toy cat.
Appearance: http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a29/Still_light/1137964935_zillaStuff.jpg
-Height: 3"8'
-Weight: 70lbs
-Hair Color and Style: Short in the back, long in the front, pale blond
-Eye Color: redish brown

•°o.O O.o°•

Username: AmuroMezuki
Name: Caris Phirias
Birthname: Sawada Tsunayoshi
Nickname: Aris
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Orientation: Straight
Allegiance: Lightning Guard
Ship/Vessel Served on: Unemployed
Job: Mechanic
Personality: Caris is an outgoing person who loves to have fun, though he does have his limits as to how far he is willing to go for a little bit of fun. He tends to hide his true feelings from people and because of that there is always something or the other on his mind, however he is an easy person to read. Talkative and shy. Although that may seem contradictory, he is sometimes shy around new people, despite his outgoing nature, however once he begins talking it is very hard to get him to stop, even if he doesn't know what he's saying. Caris likes to involve people, and talking is the best way to involve someone in something. Though he knows it tends to get him into quite a bit of trouble at times. Some say that he is more mature than most people for his age and he has a outstanding sense of justice.

Nervous around girls to a point where he stutters, though he can still manage to hold a conversation with them. Since Caris tends to hide his emotions a lot, but has slowly grown out of that habit; the best way to figure out how he is feeling is simple to look into his eyes. Though he may try to physically hide it, for some reason he can't seem to show a different face completely, and so the sadness or worry may show in his eyes despite the brave front. Will do anything to protect the people he cares about.
Bio: A mechanic from birth, this child has always had a strange love for technology, something uncommon in children in this day and age.

Caris Phirias was born as Sawada Tsunayoshi, however, as a way to try and conceal him from who he was, he changed his name to Caris Phirias. Since Tsunayoshi was a child, he has always had a strange power, which is barely visible to the human eye. That power, is the power of the Shinu ki flame. Though that power was very mild as a child and hardly even visible, it was still there. The only person to ever recognize this power, was his father, Lemitsu Sawada. Growing up he lived a normal life in a middle class family. Nothing out of the ordinary, no causes for concern, and definitely nothing that would cause him to awaken his powers. Things were just normal with him, he was just your average human. That is, until the day his powers awakened.

It was a normal day like any other, when the sky randomly and very suspiciously began to grow dark. Tsunayoshi, who had no knowledge of his powers, as well as Yamamoto Takeshi, a friend of his, ended up fighting another young man. This young man knew of his own powers; the power to create illusions. After being beaten down by this young man, there was a strange shadow along the wall in the shape of a human. Whoever this was had a gift for the child Tsuna, the X Gloves and the sky ring, which he put on immediately. This was not enough to awaken the powers he held within though, and instead he was using them as if they were boxing gloves. It was only when Yamamoto was about to be killed died his powers awaken. A strange crystal style flame which flowed from the X Gloves.

Since that day, Tsunayoshi, better known as Caris, has trained to master hose gloves and the power of the flames which flow from those gloves in hopes of being able to protect his friends and loved ones should the time ever arise again. Later in the story he abandons the Shinuki Flame and the Version Vongola X Gloves as a way to escape who he is.

