Welcome to Gaia! ::


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In a world filled to bursting with homo-superior (superhumans), there is an ever constant battle between heroes and villains raging on. In this world, people are so used to heroes and villains, that there are entire TV stations dedicated to broadcasting the latest "superhuman gossip". It's a big world, full of opportunity, stories and justice.

- - - - - - -

A criminal organization has been rising to power lately. Known as the Shadowmen, they are led by powerful supervillains and have only one goal in mind; world domination. The Shadowmen have already “taken control” of various cities and small countries the world over. Now they have a new target; Metro City, the city of cities.

Dare you challenge the Shadowmen or would you rather join their cause?


User Image-- The Rules! --

Number 1.
- Try to do better than "just" semi-literate. Use decent spelling, grammar and punctuation. Mistakes are acceptable, we all make them. ( basicly if u tlk liEk this.your out. )

Number 2.
- No godmoding or powerplaying. Ask a player before you defeat/capture/kill their character. And don't control their character without their permission; you can say you attack, but they can choose to dodge it or not. Don't dodge everything all the time.

Number 3.
- Send all profiles to me, titled “Evilness” for villain-side characters and “Goodish” for hero-side characters. Wait until your profile is accepted before posting.

Number 4.
- Don't keep others hanging. If you're logging off, take your character with you or expect to get left behind. I see it all the time. Disappear for too long (a week) without telling us, you're character will be presumed MIA or will be killed if they were in a fight-scene.

Number 5.
- Follow Gaia ToS. Leave out the excessive gore and sexual themes. Cursing is your choice, but try not to be overly offensive. Absolutely NO cybering whatsoever, that's just how it is.

Number 6.
- Be respectful and have fun! Keep OOC chat roleplay related, unless you're telling us you're going away.


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Extra Information
I will post information about the world here, such as businesses/corporations, organizations, world events (past & present), some FAQ stuff and other stuff.

The guys who put a stop to crime and save lives:
••• Hero - Lawful Good - They respect the law and put the safety others before their own, including criminals. Golden rule: Do not kill.
••• Vigilante - Chaotic Good - They are willing to break the law, do what needs to be done, for justice and protecting innocents. Golden rule: Do what it takes.

The criminals who break the law and threaten lives:
••• Rogue - Lawful Evil - They break the law and commit. But they have morals or honour, which can sometimes prevent them from taking a life. Golden rule: Don't get caught.
••• Villain - Chaotic Evil - They have no respect for the law and aren't shy of killing. They don't let anything or anyone get in their way of power, vengeance or chaos. Golden rule: There are no rules.

Can be simple or really complex, useful or all for show.
[Hero Machine 2.5] - from Ugo.com is a handy flash-thingy for making heroes & villains. If you have what your character looks like, but need a costume, this might be a good place to try?
[Example of a Costume]

Metro City
This map isn't exact or strict. It's just to help direct those who want it.
User Image
CBD- is the central business district, where most of the shops, businesses and corporations can be found. Some very, very rich business folks also own apartments here. (Approx. 4 km (2.4miles) at it's widest point)
INNER SUBURBS- there are a lot of apartment buildings here, with a couple tall houses and some small businesses.
RUNDOWN SUBURB- is like the name describes; rundown, poor and very old. It's a breeding ground for crime & the nightlife of the city.
UPTOWN- is the focal point for the entertainment and rich complexes of the city.
DOCKS- is where the freight ships drop their cargo and all the big warehouses are.
OUTER SUBURB- is where the tall, multi-story buildings start to disappear and suburban houses take over.
NATURE RESERVE- is the biggest patch of natural green the city has left for miles around. Developers have been fighting to start building in the Nature Reserve for some time, but a lot of people want to keep their beautiful park.

