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What happens when you take a bunch of College kids, and throw them into a cabin in the woods in the middle of nowhere? Your typical sex, drugs, loud music, etc. But what happens when you throw a supernatural phantom killer in the mix? Your typical set-up for a slasher flick! And that is what this RP is gonna be all about.

Here's how it's gonna go down. If it goes down...


That's right. This won't be a very good slasher RP if there's no body count. Therefore, the fate of your character will be determined by dice rolls. If your character happens to be in a compromising position that follows the clichés of a typical horror flick (i.e. Having sex, or anything of the sexual sort, playing pranks, being alone anywhere at any time, etc.) then the chances of your character's for survival will be that much more slim on the die roll. The story will begin like a typical Romance RP. A group of rich College friends and couples take a trip to a camping resort on spring break for a week of fun. Who knows? Maybe in time... there'll be infidelity among the couples. Maybe they'll start falling for someone else. But little do they know that their every move is being stalked by an evil, malevolent force....

Yes, maybe they will find their true love... but it doesn't matter, 'cause they're all gonna die! Ahahaha! twisted That's what you get for being in love! AHhaha! AHAHAHAHAHA! *cough*

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Welcome to Washington Springs Camping Resort. It's the spring of 2005 in the beautiful Evergreen State. The camp will be officially re-opening this summer after closing down 10 years ago in 1995 under mysterious circumstances. A group of college kids have access to the single biggest, most luxurious cabin of the whole camp - thanks to their rich bimbo of a friend, Jennifer. She's throwing a huge bash at her father's cabin hideaway for the whole entire week! And she's invited just about everyone from college. Even though the place hasn't officially opened yet, it still has running electricity. It looks to be a week of straight partying, fun, and laughs. However...

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There are certain legends and rumors revolving around the closing of the camp 10 years ago. Apparently it was shut-down due to a series of bizarre murders and disappearances. Some people believe it to be haunted; others say it was built upon an Indian Burial Ground. But the majority just shrug it off as rumors and superstition. What is the true story behind this camp? Can you survive long enough to uncover it's horrifying secrets? Only time will tell.
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The Nature Trail:
Water Fall
The Lake

The Mess Hall/Entertainment Hall:
Rock Wall
Arcade/Game Room

The Cabin Lodge:
Porch (complete with hot-tub)
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Rue Tskino & Thee Stranger
User ImageCouple: Jamie & Micheal
Relationship: Jamie and Michael have been dating casually for several months now. Michael wants to take it to the next level, but Jamie is reluctant. She wants to lose her virginity to "the one". She is slowly, but surely, coming around to Michael, as she is eager to please. She is head-over-heels in love with him. But all Michael really wants is to get in her pants. He is hoping that this camping trip will give him the opportunity to take Jamie's virginity. And if he can't get any from her, well, there are other girls who would be perfectly willing.

Screen name: ((Premade)) played by, Rue Tskino
Character Name: Jamie
Gender: Female
Type: Virgin/Innocent
Age: 18
Personality: Honest, outgoing, and sweet. Jamie is the angel; the blushing bride. She stays away from drugs, but she will drink on occasion if she is coaxed into it.
Bio: She is currently studying to be a Nurse. Jamie is a straight-A student, a member of the varsity basketball team, Yearbook Club, and Library Club.
Other: As long as Jamie maintains her virginity, she will have one re-roll chance on any Killer Encounter (see below).


Screen name: ((Premade)) played by, Thee Stranger
Character Name: Michael, or Mike
Gender: Male
Type: Jock/Womanizer
Age: 19
Personality: Michael is just a tad bit full of himself. He has an over-inflated ego, and doesn't really see women as much more than sex objects. In short, he's a manipulative sociopath. However, he is a great actor, and is outwardly charming and kind.
Bio: Mike is the star Quarterback of his football team. He isn't the greatest student, but he gets by on all his sports scholarships. He aspires to one day join the NFL.
Other: He runs like the wind. Therefore, if he rolls a 5-6 on a Standard Killer Encounter, he doesn't need to bother hiding. He automatically escapes.


wifeRU/Keist & Deviously-Deranged
User ImageCouple: Damien & Nicole
Relationship: Damien and Nicole have been together since high school. They have a deep love, trust, and understanding of each other. However, they do fight a lot. Damien loves to piss Nicole off, and play pranks on her. Nicole has become accustomed to Damien's playful nature over the years, but it still really gets on her nerves at times, as she is a little more serious than he. Damien ends up getting beat-up by Nicole a lot. But they both know it's all love.

