Welcome to Gaia! ::

Friendly Loiterer

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OPEN post of PRETTY ! ! !
I'm opening up to people tomorrow June ❶❺ (June 15).
Which means you can post on that day any time.

And since it's about to be 12AM here aka June 15. I can post!<3
Yes I'm a cheater, but it gives you all something to work with. I'm also posting the weather and such things soooo love me! ◕ω◕


Friendly Loiterer

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"Life can only be enjoyed by the happy things given..."


Morning light gently showed it's self over the edges of the surrounding mountains. It's rays of lights gently waved around clouds in the air, like water around rocks, only to land on certain parts of the large town below. This tiny town was probably bigger than a town but not tall enough to be a city. there was transportation from buses to street cars, but simple walking could get you anywhere you needed for there was never traffic or a build up of people unless there was an accident. And accident's where as rare as the eclipse.

The tallest building here would have been the apartment buildings that went as high as seven stories. Not as impressive as the thirty stories in the city a couple hours away, but enough to make the named one of the top ten relaxing cities in ever tourist booklet. Some of the main attractions would be simple to the people living there. The penny fountain at the downtown square, the shopping district that was all around that fountain and the few tiny parks that could be so quiet during rush hour it was considered private property to passers even though it was public.

There was also a library, the food market and scattered restaurants and hotels. But the only ones awake at this hour, about Six in the morning, were either the bakeries, or early risers who loved to move around so early in the morning. And one little candy shop that poked out even earlier than the bakers.

Near the inner circle of this city was a school, two floors--one with a indoor pool-- a gym, outside track, fencing, high tech computer labs, lockers and over fifty separate classrooms and club rooms. Even about five storage houses behind the large clean school. But even a place that was about to become loud around eight was still silent as the humans who slept around it.

One who still slept was a boy named Iza. His hair almost considered grey from the lack of blonde, his eyes turquoise but unseen as he slept. This boy laid in his bed, breathing out heavily threw his mouth as he dreamed of who knew what. His room was full of what one wouldn't expect. Toys, plushies, pillows, a laptop, scattered art pieces and cloths that belonged to the genre called cosplay. Shoved in the corner of his room was a desk with a sewing machine on it, it's tiny light still shown over the needle and thread that was pushed into fabric. The night before this boy had been up till one in the morning trying to put in as much work as he could before the week started again hoping he could meet his deadline. Although this boy looked the type to be like any other boy(sports, gaming, girls, porn, hanging out, what have you) he was quite the opposite. He sold toys and cosplay off the internet, talk to many people from his school but didn't know in chat rooms, and had a picky preference when it came to love. Not to mention he was incredibly shy, innocent and cute around his friends, this has brought to him much love from females and picky from his male friends.

But right now Iza simple slept with a clean undisturbed look on his face, until the sun shone on his face, to fix that he would simply roll over and not let it blind his face. But as he decided to do this, his big fat white cat, Whiskers, jumped onto the bed and decided to use his face as a pillow.

Iza coughed in his sleep as his nose and open mouth was filled with tiny strands of fur, some of them loose and being breathed into his lungs," How tha....whaa....kyhh! Get off!" The boy mumbled out under the bit fur ball. Slowly he grabbed the cat and pushed it's fat face off of his, then sat up and breathed out before breathing in the sacred air. Times like this always made you grateful for the great tree crap.

However as the boy sat up he also had two ears falling into his face. On his body he wore a open jacket that had bunny ears on the hood. It was either that or cat ears that night, the weather had been cold. But of course with his cat's hair all over his face, it made him look like he really did have whiskers with who bunny ears drooping down into his face on weakening wires. Iza sighed and pulled up his sheets rubbing his face in them hoping that the fabric would use static electricity as a magnet. After this he shook his head and free fell back into the bed letting out a groan as he laid back down. Below him he heard a 'mew~'.

"Okay.... okaaaay..." He gasped out as another cat came crashing down onto his ribs. It was the old ambush-Iza-in-his-sleep-to-get-him-to-feed-us-trick," I'm up I'm up..." Iza complained sitting up and closing the blinds on the window across his room. His eyes were too sensitive at the time, and he was not a morning person.

Slowly the bunny boy moved out of the room, opened his colorful door and shuffled down the tiny hall quietly hoping to not wake his mother that was only sleeping in her neat room a couple of doors away from his. Doors as in a tiny closet for sheets and cleaning supplies, then a small door to the bathroom, the only bathroom. First he passed the bathroom, closet, then very silently passed his mother's room making sure to not step on any creaking boards. As angry as he was when waking, his mother was like a waking dragon-- liable to kill anyone who wakes her, then eat them for breakfast. Iza didn't not want to loose anymore hearing nerves.

Now our of the hall and into his living room, things were now in the 'safe' zone. So he walked more relaxed and into the kitchen on the other side of the room he was in. His feet shuffled over the carpet giving him a caffeine shock as he grabbed the metal handle of the cabinet that canned food was. Below him his cats rubbed back and forth between his legs pawing at his toes that he wiggled around like toys. He pulled out two cants and looked down at the two cats. Whiskers was large and fat while Ki-n** was quiet the opposite, grey and slim, but heavy nonetheless.

"Here we go...hey get down." Iza said gently as a cat jumped up on the kitchen counter wanting his food fast. He picked up the grey cat and placed it back on the ground before shushing their cries and giving both a opened can of tuna. With both of them satisfied by their slave, he felt like sleeping, but having a pet turtle and mother to feed he decided to try the earlier riser routine.

Iza grabbed some greens, went to the living room and to his right were there was nothing but a wall with a small table and a tank on top of it. There was a light over it, on and warming the glass. Inside was water, sand, a few plants and a tiny house made by a unskilled ten year old who decided to use bark. It was messy and held together by rotting toothpicks. But Iza didn't mind it, he didn't care as long as no one knew. So he opened the top of the casing, placed the green leaf inside and petted the top of a shell that was half under the tiny house and was way to big to fully fit under it," Morning To-mo.." He whispered gently, the turtle responded by poking it's nose out then slowly it's legs and tail. Slowly, so slowly, the old turtle moved out from under it's tiny home and turned around to eat. Iza would have stayed and watched the long ten minutes but he had some cooking to start.

