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Plot/Back story

It is 3038 A.E. (After Earth)

War and famine are commonplace, there is but one safe zone originally dedicated to women and children, but is now a safe haven for any who wish to get away.

The Ariel Wastes float above the rest of the debris that once was called "Earth." The only explanation is that the gravitational pull still remains but is lighter than it once was. No one living remembers Earth as it used to be, they only know what they learned in texts. Upon the Ariel Wastes sit three buildings spaced far apart. A school, a tavern, and a grounded airship.

The school:

Children still need to learn to survive only the curriculum has changed. They still learn the basics but the electives are now restricted to the High School level students and include Gun-smithing, Leather Working, Invention, and other such things. A new addition to the basics is Magic. All students will learn Alchemy, Telepathy, and other such magical subjects/talents.

The Tavern:

The local watering hole and restaurant. Food and drink are magically prepared and served via the staff robots. No currency is used as such things are not considered necessary at this point.

The Airship Minerva:

Captain Helldrid landed on this rock fifteen years ago and built a city inside her ship and brought with her the magic and mechanics to help run the school and tavern. Though she is important and respected, she is no head honcho. She is just a citizen like everyone else and seeks to make friends and a home for herself. Inside the airship there are many cabins where the townspeople live.

The citizens of this rock demand peace and harmony between the outlands. They do not wish to rule only to unite as one and keep the past from repeating itself....


1. NWO foot soldier(s)
- Pvt. Clayton (Tyinyk)

2. Master Alchemist- Open

3. Inventions Professor - Open

4. Gunsmith/Marksmanship Teacher- Open

5. Magix Master (Telepathy, telekinetics, empathy, spells, potions etc.)- Slav (Oak Berbark)

6. Healer

7. Water Barer
- Alu (Erebas)

8. Crazy yet intelligent junk yard junkie
- Delandow

9. Treasure crazed adventurer
- Selket (Coconut Chocolate)

10. The local Mysterious Mage
- Strahn (Ryuu_ken)

11. Crew member(s):
Riardo (Epic Trout)

Additional characters will come soon. Make an impression and I'll throw you on here too. biggrin

This is a Walk-in RP Feel free to post as whatever/whomever you like.

Just don't be an idiot... Follow the ToS and The Barton Town rules.

Also keep Ooc posts to a minimum and distinguished as such with brackets or something
Ex. [[Ooc: Like this... Please]]

Oh and if your are going to be long winded please warn us in Ooc at the beginning of the post... Expect me to summarize for the rest of us who don't really want to read a novel while RPing.

All in all this is free range. Feel free to role play in the school, the tavern, or in town. (The airship)

Sparring is fine just don't kill each other and don't whine if you lose. Also please get a ref to call when the fight is over. I will elaborate when it becomes an issue

This is a community type RP so HAVE FUN!
[[Ooc: Okay, so the first paragraph will be past events and from then on it will be present. Thanks.]]

"Hey Cap we're running low on fuel and our rutter can't take much more of this sand! At this Rate we'll never make it to the safe zone!"

"I know, but we must push on there is no where to stop for a while and it's not like we plan to leave once we get there Jones! Push her forward just a bit farther. We'll make it I know it!" Helldrid screamed her response to her crew instilling hope and determination into the gears of their hearts and minds. In just a few hours her crew crash landed on the edge of the Ariel Wastes. The ship was mostly in tact and still had power.

"Alright crew, let's get her fit for living, the towns folk are sleeping in tents out there and with the coming sand storm they will need stable shelter. The town Elders knew I was coming and what I promised them in return for allowing me to stay. Up to hippity hop!"

Helldrrid stood outside Minerva, the fallen airship turned living quarters, and beamed with pride her mecha crew had rebuilt it in gleaming splendor. The metal blimp now had peep hole windows and apartments inside enough to house a nation. The ship it self now housed a market and fertile land for farming and livestock for food and clothing enough to feed the new world.

She looked at the buildings her crew had helped the towns folk erect for a school and a tavern. She watched as children frolicked and the men and women lounged in peace. She had brought an oasis to these wastes and would, in time, help to unite the world. She had no desire to glorify herself, though she did pat her own back at the glory she had brought to this one rock.

She breathed deeply through her mask and sighed.

