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Oh, I'm supposed to care? 0.14285714285714 14.3% [ 3 ]
[Insert awesomeness here] 0.38095238095238 38.1% [ 8 ]
Pwn! 0.095238095238095 9.5% [ 2 ]
Total Votes:[ 21 ]
1 2 3 4 >

Wєℓcømє//†ø:: |Thøѕe//ℓøng//ƒørgø††en::.I яemembeя/!

Please note that this is a sequel. Of course, anyone is welcome to join, but there is a bit of background that you may be a teeny bit confused about.

Here is the original.
I strongly suggest you read the whole thing. Though it takes a while, it's like a really suspenseful novel with lots of twists. The people in there were amazing, I swear... *Sighs nostalgically*

So, you get the gist? Good!

.:://Øncє ÜÞøn å T¡mє,,,
Humans lived in fear. Nannies told children stories from little books, stories of demons taking them away. The children believed them easily, for the threat was real. Supernatural beings of all sorts roamed the forests, terrorizing whoever approached. Some demons loved to torture their victims through pain. Others preferred terrorizing their victims with vicious mind games, tormenting them until they went crazy. Life was good for the supernatural beings then.
One fateful night, the humans got together, amassing as one. They were sick of the supernatural beings' games with them, picking them off one by one. They defeated the beings, frightening them into submission for centuries.
They lived among the humans. Their faces were just like any human's, their smiles like any smile. They lived all around humans, secretly... In plain sight.
The humans had grown lazy and reckless. They no longer looked behind their shoulders for shadows. The supernatural beings grew bolder and more dangerous every day, and the humans still went about their lives as clueless as usual, watching as familiar faces were picked off one by one.
Then, in the tiny town of Duvan, England, a man came to town. His name was Gabriel. He walked around like everyone else, talked like everyone else, lived like everyone else. But he was not.
The humans were attacked one day, and Gabriel laughed. For though he was stuck in a human body, Gabriel was none other than the demon god Lutarius. Using the blood of humans to resurrect his true self, Lutarius combined all races of demon and intended to enslave the world once more.
The result was disastrous. Several of the ten demon races were wiped out, and humans became nearly extinct. Demons of all races turned on each other and began to fight. The whole world was in turmoil until a small party of humans found Lutarius, killing him. Most of these humans were slaughtered, but their relatives live on.
Today, very few cities are left standing. Four hundred years have passed since the "Era of Fear", as the humans call it. Though humans are few, demons are fewer.
Demon or human, one question still remains: Will the Demon God rise again?
This post-apocalyptic world is now yours to control. Though few even believe in demons anymore, there are rumors flying about that the demons are preparing a final attack on the humans, ridding the world of the race once and for all. Is this true? Others say that the few humans that believe are planning on finding and killing the remaining demons. Is this true as well?

I don't know, is it? You decide.


Alright, no one likes rules, but you gotta have 'em. I'll try to keep it short and sweet. Bear with me, 'kay?

~::Literacy is appreciated! This is a literate Roleplay, which means... Well, if you don't know what literate means, you probably shouldn't join...//
~::Cursing is permitted, but only moderately. Not everyone is a sailor, folks.//
~::My word is law. What I say goes.//
~::Keep it appropriate, people. No sex scenes. Romance and all that other stuff is fine, but if you gotta do the deed, do a little time-skip.//
~::Title your profile "I do believe I saw a purple elephant!" so I know you've read the rules.
~::We're in it for the long-run. I plan this to be a long term Roleplay, so you should too.//
~::Follow the T.O.S... Simple enough.//
~::Be polite to other RPers! Even if your characters get into a quarrel, be nice about it. Don't go cussin' someone out.//
~:: If you have a question, ask away! I don't bite... Usually.//
~::No god-modding, people. I mean, come on.//
~::No chatspeak! I'm positive you won't die if you have to type out "that" instead of "tht".//
~::Use "(())" or some such for OOC comments.//
~::Make your posts semi-pretty, please. It doesn't have to be fancy, maybe just the name at the top or something.//
~:: Multiple characters are allowed, but make sure to post with all of them.//
~::Violence is fine. In fact, I encourage it. Make this RP exciting!//
~::If you have to go away for an extended period of time, use OOC to tell other RPers at the end of your last post and PM me about it. If I have no notice, I'm going to figure you've left and delete your profile.//
~::This is a story. You can't leave all the storytelling to me! If you did, it would be called a novel. I need you to make your own story with ideas, backgrounds, everything! We are writers, and that means we all are working on this story together! Don't hesitate to put in your own story (as long as it's related, of course)! All these different stories are what makes RPing fun!//
~::Follow the rules.//

See, that's not too bad. It's all for your own good, folks...

