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Familiar Phantom

7,700 Points
  • Beta Explorer 0
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Table of Contents
1. Intro
2. Setting
3. Magic Info
4. Rules + Other
5+. Reserved.

Current Arc:
The White Flame Arc -
A small nameless city on the Mexico side of the US/Mexico border is home to a clan of healers living in a small community hospital. A gang of fire users has been a menace to this town lead by a powerful fire user known as Mr. Blank. Will you let the Republic burn or save it?

News Bulletin

June 15, 2010
  • First News report is up!
  • The Nuclear Army arc has been voted in as the next adventurer. Once the White Flame Arc is complete GM power and status will be handed over to spartan_073. He will be in control of that plot. I, Zerogamer, will still have some creative input and control but will otherwise be taking a back seat as a character.
  • Changing the first post up. "Current Location" has changed to "Current Arc." This will let you know in brief summary what's happening.

OOC Thread
Tinychat Room.

Familiar Phantom

7,700 Points
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No one knows why or how it happened. All that anyone knows is that it did happen, is happening. It was like any other normal day. The world continued to spin, the sun rise and set, and people lived their lives. Like a bolt of lightning though something came then left, quick as a flash, but it's affect on the world was lasting and devestating. A great burst of energy that covered the world in some strange energy raced across the surface of Earth. Once it's course had run, the world could only stop and stare at what had happened. Soon though the effects of what had happened would reveal themselves.

Only moments after the event, things began to happen. Magical things. Within hours chaos ensued around the world. People both young and old were changing things, creating things with only their minds. Magic had entered the world. Real magic in a world where it had never before existed. As the full truth of what had happened hits the world the goverments band together to try and handle the situation. It works to little avail though. Terrorists and assassins around the world now have power they only dreamed of before. World leaders and entire goverements were either destroyed or usurped. Society began to collapse as gangs and raiders formed. Much of the worlds population was decimated either by weapons of mass destruction or magic.

In the wake of what some call a war, things like electricity or fresh food are rare. Only those who have banded together to survive can even hope of living in such a dire and dark era for the world. Those that are left are either ruled by the strong or try to cling to democratic systems. Most are scavengers though. Gangs and raiders roaming the lands trying to live. Many a man's mind has broken. Others have embraced the changes. Still others have shunned it and pretend it never happened. The real question though is what has happened to you? What are you doing to survive, and what willing to do to continue doing so?

Familiar Phantom

7,700 Points
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Set only a very short time in the future, what technology is left around is still that of current day standards. It has been several months since the event, branded "The Awakening" by the world, took place. Fresh food is almost non-existent, and food from stores is running very low as well. Fresh supplies like soap and toilet paper are no longer considered important. Only through scavenging can one find enough food to survive. Perhaps though you grow your own food.

It has only been a few months, yet the landscape has changed drastically. Trash liters the grounds, buildings are half destroyed or completely destroyed. Thanks to the strange magical occurences in some areas plant life has grown much faster in the first weeks, it has now slowed down though. Forests and other flora around the world shot up quite dramatically in most areas, creating almost entirly new forests in some areas.

Roaming the lands you have 2 basic groups of people: Gangs or settlers. Gangs are rough and terrifying bands of people who have either gone mad or were already criminals. Settlers tend to stay put and try to rebuild what is left of society. Much more friendly on average, but there are groups of settlers just as bad or sometimes worse then gangs. You have to be careful when approaching any form of civilivation.

Familiar Phantom

7,700 Points
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The Awakening - The great cataclysm that changed the planet. The day it came a great wave of semi-clear energy just washed over the planet. Once it had passed, it began. People began exhibiting magical powers. As time went on several pockets of this magical energy emerged changing the land as well. As time went on powers grew in both strength and understanding.

Changes in Humans: When the Awakening occured, it changed all humans on the planet. It wasn't a physical change as some may think. It was a change in what they could do. All gained the ability to do magic. In some it was great magical feats, in others it was small. Some could bring down buildings and move mountains, others could maybe move a pebble. The general populus had moderate powers, not too powerful but not too weak.

