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The RP is BACK! (New Home) Always finish what you start?

Nay! I'll not have anythin' to do with Undead RP threads! >.> 0.2 20.0% [ 6 ]
Aye! Zombie threads are a good time! ^_^ 0.7 70.0% [ 21 ]
ARRGH!!! I'm only here for the treasure! (pollwhore/gold) 0.1 10.0% [ 3 ]
Total Votes:[ 30 ]
1 2 3 ... 18 19 20 >


In another world ~

Medieval Times: The dawn of the century....

There was once a small group of pirates known as, The Black Rogues. It was said that they were the best, most feared of all the sea: An elite group of cunning warriors and pirates, among other things. They were known to seize and attack valuable war ships, and steal their valuables. They were so wealthy that they even occasionally donated their riches to the poor. Because they were such a problem to the Empire, a high price was put on their heads. It was not out of the ordinary for bounty hunters, as well as rival Pirates to seek them out and attempt to collect.

While at sea on another one of their many adventures, they had just seized yet another Imperial Warship. In the midst of the take over and subsequent looting, they stumbled upon an ancient map that told of the location of a lost city called Altheo.

User Image

According to the captain of the warship, Altheo was an ancient, lost city of the Gods that they had been seeking. The city is said to be made entirely out of solid gold, containing endless amount of treasures, as well as the legendary Fountain of Life - said to give all who drink eternal life. After the Black Rogues had finished looting the vessel, taking prisoners, and executing the rest of the crew... they decided to seek out this lost city for themselves. They returned to their secret island hideout where they would rest upon land for the first time in many moons. Then they would set sail for their greatest adventure yet....


(((This section is for newcomers who want to jump in, but don't want to read through everything to catch up.)))

Updated 11/15/07:
The Black Rogues set anchor at their Secret Island Hideout, Rogue Island. They had a meeting regarding the map of Altheo that they retrieved from the Imperial ship that they had seized. It turned out that Altheo lies on the other side of The Dark Rift. The Dark Rift is known as the 'edge' of the world. It is an area of unimaginably harsh weather conditions, wind, and sea levels. Nobody who has ever traveled through the Rift has returned to tell the tale. The Rogues learned that the Imperial ship that they had taken over was a prototype with a reinforced inner hull that was designed specifically to pass through the Dark Rift. So the Engineers/Carpenters disassembled the hull and transported it to the Black Rogue's ship, The Albatross. They did this to avoid the Empire's detection, as the Empire is now searching for their stolen prototype. The Rogues have just set sail on the Voyage of Altheo, but they have already run into trouble. A rival pirate ship is preparing to attack them....

Updated 11/18/07: The rival pirate ship attacked, and attempted to seize the Albatross. A vicious battle ensued, which turned in favor of the Black Rogues when a cannon ball from the Albatross had perfectly collided and entered one of the Revenge's cannons just as it was setting off. The resulting explosion damaged the rival pirate ship enough to sink it after a few more cannon rounds. This left Captain Zar'oc and his crew considerably outnumbered and outgunned. Zar'oc and his first mate, Scar were then captured and interrogated by the Rogues. Zar'oc claims that he is the biological father of Koga; a young musician aboard the Albatross. This claim is largely speculated among the crew. The Rogues will now have a meeting to decide their fate....

Updated 11/19/07: The Rogues took a unanimous vote on the fate of Zar'oc and Scar. The judgement was decided to spare their lives, and keep them aboard the ship as slaves. Meanwhile, the Empire had discovered the Rogue's secret island in the midst of their pursuit for the mysterious Phoenix Stone, which the Rogues had mistaken for another insignificant piece of treasure that they had recovered from the prototype Imperial Warship. They had left it in a secret storage room on their island along with other miscellaneous treasures. The Empire retrieved the stone after killing every last pirate who inhabited the land, and leaving Rogue Island in ruins. The Black Rogues are completely unaware that their Island has been destroyed....

Updated 11/21/07: Many days and nights passed as the Black Rogues sailed on to their destination. They have now reached the island of Caballa, a sand laden desert land. They are porting there, in the city of Nasr - a beautiful, palace filled city with a flourishing economy. It is one of the major trade cities of the world. The Rogues plan to restock on much needed supplies before they begin their voyage through the Dark Rift....

Updated: 11/23/07: The Rogues went about the town shopping, as well as collecting the needed supplies for inventory. Iriya; a prisoner aboard the ship, escaped the Albatross and kidnapped the Captain in the midst of his drunken stupor through the city. She took the Captain to the Royal Palace, and brought him before the King in hopes to collect on the bounty. However, a meeting was already taking place between the Nasrian King, and Lord Galician. Negotiations between Galician and The King went awry when the King refused to give the Empire the mysterious Serpent Stone: An ancient treasure that the King had in his possession. After revealing to Gilder that he had destroyed Rogue Island, Galician murdered the King in cold blood and ordered his troops to attack Nasr, as well as retrieve the stone. Gilder and Iriya fought their way out of the palace, and sneaked away back to port. It was here that the Captain crossed paths again with the young Nataña; a dancer he had met at the Paradise Found bar earlier. He convinced her to join his crew and leave with them, seeing as her home was about to be destroyed. The battle is waging on, and cannon fire is thundering throughout the land as the Black Rogues are now preparing the Albatross for escape....

Updated: 11/28/07: The Black Rogues successfully escaped from Nasr, and continued their path to Altheo. A meeting was held in which the Captain informed the crew of what he knew of the Empire's plans, as well as the fate of their secret island hide-out. Many moons passed as the Black Rogues finally entered The Dark Rift. The Rift is consumed with an intense fog, which completely hinders visibility of anything more that ten feet away. It was smooth sailing until an incredibly strange, incredibly grotesque insect emerged from the fog. The creature emitted a terrible, high-pitched scream as it flew about the bridge. They finally managed to destroy the terrible creature, but this was just the beginning....