..::τħє τєη яαcєs//

(Bold= abundant, thriving; Strike= extinct; italicized= nearly extinct, hidden. ????= An "extinct" race that has been sighted recently)

//Pangaean::. Leader//The Queen
Mystery surrounds this race. No-one knew who or where they were. There was only one known to be alive during the Era of Fear, named Maxx. Will they ever return?

//Vampire::. Leader//
This race is probably the least well-off of the surviving races due to hunting by humans. Feeding on the blood of humans, vampires keep a low profile and hardly got involved with Lutarius. They did not want the extinction of humans, for humans are their main source of food. The previous Vampiric leader was killed by Lutarius for disobedience.

//Panthaea::. Leader//
This catlike race is numbered very few. The previous leader, Pariiza, was killed defending Lutarius in the Last Battle. Most demons of this race are indifferent to humans, but a few still live on from the Era of Fear and show great malice towards them.

//Angelia::. Leader//
This race is just like it sounds. With great, stretching wings, those of the Angelia are often spoken of in human stories. Nowadays, they tend to serve as the "Guardians" of humans, each demon choosing a human they like and sticking with them. They established this relationship centuries ago to preserve their race just after the fall of Lutarius. The previous leader did not make it out of the onslaught during the Era of Fear alive, killed after turning on Lutarius. They are able to make themselves invisible to all but those whom they are guarding.

//Fae::. Leader//Shihaarin ((teh sexx0rz))
The Fae are a peaceful race, living in the forests for centuries. The current leader, Shihaarin, was very close to Lutarius. He never truly supported the god, however, and helped the band of humans defeat him. He lives on today in the forests, his kind doing fairly well.

//Draconus::. Leader//
This now-extinct race was once very powerful. These demons were said to be quite beautiful, able to turn into dragons at the drop of a hat. Sadly, these demons were never well-off due to hunting in the early days of the world. Though they are almost certainly extinct, they live on in the hearts of many humans. Some still say they lie in wait in caves, eager for the day in which they may show their faces once more. Of course, those are just rumors...

//Spiritus::. Leader//Death
This race is like it sounds. These demons are the spirits of the dead, unlike any other race. They can make themselves invisible most of the time, though there are few beings with the "sight". These individuals can see the Spiritus, and even Death himself. The Spiritus do quite well today and have taken up a sort of hobby of haunting humans. Some say that Death is almost a god himself.

//Werewolvian::. Leader//Lycoris ((Silver Lycoris))????
This race was wiped out pretty early on due to excessive hunting by all races. They gave their all for the extinction of humans, though there is said to be a curse running about in human bloodlines. It is also said that not all howls heard at night are wolves...

//Reptilia::. Leader//
The Reptilia were always a rare race, with lizard-like features and the ability to climb well. This race was completely wiped out during the Era of Fear, though many still remain is spirit.

Curiously enough, this race has no single leader. It has many leaders working together, which puzzles the demons. This race is by far the most abundant and is loathed by most other races.
.::¶røƒ¡ℓє §kєℓє†øns||.

~//Rüℓєs & ¡ns†ruc†¡øns::.
Whut? More rules and stuff? Yup.

~//Choose one of the listed non-extinct races. It may hint that the race is not truly extinct, however; ask me about being one of these and I may say yes!::.
~//Please replace the "(())"s with what you've written::.
~//PM your profile to me when you're finished. Do not post it here::.
~//I have the right to reject your profile. If I find there is something I do not approve of, I'll let you know and you can edit accordingly::.

~//Tħє Ðємøη ¶røƒ¡ℓє::.
[size=10]~//I was known by this at one point..[/b] ((Character name)) [b], but you'll call me[/b] ((Nickname)) [b]if you want to live.[/b]
[b]~//I'm not too old, see? Only[/b] ((Age)) [b] years. Well, not that old for a demon..[/b]
[b]~//I hail from the [/b] ((Demon race)) [b]race. How exciting.[/b]
[b]~//I checked, don't worry.[/b] ((Gender))
[b]~//You know you'd hit this::[/b] ((Appearance))
[b]~//I'm a bit unusual, if I do say so myself.[/b] ((A smidgen of personality info.)) [b]See what I mean?[/b]
[b]~//I've had a pretty hard life.[/b] ((A little background.)) [b]I can't believe I'm not dead yet.[/b]
[b]~//Yeah, I have a few special notes for you::[/b] ((Additional information))
[b]~//I dish my terror out in::[/b] ((If black, just put black))
[b]~//I swear, they're so annoying...[/b] ((Username)) [b], always telling me what to do..[/b][/size]