First he pulled out some already ground coffee beans and put them in the broiler letting it slowly make coffee for his soon to wake mother. Then he pulled out the things he was to make for his lunch and breakfast, grabbed some equipment and began to make the breakfast first. Toast eye(as Iza called it) for mother with bacon and a side helping of rice. And for him, a rice omelet, which was simply a normal cheese omelet with meat and potatoes then a big thing of rice. His own kind of stir fry. As the two pan let out the small spatters of oil and sizzling sounds for about half an hour, his mother walked out of her room holding a blanket tight around her. Then slowly followed her nose into the kitchen. Iza looked as he saw her walk in a sit at her spot waiting for something to eat. Iza smiled looking at the woman.

She was tired now yes, black bags under her eyes, hair messed up and sticking out everywhere, her back slumped and such. But she was still pretty, red haired, hazel eyes and soft skin with very few wrinkles. Even though she was near her forties she still looked thirty. Iza always thought he was born when she was in her teens or something. But that was a lie to himself.

Slowly he approached giving her a small mug of coffee, cream, sugar, all the things she liked. She took it gently in her hands and drank up with a gentle soft "thank you." The very same gentleness that Iza held in his voice towards his pets. The boy smiled. Kissed his mother's head gently then went and got a plate pulling on her Toast eye, he took a knife of fluffy butter and rubbed it all over the top sprinkling a bit of cinnamon on top. It was an odd combo but she loved the mixture so he made it this way. She already had an odd taste for things, c'mon, who puts peanuts INSIDE there Pepsi then eats them while drinking?

Iza knew all these things already, and just simply fed it to her every other day because of their 'room mate' system. They treated each other like friends, she cook one day, he'd cook the other day. Except lunch during the week because he wouldn't be there.

Breakfast was silent, they all ate. Iza, the turtle, both cats and his mother. Silently making the smacking noises between their forks, plates and lips. Iza didn't really enjoy this sound but was used to it by now. After they ate his mother did the dishes at the sink as Iza made and packed his lunch. By now it was only seven thirty and pretty bright outside, but also incredibly cloudy. Maybe it would rain...

Thinking of this Iza went to his room, dressed up in darn blue skinny jeans, a baggy black shirt and pulled on a jacket over it then pushed his iPod into his pocket with his phone, then slowly looked at his laptop, open and still on. Iza then remembered. It was Valentines day, the day he was promised to meet someone he was very fond of over the internet at his school. It was surprising really, to meet someone online and not even know them from his real life. But his heart raced at the thought, meeting someone he secretly liked on a day of 'love'. Made his face heat up at the thought. Should he give them a gift? Iza had no clue and simple stood dumbfounded with a red face. Then he closed the lid of his computer gently and grabbed his backpack before going to the living room.

7:35 AM He had time. Slowly he turned on the TV and switched threw the channels looking for weather. But his mind was quickly distracted as his favorite morning cartoon came on. His face lit up, his smiled brightened out happily as he sat closer to the TV and stared intently at it like a dog with food. One could picture him in a Inu cosplay. But with such a distraction, it only took his mothers words to snap him out and look at the clock.

"You're gonna be late." The elegant woman said out as she pulled on her suit's jacket and looked at her excited son at the TV set with the remote tight in his fist. He looked back and blinked hard before remembering and throwing the remote on the couch after turning off the TV

"Crap!" he said loudly before bowing to his mother and pulling on his shoes, then bolting out of the building and down the streets. It was three minutes till eight, his walk was five give or take distractions and dodging of other students to get to his own class. He hoped he wouldn't break his clean record.

"Except ladybugs. They just scary!!!"

Energy Level:▌▌


OOC: Oh dear. I don't normally write this much D:

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-------Nathan Zachary Blackstar ---------


Just becuase it seems like I don't care...

.....Doesn't mean I don't

A boy with silver white like hair in a messy ponytail, walked into his two story house quietly. He was wearing a pair of black sweat shorts, white tank top and some tennis shoes. A small bag, with a lime flavored lollipop, was in his hands. He just came back from a early morning jog, slightly sweaty from the run. His mornings usually started like this, well almost like this. Nathan wasn’t one to buy sweets so early in the morning nor has he ever bought anything for Valentines day. But when he saw that strange candy shop, something just made him want to go in and buy something.

Slowly, he walked up the stairs trying not to make a noise. His parents were still sleeping and he didn’t want to wake them up. It was very early in the morning and he still had two hours before school started. Unlike his parents or anyone in his family, he was a morning person. He always woke up this early in the morning even if he only had two hours of sleep. Just one to four hours of sleep and he would be fine. His parents made him take sleeping pills a couple times before, thinking something was wrong with him. They didn’t really work on him though.

Entering his room, he closed the door and laid the small bag on his bed. He started taking off his clothes and tossed them into the laundry basket before walking into his bathroom to take a shower. There was three bathrooms in his house and one of them happen to be in his room. Wasn’t he lucky? One was in his parents room and the other was downstairs.

Stepping out the bathroom with a towel around his waist, he picked out some clothes from his drawer. A nice cold shower was what he needed. He loved the feel of cold water against his light tan skin. That’s probably why he still did swimming these days. He hated hot showers though. No one knows why, not even himself.

Now in a pair of black skinny jeans slightly ripped, black and white converses, a dark green and black plaid button up shirt, he quickly looked at his clock. “ Only an hour left…?” He mumbled to himself. He looked around his room wonder what he could do. Nothing really since his room was all nice and clean. His room was like any other boys room other then the fact he keep it super clean. He shrugged before leaving his room, the lime flavored lollipop in his pockets. Maybe he should go to school now? That way he could sneak the lollipop in his locker before anyone comes to school.