Screen name: ((Premade)) played by, wifeRU/Keist
Character Name: Damien
Gender: Male
Type: Prankster
Age: 19
Personality: As stated above, Damien is a prankster. He likes to mess with people, and give them little scares on occasion for a laugh. He is playful, and known to space-out at times.
Bio: Damien is failing the classes he doesn't care for (because he doesn't try), and passing the classes that he likes with flying colors. He's been with Nicole for years, and really does love her. He would do just about anything for her. Damien is also good friends with Jay, and the two can often be found playing hacky sack together.
Other: Unless the killer is already a well-known, established presence, no Rescue Encounters (see below) can be attempted involving Damien. It will be a case of the boy who cried wolf, as nobody will take his cries for help seriously. However, if he encounters the killer while pranking, the encounter will act as a Standard, as opposed to a Cliché Encounter for one time only.

Screen name: ((Premade)) played by, Deviously-Deranged
Character name: Nicole
Gender: Female
Type: Sassy/Level-headed
Age: 18
Personality: Nicole is pretty grounded but on occasion will get angry enough to punch someone across the face. She’s the one that’s usually appointed the designated driver although she will leave them at the party with no ride home if they are too s**t-faced.
Bio: Nicole came from a pretty good back ground, not perfect but pretty mediocre. Her mother worked two jobs and her father was on disability, because he had something wrong with his back, but it really didn’t affect him most days. From the time she was little she was always wrestling with her dad or her two brothers, which kept her for the most part grounded, usually when ever a ‘dog-pile’ had started on her back. She was accepted to a pretty good college, not really being a straight-A student she’s usually a: low B, or high C; kind of person. She’s been with Damien for awhile now. His antics sometimes get her in a giddy mood but sometimes they have a tendency to get frustrating and piss her off as well. She’s gotten rather accustomed to him but she will leave a few bruises on his arm from time to time.
Other: In the case of a FOUND YOU! Encounter (see below), if Nicole rolls a 4-6, she automatically defeats the killer and escapes. This rule does not apply to the standard Wounded Killer Encounter.


Thee Stranger/Eshbaal & XxDarkxxAngelxX
User ImageCouple: Eric & Jennifer
Relationship: This is a true case of opposites attracting. Jennifer is a rich, preppy, outgoing, pampered daddy's girl; while Eric is a mostly quiet, withdrawn, and anti-social eccentric. Jennifer's father doesn't approve at all of the relationship. Eric weirds him out, and he would rather see his daughter with a "real man", like a football player. Jennifer, however, thinks Eric is just the cutest little thing. She wouldn't give him up for the world... even though she does cheat on him with the occasional jock every now and then. Eric is infatuated with Jennifer, and does anything she asks; goes along with anything she says. Can anybody say, Whipped? Yeah, like a puppy dog. They think they're in love, but their relationship is more superficial than anything. They have been together for a year.

Screen name: ((Premade)) played by, Eshbaal/Thee Stranger
Character Name: Eric
Gender: Male
Type: Prettyboy/Eccentric
Age: 20
Personality: Some may take him as sort of a nut-job, but he isn't crazy. He's just a little strange. He has an obsession with green tea, and bland foods. He lives by his "100 year old Refrigerator" theory. Which is basically the philosophy of acquiring a taste for, and packing ones refrigerator with the most bland, off-the-wall foods that one can think of, and that none of your friends would want to eat on you (i.e. celery, seltzer water (as opposed to soda), pumpernickel bread, wheat cookies, oakridge cake, etc.). And that's just one of his eccentricities.
Bio: Eric did a lot of hardcore drugs when he was very young. This can be attributed to his dead-beat parent's leading by a bad example, and general lack of any parenting at all. Surprisingly, Eric turned out to be very intelligent and independent. He dealt drugs to raise enough money to move out on his own when he was 18, and excelled in school. He was accepted to a great college where he met Jennifer. Life couldn't be better.
Other: In the case of a Standard Killer Encounter (see below), A roll of 6-8 will result in the killer's loss.