Weapons: Version Vongola X Gloves: A set of gloves which can burn with the power of his element, which is fire. The left glove uses a barely visible soft flame, which can be uses to control himself during flight, as well as offer support to the much more powerful crystal flame. The left glove can alternate between soft and hard flames. The right glove uses only the hard version of his flames, also known as the crystal flame. The right glove is often used for situations where general raw power is needed.
Mythic Power(s):
+Shinu ki Flame (Dying Will Flame): A mystical flame which resides in the center of forehead and can only be awakened by using the X Gloves. When awakened, the flame stays on his forehead until the flame dies out do to fatigue, or because the user no longer has a need for it.
+Shinu ki (Dying Will): A mode which removes all external limiters and boundaries from the user, allowing him to recover from damage at amazing speed during battle and Also gradually heightens physical strength. The duration of this technique is five minutes.
+Kogota Shinu ki (Rebuke Dying Will): A heightened form of Shinu ki. In this version of Shinu ki, rather than removing the external limiters and increasing the physical strength of the user; instead the Kogota Shinu ki removes the internal limiters of the user and draws out a persons calm fighting spirit by increasing awareness and allowing the user to see through illusions. While the original Shinu ki is harmless, the Kogota shinu ki will cause recoil damage to the user when the Shinu ki flames disappears, which most times is after battle, unless symptoms such as fatigue causes the flame to disperse early. Unlike the shinu ki, this technique has no time limit.
+Zero chiten toppa (Zero Point Breakthrough): With this technique the user can extinguish and freeze objects or flames of others.
+X Burner: Using the hard crystal flames created from the Version Vongola X Gloves to shot power flame beams at his opponent.
Physical Power(s):
+Hyper Intuition: Allows the user to see through illusions and distractions. Awareness of one's own combat abilities increases.
Other: Does not like to fight unless it is necessary. Also, without using the Version Vongola X Gloves, Tsunayoshi is unable to fight at all. Tsunayoshi carries the sky ring with him. In short, it is a ring with allows him to awaken his Shinu ki.
Appearance: Caris Phirias
-Height: 5'5
-Weight: 123lbs
-Hair Color and Style: Naturally his hair is brown and is rather spiky, however later he changes his hair to blonde and makes a single braid in his long hair.
-Eye Color: Naturally light brown, except when using the Shinu ki Flame, in which case his eyes glow a mild orange.

•°o.O O.o°•

Username: IsuzuSouma
Name: Rikku Gael
Nickname: Rik
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Nymph
Orientation: Straight; Captain Tenma
Allegiance: Lightning Guard
Ship/Vessel Served on: Storm
Job: Marksman/Fighter
Personality: Rikku is bright and bubbily. She always seems to light up a room when she walks in. She's kind of the opposite of Yonkai...who is more 'responsible/calm' than she is. Rikku is a ditz most of the time but she gets depressed easily. She's a very sweet person but knows how to act serious when needed. But overall...she LOVES to be cheery and bring smiles to peoples faces! Don't underestimate her though. She is quite devious at times and deadly.
Bio: Rikku and her family moved to Numeria when she was a still a baby. When Rikku was a little girl, her twin brother accidentally hit her with lightening. She's been afraid ever since. It's kind of ironic that she would be working on a Lightening Guard Ship. Rikku was forced to join by her father who considered her fear very embarrassing. However, the real reason her father put her into the gaurd was the take the place of her twin Brock. Her brother was suppose to take over the family business and Rikku could be spared. Rikku has been disguised as a boy on the Storm for a while now. Yonkai is probably the only one who knows she is a woman.
Weapons: Her gun of course! Rikku likes to assemble things so she can make bombs and other things that she carries around with her.
Mythic Power(s): Hiraigan (Lighting Eye) gives the user the ability to control mass amounts of electricity. They can create it and send it through their bodies unharmed. The Hiraigan is a very strange bloodline that isn't really well known so all that it does still remains a secret. However...a person who possesses the Hiraigan have spiral-shaped pupils.
Physical Power(s): Rikku is abnormally strong.
Other: She has severe Astraphobia (Fear of lighting) and is afraid of what she really can do.
Appearance: User Image
-Height: 5'6
-Weight: 110 lbs
-Hair Color and Style: Blonde
-Eye Color: Lime Green