Businesses & Corporations
º• NexGen corp. - Multi-billion dollar company, the leading edge in technology and medical developments, created only a few years ago.
CEO / Ellen Tierney

Organizations & Societies
º• Shadowmen - An organization of criminals and supervillains, bent on world domination through various covert and brunt force means.
Leader / Shylock
Second-in-command / Mistress Psyche
Intelligence Agent / Ophidian

º• OOC is welcome, but please keep it in brackets (( [[ ]] )) and roleplay related.
º• How much effort you put into your posting style is up to you. I personally like color to differentiate between characters and maybe a picture.


• • Character Skeleton • •
Read the rules above to find out where to send this once you've filled it in.

If you have any questions, please ask me. Look above for the extra information post.

[b][size=16]LOGGING IN...[/size][/b] (gaia username)

[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // USER ID:[/b] (character picture; link it if it's large/page stretching size)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // IDENTITY:[/b] (character's name)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // ALIAS(s):[/b] (nicknames, hero/villain names)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // D.O.B.:[/b] (character's birthday; current date in roleplay is September 12, 2011)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // GENDER:[/b] (easy, right?)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // CLASSIFICATION:[/b] (homo-sapien (without powers) or homo-superior (with powers))

[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // NOTORIETY:[/b] (between 1 and 5 stars; 1 being new to the hero/villain scene. and 5 being (in)famous the world over; this is just so we can know whether or not to instantly know another's character or not. can specify where (city/country) you are 1-5 star rated, if ya want)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // TRAITS:[/b] (personality traits, just the main ones; look at sims 3 traits if you can't decide on some)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // ALIGNMENT:[/b] (hero or villain? vigilante or rogue? no in-between; pick a side! >=/ )
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // OCCUPATION:[/b] (butcher, baker, hitman? what's your job, if you have one. includes whatever team/organization you might be part of and rank)

[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // ABILITY(s):[/b] (any skills or powers you might have?)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // WEAKNESS(s):[/b] (something that's like your kryptonite)

[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // NOTE(s):[/b] (anything else you want to share)

[b][size=16]LOGGING IN...[/size][/b] (gaia username)

[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // USER ID:[/b] (character picture; link it if it's large/page stretching size)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // IDENTITY:[/b] (character's name)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // D.O.B.:[/b] (character's birthday; current date in roleplay is September 19, 2011)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // GENDER:[/b] (easy, right?)

[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // FAME:[/b] (1 star being anonymous and 5 star being famous world-wide, like a movie star or well-known politician.)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // TRAITS:[/b] (personality traits, just the main ones; look at sims 3 traits if you can't decide on some)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // ALIGNMENT:[/b] (even though you aren't a hero or villain, you must side with one. Do you work for or against the heroes? You can be: against Heroes & Villains OR for Heroes & against Villains, etc. Something like that. Could even support a single hero/villain. But NO NEUTRAL.)
[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // OCCUPATION:[/b] (butcher, baker, movie star? what's your job, if you have one. Includes company/military/government or even country you are part of.)

[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // SKILL(s):[/b] (any skills you might have?)

[color=white]•••••[/color][b]- - // NOTE(s):[/b] (anything else you want to share)


The "Good guys"


LOGGING IN... Chraid

•••••- - // USER ID: Marcus / Fairchild of the Blades
•••••- - // IDENTITY: Marcus Delmon
•••••- - // ALIAS(s):Fairchild of the Blades
•••••- - // D.O.B.: December Second, Nineteen eighty-three
•••••- - // GENDER: Male
•••••- - // CLASSIFICATION: homo-superior

•••••- - // NOTORIETY: Three stars
•••••- - // TRAITS: Intelligent, cunning, resourceful, dedicated, violent, refusal to compromise.
•••••- - // ALIGNMENT: Vigilante
•••••- - // OCCUPATION: Publicly he's between jobs however by takeing from the criminals he goes after he keeps himself afloat.