Updated: 12/01/07: The Albatross came upon a clearing of the fog in the Dark Rift. Inside the clearing was a graveyard of derelict, shipwrecked hulks which floating about lifelessly. One particular ship caught the Black Rogues eye, because of a glowing light radiating from inside. They boarded the ship to investigate, and discovered peculiar eel-like creatures with strange, telepathic-like powers. They projected vague images of a foreign land. Perhaps it was Altheo, and what was to come. The Albatross is now being boarded and attacked by monstrous sea creatures....

Updated: 12/05/07: In the midst of fighting off the monstrous sea creatures, the Black Rogue's ship was attacked by an enormous Sea Serpent. Asa and Demi devised a concoction of a sedative to destroy the grotesque creatures, so that the crew could battle the great serpent more efficiently. It was discovered that the creature had permeable, snail-like coverings in the slits of its gills and eye sockets. The Black Rogues fought the creature by tying pouches of salt to their harpoons, and piercing these sensitive areas of high-concentrated water. The process of Osmosis took effect, and killed the giant sea monster. Many more days and nights passed as the Black Rogues continued their voyage through the Dark Rift, fighting for their lives against extremely harsh weather conditions and hordes of different variations of grotesque, malevolent sea creatures all along the way....

Updated: 12/12/07: The Black Rogues crossed paths with a mysterious cloaked man paddling through the Dark Rift in a canoe. The man warned them that they were heading in the wrong direction out of the Dark Rift. A vote was taken, and the judgment was decided to follow the man. After reaching a certain point, the cloaked man revealed his true form to them. The Albatross was then surrounded by countless shipwrecked hulks filled with Zombie Pirates. The Zombies attacked the Albatross as the octopi-headed, cloaked man conjured up a spell to awaken an ancient sea god named Bahamut. An Imperial fleet then joined the battle, as they had been heading in roughly the same direction as the Black Rogues. As the sea god finally emerged from the waters, the Albatross collided and sailed straight through the creature's head. While inside its head, the god used his malevolent telepathy to put the crew in a dream-like state, manipulating their sub-consciousnesses, as well as making them re-live some of the most traumatizing memories of their pasts. The Albatross then punched through, and out the other side of the god's head. Bahamut then began pursuing the raging naval battle between the Zombie Pirates and the Empire, leaving the Albatross clear for an escape. The Black Rogues then finally became the first in recorded history to successfully sail through the Dark Rift, as they emerged into the sunlit sky on the other side....

Updated: 12/22/07: The Black Rogues came upon land in the form of a giant canyon. They "dropped anchor" by way of modifying the anchor to be shot from one of their cannons high up into the side of the canyon wall. The Black Rogues then climbed the canyon, only to be attacked by a clan of Orks watching over their territory. When the Black Rogues opened fire upon them with their pistols and rifles, the Orks fled in terror of "sorcery", and called upon their Shaman. The Shaman was "told by the spirits" that the Black Rogues quest was of dire importance, and that they should be allowed to pass through unharmed. The Shaman then lead the Black Rogues to the other side of the mountain's, to the nearby ocean of "Dramidj", and gave them directions to the nearby "Kingdom of Nyrond", before instructing them to seek out a man called Odin. The Black Rogues arrived at port by way of canoe. The Kingdom of Nyrond is filled with all sorts of strange humanoid races as well as humans. The Rogues are now staying at an Inn/Alehouse called The Cobra's Charm....

Updated: 1/21/08: The Black Rogues were struck with an unfortunate case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. The Nyrondian government was seeking out the Ork Pirate Clan known as the Green Guffs in order to bring them to justice for their piracy of the Queen's Jewelry. Though the Black Rogues had only just met the Green Guffs hours earlier while staying at the Inn/Alehouse, they were accused of guilt by association, and captured/tortured by the sadistic Commander Alexia (who had a secret agenda of her own: 'The Emblem' that the Green Guffs had found). They were then taken to "court" where they were found guilty, and sentenced to death by the decree of the Prime Leader Zanramon. His Queen then coaxed him into lowering their sentence to that of Prisoners/Gladiators of The Sport. She would use their claim that they had crossed from 'the edge' (Dark Rift) as a gimmick to promote them as out-worlders. They were then branded/tortured, and taken to the Nyrondian Colloseo Amphitheater. There they stayed, out of touch with the crew of the Albatross for many days and nights. While imprisoned there, Captain Bloc told them of the legend of the Emblem, as well as the Dragon Cave. Finally, it was their time to participate in their debut main event: The Summer Solstice Sports Event (commentary by Zed and Raz). They were put to a series of tests before going head-to-head with Nyrondian's All-Star Champion Team. One being a battle with gigantic mutant boars, and the other with a gargantuan worm-like creature known as the Tremork. After successfully passing the test challenges, The Black Rouges went on to battle the All-Star team. Though the Rogues were winning, Mora was tragically killed during the battle. There are now only three members remaining of the All-Star Team: Trolo, Zal, and RAM....