~//Tħє Hümãn ¶røƒ¡ℓє::.
[size=10][b]~//I was dubbed[/b] ((Character FULL name))[b] at birth, but call me[/b] ((Nickname or just first name)) [b].[/b]
[b]~//I've been breathing for[/b] ((Age)) [b]years. Not that old, eh?[/b]
[b]~//I'm a[/b] ((Gender)) [b], but don't hold it against me.[/b]
[b]~//I'm so pretty::[/b] ((Appearance, anime only please. Also, make it a URL.))
[b]~//You wanna get in my head?[/b] ((Brief description of personality)) [b]How exciting.[/b]
[b]~//Oh, so tragic...[/b] ((A tiny bit of background info. Not too much!)) [b]Boy, I[/b] ((hate, love, etc.))[b] life.[/b]
[b]~//I'm special![/b] ((Anything else you'd like us to know? Special powers, etc.))
[b]~//I coat my lies in[/b] ((If black, just put black.))
[b]~//No, [i]I[/i] control [i]them.[/i]::[/b] ((Username))[/size]

**Note:: It is allowed for humans to have ONE supernatural power. Ask me about it.**
Accepted profiles go here. x3 Love you all!
((✖= Has not posted for a while or quit.))

~.::Thє Hümãns//.

~//I was dubbed Alexas Phoenix Thyme at birth, but call me Alexas or Nix, please .
~//I've been breathing for seventeen years. Not that old, eh?
~//I'm a boy, but don't hold it against me.
~//I'm so pretty:: [.x.]
~//You wanna get in my head? Pretty quiet, but loud when he wants to be. A genius I.Q keeps his mind flowing with new ideas. He takes a great interest in the supernatural, and loves studying his ancestors. Obsessed with coconut macaroons, reading, and weird little doodles. He gets cold easily. How exciting.
~//Oh, so tragic... Alexas has lead a pretty normal life. He finds his only enjoyment in studying his ancestors, which he has learned a lot about. He aspires to be famous. Boy, I loathe life.
~//I'm special! He can see the Spiritus. He also gets premonitions in his sleep, but mistakes them for dreams.
~//I coat my lies in The color of the night sky at midnight.
~//No, I control them.:: teh sexx0rz

~//I was dubbed Liahona Madson at birth, but call me Lia.
~//I've been breathing for 17 years. Not that old, eh?
~//I'm a Female , but don't hold it against me.
~//I'm so pretty:: [x]
~//You wanna get in my head? Shy and quiet, she usually spends her time alone. She’s a fast thinker and can usually come up with solutions to most problems though she remains silent unless spoken to. How exciting.
~//Oh, so tragic... She grew up as normally as a human would after the Era of Fear, though she was orphaned at a young age. She is used to being alone and is shy, not making friends very easily. Boy, I take life one day at a time.
~//I'm special! Get to know her more and find out.
~//I coat my lies in:: Dark blue
~//No, I control them.:: XxMischiefManagedxX

~// I was dubbed Abd Al-Hazrat at birth, but call me Hazrat Two Quills.
~// I've been breathing for 56 years. Not that old, eh?
~// I'm a male, but don't hold it against me.
~// I'm so pretty:: [.x.]
~// You wanna get in my head? I'd rather get into yours. How exciting.
~// Oh, so tragic... Abd al-Hazrat is a renowned gentleman, historian, and scholar. He has recently taken up the unprecedented task of investigating, researching, and compiling information about the unique locales and denizens of our world. This brave soul wades into battle wielding tome and quill, armored not in ensorcelled plate or links of chain, but in the knowledge of generations past. He fights not only for our future, but for our past as well. His hair unkempt and frazzled, his calloused hands cut and stained, he had an air of supreme confidence, of a submerged violence that threatened to explode into being. Hazrat Two Quills, dubbed so due to his mastery of illumination with both left and right hand, whose poetry stole the hearts of kings and brought tyrants to tears, whose bombastic penmanship is known in all the lands of the Twin Seas and beyond, believes that in scroll and tome our survival lies. Boy, I'm curious about life.
~// I'm special! Al-Hazrat has the ability to read, transcribe, and speak in any tongue.
~// I coat my lies in Orange
~// No, I control them.:: Stever the Beaver