•••••- - // ABILITY(s): Vires a technique used to manipulate the user by infusing their body with high levels of energy and thus augmenting all of the bodies natural traits. The five senses of the user (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch), the user's reflexes, the body's physical strength, speed, endurance and even the bodies ability to heal are all heightened to superhuman levels by infusing the muscles, bones, organs, sensory organs and even skin with energy.
Dowsing: By channeling my energy into a hand held pendulum while at the same time channeling the same energy through my mind to open and awaken it's max ability I can preform dowsing to find items, a direction or a simple answer to a question. The answers I seek by doing this are limited but often dead on in their correctness.
Vox, This specialized and distinctive variant of energy manipulation for which I am known and draw my tittle enables me to materialize various constructs reminiscent of bladed weaponry of pure white energy, possessing an incomprehensibly sharp edge around the entirety of their exterior contours. The exact dimensions of the resultant blades conform to what I believe the present circumstances necessitate and my current power levels, meaning that the fabricated weapon can even extend to obscene lengths if so required, seemingly without consequence to the ease at which they can be manipulated due to their composition literally acting as an extension of myself. However, despite whatever incarnation the blade (or potentially blades) ultimately adopts, its indivertibly razor-sharp edge means that it is capable of slicing through the majority of materials effortlessly. I can manifest my blades in my hands or even free floating in the air around me, shift their form at will and and limited only to the requirements set down by my power reservoir and the need that whatever I construct must have one or more sharp, bladed edges.
•••••- - // WEAKNESS(s): Vires dew to pushing the human body beyond it's limits it has the adverse effect of exhilarating wear and tear. My Dowsings dew to it being open to intuition and mistaken translation of outcomes can sometimes be misread or misunderstood.

•••••- - // NOTE(s): None

LOGGING IN... Rabid Smurf_x_

•••••- - // USER ID: Justin
•••••- - // IDENTITY: Justin Howard
•••••- - // ALIAS(s): Justice
•••••- - // D.O.B.: October 21st, 1986 (24 years old)
•••••- - // GENDER: Male
•••••- - // CLASSIFICATION: Homo-superior.

•••••- - // NOTORIETY: 1
•••••- - // TRAITS: Stubborn, condescending, twisted, and "righteous".
•••••- - // ALIGNMENT: Vigilante
•••••- - // OCCUPATION: Self-appointed judge over the populace.

•••••- - // ABILITY(s): Able to cause his own blood to explode at will when outside of his body. Justice can also jam his left hand into someone else, and drain up to a pint of blood from them. While he does this he is attached to the body and would have to carry them with him to move. Once he removes his hand, the opening he created seals automatically. It takes several seconds to drain all the blood, and the person being drained can attempt to stop Justice. Also, he can use this to drain the blood out of a dead person until his reserves are full, there is no limit to the blood he can draw as the person is dead.
Can also manipulate his scythe in various manners.
•••••- - // WEAKNESS(s): Justice is still human, and if he suffers too much blood loss he will die. Super drawn out battles are bad for him, as the more blood he loses the more he has to be careful not to waste.

•••••- - // NOTE(s): Justices full profile. (His is the top one...)


LOGGING IN... Foreign Honor

•••••- - // USER ID: Vers / Litrix
•••••- - // IDENTITY: Professor Johnathon Vers
•••••- - // ALIAS(s): LITRIX
•••••- - // D.O.B.: September 24th, 1982
•••••- - // GENDER: Male
•••••- - // CLASSIFICATION: Homo-superior

•••••- - // NOTORIETY: 1
•••••- - // TRAITS: Ambitious -][- Computer Whiz -][- Perfectionist
•••••- - // ALIGNMENT: Hero
•••••- - // OCCUPATION: Medical Doctor.

•••••- - // ABILITY(s):
            Natural rapid regeneration.[wounds heal quickly depend on depth and size]
            Enhanced strength.[Lifting/Jumping/Leaping]
            The Litrix-Suit isn't just a shell protecting a soft interior. It literally is apart of him. Forged by nightmarish visions and the chit chatter of billions of Foreign Nanites, or Alien Nanorobotics. It is a living second-skin. While strong enough to wit stand the harshest of attacks, it requires are large amount of energy to sustain it. Forcing him to use the Foreign Nanites to not only keep it working, but powering it.
            The Litrix-Suit contains several systems all linked directly to Ver's mind. Some can be triggered with a thought, others are reactive based, while some are passive.