Almost heading out the house he heard his mom call him as she walked down stairs. “ Honey aren’t you going to eat?” He turned around and simply shook his head. He was a bit surprised to see she was up already. Usually, she didn’t get up until an hour after he leaves for school. “ I’m not hungry so I’m just going to head to school a bit early then usual.” He kissed her on the cheek before leaving the house and started walking to school.

About a few minutes later he was at school and of course the doors were locked. School didn’t open until thirty minutes before school started. “ ….Hmmm…” He simply knocked on the door as a teacher walked by. The teacher opened the door, asking why he was so early today. “ Aw, one of my favorite art students…..why are you here so early Mr. Blackstar?” The tall teen looked down at the short male art teacher, wondering if he should tell the man. “Well…this is going to be strange to ask but could you let me in and open someone's locker for me Mr. Simpson?” The teacher stared at him with a puzzled look “Why?” Nathan was about to answer him when the teacher basically cut him off. “ Valentines gift I suppose?” He nodded and the teacher let him in. Usually teachers didn’t do this but Mr. Simpson happen to be a friend of one of his family members. Nathan show him the locker.

Nathan only knew were his locker was because he would sometimes see the gray-ish blonde hair boy sometime there. The teacher opened it with a key, a key hole happen to be on the back of every lock in this school. “ See you in first period Mr. Blackstar. Oh and don’t tell anyone I let you do this ok?” The teacher left as he pulled out the lime lollipop. A small red ribbon was tied around the stick that held a small card that read “ Happy Valentines Day.” He put the lollipop on top of the books, before closing the locker.

Pulling out his cell phone and looked at the time. Only a couple minutes left before school would open and people would start to walk in. “ I wonder if I should tell him..” Nathan promised Iza over the internet that he would tell him who he was but was still unsure about it. He sighed, before walking off to his own locker.

Energy Level: ▌▌▌


OutOfCake: I'll edit this later >.< Its fine, after all first post are usually long anyway. ^.^

Friendly Loiterer

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"Life can only be enjoyed by the happy things given..."


Running, dodging, heaving and curving. Iza tried his best to keep in a straight line but there were so many students for other schools about or people running to get to work on time. Why was school so early in the morning? He pondered as he struggled out of a crowed of about five people then into the streets dodging cars that honked at his clumsiness. Once on the other side he yelled out ," Sorry!" then continued to run down the block.

His school was now in view, the gates about to close off any missing students, the rest of the kids already leaving their lockers. He would be unable to make it to his own for a while. But it didn't matter, he could just use a bathroom break.

Even though he hated running it was still fun in a way, if he unfocused his eyes it would make him feel like he was running faster than he really was. But even that didn't help him. The gates closed, he was forced to jump them. Which he did, grabbing the edge, twisting his waist and pushing himself over to the other side. Wind made his hair fly up as sweat when down his neck. He could of sworn he heard a few tourist scream out in excitement. But he was dead tired and had no time to look. So he bolted up the walkway into the school's wonderful glorious air conditioner. Heaven.

But almost instantly did he break into the school his wrist was grabbed by the awaiting Dean. Iza stopped in dead cold terror. For he was never late, and never had any trouble. His face broke out in a sweat, his hair flattened like cat ears. His chest pounded and his stomach twisted on his meal making him even more nervous of throwing up.

Above him was the Dean of this school. Over six feet, grey hair always pulled back with bits of his natural colored hair. His features strong and wrinkled with more laugh lines than worry. His body was strongly built, thick neck, broad shoulders, straight and towering over Iza's tiny body. Iza gulped and submitted his eyes down to the floor like a punished puppy.

The Dean just looked at him with his blue eyes then gently patted the boys back," Come." he ordered, Iza instantly obeyed and went with the tall man. Down the forbidden hall of teacher lounges and bathrooms, into a door with the man's name on it in bright simple letters. It opened, Iza walked in and shuddered as it closed behind him, as if he walked into a haunted house and the doors shut on their own. The man walked around him. Sat at his large deep colored desk and folded his arms before beckoning the scared boy to a seat.

Iza hesitated, then walked to the chair and sat down feeling even smaller in front of the large desk. His record was clean, he needed not be there if he didn't get distracted. But now he sat in a dark room with little light coming inside from a blinded window. Bookshelves all around him, filing cabinets and one large desk neat and orderly. Iza gulped and dug his nails into the edges of his shirt waiting for the man to speak down and give out his punishment for his tardiness.

"Except ladybugs. They just scary!!!"

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-------Nathan Zachary Blackstar ---------


Just becuase it seems like I don't care...

.....Doesn't mean I don't

Nathan started to open his lock, mumbling the code to it quietly. “thirty-four……….twenty-five……four.” A small pop was heard as he unlocked it. Grabbing his sketchbook, pencils, color pencils and a eraser, he closed his locker and headed for class. Again he was the first one there, the only one there. The smell of coffee filled the art room. He looked around before deciding were he should sit. Maybe near the window? He did have a habit of looking out of it all the time. It was peaceful, at least to him.

Sitting down, he opened his sketch book and flipped to a drawing of an animal they were suppose to finish today. For the past month all they did do was draw animals which he didn’t mind. No one knew, not even his parents, that he loved animals. Always had a soft spot for them. For some odd reason he could open up to them more then he could with other people.

He picked up his pencil started to detail the cats eyes. Most of the drawings in this sketchbook was a type of cat. Few others were a turtle, a dog and a snake. Guess you could say he loved cats the most. They were better then dogs, not so noisy.

Finishing up the picture, students starting coming in. A couple minutes late the bell rung for glass to start. “ Ok class finish up your drawings from yesterday and I want you to make another animal drawing.” The class moaned and whined, not wanting to do any other. “ Let me finish class, this drawing is going to be different from want we usually do. You will need to make this animal with only dots.” Dots? That was differently harder and more changeling. Turning to a clean page, he wondered what to draw. A bird, lion…maybe a horse? No! Even better a tiger.