~//I was dubbed Artemis Dawn Ames at birth, but call me Artemis or Dawn, although some people can call her Art.
~//I've been breathing for seventeen years. Not that old, eh?
~//I'm a girl , but don't hold it against me.
~//I'm so pretty:: Artemis is small and fleet of foot, with a wiry build that often tricks people into thinking she is delicate and frail. Nothing special, she usually sports a long and heavy jacket, fitted leather gloves covering her hands and forearms to protect them. Sharp blue eyes take away the innocent appearance her porcelain skin and small features give her. The color of her eyes is only made more vibrant by her hair, falling just passed her waist in a shower of silvery pale blond. Hidden by her layers of clothing, a series of large scars mark her back.
~//You wanna get in my head? Artemis is what you would call dark humored. Full of sarcastic comments and biting remarks, Artemis can be a little hard to get along with most of the time. She seems to find everything "pointless", "ridiculous", "irritating", and so on. What's generally worse is that she doesn't know how to keep those opinions to herself. Rather, she doesn't bother to. Some are kind enough to call her blatant insults her being "blunt". While she is generally a rather cold person to everyone, she really throws all peace out the window when it comes to the demons and such. She despises them, hates them, will do anything she can to avoid having to deal with one outside of battle. Continuing, Artemis is brutally honest but honest nonetheless, and hates liars and hypocrites. She has a way of sounding condescending to all, but doesn't really consider herself to be above anyone. How exciting.
~//Oh, so tragic...Artemis is a member of a nearly dead blood line that once hunted demons, long long ago. It is from this blood line that she gained her telekinesis, and her wariness of the creatures that were once "make believe" and "fairy tales". Many of her ancestors and even some unwise siblings had been killed, which was only natural. After the cataclysm that is often known as the Era of Fear, her ancestors began hunting demons but soon enough choose to drift into obscurity, hiding as the demons once did. Artemis, too proud to do the same, left her home to do something, anything but hide. Boy, I can barely stand life.
~//I'm special! As human as she may be, Artemis is rather quick on her feet and possesses telekinesis, the ability to move things with her mind.
~//I coat my lies in crimson
~//No, I control them.:: Symphoniie Catastrophiie

.//Thє Ðємøηs::.~

~//I was known by this at one point.. Xenos , but you'll call me by nothing,I do not take kindly to 'nicknames' if you want to live.
~//I'm not too old, see? Only two thousand,seven hundred eighty six years. Well, not that old for a demon..
~//I checked, don't worry. Male by sound of voice
~//You know you'd hit this:: Myself in all my glory
~//I'm a bit unusual, if I do say so myself. I have delusions of grandeur,and believe myself to be a god. I demand obedience from anyone around me,and I do not suffer fools lightly. I am a pronounced megalomaniac,and will accomplish anything to see my goals come into fruition. I also only join people to accomplish my own goals,which means I may suddenly just disappear. See what I mean?
~//I've had a pretty hard life. I was created a Spiritus,one born to a lowly subsection of the species. I was there,during the Era of Fear,waiting for my moment to become powerful. I watched as the races were driven to extinction,and the Demon God Lutarius who controlled them. When the Humans finally killed the God,I swooped in and stole a fair amount of blood from Lutarius's body. With it I made six metal hands,ones tempered to my will. Soon,I craved a mortal form,and sought out the lovely robe I currently 'wear'. I now seek to claim a land for my own,and now have the power to do so. I can't believe I'm not dead yet.
~//Yeah, I have a few special notes for you:: I have gained the power of Hydrokinesis,as well have telepathic and kinetic powers,all from gaining the blood from the corpse of the God. My Spiritus form also lets me go through walls,possess other creatures,and so on.
~//I dish my terror out in:: An evil dark blue,to reflect my robes and soul. My voice thunders when I speak,so I use bold to reflect the times when I speak,and I use italics to think and send telepathic messages.
~//I swear, they're so annoying... Senior Illidan , always telling me what to do..