•••••- - // WEAKNESS(s): Monthly stimulate of the Foreign Nanites causes them to drain of their natural batteries. A series of painful shocks and electrocution is required to keep them active. If they die, so will Holt. A temporary solution however is injecting himself with electrified plasma, highly dangerous as over injection can cause death.

•••••- - // NOTE(s): No other.

LOGGING IN... Neutiquam_Erro

•••••- - // USER ID: Ira/Clawfoot

•••••- - // IDENTITY: Irene (Ira) Stillwater
•••••- - // ALIAS(s): Clawfoot
•••••- - // D.O.B.: June 23rdth, 1988
•••••- - // GENDER: Female
•••••- - // CLASSIFICATION: homo-superior

•••••- - // NOTORIETY: 1 star
•••••- - // TRAITS: Friendly – Optimistic – Romantic – Outgoing
•••••- - // ALIGNMENT: Hero
•••••- - // OCCUPATION: Student

•••••- - // ABILITY(s): Ira’s ability is to alter her body in one way and only one way. But her second body is capable of great speeds, scaling buildings, feats of strength, accelerated healing and being just generally terrifying to the general populace.
•••••- - // WEAKNESS(s): In her human form Ira is bound by the same limitations of a regular human being and even when she spends time as Clawfoot she is bound by what she can physically do, no flying or moving things with her mind… also, Clawfoot is highly sensitive to light, meaning she has to wear sunglasses at all times.

•••••- - // NOTE(s): Ira is proud of her native heritage, especially considering that her abilities supposedly came to her people as a gift from the trickster god Coyote.


The "Bad guys"



LOGGING IN... Fallen Liath

•••••- - // USER ID: Ellen Tierney> here --- Mistress Psyche> here
•••••- - // IDENTITY: Ellen Tierney
•••••- - // ALIAS(s): Mistress Psyche
•••••- - // D.O.B.: Born 3rd September, in the 80s
•••••- - // GENDER: Female
•••••- - // CLASSIFICATION: Homo-superior

•••••- - // NOTORIETY: 4 stars; infamous villain
•••••- - // TRAITS: As Ellen- Uptight & a bit of a snob // As Mistress Psyche- Cold, cruel and sadistic
•••••- - // ALIGNMENT: Villain
•••••- - // OCCUPATION: CEO of NexGen corporation & second-in-command of the Shadowmen

•••••- - // ABILITY(s):
-Strong Psychic powers; Astral projection, force fields, weak illusions, weak empathy, strong telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation. Also some clairvoyance, but it comes and goes sporadically.
-Strong will; if she wants to do something, she will.
•••••- - // WEAKNESS(s): Weak to physical and electrical attacks; her force fields can block some of it, but seem particularly weak to such attacks.

•••••- - // NOTE(s): Has a strong dislike of getting dirty.

LOGGING IN... Quirenas

•••••- - // USER ID: Ophidian
•••••- - // IDENTITY: Matthew Kingston
•••••- - // ALIAS(s): Ophidian
•••••- - // D.O.B.: January 17, 1975
•••••- - // GENDER: Male
•••••- - // CLASSIFICATION: homo-superior

•••••- - // NOTORIETY: 5 Excessively infamous, although few have ever actually seen him.
•••••- - // TRAITS: As Matthew: generous, kind, careful, gentle, nice - As Ophidian: Not. Take all of Matthew's traits and take the opposite. Add to that, silent.
•••••- - // ALIGNMENT: Villain
•••••- - // OCCUPATION: Doctor usually, but he's also a member of the Shadowmen, and serves as their spy and intelligence gatherer.