All though seemed to have gained a high resistance to magic as well. To average humans who meet and fight would be able to take several magical attacks before being crippled. A fireball that could explode a car might just knock a person back. Like the strength of their powers, this restiance also varies, but not as much.

Everyone's power seems to be different in style as well. Some are very good at fire or earth, others are not.

Changes in the Land: Certain pockets of magical energy exist around the world now. They are selectively powered though. A pocket would normally be aligned to one thing, such as fire, water, the mind, etc. Those that channel those energies gain a boost when around them. Other pockets are so powerful they have manifested themselves, burning down cities or creating constant storms and typhoons.

Changes in Creatures: For whatever reason, animals were not affected as much by the Awakening. There are some rare creatures that might have grown huge and able to breath fire, but that is exeedingly rare. On average the most changes that came might have been a change in fur color, or minor changes in body size. Some might be a little stronger. Where as in humans the change was purely internal, in animals it is almost entirely external.

Familiar Phantom

7,700 Points
  • Beta Explorer 0
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1. Use common sense.
2. Listen to me and mods.
3. Do not use characters that are not of your creation. IE: Naruto.
4. Please use the below outline for your characters. Send them to me in a PM.
5. The only race is human. Put Human as your race so I know you were paying attention.
6. You may or may not want to here this, but your character can die.

Character Skeleton:
[u]Description:[/u] [Custom Art or Written]
[u]Magic Level:[/u] [1-10, 1 being weakest, 5 being average, 10 being next to godly. Ask for any level above 7. If you choose more then one power keep the total level at 7 or below.]
[u]Magic Specialty:[/u] [Fire, water, earth, mind, healing, etc.]

Group Members:
Palmer Lawrence - Male - Age 27 - Level 6 Earth // Level 1 Fire
Micheal Wolf - Male - Age 17 - Level 1 Anti-Magic
Aurora "Rori" Parker - Female - Age 17 - Level 7 Water
Max E. Oakwood - Female - Age 16 - Level 5 Wind
Nix - Male - Age 23 - Level 6 Healer//Level 6 Fire

Notable Notes:
  • The Republic of Good Will - The Republic is located in a ramshack town with no name located somewhere south of the US/Mexico borderline. The Republic, as it is simply known, is a small community of people who share a common interest in helping others live in this new world. They are mostly defenders and healers. They live in and around a small community hospital that has seen better days. A strong and tall fence has been erected around the grounds, topped with barb wire. They care for those who are weak or injured, at least for a short time.
  • The White Flame Gang - A gang that lives around the Republic. Republic residents are very fearful of them is seems. The gang specializes in fire magic. Some of the small bands roaming the wastes have "Candle Makers" with them. These specialized gang members can launch up a firework like blast that calls other members to the area for assistance. The gang's leader is known as Mr. Blank, a level 10 Fire user.
  • White Flame Gang Arc Update - As the band entered the area, 3 of the members either attacked or where attacked by the White Flames. This led to the Republics leader, Mr. Rigman, sending them all to the White Flame Gang. He claimed Mr. Blank would seek retribution if he didn't send him the people who had attacked his gang. After arriving Mr. Blank attacked the group in a 1 on 4 fight. Winning at first Mr. Blanks sheer power nearly overwhelmed the group. Thanks to Palmer's guns and Michaels magic cancelling powers though they were able to shoot Mr. Blank. After which the rest of the gang road off to attack the Republic blaming Rigman for there leader being shot. Mr. Blank is still alive but critically wounded.
    • Update - After recruiting a member of the white flames who seemed to not actually want to be in the gang named Nix, the party heads to the Republic to see if they can help. When they arrive the rest of the gang has already set fire to the place and is gathering the residents up like cattle.


Familiar Phantom

7,700 Points
  • Beta Explorer 0
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  • Beta Treasure Hunter 0

Familiar Phantom

7,700 Points
  • Beta Explorer 0
  • Beta Citizen 0
  • Beta Treasure Hunter 0

Familiar Phantom

7,700 Points
  • Beta Explorer 0
  • Beta Citizen 0
  • Beta Treasure Hunter 0
[[ Ok, intro post up. Post if you wish.]]