Now... To relax...
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Simplicity, that is what his life had become since landing on this rock. The rock defied the natural order of gravity, or what used to be defined as such. His captain, Helldrid had landed here and his talents had Become almost instantly irrelevant. Telepathy, Telekinesis, Technopathics, cryokinesis, advanced intellect. All of these talents for what? So he could teach a simple inventions class to young, hormone filled teenagers.

His powers were great, though his own body had long ago deteriorated into what imagined must only be dust. His new, whitened steel robotic body was a resemblance of his that mocked him with every mirror. Fashioned in his image in all but face, that, his face was a blankness that reminded all he had sacrificed. Looking out at the City, Lucien began to ready for his day, preparing himself mentally for the menial tasks ahead.
[[Ooc: Very nice glad to see we have a mecha!]]

Helldrid walked toward the school. She was hoping to see a few fresh faces with potential. Hoping to help her mecha crew with some alterations and upgrades.

She stepped into the inventions class to see what the next generation had thought up.

She walked in the door quietly and leaned against the back wall and listened intently.

Demonic Shapeshifter

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Alu Aqian

Alu wasn't your typical specimen here. This desert type plant was harsh on her. Naturally an aquatic being she managed to adapt to her new home. She was frigtened so long ago. Chosing to leave all she was familiar with to venture forth and explore the new. Her race was normally very fragile but Alu had proven how capable they truely were. Helldrid had made it all very possible and real. Alu's pressance would offer a unique pinch of virety. And insight into her secretive culture.

She was several years older now. Her kind aged very very slowly. Surviving for thousands of years. Where once she resembled more of a fish she now had a pair of attractive legs and dainty little feet. Her skin was velvety soft with the under gleam of rich blue scales. Her eyes a solid gold, and her hair was almost feathery like. She stood a little over five feet and was rather thin. But she was actually a lot bigger than the others like her.

Comunication was unigue. To use her voice it came out as a ear splitting screach, if she were under water it turned into a hypnotizing song. But the best way to speak with her was telepathicly. Her voice was musical and heavenly, but to link with her could become painful. Alu also had mastery over the water element. Her race naturally gifted with this. And her importance to the growing comunity was a provider of pure water.

But today Alu was out and about exploring. No destination particularly in mind. Maybe a vist to old friends. Rumors Told of Helldrid visiting the school. So she made her way in such direction. Bashfully peeking into classrooms till at last she found the familiar figure. This was Lucien's class. She remembered the strange man. Alu Herself was reserved and shy but she found both of these beings interesting.
Helldrid tucked a stray wisp of her light brown hair behind her ear and adjusted her cap and goggles. She was fussy about her hair seeing as how it liked to go every which way but where she put it. She studied the room and all the sketches the children had made and she began to write a note for Lucien about an assignment she'd like the children to start on...

At the entrance of Alu, Helldrid smiled and turned to face the lovely young woman.

Alu... It is good to see you. How are you fairing?

Helldrid had been trying to find a way to make a pool for the aquatic species and for the fish she hoped to conjure in the future. She was actually glad to see Alu at the moment since she had questions to ask of her. She'd come just as Helldrid was finishing the not to Lucien about the assignment of designing the pool.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. [[Think I'll join this one. Ha ha! Torchlight...]]

..........Strahn took a long gulp from his mug, finishing off his drink. Though he was more fond of having taste in his tongue, he was glad there was clean water to drink. And in ample supply as well.
..........Light cut through the dusky air from the nearby window as the thirsty mage shuffled some maps and charts, trying to get a good angle with the light. It's not that he couldn't go outside or somewhere with more windows. He just liked being alone when studying and couldn't risk these precious parchments flying away with a gust of wind.
..........Tapping into the tavern's nearby water crystal, Strahn filled his mug near the brim by waving his runed gauntlet over the top. He was no stranger to magic, but he was no master either. Still, Strahn knew how to tap into magical items and artifacts with ease. As he drank, the mage wondered if the townspeople knew how fortunate they were to have such a powerful tool to supply all their drinking needs.
[[Ooc: Sweet, an aquatic type, a mecha, and a mage all in the first day? I can dig this. Now lets hope they continue eh? Especially since Helldrid is in limbo until Alu comes back in. Lol]]

Demonic Shapeshifter

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Alu Aqian

Alu stared for a long while. As she was being addressed she had haulted mid stride in the entrance way and held herself bashfully as she was notorious for. Ali was slow paced enjoying her life and rarely did you ever see her rush through things. Her lips moved into a friendly smile displaying her sharp shark like teeth. Alus people were carnivorous but they werent hostile. You could try to provoke her to fight but on land she wouldnt. But in her own element was another story. Alu had adapted into a higher subspecies of her aquatic kin. Dislike on land but if she was submerged in her pond and became threatened you may be lucky to walk away with only a lost limb.