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Username: Sigma the Red
Name: Eli Richter
Nickname: N/A
Age: 29
Gender: male
Race: Human
Orientation: straight
Allegiance: Wind Raider
Job: Commodore
Personality: Oddly enough for a commmodore, and a pirate commodore at that, Eli is a very relaxed person, almost seeming to the point of laziness. But in reality, the Wind Raider simply takes everything, good and bad, in stride, with a charismatic smile and a level head. But do not be fooled into thinking he is complacent. Eli becomes very fierce when the intrests of his crew and enterprises come under fire and will defend them tooth and nail. Not often the kind to shoot-first-ask-questions-later, Eli can often convice those he's robbing to simply lay down their weapons and walk away, and make him a snadwich while their at it, though he is not above using violence to acheive his goals.
Bio: Originally part of the Lightning Guard, Eli found himself bored with the tight-fisted rules and regulations of the organization. Also not a fan of the common Striker attacks as well as the anger of the people he often came into contact with, Eli one day gathered a group of like-minded Lightning Guardsmen, stole one of their ships and began life as a Wind Raider. Eventually he found himself betrayed by the same crew he had raised, who had taken whole-heartedly to their lives and mutinited, leaving their captain for dead among the Dusk Strikers. For the next year, Eli reccuperated, resuming his Raider endeavors alongside Dusk Strikers. Many years later, upon reaching the rank of commodore, Eli exacted his own payback on his former crew, turning them all back into the hands of the Lightning Guard they left. Though excluding Dusk Strikers from his activites of pillage and plunder (for the most part), Eli openly harrasses the Lightning Guard.
Weapons: Eli uses two swords, though ususlly one at a time. One is just an average cutlass with a little extra length. The other is his prized trophy of theft. Stolen from a Sky Lord and suprisingly easy to use, Eli weilds a scimitar-like sword that can manipulate winds, either using them to bolster an attack or keep enemies at bay, Eli continually finds new applications for it.
Mythic Power(s): None
Physical Power(s): Outside of being an expert theif, Eli is fairly normal.
Other: Eli is a bit of a skirt chaser
Appearance:Eli cuts an imposing figure, standing at a towering 6"9 and with long limbs to match. Though not burly like some might expect, Eli's sinewy build may suggest that he's be a gymnast or some other form of athlete as may his dexterity on deck. Sharp features, dark brown (often mistaken for black) eyes and pale skin may also imply that Eli is vampiric in some manners, though this is simply the result of operting mostly under the Cloudbank. Bright red hair however, stands out atop his head, often slicked back to keep it out of his face. With such angular features nand slim build, Eli cuts the perfect image of "predator".
-Hair Color and Style:
-Eye Color:
Ship/Vessel Name: Sidewinder
Ship/Vessel Apperance: (Optional)

•°o.O O.o°•

Username: Kaiser Rasarai
Name: Mordeth Apocryphia
Nickname: “Walking Death”
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown (For now)
Orientation: Straight
Allegiance: Wind Raider
Ship/Vessel Served on: Unemployed
Job: Assassin
Personality: Mordeth is an entity of pure evil. He enjoys to torture and kill anyone that crosses his path. Mordeth may seem like a polite fellow but once you lower your guard this assassin will exploit that weakness to his advantage. He is a friendly individual but many people can instantly feel the malevolence radiating from him. Truth be told it doesn’t matter to Mordeth which faction he sticks with. As long as there is someone to kill at the end.
Bio: Mordeth originally was aligned with the Sky Lords. During his life Mordeth spent most of his time killing many of his enemies. It can be said that the amount of people he has killed easily tops well over a hundred. As a young man Mordeth was involved in a series of experiments to create the perfect soldier. The Sky Lords were obsessed with creating the most powerful weapon in order to win the war against the Strikers. Hence his village was subject to experimentation and in the end only Mordeth survived, he was technically a success in achieving super human abilities. But because of the experimentation he became mentally unstable and became a monster in the process.

Not wanting to waste a weapon they had created Mordeth was used immediately in combat. His sheer killing ability was greater than one full Sky Lord ship. His super human abilities like his speed and strength were important factors, but his special skill of creating weapons out of his blood was what set him apart. The man could create blades, from scalpels to his dreaded lance. And with his super human abilities Mordeth was a dangerous foe. Both strikers and wind raiders hated this man. But the Sky Lords were the ones that feared him the most. He was a weapon but an uncontrollable one.

Around the time when Tenma ascended to super human status Mordeth had decided to switch sides. He realized that the Sky Lords were responsible for everything he was feeling. The hatred, the rage, the sheer desire to kill. It was then that Mordeth switched to the Wind Raiders. Their philosophy to kill and pillage everything around them suited his style more. Of course the Sky Lords tried to dispose of him but every ship they sent against Mordeth was easily destroyed. Mordeth was a powerful individual. He easily disposed of everything they sent against him…everything except Tenma.