(((I've also added this in an attempt to give you more descriptive updates...)))
The Albatross

User Image

Crew and Job Positions:

Captain - Gilder Blackthorne

1st Mate - Roxanne Talls

Quarter Master - Mora

Boatswain - Iriya

Navigator/Helmsman - James
Positions available: 3

Surgeon (Medic) - Asa Marin, Demi Oberon (Part-time Cook)

Master Gunner - George "Gunny" Jones

Gunner - Devium Garanglin, Phoenix
Positions available: 3

Blacksmith - Tahlon Sordo

Carpenter/Engineer - Gene Hawking
Positions available: 3

Cook - Monica Larse
Positions available:2

Cooper - Positions available: 1

Musician/Entertainment - Koga, Melaina Fable
Positions available: 2

Dancer/Entertainment - Nataña Ancilla
Positions available: 3

Powder Monkey/Deckhand - Positions available: 6

Prisoner (Slave)- Zar'oc, Scar, Meibelle
Pretty self-explanatory: Jobs and tasks will be delegated to you.

Click here to read up on a few of the job descriptions.


Bounty Hunter: Whether mercenary for hire or employee of the Imperial Government, your job is to seek and capture The Black Rogues - Dead or Alive.

Rival Pirate Clan: Gather your own ship and crew, or just go it alone. Make a name for yourself by taking out The Black Rogues, or try to beat them to Altheo.

Gladiator: The Black Rogues are currently imprisoned in a amphitheater battle arena! Play the roll of a Gladiator warrior, and destroy the Black Rogues.

If you have any other ideas, feel free to lay 'em on me. 3nodding
Remember, you don't have to be a Black Rogue or any of the above.

2. Curse all you like. We are Pirates...
3. Romance is fine, just keep it PG-13; No cybering.
4. Do not kill anyone without their permission or consent.
5. Use (()) or [] for OOC conversation. Avoid purely OOC posts. Too many pages are being eaten up with it. I've added a subforum for strictly OOC.
6. Try to be at least semi-literate, and please try to avoid one-liner posts.
7. Feel free to add your own twists to the story. I enjoy it when everybody gets involved with the plot, and brings something of their own to it.
8. PM all profiles with this standard format (you are allowed more than one character):

Screen name:
Character name:
Race: (Human, Elf, Dwarf, etc.)
Job Title:
Appearance: (Picture/Avatar/Description)

The Black Rogues

Thee Stranger
User ImageScreen name: Thee Stranger
Character name: Gilder Blackthorne
Race: Human
Age: 22
Personality: Cool, calculated, and sometimes reckless - Gilder is a thrill seeker who constantly craves excitement and adventure. He is somewhat of a cynical person, and it can be very hard to gain his trust. At times, he can be very ruthless and sadistic. He also occasionally exhibits oversexed behavior. Women are a major weakness of his.
Weapons/Equipment: Dual Flintlock Pistols, Scimitar Sword, Sai, Monocular Scope, and a Pouch containing some miscellaneous equipment, as well as some various common medical remedies given to him by Asa and Demi.
Job Title: Captain
Bio: Gilder's father, Dine, founded The Black Rogues. He never knew his mother for she died in child birth. Gilder worked as a Navigator and Helmsman aboard the Albatross since he was a young child under Dine's watchful direction. His father passed on to him all of his knowledge and secrets before he passed away not long ago. Gilder knows nothing other than the life of a Pirate. Though he was elected as Captain upon his father's death, Gilder does not think of himself as such. He prefers having the entire Rogue crew vote on important decisions. He thinks of the Rogues as his family, and he trusts them with his life.

User ImageScreen name: sehuna / XxBroken_Hearted_982xX
Character name: Roxanne Talls
Race: Human
Personality: she is understanding and protective yet she is stern and will not tolerate those who are not loyal. she is hard to read and loves her ship.
Weapons/Equipment: a sword and a pistol.
Job Title: 1st Mate
Bio: Roxanne was born on ship, grew up on a ship, lives on a ship and plans to die on a ship. She was her father's only child and never really knew her mother. she had the choice to either live with her mother on land, or with her dad on the ship. She followed the call of the sea and chose to live with her dad.
Other: She never really did know why she was chosen to be 1st Mate, it just happened. she accepted the responsibility and wouldn't trade it for the world.

User ImageScreen name: Fallen_Angel_Kimiko
Character name: Mora
Race: human/demon
Personality: Firey and sharp, loyal as the sun is bright, fair, strong. A girl not to be underestimated
Weapons/Equipment: cutlass and pistol
Job Title: Quartermaster
Bio: Mora has only known a life of piracy, she was raised on the docks of pirate pirts and often on pirate vessels hence her ascension to the rank of Quartermaster. A lot about Mora is unknown, even to her.


Killed by a Gladiator that she slayed simultaneously in the Nyrondian Colosseo Arena.

Rue Tskino
User ImageScreen name: Rue Tskino
Character name: Iriya
Race: Neko
Age: 19
Personality: She is mostly collected when it comes to her work. She does not like to be told what to do and she likes to do things her own way. She can be nice to her friends but she tends not too talk to much. She doesn't like getting attached to something because of her job.
Weapons/Equipment: Kodachi, duel daggers. Kunai
Job Title: Former Bounty Hunter.... was captured, and is now a Prisoner x3 -- Recently promoted to Boatswain.
Bio: unknown because she likes to keep it secret so it cannot be used against her.
Other: N/A

User ImageScreen name: Yo-It--=Shad=-
Character name: James. Family name, lost. But would much rather be called Jay or anything else aside from James.
Race: Questionable, some would say.
Personality: Easy going as the waters in a lake during a clear day. He let many things pass by such as betrayal, hatred, and death as though they were just the salt in the water. Pesky things that should be avoided when in the water.
Weapons/Equipment: Two pistols half on his right side, a few daggers here and there, and either an axe or a cutlass. Whichever is available to him.
Job Title: Navigator.
Bio: A stowaway from a ship that had been pillaged, it took the crew to realize that there was one head too many on the crew. He was only saved by his skills in reading maps and predicting the weather rather accurately. He always seems to be up to mischief with his sly smile, and it was true. He was usually pulling tricks on other crew members except for one.
Other: His reasoning is rather odd because his line of thought is more like a birds. Scattered brained. Which often leads him to do one thing and walk off to do another. Leaving a trail of unfinished jobs behind him.