Mr. Simpson walked through the class, sipping his coffee, watching as his kids work. He stopped at Nathan. “ You are already done with yesterdays drawing? Don’t you work fast. Can I see it?” Nathan looked up at the middle age man. The older man smiled at him as he handed him the sketchbook. “ It really is a shame that you don’t want to be a artist when you grow up. You got some serious talent there.” The old man gave him back the sketchbook. Nathan started to draw again. “You know you try talking more, you might just get some friends if you do.” The silver hair boy quickly looked up at him with a glare. “What the hell are you talking about?” Mr. Simspon simply laughed, before taking a sip of his coffee. “ I was just joking, I’m sure you have a lot of friends Mr. Grumpy!” The teacher walked back to his desk and sat down.

Nathan put his sketchbook down and his pencil on his desk and stared out the window. The idea of telling Iza who he was popped up in his head again. Should he tell the boy? What if the boy was disappointed if he found out it was him? After all, he didn’t express his emotions much, sometimes not at all. There were times when he siad something but meant something else cause he didn’t want that person to know what he really though of them. People often thought of him as a cold-hearted person.

Energy Level: ▌▌▌



Friendly Loiterer

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"Life can only be enjoyed by the happy things given..."


The Dean slowly looked over his desk back at the boy in his chair. He knew very well of his innocence and clean record. He had never stolen, never cursed, never gotten detention as far as he knew. So why was he so late this time. It was a curious thing to happen. So that was why the Dean waited and pulled Iza to his office. Questioning then a soft warning. Just encase the boy might have stumbled into something unfitting. Chances of drugs was almost a flat out zero. But who knows. Maybe the boy sells things on a black market. His job on the internet sites was known enough.

"Iza, why were you late?" He asked looking over his knuckles and down at the kid.
Iza glanced up and down again making no eye contact. The reason why was embarrassing enough," I was distracted."
Images of Iza being distracted by a penny in the road filled the Deans mind. He had a hard time holding in his laughter," By what?" He said trying to remain professional.
"Well I was turning on the TV for weather and I saw the cartoon Grim Adventures with Billy and Mandy sir.." Iza explained looking down again in his own shame then slowly back up at the dumbfounded adult.

The dean just sat there, his mind blank, but his stomach filling with the need to laugh loudly. He chocked as he gathered his words and coughed into his fist," w-well." He started then put his fit on the desk and wrote down a few notes trying to distract his laughing mind," you can go now. Just don't let it happen again." He said wanting to sound stern but failed misery as his voice cracked.

But lucky for him Iza simply thought he was mad and trying to hold in anger not laughter. So the boy retreated from the room and back into the quiet hallways. Then retreated down to the main entrance and halls. Once there he turned to his right and went to a larger hall of lockers. He found his locked and pushed his forehead into the metal still feeling numb and shaky from his first one on one encounter with the Dean since his yearly speeches to the newest students.

Iza breathed out, relaxed his nerves and opened his locker. Considering he was caught and delayed there was no point waiting a bathroom trip. The code opened the built in lock, allowing Iza to lift the latch and pull he open. As he did he unzipped his backpack letting the door swing open on it's own. His hands reached inside pulling out a few books he would need for his history class then his art class. His math and science could wait so he planned on putting them inside his locker with his lunch. As he gathered them in one hand and did a balancing act to zip up his bag with his teeth, his hand slid the books inside then lowered to put them down. He felt something then. Cool round and hard under his knuckles. His hand came back up, his eyes peeked at the green color of the candy in his locker. All his worries where forgotten by this new distraction. Iza dropped his bag, reached under his other hand and pulled it out while putting his books down.

It was small, a lollipop, and wrapped in clear plastic so neatly it was like a professional did it. Then on the ribbon was a small card reading 'Happy Valentines Day'. Iza blushed some remembering a promise. Then thought How did this get in my locker. The opening is too small, it's locked. no key... Well, Iza didn't know every locker had a secret key, it was a teacher secret thing but clearly stated int he year guides.

Anyway, now Iza stood in the halls, examining his locker for any holes or secret doors of any kind. His curious mind could only come up with one logical decision. Iza looked at the candy in his hand. So pure round and clear, then jumped up in happiness,"FAIRIES DO EXIST!" He exclaimed. before doing a small dance in circles and pointing his fingers to the sky like a disco dancer. Then he jumped as he heard the front desk receptionist going 'shhhhh'.

Iza blushed and bowed rubbing the back of his head in shame. Scooped up his bag and ran off after closing his locker with the candy in his teeth as he pulled on his backpack. Maybe he would save it for lunch. Or during class he keep him awake! Who knew, he just hoped no one would steal it from him.

"Except ladybugs. They just scary!!!"

Energy Level:▌▌▌



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-------Nathan Zachary Blackstar ---------


Just becuase it seems like I don't care...

.....Doesn't mean I don't

Nathan looked down at his dotted tiger. It truly was harder then it looked but it was coming out better then he thought. He worked on it a little more before putting the sketchbook down. He close it and looked at the clock. First periods was almost over with. He looked around the class, people were talking happily with each other. A couple girls were giggling about valentine gifts they got from there lovers and a couple guys were talking about getting lucky tonight. He rolled his eyes at them. They were just a bunch of love sick idiots.

“……….” A confused look on his face as he hear someone yell out in the hallway “fairies do exist.” Now what weirdo would yell something like that? A few people laughed as they heard it.

He sighed and looked at the clock once more . A few more seconds and first period would be over with. “ Three..two..one.” A bell rung and everyone left the room in a hurry. Heh, a lot of them must have not got there gift for valentines day or something. No one ever left this class that fast.

Quickly he switched his stuff with a small bender. That’s all he needed for his second period. He hurried up and got to class before the bell rung again. Entering the class room he sat in the far back. There was a few people he actually talk to in this class so it wouldn’t be so boring. If they were here today or not skipping class that is.