~//I was known by this at one point.. Abigail Alice, but you'll call me Twilly, if you please. ..if you want to live.
~//I'm not too old, see? Only two thousand, nine hundred and sixteen years. But who's counting?
~//I hail from the Angelicrace. How exciting.
~//I checked, don't worry. Female! At least, that's what it was last time I checked...
~//You know you'd hit this:: Tall and somewhat sleepy-looking, Twilly seems like the type people would whisper about.
Stay away from that one, mothers would warn urgently, Don't listen to her! She's not right!
At least, it's what they might say, if they could see her. Her bright blue eyes are hidden by a shock of black hair, making her look even paler than she already is. Her mouth always seemed to be turned sideways, and because her eyes are covered by the aviators she always wears, it's near impossible to tell if she's grimacing or has a permanent smirk on her face. Sporting an over-large brown aviator jacket, and a black dress under, Twilly would look like a far cry from an angel if it weren't for the wings.
Huge and feathery, they are truely breath-taking when spread to their full span. Shining white and beautiful, they annoy her to no end.
~//I'm a bit unusual, if I do say so myself. Twilly can be a bit morbidly curious at times, with nasty results at times. She isn't a very 'model little angel', if you catch my drift. She enjoys startling people, and is somewhat obssesed with books. Twilly nearly devours them. Though she can have a bit of a poor memory, she tends to spout useless information as a result. She also likes to draw, and when she's struck with an idea, she'll draw it anywhere. Paper, garbage, arms, building walls.. See what I mean?
~//I've had a pretty hard life. Twilly really doesn't have anything against anyone, even humans. Though most demons hold a grudge, believeing they hunted most races to extinction, she thinks they brought it on themselves. This idea doesn't exactly endear her to many people, but she doesn't care much at all. Twilly was very much alive during the era or fear, though she escaped with her life, she lost nearly everyone. It was a stupid idea, a pointless war, though they say history repeats itself.. I can't believe I'm not dead yet.
~//Yeah, I have a few special notes for you:: Twilly enjoys sweets. A LOT. She also never seems to have a sense of time. Twilly can create cutting winds with her wings, has telekinesis, flight of course, shields and healing powers. She's also gained the power of pyrokinesis, and can 'orb': which disappearing from one place to another by thinking about it.
~//I dish my terror out in:: My movements are cast in a dark red, like roses, and my words and thoughts in teal.
~//I swear, they're so annoying... Nonsensical Blather, always telling me what to do..

~//I was known by this at one point.. Marcus Lee Kaseket , but you'll call me Mark if you want to live.
~//I'm not too old, see? Only Four hundred and ninty-seven years. Well, not that old for a demon..
~//I hail from the Panthaea race. How exciting.
~//I checked, don't worry. Male.
~//You know you'd hit this:: [[xxWhat I see in the broken mirrorxx]]
~//I'm a bit unusual, if I do say so myself. What's it to you? See what I mean?
~//I've had a pretty hard life. I was almost killed in the whole Era of Fear thing, or whatever the humans call it now. Anyway, I found sancuary with some others of my race, and we survived the whole thing. I know, lucky, right? I can't believe I'm not dead yet.
~//Yeah, I have a few special notes for you:: I'm gay, but don't let that slow you down, eh? I've also had a bit of training in various fighting styles, and I love my chocolate.
~//I dish my terror out in:: Lime green, my favorite color.
~//I swear, they're so annoying... xxColorful-c h a n , always telling me what to do..

~//I was known by this at one point.. Aubrey Rose Dye, but you'll call me Air if you want to live.
~//I'm not too old, see? Only 357 years. Well, not that old for a demon..
~//I hail from the Vampyres race. How exciting.
~//I checked, don't worry. Female
~//You know you'd hit this:: Strange, huh?
~//I'm a bit unusual, if I do say so myself. She is a die-hard romantic. She seems very out-going and social at first, but she is actually really shy and timid. See what I mean?
~//I've had a pretty hard life. When she was about 16 human years old she got her first boyfriend. Little did she know that he was a vampyre. After about a year into the relationship he bit her, which began her life as an imortal being of the night. A few days later she had to watch her boyfriend be killed by an anti-vampyre group. She has never bit anyone for she feels that it should go to the person she loves, as that is how her love tradgicaly ended. I can't believe I'm not dead yet.
~//Yeah, I have a few special notes for you:: She hates to fight, but will when she has to. She also has some violent tendencies when her anger gets out of control.
~//I dish my terror out in:: Hot Pink
~//I swear, they're so annoying... Your_one_only_love , always telling me what to do..

~//I was known by this at one point.. Trusk Grocknaak, but you'll call me Brer Lappin if you want to live.
~//I'm not too old, see? Only 28 years. Well, not that old for a demon..
~//I hail from the Pangean race. How exciting.
~//I checked, don't worry. Male
~//You know you'd hit this:: Trusk
~//I'm a bit unusual, if I do say so myself. I am ruthless in battle and on the hunt, but my loyalties lie strong with those I trust. See what I mean?
~//I've had a pretty hard life. I know my heritage, but I've never seen another like myself. As far as I know, I'm lucky to be who I am. I can't believe I'm not dead yet.
~//Yeah, I have a few special notes for you:: I'm not the smartest in the world, but I'm not easily persuaded.
~//I dish my terror out in:: Indigo
~//I swear, they're so annoying... Solidus Snake of Liberty , always telling me what to do..