•••••- - // ABILITY(s): Can make any part of his body toxic, as toxic as he wants for as long as he wants, but it can only be a certain amount of space. Also has a hypnotic stare that if he uses people have to do whatever he tells them to, but can only hold the stare for a minute or two.
•••••- - // WEAKNESS(s): His daughter, Kiara. Whether you kidnap her or threaten to, or even if you get her to tell him not to do something or to do something he'll do it for her.

•••••- - // NOTE(s): People rarely get to see him. He often hides in the background while he watches his dirty work get carried out by those under him.

LOGGING IN... Vandalised

•••••- - // USER ID: Hayden | Spook
•••••- - // IDENTITY: Hayden Welsh
•••••- - // ALIAS(s): Spook
•••••- - // D.O.B.: November 30th 1987
•••••- - // GENDER: Male
•••••- - // CLASSIFICATION: Homo-superior

•••••- - // NOTORIETY: Two stars
•••••- - // TRAITS: Distant, perceptive, manipulative.
•••••- - // ALIGNMENT: Villain
•••••- - // OCCUPATION: Student

•••••- - // ABILITY(s): Can teleport himself across various distances.
Has the ability to manipulate his molecular structure, allowing him to pass through solid matter or densify himself to a point of near invulnerability.
•••••- - // WEAKNESS(s): Overwhelming mental stress has left Hayden prone to migraines, and he is only capable of altering his molecular structure while his breath is held.

•••••- - // NOTE(s): Has an irrational fear of insects.

LOGGING IN... Endragh

•••••- - // USER ID: link
•••••- - // IDENTITY: Ikkir Nyl
•••••- - // ALIAS(s): Steel
•••••- - // D.O.B.: May 9th, 1981
•••••- - // GENDER: Female
•••••- - // CLASSIFICATION: homo-superior (with powers))

•••••- - // NOTORIETY: 3 star
•••••- - // TRAITS: ikkir: kind, smiles while others are around, when alone she seems as if far off or not paying attention. Steel: rude, uncaring, does what she wants.
•••••- - // ALIGNMENT: Villain but doesn't mind working under others
•••••- - // OCCUPATION: she is a choreographer, but isn't really well know.

•••••- - // ABILITY(s):
- can move smoothly and easily because she is a choreographer
- has a shielding ability, which is her main power
- very good at fighting with knifes
-also has the ability to pull knifes out of anywhere
•••••- - // WEAKNESS(s):
- she takes damage instead of her shields( so say someone sets it on fire she would get light burns instead of the shield weakening.
- she can't block against things she doesn't see, unless she planned it before hand(like if she has a shield up against metal and someone swings down at her with a sword behind her it would block it.)
- she can't block against flesh
-can't use the shields when using the knifes she pulls out of no where

•••••- - // NOTE(s): while most think she is just using steel as and alias, she actually has split personality disorder, the other side being Steel. she can hear what Steel says at all times and Steel is the evil one of the two forcing Ikkir to do what Steel wants.

LOGGING IN... Phantom_Knight_x_

•••••- - // IDENTITY: N/A
•••••- - // ALIAS(s): Shylock
•••••- - // D.O.B.: October 15th, 1976
•••••- - // GENDER: Male
•••••- - // CLASSIFICATION: Homo-superior

•••••- - // NOTORIETY: 2 Stars: Shylock has managed to keep the knowledge of his existence to a minimal.
•••••- - // ALIGNMENT: Villain
•••••- - // OCCUPATION: Shadowmen - Leader

•••••- - // ABILITY(s): Bio

Bio: Shylock is capable of creating and manipulating organic matter, either by use of already existent organic matter or building up from basic elements.

•••••- - // WEAKNESS(s): Everything that Shylock creates through his power - Bio - is organic.

•••••- - // BIOGRAPHY: At one point of time, Shylock was the average superhero, but his goals became twisted after he saved a villain, and this resulted in the same villain later on killing dozens of innocents in an act of terrorism. It was then that Shylock realized what his goals had to be: the world had to be made a new.