He sighed, doodling on a blank sheet on paper in his binder. After some thought he decided that he would tell Iza who he was. Nathan was a man of his word and he did promise the boy. There was one problem though how and where was he going to tell him. Its not like he could go up to the boy and say ‘Hey I’m the man you have been talking to over the internet. Happy Valentines day!” That would just be weird. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “I wish I wasn’t so anti-social…and more outgoing....”

“Yo, Nathan my man! How have you been? Get any gifts?” A red hair boy with freckles sat beside him. His green eyes shined brightly. “ I’ve been better and no. After what happen last year, I doubt anyone would give me anything unless there stupid.” Last year on Valentines day, anyone who gave him a gift….well there gift was thrown away. The red head looked at him with dissapproval and said something else to him. Nathan didn't hear it though, he was to busy thinking of how to tell Iza who he was.

Energy Level: ▌▌▌



Friendly Loiterer

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"Life can only be enjoyed by the happy things given..."


Iza ran down the halls ignoring the teachers yelling at him to slow down. He then pushed into his history class and said,"Imf mate!" putting his fist in the air as he would for attendance. And due to the candy in his teeth he muffled it out rather than said. The female teacher just looked at him in disbelief then looked at the class dumbfounded. The class itself was in a uproar of hidden giggles. The teacher shrugged and said "Class dismissed." With that all of the students stood and went onto their next classes pushing and forcing their way past Iza.

Iza had planned to stay behind and apologize, but as he was about to approach her with his homework, two students came behind him, one grabbed him by his face and forced him to back up. His hands came up waving in the air trying to find out where the hand had come from," Fe Fe, it's fark din dere ter pam" He tried to get out as he almost fell backwards. Which he did bumping into a few girls. He gained his balance then quickly apologized watching the flustered girls walk off down the halls. He rubbed the back of his hair then looked back at the ones who pushed him out.

One was big, one of the club mods in martial art. Six feet, short cut black hair and brown eyes that looked down at Iza with a pout," How come you can get away with class skipping and I can't!?" The deep voice bellowed out making Iza shiver and look at his other friend for help. The other was smaller than even him, dirty black hair that flung every direction it could think of. This one was Toby, the other was Charles.

Toby shrugged off the look for help, and made Iza look back up at the taller friend," w-well....." He tried to think as he pulled the candy from his mouth and pushed it into his pocket before it was stolen. But he hoped his hand wouldn't melt it before he could begin to nom it whole.

Charlies rolled his eyes and locked his arm around Iza's neck. The boy squirmed in protest as he was dragged to his next class room. He thrashed his legs about then gave up and simple held onto the other's arm with his eyes watered for air," help...me" he pouted at passing students before he was allowed freedom into his won seat.

Iza breathed, looked back at the other two who were already leaving for their own classes. Iza pouted feeling quiet alone there. His eyes looked down in small loneliness before he remembered his magic fairy candy. Excitedly he reached in and took it out looking over it's colors and the fine straight white stick it was on. Happily he started to work at the knot, sticking his tongue out in concentration and frustration when it wouldn't automatically open up.

His hands moved around it, pulling and struggling trying to grip it with his nails. Alas his finger slipped and side swiped his thumb creating a small gash. Iza blinked at the pain then screamed out loud enough for two other classes to hear. Then shoved his finger into his lips trying to keep the blood down as others stared. He sat there sucking at the side of his thumb with his worry lines heavy on his face while holding the lollipop in his other hand. He was such a baby.

After the small jokes and giggles he went back to pulling at the wrapper till it broke. With a happy gasp he shoved the candy into his mouth and began to lick at it with his tongue taking in the mixture of sweet then the attacking bite of such glorious sour. The boy almost melted as me mumbled around the candy ball," Vank chu Sir locker fairy..." Then continued to suck and gnaw on the candy making sure not to break it but to get enough flavor out of it.

His tongue worked on it as he drew out abstract and geometric sketches the Teacher asked for. Then once done he worked on his own sketches of cosplay that was ordered along with a few more plushies. On the side of each picture he would write up the numbers, how much fabric, how much thread etc.. Anything that would help him out on his sewing.

But now he couldn't wait for homeroom hour. Well it wasn't a hour, more like fifteen minutes for classes to switch or for gym students to shower off or get ready for their classes. But maybe that would be the shinning moment of the reveling of the mystery man. His toes to his face tingled at the thought. Which was a different feeling he had never felt before. Iza blinked at this new feeling while drinking down the flavors of the lollipop. Then he shrugged it off and went back to sketching.

Although his mind was distracted by a feeling in his chest. It was tight and needy for something. But he had no idea what. So he just thought Must need more candy. and continued about his work.

This class finished with more homework than he came in with. He took out his paper, signed it and gave it to the teacher. Considering it was homeroom he could go back to his first class and turn in his paper before the end of the day. Iza poked his head out, looking back and forth cautiously before jogging down the halls lightly with his bag tight to his back. He made sure his friends weren't around, otherwise he might not ever turn in that paper.

Once back upstairs to his first class, he looked around at the empty seats with bags then at the Teacher's desk. No one was there, just Iza. That was always a lonely feeling, being left alone in a class room. He sighed out, decided to use that time to look over his paper. So he sat at the closest desk, held the paper in his fingers and quickly went over it making small changes and adding his name. The last thing he wanted was to turn in his paper and not have his name on it.

"Except ladybugs. They just scary!!!"

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OOC: Mmmm. fairies.

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-------Nathan Zachary Blackstar ---------


Just becuase it seems like I don't care...

.....Doesn't mean I don't

“ Yo! Nathan…..Nathan…hello?” The annoying red head said waving his hand into front of the silver hair boy. Sadly, it didn’t work. Thomas pouted, what was the man thinking about? Usually he didn’t space out like this. Suddenly a smile made its way to the freckled boy’s face. He got really close to Nathan and blew on his neck.

Nathan jumped and fall out his chair as he suddenly felt cold air against his neck. He landed with a small thump. The kids started to laugh and Thomas started to whistle as if he was innocent. He glared at him with anger. “ Mr. Blackstar! Do you have a problem? Are you about to die? No? Then stop interrupting me and sit back quietly in your chair!” The old hag of a women yelled at him or should he say teacher. “…Damn b***h..” he mumbled to himself quietly as he got up. He sat back down, an annoyed look. A couple people stared at him in shock and others smirked or smiled. The teacher didn’t seem to hear what he said.