.:://Ðємøη Lєãđєяs::.
((Limited slots!))

~//I was known by this at one point.. Shihaarin of the Fae, but you'll call me Rin if you want to live.
~//I'm not too old, see? Only Ten-thousand, seven-hundred and forty, though he looks twenty years old. Well, he's not that old for a demon..
~//I hail from the Fae race. How exciting.
~//I checked, don't worry. Male
~//You know you'd hit this:: Tall and lanky, Shihaarin is a sight to behold. Clad in a forest-green trenchcoat, black swede boots, a loose, tucked-in tunic and black breeches, Shihaarin displays his role well as the prestigious leader of the well-known Fae, demons of grace and poise. Long brown hair falls around a sharp jaw and thin cheeks. Sparkling green eyes send shivers through all that look in them. Many prefer not to.
~//I'm a bit unusual, if I do say so myself. You'll just have to find out, won't you? See what I mean?
~//I've had a pretty hard life. He never had anything against the humans. His race has been pretty neutral throughout everything, only getting involved when it concerned them. As Leader of the Fae, Shihaarin only got involved in the resurrection of Lutarius because the humans had been chopping his home down. Now that the population has gone down, he has been able to repair the forests and is once again neutral. I can't believe I'm not dead yet.
~//Yeah, I have a few special notes for you:: ((Additional information))
~//I dish my terror out in:: Forest green, the color of my home.
~//I swear, they're so annoying... teh sexx0rz, always telling me what to do..

~//I was known by this at one point.. Lycoris , but you'll call me Ly or nothing if you want to live.
~//I'm not too old, see? Only 649 years. Well, not that old for a demon..
~//I hail from the Werewolvian race. How exciting.
~//I checked, don't worry. Female.
~//You know you'd hit this:: Lycoris. {Ignore the wings or angelic features.}
~//I'm a bit unusual, if I do say so myself. Lycoris is responsible and considerate, thinking things over carefully. She's protective for the things she cares for, and equally as loyal. See what I mean?
~//I've had a pretty hard life. After being leader of her pack, she's had human troubles. They seem to be able to find her everywhere she went. Finally, her pack made it to a place no human could possibly find. A dangerous forest, filled with other demons. Her pack and her lived quite comfortable there, though they did have hardships for territory and food. I can't believe I'm not dead yet.
~//Yeah, I have a few special notes for you:: Lycoris has the ability to shape shift into other things besides a werewolf. But she can only shape shift when she is NOT fully wolf.
~//I dish my terror out in:: This colour; thoughts.
~//I swear, they're so annoying... Silver Lycoris , always telling me what to do..

~//I was known by this at one point.. I've been called many things, but you'll call me Death if you want to live.
~//I'm not too old, see? Only countless years. Well, not that old for a demon..
~//I hail from the Prime Demon race. How exciting.
~//I checked, don't worry. Male in aspect
~//You know you'd hit this:: Death
~//I'm a bit unusual, if I do say so myself. Calm and collected, I can be harsh at times. I grow ever tired of my duties, but I never complain about anything. See what I mean?
~//I've had a pretty hard life. My life is death. I've done nothing but harvest the souls of the deceased and turn them in their proper directions. I can't believe you'd think I could die.
~//Yeah, I have a few special notes for you:: Bones are like steel, for my body is eternal.
~//I dish my terror out in:: The darkness of Black
~//I swear, they're so annoying... Solidus Snake of Liberty , always telling me what to do..
And we are OPEN, fools!

Eloquent Codger

6,100 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Citizen 200
  • Invisibility 100
Ah.....the wasteland....a prime slice of land to conquer. All from my hands,all from his blood.....Even in the nearly unbearably hot weather caused on the wasteland,a figure stood on a small mountain,gazing down on the near desert below. Soon,it would rule this land with an iron fist,and bring around the First Kingdom of Xenos the Master. Six floating objects hovered around the apparently wide-shouldered being,dark purple eyes gleaming,even inside the Sun's gaze. The objects gleamed with a metallic glare,the figure's head protruding the same effect. Smaller,more bright jewels created a necklace around the figure's head,held together by a ring of gold. The apparent robes the figure wore were dark,almost black,blue. The only 'exit' of the robe covered with an equally dark red strip of fabric,nearly completing the picture. All that there was worth to mention was the metallic helmet the figure wore had sharp,long spines emanating from the head.