Screen name: ((Premade)) played by, XxDarkxxAngelxX
Character Name: Jennifer
Gender: Female
Type: Bimbo/Gaudy
Age: 19
Personality: "Like, oh my gawd." Jennifer is your typical rich, spoiled bimbo. Her hobbies include gossiping, going to the tanning booth, and getting her hair done. She also enjoys doing everybody else's hair, and will often ask her friends if she can braid it for them or something. She can be a little stuck-up at times, but for the most part, she is friendly with everyone. Sometimes she can make for a good laugh. Jennifer is used to things going her way, and if they don't, she can turn into a real b***h real fast.
Bio: Jennifer's father runs a very successful automotive business chain, and being that she is his only daughter, he showers her with luxury. What Jennifer wants, Jennifer gets. She flunked out of college last semester, but her daddy's money is abundant enough that she can afford to fail a few semesters. She has an uncharacteristic attraction towards quiet, reserved, alienated type men. Which is why she took a liking to Eric, despite the disapproval of her family, and some of her other stuck-up friends. Jennifer tries to groom Eric into something he's really not. It was her father who rented out the cabin for her to use during summer break, when the camp officially opens. But Jennifer ended up with the keys, and since she was on spring break anyway, she thought, "Oh my gawd, PARTAY!" Jennifer is the hostess of this little bash. She has visited the camp before when she was a little girl, and knows her way around pretty well.
Other: For one time only, If someone is fails a Rescue Encounter attempt (see below) on Jennifer, there is no need for her to roll, and Jennifer is automatically saved.


Thee Stranger & Sonichan
User ImageCouple: Alex & Brianna
Relationship: This is a pretty well-matched couple. Alex and Brianna are both athletes in every sense of the word, and their backgrounds are much similar as well. They get along great, as they have a lot in common, and share many of the same interests. They have been dating for two years now.

Screen name: ((Premade)) played by, Thee Stranger
Character Name: Alex
Gender: Male
Type: Jock
Age: 19
Personality: Alex has a strong, stubborn personality. He is a happy-go-lucky sort of guy; always looking for a good time. Alex is usually pretty laid back and collected, and is a believer in the Team-Player kind of mentality. But when he's drunk, he can become loud and obnoxious. He also tends to start fights when he's smashed.
Bio: Alex started wrestling when he was six years old. On his off season, he runs almost every night, and attends wrestling camps. He has won the Frontier League Championship, and also takes part in Lacrosse. Alex strived to be a great wrestler so that he could get into a good college. Needless to say, he achieved his goal.
Other: In the case of a Standard Killer Encounter (see below) a die roll of 2-4 will result in Alex's escape, though he is still wounded.

Screen name: ((Premade)) played by, Sonichan
Character Name: Brianna
Gender: Female
Type: Ditsy/Athletic
Age: 19
Personality: Brianna is a complete air-head. However, strangely enough, she is very book-smart. She is very giddy and excited most of the time, which does get on certain people's nerves; others find it charming. In any case, she usually means well. Brianna is a nice person, for the most part. She knows she's beautiful, and has a great body to boot. As such, she tends to show this off with her affection for pink lacy, frilly garments and underthings.
Bio: Brianna, a.k.a. "Elastic Girl", started doing gymnastics at the age of 3. When she was very little, she noticed that she was very flexible. Brianna is also a volleyball player, a basketball player, and a cheerleader. Just last year, she won both the Power Tumbler Award, and the Best Tumbler Award. She has an extremely fit body from all her hard work growing up on a farm, and can contort her body into the most awkward positions you can think of. Kelly is one of her best friends.
Other: If Brianna is hiding, and the killer is in Stalking Mode (see below), a die roll of 8 is the only result in which the killer finds her.


Found Bleeding/Sonichan
User ImageScreen name: ((Premade)) played by, Found Bleeding/Sonichan
Character name: Kelly
Type: Slut
Age: 19
Personality: A beautiful and evil temptress. Kelly likes to ******** her friend's boyfriends. She seems to only be interested in men who are already involved in a relationship. Kelly doesn't usually even bother with any single men. If they haven't already proved their worth to another woman, what good are they to her? On the outside, she is charming and outgoing. Such is the reason it is so easy for her to make friends. But on the inside, she's a cold b***h who is ruled by her impulses. She is a shapely, sexy creature who will smother a man with her feminine magnetism until they eventually give in to her. The only time she feels like a woman is when she has a man in between her legs. She drowns in her own self-hatred. And although her personality type can be summed up in one word, she is a much deeper, more complex person.
Bio: Her father was a rich business man who ran out on her mother before she was even born. Kelly was raised by her single mother, who basically lived off of her father's child support money. Growing up without a father proved to be very unhealthy for her. The only male figures of example she had to look up to were the scumbags she dated when she was in high school, who used her for sex, and then broke her heart. Now it is she who uses men; further proving to herself that they are all no good with each committed man she seduces. She is an honor student, and a member of the varsity basketball team.
Other: In the case of a Cliché Killer Encounter (see below), Kelly's roll of a 3-4 will result in her escape. A roll of 2 will result in a wound, though she still escapes.