History was so boring and it didn’t help with that teacher he had or the students for that matter. He laid his head on the desk boredly. Homeroom hour was after second period. A perfect time to talk to Iza. Perfect if Iza wasn’t talking to someone. He just prayed that none of the people that like talking to seem bothers him today.

“ Cheer up Nathan, its Valentines day! Isn’t there someone you like? Maybe they will give you something or better yet maybe you will.” The red head grinned and elbowed him in the stomach playfully. “ First of I don’t care if its Valentines day. Second, even if I did like someone. Do you think I’ll tell you? Third that’s not going to happen.” Nathan yawn and stretched, trying to stay awake. “ Your such a party pooper!” The boy whined dramatically. “Get over it drama queen…”

Before the boy could say anything else to Nathan, the bell rung. He quickly got and left the room. Leaving the boy behind. Now it was homeroom hour and it was time to tell Iza who he finally was. Even though his face didn’t show it, he felt somewhat nervous about it.

The sliver hair boy looked around the crowds of people. It was going to be hard to fine the blonde hair boy with all these people around. Well at least he had a slight advantage. He was talled then most students here.

Energy Level: ▌▌▌


OutOfCake: I feel bad that I made you wait so long. I kept on getting pm's of people that wanted to roleplay with me. I turned down almost all of them. >.<

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"Life can only be enjoyed by the happy things given..."


Iza groaned as he waited for a teacher. He always felt he had to give things in person, but seeing that his first hour teacher wasn't showing up--she was on a coffee run and began to flirt, teachers have lives too-- he simply laid it on the pile of other turned in papers then pulled his back pack up for his arms to go threw. He continued to suck at the candy, one that was almost fully gone at this point.

He walked the halls towards the stairs, making sure no one was around to trip him. Nothing like a good friend to trip you down the stairs. Iza didn't understand why Charles always picked on him. Iza was nice to him and they only had a fight once. But that was years ago.. Maybe he was jealous of how must attention Iza gained from the opposite sex. Charles always showed up and punches Iza out of the crowed of girls on such days at this. Territorial thing Iza guessed, maybe if he said he was into males he wouldn't go home with so many bruises. I'm not that pretty anyway.... Iza pouted to himself as he rolled the candy over in his mouth thinking of what to do next.

Iza took his last step to the bottom grounds. Almost instant did a few girls come up to him shyly asking if he would accept their home made treats. Being such a sucker for candies he had no choice but to smile and yell out," Of course!!" Maybe that's why he told no one what he was really attracted to. He would be out allot of sweets each year.

The boy just smiled then, taking the arm loads of candy friends and girls gave him, then went to his locker and changed out his books while placing the candy next to his lunch box. Little did he know someone was looking for him now, the fact just slipped his mind yet again that someone was to come out of hiding today. But as Iza turned towards the halls closing his locker yet again, he noticed someone who caught his eye more than others.

White hair that glowed, fine features, quiet tall and built for a student. Iza shivered all over, feeling as if he had to know this person. Something tugged inside his chest. His blood rushed to his face making him dizzy, yet he struggled to stay awake. He had no idea who this was, and if he did he never really saw him before. Lack of attention span.

But Iza couldn't help himself know. Who ever was in his fancy now, like the internet student, was now forgotten. His friends and family were lost in thought. Except his cats, they still left a heavy bruise on his ribs that still hurt when Iza ran the halls pushing threw students to get to this person. The boy didn't know why he was doing this, pushing past people without a thought while trying to reach this single person. He loved him, that's all he knew.

With that the small boy leaped out of the crowded students high enough that his forehead pushed into the white haired man's chin. His arms attempted to hug this stranger while he smiled brightly, even though he almost gagged on his lollipop stick he didn't seem to care, he was happy for once.

But Iza wan't done, after full on tackling the man he screamed out enough for anyone to hear," I LOVE YOU!!" Which made many heads turn and stare at the two. Iza just ignored them all and nuzzled his face into the other's chest like a kitten that found their owners. He wasn't planning on letting go so soon. Yet the funniest faces in the hall were of Iza's two friends. Both dumbfounded and utterly speechless.

"Except ladybugs. They just scary!!!"

Energy Level:▌▌▌


OOC: Oh dear.

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-------Nathan Zachary Blackstar ---------


Just becuase it seems like I don't care...

.....Doesn't mean I don't

Nathan walked around through the crowd, with no luck on finding the blonde male. To many people were in his way and anytime he saw a person with blonde hair it wasn’t who he was looking for. It didn’t help that a couple of females and males were stopping him, trying to give him Valentine’s day presents. Like always he told then he couldn’t accept them. Ones that took no for an answer, he did take but threw away in the trash. Harsh? Oh yes but he did like getting gifts from people he didn’t know. Who knows what they did to the food.

“Nathan!!!!” A couple high pitched girls screamed, running up to him. He twitched slightly, an annoyed look on his face. The girls shoved the boxes of what looked like homemade chocolates into his arms. He stared at them then the girl. “ I don’t wan-” One of the girls shoved a piece of chocolate in his mouth before he could finish the sentence. His face paled in disgust. “ Do you like it?” The girl giggled. “ No, taste horrible…” The girl slapped him and ran off crying. He looked at the rest of the girls. Looks of shock filled there face. If you don’t want me to say the same time then leave.” The girls scattered off in a hurry.

“ Dude that was harsh, be nicer to them. There girls after all.” Two arms rapped around his waist. The boy’s face on his right shoulder with a grin on his face. [******** off John, I was simply telling her the truth. I hate lying and you know that.” John let go and Nathan shoved the boxes in his hands. “ I’m sure you want them more then I do.” He walked off to continue his search for Iza. Were was the boy? He shouldn’t be so hard to find.