The figure suddenly leaped up into the air,slowly floating down into the air. The robes remained perfectly still,hiding the true figure below it. As soon as the strange figure 'touched' the ground,it started walking. It was heading north,where a possibly more habitable environment could exist. Where subjects would need a leader,and where he could attain the true status of a God. With the shard of powers Lutarius the Demonic God aiding him,the figure would have no trouble conquering other lands,and bring the remaining species together in a fellowship of survival. All the figure needed now were 'companions',subjects that would lead him to his goal of domination. They would live under him,of course,but they would be close to the God of the new land. Of the new kingdom,of the new peace. Of the new order of the God Xenos,and his mystical Hands.

He passed a burning corpse,one unfortunate soul who could not stand the burning hell-hole of the wasteland. The figure,now known as Xenos from the proclaiming of the mystical hands,'knelt' at the corpse."May one of my many hands take you to Paradise,lost soul of the waste."Xenos' voice had a strange 'reverberant' to it,something not caused by the helmet. As three hands removed the helmet,only a slight haze could be seen,in the shape of the helmet. Two hands patted out the fire,showing the twisted agony of the corpse. Xenos leaned and 'kissed' the forehead of the corpse,as a way of 'blessing'. The helmet was soon replaced on Xenos' head,and the robed 'God-King' once again took to the North,and the 'beginnings of his kingdom'.
Anything is possible

A pencil hung lopsidedly from Alexas' mouth as he stared at the book, his eyebrows furrowed in thought. Sighing, he closed the thick book and looked through the window of his favorite library, at the grass rippling in the light breeze. Europe, specifically England, was one of the better-off parts of the world, according to his geography teacher. Only a couple of continents had survived the "Era", if the stories about the "Era" were even true. Alexas, well, he just figured that Asia and South America and Africa were always like that.
He'd heard that they were once lush regions, but not anymore. Now, all three of the continents were wasteland. Everything there was just dirt; dirt and decay and death. Luckily, Europe and North America and Australia, even Antarctica had survived. He'd read that people didn't used to live in Antarctica, back in the time of the "Era". How funny, not to live there. It was a pretty big tourist destination, actually.
Huffing, Alexas stood up and replaced his book in its rightful slot. He bid the librarian farewell and stepped outside into the crisp autumn breeze, the smell of the city filling his nostrils.
Apparently, London had been pretty big at one point. Before the "Era", that was.
Alexas frowned. He wished there were more books on the "Era" that he could study. Unfortunately, most were complete nonsense. He had few facts to study and little time to study them. The "Era" had always fascinated him, and yet..
Shaking his head of the thought, Alexas hurried down the road. The city was quiet at this time of day, leaving him alone on the normally-busy sidewalk. Alexas hoped that weird guy wasn't around again today. Lately, there'd been a strange man following him about. Of course, everything was strange these days. He'd been seeing things no one else could lately, weird things. Like people with wings floating behind his friends and odd shadows in bright daylight.
Entering the little candy-shop-gone-cafe he always went to, Alexas greeted the cashier and got a bag of coconut macaroons, some peach rings, and an espresso. Sitting down at a nearby table, he let a ring dangle from his sugar-covered lip as he mulled over his thoughts.

When you open your eyes.
She spotted the boy at a nearby table. Twilly darted by and sat a few tables away, sending the other chairs clattering in the process. A passing woman gave the chairs a strange look, and hurried away, as if they would get up again if she looked too long. Twilly supposed it looked strange. Chairs don't fly around by themselves. She grinned, settling herself uncomfortably in the plastic chair, wings squashed behind her. It had been days since she made herself visible, but, she thought shrewdly, her lips twisted into a half-grin, it was better than running around, flapping her wings and screaming- she interupted her own thoughts, staring at the boy through the fringe of hair that covered her eyes. It was a wonder she didn't stumble around like a blind man, bouncing off the walls..
Anything is possible

Alexas gazed out into the street aimlessly, stirring his tea with a spoon. He could feel eyes on him, but tried his best not to look.
Curiosity getting the better of him, Alexas turned his head to the right to see a strange girl in aviators and an oversized jacket. She was just... Staring at him.
Alexas watched a small white feather drift down towards him and frowned. Was the girl another one of the winged people he'd been seeing lately?
Frowning, he picked it up and twirled it between two fingers, then turned his gaze to the girl. He tried to lock eyes with her for a moment, but a fringe of slick black hair covered them up.
Dropping the feather, Alexas yawned, rested his head in one hand, and went back to stirring his tea.

When you open your eyes.