Thee Stranger
User ImageScreen name: ((Premade)) played by, Thee Stranger
Character name: Jay
Gender: Male
Type: Partier/Stoner
Age: 19
Personality: Jay is your typical party-goer. He smokes excessive amounts of Marijuana, and drinks even more excessively. For Jay, everything is in excess. His other hobbies include playing hacky sack, and mooching off Kara's stash. He's considered good company and fun to be around by some, though obnoxious and annoying by others. Jay is known to say, "Duuuuuude!" a lot. And he doesn't get laid often - not that he really cares.
Bio: Jay is failing all of his classes, and takes no part in any extracurricular activities... besides drugs.
Other: Hey, man. He's just here for the beer.
As long as Jay is under the influence of any kind of alcohol or drug, a Cliché Killer Encounter may act as Standard Killer Encounter (see below).

"Dank, dude. Dank."


User ImageScreen name: ((Premade)) played by, Sonichan
Character name: Kara
Gender: Female
Type: Hippie/Stoner
Age: 18
Personality: Kara is a kind, sensitive, and selfless humanist. She believes that the whole world could be at peace if people would just listen to each other, man. Kara craves real love more than anything; something she has yet to experience, and would do anything to obtain. She is eager to please, easily influenced, and easily taken advantage of.
Bio: Kara found love and friendship in all the wrong places when she was young; namely drug addicts. Kara can now always be found with some rather fine herb on her person. She uses drugs as a tool to build and maintain friendships (not that she doesn't enjoy partaking herself). Though she is very naive to think that a true friendship can be based upon a chemical substance. If all the free weed she hands out disappeared, all of her "friends" would disappear along with it. Deep down, she is a very lonely person. She is majoring in psychology, and liberal arts. Jay is usually following her around.
Other: If Kara is wounded, she automatically heals for one time only, and the subsequent die roll acts as a Standard Killer Encounter (see below).



User ImageScreen name: ((Premade)) played by Caleidah
Character name: Anthony
Gender: Male
Type: Geek/Virgin
Age: 18
Personality: Anthony is very intelligent, but not so well off in the social skills department. He is very insecure and shy. His approach to others is always very nice, kind, polite, and courteous; the way he expects, in vain, to be treated in return. Anthony has a passive aggressive personality, which allows people to walk all over him, take advantage of him, and make fun of him. He allows himself to be abused, and takes it with a smile on his face. But on the inside, he secretly seethes with intense anger and hatred. Anthony loathes his virginity, and places the blame on women, whom he secretly hates. He just can't understand why women won't give him a second look, even though he is super nice to them. Anthony sees all the bimbos on this trip for what they really are in his eyes: That being boring, vapid, unintelligent skankatrons. So, the "nice guy" isn't really a nice guy at all.
Bio: It goes without saying that Anthony is an extremely bright, Grade A student. He met Jamie in Library Club, and developed a close friendship with her. She seemed to be the only attractive, intelligent woman who ever paid any attention to him. He has a secret affection for her, but won't dare come out with it. And so he stays in the best friend role, which he despises. Jamie often takes Anthony along to hang out with the rest of her friends, but nobody else really cares too much for him. He just doesn't fit in with the crowd. Jamie thinks she's doing him a favor, and giving him an opportunity to make new friends. But all the night ever really amounts to is Anthony being the b***h who pays for all the beer while everybody else drinks it, and makes fun of him. While this is all going on, Jamie is always off somewhere with Michael - nowhere to be seen. Anthony sees right through Michael for exactly what he is, and is even starting to despise Jamie for being so foolish. Why doesn't she want him? Anthony will do anything to spoil Michael's chances of getting laid with Jamie.
Crush: Jamie
Other: As long as Anthony maintains his virginity, he will be given one re-roll chance on any Killer Encounter of his choice, unless he's wounded.


Lightning Alastor
User ImageScreen name: ((Premade)) played by, Lightning Alastor
Character name: Chris
Gender: Male
Type: Badboy/Mysterious
Age: 18
Personality: An independent thinker. Chris isn't one to always follow the crowd. His attitude could be described as very nonchalant, and indifferent. However, he has firm convictions, and if one opposes those convictions, he can take on a much more abrasive personality. He is unstable and unpredictable.
Bio: Chris grew up a problem child in a broken home. His mother was a prostitute, and she never really told Chris anything about is father other than that he was a soldier. When he was a child, he always assumed the reason his father never came to see him was because he was fighting in the war. Chris was bullied, and teased about his mother's profession during childhood. He took up smoking at the very young age of 8, and began acting out in other juvenile criminal activities. One day when he was being bullied outside a school yard by two other young boys, Chris exploded into a psychotic frenzy. He burned one of the boy's eyes out with a lit cigarette, before pouncing on the other one and ferociously biting into his face. Child Protective Services ended up being called in to investigate Chris's home life. After discovering the rat-hole apartment he and his mother were living in, as well as his mother's job practice, Chris was taken into protective custody. He was then sent to a correctional facility, before being taken to a foster home. Chris became quiet and reserved, and mainly concentrated on his studies. Upon receiving the news that his mother had been killed as a result of her pimp force-feeding her drano fluid, Chris's one word reply was, "Good". He continued to excel in school, and the home eventually paid his way through college in an attempt to turn him into a rags-to-riches success story.
Other: In the case of a Wounded Killer Encounter (see below), if Chris rolls a 4-6, he automatically defeats the killer and escapes. This rule does not apply to the FOUND YOU! Encounter.