User ImageScreen name: Meareign
Character name: Asa Marin
Race: Human
Age: 21
Personality: Bold, wise, knowledgeable, and logical on the surface, but gentle and sympathetic on a deeper level.
Weapons/Equipment: Ornate Longsword named Egil, surgical equipment. He also has a strange, jeweled, gold dagger that he purchased in Nasr, originally intended as a gift for Gilder. The dagger seems to have a horrifying curse on it that sucks the moisture from a wound it gives, and continues to do so until all the fluids are gone from the body (like mummification to a living body), and it may have further undiscovered properties. He hasn't yet given it to the captain, still intends to.
Job Title: Medic
Bio: Asa's father was a very wealthy merchant with the misfortune to cross pathes with the Albatross on a ship at sea not two years after the birth of his first son, Asa. His father's family was taken hostage on the ship imprisoned in the barracks for a number of months until at last they were accepted into the lower ranks of the crew. When Asa had survived his infantry on a pirate ship, a few of the mates started to take an interest in his endurance. As early as age 4, Asa began learning the ropes of the trade, but took a particular interest in the treatment of the shipmates that he saw performed by the surgeons and medics. At age 6, he was taken as an apprentice to one of the elder medical men on the ship's crew. After Asa's 15th birthday, his father died and his mother fled the pirate's life to one on land one day at port. Asa inherited his father's wealth (though he didn't use most of it except for attire and food) and lived on as a shipmate, very content with his position. His life was as a pirate.
Other: Asa has consciously been in the pirate business for nearly two decades now. He recently turned 21. Also, his usual outfit was custom made as a commission from an expensive tailor master a short time ago. The fabric is a special tough, thick fiber that can protect him from a typical arrow and has proved to stand up well against a whip.

User ImageScreen name: Desdemona13
Character name: Demi Oberon, aka Frost
Race: Dragon
Personality: Sometimes cold and distant, sometimes friendly and cheerful, her can mood change as often and as unexpectedly as the seas, though she is most often friendly and easy to get along with.
Weapons/Equipment: Twin sabers, carried strapped across her back, throwing knives and her surgeons kit
Job Title: Surgeon/sometimes cook
Bio: Demi was taken captive when the ship that she was aboard was ransacked and pillaged. Bold enough to demand parley and to taken to the captain, she agreed to come aboard the Albatross as a surgeon for the ship if they let her live, and she would tend to the pirates that she had injured in the fight first. Her bargain was agreed to, and Demi became the ships surgeon and sometimes cook.
Other: Demi can transform into a dragon, but tends to avoid doing it on the ship simply because she takes up so much room.
User Image

User ImageScreen name: Alaneo1 / PastMemories
Character name: George "Gunny" Jones
Race: Human
Age: 20
Personality: Short tempered, ruthless, but loyal.
Weapons/Equipment: Two custom forged swords, and two pistols.
Job Title: Master Gunner
Bio: Gunny was born in Venice, on the edge of the city. He grew up among ships and boats, as his father worked for the council, searching ships for contraband. Gunny was expected to follow his father, but ran away and stowed on board a ship leaving the harbor. He encountered the Black Rouges a few times over the years, his natural skill in cannons catching the captain's eye in his last battle against them.

User ImageScreen name: Zolis
Character name: Phoenix
Race: Human
Age: 17
Personality: Quiet and secretive
Weapons/Equipment: 2 pistol, 5 daggers, 1 sword
Job Title: Gunner
Bio: She joined the Black Rouges, because her old crew didn't want her around anymore. They said a woman pirate was just too weird for their tastes. Her gunning skills caught the captain's eye.


Killed by mutant crustaceans in the Dark Rift.

User ImageScreen name: DerangedEmo
Character name: Devium Garanglin
Race: Elf
Age: 19
Personality: Cruel to those that stand in her way, and a quite clever personality. Very manipulative and a little bit of a hot head.
Weapons/Equipment: Twin swords the carries on her hip holsters along with a pistol she keeps in her garter.
Job Title: Gunner
Bio: Devi was born into an elven village, raised by the elders after a war claimed the life of her parents. She didn't mind. Even though the elders did seeing as she was trouble...and lots of it.When she was 13 she left the secluded and protected village for the outside world. She went from town to town taking what she wanted and learning how to fight with swords and guns along the way. She was taken in by the Black Rogues just recently.

User ImageScreen name: Caleidah
Character name: Tahlon Sordo
Race: Human
Age: 23
Weapons/Equipment: He carries a long sabre (as seen in the picture) that his Grandfather forged and six Flintlock Daggers, worn three on each side of his chest in sheaths built into his vest. Also carries a specialized Blunderbuss outfitted with a special quick-reload system of his own design.
Job Title: Blacksmith
Bio: Blacksmithing families, in Tahlon's opinion, are amongst the best. His childhood was filled with memories of working in the forge room with his father, grandfather, and brothers, even though when he was small all that he was able to do was pump the bellows. All the same, he learned fast and by age ten was working the edges of swords and daggers to supply the sailors that left from their home city. Still, working in his home forge for his whole life was not to be his end, and he quickly joined onto an Imperial ship crew as their Smith. Their actions and treatment of him were enough for a quick escape to be planned and he stole a small ship, sailing off to the nearest pirate-controlled city. Hearing news of the Black Rogues and their adventures he left his small shop, becoming part of their crew and filling in the open space of Blacksmith.
Other: To the chagrin of his crew he obsesses over his own weapons and those of the people near him, sometimes taking a sword or gun from a comrade to mess with it for a moment or two.