Familiar Phantom

7,700 Points
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  • Beta Treasure Hunter 0
Introduction to Local Setting
Your reasons for being here are your own, but you do have a reason. You, for whatever reason or series of events, have come to the Republic of Good Will. It is located in a ramshack town with no name located somewhere south of the US/Mexico borderline. The Republic, as it is simply known, is a small community of people who share a common interest in helping others live in this new world. They are mostly defenders and healers. They live in and around a small community hospital that has seen better days. A strong and tall fence has been erected around the grounds, topped with barb wire. They care for those who are weak or injured, at least for a short time.

The area surrounding the Republic is mostly an older city of adobe houses with some more modern ones. The outside area is almost completely ransacked and littered with trash. Broken vehicles and glass litter the street.

It is here that a new adventure begins for you and others. Maybe you have been brought here by a group of scavengers who took pity on your hurt and mangled body, maybe you heard of the Republic as a place to stay for a while to rest. Maybe you just wandered upon it randomly, who knows. That is for you to decided. Welcome to the Republic.

[[Your character should be at or show up around this place.]]

Kaylee-chan's Husbando

Distinct Seeker

Michael Wolf

User Image

Mike's right arm was badly burnt, and he held it as he walked over a hill of the waist land, and soon spotted some building that looked like a hospital, a fortified hospital. He frowned as he felt a new wave of pain spike in his arm and cursed the raiders he had run into, and then he slowly walked down the hill to the front of the encampment. "Anyone home? I need a hand and if this is the same place I have heard about it, you'll give me some help" Mike said, he wasn't asking, but more demanding. Mike was not the humblest person ever, but maybe the cockiest you might ever meet.

Familiar Phantom

7,700 Points
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That cockiness could get him killed in the world as it was now. A woman with her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and wearing a doctors coat came over to him to help. "What happened?" she asked looking at his arm. Her hands hovered over them a little, not touching them. His arm would suddenly feel a little dull, like the pain had temporarily left. Her hands glowed a soft white.

Kaylee-chan's Husbando

Distinct Seeker

Michael Wolf

User Image

Michael didn't flinch when she touched his arm,but he did think it was going to hurt like hell. Instead he got a surprise when his arm felt numb and the pain vanished from his arm and he then looked at her when she questioned him. "Raiders, ran into them when I was traveling. Their much worse off than I am" Mike told her. He then started to wonder why this place actually existed, most people in this day and world were out for them and theirs. So helping a stranger through him off.

spartan_073's Waifu

Beloved Lunatic

12,525 Points
  • Pet Trainer 150
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  • Grunny Grabber 50
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Rori Parker

Rori wasn't sure exactly where she was. She didn't like to admit she was lost, but who was she kidding. Yea, she was lost. The cut on her forehead had crusty dry blood around it. She frowned, trying to rub or dab it off. During all of the commotion after the past two monthes, a lot had happened to the world, and her parents alone. They were dead. Not that she didn't mourn about it, she still did occassionally, but they had died during 'The Awakening.'

Anyway, she didn't like thinking about that. Rori walked along the side of the empty road. It looked so abandoned. She had just left another city. They acted like nothing had changed, but something wasn't right. She was too scared to stay there. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to stop anywhere. Her stomach growled loudly. "Food..."

Familiar Phantom

7,700 Points
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She suddenly looked up at him. She stopped and brought up her hands a bit. "You...you can't mean the White Flame. If you fought them and did what you said I'm afraid your in worse danger then you think." A few others hanging around the yard of the hospital stopped what they were doing for a moment to look up at the mention of "White Flame." Clearly these people knew something. The doctor took a step back. "I...I have to go get someone. Stay here." She seemed afraid. Clearly of the White Flame, but also a bit of him. She turned and ran into the hospital. Michaels arm would still be burned, but it wouldn't be hurting at the moment.

Familiar Phantom

7,700 Points
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As Rori walked along the road, hungry and tired, a low rumble could be heard in the distance. If she turned to look back down the road she was walking she would see dirt being kicked up in the distance by something. The cloud was moving fast and the rumbling was quickly growing louder.

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