He was beginning to give up, the boy was no were to be found. Looks like he wouldn’t be able to keep his promise after all. “ I just hope he doesn’t get mad at me..” He quietly said to himself. He sighed and ran a hand through his white hair.

Nathan was about the leave before he heard people yell ‘Watch it! Or “HEY!” He turned around and saw a blonde running there the crowd. He couldn’t tell who it was though. One thing he did wonder was why in the world the blonde was pushing him or herself through the huge crowds.

Suddenly the blonde leaped out the crowd in front of him. His eyes widen as he realized who he was. Iza? The boy was really close and he meant close. His small arms rapped around him. Did he know that he was his internet friend?

The white hair male stiffen as the small blonde suddenly yelled out three words “I love you!” His usual poker face was gone. Shock and confusion filled his face. What made it worse was that everyone seem to be staring at them now. Nathan felt his face heat up. God this was embarrassing but at the same time he liked it?

“ Hey get off, your suffocating me and how in the world can you love me when you don’t even me…..stupid blonde freak..” He yelled at the boy with an annoyed look. Ok, that’s not what he actually wanted to say. Nathan didn’t know what to say really but being who he was. He never showed what he truly felt. He proabaly lost his chance to ever be with the boy anyway.

Energy Level: ▌▌▌



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"Life can only be enjoyed by the happy things given..."


Iza was too happy to notice any of the insults, but when he was told to get off he instantly obeyed and let go looking up at the other student. A broad smile was on his face, one could swear he was wagging an invisible tail. Around this happy boy girls and boys began the rumors, and pretty soon his neck was chocked once again as a arm came out from behind and locked around his throat. Iza coughed a bit dripped the empty stick from his mouth that he had eaten the candy off of already.

Iza squirmed and tried to yell in protest as he lost sight of the stranger, then he looked up to see Charles' ugly face. Iza pouted and glared up at the other boy. A small silent conversation began to take place. Charles' face held a 'What the ******** are you doing?!' look. Iza pouted and glared back with a 'what does it look like?'. Toby who was behind the silent conversation slowly backed away knowing that last time these two had a fight it started off like this. A rare glare given off by Iza that was scary to say the least. Deep dark winkles formed between his eyes brows, his eyes barely seen as he glares up at the one holding his neck. Toby knew very well that in order to protect his skin he had to be at least a yard away.

"What are you?! Gay!?" Charles spatted out leaving a bit of spit on Iza's face.

Iza squirmed about and rubbed the spit from his face trying to find a way to get free," What if I am?!" Iza yelled back almost about to bare his fangs at the other, if he had to he would bite his way out.

"If you are then...then...!" His friend began to say in a empty threat with no real meaning. Iza breathed out in arrogance and laughed.
"What are you gonna do? Break out friendship because I don't like girls? What are you homo-phob?" He asked hearing a few girls around him whimper at the thought he would never date him. At Iza's current level of rage he didn't care, so he rolled his eyes only to look up and notice that Charles was lifting his fist to punch him. How uncalled for!

Iza might have been weak, or ever seemed weak, but he was still able to move his body, which was good enough for him. As the heavy fist came at his face his hands came up as best at the could and clawed into it, then he dropped his body into a crouch and pulled on his 'friend's' head making him fall forward, and with all that weight it was fairly easy. Iza then stood over the pained male and walked over him picking up the white stick he had dropped. He pouted as he saw how dirty it was," I was gonna chew that...."

Then memory came back from his land of fighting, he looked up at the male who he had confessed to and went back to him acting all sweet and innocent again as he grabbed his arm like a girl," Hi I'm Iza! I really do love you." he pouted cutely before rubbing the small bruise on his neck. This person here was his real reason for becoming mad so easy. It normally took him years to become so angry. But for some strange reason this one person made him want to kill anyone in between. Right now though, he was happy again to be with Nathan. So happy that he just ignored his swollen wrist which twisted when he had to reach up in difficult places and lift weight. It was a strain.

Yet, Iza's face remained at peace, smiling brightly and hugging tight to the other's arm nuzzling into it like it was a pillow. Then the questions started to roll in," What's your name? are you in my next class? If not then can I go to your class? What's your favorite candy? You're hair is pretty you know that? I love you! Oh, oh, can we hang out after school? Wanna come to my house? I'll cook. You can stay the night! The house is small but it should be okay. How tall are you? You're so tall... Can i ride on your back!? Do you like cat's?! I got two cats and a turtle!" And on he went asking anything that came to mind and spouting off randomness as if they were on the internet. One of the things he always did in a Chat Room. Either mentioning his random hobbies, pet actions or some song line. It never really mattered to him on the internet. But now he acted freely among all the girls and boys staring at them as if it was TV.

Iza realized all the staring students and slowly pulled on Nathan's arm directing him around a hall where it was more peaceful and lacked the eyes to stare at him. But even as they walked he continued to speak towards the stranger about homework, the fairy that gave him candy, internet, lushies you name it, he mentioned it.

"Except ladybugs. They just scary!!!"

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-------Nathan Zachary Blackstar ---------


Just becuase it seems like I don't care...

.....Doesn't mean I don't

He stared at the small boy dumb folded. Even though he just insulted him, the boy still seemed happy. What the hell was wrong with the boy? He just kept on staring at the boy thinking he was like a puppy or something. Nathan could imagine him having fluffy dogs ears, a tail wagging….and whiskers. His right eye twitched slightly at the thought. It still didn’t help people where staring at them as if they were freaks. Well the guys were anyway. Most of the girls seem to have hearts in there eyes though. “ Huh?” A arm locked around Iza’s neck making him dropped a empty stick. The lollipop! A very small smile made its way to his face. So he found it!

His smile faded quickly though as the boy seem to struggle against the ugly man holding him. He could hear the small conversation that took place between them. Iza who usually looked innocent and happy seem to have a look on his face that seemed a bit scary. He must have been one of those that rarely got mad but when angered they deadly? The other boy, maybe a friend backed away in fear. Was a fight going to start?