In a battle that shook the heavens themselves Mordeth and Tenma did battle aboard the Commodores first vessel. The two super humans fought with everything they had. In the end through luck Tenma won the battle and seriously damaged Mordeth. The Wind Raiders reclaimed his broken body and began the long ardous task of remaking Mordeth. After what seemed years of rehabilitation Mordeth returned to fighting form. And his first task was to kill Tenma and the Sky Lords. But in truth he just wanted to kill more and more people. Mordeth wanted to kill everyone. And from the rehabilitation Mordeth soon realized he was not your average super human, he was something else altogether. Though at this stage he did not know what he was Mordeth continued his path of pure murder. He would deal with what he was later on.
Weapons: Mordeth uses his blood as his weapon, he can create any kind of weapon with it. From scalpels, swords, axes and lances. Though the larger the weapon the slower he becomes.
Mythic Power(s): His super human abilities and super human regeneration power.
Physical Power(s): Super human strength and speed
Other: None
Appearance: Mordeth is a thin individual with very pale skin. He is actually very pretty and can easily attract any woman he chooses, he often does this to lure his victims in. He wears a white collared shirt with a tie and a vest, and then on top of that a trenchcoat and black pants. He also wears white gloves. Atop his head he dons a wide brimmed hat. He looks very formal and very pretty. Mordeth often glides around due to his super human agility. It often appears he is dancing when he moves. He is the epitome of style and grace. Easily matching an elf with his beauty and grace Mordeth is a very beautiful person. Mordeth often holds the front of his hat down to hide the top half of his face. But those who actually sees his eyes they would see that the assassin was death incarnate. When one looks into his eyes they see nothing but oblivion.
-Height: 5’9
-Weight: 130 pounds
-Hair Color and Style: His hair is black and shoulder length, and very straight.
-Eye Color: Black, his entire eye is black. He has no pupils.


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.:White List:.

.:Gray List:.

.:Black List:.


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.:May 20, 2009:.
Roleplay started

.:May 21, 2009:.
Roleplay completed

.:May 25, 2009:.
Roleplay opened

.:May 25, 2009:.
OCC and Recruitment thread opened

.:June 10, 2009:.
First event created

.:July 13, 2009:.
Banner Created

[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/barton-town/when-the-sky-is-torn-fantasy-literate-o-a/t.50093979_1/?sequence=1][IMG]http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z134/Simpleonly000234/sky torn/whentheskyistornbanner.jpg[/IMG][/url]

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.:July 21, 2009:.
Out of being bored, a second banner arises!


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.:July 24, 2009:.
Kaiser Rasarai writes a piece based off of this roleplay ^^


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PM me if you want to place your RP here, but please as a courtesy place this one in your RPs as well.

OCC and Recruitment thread

Oil Leak (Fantasy/War)

Dragon Tamers (Elemental, Dragon-rider)

Against My Nature (Guardian Angel)

The Shifters War: Rebirth of the Rebellion (Modern Fantasy)

Civil War-Not So Civil After All (A Medieval Fantasy all races)
Ekimal Tsan


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That this is a summary of events, and though long, is much easier to read if you want a quick idea of what's going on

...that Captain Tenma of the Storm and his crew are having a wild picnic on thier ship while on unauthorized scouting duty...

...that Arianne, Dawn Striker has encountered Suki while delivering a message for a friend. Suki agreed to escort the Dawn Striker in and out of Dusk Striker territory...

...that Isis, Dawn Striker has had an important dream and brought it to Osiris's attention...

...that Isis and Osiris have made a plan to investigate Isis's dream...

...that Arianne and Suki have run into a storm and spotted the Lightning Guard ship 'Storm' as it is out to collect lightning...

...that Katana, Commodore of the Wind Raiders has come across 'Storm' and fights with Tenma...

...that Tenma is enraged enough to activate his rage form, but Katana returns to Wind Raider base before Tenma can get to him. Meanwhile, Yonaki (one of Tenma's crew) was on the crows mast when the mast fell, trapping him underneath...

...that Commodore Katana orders Ying, Wind Raider, Captain of 'Jassinaries' Blood' to find Mikeala, Wind Raider, Captain of 'Myst'...

...that Osiris and Isis carry out thier plan, with Osiris pretending to attack Isis in order to get her onto 'Storm'...

...that Suki decided to go see what's going on with Osiris and Isis while Tenma orders his crew to rescue Isis...

...that Isis and Suki land saftly on 'Storm' and Captain Tenma is overwhelmed by having two beautiful women on his ship and goes slightly crazy...