The "Other guys"

(Includes Police, Military & Politicians)

(Includes Employed & Unemployed non-Government people)


"And that other stuff might go here."


The roleplay is...



It was late afternoon in Metro city. People were getting off work or just about to. Students were out and about, enjoying their time away from school. Life for the "normal" people was just that, normal.

Three large black vans came to sudden stop outside of a tall corporate building. The back doors swung open and dozens of Shadowmen climbed out. Carrying high-tech guns and dressed like sci-fi ninjas, the Shadowmen were an interesting sight, especially during the day. Stepping out behind them, Mistress Psyche gazed up at the sky.

With a wave of her hand, the Shadowmen ran towards the corporate building. They shot concussion blasts at the windows of the building's lobby, setting off dozens of alarms. People screamed as they ducked or ran for cover. The sci-fi ninjas swarmed into the lobby and started herding people into a circle in the middle of the lobby. The security guards were dealt with easily.

Mistress Psyche stepped over the broken glass into the lobby and approached the gathered hostages. When she was close, she turned her back on them and faced the lobby windows.

"What do you want with us?" a terrified woman asked.

"You're just the bait," she replied coldly. What she really wanted was a hero, to test this city's response time. Turning her hand over, she glanced at the stopwatch she held.

Lonely Lunatic

He glanced towards the large board, a small red light flickered off and on like a light deeply lost in a rave. His icy blue eyes focused on the lights location before turning his attention towards one of the students already starting back at him. The student recently graduated from Metro University. Oliver was the kids name, only shy out of his teens, now a decent young adult. Hie rough shaggy hair flopped to the right side of his face as he tilted his head towards Vers.

"You're not thinking it are yo- christ you are.." pushing himself off the counter he had been leaning on. Right hand covering his forehead as if feeling if his temperature had shifted. "What if it backfires, well what if Ellen Tierney finds out.. christ I'll lose my job.. I just got this job. I still have nine payments for Uni left and I just bought a freaking car..". The kid was breaking down, already the idea of what Vers was thinking was putting the kid into a panicked state.

"Well thanks for the vote of confidence.." Vers said, moving to stand from the stool he had been sitting on, moving to turn the Television on, The large forty-two inch black framed plasma screen hummed softly before images of Sandra Goldweave appeared, her white clean outfit clashed against her dark raven hair, but her soft complex seemed to even it out.

"It has already been twenty minutes since the Shadowmen, an organization of criminals stormed this building right behind me. Holding hostages out in broad day-light. It seems however the local PD is powerless with rumors of the Mastermind Mistress Psyche heading this operation. With no Heroes currently insi-" the television was turned off by Oliver who held the remote pressing it against his nose.

"One fault in the system, a single temp glitch, you're coming back. I can't have you suddenly having to carry four tons of alien technology naked back to us.." Vers only smiled picking up a small device. His index finger pressing into the slot as a needle jabbed into his skin. Like diabetics checking their sugar count, he was checking his energy count.

"Sixy-three charged.. better give me a plasma shot too.." he asked, moving beyond Oliver as he left the research lunch area, entered a large white room. Counters covered in scientific equipment, moving on still he climbed up two steps to a second level room where a large coolant fridge was bolted into the ground wires and thick cable riddled the sides with the front forged into a large twin door. Locked by a hand scanner.

Placing his hand on the scanner, a green light flickered under his hand, taking image readings and scanning the blood veins in each finger to match what it had in memory. As it opened Oliver came in rubbing the back of his neck.

"Plasma shot at twenty is fatal! You're not injecting yourself at sixty-three!"

"Not injecting myself now!" he shouted back as the door opened, the sound of the gears whizzing and arms parting weren't really that silent. "Just for back up when I'm down there.. you know.. safety feature". The Plasma shots were just safety, no they were no where near safe. Infact they were so far from it, it was like Russian Roulette. Only Vers had a better chance to survive then anyone else did.