VincentValintine LimitBrk
User ImageScreen name: VincentValintine LimitBrk
Character name: Gene Hawking
Race: Human
Age: 21
Personality: Gene is rather child like and more often than not he'll do whatever he wants to. He can be extremely loyal though it doesn't take much to earn his trust. The majority of the time he is fairly happy-go-lucky, but there are times where it is extremely easy to anger him and there can be times when the slightest thing can set him off.
Weapons/Equipment: Throwing Knives
Job Title: Engineer
Bio: Gene was born and raised in Nasr. He was fairly normal as a child and never quite grew out of that stage. When he was old enough he joined the guards and got trained for battle on land and sea. Other than his combat training while at sea he got trained on how to keep the ship from sinking and how to repair the ship without having to dock even though it is easier and the repairs last longer when done on land. Eventually he started to stand out and got sent on special missions. He was away on one when the Albatross docked at Nasr but before the ship got away he was able to hide in a barrel and get taken aboard.

User ImageScreen name: rose52177
Character name: Monica Larse
Race: Human
Age: 20
Personality: Though Monica has an air about her, suggesting she's better than everybody else, she is a rather bubbly person...unless you interrupt her while she's cooking. To her, sailing is the only thing real. She pities those that are earth bound.
Weapons/Equipment: Pistol; 3 daggers (hidden in her gloves)
Job Title: Cook
Bio: Monica used to be quite a bladesmaster, until a slip of her hand made it so she could never wield a sword again. Not being any use to her old crew, she found refuge on Albatross. With only a slight knowledge of cooking, Monica has made herself an expert chef.

User Image Screen name: Meareign
Character name: Nataña Ancilla
Race: Human
Age: 17
Personality: Flirtatious and outgoing but coy, playful and energetic, often some manner of content.
Weapons/Equipment: Absolutely nothing. A double-ended spear/mace given to her to fight with in the arena for The Sport. (p. 126 - of the Lost Chapters)
Job Title: Dancer/Entertainment
Bio: Nataña was a resident of the Persian island colony, Caballa. She was widowed a year after marriage at age 15 and worked as an entertainer for the two years following. Her introduction to piracy came when she was taken (more or less without a choice) aboard the Albatross by an insistent crew mate who had his mind set on her employment as the ship’s entertainment on the rough voyage soon to come.
Other: She does not drink without company.

User ImageScreen name: ImpatientVerin
Character name: Melaina Fable
Race: Shadow Demon
Age: Unknown, but appears to be 15
Personality: Although she is normally very quiet, she is happy none the less. She tends to be more talkative when with people she knows than strangers, but will talk with them if she needs to. As result of this, Melaina tends not to make friends very easily.
Weapons/Equipment: Her weapons include 2 pistols and daggers hidden in her cloths somewhere. She also uses a black metal staff with two diamonds on each end. The only equipment she needs is a piano of any type, or if no piano, then she uses her flute, although, she can play other instruments too.
Job Title: Musician
Bio: Melaina taught her self to play the piano and various other instruments, but she never intended on playing them on a pirate ship. She originally played for various, rich people who payed for her to play for them on various types of ships.It just so happened that one day, the ship that she was playing on was pillaged by pirates and she was taken aboard and given a job as one of the musicians. Although it's not her dream job, she takes joy in still being able to play for other people.
Other: N/A

User ImageScreen name: MommasLilGurl / A-SoldiersLilGurl
Character name: Koga
Race: Elf/demon((more demon than elf))
Age: 16
Personality: Depends on her mood. But she is usually sweet and loves to play music
Weapons/Equipment: ((Weapons))A special sword where if a certain place on the hilt is pressed will lengthen ((Equipment))An Elven flute.
Job Title: Musician
Bio: She was taken as a prisoner by the pirates when she was 5. An old pirate raised her as his own child.


Killed by Bahamut using Monica as a tool in the Dark Rift.

User ImageScreen name: MommasLilGurl / A-SoldiersLilGurl
Character name: Zar'oc
Race: Demon
Age: Unknown but looks 35
Personality: Generous(for a pirate),prideful,a great leader
Weapons/Equipment: A double edged sword + several hidden daggers
Job Title: Former Captain of the Revenge. Now a slave.
Bio: Once 10 years ago his ship was attacked and his beloved daughter lost. He has spent years looking for her and now seeks out the Black Rogues
Other: Can you guess who his daughter is?


Killed by Zombie Pirates in the Dark Rift.

User ImageScreen name: MommasLilGurl / A-SoldiersLilGurl
Character name: Scar
Race: Human but some people think he is part troll or giant
Age: 39
Personality: Loves children and woman, funny, and great to be around
Weapons/Equipment: Two daggers (Equipment) an apron
Job Title: Former Cook for the Revenge. Now a slave.
Bio: He has been a pirate all his life. He is considered family by Koga and Zar'oc. He adores Koga and sees himself as Zar'oc's personal bodyguard.
Other: N/A


Killed by Zombie Pirates in the Dark Rift.