...that Isis offers her healing expertise to Captain Tenma's crew and begins to flirt with Tenma as the plan dictates...

...that Arianne confronts Osiris after seeing him pretend to attack Isis in order to get her onto 'Storm'...

...that Damian, Captain of the 'S.S Imperial' confronts Captain Tenma on why he has two Strikers abord his ship. Captain Tenma is not fond of Captain Damian, and begins ranting at him as he thinks that Captain Damian is after Suki and Isis...

...that Suki, unhappy that she needs to pretend to be a prisoner in order to escape Captain Damian's wrath, creates a diversion and jumps ship...

...that while looking for Captain Mikaela, Captain Ying comes upon the scene involving Captain Damian, Captain Tenma, Isis, and Suki...

...that Captain Damian begins to fight with Suki, then strikes a deal with her. Suki will help Captain Damian in finding out who damaged 'Storm' in exchange for allowing her to see the workings of a Lightning Guard ship...

...among the commotion, Isis slips away from 'storm'...

...that Captain Tenma allows Captain Ying to pass unharmed in exchange for her help in passing along a message to Commodore Katana...

...that Yukish appears among the commotion, but falls off of his mount. Isis catches him and npc Dawn Strikers catch his mount...

...that Isis it outraged by the npc Dawn Striker's actions in capturing a 'fellow dawn striker's' mount. However, Yukish takes matters into his own hands and dives onto the npc's mount to start a fight. Suki grabs Yukish just as he is about to hit the water...

...that Captain Tenma withdraws from the commotion and Yonaki finally gets out from underneath the tangle of sails. 'Storm' arrives in a port town on the Salaran plate...

...that Isis and Suki declare a truce after rescuing Yukish. Osiris joins them and demands to know what is going on...

...that Dream of the 'S.S Imperial' meets Shi, leader of the Dusk Strikers while out looking for building material...

...that Captain Mikaela returns to the Wind Raider base and that Captain Ying meets her there, drawing attention to the pair, then becoming the targets of some bounty hunters...

...that Hala meets Sawada (both unempolyed Sky lords) after she steals from two drunk men that return for revenge on the young girl. Hala and Sawade defeat the two men, then go to a restaurant to talk...

...that Osiris and Isis leave, allowing Suki to take Yukish. Back on Lonta, Isis confesses her love to Osiris. Osiris responds badly, taken by suprise and Isis runs off...

...that Tristin, Osiris's second in command talks to Osiris about "lady troubles"...

...that Nenya, former captain on a Dusk Striker fighting unit find out she is promoted to Leader after Shi disappears...

...that Nenya goes over to speak to Osiris and Tristin, whom has just arrived at the Striker games...

...that Osiris leaves to go speak to Isis, who forcefully rejects him...

...that Captain Tenma crashes the Striker games. He then jumps ship to confess his love to Isis, who is rather horrified. Yonaki attempts to talk reason into Captain Tenma...

...that Nenya pairs up with Artemis, Dusk Striker, to fight off the Lighting Guards...

...that Nenya and Artemis, finished with thier fight, go down to see what's going on. Yonaki catches sight of Nenya, and realizes she is the sister he lost several years ago...

...that given a choice, Isis choses Osiris instead of Tenma, basically ending that conflict...

...that Tristin enjoys wathcing the conflict unfolding and begins to hit on Artemis, though realizing that this is the women he could see himself settling down with...

...that Nenya pretends not to remember Yonaki. Yonaki and Captain Tenma leave, Nenya and Artemis leave...

...that Rikku confesses her love to Captain Tenma, but Captain Tenma is too preoccupied with the arrival of Commodore Erebus to fully notice...

...that Isis is still angry with Osiris and leaves...

...that Mordeth, a deadly Wind Raider, murders an entire crew of a Wind Raider ship after they mock him and refuse to hand over control of the ship. Mordeth is currently looking for a new ship to board...

...that Artemis comes upon Tristin still on the game area, playing the violin as is his tradition...

...that looking for the other full celestial being, Commodore Erebus inquires about Artemis. Captain Tenma thinks that his commodore is skirt-chasing. Both commodore and captain discover Captain Marie, who landed in 'Storm''s crow's nest to see what the all the commotion was about...

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