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"I'm going, I'm going!" Liahona shouted to the manager of the small outdoor restaurant. He had caught her stealing some food and had agreed to withdraw any charges if she agreed to work for him to pay off what she had taken. Lia grumbled slightly as she picked up the tray of food and moved it toward a table that held a couple, their clothes fancy and their expressions smug. She only had a half an hour longer before she was free to go. The time passed achingly slow and she was more than ready to bolt when time time was finally up. She quickly pulled her hair out of its tie and left without bothering to say goodbye to the manager. Not that she wanted to anyway. Lia didn't care less if she never saw him again. The orphaned girl folded her arms as she walked down the sidewalk, her head lowered and hugging herself tightly. It was growing chilly and she had no jacket to wear. As she walked, she approached a candy store, pausing as the sweet scents of the candy drifted out to her. Her stomach growled, reminding her she hadn't eaten all day. Yet she didn't have the money to afford anything. She sighed and paused, allowing herself one more deep breath of the sugary treats.

Eloquent Codger

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Xenos walked past deserted villages,'blessing' any corpses he happened to come by on his way to the 'promised northern lands'. He once came across the skeletons of a family,all huddled together. It was a sad sight,because in the mother's skeleton,the undeveloped remains of a fetus' skeleton could be seen. Xenos brought mercy upon the world by sucking all water from the desert around him and burying them in quicksand,a solemn burial attended by no one but him and his hands. After finishing the act,Xenos quickly left by picking himself up and flinging himself over the next hill-rise. But his invisible feet landed in water,which turned out to be water from the Strait of Gibraltar,which separated Spain from Morocco.

"My quarry lies over this stream,my kingdom in the making."Xenos' robe suddenly opened as if two arms shot out from under it,exposing the flank of this specter. He laughed maniacally,his voice echoing over the silent water. He now was within reach of his goal,and only needed the specific land for his starting castle. His invisible arms reached back into his robe,pulling out a slightly burnt map. It showed the whole continent of Europe,and a bit of Africa below it. It had all sorts of markings on it,little notes the Spiritus left when scouting. In the Scandinavian area,specifically near Denmark,in bid bold letters it said 'Main Kingdom Here'. But closer to him,on the island of Britain and Scotland,the area of London was crossed over with the words 'Begin Conquest Here'.

Almost out of instinct,the hands took off Xenos' robe and helmet. They weighed him down,and the hands,in their free-floating state,would be free of this incursion. Xenos raised his now cloudy-white arms and looked to the water,concentrating on it with all his might. Suddenly,a great wave rose from the depths and spirited Xenos away,taking him out to the ocean. He now knew where he was going,and soon the world soon shall hear his mighty voice.
Twilly frowned slightly, beginning to twist around once again. Chairs were her mortal enemy; she hadn't the slightest how others of her kind managed to look so graceful and innocent, while she stumbled around, eyes hidden by empty voids.
She sighed theatrically. Twilly was now even less comfortable than before, her wings pinned against the plastic chair, arms wrapped around her knees. Finally, she simply placed her feet on the table and sank down in the plastic chair, her arms over the sides and grazing the floor.

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¤¸¸.◦´¯`◦.¸¸.◦..»--» |[м. ℓєє]| «--«..◦.¸¸.◦´¯`◦.¸¸¤

Marcus strolled down the boring streets of his hometown in England, a hood that obscured his face pulled over his head. This was only to hide his charcoal-black ears-- you didn't see anybody from the Panthaea demon race roaming around in the open now-a-days, now did you? --, and it gave him the liberty to get out and actually do something. Maybe not something of specific interest... But at least he wasn't stuck in his stuffy little one-room apartment all day.

His rather long tail, which was as black as his ears, was hidden well in the leg of one of his baggy pants. It was, in truth, not the most comfortable of positions... But he couldn't just let his tail hang out of the back of his pants like it was normal. Well, human normal-- it was perfectly normal for one of the Panthaea race, of course.

Sighing and taking a right turn down another sidewalk, Mark shook the black hair out of his face, revealing the brightest of green eyes. His hair didn't agree with him, though, and fell right back into his face again. Chuckling lightly, Mark shook his head. 'I need a haircut...' He thought, chuckling once more.

Suddenly, Mark smelt something. It smelt good, so he went to go check it out. He came to a small cafe sort of store, walking inside and glancing around. It didn't seem too shabby, Mark thought, and walked up to the counter. The teenage-looking boy bought a hot-chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate fudge, as well as a chocolate-glazed donut. Smiling at the chashier and paying for his treats, Mark sat at a table near a boy with white-looking hair, stirring a drink and gazing out of a window. He pulled the donut out of the bag in which the cashier had kindly given him, popping the top off of his hot-chocolate to let it cool down. Taking a bite of the donut, Mark smiled slightly-- boy, did he just adore chocolate!

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