Her smile slowly faded as she began to adjust the link between herself and her friend. Her fanned tail twitched slightly before the link was compleat. Alu continued to stare with her large golden eyes reflecting presteen images of the room.

i'm just exploring. A few spoke of your venture to the school so I devised it good opertunity to meet with you. Perhaps we might work out more ideas to bring larger water sources to our aid. And spend some time talking.
Her voice was nearly the description of a syrens. And often Alu wondered about the old dust text books. Perhaps these mythical creatures from the old earth were subspecies of her race. It wasnt unlikely. If she had not taken this chance what was the likely hood of anyone knowing of her kind? But so many different beings had come to be. This culture was thriving and growing. Who knew maybe Alu might come across someone similar to herself. Only time would tell this and Alu was in no rush to know what her days were ahead.

Lucilium's King

Devout Reveler

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Your concrete heart isn't beating...
Selket 'sat' in the darkest part of the tavern, she sipped at a drink, watching the various patrons of the inn with interest. It was sort of a game. One individual in particular caught her interest. A man shifting through various bits of parchment, maps and charts and such from what she could see. She had to wonder what those maps lead to. Treasure, perhaps? Various odds and ends from the older world? Selket did love those oddities, and lurking around the desert was fun for her, too. She was built for sand. Built to be the predator of the desert. Curiosity overwhelming her, she crept a little closer, her six legs gently pattering on the floor in an unnatural beat as she watched from a closer table, finishing her drink and pulling her face mask up.
... Yet you try to make it come alive

(( If this character isn't fitting, I can change it... .u.;; ))
User Image..........Emptying another mug of water, the mage put down the empty container on the corner of the table. Strahn shifted his full attention to the parchments in front of him. It was odd to even have documents printed on paper anymore, as most things were recorded digitally. But that was before his time, in a world that seemed overwhelmingly strange to him at the time. That's what drove him forward, what kept sparking his curiosity. The dark unknown that lay before his probing thoughts only served to spur him onward and challenge his intellect. These inked papers were but a shadow of the past that he was determined to enlighten.
..........Strahn glanced up from his studies for only a moment. Something was off. There was a small amount of tension in the air that he couldn't recognize. He wasn't the superstitious type; his studies had all but destroyed that part of him. Yet still he could feel the paranoia pricking at the back of his neck.
..........Without letting on, Strahn filled up his mug with his right hand, making sure to keep his left hand close to the wall and out of sight. Paranoia had always gotten the best of him. He may have been a jumpy mage, but he wasn't a dead mage. For his escape plan to work, he'd have to leave the charts A small price that he was willing to pay if it meant leaving alive.

[[Sorry if you don't hear from me for awhile. I need to take a nap. But I'll keep up with this RP! I'll be here for another 30 minutes or so.]]

Demonic Shapeshifter

{{ Just wanted to give ya'll a heads up as well... If my post doesn't contain my picture i'm posting off my iphone... and it wont let me use these "..." for what ever stupid reason. and i'll be taking a 15 hour trip to my new home so most of my posts will be from my phone. smile }}
[[Ooc: Well Awesome! I hope to continue to see you all here. Selket, I LOVE that character. It's a perfect desert dwelling creature.]]

Helldrid smiled at her friend she admired how bashful she was and yet how proud a culture she kept. Though Alu's smile used to scare her she had grown accustomed to the jagged beauty of it. It held an edge of danger like the thorns of a rose.

Well Alu, my goal is simple... I wish to gather the thoughts of the people and see what we can piece together for a large, self renewing filtered water system Something you won't have to refill but maybe twice a year hopefully not at all. With enough magic and science and alchemy I'm almost positive we could do it. What say you?

If Alu thought the plan was good and plausible they would talk to Lucien and the Alchemy teacher as well. Maybe they could get both classes to help with this. Of course only the highest level students could help with the actual project but ideas could come from anyone.
{{ Just wanted to give ya'll a heads up as well... If my post doesn't contain my picture i'm posting off my iphone... and it wont let me use these "..." for what ever stupid reason. and i'll be taking a 15 hour trip to my new home so most of my posts will be from my phone. smile }}
[[Ooc: Have a safe trip!]]

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