User ImageScreen name: ((Premade)) played by Grenaderbrad
Character name: Brad
Gender: Male
Type: Hunk/Jock
Age: 21
Personality: Brad is a compassionate, light-hearted, and good natured person. However, he does emit an aura of self-satisfaction that borders on smugness, and women are his major weakness. His friends mean a lot to him, and he does his best to look out for them. He often walks them home, or calls them a cab when they're too drunk to drive. Brad always strives to be the hero, and help everyone.
Bio: Brad is Native American, and grew up on his family's ranch. He was always a pretty big guy, and excelled at sports, even at a young age. He is a Gearhead, and can often be seen performing tune-ups on his chopper motorcycle. Brad is a fairly decent student, but more so an excellent defensive linesman for his varsity football team. He is very strong, and it would be best to stay on his good side. However, for the most part, he is a gentle giant. Being that he is of the legal age, he's usually the one that buys the beer.
Appearance: 2nd
Other: As long as Brad isn't wounded, his die roll of a 2-4 will result in the killer's loss in the case of a Rescue Encounter (see below)


User ImageScreen name: ((Premade)) played by, rose52177
Character name: Samantha
Gender: Female
Type: Badgirl/Bimbo
Age: 19
Personality: Samantha is very social, outgoing, and free spirited. She's a big party-goer; loves to get smashed, smoke grass, and partake in any other kind of recreational drugs. She likes to think of herself as an honest person, but in reality, she just likes to pipe in with her brutally honest opinions and two cents when it isn't welcomed. Samantha is what you could call a know-it-all, though ironically, she tends to follow the crowd. Hey, she needs someone to talk to. And Samantha loves to talk. She is very easy, and what one could call a sexual scientist: Very experimental in bed - there's nothing she won't try.
Bio: Sam had to bust her a** to get to where she is. She isn't an A student, and she struggles just to pass. But she does pass, and continues to get through college by the skin of her a**. Samantha has always been a troublemaker, and likes to stir-up s**t just to smell it. She is a member of the Yearbook Club.
Other: If Sam rolls a 1-2 on a Standard Killer Encounter (see below), She gets to re-roll the result for one time only.


User ImageScreen name: XxDarkxxAngelxX
Character name: Brooke
Gender: Female
Type: Goth/Cheerleader
Age: 18
Personality: She's a cheerleader, yes, but she's not the brainless or bubbly type. She is...odd...to say the least. She acts like she's being forced into cheerleading but really doesn't mind it. But that's a secret that no one will know if she can help it. She's dark with a dark sense of humor and loves the goth clothing style.
Bio: N/A
Crush She'll never tell.


r a n d o m DUCKEH
User ImageScreen name: r a n d o m DUCKEH
Character name: Amelia Clare McAloney
Gender: Female
Type: Bimbo/Slut
Age: 19
Personality: Amelia is mean and demanding. She always gets her way and loves bossing people around. Amelia is also charming, and can make almost anyone love her. She will do whatever it takes to be popular and to rule. If anyone doesn't listen to her, she will make sure they do. She is a slut. This means she sleeps with almost all the boys, and gets anyone she wants.
Bio: Amelia grew up loved and spoiled because of her good looks. She was popular in everything she did and still is. School, music, dancing and whatever else you can think of. Boys have always fainted in front of her, and girls have always squealed. Her best friend, Jennifer, has always been there for her. Amelia is always first. In dancing, sports, music and anything else. Of course, geeky boys also ask her out, so she does have a hard life. She learned how to play the flute when she was quite young and can now play brilliantly. She has also had a cat named Amy for as long as she can remember.
Crush: As if she would tell you.
Other: Is best friends with Jennifer, the girl who rented out the camp, so they do almost everything together

"What kind of toy says 'No'?"