User ImageScreen name: panda_1414
Character name: Meibelle
Race: Elf
Age: 15
Personality: Meibelle is quiet and works hard, no matter what. she is very quiet and obedient at the most times. and keeps to herself most of the time.
Weapons/Equipment: sling shot, rope, small dagger
Job Title: Prisoner
Bio: Meibelle doesnt really remember how she became prisoner on the ship, although it happened quite recently. she can remember life on her old ship. she is usually thought to be a bad worker, for her young age and size, but she is quite skilled at the life or piracy.
Other: Likes to sing, and is usually found reading a book...when shes not working

Rival Pirates

User ImageCharacter Name: Captain Rottingham
Race: Zombie
Age: 107
Personality: Ruthless, relentless, and stubborn to the bitter end.
Weapons/Equipment: Cutlass and 3 Flintlock Pistols
Job Title: Captain of the La Concord Gally
Bio: Captain Rottingham was known as one of the most fearsome pirates in all of the sea. He devised an audacious plan one night while drinking with his mates, and ultimately decided to carry it out. His vessel, along with three other lighter ships under his command, entered the mouth of Pequod Harbor and formed a blockade. They had successfully plundered three merchant ships attempting to enter or leave the port. This was to be Rottingham's most daring endeavor yet - the one that would make him rich and famous. If he pulled this off, he could retire from Piracy if he wished. Finally, the wave of five large merchant freighters he had been waiting for were approaching. And just as Rottingham was about to make his move, the group of freighters were attacked and pulled under the sea by a gigantic multi-limbed sea creature. Rottingham and his crew were forced to to retreat for their lives as, they too, were attacked. Rottingham's vessel was the only one to successfully escape. The sea-monster had stolen the Captain's fortune and notoriety. The big story wasn't about how he and his crew had blockaded this harbor, it was about this terrible sea-monster. And his riches were now resting in a watery grave at the bottom of the ocean. All of this weighed on Rottingham as his hatred for the abomination grew. And soon, Captain Rottingham set out to hunt the creature and take his revenge. The pursuit eventually lead he and his crew to the outskirts of the Caballan sea, where they had tracked down the monster. The Captain then lead his unwilling crew into the Dark Rift in his relentless chase. And they were soon consumed and destroyed by the horrors of the Dark Rift. Their re-animated corpses are brought back from time to time, to reek havoc on the poor unfortunate souls that happen to enter the Dark Rift. However, the crew has lost all respect for Rottingham, and only choose to follow him because they are driven by the same hunger for flesh.


Killed by Mora with the combined efforts of Gilder, Demi, and Tahlon in the Dark Rift.

User ImageCharacter Name: Captain Bloc
Race: Ork
Age: 35
Personality: Usually laid back, light-hearted, and Jolly. He is a fond lover of "the spirits" as he likes to call it (getting drunk). But don't get on his bad side if you know what's good for you. He has a short temper, as well as the immense strength to back it up.
Weapons/Equipment: Machete, and a Long bow.
Job Title: Captain of the Hogwasha
Bio: Bloc was born and raised into poverty. This was not an uncommon life for an Ork living in the Kingdom of Nyrond. Orks were generally looked upon as an inferior race. It was believed by most that Orks were nothing more than unintelligent brutes; good for nothing but manual labor and battle. Bloc lived life with his family in the slums as a petty thief, before most of his family members died from disease, and he was sold into the slave trade. Bloc then lead a number of his Ork brethren on an escape from their captures. This resulted in the destruction of the slave ship that had been transporting them, allowing them to escape on pieces of the ship-wreckage. As they floated away from the sinking slave ship, Bloc observed a band of Pirates boarding and looting the wreckage of its valuables. After the anger of these Pirates reaping the benefits of they had sewn passed, Bloc and his Ork brethren decided that they should become a Pirates. And so, the Green Guffs were born. They soon encountered the problem that they had no ship, and absolutely no money to afford one. So they cobbled together the pieces of shipwreckage they had escaped upon, and set off for the sea - attacking and destroying more slave transports, freeing more of their Ork brethren, seizing any valuables, and using the ship-wreckage to further expand upon their vessel until it became... The Hogwasha: A Hulk crudely built from flotsam and jetsam, drift-wood and ship-wrecks. Unpainted except for it’s red boar figurehead and a line of black and white checks along its hull. Their crew expanded as many Ork slaves, whom they had freed, wished to join them. And other freed slaves were inspired to start Pirate clans of their own. The Green Guffs became known as legendary freedom fighters among the Ork race. Soon the Nyrondian seas were littered with Ork Pirates who followed in the Green Guffs' footsteps, and it literally destroyed the Ork slave trade. Unfortunately, this left the Green Guffs out of a job. And so, they became more traditional Pirates; attacking merchant ships and such. Bloc's favorite pub is The Cobra's Charm. He and his crew visit regularly for R&R and dividing plunder. He is well known there among the patrons and workers. Bloc has many connections, and literally an army of Ork Pirates at his disposal who will do anything for him.

User ImageCharacter name: Zed & Raz
Race: Triceraton
Age: 36 & 38
Personality: Really excited! We must shout with everything we say! We love The Sport! We love violence! Decapitations! Blood 'N' Guts! Right, Raz!?
You betcha, Zed! YOWZA! What a move by #66! Look at the way he handles that triple-bladed axe on that disembowelment! Judges; Transcriber! Can we get the score over here!?
Weapons/Equipment: Long Horns used to amplify their voice commentary/announcing across the entire Colloseo, while flying around upon their Roco's to get better angles of the action!
Job Title: Commentators/Announcers for the Nyrondian Colloseo Amphitheater
Bio: They were formerly Royal Guards for the former Prime Leader Gruell, which established the Colloseo under his rule, as well as the very first games of the Sport. Being that they had to accompany the Prime Leader everywhere he went, Zed and Raz were treated to every Sporting Event in the Colloseo, as it's the Prime Leader's duty to attend them all. Prime Leader Gruell was taken aback at just how passionate and overly-excited Zed & Raz were about the events, and was entertained by the running dialog between the two. It even made him more excited about the games, and he felt that they had great chemistry together. And so, Prime Leader Gruell appointed Zed & Raz as the official commentators for the Sport. And that's where they've stayed ever since.