The ugly face man yelled at Iza, he suddenly felt anger building up inside him. Was it because he was yelling at him or the fact he seem to have something against gays? Maybe both? It could also be the fact the man spit in the blonde boys face. His hands slowly formed into a fist. He watched as they kept on fighting. Why were they fighting? They were being so noisy so annoying. Most that guy who was holding Iza.

When the man suddenly punched Iza, his anger got worse. What the hell? He felt as if he wanted to punch the living day lights out the man. Man, he knew he had a small crush on the boy but this was…..It was just a stupid crush that would go away anytime but never once has he gotten so angry at a person for hitting someone he liked. It was odd. It was weird.

Iza seem to have everything under control, so he didn’t bother to hurt him himself. The boy was not that strong but at least he was able to put up a fight. Even though he looked like a girl doing so. Anger left his face as the boy pouted at the empty lollipop stick at the ground. He felt as if he wanted to laugh. This boy basically got into a small fight and not he is just sad about a stupid stick.

While the boy was interested in the stick, Nathan slowly tried to walk away. That was a fail for he felt someone grab his arm. He stared at the boy annoyed, even though he was really happy inside. “ I already know your name and no you don’t. Your just confused….” He mumbled looking at the small bruise one the boys neck. Without thinking, he touched it gently. It took him awhile to realize what he was doing and he quick pulled away from him. This boy, there was something odd. Who comes out of no were claming there love for them yet never as actually met them before or has even talked once. Well they have talked but only on the internet. Iza didn’t know that though…. “ Your wrist….you need to go to the infirmary Iza.” The small blonde male’s wrist were badly swollen and red.

The boy’s face held no pain though and was smiling like no tomorrow. He tensed at the boy hugged his arm even tighter. He wasn’t use to his kind of attention. Not even his past lovers were this clingy. He looked at him as if he was insane as he starting asking so many questions. His brain couldn’t keep up with them. “Nathan and yes, we have one class and lunch with each other.” For some odd reason he started answering them. Well the ones he could remember. “ No, you would get in trouble. Lollipops. No, I don’t know you like that. You cook? Um…six feet and five inches I believe. No. Cats are cute. That’s nice?” Why was he asking so much questions? Wait! Why was he asking that? That’s how the boy always was. Even on the internet.

What bugged him was the fact everyone was still staring at them and the fact that Iza wasn’t doing anything about his badly swollen arm that could be sprained. He followed Iza into a different hall, like he had a choice. The boy kept on rambling about things. Plushies? Fairy that gave him candy? Nathan chuckled slightly but quickly stopped as the idea of Iza’s wrist might be sprained popped up in his head.

Nathan started to walk to the infirmary, the boy followed, asking more questions. Telling him random things. It didn’t take long as the arrived there. He knocked on the open door, getting the nurses attention. “ Could you look at his wrist, its badly swollen.” The nurse nodded and quickly walked to them.

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"Life can only be enjoyed by the happy things given..."


Iza smiled softly when he answered. Although all answer weren't towards all of his questions he just smiled and took them to his memory. Slowly he noticed his neck being touched, his face turned red as he felt the fingers gently rub over his skin. His turquoise eyes went up and looked at Nathan's face very softly. He smiled again more at peace than over excited. His face still considered soft and young with the occasional bruise or hair in his eye, that he had to rub away. For some reason he hated his hair getting cut, so it always grew too long and stabbed his eyes. Some times he just did it himself making his hair have many layers, yet it looked so good on him it was as if someone professional had cut it.

"keh?" Iza asked as they headed to the nurses office, his face pouted softly at the thought of not being able to hug onto Nathan's arm with both of his own. So he attempted to cover," It's fine I swear! See? Nn--!" He held his hand up and taped it with his fingers only the flinch horribly in his shoulders and face, but he bit his lip and attempted to hide it as best as he could. Obviously he failed. So he tried his pouts instead trying convince the other student," I-it's fine I swear! It will get better!...and....Iza just wants to be with Nathan, no nurses..." He said childishly like a child who got a new best friend and didn't want to leave them at all.

But a disturbing thought came to mind, maybe he was being annoying. He was often told this but never let it get to him before, slowly the boy frowned and looked down holding his wrist, then eyed up at his giver before pulling on his fingers with his own," I-if I'm annoying I can be quiet... I swear I'll do what you want okay?"

After that Iza was silent, quiet deciding that that might be what Nathan wanted. They went to the nurses office, and he hesitated as the nurse came forward but allowed her to look at his wrist and treat it. After that he was scolded by the nurse for being 'reckless' and staring fights. However, Iza paid no attention to her words and simply stared up at Nathan trying to figure things out about him and what changed himself so quickly. Not that Iza hated any of this. He liked this strong desire, he liked the butterflies that swarmed inside his stomach as he looked and studied the other's face. The lines, the hair, the color, texture, all of it, he couldn't stop staring, and whenever they met eyes he would blush all over then smile softly. This puzzled the nurse into thinking he had some type of fever--for she was oblivious to anything outside of medical science.

A while passed leaving Iza confined into the nurses room for the assumption he had some type of cold. He pouted as he pushed his pack of ice into his wrist ever so often pulling his frozen bandages away and shaking his hand for blood flow, but this moved the swollen parts making him flinch and tear up in pain before putting it back under the ice pack.

Then he would stare down remembering the scolding in the morning, how scared it got him, his heart pounded in this newly remembered fear. His shoulders were relaxed but ready to tense up, waiting for his name to be called out over the intercoms. Iza whimpered and tried to find his way closer to Nathan as if that one boy would protect him from such things. But even Iza knew better that he wasn't being accepted by Nathan, and he might just end up like the candy he was given, thrown away into the trash. Iza knew he wasn't candy, he knew he had legs, he was determined to keep walking back! With that, Iza smiled again covering up his fear of more rejection and loneliness.

"Except ladybugs. They just scary!!!"

Energy Level:▌▌


OOC: Oh dear. I don't normally write this much D:

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