User ImageScreen name: Luana_Blodwyn
Character name: Christine
Gender: Female
Type: Athletic/Apathetic
Age: 21
Personality: Unlike the apparent majority of the girls at this party, Christine is anything but a dumb bimbo. She isn't necessarily extremely smart, but had a decent enough head on her shoulders. In truth she has no real drive in life, she'd rather just coast along and watch the scenery or out horse back riding. She doesn't drink to often and will not touch narcotics. No matter the pressure she knows how they could hinder her riding.
Bio: Born and raised in a horse filled atmosphere. Her mother breeds thoroughbreds and her father trains. They only race low circuits, not believing in the slaughter of a bunch of horses for a profit. The ones fully unfit to race were trained and sold for other disciplines. Christine long since took up dressage and three day eventing. Born with her butt in a saddle she'd been riding since before she was born, literally, her mom rode while pregnant. She sat with her mom in the saddle from nearly day one and still rides the throw away thoroughbreds, showing and training them for a tidy little profit. She's in school for business but doesn't care to much for it. Raised with good morals she will not buy alcohol for minors. She will help carry it in the store, to the car, drive back and put it in the fridge but will not make the actual purchase. However she has had her share of ranch hands and other equestrian men. She'd go for a roll in the hay with a cowboy any time.
Crush Save a horse, ride a cowboy.


User ImageScreen name: Cceasterlin11/TysonRios13
Character Name: Nathan
Gender: Male
Type: Geek
Age: 20
Personality: He is kind of quiet and shy only really likes to talk to his other friends
Bio: He was abandoned as a child and lived at a friends house for awhile and they eventually started dating.
Secret Crush: His girlfriend
Other: His girlfriend is at home her parents would not let her come


User ImageScreen name: Carveus
Character name: Isabel
Type: Creepy outsider/goth chick
Age: 18
Personality: Quiet, reserved and would prefer to be reading a book. Knows all the horror film clichés and will voice them loudly, but has no choice but to go along with them. Scathing off most forms of society.
Bio: Comes from a relatively stable family but dislikes her parents as they would prefer her to be 'normal'.

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Newspaper Clipping
Newsline – Washington Springs, Washington
March 28, 1995

Gruesome Murder Disturbs Community

User ImageToday, at approximately 3:15 PM, the body of young Sophie Andrews was found at the now infamous Washington Springs Camping Resort. The camp, already under review for odd occurrences, has officially been closed again in the wake of the murder. When asked for a comment on the case, lead investigator Thomas Carlan of the Washington State Police said, “It’s by far one of the most bizarre things that I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen murderers before, but… this girl suffered something worse than I’ve ever seen.” No further information was to be gleaned from the detective, but it is known that the search for a culprit has been, so far, fruitless.

Looking back through time, this is not the first piece of interest in the history of the Washington Springs Camping Resort. The area that composes the camp was originally settled in the mid 1700’s by a group of “pilgrims” led by one Ezekiel Blackthorne. While there was nothing terribly unusual about the pilgrims themselves, constant rumor had it that Blackthorne was not only an ex-pirate but also a student of the occult. According to urban legend, tunnels were carved beneath the compound of the camp where various occult experiments were done upon persons, willing or not. For reasons unknown, the settlers all left the area, leaving their settlement abandoned, as it remained until the year 1919 when it came under new ownership as a camping resort.

Between the years of 1919 and 1968 there were many accounts of odd occurrences and disappearances around the camp, but those hit their crux with what is now known as the “Scissor Killing” in 1968. The victim, one Katherine Abbot was found with the majority of her head severed off. Investigations showed that the wound was caused with a bladed weapon, most likely a pair of scissors or hedge clippers. The primary suspect was a man only known as ”Bobby.” The man apparently worked at the camp as a gardener and was often seen trimming hedges with a scissor-like tool that were NOT hedge clippers.

At the time of the murder, the camp’s owner was reported as saying, “I don’t know where everyone is getting this idea that I hired this ‘Bobby’ fellow. If you look at our spending records not a single cent was ever paid his way.” Despite this, common belief was that he had been paid cash, under the table. The camp’s owner was sued for the murder, and the costs were so great that the camp, once again, closed. A large manhunt was undertaken to find the individual named “Bobby,” but he had seemingly disappeared off of the planet. The manhunt was called off, although a bounty does still exist on any information about the man.

Artist Rendering of "Bobby", as described by witnesses

Over time ghost stories popped up involving the camp, ranging from the mundane (people finding pairs of rusted hedge clippers) to the extraordinary (including the alleged “Bobby Black” rhyme often chanted on Halloween).