User ImageCharacter Name: Commander Alexia
Race: Human
Age: 21
Personality: A cold, heartless sociopath and sadist. Alexia derives pleasure from inflicting pain and suffering on others. She is extremely ambitious. Alexia has an obsession with power and will do anything to obtain it.
Weapons/Equipment: Long Whip, and daggers.
Job Title: Commander of the Nyrondian Authorities
Bio: Alexia was born into prosperity. Her father was a nobleman within the republic. She grew up a very spoiled child, showered with gifts and anything else she thought to ask for. Alexia was often taken to the parades where all sorts of wild beasts imported from various regions were displayed for the crowds within the kingdom. She was fascinated and obsessed with the creatures, wishing to be around them more often; closer to them. It was here, that she took and interest in Domestication. Upon her request, Alexia father secured her a job as an animal tamer. She originally wanted to pursue the profession because of her love for animals, but soon she fell in love with the power she held over the beasts... and the whip. Alexia soon left the profession to join the Nyrondian forces as an Interrogator, in which she excelled. She became renowned for her relentlessness and cruelty, making the hardest of men squeal like pigs before finally giving in to the torture. She is a mistress to the Prime Leader Zanramon, and it was in this way that she was able to obtain her position as Commander of the Nyrondian Authorities. Her current position is still not satisfying to her, however. She wants absolute power, and recently, she has turned to Black Magic and the occult to achieve this by supernatural means...

User ImageScreen Name: XxBroken_Hearted_982xX
Character Name: Makina (Maki)
Race: Elf
Age: 19
Personality: Very smart, kind, quick learner and knows when to speak and when not to.
Weapons/Equipment: Small daggers and a wooden staff
Job Title: Dancer/Entertainer
Bio: Maki was a dancer on another pirate ship, but she doesn't remember the name. She was very agile and learned how do many flips and tricks on the ship. Some of the other crew mates taught her how to fight as well. From there Maki learned how to combine her dancing abilities and her fighting abilities together. She soon got fed up with the ship she was on. She was bored; she had been kept there for a long time. So, one day when they docked, she got off and never went back on. She figured everyone on the ship thought she was dead. She then got taken in by the Nyrondian army to work on Admiral Aradiel's ship as an entertainer and fighter.

User ImageCharacter name: Lord Galician
Race: Human
Age: Unknown
Personality: Cold, heartless, Intelligent, and brutal. Lord Galician is only concerned with pursuing the agenda of the Empire. He has secret plans to assassinate the Emperor and usurp his position in due time.
Weapons/Equipment: Behemoth Demon Broad Sword
Job Title: General of the Imperial Armada
Bio: Unknown.
Other: After the Black Rogues had stolen the prototype vessel that the Empire had designed to pass through the Dark Rift, Lord Galician himself was ordered to retrieve the ship and dispose of the Black Rogues. He is an extremely skilled leader and warrior. He has special chambers in the armor of his forearms which shoot fire.

User ImageCharacter name: Gemini
Race: Demon Elf
Age: 21
Personality: Somber, cunning, and loyal. Gemini has an extreme respect for Lord Galician. He shares his same beliefs regarding the Empire, and would follow him to the ends of the Earth. He knows of, and is assisting Galician in his plans to overthrow the Emperor.
Weapons/Equipment: Dark Rapier
Job Title: Second in Command of the Imperial Armada
Bio: Unknown
Other: He, along with Galician, were sent to destroy the Black Rogues and retrieve the stolen prototype vessel. He is a powerful sorcerer.

User ImageCharacter name: The Chaos Warrior
Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Personality: Unknown
Weapons/Equipment: Chaos Sword, Gargantuan Battle Axe
Job Title: Executioner
Bio: Unknown
Other: The Chaos Warrior was sent with Lord Galician to dispose of the Black Rogues. He is the Empire's most valued soldier. His name alone strikes intense fear into the heart of any soul who knows of him. He is an extremely powerful, extremely skilled warrior as well as sorcerer. Where ever The Chaos Warrior goes, death is sure to follow.
(((Gentlemen... we can rebuild it. We have the technology. We have the capability to resurrect the world of Gaia's first Role-Play thread from the dead. The Black Rogues - Pirate RP will be that thread. Better than it was before. Better, stronger, faster. We can make it's posts longer. We can give it new, fancier Post Styles. We can give it a new stomach, new arms... We have the technology.)))

The Black Rogues - Pirate RP
The OOC Subforum

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(((Dead-end Links to deleted threads in the RP Haven Guild. I will be referring to these as, "The Lost Chapters" )))
The Gunny Chronicles

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Gunny sat at the prow of the ship, looking at the churning waves beneath him. He closed his eyes, and lent back against the rail.

Gunny opened his eyes, hearing Mora. "Welcome, miss." He said, looking into the sky.

Gunny sat on a coil of rope, watching the island retreat into the horizon. When it disappeared, he sighed, and got up. Giving the cannon a once-over, he toyed with the fuse of one. He left the deck, and strode into the kitchen. He snatched up a bottle of wine, and took a long drink. "Ahh." He smiled appreciatively.

Gunny walked up to stand beside Gilder, still drinking from the bottle. He took a deep breath, and wiped his mouth. "So, Cap'n, we be heading back to Caballa?" He asked, looking at the strip of land ahead. "Been a while since we set foot there..." He thought aloud.

Gunny nodded also, then began to double-check the cannon. "No point being caught in a battle with useless cannon." He had said many times before.