As the fog from inside the coolant flooded, Vers grinned. Finally he get to test it out. Ofocurse without proper government approval. But hey, things had to be tested.

"Question.. how do you plan on leaving while in the suit?" Oliver asked, though he wished he hadn't.

((Hope this wasn't craaap D= ))


Mistress Psyche was disappointed. 20 minutes had passed, with no "heroes" sweeping in to stop them and the cops continued to cower outside. Then again, this was a good thing. It meant that, for the moment, Metro City had a low "hero" population.

They hadn't made any demands yet, though they had made a show of roughing up the hostages somewhat. The police and news crews outside had to see how serious they were. Standing in the middle of the lobby, with all the windows blown out, it was fairly easy for those outside to see inside.

Mistress Psyche's men had grown bored ten minutes ago and started playing games with the hostages; scaring them with stories of what they will do to them and daring them to fight back. No one had the guts to stand up for themselves, although there had been several offered bribes. Sadly, Shadowmen couldn't be bought.

One of her men approached quietly and whispered something in her ear. She nodded her head solemnly and held up four fingers.

"Please let us go," the same woman from earlier begged.

Mistress Psyche turned and glared into the woman's eyes. Covertly, the villain created a small illusion around her eyes that made them glow red briefly. The woman squeaked and shied away, lowering her head. It sure was fun spooking civilians. "No," she replied bluntly.

((Your post was not craaaap! It was awesome, I liked it. <3

EDIT: Had to add in mention of "no demands" and Psyche's response to the woman.))

Lonely Lunatic

Oliver stood by the large opening in the wall, his hand fixed into his hair as he stood there looking at Litrix race off towards the building the news reporter had mentioned. "I'm so fired.. oh god why did I agree to this.." Oliver said, dropping to his knees as a light gust of wind blew paper up around from the tables.

Litrix was racing through the air, not by rockets or some form of propulsion, but rather by his natural strength. In short, he leaped from the room, through the wall and as now gliding through the air towards the building, he had hoped anyway. The idea was fine, he would be able to reach the building easily, the distances between the NexGen Corp and the where the event was taking place was only two miles away. Suddenly it just dawned him, how was he going to land this thing.

"Oliver! OLIVE! Do we have a landing procedure for this things?!" he shouted into the systems comm, linking back to a radio on the table beside Oliver. Who was now cleaning his table, knowing he was going to get fired.

"Landing?! Uh.. Oh god no! We never thought about landing from high heights! Uhh.. try not to land on someone, you know a good person, INNOCENT! Don't land on innocents!" Oliver shouted, just as Litrix neared the building, he already began to descend.

Now eye level with the top of the building, he was falling straight down. His arms out open with his legs parted, trying to slow his descend. However, with a suit weighing over four tons, that wasn't going to be possible. As he fell, he could hear the chatter behind his ears, like thousands of voices racing with ideas and thoughts, none of which he understood until he felt his body losing control of itself.

As he neared the ground, his hands opened wide, his knees pushed into his chest as a sphere of soft blue hue wrapped around him. Small blue bolts of lighting danced around, with two larges builds clinging to the buildings, slowing his fall by damagingly holding to the walls. The walls cracked and small parts broke off, but nothing that would ruin someones day. As he landed, he landed with the softest of touches, so him anyway. To the ground, a large circular crack forged, around his feet, his weight impressed into the ground.

"And.. and it seems something had just dropped from the skies.. landing violently nearby.. another villain, or possibly the answer to this hostage situation?" spoke reporter Sandra Goldweaver.

Litrix stood up, taking a look at the surroundings behind quickly noticing he had landed behind the vans, away from the building. He would have to go around them, until he noticed the police ribbon blocking the sides off. He didn't want to break the law-oh seriously who was he kidding. Turning towards the van, his fingers gripped the vans bottom back rim, lifting it like it was made of nothing, he rose it over his head, walking forward before turning around and dropping it back into place, ofcourse now the van was facing the opposite way. Staring at that, he moved to fi that, but pulling back. No no, focus saving people not fixing cars.. he thoughts facing the now open lobby, glass riddled inside and out with shadowmen standing there, staring. As the young lady known as Mistress Psyche.