For a third time the camp was inhabited in 1978 and it was transformed into a luxury camp, aimed at serving as a camp for richer clientèle looking for an escape from the cities. Unfortunately, it would seem that the camp’s sordid history has caught up with it once again, resulting in one of the most mysterious and terrifying tales in Washington state history.

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Standard Encounter
The Standard Encounter is the most common encounter that will take place. If you are wounded during this encounter, you must roll again in a Wounded Encounter.

Roll one 8-sided die:

7-8 = The killer loses (You kick him in the nuts and run away.)
5-6 = Run and Hide (You escape the clutches of death, and now you're hiding. But the killer is still stalking... will he find you?)
3-4 = Wounded (The killer has inflicted considerable damage upon you.)
1-2 = Dead (Game Over)

Wounded Encounter
Once you are wounded, you're wounded for the duration of the game. So any Standard Encounters now act as Wounded Encounters.

Roll one 6-sided die:

6 = The killer loses
4-5 = In combat (Re-roll. You're fighting the killer. You're already wounded, so you cannot run. Your only chance is to either defeat the killer or have somebody else come to your rescue; risking their own life to distract him, so that you can get away.)
1-3 = Dead

Cliché Encounter
A Cliché Encounter occurs when your character is caught in the middle of a sin of some sort. (i.e. Having sex, drinking, etc.) It is the hardest encounter to survive.

Roll one 4-sided die:

4 = Escape
1-3 = Dead

Rescue Encounter
A Rescue Encounter occurs when you notice your friend is in danger, and you attempt to save them. It can be performed just after said friend makes his/her Killer Encounter dice roll.

Roll one 4-sided die:

4 = The killer loses (Congratulations, hero. You saved the day, and now you and your pal can both get away.)
3 = In combat (Congratulations. You bought your friend enough time to get away. But now the killer is your problem.)
1-2 = Dead (Congratulations. You're dead.)

Stalking Mode ((Killer's Roll))
This roll is for the killer. In the case of a Standard Encounter, if you roll a 5-6, you're in hiding and the killer is searching for you.

Roll one 8-sided die:

1-4 = Escape (The killer fails to find your hiding place, and slowly wanders off.)
5-8 = FOUND YOU! (The killer has found your hiding space. You now have to roll again as if it where a Wounded Encounter.)


((These weapons may come into play later, provided anyone survives long enough to obtain one. They will each have their own unique effects to the die rolls))

Louisville Slugger
User Image

Adds a +1 to any Killer Encounter die roll result.

User Image

Adds a +2 to any Killer Encounter die roll result. (Low on gas: 4, 3 uses only.)
The chainsaw is very loud when it is running. So on the result of a 5-6 on a Standard Encounter, you cannot hide. You are still in combat with the killer, and must roll for another Standard Encounter.

Remington (12 gauge) Shotgun
User Image

Adds a +3 to any Killer Encounter die roll. (Ammo Count: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 shells)
Shotgun blasts tend to disperse in a wide spray. Therefore, in the case of a Rescue Encounter, if you roll a 1 on the die, the shotgun spray will hit and wound your friend. If your friend is already wounded, they will be killed by the blast.

For a more In depth look, click here: Rulebook, OOC, and Recruitment Subforum
The Standard Rules:

User Image

2. Curse all you like. Go about this as if you were in your typical R rated slasher flick.
3. Romance is fine, just keep it PG-13. I realize that sex plays a role in this RP, but all you have to do is give the indication that that's what you're doing. It isn't that hard. And if you really want to get into all the gory details, take it to PM.
4. Play nice.
5. Use (()) or [] for OOC conversation. Avoid purely OOC posts if you can.
6. Try to be at least semi-literate, and please try to avoid one-liner posts.
7. The outcome of any technical or unforeseen mishaps will be decided by... meh.
8. PM all profiles with this standard format (you are allowed more than one character):

[b]Screen name:[/b]
[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Type:[/b] (Geek, Jock, Bimbo, etc.)
[b]Age:[/b] (18 +)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Bio:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Picture/Avatar/Description)
[b]Crush[/b] (Optional)

((Hey, get yourself a Gaia friend and make a Couple's profile together. Maybe it'll be fun.))