Gunny wandered along the quay, stopping beside a smith's stall. Strange... He thought, studying a long, but thick sword. It was intricately laid with emerald along the hilt, and a larger emerald was set in the pommel. Gunny ran his eye up the blade, which had a foreign inscription. He shook his head, and looked for a price tag. There wasn't one. "Hey, how much is this blade?" Gunny asked loudly. The smith turned, and glanced at Gunny.
"You wouldn't want it." The man replied, glaring at the sword disgustedly.
"Why not?" Gunny asked curiously.
"It came from the Old Kingdom, that cursed land." The smith crossed himself and spat on the floor. Gunny eyed the blade thoughtfully, then switched his attention to the smith.
"How much?" He asked again. The smith stared at Gunny, then recovered briskly.
"Twenty-five gold pieces." The smith said, confidently, looking at Gunny's ragged clothes. Gunny smirked, then opened the drawstring pouch he kept by his shoulder, and reached inside. His hand emerged, holding a fistful off coins, which Gunny handed to the smith with a smile. The smith shook his head, and pulled the sword down, handing it hilt first to Gunny.
"Thankee." Gunny said, taking the sword, and striding off down the street.

(((I dug up and saved all of PastMemories' (Alaneo1's) posts a while back, so I could stay a little truer to his character while PPing him. As it stands, the Gunny posts are all that remain from the Lost Chapters. And yes, this first page will be filled with any stupid, miscellaneous s**t I can think of. ^_^)))
The King's Palace

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The guards gripped Gilder's arms, holding their swords to his neck. They then walked them down the marble walkways until they came upon the royal palace. Two armored, burly guards stood before the entrance of the magnificent, towering palace. The guard on the right door of the main entrance pointed to Gilder. "What is this?" the entrance guard questioned. "A bounty for the Arcadian Empire to be approved by the King." the lead guard of the group replied. "Is this woman registered?." The entrance guard asked as he looked to Iriya. "Yes. Registration number #45CE4." he replied. "Very well. Bring them before the clerk for confirmation."

They were finally cleared for entrance. The entrance guards then pushed the enormously tall doors on each of their sides open, revealing the massive interior of the palace. They escorted the two up all sorts of various sets and stairs until the came upon a female clerk. She sat behind a counter, and in front of a massive bookshelf. She raised her eyebrows at the group approached her. "Bounty for the Arcadian Empire to be approved before the King." the soldier stated casually, as he had done this many times before. "Registration number?" the clerk inquired, giving the lead guard a familiar smile. "#45CE4." The soldier replied as he returned it. "And this man was apprehended on Nasrian soil?" the clerk questioned. "Correct." he replied. "And who exactly is this man...?" She said as she looked upon Gilder. "Captain Gilder of the Black Rogues. His comrades are walking upon Nasrian soil as well, so she says..."

The clerk then turned around to the massive bookshelf behind her as she ran her fingers through the labels. She then came across a grotesquely thick, green book. She pulled it off of the shelf and flopped it on the table, opening the cover, and flipping through the pages intently. She then ran her finger down a list of numbers before it stopped. "Ah, here is is. Bounty Registration: #45CE4. First Name: Iriya. Last Name: Unknown...." She mumbled aloud, looking over the document before she grabbed a piece of parchment, and pulled a feathered pen from the ink in front of her. She then scribbled the information she had just obtained down on the piece of parchment, before signing it, and handing the paper to the soldier. She turned to Iriya. "The King is in a meeting, at the moment. So you'll have to wait your turn."

The guards then escorted them to the outside entrance of the King's room.

"Save for the soldiers and guards of the Nasrian army, any and all weapons are prohibited within the King's presence.
" the guard spoke, as the rest of the soldiers began stripping Iriya of her belts and various blades, weapons, etc.
"They will be returned to you after your business has concluded." the guard finished as they carried her weapons away, and stashed them inside of a nearby chest. The guard then walked back towards Iriya. "Wait here." he commanded as he walked through the entrance doors of the King's domicile, with the piece of parchment the clerk had given him in hand.

(((I stumbled across this old post when I was going through some of my old saved mail. Nothing too exciting here. After escaping her solitary confinement aboard the Albatross, Iriya captures Captain Gilder in the midst of his drunken stupor. After dragging him to the Bounty Office, she was required to bring him before the King of Nasr for approval since the bounty was for a foreign country. It just so happened that the King was in the middle of parlaying with representatives of that very country (Lord Galician & Gemini). The meeting ended with the death of the King at Lord Galician's hands after he refused to sell them the Serpent Stone. The city was subsequently raided by Galician's army, and Gilder & Iriya were forced to fight for their lives to escape the palace.)))
Nataña Speaks

Voice Sample
User Image"Such technicalities are not to be fret about, señor. No matter the number, I digress, but the size of the impression. Back in Nasr, I'd meet many a captain and crew, and dance and swagger around for them, occasionally tease the lusty young one... but more importantly, I'd imagine sailing under the captain - probably completely with the wrong idea of what sailing was like - but you are by far more impressive than any of those captains. Good gog! that was a long sentence, Captain, don't you agree?" Nataña giggled, then held out the glass of strange drink she was holding. "Would you like a sip of this? It's got a very definitive taste, like the Faqir, but not at all in terms of flavor... and I don't think I can feel my nose right now!... Did you know you're very handsome in this light when you stand next to an ork? My goodness, yes."

(((This is an excerpt from a post in the original thread. A very smashed Nataña Ancilla sweet-talks Gilder at the Cobra's Charm Alehouse in Nyrond. Meareign put together this voice clip to give us a better understanding of what her accent was like.)))

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I'm in need of some assistance here! If you have anything saved at all from the original RP (Lost Chapters) - Posts, Pictures, Media, anything - Please contact and send them to me! I'd like to archive anything salvageable here. Thank you.
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