"Uh.. place your weapons on the ground, then drop to your knees, hands on your heads and stay there until the police oder you otherwise.." the voice had been deeper then Vers, a small tinker to hide his true identity. He could only smirk, feeling like a real superhero, he wanted to giggle. But kept his focs.


((Okay, that time, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. <3 I wish I could write as well as you. *whine*))

The infamous villain had almost given up on any "heroes" appearing, but then something heavy landed outside. The Shadowmen readied their guns, bravely waiting for whomever the new arrival was to show themselves.

As one of the vans outside was lifted up, Mistress Psyche wondered if she was going to have to dodge a flying vehicle. Turned it was nothing quite so exciting; the vaguely familiar shape only lifted it to get passed and they gently placed the van down backwards afterward. And then the new arrival turned to face the Shadowmen and Mistress Psyche in the lobby of the building.

She finally recognized the gray clad being as Litrix. Her Ellen side momentarily took over, the look on her face darkening. 'I am going to fire him,' she decided silently, anger coiling in her chest. That suit was a product of Ellen Tierney's company and not ready for testing. Or so she thought; perhaps this was a good time to test it.

She resumed being Mistress Psyche as "Litrix" demanded they surrender. Mistress Psyche shifted her hips to the side, arms crossed and a bored look in her teal green eyes. "We refuse," she called back. "Shoot him," she snapped at her men. As they moved forward and raised their high-tech rifles, Mistress Psyche strengthened her force fields until they shimmered about her slightly. Things were about to get interesting.

Lonely Lunatic

((I don't write THAT good! Yours are good too, I like them! x] ))

Oh crap, was the first few words that came into mind, as the Shadowmen took aim, Litrix stepped back, closing his hands into tightly bound fists. A wave of energy, burst from each rifle, riddling the air between them and Litrix with flickering beams of light, dancing in the air, before striking heavily against his arm. Small pieces of his arm were shot off, a shoulder pad nicked with a chest piece deeply cut. He could feel more then the hits, he could feel the suits pains.

"Ah, god dang it!" he shouted to himself, his voice shouting over the radio with Oliver watching it on the screen he had turned on once more.

The shots continued, pealing away layer and layer of the armor until he was forced down to one knee. The men stopped, they seemed pleased and snickered at the wannabe hero. He could hear them laugh, even some called out at him, taunting him. But his suit was badly damaged, this was a mistake. It wasn't ready, no where near ready, he wasn't ready. The suit had been created because of them. Not him. He didn't understand its limitations, it's abilities nor it's hidden talents. But they did.

Trust us..he heard in the back of his mind, his body weak from the pain, he just accepted it. As the smoke cleared from around him, the suit hissed with smoke, the suit burned in certain parts exposed flesh, his flesh ringed with burnt marks from the weapons. Suddenly the suit began to heal, the open wounds sealed rapidly pieces of the armor on the ground dissolved to nothing, hissing away into smoke. His energy count was dropping slowly, about a third of a point pure minute, much slower then normal. Soon he rose up, his hands still tighten fists as the suit had completely repaired itself.

"Drop your weapons, this is your second warning. Failure to do as you are told, will result in harsh punishment.. I am not joking." his voice was the same, but the tone, the way he spoke had shifted like he no longer was the Vers inside the suit, but someone, something else.

They aimed and fired again, laughing. This time however the joke was on them. Litrix rose his right hand, open hand as small tiny rods appeared around the wrist racing up his arm. A distorting wave rippled inwards as all the energy fire was drawn into the center of his hand, drawn into the center of a gravity well. The more they fired the more it grew, constantly growing more and more.

"Last warning.." stating, as two panels open on the back of the suit, releasing a slow stead stream of steam.

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