[b]Screen name:[/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Type:[/b] (Geek, Jock, Bimbo, etc.)
[b]Age:[/b] (18 +)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Bio:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Secret Crush:[/b] (Optional)

[b]Screen name:[/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Type:[/b] (Geek, Jock, Bimbo, etc.)
[b]Age:[/b] (18 +)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Bio:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Secret Crush:[/b] (Optional)

((Premade Application))

[b]Screen name:[/b]
[b]Premade Character:[/b]
A very special thanks goes to XxDarkxxAngelxX for creating these beautiful banners for the Role-Play. ^_^

User Image

[IMG]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj281/XxDarkxxAngelxXAviArt/Graphic Shop/SlasherGraphic.png[/IMG][/url]

User Image

[IMG]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj281/XxDarkxxAngelxXAviArt/Graphic Shop/SlasherGraphic2.png[/IMG][/url]


Van 1 (RV Rental):
Driver: Jennifer

Van 2 (8-seater Rental)
Driver: Nicole

After Jennifer made the announcement for "Party Week" at her cabin getaway, all of her closest friends met to plan the trip out. Jennifer ended up renting two vehicles for use to accommodate all the people who were coming for sure. Of course, there were still probably going to be other kids showing up there in their own vehicles. Jennifer was sure she gave them the right directions...

So now the group is en route; Jennifer leading the way in her luxurious RV mobile home, with Nicole following in their cramped 8 seater van. Well, they say that half the fun of a trip is getting there....

((We'll arrive at the camp whenever XxDarkxxAngelxX decides that Jennifer found it. So just go with the flow, and have fun RPing. SLASHER! is officially open. ^_^))

Jay squirmed in his seat as he was squished in between Kara on his left, and Chris on his right. "Duuude, are we there yet?" he whined as he inched his hand into his pocket and produced his glass pipe from his pocket. It was caked with the resin of many days of prior past tokes. Jay felt a little wind coming on, and crudely decided to pass it. *FAAARRRRTTT!*
"Ahaha!" Jay busted out in childish laughter at his friends. The poor souls in the cramped van were probably gasping for air right now. He then turned to Kara adjacent to him as he held up his bowl. "Hey, you wanna pack this?"
Jay knew that there was to be no smoking in this van, as it was the terms of use of the rental company, but he didn't really care. It would be Jennifer's problem, and she had enough money to cover the charges. The only one that would probably b***h was Nicole... and maybe Christine.

Eloquent Lunatic

This whole trip, this RV, and the people filling this RV. Three things that could easily sit on top of a list of things I didn't want to be involved with this summer. Meh, ******** it all anyway. Once we get to this campsite I can disappear off somewhere to read or write. At least having all of these idiots around might help spur me on a little with the entrance essay I have to write.

Anthony looked up from his book for a moment a moment from the corner where he was seated, naturally, on the floor. The other seats had been taken up by those people that he both despised and loved. That is to say he loved how predictable they all were and how he could read all of them like open books. After a moment he looked back down to his book, a thick leather-backed thing discussing the most perfect possible topic: psychology.

Hmh, what a fine damned crowd Jamie keeps dragging me into. Lets see, what kind of refuse am I trapped with for the summer? Hm. Lets see, we've got a booze hound wrestler, a drug dealing anti-socialite, an idiot gearhead giant, a girl that hasn't got half an ounce of sense in her freakishly flexible body, one...no, two sluts, one of which is a maniacal seductress and the other a burnout, and a no good, lying, cruel, manipulative...

He swallowed hard and let the thoughts fall away, realizing that he was staring at Michael out of the corner of his eye.

Damn him. He's the one thing stopping me from Jamie. Its...Its painful that she can't see through him to the inner b*****d that everyone else can see. He's just trying to get into her pants, but she's so in love with him. Why can't that be me? What the hell is so wrong with me that girls won't give me a second ******** look? Oh well. I guess that there's nothing I can do except keep the hell out of the way and hope that something kills them all so that I can go home and have some peace.
Christine had shown up at the last moment to jump into the rental vans. Her show duffel bag slung over her shoulder, stuffed with clothing for the week. As she ran to jump in she was picking hay out of her hair. No, she hadn't found herself a new cowboy, they had to fire one of their stable hands because he was using drugs on the property and had shown up drunk one to many times. So that morning she had to wake up early to help feed the horses. She took the last seat in the eight seater van and shut the door smelling rather violently of horse and hay. A smell she personally liked and...really didn't care if others didn't like it, she'd shower later, there'd been no time.

With a relaxed sigh she leaned back in the seat, taking note of those around. People she recognized well enough even if she didn't always talk to them to often. She rubbed her arms a little, they were sore from hefting around fifty pound bales of hay. Though she already missed her horses, a break from training was good every once in a while.

They had been on the road only so long before Jay brought out a bowl. Christine gave a small roll of her eyes as she turned to look out the window. She didn't agree with drugs at all but didn't care enough to say anything. If Jay wanted to burn out his mind, let him, not like he has much left. Her eye twitched at the sudden roar from Jay's rear end. She pulled up her button down shirt to her nose. "Pleasant..." she said

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